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中国草地样带贯穿我国主要草原区域,具有规律性的草地类型转换和气候条件变化,探究其不同功能群植物氮磷含量随水热因子(温度和降水)的变化规律,对于揭示区域植物N、P元素特征对气候变化的响应机制具有重要意义。本文以中国草地样带为平台,共设置132个样地,采集329份植物叶片样品,基于生态化学计量学理论,对中国草地样带青藏高原高寒区域和内蒙古温性草原区域植物群落功能群组成(豆科、禾本科、莎草科、杂类草)进行N、P元素组分分析,揭示青藏高原高寒区域和内蒙古温性草原区域植物N、P元素含量随温度和降水的变化规律。结果显示:1)青藏高原高寒区域的植物N、P元素含量显著高于内蒙古温性草原区域;2)豆科植物N、P元素含量最高,禾草类植物N、P元素含量最低;3)总体上,随年降水量和年均温度变化,不同功能群中仅杂类草与莎草科植物叶片N、P元素含量变化显著。研究表明,物种组成会影响到草地植被N、P元素生态化学计量学特征,不同功能群植物N、P元素含量对温度和降水变化的响应不同,杂类草和莎草科植物元素含量对中国草地样带植物整体水平N、P元素含量随水热因子的变化规律有重要贡献。  相似文献   

为了探明氮(N)限制的植物群落中物种水平和功能群水平的碳(C)、N、磷(P)含量以及C:N:P对P添加的响应是否一致,明确P添加对群落物种构成改变的内在机制。以青藏高原高寒草甸为研究对象, 通过P添加试验, 研究了功能群水平和物种水平生态化学计量比对P添加的响应, 以及P添加对物种水平的优势度和功能群水平生物量的影响。结果表明: 在青藏高原高寒草甸连续5年添加P显著改变了植物的C、N、P含量以及C:N:P, 且在物种水平和功能群水平(不含典型物种)的响应规律基本一致。在禾本科、莎草科和杂类草功能群(不含典型物种)和相应物种水平上P添加对C含量影响不显著。P添加显著增加了禾本科、莎草科、豆科和杂类草4个功能群(不含典型物种)和相应物种水平的植物P含量, 降低了C:P和N:P。禾本科和莎草科的N含量和C:N对P添加在物种水平和功能群水平上(不含典型物种)的响应规律一致, 表现为N含量显著降低, C:N显著增加; P添加使豆科物种水平上N含量显著增加而C:N显著降低, 但在功能群水平上(不含典型物种)无显著作用; 杂类草的N含量和C:N对P添加在物种水平和功能群水平上(不含典型物种)的响应规律均不一致。在N限制的生境中添加P, 禾本科物种在群落中逐渐占据优势跟其增高的N、P利用效率相关, 而杂类草由于逐渐降低的N和P利用效率使其生物量在群落中所占的比重逐渐下降。  相似文献   

为了探明氮(N)限制的植物群落中物种水平和功能群水平的碳(C)、N、磷(P)含量以及C:N:P对P添加的响应是否一致,明确P添加对群落物种构成改变的内在机制。以青藏高原高寒草甸为研究对象, 通过P添加试验, 研究了功能群水平和物种水平生态化学计量比对P添加的响应, 以及P添加对物种水平的优势度和功能群水平生物量的影响。结果表明: 在青藏高原高寒草甸连续5年添加P显著改变了植物的C、N、P含量以及C:N:P, 且在物种水平和功能群水平(不含典型物种)的响应规律基本一致。在禾本科、莎草科和杂类草功能群(不含典型物种)和相应物种水平上P添加对C含量影响不显著。P添加显著增加了禾本科、莎草科、豆科和杂类草4个功能群(不含典型物种)和相应物种水平的植物P含量, 降低了C:P和N:P。禾本科和莎草科的N含量和C:N对P添加在物种水平和功能群水平上(不含典型物种)的响应规律一致, 表现为N含量显著降低, C:N显著增加; P添加使豆科物种水平上N含量显著增加而C:N显著降低, 但在功能群水平上(不含典型物种)无显著作用; 杂类草的N含量和C:N对P添加在物种水平和功能群水平上(不含典型物种)的响应规律均不一致。在N限制的生境中添加P, 禾本科物种在群落中逐渐占据优势跟其增高的N、P利用效率相关, 而杂类草由于逐渐降低的N和P利用效率使其生物量在群落中所占的比重逐渐下降。  相似文献   

