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土壤养分的空间异质性在自然界普遍存在, 而克隆植物被认为能很好地适应和利用土壤养分异质性。尽管尺度和对比度是异质性的两个重要属性, 但有关土壤养分异质性的尺度和对比度及其交互作用对克隆植物生长和分株分布格局影响的研究仍比较缺乏。在一个温室实验中, 根状茎型草本克隆植物扁秆荆三棱(Bolboschoenus planiculmis) (异名扁秆藨草(Scirpus planiculumis))被种植在由高养分斑块和低养分斑块组成的异质性环境中。实验为两种尺度处理(大斑块和小斑块)和两种对比度处理(高对比度和低对比度)交叉组成的4种处理组合。在每个处理中, 高养分和低养分斑块的总面积相同; 在所有4种处理中, 土壤养分的总量也完全相同。无论在整个克隆(植株)水平, 还是在斑块水平, 尺度、对比度及其交互作用对扁秆荆三棱的生物量、分株数、根状茎长和块茎数的影响均不显著。然而, 在斑块水平, 扁秆荆三棱在高养分斑块中的生物量、分株数、根状茎长和块茎数均显著高于低养分斑块, 而在高养分斑块中相邻分株间的距离(间隔物长)小于低养分斑块, 并且这种效应均不依赖于斑块尺度的大小和对比度的高低。因此, 在土壤养分异质性环境中, 扁秆荆三棱可以通过缩短间隔物长, 并可能通过提高根状茎的分枝强度, 把较多的分株和潜在分株放置在养分条件好的斑块中。这种响应格局体现出克隆植物的觅食行为, 有利于整个克隆对异质性资源的吸收和利用。然而, 该实验中的尺度和对比度对扁秆荆三棱分株的放置格局均没有显著效应。作者推测, 在一个更大的斑块尺度和(或)对比度范围内, 扁秆荆三棱对土壤养分异质性的响应可能不同。因此, 下一步的研究应涉及更广泛的尺度和对比度。  相似文献   

在深度遮光 (光照强度为高光条件的 6 .2 5% ,约为自然光照的 5.3% )或低养分条件下 ,金戴戴 (HalerpestesruthenicaOvcz.)生物量、初级分株叶面积、分株总数、匍匐茎总数和总长度均显著减小 ,而比节间长和比叶柄长显著增加。在低养分条件下 ,金戴戴匍匐茎平均节间长显著增加 ,而匍匐茎分枝强度和分株数显著减小。这些结果与克隆植物觅食模型相符合 ,表明当生长于异质性生境中 ,金戴戴可能通过以克隆生长和克隆形态的可塑性实现的觅养行为来增加对养分资源的摄取。在深度遮光条件下 ,金戴戴平均间隔子长度 (即平均节间长和平均叶柄长 )均显著减小。这一结果与以往实验中匍匐茎草本间隔子对中度和轻度遮光 (光照强度为高光条件的 1 3%~ 75% ,>1 0 %的自然光照 )的反应不同。这表明 ,在深度遮光条件下匍匐茎克隆植物可能不发生通过间隔子可塑性实现的觅光行为。光照强度和基质养分条件的交互作用对许多性状如总生物量、匍匐茎总数和总长度、二级和三级分株数、分株总数、初级分株叶面积以及分枝强度均有十分显著的效应。在高光条件下 ,基质养分对这些性状有十分显著的影响 ;而在低光条件下 ,基质养分条件对这些性状不产生影响或影响较小。这表明 ,光照强度影响金戴戴对基质养分的可塑性反应。在深度遮光  相似文献   

