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 通过补播植物种子和扦插玉米秸秆,研究自然状况下虎尾草(Chloris virgata)、角碱蓬(Suaeda corniculata)在松嫩草地次生光碱斑的生长状况;并对次生光碱斑自然恢复进程缓慢的原因、生态恢复模式进行了探讨。结果表明:角碱蓬能直接在次生光碱斑上生长,存活率为61.2%±16.5%;虎尾草很难直接在次生光碱斑上生长,存活率仅为5.7%±6.1%,且虎尾草不能繁殖;扦插玉米秸秆极显著地提高了角碱蓬和虎尾草的存活率,存活率分别为74.8%±18.4%、43.1%±20.8%,并保证植物顺利繁殖,为后续的自然演替提供了必备的种源。由于次生光碱斑土壤种子库极小,耐盐碱植物如角碱蓬可直接在光碱斑上生长,因此,除了可溶性盐离子含量过高外,我们提出土壤繁殖体(包括种子和其它繁殖体)极度缺乏也是松嫩草地次生光碱斑自然恢复进程缓慢的重要原因。最后,根据松嫩草地次生光碱斑的土壤理化性质季节变化、当地气候特征和物种资源,把生态学原理与生态工程有机地结合,提出了加快松嫩草地次生光碱斑恢复进程的生态恢复模式。  相似文献   

扦插玉米秸秆改良松嫩平原次生光碱斑的研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
根据野外实验,提出了改良松嫩平原次生光碱斑的新方法,即通过扦插玉米秸秆截留植物种子,在玉米秸秆分解作用下,以玉米秸秆本身及其邻近区域,为植物提供生长平台,使被截留的植物种子得以顺利定居、生长;达到低成本、快速地恢复次生光碱斑植被的日的.结果表明,扦插玉米秸秆可显著提高土壤种子库,改良区土壤种子数量为4020.0±1773.6粒·m^2,次生光碱斑土壤种子库为10.0±31.6粒·m^2,被截留的种子为植被恢复提供了种源.改良区土壤理化特性得到一定改善,但仍具有高pH值、高盐分含量和低有机质含量等特征.虎尾草能在玉米秸秆周围存活,每个玉米秸秆周围可生长3.9±2.2株,产量可达68.64±38.72g·m^-2.该方法投入少、成本低、技术简单,在次生光碱斑呈斑块状、且面积相对较小的区域.具有更大的推广潜力.  相似文献   

草地退化是全球干旱和半干旱草地生态系统的共同特征,由于土壤种子库在植被恢复和生物多样性维持等方面的重要作用,已成为研究热点。作为重要的脆弱生态系统,松嫩碱化草甸在人类活动和全球变化影响下发生了明显退化。松嫩碱化草甸土壤种子库研究始于20世纪90年代,主要集中在对虎尾草群落、星星草群落、碱蓬群落、羊草群落等不同演替阶段土壤种子库物种种类、密度、季节变化研究;该地区土壤种子库的物种数目随着恢复演替由初级向高级阶段而呈现逐渐增加的趋势,但物种数目均相对较少,且多以1年生为主。另外对种子雨和某些物种种子散布动态也有零星报道,主要是从群落水平进行的研究,种子雨的空间异质性表现在其组成和大小因群落而异。今后需要加强对松嫩碱化草甸土壤种子库格局与关键生境要素的耦合特征、种子库分布格局的形成机制等研究,研究方法上,引入稳定同位素标记和分子遗传学等研究方法和手段,开展持久种子库的长期定位监测研究,为盐碱地植被恢复提供理论依据。  相似文献   

