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郑楠  张华  武晶  曹月 《生态科学》2009,28(6):510-515
通过沿海拔梯度的系统样方调查,利用物种丰富度、α多样性和β多样性等指标,对辽宁老秃顶子北坡植物群落木本层和草本层物种多样性随海拔梯度的变化趋势进行了研究,并对植物群落物种多样性与土壤特性之间的相关关系进行了初步探索。结果表明:木本植物物种多样性随海拔梯度的升高呈波动式降低的趋势;草本植物物种多样性随海拔梯度的变化趋势为先降低后升高;群落类型间的过渡带是植物物种替换速率较高的地区;老秃顶子北坡土壤类型以棕色森林土和暗棕色森林土为主,土壤有机质含量较高;群落物种多样性与土壤特性之间存在着一定的负相关性。  相似文献   

太白山土壤淡色丝孢真菌群落多样性及生态位   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从秦岭太白山南、北坡采集的40个土壤样品中分离纯化得到土壤淡色丝孢真菌16属,利用物种丰富度、Shannon-Wiener多样性指数、均匀度、生态位宽度及生态位重叠等指标对太白山南、北坡不同林带土壤淡色丝孢真菌的群落结构进行了研究.结果表明:土壤淡色丝孢菌各物种在南、北坡各林带中的分布具有明显的环境梯度格局.海拔和植物林带类型是决定太白山土壤淡色丝孢菌分布的主要因素.淡色丝孢真菌物种丰富度和多样性指数随着海拔的升高呈明显降低的趋势;群落的均匀度随海拔的升高呈一定的升高趋势,但规律不明显.对淡色丝孢菌各物种的生态位研究结果表明,太白山南、北坡青霉属、曲霉属、轮枝孢属、拟青霉属、枝顶孢属等物种生态位宽度值较大,与其他各属的生态位重叠较高,说明上述各属真菌在太白山南、北坡分布较广泛.而单端孢属、粘帚霉属、绿僵菌属的生态位宽度较窄,与其他各属的生态位重叠较小,说明这些属的真菌分布受海拔高度及植被类型的影响较大,仅在某些特殊林带中出现.  相似文献   

四川夹金山小型兽类区系及多样性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
夹金山位于西南山地,是近年来生物多样性研究的热点地区,我们对其不同海拔和不同生境类型的小型兽类进行了调查,共捕获927 号个体,隶属4 目8 科35 种,其中啮齿类16 种,食虫类16 种,鼠兔类有3 种。数据分析显示:(1) 因南北气候差异,夹金山南坡物种(31)显著高于北坡(20);(2)在35 个物种中,中国特有种高达15 种,同样,该地区食虫类具有较高物种多样性;(3)北坡古北界成分显著高于南坡古北界成分,夹金山在一定程度上限制了古北界和东洋界物种的南北交流;(4)南坡小型兽类物种多样性最高见于中海拔区域(2 400 ~ 3 000 m),低海拔区域人类干扰严重,高海拔区域植被类型单一,然而北坡由于低海拔区域气候干旱,多样性最高的海拔区域(3 000 ~ 3 600 m)呈现上移。夹金山内复杂的地形有助于物种分化,并为小型兽类提供了多样化的栖息生境。因此,该地区特有种和物种多样性较丰富。该区域内具丰富的食虫类物种,其原因可能是食虫类具有较多的进化优势.  相似文献   

物种多样性沿海拔梯度的垂直分布格局一直是生物多样性研究的热点问题,其中最为普遍的分布模式为中峰格局。为了解太白山北坡小型兽类物种组成和物种多样性垂直分布格局,本研究于2020和2021年两年的6至9月采用样线法、铗日法和陷阱法对太白山北坡小型兽类物种进行调查。在海拔780~3767.2 m之间,以200 m为梯度,设置采集样点15个,累计布置4150铗次,陷阱105个,样线8条。共记录小型兽类4目7科12属21种148只,阔叶林中的小型兽类物种多样性普遍高于针叶林,物种多样性在中海拔地区栓皮栎(Quercus variabilis)林、锐齿槲栎(Q.aliena)林最高,高海拔地区秦岭冷杉(Abies fargesii)林最低。小型兽类物种多样性垂直分布格局为左偏倚中峰格局,物种多样性在1500~2300 m海拔段内出现峰值。这种分布格局和林型中小型兽类东洋界与古北界、特有种与非特有种在太白山地区交汇有关,太白山北坡南北纵列的山脉-沟谷地貌为南北物种扩散和迁移提供了有利条件,在沟谷内气候和地理特征相似,形成了规律的林型垂直带谱,这使得小型兽类物种多样性垂直分布也具有相似的特点。  相似文献   

