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报道了叶下珠科算盘子属4种植物在中国6个省区的分布新记录,其中贵州分布新记录有圆果算盘子[Glochidion sphaerogynum (Müll. Arg.) Kurz],广东分布新记录有宽果算盘子(G. oblatum Hook. f.)和台闽算盘子(G. rubrum Blume),海南和广西分布新记录有宽果算盘子,湖南分布新记录有湖北算盘子(G. wilsonii Hutch.),浙江分布新记录有台闽算盘子。  相似文献   

该文报道了中国新疆、青海、内蒙古3个省区的植物新分布记录,包括2个省级新分布记录属和6个省级新分布记录种。其中陌上菜属(Lindernia Allioni)为新疆新记录属;薄果荠属(Hornungia Borb Reichenbach)为内蒙古新记录属。短茎岩黄芪(Hedysarum setigerum Turczaninow ex Fischer et C.A.Meyer)、帕米尔四齿芥(Tetracme pamirica Vassilcz.)和陌上菜〔Lindernia procumbens (Krocker) Borbas〕为新疆新记录种;密毛肋果沙棘(Hippophae neurocarpa subsp. stellatopilosa Y. S. Lian et al. ex Swenson et Bartish)为青海新记种;薄果荠〔Hornungia procumbens (Linnaeus) Hayek〕和粗穗赖草(Leymus crassiusculus L. B. Cai)为内蒙古新记录种。凭证标本存放于内蒙古大学植物标本馆(HIMC)中。  相似文献   

本文报道了湖南双子叶植物1个新记录属、2个新记录种以及1个新记录变种,即中华青牛胆 [Tinospora sinensis (Loureiro) Merrill]、柳叶润楠(Machilus salicina Hance)、广西白背叶(Mallotus apelta var. kwangsiensis F. P. Metcalf)、赛葵 [Malvastrum coromandelianum (Linnaeus) Garcke],赛葵对应的赛葵属(Malvastrum A. Gray)为湖南植物新记录属。入侵植物赛葵可能会对当地的农业生产和生态造成破坏。  相似文献   

十字花科一新属——泡果荠属   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:9  
岩荠属泡果荠组植物(Cochlearia L.Sect.Hilliella O.E.Schulz)不仅在体态上而且在其它一系列特征特别是具泡状突起的果实特征上极不同于狭义的岩荠属(Cohc-learia L.s.str.),松蓝叶岩荠属[Glaucocochlearia(O.E.Schulz)Pobed.],以及拟常绿岩荠属[Pseudosempervium(Boiss)Grossh.]。这些特征看来可以作为建立一新属的根据,因此将其提升为一独立的属并把这一组的8个种组合到新属中去。  相似文献   

旦增  张丽  罗建 《西北植物学报》2019,39(8):1509-1512
首次报道了西藏被子植物8个新记录种:虎耳草科(Saxifragaceae)虎耳草属(Saxifraga Linn.)的阿墩子虎耳草(Saxifraga atuntsiensis W. W. Smith)、橙黄虎耳草(Saxifraga aurantiaca Franchet),罂粟科(Papaveraceae)紫堇属(Corydalis DC.)的雅曲距紫堇(Corydalis dolichocentra Z. Y. Su & Lidén),龙胆科(Gentianaceae)龙胆属(Gentiana Linn.)的圆萼龙胆(Gentiana suborbisepala C. Marquand),报春花科(Primulaceae)点地梅属(Androsace Linn.)的小点地梅[Androsace gmelinii (Linn.) Roemer & Schultes],忍冬科(Caprifoliaceae)忍冬属(Lonicera Linn.)的垫状忍冬(Lonicera oreodoxa H. Smith ex Rehder J.),毛茛科(Ranunculaceae)毛茛属(Ranunculus Linn.)的川青毛茛(Ranunculus chuanchingensis L. Liou),玄参科(Scrophulariaceae)马先蒿属(Pedicularis Linn.)鹬形马先蒿(Pedicularis scolopax Maximowicz)。并提供其形态描述和照片,凭证标本保存于西藏高原生态研究所标本室(XZE)。  相似文献   