天然东北红豆杉土壤种子库研究   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
刘彤  胡林林  郑红  周志强 《生态学报》2009,29(4):1869-1876
在黑龙江省穆棱东北红豆杉自然保护区内,对10株天然东北红豆杉结实母树冠下的土壤种子库进行了调查分析.结果表明:东北红豆杉土壤种子库中的种子数量在垂直方向和水平方向上都表现出明显的规律性.在不同深度土层中的种子数量差异显著(p<0.05).枯枝落叶层及0~5cm土层集中了最大量的种子,占总量的84%,随土层深度的增加,种子数量逐渐减少,15cm以下极少有种子出现.土壤种子库中具有活力的种子数量极少,不到总量的1%.种子丧失活力的首要原因是被昆虫和啮齿类动物啃食,占损失量的52%,其次是腐烂,占29%.在水平方向上,东北红豆杉种子具有近母株分布的特点,且在不同方向上种子数量差异极显著(p<0.01).当年下落到地面的东北红豆杉种子,按远离母株的顺序,种子数量逐渐减少;在围绕母株的八个方向上,东向的种子数量最多,其次是东北、北和东南方向,西面的种子数量最少.当年下落的3%的完好种子补充到土壤种子库中.自然条件下,东北红豆杉以种子繁殖,土壤种子库是其自然更新及种群恢复的重要基础,本研究结果对于东北红豆杉濒危机制的探索及种群恢复具有重要的理论意义.  相似文献   

准噶尔盆地梭梭土壤种子库基本特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
土壤种子库是种子的安全岛,是干旱荒漠区植被更新与恢复的基础。以梭梭为主的荒漠植被是准噶尔盆地绿洲区重要的生态屏障,但是,对于与梭梭种群自然更新紧密联系的土壤种子库特征的研究却相对缺乏。本研究通过野外采样、物理筛分并结合室内实验分析,对准噶尔盆地梭梭土壤种子库基本特征进行了研究。结果表明:(1)梭梭种群平均土壤种子库密度从71~696 粒·m-2,局部小环境甚至达到7 534 粒·m-2;(2)变异系数分析表明,各种群土壤种子库密度变异系数均大于1,说明梭梭土壤种子库的数量分布是非常不均匀的;(3)梭梭种群土壤种子库中种子萌发率从2.08%到47.62%不等,平均约18%;(4)变异函数分析表明,梭梭土壤种子库中种子分布的空间变异较大。综上,准噶尔盆地梭梭土壤种子库密度大且种子萌发能力强,同时其时空分布差异明显,这些特征均将影响梭梭种群的分布格局和种群更新。  相似文献   

土壤种子库作为地上植被更新的潜在种源,在植被自然恢复和演替过程以及生态系统建设中起着重要作用。以宁夏盐池县荒漠草原区4种植物群落为研究对象,通过对封育16年后植物群落土壤理化性质的变化与其土壤种子库的特征之间的关系的探讨,揭示荒漠草原植物群落的土壤种子库分布特征和演替趋势,以及土壤质量的改变如何影响土壤种子库特征。研究结果表明:(1)不同植物群落土壤种子库物种组成及种子密度不同,同一物种在不同植物群落土壤种子库中出现时种子密度也存在差异;禾本科、菊科、藜科植物种在4种植物群落土壤种子库中出现比例均较高,分别占到26.19%、21.43%和19.05%,占总物种数的66.7%;灰绿藜、冰草、碱蓬在4种植物群落土壤种子库中均有出现。(2)4种植物群落土壤种子库中多年生植物和一年生植物种子居多,灌木、半灌木植物种较少。(3)4种植物群落土壤种子库中物种数和种子密度均表现为:芨芨草群落 > 苦豆子群落 > 油蒿群落 > 盐爪爪群落;且随着土层的加深,4种植物群落土壤种子库中物种数和种子密度均呈递减趋势。(4)4种植物群落土壤种子库中Shannon-Wiener指数、Simpsin指数、Pielou指数和Patrick指数均表现为芨芨草群落 > 苦豆子群落 > 油蒿群落 > 盐爪爪群落。此外,芨芨草群落土壤种子库与油蒿群落土壤种子库相似性最高,油蒿群落与盐爪爪群落的最低。(5)土壤种子库物种多样性特征指数与土壤pH、含水量、碱解氮呈正相关,与土壤电导率呈负相关,其中土壤pH和电导率对种子库物种多样性的影响较大。荒漠草原封育以后,土壤种子库中植物种数、种子密度和物种多样性均呈增加趋势,且以多年生植物和一年生植物种子居多;禾本科和豆科植物的物种数和种子密度大于菊科和藜科,这表明围封后牧草品质改善,植物群落正向演替。  相似文献   

