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郝闯  唐兵  唐晓峰 《生物资源》2019,(4):135-8136
嗜盐微生物是一类生长于高盐环境的微生物,在新型生物化工产业及生物修复领域具有突出的应用潜力。本文简要介绍了嗜盐微生物的种类、生理特性,着重阐述了嗜盐微生物产生的活性物质在工业生产上的应用价值和开发前景,总结了近年来国内外在嗜盐微生物工业应用上的研究进展,对嗜盐微生物的应用研究做了概括。  相似文献   

嗜盐菌耐盐机制相关基因的研究进展   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
嗜盐微生物能够在高盐环境中生存,其耐盐机制一直是微生物学家研究的热点。目前嗜盐微生物耐盐机制的研究主要集中在细胞吸K+排Na+作用、胞内积累小分子相容性溶质及嗜盐酶的氨基酸组成特性三个方面。文章从基因水平综述了嗜盐菌的耐盐机制,并对其在高盐废水处理上的应用进行讨论与展望。  相似文献   

高盐废水因具有硬度高、可生化性差、水质成分复杂等特点,是较难处理的工业废水之一。现有物化处理技术存在运行成本高、处理效率低、二次污染重等诸多瓶颈。耐盐/嗜盐微生物可在高盐环境下进行正常生理代谢,因此,开发经济、高效、可靠的高盐废水生物处理技术有望成为高盐废水处理的主流方向之一。本文系统综述了耐盐/嗜盐微生物盐溶、胞内小分子相容溶质积累、蛋白质稳定和细胞表面稳定等高渗透压适应策略。由于嗜盐微生物存在生长条件苛刻、功能微生物种类稀缺等问题,因此,耐盐微生物在高盐废水处理的未来应用空间更大。最新研究发现强化调控技术(电、光、磁)可提升微生物的高渗透压适应能力,其中电调控技术或是未来高盐废水生物处理的重点研究方向。  相似文献   

工业生物技术旨在利用微生物生化反应进行工业生产,以获得人们需要的各种化合物或燃料等产品。然而,由于现有的工业生物技术需要在生产过程中保持无菌,会消耗大量的能源和淡水资源,大大增加了成本。嗜盐微生物是一类可以在高盐环境下生长的微生物,其生长环境极端,可以有效避免生产过程中受到其他微生物的污染,是降低工业生物技术成本的可行之道。基于本课题组前期大量研究探索,总结了盐单胞菌合成生物学改造的前沿应用,期待对未来生物制造产生积极的影响。  相似文献   

中度嗜盐菌的研究进展   总被引:44,自引:7,他引:37  
地球上存在着多种多样的盐域环境,这类环境中有自然形成的,如死海,美国的大盐湖等水环境,还有盐土环境;人工形成的如盐场、盐池等;另外,还有很多盐腌制的食品。自然界的高盐环境由于形成过程和所处地质情况的不同其离子组成和盐浓度有很大差异。生活在这些高盐环境中的动、植物物种较为有限,而以处于不同类群的微生物,如绿藻、嗜盐古菌及嗜盐和耐盐的细菌等为主要生命形式。根据微生物对盐浓度的反应可分为不同的种(如表1[1])。  相似文献   

嗜盐古菌是一类生活于极端高盐环境的化能异养型原核微生物,其所分泌的胞外酶(外泌酶)具有在高盐条件下仍能保持活性的特点,在制革工业、高盐有机废水处理和泡菜加工等腌制食品方面发挥重要用途。本文对嗜盐古菌的胞外蛋白酶、淀粉酶、酯酶等几种常见胞外酶的来源和基本酶学性质的最新研究进展进行综述,为更好地开发利用嗜盐古菌胞外酶资源提供参考。  相似文献   

中度嗜盐菌在生物技术中的应用   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
生存于盐环境下的中度嗜盐菌在生物技术方面具有很多潜在的应用价值。其中,中度嗜盐菌在盐发酵食品加工业和食品添加剂中已经被广泛应用;由中度嗜盐菌分泌的胞外酶如淀粉酶、脂肪酶等能够在高盐环境下继续保持较高的活力;中度嗜盐菌细胞内积累的多种类相容性溶质也可以作为生物大分子稳定剂以及抗冻剂等;其它如其产生的生物表面活性剂、多聚糖类物质能够在石油回收和生物修复中进行应用等。  相似文献   

宏基因组学应用于耐盐酶类及耐盐基因研究的进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
耐盐酶在高盐浓度下仍具备催化活性和稳定性,在高盐食品和海产品加工、洗涤及其它高盐环境生物技术领域被广泛应用;耐盐基因在高盐条件下可以使微生物维持正常功能,获取并研究不同环境中的耐盐基因对揭示微生物的耐盐机制,以及实现其在高盐环境中的定向应用具有的重要意义。宏基因组学避开纯培养技术探知微生物的多样性及其功能,为我们提供了一种发现新基因、开发新的微生物活性物质和研究微生物群落结构及其功能的新技术。文中结合本课题组的研究工作,综述了利用宏基因组学获取耐盐酶类及耐盐基因的策略,同时着重介绍利用宏基因组学从海洋、土壤、胃肠道等环境中获取耐盐酶类及耐盐基因的研究。  相似文献   