受气候暖干化和旅游干扰等因素影响,滇西北高寒草甸出现了明显的退化趋势。为探究滇西北高寒草甸退化过程中植物地上形态和生产力的变化规律,在香格里拉市依据游径宽度确定了3个草甸退化梯度:一级退化(R1),二级退化(R2)和对照(CK),并于2018年7月进行野外调查,获取禾本科、莎草科和杂类草3个功能群植物的株高、开展度、叶长、叶宽、叶片长宽比等地上形态指标及植株地上生物量数据,构建各功能群植物生存状态指数(Vegetation living state, VLS)。结果表明:1)禾本科植物的植株高度、植株开展度、叶片长度和叶片长宽比随退化程度增加而减小。莎草科植物的植株高度、叶片长度和叶片长宽比随退化程度增加而减小。杂类草植物的所有的地上形态指标均随退化程度增加而减小;2)随退化程度增加,3个功能群植物的地上生物量均显著下降(P0.05);3)随退化程度增加,禾本科、莎草科和杂类草植物的VLS均减小。退化梯度上3个功能群植物的VLS排序也发生了变化:CK样地中植物VLS的排序为杂类草莎草科禾本科;R1和R2样地中,莎草科植物的VLS显著高于禾本科和杂类草,但禾本科和杂类草植物之间的VLS没有显著差异;4)草甸植物VLS与植物地上生物量之间的线性回归关系随退化程度增加而减弱。研究表明不同功能群植物地上形态的差异性变化可能增加滇西北退化高寒草甸植物生产力预测的不确定性。  相似文献   

植物生态化学计量特征及其主要假说   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
植物生态化学计量学是生态化学计量学的重要分支, 主要研究植物器官元素含量的计量特征, 以及它们与环境因子、生态系统功能之间的关系。19世纪, 化学家们通过室内实验, 分析了植物器官的元素含量, 开始了对植物化学元素之间关系的探索。如今, 生态学家通过野外采样和控制实验, 探索植物化学元素计量特征的变化规律、对全球变化的响应以及与植物功能属性之间的关系, 促进了植物生态化学计量学的快速发展。该文在概述植物生态化学计量学发展简史的基础上, 综述了19世纪以来该领域的研究进展。首先, 该文将植物生态化学计量学的发展历程概括为思想萌芽期、假说奠基期和理论构建期3个时期, 对各个时期的主要研究进行了简要回顾和梳理。第二, 概述了植物主要器官的化学计量特征, 尤其是陆生植物叶片氮(N)和磷(P)的计量特征。总体上, 全球陆生植物叶片N、P含量和N:P (质量比)的几何平均值分别为18.74 mg∙g-1、1.21 mg∙g-1和15.55 (与16:1的Redfield比一致); 在物种或群落水平上, 叶片N和P含量一般呈现随温度升高、降水增加而降低的趋势。不同生活型植物叶片N和P计量特征差异明显, 尤其是草本植物叶片N和P含量高于木本植物, 落叶阔叶木本植物叶片N和P含量高于常绿木本植物。与叶片相比, 细根和其他器官化学计量特征研究较少。第三, 总结了养分添加实验对植物化学元素计量特征的影响。总体上, N添加一般会提高土壤N的可利用性, 使植物器官中N含量和N:P升高, 在一定程度上提高植物生产力; P添加可能会缓解过量N输入导致的N-P失衡问题, 提高植物器官P含量。但是, 长期过量施肥会打破植物器官原有的元素间计量关系, 导致元素计量关系失衡和生产力下降。第四, 梳理总结了植物生态化学计量学的重要理论、观点和假说, 主要包括刻画化学计量特征与植物生长功能关系的功能关联假说、刻画化学计量特征与环境因子关系的环境关联假说或理论以及刻画化学计量特征与植物进化历史关系的进化关联假说。最后, 指出了植物生态化学计量学研究中存在的问题, 展望了10个未来需要重点关注的研究方向。  相似文献   