土壤种子库的研究进展及若干研究热点   总被引:98,自引:2,他引:96       下载免费PDF全文
 土壤种子库是指存在于表层土壤(包括凋落物)中的有生命的种子。土壤种子库的研究已是植物生态学研究不可缺少的一部分,现已成为植物种群生态学中比较活跃的领域。土壤种子库时期是植物种群生活史的一个重要阶段,有人称之为潜种群阶段。土壤种子库对一年生植物来说尤其重要。土壤种子库简单地可分为瞬时土壤种子库和长久土壤种子库,即使给予理想的萌发条件如季节、温度、湿度等,土壤种子库中也仍有部分种子保持休眠状态,休眠的种子组成了土壤长久种子库的成分。时空异质性是土壤种子库的基本特性之一,不仅不同植被类型的土壤种子库具有不同的组成、大小和多样性,而且微环境也影响土壤种子库的分布格局。由于萌发、捕食和衰老等原因,土壤种子库具有季节动态,一般在旧种子萌发之后,新种子散布之前达到最低点。在高等植物占据的大多数生境中,以休眠繁殖体形式存在的个体远远超过地上植株的数量;土壤种子库、幼苗库和成年植被相互联系相互影响。由于各种原因如群落类型的差异、群落的演替阶段、取样的时间等,地上植被和土壤种子库之间关系大体上可分为两种情况,即相似性和差异性;研究土壤种子库的方法通常有萌发法和物理分离法。土壤种子库能部分反应群落的历史,对退化生态系统的恢复起着重要的作用。目前土壤种子库的主要研究热点问题可分为以下几个方面:1)土壤种子库的研究方法,2)土壤种子库的分类问题,3)土壤种子库分布的时空格局,4)地上植被和土壤种子库的关系,5)土壤种子库的动态等。  相似文献   

香果树为我国Ⅱ级野生保护植物,由于原生境中香果树种群的数量迅速减少,目前已濒临灭绝,种群亟待恢复。研究了武夷山不同海拔的香果树种群种子雨、种子库及其幼苗存活现状,目的是阐明不同海拔地区的香果树种群自然更新的动态过程,寻找其更新脆弱的环节及其影响因素,为香果树自然种群的恢复提供理论依据。以分布于不同海拔高度(819、980、1 140及1 301 m)的香果树母树为中心,在其周围(东、南、西、北四个方位)布设种子雨收集框和土壤种子库样方,连续观测种子雨和种子库的动态,并对不同地表覆盖物中种子萌发及幼苗数量进行观测和记录。结果表明,武夷山香果树种群种子雨持续时间近2个月,尤其是11月底至12月中旬为种子雨高峰期;随着海拔的上升,香果树种子总密度以及虫蛀种子密度均显著降低,但千粒重以及饱满种子密度则有所增加;香果树土壤种子库为瞬时种子库,其水平分布以母树南侧和西侧种子密度较大,母树北侧种子密度最小。香果树种子的垂直分布主要集中于枯落物和苔藓层;3月时香果树土壤种子库中存留的饱满种子仅占种子散布后1.80%,而1年实生苗存活率为6.18%,土壤种子库的损耗是其种群自然更新困难的主要原因;不同地表覆盖物对香果树幼苗的存活产生显著影响,枯落物及苔藓层的幼苗死亡率显著高于土壤表面。建议清理林内枯落物及苔藓,增加林内裸露土壤的面积,减小地上草本的盖度,以减少种子霉烂、虫蛀的几率,增加香果树实生苗胚根与土壤接触的几率以及改善光照条件,促进香果树自然更新。  相似文献   