以泰山南北坡14块样方的调查资料为基础,分析了泰山植物物种多样性沿海拔梯度的分布格局。结果表明:在相同海拔范围内,南坡物种丰富度大于北坡,泰山物种丰富度随海拔的升高而减少。整个群落及不同层次的物种多样性沿海拔梯度在泰山南北坡呈现不同的分布格局。在人为干扰程度低的情况下,北坡的群落物种丰富度在各个层次均较高,而多样性指数在各个层次不一样,北坡乔木层的多样性指数较南坡低,但灌木层和草本层则是北坡明显大于南坡。整体上,物种多样性指数与海拔的相关性,北坡要比南坡好。  相似文献   

小秦岭森林群落数量分类、排序及多样性垂直格局   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用分层取样的方法,沿小秦岭林区海拔梯度设立56块20 m×20 m样地,用多元回归树(MRT)方法对小秦岭森林群落进行分类,采用除趋势对应分析(DCA)进行排序,用广义可加模型(GAM)研究不同生活型物种多样性沿海拔梯度分布格局。结果表明:(1)56个样地进行MRT分类,经交叉验证并依据植物群落分类和命名原则,本区植物群落可分为5类;(2)样方DCA排序明确地揭示各群落类型生境分布范围,较好地反映小秦岭自然保护区森林群落与环境因子的关系;(3)不同生活型物种多样性指数随海拔梯度变化发生一定的波动,且呈现不同的多样性格局:丰富度指数中,乔木层呈显著的单峰分布格局,灌木层在中海拔段呈明显下降趋势,草本层随着海拔的升高总体呈下降趋势;Shannon-Wiener多样性指数中,不同生活型物种随海拔变化趋势与物种丰富度变化趋势大体相同;不同生活型物种的均匀度指数随海拔变化趋势较平缓。  相似文献   

秦岭太白山木本植物物种多样性的梯度格局及环境解释   总被引:37,自引:3,他引:34  
物种多样性沿环境梯度的分布格局是生物多样性研究的重要议题,而海拔梯度包含了各种环境因子的综合影响,因此对于探讨物种多样性沿环境梯度的分布格局具有重要意义。秦岭山脉地处我国暖温带向亚热带的过渡带,其植被垂直带和物种多样性分布格局对于研究我国南北部植被分异特征具有重要意义。基于对秦岭山脉太白山南北坡海拔1200—3750m之间的垂直样带调查的83个样方,本文利用植被数量分析方法(DCA和TWINSPAN)和Shannon-Wiener多样性指数、Pielou指数以及Jaccard相异性系数对太白山木本植物物种多样性在南北坡沿海拔梯度分布格局进行了初步研究。结果表明:太白山的木本植物群落具有明显的环境梯度格局,海拔是决定太白山植物群落分布的主要因素,而坡向起到次要作用一植物群落类型与坡向的关系不大,当考虑群落的环境梯度格局时,DCA第一轴主要与年均温密切相关,而第二轴则取决于年平均相对湿度:乔木层和灌木层的物种具有相似的海拔梯度格局,植物群落中木本植物物种丰富度和多样性随着海拔的升高单调下降;群落均匀度随着海拔变化的规律不明显;灌木层的物种多样性比乔木层更为丰富,而南坡具有比北坡更多的物种数和更高的多样性。相邻海拔之问群落的相异性在南北坡具有不同的分布格局,在北坡2800m以下,群落相异性沿海拔梯度变化不大,而在2800m以上的高海拔地区,群落相异性随海拔的升高而降低;在南坡,随着海拔的升高,群落相异性不断减少。太白山南坡群落比北坡分布更连续。  相似文献   

为了揭示喜马拉雅山不同海拔梯度蚂蚁的多样性规律,采用样地调查法研究了喜马拉雅山错那段北坡、南坡和山间谷地的蚂蚁群落.共采集蚂蚁标本7516头,隶属于2亚科、5属、7种.利用EstimateS 9.1.0程序对该地区蚂蚁物种丰富度进行估计并绘制物种累计曲线,结果表明错那段的蚂蚁物种实际观察值等于或接近该地区蚂蚁丰富度的估计值.多样性分析显示,错那段3个垂直带蚂蚁物种数目、Shannon-Wiener多样性指数和Fisherα指数顺序为北坡>山间谷地>南坡,优势度指数顺序为北坡<山间谷地<南坡,个体密度顺序为北坡>南坡>山间谷地;在各垂直带上蚂蚁群落物种数目、个体密度、多样性指数总体随海拔升高呈现垂直带中下部较高,垂直带上部较低;群落各项指标更多的表现出"多域效应"现象,降水和海拔对蚂蚁物种丰富度和多样性起决定作用,凋落物的质量和坡度有重要影响.相关性分析发现错那段蚂蚁物种多样性指数与草本盖度极相关,优势度指数与灌木盖度相关性显著;群落相似性分析表明植被类型和海拔高差对蚂蚁群落间相似性有重要作用.  相似文献   

