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微生物物种多样性的保护与其资源保藏   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
从微生物物种多样性的保护以及微生物物种资源的保藏等方面较全面地阐述了微生物物种资源保护与保藏的重要性及其相互关系 ,阐明了微生物菌种保藏的原理及方法 ,同时介绍了保藏技术领域的研究动向和保藏机构或组织在微生物资源的保藏、开发和交流等方面所起的重要作用  相似文献   

姜孟楠  王嘉琪  魏强 《病毒学报》2018,34(3):399-401
2017年我国人间传染的病原微生物菌(毒)种保藏机构完成指定工作,作为国家生物安全工作的重要组成部分,做好病原微生物菌(毒)种保藏机构运行与管理,确保国家生物安全,已成为坚持和落实总体国家安全观一项重要内容和具体体现。保藏机构运行管理应将病原微生物菌(毒)种的合理利用和安全管理两方面相结合,在确保国家生物安全的前提下,统一病原微生物保藏技术标准和数据规范体系,提升保藏机构能力和水平,不断适应国家生物安全战略,以及传染性疾病防控、生物技术和生物产业发展需求。  相似文献   

微生物多样性及其保育   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
大量实验证明因原始环境的改变使放线菌多样性急剧减少。在对微生物资源的特点及保护微生物资源的必要性进行分析的基础上,提出了保护微生物资源及其多样性的若干措施。  相似文献   

海洋微生物多样性丰富。我国近年来在海洋微生物多样性调查、资源获取与开发利用等多方面取得重要进展。为促进资源的可持续高效利用,建立了专业的海洋微生物菌种保藏中心,目前库藏海洋微生物菌种2. 2万株。本文介绍了目前中国海洋微生物菌种保藏管理中心库藏资源概况与共享利用情况,以共享记录为基础,从已共享菌株的多样性、库藏资源共享利用以及共享用户等方面开展了统计分析。统计结果显示,共享菌株中超过80%为细菌,其次依次为丝状真菌、酵母、古菌及噬菌体。在菌株水平,已共享细菌覆盖了库藏细菌的28%;在种的水平,已共享细菌覆盖了库藏细菌的47%,包括变形菌纲3 178株,芽胞杆菌纲951株,放线菌纲817株。目前,库藏资源总共享比例约为30%,覆盖了库藏57%的属和49%的种。共享用户目前达266家,其中国内用户244家,国外用户22家。为大洋课题、国家973课题、863课题、自然基金、行业公益性项目、科技支撑及企业项目等各种科技计划,提供了重要的菌种资源保障。据不完全统计,共支撑发表SCI论文达500余篇。中国海洋微生物菌种保藏管理中心在菌株资源的收集、整理和共享等方面,为我国的科研事业提供了大量的资源支撑,取得了较好的社会效益。  相似文献   

微生物资源是国家战略性生物资源之一,是支撑微生物学科发展与技术创新的重要基础。中国作为微生物资源的大国,近年来,通过"国家微生物资源平台"项目的建设,在微生物资源的分离、收集、保藏与共享等方面都取得了较大的发展。在我国微生物资源科技工作者的共同努力下,微生物新种的分离与发表也跃居世界首位。《微生物学通报》组织了本期"微生物资源"主题刊,旨在展示微生物资源学领域的最新进展,加强微生物资源学领域学术交流,提升我国微生物资源分类和系统学研究水平,促进微生物资源学科发展,推进国家微生物资源平台建设。  相似文献   

微生物资源的保护   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
对保护微生物资源的必要性 ,重要性以及保护微生物资源的措施进行了简要综述  相似文献   

中国微生物资源研究现状及未来发展态势分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
[目的]微生物资源由于其对于生命科学基础研究和生物经济的重要价值,一直是全球生物技术竞争的战略重点。中国目前已经成为在生命科学研究领域最有影响力的国家之一,每年发表的论文数量居全球第二位。通过微生物资源的保藏和利用的分析能够一定程度反映我国微生物研究的整体状况和进展,并进一步反映生命科学研究和生物产业的发展趋势。[方法]本文通过分析我国微生物资源保藏、文献、专利等数据,阐述了我国微生物资源的保藏和利用现状,并同相关国家进行了比较,基于此分析,为我国微生物资源挖掘与利用提供战略方向和建议。[结论]近年来,我国建立了微生物资源国家平台,每年发表论文数量居全球第二位,申请和授权专利数量居全球第一位,充分反映了我国微生物资源研究及其在生物产业的应用现状。我国正在形成一个微生物资源保藏、研究和应用的完整体系,为我国乃至全球的生物经济的发展提供支撑。  相似文献   