该文报道了西藏兰科1个新记录属——坛花兰属(Acanthephippium) 及其新记录种——锥囊坛花兰(Acanthephippium striatum Lindl),另1西藏新记录种为夏天麻(Gastrodia flavilabella S. S. Ying)。锥囊坛花兰与同属的中华坛花兰[A. gougahense (Guillaumin) Seidenfaden]和坛花兰(A. sylhetense Lindl. Gen)相近,主要区别在于后两者唇盘肉质增厚且萼囊宽而短钝。夏天麻植株形态类似于南天麻[G. javanica (Bl.) Lindl],后者花苞片宿存,为三角形;根状茎上不具珊瑚状根;唇盘基部爪上的胼胝体非球形。文中对新记录1属和2种兰科植物进行了描述,并附有新记录的特征照片,丰富了该区野生兰科植物本底资源。同时根据IUCN的评价标准,对其濒危等级进行了评估认定,提出了保护等级的建议。凭证标本保存于西藏高原生态研究所标本室(XZE)。  相似文献   

李孟凯  普布顿珠  邢震  李惠玲  章漳  王伟 《广西植物》2022,42(10):1780-1785
东喜马拉雅地区是全球生物多样性的热点区域,西藏为其重要组成单元,明确该地区本底植物资源及地理分布对区域植物区系研究有着重要意义。该文报道了笔者在西藏考察中发现的西藏兰科(Orchidaceae)植物5个新记录属,即美柱兰属(Callostylis Blume)、异型兰属(Chiloschista Lindl.)、蛇舌兰属(Diploprora Hook. f.)、带叶兰属(Taeniophyllum Blume)和宽距兰属(Yoania Maxim.)。对应的5个新记录种,即美柱兰(Callostylis rigida Bl.)、异型兰(Chiloschista yunnanensis Schlechter)、蛇舌兰 [Diploprora championii(Lindl.)Hook. f.]、毛莛带叶兰(Taeniophyllum retrospiculatum King & Pantl.)和印度宽距兰(Yoania prainii King & Pantl.)。该文还附有新记录属、种的形态描述和特征图片。该研究结果进一步丰富了中国植物区系资料,拓宽了西藏兰科植物的记录,并对西藏及毗邻地区兰科植物多样性保护具有重要价值。  相似文献   

刘志荣  覃营  刘晟源  刘演 《西北植物学报》2021,41(11):1971-1974
报道了中国兰科(Orchidaceae)鹿角兰属(Pomatocalpa)一新记录种——纹瓣鹿角兰[P. tonkinense (Gagnep.) Seidenf.],凭证标本保存于广西植物研究所标本馆(IBK)。纹瓣鹿角兰的花序疏生多数花,萼片、花瓣均具2条紫色条纹,中萼片及花瓣远长于侧萼片,与中国原记录的2种鹿角属植物容易区分。该研究提供了新记录种的形态描述、中国鹿角兰属植物图版及分种检索表。  相似文献   

拟南芥属(Arabidopsis (L.) Heynhold)拥有现代分子生物学研究的模式植物拟南芥(A. thaliana (L.) Heynhold), 但其属的系统位置及与近缘属关系争议较大。根据对拟南芥属及其相关属种的种皮微形态观察, 结合测定分析各属种叶绿体DNA的trnL内含子和trnL-F基因间隔区序列, 结果表明, 拟南芥属的近缘属种包括荠属(Capsella Medic.)、亚麻荠属(Camelina (L.)Crantz)、须弥芥属(Crucihimalaya Al-Shehbaz et al.)、无苞芥属(Olimarabidopsis Al-Shehbaz et al.)、旗杆芥属(Turritis L.)、南芥属(Arabis L.)和糖芥属(Erysimum Kitagawa)。  相似文献   

2011~2013年对湖北神农架国家级自然保护区进行了第四次全国中药资源普查,调查过程中发现了湖北十字花科3个新记录属——双果荠属(Megadenia Maximowicz)、念珠芥属(Neotorularia HedgeJ.Léonard)、大蒜芥属(Sisymbrium Linnaeus)以及对应的3个湖北分布新记录种双果荠(Megadenia pygmaea Maximowicz)、蚓果芥(Neotorularia humilis(C.A.Meyer)HedgeJ.Léonard)、全叶大蒜芥(Sisymbrium luteum(Maximowicz)O.E.Schulz)。并对其地理分布进行了分析,为该区域的生物多样性及其植物区系组成研究提供了新的资料。  相似文献   

To study the transferability of rice (Oryza sativa L.) genome data, we used amplified consensus genetic markers to analyze the phylogenetic relationships among several species and genera in Gramineae. Ten accessions representing five grass genera (Oryza, Zea, Setaria, Triticum, and Phyllostachys) were used. According to the genetic distances, a cluster tree was constructed. The relationships among the five genera could be simply described as ((Oryza + (Zea + Setaria)) + Triticum) + Phyllostachys. The results suggest that the genetic distance between rice and maize (Z. mays L.) or rice and millet (Setaria italica L.) is closer than that between rice and wheat (Triticum aestivum L) or rice and bamboo.  相似文献   