碳(C)、氮(N)、磷(P)生态化学计量比是生态系统过程与功能的重要特征, 开展种群生态化学计量学研究可以细化植物种群化学计量学内容, 确定限制植物生长的元素类型, 同时为大尺度模型的发展提供数据基础。为阐明我国毛竹(Phyllostachys edulis)林C、N、P化学计量学特征, 通过对毛竹主要产区文献数据的搜集整理与分析, 探索我国毛竹林“植物-土壤-凋落物”系统C、N、P及C:N、C:P、N:P生态化学计量特征, 以及不同组分生态化学计量特征与经纬度之间的关系。结果表明: 1)我国毛竹林叶片C含量为478.30 mg·g-1, N含量为22.20 mg·g-1, P含量为1.90 mg·g-1, C:N为26.80, C:P为299.60, N:P为14.40; 毛竹林0-20 cm土层C含量为21.53 mg·g-1, N含量为1.66 mg·g-1, P含量0.41 mg·g-1, C:N为14.20, C:P为66.74, N:P为4.28; 毛竹凋落物C含量为438.49 mg·g-1, N含量为13.39 mg·g-1, P含量为0.86 mg·g-1, C:N为22.53, C:P为665.67, N:P为22.55。2)毛竹林“植物-土壤-凋落物”系统中, C:N表现为: 叶片>凋落物>土壤, C:P和N:P均表现为: 凋落物>叶片>土壤, 叶片N、P再吸收率分别为39.68%和54.74%, 我国毛竹林生长发育总体上可能受到P限制或者N和P两种元素的双重限制。3)纬度梯度: 叶片N含量、N:P随纬度增加而增加, C:N随纬度增加而降低。经度梯度: 叶片N:P随经度增加而增加, P含量、C:N随经度增加而降低; 土壤C:N随经度增加而增加, N含量随经度增加而降低; 凋落物N含量随经度增加而降低。4)叶片N含量与年平均气温和年降水量均存在明显负相关关系, 但对温度的响应比降水更敏感, 叶片N含量与纬度呈正相关关系, 支持“温度-植物生理假说”, 反映了植物对自然环境的适应。  相似文献   

理解植物叶片化学计量特征及其驱动因素对认识植物种群分布规律及预测植物对环境变化响应具有重要意义。该研究采集了青藏高原东缘针叶林84个样点共29种主要针叶树种叶片, 探讨该区域常绿针叶树种叶片碳(C)、氮(N)、磷(P)化学计量特征和分布格局及其驱动因素。结果表明: (1)在科和属水平上, 不同针叶树种叶片C、N含量和C:N差异显著; 叶片N:P < 14, 表明该区域针叶树种主要受N限制。(2)叶片N、P含量在环境梯度上表现出一致的分布规律: 均呈现出随纬度和海拔增加而显著降低, 随年平均气温(MAT)和年降水量(MAP)增加而显著增加的趋势; 而叶片C含量与纬度、海拔、MATMAP均未表现出显著相关性。(3)叶片C:N、C:P呈现出与N、P含量变化相反的分布格局: 均随纬度和海拔增加而显著增加, 随MATMAP增加而显著降低; 而叶片N:P与海拔、MATMAP均无显著相关性。(4)进一步分析表明, 叶片C、N、P含量及其化学计量比的主要驱动因素不尽相同。具体而言: 土壤特性是叶片C含量和N:P变异的主要驱动因子, 而叶片N、P含量和C:N、C:P的变异主要由气候因素决定。总之, 该区域针叶树种叶片化学计量沿环境梯度的变异规律有力地支持了温度生物地球化学假说, 在一定程度上丰富了对环境变化下植物叶片化学计量分布格局及其驱动机制的认识。  相似文献   