<正>简介辽宁省微生物菌种保藏中心是2005年经辽宁省科技厅批准、依托辽宁省微生物科学研究,院组建的东北三省唯一的微生物菌种专业保藏管理机构,主要从事微生物菌种资源分离、收集、鉴定、评价,优良菌种选育、保藏、供应及对外交流开展微生物菌种保藏与应用技术研究。本中心拥有完备的菌种保藏管理设施,拥有可容纳50000株菌种的低温保藏库和可保藏  相似文献   

简介辽宁省微生物菌种保藏中心是2005年经辽宁省科技厅批准、依托辽宁省微生物科学研究院组建的东北三省唯一的微生物菌种专业保藏管理机构:主要从事微生物菌种资源分离、收集、鉴定、评价,优良菌种选育、保藏、供应及对外交流开展微生物菌种保藏与应用技术研究。  相似文献   

闫冰  陆晴  夏嵩  李俊生 《生物多样性》2022,30(8):22186-11519
城市化对生物多样性的影响是当前生态学研究的热点之一, 引起了人们的广泛关注。土壤微生物多样性是城市生物多样性的重要组成部分, 对维持城市生态系统的健康稳定具有重要意义和作用。近年来, 已有研究关注城市土壤微生物群落结构及多样性, 回答了一些关键问题, 但缺乏系统的总结与论述。基于此, 本文分析了城市化对土壤微生物特性、群落组成、功能和多样性的影响, 总结了影响城市土壤微生物多样性的主要因素, 发现城市化改变了土壤微生物组成和功能, 并且对细菌和真菌多样性的影响存在差异, 城市环境因子通过直接和间接作用共同影响土壤微生物多样性。进一步探讨了城市土壤微生物多样性的维持与保护, 并对今后城市土壤微生物研究需要关注的问题进行了展望, 包括: (1)城市化对城市绿地土壤微生物多样性的影响机制; (2)城市土壤微生物多样性变化对生态系统多功能性的影响; (3)土壤微生物多样性与人类健康的关系。以期为城市土壤生物多样性保护研究提供参考。  相似文献   

Adaptive response of microbial communities to soluble microbial products   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We carried out two experiments to study the influence of soluble microbial products (SMP) on biomass concentration [defined as mixed liquor suspended solids (MLSS)] and removal of soluble biological and chemical oxygen demands (sBOD5 and sCOD): (1) SMP were allowed to accumulate, and (2) SMP content was artificially reduced by washing the biomass. The daily initial sCOD in both experiments was kept constant at 859±6 mg/l for 16 days. In experiment 1, the highest sCOD removal (80%) occurred during the first day. Thereafter, it decreased successively to 40% [sludge retention time (SRT), 12 days], after which it increased steadily to 50±4%. Variations in residual sCOD were accompanied by variations in sBOD5, showing that the biodegradability of the accumulated SMP components was changing. MLSS fluctuated within the range 1,200±25–1,993±58 mg/l. We attributed the irregular accumulation of the biomass to variations in the biodegradability of SMP components. The initial sBOD5/MLSS ratio varied according to variations in initial sBOD5 and MLSS, whereas the residual ratio was constant at 0.025±0.008. This indicated a direct relationship between the concentrations of biomass and SMP produced. In experiment 2, MLSS increased from 1,200±25 to a constant value (2,810±16 mg/l; SRT, 12 days). After this time, no decrease or increase in MLSS was observed. Correspondingly, sCOD and sBOD5 removal increased from 80–97 to 84–99%. A stable microbial community that could consume organic matter efficiently was developed under these conditions.  相似文献   