由高盐环境中生长的微生物里分离出的嗜盐酶在高盐度下仍然具有催化活性,工业上具有良好的应用前景。一些嗜盐酶已被克隆纯化出来,它们的分子结构特点也已经被广泛研究。该文从嗜盐酶的蛋白质序列和结构特征等方面综述了嗜盐酶嗜盐的分子结构基础研究进展,分析了存在的问题并对未来工作提出了展望。研究嗜盐酶盐适应性的分子基础,可以为新的功能蛋白的发展和鉴定提供依据。  相似文献   

嗜盐古菌分类学研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
崔恒林 《微生物学通报》2016,43(5):1113-1122
嗜盐古菌是一类需要高盐维持生长的古菌。到目前为止,已发现的嗜盐古菌都属于古菌域的广古菌门,主要包括:嗜盐甲烷古菌类群、嗜盐古菌纲的全部成员以及尚不能培养的纳米嗜盐古菌类群。嗜盐古菌是盐环境的土著类群,驱动着盐环境生态系统的生物地球化学循环。作为极端微生物,嗜盐古菌在理论研究和应用领域具有重要的研究价值。本文从嗜盐古菌分类学地位的变迁、分类学方法、分类学研究现状及我国的嗜盐古菌分类学研究等方面综述了嗜盐古菌分类学的最新研究进展。  相似文献   

水平基因转移是不同于垂直基因转移的遗传物质的交流方式.在污染环境这一特异生态环境中,降解基因的水平转移有着独特的功能与作用.研究环境中污染物降解基因在微生物间的水平转移,更深入地了解微生物种群适应污染环境的机理,对于评价污染物的环境毒理、生物可降解性以及污染环境的可修复潜力具有重要参考价值.在污染物生物修复实践中,可以通过调控降解基因的水平转移,增强污染环境中微生物的降解能力,更有效地发挥生物修复作用.文章将对环境中细菌间基因交流的机制,污染物降解基因的水平转移对微生物适应污染环境的机理、水平基因转移对代谢途径的进化及其对污染物生物修复作用的影响等方面的研究进展做一综述.  相似文献   

Bioremediation has the potential to restore contaminated environments inexpensively yet effectively, but a lack of information about the factors controlling the growth and metabolism of microorganisms in polluted environments often limits its implementation. However, rapid advances in the understanding of bioremediation are on the horizon. Researchers now have the ability to culture microorganisms that are important in bioremediation and can evaluate their physiology using a combination of genome-enabled experimental and modelling techniques. In addition, new environmental genomic techniques offer the possibility for similar studies on as-yet-uncultured organisms. Combining models that can predict the activity of microorganisms that are involved in bioremediation with existing geochemical and hydrological models should transform bioremediation from a largely empirical practice into a science.  相似文献   

Treatment of soil with surfactants and chelating agents is used in bioremediation studies to desorb and solubilize contaminants to increase their bioavalability to microorganisms. In the same way that pollutants are made more bioavailable to microorganisms, the procedure can be used to remove potential interfering materials from soil prior to cell lysis and extraction of DNA from indigenous microorganisms. The effect of soil washing was evaluated by extracting DNA from sediments of an intertidal freshwater wetland contaminated with hydrocarbons and from highly contaminated marine sediments from Sydney Harbour, Nova Scotia, Canada. Sediment samples had total organic carbon (TOC) contents that varied between 0.2% and 13%. The chemical lysis technique was also examined by comparison of an ammonium acetate precipitation of proteins and humic acids with a hexadecyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) incubation and phenol:chloroform extraction. In this study, the incorporation of soil washing steps facilitated the desorption of contaminants from sediment surfaces and improved the recovery of DNA of amplifiable quality from both freshwater and marine sediments. CTAB contributed only slightly to the recovery of DNA of higher quality in the most contaminated sample from Sydney Harbour and was concomitant with a decrease in DNA yield in both sediment types. The incorporation of a soil washing step prior to the extraction of DNA from polluted environments may be important to solubilize and remove contaminants when high-quality DNA is required for subsequent analyses.  相似文献   