为揭示坡向差异对蕨类植物多样性的生态影响,作者在广东新会古兜山自然保护区海拔1,000 m以下的中低山植被东、南、西、北4个坡向,分别选取10个5 m×5 m的样方进行调查,分析蕨类植物群落多样性和种类组成的差异.结果表明:(1)东坡(半阴坡)与北坡(阴坡)物种多样性最丰富,而西坡(半阳坡)和南坡(阳坡)相对贫乏;(2)4个坡向的相似性系数均很低(不超过0.5),其中南坡(阳坡)与北坡(阴坡)间种类组成差异最大;(3)反映热量差异的区系地理性质分析显示,热带性质蕨类植物在阳坡占优势,而非热带性蕨类在阴坡占优势,南坡、西坡、东坡、北坡的热带成分比例依次下降;(4)反映光照条件的植物耐荫程度分析显示,阴性种类占优势,阳性和耐荫性种类较少,其阴性蕨类植物的比例依南坡、西坡、东坡、北坡顺序增加;阳性蕨类植物比例最高的坡面是西坡,而最低的是东坡.南坡的比例稍高于北坡.研究结果显示坡向差异对蕨类植物物种及其生态习性的多样性分布格局具有比较明显的影响,蕨类植物多样性可以作为环境和气候变化的一个较好的指示物种.  相似文献   

太白山北坡夏秋季鸟类物种多样性   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
2006年5月~7月(夏季),9月~10月(秋季)在秦岭主峰太白山的北坡根据海拔和典型植被划分生境类型,在6种生境中选择典型样区划定样线并采用样线法对鸟类进行调查,根据鸟类的绝对数量和估算面积计算鸟类的绝对密度,并根据密度等级划分各生境类型中优势物种和常见物种。共观察到鸟类144种,其中留鸟102种,夏候鸟41种,冬候鸟1种。不同的海拔和不同生境类型中的鸟类物种丰富度和多度有较大差异,而且同一生境中鸟类多样性的季节性变化也很明显。无论是夏季还是秋季,低海拔农田带生境中鸟类的总密度最高,而高山灌丛草甸生境中的鸟类总密度最低。优势物种和常见物种在不同的生境类型组成也不相同,而且在不同季节也有变化。夏秋季的鸟类食性组成在农田带有显著差异,而其它生境类型中的鸟类食性夏秋季无明显差异,但是秋季植食性鸟类在各个生境类型中都有增多的趋势。物种丰富度和海拔梯度的关系显示在中海拔地区的鸟类丰富度最高。总体上,和20世纪80年代相比,太白山北坡的鸟类已经发生了明显的变化。  相似文献   

观察了2001~2004年冬季分布于历山保护区的勺鸡的集群行为行。野外共观察120次,见到勺鸡1034只,其中95.3%的个体营集群生活,环境的异质性和天敌的捕食压力可能是导致勺鸡等雉类冬季集群的重要因素。  相似文献   

两种锦鸡和环颈雉线粒体DNA(mtDNA)的比较研究   总被引:15,自引:3,他引:12  
张亚平  陈欣 《动物学研究》1991,12(4):387-392
本文以10种限制性内切酶分析雉科中环颈雉,红腹锦鸡和白腹锦鸡线粒体DNA(mtDNA)。雉属与锦鸡属之间的遗传距离P为0.076(0.067-0.085),红腹锦鸡与白腹锦鸡的P为0.012。推算雉属和锦鸡属的分化大约发生在3.8×10[6]年以前,红腹锦鸡与白腹锦鸡的分化大约在6×10[5]年以前。这些结果表明:1.在雉科系统发生中,雉属与锦鸡属是近缘的属;2.红腹锦鸡和白腹锦鸡的分化较晚,关系密切,可能只是两个亚种。  相似文献   