广义无心菜属(Arenaria L.s.l.)是石竹科(Caryophyllaceae)中分类较为困难的大属之一,基于分子系统学研究结果该属目前已被拆分为多属。基于形态学证据,桃色无心菜(Arenaria melandryoides Edgew.)被置于无心菜属齿瓣亚属[subg.Odontostemma (G.Don) Williams]、齿瓣无心菜属(Odontostemma Benth.ex G.Don)或独缀草属[Shivparvatia (Edgew.) PusalkarD.K.Singh]之中,但都缺少分子系统学证据的支持。基于ITS序列重建了繁缕族(Alsineae)系统发育关系,结果表明:目前所界定的齿瓣无心菜属并非单系,桃色无心菜应纳入独缀草属的范畴。此外,还支持将传统无心菜属齿瓣亚属中漆姑无心菜(A.saginoides Maxim.)、匙叶无心菜(A.spathulifolia C.Y.Wu ex L.H.Zhou)及云南无心菜(A.yunnanensis Franch.)归入齿瓣无心菜属的处理,以及将单花亚属中红花无心菜(A.rhodantha PaxK.Hoffmann)归入独缀草属的处理。形态特征上,花朵单生于枝端这一特征可作为独缀草属区别于齿瓣无心菜属的重要识别特征。  相似文献   

J. Cordero  R. D. Cave 《BioControl》1992,37(3):397-407
Three primary parasitoids in three genera were reared fromPlutella xylostella (L.) larvae and pupae collected in various crucifer producing regions of Honduras. The ichneumonidDiadegma insulare (Cresson) was by far the most abundant species. TwoSpilochalcis species, facultative hyperparasitoids attackingP. xylostella andD. insulare, were encountered as well as eleven species in nine genera of obligate hyperparasitoids attackingD. insulare. Three vespid predators are noted as predating on larvae.   相似文献   

张天宇  J. C. 大卫 《菌物学报》1995,14(Z1):123-135
本文系作者继大戟属(Euphorbia L.)、守宫木属(Sauropus B1.)和铁苋菜属(Acalypha L.)植物上链格孢属(Alternaria Nees)真菌研究(Zhang, 1995)之后,对生于大戟科(Euphorbiaceae)其它属植物上一些链格孢真菌种级分类单位评鉴结果的后续报道.内容包括:一个新种,巴豆生链格孢(A. croronicola T. Y.Zhang & J. C. David), Macrosporium compactum Cooke:对其模式标本(holotype)进行T订正、巴豆链格孢[A.crotonis kamal,Singh & Kumar]:提出关于新模式(neotype)标本的建议;对蓖麻链格孢[A. ricini(yoshii)Hansford]典型性状作了补充描述.此外,还在大戟科其它一些植物上检查到长极链格孢[A. longissima Deighton et MacGarvie]和细极链格孢[A. tenuissima(Nees ez Fr.) Wiltshire]。  相似文献   

Sequences of the nuclear ribosomal internal transcribed spacer regions 1 & 2 (nrDNA ITS) including the intervening 5.8S region were analyzed cladistically for 43 individuals of 35 species ofScaphyglottis s.l. plus two outgroup taxa. Low levels of sequence divergence do not allow estimation of relationships among most clades, but the analyses indicate that four segregate genera (Hexisea Lindl.,Reichenbachanthus Barb. Rodr.,Hexadesmia Brogn., andPlatyglottis coriacea L.O. Williams) are embedded within a broad paraphyleticScaphyglottis. This broadly definedScaphyglottis sensu Dressler is characterized within Laeliinae by the usual presence of superposed growth habit and the presence of a column foot. In order to accommodate species formerly placed inPlatyglottis andReichenbachanthus, three new combinations are made inScaphyglottis:Scaphyglottis brasiliensis (Schltr.) Dressler,S. coriacea (L. O. Williams) Dressier, andS. emarginata (Garay) Dressler.  相似文献   