理解植物叶片化学计量特征及其驱动因素对认识植物种群分布规律及预测植物对环境变化响应具有重要意义。该研究采集了青藏高原东缘针叶林84个样点共29种主要针叶树种叶片,探讨该区域常绿针叶树种叶片碳(C)、氮(N)、磷(P)化学计量特征和分布格局及其驱动因素。结果表明:(1)在科和属水平上,不同针叶树种叶片C、N含量和C:N差异显著;叶片N:P 14,表明该区域针叶树种主要受N限制。(2)叶片N、P含量在环境梯度上表现出一致的分布规律:均呈现出随纬度和海拔增加而显著降低,随年平均气温(MAT)和年降水量(MAP)增加而显著增加的趋势;而叶片C含量与纬度、海拔、MAT和MAP均未表现出显著相关性。(3)叶片C:N、C:P呈现出与N、P含量变化相反的分布格局:均随纬度和海拔增加而显著增加,随MAT和MAP增加而显著降低;而叶片N:P与海拔、MAT和MAP均无显著相关性。(4)进一步分析表明,叶片C、N、P含量及其化学计量比的主要驱动因素不尽相同。具体而言:土壤特性是叶片C含量和N:P变异的主要驱动因子,而叶片N、P含量和C:N、C:P的变异主要由气候因素决定。总之,该区域针叶树种叶片化学计量沿环境梯度的变异规律有力地支持了温度生物地球化学假说,在一定程度上丰富了对环境变化下植物叶片化学计量分布格局及其驱动机制的认识。  相似文献   

全球木本植物叶片硅钙生态化学计量学特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
收集全球803种木本植物叶片硅(Si)、钙(Ca)数据,研究不同木本植物生活型(常绿植物以及落叶植物、针叶植物以及阔叶植物)叶片Si、Ca元素的化学计量学特征及其与纬度、气候因子(年平均温度,年平均降水量)间的关系。结果表明:(1)全球尺度上木本植物叶片Si、Ca含量存在较大变异性,且含量均低于中国境内的研究结果;(2)不同生活型树种间存在差异,针叶树叶片Si含量及Ca/Si显著高于阔叶树,落叶树叶片Si、Ca含量及Ca/Si均显著高于常绿树种;(3)随着纬度升高、年平均温度及年平均降水量的下降,全球尺度木本植物叶片Si、Ca含量显著升高,而Ca/Si显著下降;(4)不同生活型木本植物对气候因子的响应不同,除针叶及落叶树种的Ca含量外,其余各生活型树种Si、Ca含量与纬度及气候因子显著相关,随着纬度升高而升高,随年平均温度及年平均降水量的升高而降低,且随着年平均温度的降低,常绿及阔叶树种叶片Si含量下降速度显著高于落叶及针叶树种。研究结果能够为全球尺度生态化学计量学模型的发展提供数据基础,有助于更好地理解和模拟区域乃至全球尺度上纬度和气候因子对植物叶片Si、Ca含量的影响。  相似文献   

基于地理格局对西双版纳热带雨林的干湿度梯度效应和生态化学计量学的研究思路,结合野外试验监测和室内分析,对西双版纳热带雨林土壤-植物系统元素化学计量特征对海拔和干湿度效应响应进行了研究探讨,结果发现:西双版纳热带雨林土壤和叶片碳氮磷化学计量特征均不同程度的受到海拔和干湿季影响。季雨林与山地雨林的水热梯度受海拔梯度重要影响,随海拔梯度升高,土壤含水率变化显著,且含水率在干湿季均对土壤有机碳(SOC)存在显著影响(P0.01),雨季其对土壤全氮(STN)和土壤全磷(STP)的影响要显著于干季;叶片全磷(TP)随含水率的增大而升高,而叶片全氮(TN)在干季会随含水率的升高而增大,雨季含水率升高到一定程度时会抑制TN含量的增加并出现单峰现象;而土壤C/P与海拔和干季土壤含水率的极显著相关性(P0.01)及干季叶片C/N与叶片含水率的显著相关关系(P0.05)说明,干季水分匮乏条件下,土壤含水率影响土壤P的矿化度和植物对P的吸收利用水平,而且叶片C/N对反馈植物水分含量具有明显指示作用。因此,水热梯度是土壤-叶片系统碳氮磷生态化学计量特征变化的重要驱动因素。此外,全球变化区域响应方面,多雨高温可能会削弱季雨林叶片C的同化能力,且叶N含量降低,但受氮沉降的影响,对C/N的影响尚无法确定;由于P循环对其他元素的耦合作用,雨林土壤-叶片系统的元素循环周期将会被缩短,但干季山地雨林植物生态系统P的限制作用有可能会减弱。  相似文献   