在深度遮光(光照强度为高光条件的6.25%,约为自然光照的5.3%)或低养分条件下,金戴戴(Halerpestes ruthenica Ovcz.)生物量、初级分株叶面积、分株总数、匍匐茎总数和总长度均显著减小,而比节间长和比叶柄长显著增加.在低养分条件下,金戴戴匍匐茎平均节间长显著增加,而匍匐茎分枝强度和分株数显著减小.这些结果与克隆植物觅食模型相符合,表明当生长于异质性生境中,金戴戴可能通过以克隆生长和克隆形态的可塑性实现的觅养行为来增加对养分资源的摄取.在深度遮光条件下,金戴戴平均间隔子长度(即平均节间长和平均叶柄长)均显著减小.这一结果与以往实验中匍匐茎草本间隔子对中度和轻度遮光(光照强度为高光条件的13%~75%,>10%的自然光照)的反应不同.这表明,在深度遮光条件下匍匐茎克隆植物可能不发生通过间隔子可塑性实现的觅光行为.光照强度和基质养分条件的交互作用对许多性状如总生物量、匍匐茎总数和总长度、二级和三级分株数、分株总数、初级分株叶面积以及分枝强度均有十分显著的效应.在高光条件下,基质养分对这些性状有十分显著的影响;而在低光条件下,基质养分条件对这些性状不产生影响或影响较小.这表明,光照强度影响金戴戴对基质养分的可塑性反应.在深度遮光或低养分条件下,金戴戴可能通过减小匍匐茎节间粗度(增加比节间长)来增加或维持其相对长度,从而更有机会逃离资源丰度低的斑块.  相似文献   

克隆植物蛇莓对光照强度和养分条件的适应性可塑性 表型可塑性可帮助植物缓冲环境压力并使其表型与当地环境相匹配,但目前仅少数性状的可塑性被广泛认为是适应性的。为充分理解可塑性的适应性意义,仍需进一步研究更多的植物功能性状及其环境因子。本研究将匍匐茎克隆植物蛇莓(Duchesnea indica)的21个基因型种植于不同的光照和养分条件下,并利用选择梯度分析检测了形态和生理可塑性对光照强度和养分有效性变化的适应性值。在遮荫条件下,蛇莓适合度(果实数、分株数和生物量)降低,节间缩短变细,成熟叶叶绿素含量降低,但叶柄长度、比叶面积、老叶叶绿素含量均增加。在低养分条件下,植株叶柄缩短,叶面积缩小变厚,叶绿素含量降低,但果实数量和根冠比增加。选择梯度分析表明,叶柄长度和老叶叶绿素含量对光照变化的可塑性是适应性的,老叶和成熟叶叶绿素含量对养分变化的可塑性也是适应性的。因此,不同性状的可塑性适应值取决于特定的生态背景。该研究的发现有助于理解克隆植物表型可塑性响应环境变化的适应性意义。  相似文献   

荆三棱在多等级基质异质性与水淹处理下的克隆表现 环境异质性可以影响克隆水生植物的表现。鲜有研究者关注两个层次的环境异质性并将其融入 对克隆植物生态学的研究中。本研究的目的是: (1)检验不同基质异质性与水淹处理是否对植物表现产生相 似效应,(2)探索克隆植物的觅食行为。本研究将荆三棱(Scirpus yagara)置于不同基质异质性与水淹处理之中。基质处理包括1个均质性基质处理(湖泥与沙等体积混合)与3个异质性基质处理(湖泥斑块与沙斑块交错构建的两斑块、四斑块与八斑块基质)。水淹处理包括:0、10和30 cm。本实验测量了克隆分株数、克隆代数、叶数、球茎数、克隆分株高度、茎长、根状茎长、克隆半径、间隔子长、间隔子厚度、总生物量、球茎生物量与单个球茎生物量等性状数据。研究结果表明,水位上升导致克隆分株数、克隆代数、叶数和球茎数显著减少,同时基质异质性造成间隔子长度与间隔子厚度的显著变化。水位与基质异质性两因子对克隆分株数、叶数和间隔子长度产生了显著的交互效应。在两斑块基质与四斑块基质中,荆三棱对湖泥斑块表现出显著的觅食行为,更多的构件被放置于湖泥斑块中。尤其在两斑块基质中,所有的构件被放置于湖泥斑块中。在八斑块基质中,荆三棱表现出双向觅食,这导致构件在不同斑块中的均匀放置。研究结果表明,荆三棱的觅食行为与斑块大小具有相关性。  相似文献   

