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白鱀豚的胃   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
关于鲸类胃的复杂分室早有许多详细研究。现代生存的四类淡水豚中,恒河豚Platanista gangetica及拉河豚Pontoporia blainvillei的胃在十九世纪就作过观察(Anderson,1878;Burmeister,1867),近年有详文论述(Yamasaki等,1971,1974),但对白暨豚Lipotes vexillifer及亚河豚Inia geollrensis的胃尚缺了解。白暨豚的胃仅两篇报道(Hinton和Pycraft,1922;陈宜瑜和陈炜.1975)曾提到几句,但未正确阐明其构造。鉴于白暨豚的形态研究对淡水豚类的系统发生及分类均具一定意义,现报道其食管后部和胃的解剖及组织学观察结果。  相似文献   

淡水豚类分子系统发生的研究   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:15  
杨光  周开亚 《兽类学报》1999,19(1):19-19
测定了白暨豚和恒河豚细胞色素b基因307bp的DNA序列,并与其它鲸类的相应序列合并,分析了淡水豚类(恒河豚、印河豚、白暨豚、亚河豚和弗西豚)的系统学位置和系统发生。淡水豚类不同属间的序列差异已达到或超过了其它齿鲸类科间的差异水平,因此它们分别归属于不同的科,即恒河豚科、白暨豚科、亚河豚科和弗西豚科。系统发生分析支持淡水豚类和海豚类之间具有下述的关系:(恒河豚科((白暨豚科(亚河豚科,弗西豚科))海豚总科))。即淡水豚的4个科中,恒河豚科是最早分化的一支,其次是白暨豚科,然后是亚河豚科和弗西豚科的分化。白暨豚科和亚河豚科+弗西豚科组成海豚总科的姊妹群,并与海豚总科一同组成海豚下目。恒河豚与其它淡水豚类间无直接的亲缘关系。淡水豚类是并系的。把恒河豚类独立为恒河豚总科是合理的。初步认为有理由把白暨豚类也作为一个总科级的支系。恒河豚和印河豚间的序列差异极小,两者可能只是同一个种的2个亚种。  相似文献   

淡水豚类4个代表属「白暨豚(Lipotes)、恒河豚(Platanista)、弗西豚(Pontoporia)和亚河豚(Inia)」mtDNA 12S rRNA基因的序列差异水平,高于其他齿鲸类科间的差异,特别是远远高于海豚总科内的科间差异。研究结果支持它们应归属于不同的科,即白暨豚科(Lipotiidae)、恒河豚科(Platanistidae)、弗西豚科(Pontoporidae)和亚河豚科(I  相似文献   

白鱀豚的肠   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
关于白暨豚Lipotes vexillifer的消化道,我们已作过胃的形态学研究并指出它与其它淡水豚的胃的区别(周开亚等,1979),另有两文简略提及肠的外形(姚闻卿等,1974、陈宜瑜等,1975),肠的构造尚未见报道,在解剖和组织学观察中,我们发现白暨豚的肠也有值得注意的特征。 白暨豚的肠取自在长江下游采到的四个个体。肠的长度和管径用福尔马林固定标本测量。组织学材料用Susa液或10%福尔马林固定,苏木精和曙红及Van Gieson法染色。嗜银细胞用改良龙桂开嗜银细胞银浸法显示。  相似文献   

白暨豚某些血液生化指标的测定   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
关于海豚和几种淡水豚类的血液学和血液生化指标国外有过研究。白暨豚(Lipotes vexillifer)血液有形成份已有过报道。本实验对白暨豚血液生化指标进行了研究,以期建立白暨豚血液正常生理生化指标,为白暨豚的临床诊断,健康监测和保健措施提供血液学参数,并且为完善淡水豚类血液学比较研究提供基础资料。  相似文献   