Aims Terrestrial carbon (C), nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) stoichiometry will reflect the effects of adjustment to local growth conditions as well as species' replacements. However, it remains unclear about the hierarchical responses of plant C:N:P to P addition at levels of species and functional groups in the N-limited alpine meadow. Methods A field experiment of P enrichment was conducted in an alpine meadow on the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau during 2009-2013. The stoichiometric patterns of four functional groups (grass, sedge, legume and forb) and five representative species, Elymus nutans (grass), Kobresia humilis (sedge), Oxytropis ochrocephala (legume), Taraxacum lugubre (rosette forb), Geranium pylzowianum (upright forb) were investigated in 2013, and the effects of P addition on species dominance and plant biomass were also analyzed. Important findings Both plant nutrition content and C:N:P varied significantly after five years' P addition, and the responses were consistent at species-And functional group (exemplar species excluded)-levels in the alpine meadow. P addition had neutral effect on C concentrations of grasses, sedges and forbs at both species-And functional group (exemplar species excluded)-levels. P fertilization increased plant P concentrations and thus decreased C:P and N:P of the four functional groups (exemplar species excluded) and the corresponding species. N concentrations significantly decreased and C:N increased in grasses and sedges after P addition, and the species-level responses were consistent with the functional group (exemplar species excluded) level. P addition significantly increased N contents and decreased C:N in Oxytropis ochrocephala, but had neutral effect on N contents and C:N at the functional group (exemplar species excluded) level of the legumes. While N contents and C:N in forbs responded to P addition differently at species and functional group (exemplar species excluded) levels. In the N-limited alpine meadow, species dominance of grasses increased gradually after P addition due to the increased N and P use efficiencies, while the biomass proportion of forbs decreased because of the lowered nutrition use efficiency. © 2018 Editorial Office of Chinese Journal of Plant Ecology. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

Aim   Nutrient resorption from senescing leaves is an important mechanism of nutrient conservation in plants, but the patterns of nutrient resorption at the global scale are unknown. Because soil nutrients vary along climatic gradients, we hypothesize that nutrient resorption changes with latitude, temperature and precipitation.
Location   Global.
Methods   We conducted a meta-analysis on a global data set collected from published literature on nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) resorption of woody plants.
Results    For all data pooled, both N resorption efficiency (NRE) and P resorption efficiency (PRE) were significantly related to latitude, mean annual temperature (MAT) and mean annual precipitation (MAP): NRE increased with latitude but decreased with MAT and MAP. In contrast, PRE decreased with latitude but increased with MAT and MAP. When functional groups (shrub versus tree, coniferous versus broadleaf and evergreen versus deciduous) were examined individually, the patterns of NRE and PRE in relation to latitude, MAT and MAP were generally similar.
Main conclusions   The relationships between N and P resorption and latitude, MAT and MAP indicate the existence of geographical patterns of plant nutrient conservation strategies in relation to temperature and precipitation at the global scale, particularly for PRE, which can be an indicator for P limitation in the tropics and selective pressure shaping the evolution of plant traits. Our results suggest that, although the magnitude of plant nutrient resorption might be regulated by local factors such as substrate, spatial patterns are also controlled by temperature or precipitation.  相似文献   

兴安落叶松(Larix gmelinii Rupr.)叶片养分的空间分布格局   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
对中国东北温带森林生态系统主要树种兴安落叶松(Larix gmelinii Rupr.)24个采样点72个叶片样品有机碳(C)、全氮(N)、全磷(P)和全钾(K)的化学组成、地理分布格局及其与气候因子的关系进行了研究.结果表明,叶片C、N、P和K含量的几何平均数分别为543.970、16.902、2.373mg/g和14.625mg/g,且叶片的C含量>N含量>K含量>P含量;叶片的C/N、C/P和N/P分别为32.183、229.226和7.123.随纬度的增加、年均温度和年均降雨量的降低,兴安落叶松叶片C、N含量和N/P显著降低,叶片C/N和K含量显著升高,叶片P含量和C/P的变化没有达到显著水平.叶片N含量随纬度与年均温度的变化与全球及其它大尺度的研究结果相反,而N/P与其一致,这与在该区域的其它物种的研究结果基本一致.这可能是由于在本研究区域北部寒温带越往高纬度地区年均温度和年均降雨量越低、生长季越短,因此成土作用弱导致植物可以吸收利用的养分越少,但是由于植物显著降低的N含量和变化不明显的P含量导致了叶片N/P随纬度的增加和年均温度和年均降雨量的降低而降低,这与全球尺度的研究结果一致.兴安落叶松叶片养分分布格局与全球尺度和中国区域研究结果的差异说明了加强区域叶片养分特征研究的重要性.叶片养分与气候因子的显著线性相关说明气候因子是影响叶片养分特征的一个主要因子.  相似文献   