以莫莫格国家级自然保护区常见植物三江藨草(Scirpus nipponicus)为研究对象,设置低(5 cm)、中(35 cm)、高(65 cm) 3个水位和低(4 mmol·L-1)、中(8 mmol·L-1)、高(12mmol·L-1) 3个氮浓度交互的室内控制实验,探究不同水位和氮浓度对湿地植物三江藨草幼苗生长及生物量分配的影响。结果表明:水位对三江藨草幼苗生长、生物量及其分配均产生显著影响(P<0.05),随着水位的升高,三江藨草株高增加,分株数、球茎数及根生物量降低,根茎、球茎、地下、地上和总生物量均呈先增加后降低的趋势;植株地上生物量分配增加,地下(包括根和球茎)生物量分配降低;氮浓度仅对植株株高、球茎数以及地下与地上部分的生物量分配有显著影响(P<0.05),对分株数及生物量的累积均无显著影响(P>0.05);综合三江藨草幼苗的生长特征和生物量累积,认为其生长的最适宜水位为35 cm;且低水位有利于植株对氮的吸收,高水位和高氮浓度限制植株的生长。  相似文献   

克隆植物大米草 (Spartina anglica) 目前在我国出现了严重的自然衰退 (Dieback),为了阐明大米草衰退的机理,分析影响大米草形态可塑性的因素与自然衰退之间的相关性,以期为近缘植物互花米草 (S. alterniflora) 这一爆发种群的生物控制提供借鉴,对3种不同初始克隆分株数 (单克隆、三克隆和五克隆) 大米草的克隆生长、生物量累积与分配和异速生长特征进行了野外栽培试验。研究结果表明,初始克隆分株数对间隔子长度影响较弱;初始多克隆的分支强度高于初始单克隆;初始三克隆和五克隆在总生物量 (7.921 5~10.431 7 g 和 8.903 9~10.431 7 g)、地上生物量 (3.396 1~4.255 8 g 和3.618 4~4.338 9 g)、地下生物量 (4.286 9~5.206 6 g 和 5.298 8~6.079 3 g)和根状茎生物量 (1.318 6~1.767 7 g 和 1.499 1~2.038 7 g) 积累上均显著高于初始单克隆,不同初始克隆分株数条件下根生物量差异不显著;初始多克隆倾向于将资源更多地分配给根状茎,而初始单克隆倾向于将更多的资源分配给根系。由此推断,在不同初始克隆分株数条件下,大米草的形态可塑性和生物量分配格局的差异显示出在同样资源格局下,初始多克隆的克隆生殖能力较初始单克隆强。初始多克隆生长的大米草较初始单克隆生长的大米草更能占据优势生境,选择生境“觅养”的能力与克隆繁殖能力更强。  相似文献   

通过不同蝴蝶花(Iris japonica)起始源株密度的控制实验, 探讨源株对克隆植物蝴蝶花克隆繁殖、生长和生物量分配的影响。结果表明: 1)克隆数量特征: 1个起始源株处理(O)蝴蝶花新分株数显著高于2个起始源株(T)及4个起始源株处理(F), 而新分株死亡率显著低于后二者; 随着起始源株数增加(竞争增强), 一级与二级子株数显著降低。随着源株竞争增强, 克隆细根茎与根的长度、表面积、体积与根(茎)长密度逐渐降低。2)叶片特征: 随着源株竞争增强, 母株重度枯萎与总枯萎叶片数显著增加, 子株中度枯萎、重度枯萎与总枯萎叶片数显著增加; 源株竞争增强, 源株叶面积、源株与子株叶片数显著降低, 而源株叶面积比(leaf area ratio, LAR)显著增加。3)生物量及分配: 随着源株竞争增强, 细根茎、粗根茎、克隆繁殖、地上部分、地下部分及总生物量显著降低, 细根茎与地下部分分配降低, 母株粗根茎分配与地上部分分配显著增加。总的看来, 随着蝴蝶花源株竞争增强, 植株叶片生长状况受到更大的影响, 植株生长受限, 克隆繁殖减弱, 而其通过增加LAR, 提高叶片效率与增加母株粗根茎分配, 降低生长强度与消耗, 储备资源, 以待来年的生长与繁殖。  相似文献   