Variation at the 18S+26S and 5S ribosomal DNA loci was assessed on 62 Erianthus Michx. clones, representing 11 species, and 15 clones from two Saccharum L. species used as a reference. Genus-specific markers for Erianthus Michx. sect. Ripidium Henrard (Old World species) were identified. Ribosomal DNA units in Erianthus sect. Ripidium exhibited an additional BamHI site compared to Saccharum, and 5S units showed length and restriction-site differences between Erianthus and Saccharum. These markers will be useful to follow introgression in Saccharum x Erianthus hybrids. Six ribosomal units (for 18+26S genes) were revealed in Erianthus sect. Ripidium, differing by restriction-site positions and/or length. These results provided new information on species relationships and evolution within the genus Erianthus. The Indonesian and Indian forms of E. arundinaceus (Retz.) Jeswiet gave different restriction patterns, which were similar to those of E. bengalense (Retz.) R. C. Bharadwaja and E. procerus (Roxb.) Raizade, respectively. The two 2n=20 species, E. ele-phantinus Hook.f. and E. ravennae (L.) P. Beauv., could also be differentiated at this locus. Two of the New World Erianthus species studied, E. rufipilus (Steud.) Griseb. and E. longisetosus Andersson, appeared more like Erianthus sect. Ripidium, whereas E. trinii Hack, and E. brevibardis Michx. showed patterns consistent with Miscanthus sinensis Andersson and S. spontaneum L., respectively. Finally, the comparison of rDNA restriction maps among Erianthus sect. Ripidium, Saccharum, sorghum and maize, led to unexpected conclusions concerning the relationships between the different genera and the position of Erianthus in the Saccharum complex.  相似文献   

Summary In order to study the foliar endophytes from teak (Tectona grandis L.) and rain tree (Samanea saman Merr.) growing in the campus of Chulalongkorn University, healthy leaves were collected at two-monthly intervals during January to December. The number of genera and species, together with their colonization frequency (CF%) in mature teak and rain tree leaves were greater than those in the young leaves. More endophytic isolates in the leaves of both trees were recovered during the rainy season. The fungal genera found in both young and mature teak leaves were Alternaria, Colletotrichum, Nigrospora, Phomopsis and mycelia sterilia. Phomopsis was the dominant genus in both young (newly emerged) and mature leaves. Fusarium, Penicillium, Schizophyllum commune and members of the Xylariaceae were found only in mature leaves. For the rain tree leaves, species of Phomopsis and mycelia sterilia were found in both young newly emerged and mature leaves. Colletotrichum and Penicillium were found only in mature leaves, whereas Nigrospora was found only in young newly emerged leaves. In this study, Phomopsis was the dominant genus in the leaves of both tree species. A total of 37 isolates of endophytic fungi isolated from teak and rain tree leaves were tested for the production of antimicrobial activities. Out of these, 18 isolates could produce inhibitory substances effective against Bacillus subtilis, Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli and 3 isolates inhibited growth of Candida albicans in vitro.  相似文献   

Polystichum is one of the largest and most taxonomically complex fern genera in China. The evolutionary relationships of Chinese Polystichum and related genera, and the relationship between our Polystichum phylogeny and ecogeographic distribution, were tested by the use of DNA sequence data. Fifty-one species of Polystichum and 21 species in allied genera were sequenced for the plastid intergenic spacers rps4-trnS and trnL-F. Maximum parsimony and Bayesian phylogenetic analyses of both individual and combined data sets showed that Chinese Polystichum as commonly recognized was paraphyletic: one clade (the CCPC clade) included Cyrtomidictyum lepidocaulon, two Cyrtogonellum species, three Cyrtomium species, and a small number of Polystichum species usually occurring on limestone. A second clade, Polystichum sensu stricto, included the remainder of the Polystichum species; these often occur on non-limestone substrates. The remaining Cyrtomium species formed the third clade. Three subclades resolved within Polystichum sensu stricto (s.s.) clade do not correspond with recent sectional classifications, and we outline the issues relevant to a new classification for the genus. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

中国团黑粉菌属和团散黑粉菌属   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郭林 《菌物学报》1990,9(Z1):67-88
本文报道我国团黑粉菌属10种,团散黑粉菌属22种。其中新组合8种,即:水蔗草团散黑粉[Sporisorium apludae (H. Sydow & Sydow) L. Guo]、营大孢团散黑粉[Sporisorium benguetensis (Zundel) L. Guo]、细柄草团散黑粉[Sporisorium capillipedii (Ling) L. Guo]、营小孢团散黑粉[Sporisorium exsertum (McAlp.) L. Guo]、芒粒团散黑粉[Sporisorium miscanthi (Yen) L. Guo]、黄茅粒团散黑粉[Sporisorium moniliferum (Ell. & Ev.) L. Guo]、光高粱团散黑粉[Sporisorium taianum (Syd.) L. Guo]和鸭嘴草团散黑粉[Sporisorium tanglinensis (Tracy&Earle) L. Guo]。  相似文献   

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