濒危植物南方红豆杉种子雨和土壤种子库特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
岳红娟  仝川  朱锦懋  黄佳芳 《生态学报》2010,30(16):4389-4400
对福建南平大坪村样地和福州旗山样地濒危植物南方红豆杉种子雨动态进行了2a的观测,并在种子雨结束后不久的3月份和种子雨开始降落之前的9月份进行土壤种子库取样。南方红豆杉种子雨持续3个多月,高峰期从11月中旬开始到12月下旬结束,约40d,种子雨绝大部分降落在树冠范围内,种子雨中成熟种子占85%以上,2007年和2008年种子雨强度差异不显著(P0.05)。南方红豆杉土壤种子库主要集中在树冠范围内,在种子雨刚结束的3月份,土壤种子库主要分布在枯枝落叶层,且密度显著大于其它两层(P0.05),9月份第2次取样,枯枝落叶层种子库密度明显减少,当年种子雨仅有3%可补充到土壤种子库中,南方红豆杉种子雨中绝大多数种子受到动物取食、人为因素和环境因素的影响而损失掉无法进入土壤种子库。  相似文献   

紫茎泽兰入侵地区土壤种子库特征   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
土壤种子库是植物潜在的种群,其时空分布格局对植物群落的动态与稳定性有着举足轻重的影响,尤其是在受外来种入侵危害地区,土壤种子库的特征对生态系统的恢复和未来植被的结构、功能、组成与动态等更为重要。本文通过野外调查与萌发实验相结合的方法研究了四川攀枝花市紫茎泽兰(Eupatorium adenophorum)入侵地区的植被组成和紫茎泽兰种子雨前后土壤种子库的变化,初步探讨了受入侵地区种子库中包括紫茎泽兰在内的物种的种类与储量情况。结果表明:(1)在紫茎泽兰危害严重的地带,群落组成比较简单,草本层以紫茎泽兰最为丰富,种群构成为1–4年生植株及其荫庇下大量的实生幼苗,Drude多度极大,频度达100%;(2)在土壤种子库中有13种高等植物出现,与植被组成的相似度为0.31;土壤种子库总储量为3,180粒/m^2,其中紫茎泽兰1,950粒/m^2,占总储量的61.3%。种子库各层种子储量不同,上层种子少于中下层,差异不显著(P〉0.05),在土壤下层(5–10cm层)的紫茎泽兰种子仍然可以萌发;(3)种子雨后,表层土中(0–2cm)紫茎泽兰种子总储量为4,733粒/m^2;紫茎泽兰种子雨后种子萌发出现2个峰值,分别为第9天与第17天,表明土壤中的紫茎泽兰种子会阶段性打破休眠。紫茎泽兰在当地植被和土壤种子库中都占绝对优势,其他物种从种子阶段就开始亏缺,是紫茎泽兰不断更新和难以彻底控制的重要原因。  相似文献   

Questions: What factors limit vegetation restoration of secondary bare saline‐alkaline patches (BSAP) in the Songnen grassland of northeast China? Is there any adaptive approach to promote revegetation in the shortest time possible and at a low cost? Location: Northeast China. Methods: Considering the climate, soil saline‐alkalization and available seed sources, a new approach was adopted to restore vegetation in BSAP, which were formed by the degradation of typical Leymus chinensis grasslands owing to long‐term overgrazing. The experimental treatments included no treatment (CK), fencing (F), fencing+inserting cornstalks (FS), fencing+inserting cornstalks+sowing L. chinensis (FSL) and fencing+inserting cornstalks+sowing Puccinellia chinampoensis (FSP). The assumptions behind inserting cornstalks were not only that they would create safe sites for initial revegetation but also that they would enhance seed input by trapping and containing the seeds from seed movement on the BSAP surface. Results: Seed bank shortage was an important factor limiting initial revegetation in BSAP; seed movement on the BSAP surface could provide the necessary seed source if it were contained by effective measures. Vegetation at the sites FS, FSL and FSP was restored well in terms of the above‐ground biomass and coverage. Inserted cornstalks acted as safe sites that enhanced the plant survival rate in BSAP; they also enhanced the ability to contain seed movement, thus providing a seed source for initial revegetation. Along with initial revegetation, tussocks around cornstalks can provide better safe sites, which in turn can accelerate subsequent vegetation restoration in BSAP. Conclusions: The approach entails the strategic use of diverse seed sources and the construction of safe sites with agricultural byproducts (cornstalks); therefore, it is a low‐cost method and can be used on a widespread scale. The results provide vigorous support in favor of vegetation restoration in BSAP and severely degraded grasslands in the region. In practice, this approach can be used in degraded ecosystems with compacted soil surfaces (including arid and salt‐affected soils) to promote revegetation in various regions.  相似文献   