为了解光照对海南龙血树(Dracaena cambodiana)幼苗生长的影响,研究了不同光照环境下海南龙血树幼苗形态、生理特性和生物量分配的变化,并分析了其生态适应性。结果表明,海南龙血树幼苗的形态、生理和生物量分配指标在不同光照强度间存在显著差异,各指标的可塑性指数为0.08~0.86,其中根茎叶及总生物量的可塑性指数普遍较高(0.67~0.86),表明海南龙血树幼苗有较好的光照适应性,其策略主要是通过调整根茎叶生物量的分配来适应光照的变化。随着光照强度的降低,海南龙血树幼苗的比叶面积、叶根比呈现显著增大趋势,表明幼苗可通过增加单株叶面积比例,扩大光合作用面积,有效调节自身生物量配置。37.3%自然光照(L2)是海南龙血树幼苗生长的最佳光照强度。现存海南龙血树生境改变,生境缺少林荫以致光照强度过大,不利于幼苗根系生长,难以度过干旱季节,可能是海南龙血树自然更新失败的重要原因之一。  相似文献   

通过温室控制试验,分析不同光强及光强对比度处理下克隆植物大米草生长性状的差异,研究同质异质光强条件下克隆整合对大米草响应遮阴能力的修饰作用.结果表明: 在同质条件下,大米草在无遮阴(高光强:温室内自然光照强度)条件下的生物量显著大于中度遮阴(中光强:光照强度为高光强的70%)和深度遮阴(低光强:光照强度为高光强的30%).在低对比度异质性光强条件下(分株对的一个分株不遮阴,另一个分株中度遮阴),大米草遮阴分株的叶片数、根长和生物量均显著高于同质中度遮阴处理,而无遮阴分株各生长指标与同质无遮阴处理相比均无显著差异.因此,在低对比度异质性光强下,大米草受体(遮阴)分株通过克隆整合显著受益;同时,对供体(非遮阴)分株没有显著的耗损.然而,在高对比度处理下(分株对的一个分株不遮阴,另一个分株深度遮阴),克隆整合对受体(遮阴)分株的效应不显著.大米草的克隆整合并不随着光强对比度的增加而增加.在自然生境中度遮阴情况下,克隆整合可以提高大米草的生长和克隆繁殖能力,但在深度遮阴情况下,克隆整合对大米草适应性的作用可能很小.  相似文献   

Life history trade-offs among clonal growth, storage, and sexual reproduction were investigated in the perennial grass Amphibromus scabrivalvis in relation to soil nutrients. This species exhibits clonal growth by producing rhizomes and stores reserves in the form of basal corms; seeds are matured in cleistogamous spikelets on panicles enclosed within the leaf sheaths along each culm. Ten seed-derived genotypes (clones) were separated into 72 ramets and planted in the greenhouse. Control ramets received only water while the remainder received fertilizer applied every 2 wk. Twenty-four ramets were harvested per clone at 11, 20, and 26 wk. The dry mass of corms, rhizomes, roots, shoots, and seeds were recorded. Biomass partitioning to rhizomes provided a measure of carbon allocation to clonal growth, partitioning to corms provided a measure of allocation to storage, and partitioning to seeds provided a measure of allocation to sexual reproduction. Allocation to most organs was significantly influenced by clone identity; fertilizer significantly increased allocation to corms and seeds at 20 wk, but never affected rhizome allocation at any age. Corm allocation increased from 2% at 11 wk to 27% at 26 wk; rhizome allocation decreased from 10% at 11 wk to 3% at 26 wk. Significant negative relationships were detected for rhizome vs. seed and corm vs. rhizome allocation in fertilized clones at 20 wk. This suggests an age-dependent physiological life history trade-off between clonality and sexual reproduction and between clonality and storage. In contrast, a significant positive relationship was consistently noted for corm vs. seed allocation in fertilized and unfertilized clones at 20 and 26 wk. The absence of a trade-off between storage and sexual reproduction may indicate that these two processes are not necessarily mutually exclusive components of life history.  相似文献   