中国东黄海海岛5种常见草本的碳氮磷化学计量特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究不同纬度海岛共有植物种的碳(C)氮(N)磷(P)化学计量变异特征,有助于剔除植物谱系的影响,揭示植物对海岛环境条件变化的适应策略.本研究以中国东部9个典型海岛的5种常见共有草本植物艾草、狗尾草、葎草、麦冬、酢浆草为研究对象,测定和分析了其地上部分和根系的C、N、P化学计量比,及其与土壤C、N、P含量,温度和降水的关系.结果表明: 9个海岛5种草本地上部分C、N、P含量分别为352.16~518.16、10.81~34.43、0.58~2.38 mg·g-1,C∶N、N∶P、C∶P分别为11.98~38.99、4.67~27.47、133.39~748.54;根系C、N、P含量分别为312.28~493.34、9.26~23.27、0.40~2.10 mg·g-1,C∶N、N∶P、C∶P分别为18.18~46.79、8.53~37.38、174.45~1120.40.海岛常见草本的地上部分N、P含量均随着纬度的升高而增高,而N∶P随着纬度的升高而减小;P含量较N含量具有更高的变异性和环境依赖性,气候因子可以解释草本地上部分N、P、N∶P变异的60%;但草本的根系N、P及N∶P不依赖纬度变化而变化,气候因子只解释了根系中的N、P变异的6%~10%.气候因子和土壤养分对植物地上部分及根系的变异贡献率不同,土壤N与P含量对草本植物根系的P含量有显著影响,植物地上部分P含量与土壤P含量呈显著正相关,土壤特性解释了根系N、P变异的37%.研究表明,在剔除植物谱系的影响后,纬度差异导致的环境变化是5种海岛常见草本地上部分的N、P及N∶P变异的主要原因,土壤养分是根系P变异的主要原因.  相似文献   

钾(K)是植物叶片中仅次于氮(N)的第二大营养元素,在调节植物生长发育、稳态维持和胁迫响应等方面具有重要作用。以往关于氮素输入对植物养分状况影响的研究中多关注了氮磷养分,较少关注钾及其与其他元素的计量关系。本研究以内蒙古呼伦贝尔草甸草原为对象,研究氮素添加和刈割对植物功能群水平和群落水平钾含量及计量特征(N∶K)的影响,分析功能群自身养分状况和群落组成改变对群落水平养分状况变化的相对贡献。结果表明: 为期6年的氮素添加提高了所有植物功能群的N含量以及根茎禾草和豆科植物的K含量,刈割降低了根茎禾草和丛生禾草的N含量,而对所有功能群的K含量和N∶K均无显著影响。氮素添加显著提高了群落水平植物N和K含量,刈割仅增加了群落植物的N含量。氮素添加和刈割对功能群和群落水平上的植物N∶K均无显著影响。功能群本身的养分变化情况对群落水平植物养分状况的贡献大于群落组成的贡献。在对群落水平养分特征的影响方面,功能群本身养分变化的贡献与群落组成的贡献具有负的协变关系。呼伦贝尔草甸草原植物具有较高的N∶K内稳性,能够较好地调节自身的氮钾平衡,这对氮沉降背景下维持氮钾元素计量关系具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Global trends in senesced-leaf nitrogen and phosphorus   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Aim Senesced‐leaf litter plays an important role in the functioning of terrestrial ecosystems. While green‐leaf nutrients have been reported to be affected by climatic factors at the global scale, the global patterns of senesced‐leaf nutrients are not well understood. Location Global. Methods Here, bringing together a global dataset of senesced‐leaf N and P spanning 1253 observations and 638 plant species at 365 sites and of associated mean climatic indices, we describe the world‐wide trends in senesced‐leaf N and P and their stoichiometric ratios. Results Concentration of senesced‐leaf N was highest in tropical forests, intermediate in boreal, temperate, and mediterranean forests and grasslands, and lowest in tundra, whereas P concentration was highest in grasslands, lowest in tropical forests and intermediate in other ecosystems. Tropical forests had the highest N : P and C : P ratios in senesced leaves. When all data were pooled, N concentration significantly increased, but senesced‐leaf P concentration decreased with increasing mean annual temperature (MAT) and mean annual precipitation (MAP). The N : P and C : P ratios also increased with MAT and MAP, but C : N ratios decreased. Plant functional type (PFT), i.e. life‐form (grass, herb, shrub or tree), phylogeny (angiosperm versus gymnosperm) and leaf habit (deciduous versus evergreen), affected senesced‐leaf N, P, N : P, C : N and C : P with a ranking of senesced‐leaf N from high to low: forbs ≈ shrubs ≈ trees > grasses, while the ranking of P was forbs ≈ shrubs ≈ trees < grasses. The climatic trends of senesced‐leaf N and P and their stoichiometric ratios were similar between PFTs. Main conclusions Globally, senesced‐leaf N and P concentrations differed among ecosystem types, from tropical forest to tundra. Differences were significantly related to global climate variables such as MAT and MAP and also related to plant functional types. These results at the global scale suggest that nutrient feedback to soil through leaf senescence depends on both the climatic conditions and the plant composition of an ecosystem.  相似文献   