白鱀豚的肾脏   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了4头雄性和9头雌性白鱀豚肾脏的结构和各项指标。白鱀豚肾脏是由许多小肾组成。肾脏和小肾的各项指标随着个体体长的增加而增加。与其他3种淡水豚相比,白鱀豚成体肾脏的小肾数比恒河豚多,比哑河豚少,而与拉河豚相近。白鱀豚幼体的肾脏和小肾的各项指标与恒河豚和亚河豚相近,但成体肾脏和小肾的各项指标比上述2种淡水豚大得多。并证实鲸类动物肾脏的小肾并生群在幼体即已存在,随着个体的长大,小肾化加剧,而并不是次级融合的结果。白鱀豚小肾的髓旁肌肉带的排列并无规律,它并不构成白豚鱀所特有的排列结构。    相似文献   

白暨豚血液有形成分   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
豚类血液学的研究,自1939年诺尔(Knoll)广泛研究了鲸类胚胎的血液以来,1979年德蒙蒂(De monte)和皮莱里(Pilleri)比较了21种海豚和几种淡水豚的血液学资料。关于白暨豚(Lipotes vexillifer)的血液资料,除刘仁俊(1982)为白暨豚“淇淇”治疗外伤时,进行过白细胞分类计数外,至今未见详细的研究报道。为建立白暨豚血液生理指标和为疾病诊断提供可靠的依据,本文对白暨豚外周血液的有形成分进行了分析研究。  相似文献   

肌肉系统是鲸类运动器官的基本组成,有许多适于水中运动的变化。多种齿鲸的肌学已有详文论述,如江豚(Neophocaena phocaenoides)(Howell,1927)鼠海豚(Phocaena phocaena)(Smith等,1975;1974;等,1974,1978),真海豚(Delphinus delphis)(Lawrence等,1956,1965;Mead,1975;Родионов1974;Соколов等,1974,1978)、大海豚(Tursiops truncatus)(Huder,1934;Lawrence等,1956,1965;Mead,1975;Родионов1974;Соколов等,1974,1978)、白鲸(Delphinapterus leucas) (Клейнеберг, 1964)、一角鲸(Monodon monoce- ros)(Howell, 1930)、抹香鲸(Physeter catodon)(Берэин, 1971)等。在淡水豚类,Pilleri等(1976)曾报道印河豚(Platanista indi)肌肉系统的某些特征,其他淡水豚的肌肉尚未经研究。鉴此,我们对白暨豚(Lipotes vexilifer)的肌肉系统作了较详细的解剖。解剖材料以1头体长2米,体重100公斤的雄性个体为主,以其他个体作补充。  相似文献   

白既豚的骨骼和分类位置   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
1918年Miller比较了白既豚Lipotes vexillifer与亚河豚Inia geoffrensis的头骨与颈椎,认为白既豚是亚河豚的近亲,归属亚河豚科Iniidae。1960年,Fraser和Purves比较与鲸类听觉器官有关的骨骼及气窦(air sinus),把白既豚列入亚河豚亚科Iniinae。1972年,Brownell和Herald在关于白既豚的综述中报告其椎骨数两例,同时发表了头骨、牙齿及鼓围耳骨(tympaao-periotic)等照片。1973年,Kasuya根据鼓围耳骨的研究仍认为白既豚属于亚河豚科。1975年,陈宜瑜和陈炜报告其骨骼的某些特征,Bree和Purves报道对国外仅有三个头骨的测量。此六文中,对其骨髂的记述尚有疏误;对其分类归属都墨守Miller的观点,仅分类阶元有科或亚科之别。此外,在分类位置问题上,周开亚(1958)、寿振黄  相似文献   

白鱀豚脑的解剖   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
作者对采自长江的三头白暨豚(Lipotes vexillifer Miller)的脑进行了解剖研究。白鱀豚的脑表现出典型的鲸脑特征。与海洋齿鲸类比较,淡水鲸科的种类普遍呈现出视觉系统的退化,这是一种生态适应的结果。从神经解剖学的观点看来,白鱀豚与亚马逊河海豚(Inia)、拉普拉塔河海豚(Pontoporia)的脑的结构是近似的,而与恒河海豚(Platanista)显着不同,  相似文献   