The phylogenetic relationships of 21 pheasant and 6 non-pheasant species were determined using nucleotide sequences from the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene. Maximum parsimony and maximum likelihood analysis were used to try to resolve the phylogenetic relationships within Phasianidae. Both the degree of resolution and strength of support are improved over previous studies due to the testing of a number of species from multiple pheasant genera, but several major ambiguities persist. Polyplectron bicalcaratum (grey peacock pheasant) is shown not to be a pheasant. Alternatively, it appears ancestral to either the partridges or peafowl. Pucrasia macrolopha macrolopha (koklass) and Gallus gallus (red jungle fowl) both emerge as non-pheasant genera. Monophyly of the pheasant group is challenged if Pucrasia macrolopha macrolopha and Gallus gallus are considered to be pheasants. The placement of Catreus wallichii (cheer) within the pheasants also remains undetermined, as does the cause for the great sequence divergence in Chrysolophus pictus obscurus (black-throated golden). These results suggest that alterations in taxonomic classifications may be required for some pheasant species and genera.  相似文献   

艾怀森 《动物学研究》2006,27(4):427-432
根据高黎贡山地形和气候变化,将其分为南、中、北三段。通过查阅文献、访谈和野外调查,在该地区共记录到21种雉类。分布在海拔2500m以上的仅有9种,占45%;在海拔2500m以下的地域分布有雉类17种,占85%。北段有雉类13种,中段有11种,南段有12种。其中北、中、南段均有分布的仅有3种,北段和中段共有种为9种,中段和南段共有种为5种,北段和南段共有种也是5种。结果表明雉类多样性随海拔升高而降低,北段高于南段。生境破坏与狩猎是该区雉类生存的主要威胁因子。加强管理,恢复和建立生境走廊,加强宣传教育和执法力度以及开展观鸟旅游,可使该区雉类得到更好的保护。  相似文献   

Reciprocal immunization between parents of an Illinois family of ring-necked pheasants, Phasianus colchicus, resulted in antisera detecting two pairs of alloantigens segregating among 13 progeny. The four alloantigens were tentatively designated as 1 and 2, transmitted antithetically by the sire, and 3 and 4, transmitted antithetically by the dam. Genetic segregation occurring in second-generation progeny demonstrated that these two pairs of antigens belonged to a single genetic system. This alloantigen system was shown to correspond serologically to the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) of the chicken by cross-reactivity of the antigens of this system with specific subregional chicken MHC reagents, appropriately absorbed with erythrocytes of individual pheasants. These four haplotypes of the pheasant MHC were subsequently designated as MhcPhco-B1, MhcPhco-B2, MhcPhco-B3 and MhcPhco-B4. Traditional immunogenetic analysis of 30 pheasant families produced in this study disclosed a minimum of 14 pheasant haplotypes of this alloantigen system (MHC) to be segregating in the population under evaluation.  相似文献   

Ring-necked pheasant (Phasianus colchicus; i.e., pheasant) hunting participation is declining across North America, reflecting a larger downward trend in American hunting participation and threatening benefits to grassland conservation and rural economies. To stabilize and expand the pheasant hunting population, we must first identify factors that influence pheasant hunter participation. We used an extensive in-person hunter survey to test the hypothesis that hunter demographics interact with social-ecological traits of hunting locations to affect hunter decisions, outcomes, and perceptions. We built a series of Bayesian mixed effects models to parse variation in demographics, perceptions, and hunt outcomes of pheasant hunters interviewed at public access hunting sites across 3 regions in Nebraska, USA, that varied in pheasant abundance and proximity to urban population centers. Among pheasant hunters in Nebraska, access to private lands was negatively related to the human population density of a pheasant hunter's home ZIP code and the distance a hunter had traveled to reach a hunting location. Pheasant hunters interviewed closer to metropolitan areas tended to be more urban and travel shorter distances, and their parties were more likely to include youth but less likely to include dogs. Hunter satisfaction was positively associated with seeing and harvesting pheasants and hunting with youth. Whereas youth participation and the number of pheasants seen varied by study region, hunter satisfaction did not differ across regions, suggesting that hunters may calibrate their expectations and build their parties based on where they plan to hunt. The variation in hunter demographics across hunting locations and disconnects between social and ecological correlates of hunter satisfaction suggests that diverse pheasant hunting constituencies will be best served by diverse pheasant hunting opportunities. © 2019 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