Large seed banks have been found in tropical dry forests and also in habitats with high seasonality in rainfall. However, patchily structured vegetation could induce great spatial variation in the seed bank. We characterized the seed bank in a patchy vegetation of restinga, a common type of coastal vegetation found in the Atlantic forest biome. We also evaluated whether there is any spatial variation between the litter and soil layer, bare sand, and the edge and center of vegetation patches with distinct species dominance. We found 104 seeds/m2 in the seed bank using a 5‐cm‐depth sampling. Seven out of 16 species found in the restinga seed bank germinated; two of these were found in the early stages of vegetation patches. We found a higher number of seeds at the edge than in the center of vegetation patches. However, there were no significant differences in the number of seeds in the seed bank between the litter and soil layer, and between vegetation patches with distinct species dominance. Bare sandy soils had lower seed bank densities than vegetation patches. A small seed bank size might be explained by the low proportion of seeds from herbaceous and woody species, which are pioneers in the Atlantic forest. However, seed bank might play an important role in the early stages of the successional process, due to the occurrence of the few species that are able to colonize new young vegetation patches.  相似文献   

The prevalence of patchy structures in vegetation is a common feature in semi-arid ecosystems. Although the effect of patches on seed density is widely known, we still lack information on how patch features affect seed bank density and composition. Our aim was to answer two basic questions: (1) How do seed bank density and composition vary within and outside patch aboveground physical limits? and (2) Do patch characteristics affect soil seed bank density and composition? We sampled 50 shrub patches in a semi-arid gypsum system in Central Spain, measuring patch size, composition and structure, and seed bank at three locations per shrub (centre, edge and outside). We calculated the effect of interior patch location, patch composition and structure on seed density and composition. Patches acted both as seed sources, increasing seed density in neighbouring areas and as seed sinks by trapping seeds from bare areas. Patch structure (erect perennial cover) had the greatest effect on seed bank density, whereas patch size and microslope had the greatest influence on bare area density. Patch structure, composition and interior location explained the variation in seed bank composition. Patch effect extends to the surrounding bare matrix creating a seed bank gradient in density and composition. This effect is modulated by patch structure and composition and affects seed bank composition. Our results suggest that the spatial structure of gypsum community seed banks may act as a mechanism for a spatial storage effect contributing to the maintenance of high levels of diversity in semi-arid environments  相似文献   

Roadside reclamation involves standard revegetation practices that often fail under the adverse conditions imposed by subordination to the infrastructure construction schedule. We experimentally tested for seed and microsite limitations on roadslopes by assessing the effects of seed addition and habitat suitability upon plant cover and species richness. The relative contributions of topsoil seed bank, seed rain, and hydroseeding with standard or native seed mixtures were analyzed in relation to soil texture, fertility, and stability. In order to increase applicability, this research was fitted into the actual construction design and schedule of a highway in central Spain, which resulted in topsoil of varying quality, steep roadcuts and embankments (34°), and out‐of‐season hydroseedings. During the first 2 years following roadslope construction, there was an uneven but sustained increase in plant cover and species richness. Topsoil spread on embankments led to greater plant cover in a shorter time and to lower sedimentation rates at slope bases. The topsoil seed bank was extremely poor. Hydroseeding invariably failed, regardless of seed mixture and roadslope type. The seed rain provided seven times more seeds than hydroseedings, and was correlated with the distance to vegetation patches. Recruitment, however, was limited by microsite suitability, as the initial soil content in nitrate, total nitrogen, and organic matter explained up to 80% of variation in plant cover. In conclusion, when revegetation was performed outside the optimal season due to schedule constraints, measures aimed at overcoming microsite limitation were more cost‐effective and enhanced roadside carrying capacity for local species.  相似文献   