The tongue of the striped dolphin, Stenella coeruleoalba, shows a V-shaped row of pits on its posterior dorsum. Their development is described on the basis of macroscopic and light microscopic observations on fetal, young, and adult stages. Four to eight pits occur, most often five in the adult. Anlagen of the pits first protrude as round epithelial thickenings which later increase in diameter and become thin. The circular primordia then sink, and grooves oriented both circularly and radially develop in the walls of the shallow pits thus formed. Pits and grooves deepen with development so that older pits become lined with conical projections. As pits grow further, they become elongated anterolaterally, retaining slit-like openings. Each pit in the adult is 2–8 mm long and about 1 mm wide. The pits are not derived from lingual gland ducts but develop independently. Taste buds resembling those of other mammalian tongues can be found in young dolphins but are few in number and limited to the thin epithelium of the pit projections and to that of the side wall of the pits. They first appear in the late prenatal period but degenerate in the adult. A rich nerve supply is observable in the lamina propria below taste buds in the calf. The pits and their projections in the dolphin correspond to the vallate papillae of other mammals, but whether each projection or a whole pit corresponds to a single vallate papilla is undecided.  相似文献   

1,140 bp of the complete mitochondrial cytochrome- b gene sequences of baiji ( Lipotes vexillifer ), franciscana ( Pontoporia blainvillei ), and Ganges river dolphin ( Platanista gangetica gangetica ) were determined to address the systematic position and phylogeny of extant river dolphins with combination of homologous sequences of other cetaceans. The neighbor-joining (NJ), maximum parsimony (MP), and maximum likelihood (ML) phylogenetic analyses all identified the river dolphins into three lineages, i. e., Platanista, Lipotes , and Inia + Pontoporia . The Lipotes did not have sister relationship with either Platanista or Inia + Pontoporia , which strongly supported the referral of Lipotes to a separate family, i. e. , Lipotidae. There were very high sequence divergences between all river dolphin genera, suggesting a relatively longer period of separation time than those among other odontocete families.  相似文献   

江豚(Neophocaena asiaeorientalis)的消化器官 Ⅰ.舌、食管、胃   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
江豚是属于鼠海豚科(Phocoenidae)的一种小型齿鲸。我国沿海以及大的江河、湖泊中均有分布。1926年秉志曾报道过江豚某些消化器官的大体结构。以后Howell(1927)和Pilleri等(1972)也分别描述了其胃的构造,可是都缺少组织学的观察,对江豚的舌、肠和胰等的叙述极简短。此外,Arvy等(1972)、Yamasaki等(1976)和Komatsu等(1980)对江豚的舌进行过不同程度的研究。  相似文献   

It is well known that the classical river dolphins are not a natural group, but up to now the phylogenetic relationships among them are not very clear because different views have been referred from different studies. In the present study, we determined the complete nucleotide sequence of the mitochondrial (mt) genome of the baiji (Lipotes vexillifer), the most endangered cetacean species, and conducted phylogenetic analyses for the classical river dolphins based on data from cetacean mitochondrial genomes available. In our analyses, the classical river dolphins split into two separate lineages, Platanista and Lipotes+(Inia+Pontoporia), having no sister relationship with each other, and the Platanista lineage is always within the odontocete clade instead of having a closer affinity to Mysticeti. The position of the Platanista is more basal, suggesting separate divergence of this lineage well before the other one. The Lipotes has a sister relationship with Inia+pontoporia, and they together formed the sister group to the Delphinoidea. This result strongly supports paraphyly of the classical river dolphins, and the nonplatanistoid river dolphins do represent a monophyletic grouping, with the Lipotidae as the sister taxa to (Iniidae+Pontoporiidae), and is well congruent with the studies based on short interspersed repetitive elements (SINEs).  相似文献   