A microbial ecosystem represents a delicately balanced population of microorganisms each interacting with and influencing the other members of the population. An understanding of the nature and effects of these interactions is essential to improving the performance of these ecologies, which are important, in such diverse processes as biological waste treatment procedures, water pollution abatement, industrial fermentations, human or animal digestives processes and in soil. There are several types of mocrobial interactions, such as commensalism, inhibition, food competition, predation, parasitism, and synergism, which either singly or in combination may influence the functioning of the microbial ecology. To understand interactions, it is necessary to perform a detailed study of the physiology of the individual predominating microorganisms to establish their requirements with respect to such environmental factors as nutrients, temperature, pH, oxidation-reduction potential, removal of waste products, or toxic materials which may be involved in control processes and to determine how these factors affect their capabilities. The sum total of this information will indicate the possible interactions between the microorganisms and will form the basis for conducting experiments either in the laboratory or with mathematical models. Such experiments will lead to an understanding of microbial activities and to the formulation of control measures, often using an alteration of the environmental factors for regulation of the microbial ecologies. Extensive research remains to be done on the microbial interact inns in obtain the desired, precise control of these ecological processes.  相似文献   

Soluble microbial products (SMP) are organic compounds produced by activated sludge microorganisms as they degrade substrates. They include by-products of microbial activity, death and lysis. The available literature does not reveal how SMP influence microbial community composition. In this regard, we microscopically studied changes in composition of microbial communities, especially protozoa and metazoa, under the influence of increased as well as reduced levels of SMP. The presence of SMP at high level significantly caused changes in microbial community composition. Microbial species shifted from attached ciliates (12-175 microm) to free-swimming and crawling ciliates (35-330 microm) and then invertebrates, which included rotifers (0.2-1 mm) and nematodes (1-50 mm). The shift of small-size microorganisms to large ones was observed as one of the most significant influences of SMP. Attached ciliates reappeared when we removed the SMP that had accumulated in the bioreactors - we have called this as the resurrection phenomenon of microorganisms. Such rapid changes in microbial community composition were not observed in the experiment with low concentration of SMP. Overall, the results suggest that accumulation of SMP is one of the intrinsic regulatory mechanisms that control viability and dormancy of microbial communities in activated sludge.  相似文献   

随着近代微生物学与地质学研究的不断发展和深入,微生物在矿业相关领域的基础和应用研究日益受到重视。本文总结了近年来微生物及其技术在找矿、选矿、采矿等方面的应用研究进展情况,并着重对微生物在矿产的成矿以及废弃矿区的环境修复方面的研究进行了详细介绍。  相似文献   

王春芳  马诗淳  黄艳  刘来雁  凡慧  邓宇 《微生物学报》2016,56(12):1856-1868
【目的】比较和分析从堆肥中富集的水稻秸秆降解菌系F1和F2的纤维素分解能力、微生物群落结构及其在秸秆降解过程中的演替,从而探究微生物群落结构与秸秆降解效率的相关性。【方法】采用DNS(3,5-二硝基水杨酸,3,5-dinitrosalicylic acid)定糖法测定发酵液中的外切纤维素酶活;采用范氏(Van Soest)洗涤纤维分析法测定发酵前与发酵后的秸秆纤维素、半纤维素、木质素的含量,并计算降解率;采用16S r RNA基因序列分析和实时荧光定量PCR(Quantitative real-time PCR,Q-PCR)对秸秆降解过程中的微生物物种组成及特定的功能微生物进行定性和定量分析。【结果】复合菌系F1的水稻秸秆总降解率、纤维素降解率、半纤维素降解率显著高于复合菌系F2;2种复合菌系的外切纤维素酶活性与cel48基因的拷贝数变化趋势一致;复合菌系F1的物种较丰富,优势物种是好氧细菌,复合菌系F2的物种组成较单一,培养后期具有较高比例的厌氧纤维素分解菌;培养前4天,复合菌系F1和F2的优势物种均为Unclassified Bacillales和Bacillus;第4天之后,不同复合菌系的优势物种及丰度出现差异,F1的优势物种主要属于Bacteroidetes,F2的优势物种主要属于Firmicutes;虽然Petrimonas和Pusillimonas是培养后期的共有优势物种,但是Petrimonas在复合菌系F2中的相对丰度(38.30%)显著高于F1(9.47%),且培养第8天的F2中的Clostridiales OPB54增加至14.85%。【结论】cel48基因拷贝数变化与秸秆纤维素的降解效率、外切纤维素酶活性变化具有一定的相关性,cel48基因可作为潜在的生物分子标记监测秸秆纤维素的降解过程;微生物群落结构对秸秆纤维素的降解效率具有显著影响,Unclassified Bacillales,Bacillus,Petrimonas,Pusillimonas是复合菌系F1和F2降解秸秆纤维素过程中的重要物种。  相似文献   