Genetically engineered microorganisms (GEMs) have shown potential for bioremediation applications in soil, groundwater, and activated sludge environments, exhibiting enhanced degradative capabilities encompassing a wide range of chemical contaminants. However, the vast majority of studies pertaining to genetically engineered microbial bioremediation are supported by laboratory-based experimental data. In general, relatively few examples of GEM applications in environmental ecosystems exist. Unfortunately, the only manner in which to fully address the competence of GEMs in bioremediation efforts is through long-term field release studies. It is therefore essential that field studies be performed to acquire the requisite information for determining the overall effectiveness and risks associated with GEM introduction into natural ecosystems.  相似文献   

Biodegradation of organic pollutants by halophilic bacteria and archaea   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Hypersaline environments are important for both surface extension and ecological significance. As all other ecosystems, they are impacted by pollution. However, little information is available on the biodegradation of organic pollutants by halophilic microorganisms in such environments. In addition, it is estimated that 5% of industrial effluents are saline and hypersaline. Conventional nonextremophilic microorganisms are unable to efficiently perform the removal of organic pollutants at high salt concentrations. Halophilic microorganisms are metabolically different and are adapted to extreme salinity; these microorganisms are good candidates for the bioremediation of hypersaline environments and treatment of saline effluents. This literature survey indicates that both the moderately halophilic bacteria and the extremely halophilic archaea have a broader catabolic versatility and capability than previously thought. A diversity of contaminating compounds is susceptible to be degraded by halotolerant and halophile bacteria. Nevertheless, significant research efforts are still necessary in order to estimate the true potential of these microorganisms to be applied in environmental processes and in the remediation of contaminated hypersaline ecosystems. This effort should be also focused on basic research to understand the overall degradation mechanism, to identify the enzymes involved in the degradation process and the metabolism regulation.  相似文献   

海洋石油污染物的微生物降解与生物修复   总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28  
石油是海洋环境的主要污染物 ,已经对海洋及近岸环境造成了严重的危害。微生物降解是海洋石油污染去除的主要途径。海洋石油污染物的微生物降解受石油组分与理化性质、环境条件以及微生物群落组成等多方面因素的制约 ,N和P营养的缺乏是海洋石油污染物生物降解的主要限制因子。在生物降解研究基础上发展起来的生物修复技术在海洋石油污染治理中发展潜力巨大 ,并且取得了一系列成果。介绍了海洋中石油污染物的来源、转化过程、降解机理、影响生物降解因素及生物修复技术等方面内容 ,强调了生物修复技术在治理海洋石油污染环境中的优势和重要性 ,指出目前生物修复技术存在的问题。  相似文献   

Bioremediation is a spontaneous or controlled process in which biological, mainly microbiological, methods are used to degrade or transform contaminants to non or less toxic products, reducing the environmental pollution. The most important parameters to define a contaminated site are: biodegradability, contaminant distribution, lixiviation grade, chemical reactivity of the contaminants, soil type and properties, oxygen availability and occurrence of inhibitory substances. Biological treatments of organic contaminations are based on the degradative abilities of the microorganisms. Therefore the knowledge on the physiology and ecology of the biological species or consortia involved as well as the characteristics of the polluted sites are decisive factors to select an adequate biorremediation protocol. Basidiomycetes which cause white rot decay of wood are able to degrade lignin and a variety of environmentally persistent pollutants. Thus, white rot fungi and their enzymes are thought to be useful not only in some industrial process like biopulping and biobleaching but also in bioremediation. This paper provides a review of different aspects of bioremediation technologies and recent advances on ligninolytic metabolism research.  相似文献   

Biodegradation and bioremediation of hydrocarbons in extreme environments   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
Many hydrocarbon-contaminated environments are characterized by low or elevated temperatures, acidic or alkaline pH, high salt concentrations, or high pressure, Hydrocarbon-degrading microorganisms, adapted to grow and thrive in these environments, play an important role in the biological treatment of polluted extreme habitats. The biodegradation (transformation or mineralization) of a wide range of hydrocarbons, including aliphatic, aromatic, halogenated and nitrated compounds, has been shown to occur in various extreme habitats. The biodegradation of many components of petroleum hydrocarbons has been reported in a variety of terrestrial and marine cold ecosystems. Cold-adapted hydrocarbon degraders are also useful for wastewater treatment. The use of thermophiles for biodegradation of hydrocarbons with low water solubility is of interest, as solubility and thus bioavailability, are enhanced at elevated temperatures. Thermophiles, predominantly bacilli, possess a substantial potential for the degradation of environmental pollutants, including all major classes. Indigenous thermophilic hydrocarbon degraders are of special significance for the bioremediation of oil-polluted desert soil. Some studies have investigated composting as a bioremediation process. Hydrocarbon biodegradation in the presence of high salt concentrations is of interest for the bioremediation of oil-polluted salt marshes and industrial wastewaters, contaminated with aromatic hydrocarbons or with chlorinated hydrocarbons. Our knowledge of the biodegradation potential of acidophilic, alkaliphilic, or barophilic microorganisms is limited.  相似文献   

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