The evolution of clonal growth is a widespread phenomenon among plant species, characterized by the production of genetically identical clonal fragments (ramets) via rhizomes or stolons that form an interconnected clonal organism (genet). Clonal plant species are known to differ in their investment into ramet production, and exhibit considerable variation in ramet morphology both within and among species. While patterns of resource allocation are thought to be linked to a number of plant characteristics, many analyses are limited by uncertainty in how clonal plants determine the morphology and resources allocated to new ramets. In this study, we attempted to discern what aspects of parent ramets best predicted resource allocation to new daughter ramets, and the relationship between resource allocation and daughter ramet rhizome morphology. We grew two sedge species, Schoenoplectus tabernaemontani and Eleocharis elliptica, in a greenhouse under two levels of fertilizer addition. By harvesting daughter ramets that had initiated stem production, yet remained aphotosynthetic, we were able to isolate parental investment into non-independent daughter ramets at a point where daughter ramet spacer length became fixed. Our results indicate that parent ramets allocated a non-linear proportion of parent rhizome biomass to the production of daughter ramets. Moreover, this relationship was unaffected by environmental nutrient availability. Daughter ramet biomass, in turn, was strongly correlated with daughter ramet spacer length. These observations shed light on key processes governing clonal growth in plants, and their potential application in unifying allocational and morphological perspectives to explore the fitness implications of variability in clonal growth.  相似文献   

 羊柴(Hedysarum laeve)是豆科多年生半灌木,在自然条件下可以同时进行有性繁殖和克隆繁殖。该文在野外条件下研究了不同水平的水分和养 分处理对羊柴种群的繁殖权衡的影响。结果表明,与对照相比,增加一定量的水分处理显著减少了花和荚果的生物量;显著增加了克隆分株枝 的生物量,显著减少了分株根茎的生物量, 但没有影响其它部分的生物量。增加一定量的水分会抑制有性繁殖,改变生物量对克隆繁殖分株各 部分的分配比例。与对照相比,增加一定量的养分能够促进有性繁殖,抑制克隆繁殖。  相似文献   

René Verburg  Danny Grava 《Oecologia》1998,115(4):472-477
We compared the patterns of allocation to reproduction among seed-derived and clonal offspring of a woodland pseudo-annual. Pseudo-annuals are clonal plants which survive the winter only as seeds and hibernacles produced by the rhizome system. Previous studies indicate that flowering is related to the size of these hibernacles. Since seedlings do not have a hibernacle, we did not expect that these plants would reproduce sexually. Assuming a trade-off between sexual and asexual reproduction, and assuming a linear relationship between vegetative plant weight and weight of all reproductive structures (i.e., rhizomes, hibernacles, inflorescences, and seeds), we expected that seed-derived plants would have a stronger biomass allocation to rhizomes and hibernacles. Since resource supply affects plant size, and thus hibernacle and seed production, we also subjected the plants to different levels of shade. At the start of the experiment seed-derived and clonal offspring hardly differed in total fresh weight. At the final harvest in September seed-derived and clonal offspring did not differ in vegetative plant weight (i.e., leaves, stems, and roots). Only light availability significantly affected these plant structures. As predicted, seed-derived plants did not flower in either of the light treatments. Seed-derived plants allocated more biomass to rhizomes and hibernacles, but this was only significant in the highest-light treatment. This result was due only to an increase in the number of hibernacles. Dry weight of single hibernacles was not affected by plant type. The ecological implications of this allocation pattern are discussed. Received: 2 October 1997 / Accepted: 8 March 1998  相似文献   

Ming Dong  Bao Alaten 《Plant Ecology》1999,141(1-2):53-58
In a field experiment, Psammochloa villosa plants were subjected to rhizome severing. Severing rhizomes reduced growth in the young, detached rhizome segments compared to the controls in terms of all measured clonal growth-related characters, i.e. number of rhizomes and shoots, total rhizome length and total number of rhizome nodes. In a container experiment, the control ramets received uniform water and nutrient supply but in heterogeneous treatments high and low levels of water and nutrient supply, respectively were established. The number of ramets, total rhizome length, dry weight per ramet and biomass allocation to the rhizome had higher values at high water and nutrient supply, while spacer length (length of rhizome between shoots) and rhizome internode length were not affected. The local response of ramets given low water supply was enhanced due to connection to a well watered parent ramet in terms of number of ramets, total rhizome length and dry weight per ramet. A remote effect was not observed in the other treatments or in the other measured characters.  相似文献   