We report the first major histocompatibility complex (MHC) DQB1 sequences for the two species of pink river dolphins (Inia geoffrensis and Inia boliviensis) inhabiting the Amazon and Orinoco River basins. These sequences were found to be polymorphic within the Inia genus and showed shared homology with cetacean DQB-1 sequences, especially, those of the Monodontidae and Phocoenidae. On the other hand, these sequences were shown to be divergent from those described for other riverine dolphin species, such as Lipotes vexillifer, the Chinese river dolphin. Two main conclusions can be drawn from our results: 1) the Mhc DQB1 sequences seem to evolve more rapidly than other nuclear sequences in cetaceans, and 2) differential positive selective pressures acting on these genes cause concomitant divergent evolutionary histories that derive phylogenetic reconstructions that could be inconsistent with widely accepted intertaxa evolutionary relationships elucidated with other molecular markers subjected to a neutral dynamics.  相似文献   

中国裸子植物木材具缘纹孔构造类型的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
根据100种中国裸子植物木材(隶属4纲、8目、11科,42属)具缘纹孔构造的研究,提出8种不同具缘纹孔类型:1.苏铁型;2.南洋杉 A 型;3.南洋杉 B 型;4.落羽杉 A 型;5.落羽杉 B 型;6.松木 A 型;7.松木 B 型;8.买麻藤型。A 型是指纹孔室内瘤状层缺乏或罕见,B型则具明显的瘤状层。并对具缘纹孔在系统发育中的变化进行了讨论。  相似文献   

作者对采自长江的三头白鱀豚(Lipotes vexillifer Miller)的脑进行了解剖研究。白鱀豚的脑表现出典型的鲸脑特征。与海洋齿鲸类比较,淡水鲸科的种类普遍呈现出视觉系统的退化,这是一种生态适应的结果。从神经解剖学的观点看来,白鱀豚与亚马逊河海豚(Inia)、拉普拉塔河海豚(Pontoporia)的脑的结构是近似的,而与恒河海豚(Platanista)显著不同,这与骨骼形态上表现出的系统发育关系是一致的。    相似文献   

This study was carried out on a comprehensive collection of tongues of Pan troglodytes. Material of tongues of Tupaia glis, Microcebus murinus, Chirogaleus major, Lemur catta, Galago crassicaudatus, Cebus apella, and Macaca mulatta were used for comparison of the different stages of the development of the papilla foliata. The tongue of Pan exhibits longitudinal growth correlated with the growth of length of the jaws and individual age. A typical foramen caecum as it occurs in man was gross anatomically not recognizable. Seldom a small circular depression appeared in the midline close to the papilla circumvallata centralis which could be the remnant of the foramen caecum. There is a remarkable accumulation of papillae filiformes and fungiformes at the apex linguae; the same seems to be true for other genera of primates. It is self-explanatory that the accumulation of papillae makes the tip of the tongue a particularly sensitive area; this has been found to be true even in man. One specimen of the prenatal age just before term was studied. It exhibited remarkably elongated, thread-like papillae, their function is unknown as yet. They are no longer present in a newborn specimen of 4 d of age. In the aboral part of the dorsum linguae, a special kind of papillae occur; they are flat lobes which carry moderately elongated, tiny processes at their free margin. The function of these papillae is unknown; taste buds are absent.  相似文献   

The tongues of ten seagulls and six common buzzards were examined. In both species, papillae linguales caudales were shaped like a letter “V” between the corpus linguae and the radix linguae. From these papillae, the length of the laterally placed papillae was greater compared with others in both species. Two or three secondary papillae were detected on these papillae in the seagull. In scanning electron microscope (SEM) examinations, in the seagull, the apex linguae was composed of multilayered desquamated cells, while in the buzzard, scalelike simple projections on the surface of desquamated cells were observed. In the buzzard, glandula (gll). linguales, and gll. mandibulares caudales were seen, while in the seagull, gll. cricoarytenoideae and gll. mandibulares caudales were present. In the seagull, apex linguae were bifurcated, and there were desquamating multilayered cells, particularly at the apex linguae. The number and location of salivary gland orifices are specific to this species. The common buzzard had similarities to many characteristics of the long‐legged buzzard. An absence of long and curly threadlike projections at the two lateral sides of the corpus linguae and an excessive number of salivary gland orifices at the corpus linguae were the main differences from the long‐legged buzzard.  相似文献   

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