Natural killer T cells expressing an invariant T cell antigen receptor (iNKT cells) are cells of the innate immune system. After recognizing glycolipid antigens presented by CD1d molecules on antigen presenting cells (APCs), iNKT cells rapidly produce large quantities of cytokines, thereby stimulating many types of cells. Recent studies have described several mechanisms of iNKT cell activation and the contribution of these cells to antimicrobial responses. iNKT cells can be activated by endogenous antigens and/or inflammatory cytokines from APCs. However, iNKT cells also recognize certain microbial glycolipids by their invariant T cell antigen receptor (TCR), and they contribute to pathogen clearance in certain microbial infections. These findings indicate that the iNKT TCR is useful for detecting certain microbial pathogens. Moreover, recent studies suggest that iNKT cell glycolipid antigens may be useful in antimicrobial therapy and vaccines.  相似文献   

Microbial mats are prokaryotic communities that provide model systems to analyze microbial diversity and ecophysiological interactions. Community diversity of microbial mat samples was assessed at 8:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. in a combined analysis consisting of 16S rRNA-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) and phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) profiles. The divergence index determined from PLFA and DGGE data showed that depth-related differences have a greater influence on diversity than temporal variations. Shannon and Simpson indices yielded similar values in all samples, which suggested the stable maintenance of a structurally diverse microbial community. The increased diversity observed at 3:00 p.m. between 2.5 and 4 mm can be explained mainly by diversification of anaerobic microorganisms, especially sulfate-reducing bacteria. In the afternoon sampling, the diversity index reflected a higher diversity between 4 and 5.5 mm depth, which suggested an increase in the diversity of strict anaerobes and fermenters. The results are consistent with the conclusion that hypersaline microbial mats are characterized by high degree of diversity that shifts in response to the photobiological adaptations and metabolic status of the microbial community. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. Dedicated to the memory of David C. White.  相似文献   

土壤微生物生态过程与微生物功能基因多样性   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:14  
土壤微生物在陆地生态系统中具有重要的生态功能,包括参与地球化学物质循环、污染物降解、环境剧烈变化的缓冲等.土壤微生物的生态功能与土壤功能联系密切,微生物群落结构与组成变化会直接影响土壤功能的发挥.土壤微生物通过具有生物活性的酶参与一系列的代谢活动,编码酶的功能基因成为微生物功能标记物.近10年中,以功能基因多样性为核心的分子生态学研究迅速发展,为从功能基因角度了解土壤微生物的生态功能提供了一个新的切入点.本文综述了与土壤微生物生态功能相关的功能基因多样性研究进展,并对该领域的发展前景提出展望.  相似文献   

Overview of microbial biofilms   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
As the success of this two-issue special section of the Journal of Industrial Microbiology attests, the study of microbial biofilms is truly burgeoning as the uniqueness and the importance of this mode of growth is increasingly recognized. Because of its universality the biofilm concept impacts virtually all of the subdivisions of Microbiology (including Medical, Dental, Agricultural, Industrial and Environmental) and these two issues incorporate contributions from authors in all of these disciplines. Some time ago we reasoned that bacteria cannot possibly be aware (sic) of their precise location, in terms of this spectrum of anthrocentric subspecialties, and that their behavior must be dictated by a standard set of phenotypic responses to environmental conditions in what must seem to them (sic) to be a continuum of very similar aquatic ecosystems. In this overview I will, therefore, stress the common features of microbial biofilms that we should bear in mind as we use this simple universal concept to seek to understand bacterial behavior in literally hundreds of aquatic ecosystems traditionally studied by dozens of subspecies of microbiologists reared in sharply different scientific and academic conventions.  相似文献   

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