滇东南岩溶山地次生林土壤种子库储量与优势成分   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
沈有信  陈胜国  江洁  蔡光丽  张平 《广西植物》2003,23(6):528-532,540
采用样线取样与温室萌发实验相结合的方法 ,调查了滇东南典型岩溶山地次生林的土壤种子库储量及其优势成分。结果发现 ,岩溶山地次生林下贮存有丰富的植物种子 ,在厚度为 1 0cm的表层土壤中的种子储量变动于 493 0~ 1 493 0粒 /m2 之间 ,高于对照成熟林的 3 780粒 /m2 。在 1 0cm的垂直剖面上 ,单位体积的种子储量在厚度为 0~ 2、2~ 5、5~ 1 0cm的三个层面间逐渐下降 ,但 5~ 1 0cm土层内仍然储藏了大量的种子。三种次生林的乔、灌、草、藤的比例组成与对照成熟林的差异不大 ,无论是种子个体数量还是物种种类数都以草本为主 (平均为 85 .5 %和 69.9% ) ,灌木次之 (平均为 1 2 .8%和 1 9.4% ) ,藤本 (平均为 1 .6%和 4.2 % )和乔木 (平均为 0 .6%和 6.5 % )稀少。在所研究的三个次生林样地内种子数量处于前三位的种子都来自菊科的紫茎泽兰 (Eupatoriumadenophorum) ,胜红蓟 (Ageratumconyzoides) ,劲直白酒草 (Conyzastricta) ,一点红(Emiliasonchifolia)等四个物种中的三个种 ,与成熟林下的土壤种子库中前三位物种基本相同。土壤种子库与地表植被间的相似性较小。  相似文献   

金沙江干热河谷山地植被恢复区土壤种子库和地上植被研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
罗辉  王克勤 《生态学报》2006,26(8):2432-2442
土壤种子库在植物种群动态中起着重要作用。土壤种子库可缓解种群的灭绝过程,保存群落中植物种的表现特征,是植被天然更新的物质基础。通过对金沙江干热河谷山地植被恢复区(包括水平阶、自然坡面、沟底)和未恢复区(包括放牧地)的土壤种子库和地上植被的组成、大小及多样性进行比较研究表明,植被恢复区土壤种子库和地上植被的密度、丰富度、多样性及均匀度均大于未恢复区。恢复区地上生物量要远大于未恢复区。水平阶和各类型间的土壤种子库密度与地上植被密度差异显著。土壤种子库中草本植物占很大比例。孔颖草和扭黄茅是土壤种子库和地上植被的两大优势种,两者的个体数量、重要值及生物量最大。土壤种子库和地上植被有较高的相似性,且随着恢复程度的加深,相似性有增高的趋势;土壤种子库密度和地上植被密度之间关系可以用二次和三次曲线拟合。  相似文献   

Summary Seedling recruitment in salt marsh plant communities is generally precluded in dense vegetation by competition from adults, but is also relatively rare in disturbance-generated bare space. We examined the constraints on seedling recruitment in New England salt marsh bare patches. Under typical bare patch conditions seed germination is severely limited by high substrate salinities. We examined the germination requirements of common high marsh plants and found that except for one notably patch-dependent fugitive species, the germination of high marsh plants is strongly inhibited by the high soil salinities routinely encountered in natural bare patches. Watering high marsh soil in the greenhouse to alleviate salt stress resulted in the emergence of up to 600 seedlings/225 cm2. The vast majority of this seed bank consisted of Juncus gerardi, the only common high marsh plant with high seed set. We tested the hypothesis that salt stress limits seedling contributions to marsh patch secondary succession in the field. Watering bare patches with fresh water partially alleviated patch soil salinities and dramatically increased both the emergence and survival of seedlings. Our results show that seedling recruitment by high marsh perennial turfs is limited by high soil salinities and that consequently their population dynamics are determined primarily by clonal growth processes. In contrast, populations of patch-dependent fugitive marsh plants which cannot colonize vegetatively are likely governed by spatially and temporally unpredictable windows of low salinities in bare patches.  相似文献   

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