The life of game birds (pheasants) in nature is coupled with a number of difficulties in all seasons of the year. This refers to finding food, breeding, laying eggs, raising the young, fleeing from their natural enemies and lack of protection from unfavorable climatic conditions. The pheasants that live in captivity--aviaries for pheasants--do not have such difficulties--they are fed regularly by quality feed for pheasants, they are protected from bad weather and natural enemies. Our research was aimed at determining the biological value of meat of pheasants grown in the two different settings--in captivity and in nature. The highest weight achieved wild pheasant males (1232.4 +/- 147.36 g). The differences between tested pheasant groups were statistically very high significant (P < 0.001). The differences between groups related to breast weight and tights with drumsticks weight were statistically very high significant (P < 0.001). Between breast parts (%) and legs parts (%) were notified very high (P < 0.001) i.e. high (P = 0.002) differences. The highest weight breast muscles and tights with drumsticks had wild pheasants (282.6 +/- 63.53 g i.e. 206.2 +/- 37.88g). Wilde pheasants had lower part (%) and lighter (g) skin with subcutaneous fatty tissue on breasts. Female pheasants cultivated on both ways had higher skin part (%) and subcutaneous fatty tissue in tights with drumsticks. Related to chemical composition of breast muscles is established statistically significant differences (P < 0.001 i.s. P = 0.040)) in part of Ca (%) and P (%). In wild pheasant tights with drumsticks muscles established statistically very significant (P < 0.001) higher part of moisture, protein and Ca, i.e. statistically very high significant (P < 0.001) lower part of fat and energetic value. Research results indicate that the quality of meat of pheasants grown in nature has higher biological value than the meat of pheasants kept in aviaries, which means it has advantages in human nutrition.  相似文献   

We previously demonstrated the susceptibility of pheasants to infection with influenza A viruses of 15 hemagglutinin (HA) subtypes: 13/23 viruses tested were isolated for >or=14 days, all in the presence of serum-neutralizing antibodies; one virus (H10) was shed for 45 days postinfection. Here we confirmed that 20% of pheasants shed low-pathogenic influenza viruses for prolonged periods. We aimed to determine why the antibody response did not clear the virus in the usual 3 to 10 days, because pheasants serve as a long-term source of influenza viruses in poultry markets. We found evidence of virus replication and histological changes in the large intestine, bursa of Fabricius, and cecal tonsil. The virus isolated 41 days postinfection was antigenically distinct from the parental H10 virus, with corresponding changes in the HA and neuraminidase. Ten amino acid differences were found between the parental H10 and the pheasant H10 virus; four were in potential antigenic sites of the HA molecule. Prolonged shedding of virus by pheasants results from a complex interplay between the diversity of virus variants and the host response. It is often argued that vaccination pressure is a mechanism that contributes to the generation of antigenic-drift variants in poultry. This study provided evidence that drift variants can occur naturally in pheasants after prolonged shedding of virus, thus strengthening our argument for the removal of pheasants from live-bird retail markets.  相似文献   

Cytochrome b and D-loop nucleotide sequences were used to study patterns of molecular evolution and phylogenetic relationships between the pheasants and the partridges, which are thought to form two closely related monophyletic galliform lineages. Our analyses used 34 complete cytochrome b and 22 partial D-loop sequences from the hypervariable domain I of the D-loop, representing 20 pheasant species (15 genera) and 12 partridge species (5 genera). We performed parsimony, maximum likelihood, and distance analyses to resolve these phylogenetic relationships. In this data set, transversion analyses gave results similar to those of global analyses. All of our molecular phylogenetic analyses indicated that the pheasants and partridges arose through a rapid radiation, making it difficult to establish higher level relationships. However, we were able to establish six major lineages containing pheasant and partridge taxa, including one lineage containing both pheasants and partridges (Gallus, Bambusicola and Francolinus). This result, supported by maximum likelihood tests, indicated that the pheasants and partridges do not form independent monophyletic lineages.  相似文献   

We examined survival of ring-necked pheasants (Phasianus colchicus) occupying fragmented landscapes within the Prairie Pothole Region in South Dakota, USA, where severe winter weather events historically limited pheasant population growth through increased mortality. Recent landscape transformations could further affect overwinter adult female survival by reducing critical winter resources. Assessing the influence of time-dependent landscape features on survival at small focal scales may reveal spatially important relationships. We captured and monitored 321 adult female pheasants from 2017–2019 and recorded 110 pheasant winter mortalities. Female pheasant winter survival was 0.66 (85% CI = 0.62–0.70) and was inversely correlated to snow depth. We generated Cox proportional hazard models to determine risk of mortality associated with landscape features. Pheasants using landscapes other than perennial cover (i.e., emergent wetland, tall vegetation, woody, food plots) experienced a 2.22 times greater risk of raptor predation than pheasants using perennial cover. Additionally, pheasants experienced a 58% reduced risk of weather mortality when using emergent wetlands. We analyzed resource selection ratios to understand how perceived landscape risks at the population level scaled down to land use selection at the individual level. Female pheasants selected for emergent wetlands, showed no selection for woody features, and avoided tall vegetation (non-aquatic herbaceous vegetation >75 cm) during severe winters. Pheasants would greatly benefit from conservation of emergent wetlands and integrating perennial cover into harvested cropland.  相似文献   

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