The effects of light intensity and nutrient availability on the biomass allocation of Calamagrostis canadensis were studied under both greenhouse and field conditions In the greenhouse, seedlings from forest and wetland populations were grown in sand-peat mixtures, under three light intensities and three fertilizer levels Total above and below ground growth increased with light intensity and nutrient availability, nutrient availability, however, only altered plant growth when light intensity was above moderate levels Numbers of rhizomes were greatest under low and moderate nutrient regimes but high light was also needed for maximum numbers of rhizomes In the field, tillers and rhizomes were examined under open, 40% and 85% canopy cover Tiller and rhizome weight and diameter of rhizomes decreased with canopy closure However, proportional allocation of biomass to rhizomes was greatest and percentage total non-structural carbohydrates of rhizomes was lowest under a 40% canopy  相似文献   

The rhizomatous sedge Carex brevicuspis can produce clumping ramets from shortened rhizomes (phalanx) and spreading ramets from elongated rhizomes (guerrilla) to form a combined clonal growth form. In this paper, changes in clonal growth and biomass allocation pattern of C. brevicuspis in response to sedimentation were studied. Four sedimentation depths (0, 3, 6, and 9 cm) were applied to 48 ramets in a randomized block design. Plants were harvested after 20 weeks. With increasing sedimentation depth, the proportion of spreading ramets to total ramets increased from 19.6% in 0 cm to 92.9% in 9 cm sedimentation treatments, whereas that of clumping ramets decreased from 80.4% to 7.1%, indicating a change of clonal growth form from phalanx to guerrilla as a response to sedimentation. With increasing sedimentation depth, biomass allocation to shoots and roots did not change, but rhizome mass ratio increased from 2.7% in 0 cm to 7.2% in 9 cm sedimentation treatments, suggesting that production of long rhizomes changes biomass allocation pattern. The results show that plasticity of clonal growth forms, by which more spreading ramets are produced, is an effective strategy to avoid sedimentation stress under our experimental conditions.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article was to study the trade-offs among vegetative growth, clonal, and sexual reproduction in an aquatic invasive weed Spartina alterniflora that experienced different inundation depths and clonal integration. Here, the rhizome connections between mother and daughter ramets were either severed or left intact. Subsequently, these clones were flooded with water levels of 0, 9, and 18 cm above the soil surface. Severing rhizomes decreased growth and clonal reproduction of daughter ramets, and increased those of mother ramets grown in shallow and deep water. The daughter ramets disconnected from mother ramets did not flower, while sexual reproduction of mother ramets was not affected by severing. Clonal integration only benefited the total rhizome length, rhizome biomass, and number of rhizomes of the whole clones in non-inundation conditions. Furthermore, growth and clonal reproduction of mother, daughter ramets, and the whole clone decreased with inundation depth, whereas sexual reproduction of mother ramets and the whole clones increased. We concluded that the trade-offs among growth, clonal, and sexual reproduction of S. alterniflora would be affected by inundation depth, but not by clonal integration.  相似文献   

Qing  Liu  Yunxiang  Li  Zhangcheng  Zhong 《Plant Ecology》2004,173(1):107-113
The effects of moisture availability on clonal growth and biomass investment in the bamboo Pleioblastus maculata were investigated over a four-year period by transplanting Pleioblastus maculata clones into soils with different levels of moisture availability in the field. The results showed that: (1) The higher the moisture availability, the greater the total biomass of P. maculata clones. Although fewer culms are produced at the higher moisture levels, mean tiller biomass is greater. (2) Under different levels of moisture availability, obvious differences in the total rhizome length (p < 0.01), spacer length (p < 0.05) and the sizes of bamboo culms (height, p < 0.01; diameter, p < 0.01) were observed. Thus, the higher the moisture availability, the shorter the rhizomes and the larger ramets. (3) In microhabitats with low moisture availability, bamboo allocated more biomass to underground organs, which promotes elongation of rhizomes and increases root production, thereby helping to capture underground resources essential to growth. In microhabitats of high moisture availability, the biomass is primarily allocated to the aboveground growth of ramets. (4) We suggest that soil moisture availability effects the foraging strategies of bamboo, that bamboo plants growing with low moisture availability produce longer rhizomes (that is, more, although shorter, spacers) with more biomass allocation than plants in high moisture and have a better ability to forage to increase the probability of locating adequate moisture patches. Also, longer length distance between shoots (that is, longer spacers) in high soil moisture than in low is adapted to avoid intense competition from faster growing aboveground growth in high moisture patches.  相似文献   

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