Aims Biological and environmental factors determine geographic patterns of plant nutrient stoichiometry jointly. Unraveling the distribution pattern and the potential drivers of nutrient stoichiometry is therefore critical for understanding the adaptive strategies and biogeochemistry cycling. Aimed to determine how leaf nitrogen (N):phosphorus (P) stoichiometry is linked to biological and environmental factors, we investigated the patterns of psammophyte leaf N:P stoichiometry in sandy region, northern China, and the potential factors affecting leaf N:P stoichiometry were explored.Methods Based on 10 m × 10 m quadrates survey, the leaves of 352 dominant psammophyte samples belonging to 167 species were collected cross a 3000 km east-west transect in sandy environments, northern China. The samples were further classified into the following groups on the basis of plant life forms and functional groups (photosynthesis pathways and nitrogen fixation). The structural equation modeling was employed to clarify the importance of biological and environmental factors on leaf N:P stoichiometry.Important findings Generally, the higher leaf N and P concentrations, but lower N:P ratio were found in psammophyte compared with other ecosystems. Mean annual temperature (MAT) influenced the leaf N, P concentrations negatively, while mean annual precipitation (MAP) did positively. MAP played greater influence on leaf N, P concentrations than MAT did. MAP affected leaf N, P concentrations directly or indirectly through phylogeny, while MAT only shown direct effect on leaf N concentration. The psammophyte was more limited by N, rather P, in sandy region of northern China. These results suggest that phylogeny of psammophyte and climate jointly influence leaf N:P stoichiometry, and the results could be helpful in modeling biogeochemical nutrients cycling in vulnerable ecosystems like sandy environment.  相似文献   

Han W  Fang J  Guo D  Zhang Y 《The New phytologist》2005,168(2):377-385
Leaf nitrogen and phosphorus stoichiometry of Chinese terrestrial plants was studied based on a national data set including 753 species across the country. Geometric means were calculated for functional groups based on life form, phylogeny and photosynthetic pathway, as well as for all 753 species. The relationships between leaf N and P stoichiometric traits and latitude (and temperature) were analysed. The geometric means of leaf N, P, and N : P ratio for the 753 species were 18.6 and 1.21 mg g(-1) and 14.4, respectively. With increasing latitude (decreasing mean annual temperature, MAT), leaf N and P increased, but the N : P ratio did not show significant changes. Although patterns of leaf N, P and N : P ratios across the functional groups were generally consistent with those reported previously, the overall N : P ratio of China's flora was considerably higher than the global averages, probably caused by a greater shortage of soil P in China than elsewhere. The relationships between leaf N, P and N : P ratio and latitude (and MAT) also suggested the existence of broad biogeographical patterns of these leaf traits in Chinese flora.  相似文献   

Ecological stoichiometry of N:P:Si in China’s grasslands   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  


Understanding ecological stoichiometry of plant nutrients and its relationship with vegetation succession in terrestrial ecosystems is largely limited to nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P). Despite it being an important element for most grasses, silicon (Si) is usually ignored. We examined ecological stoichiometry of N:P:Si in grasslands.


We used leaf N, P and Si concentration, climate variables and phylogenic development, life forms, ecotypes, photosynthetic pathway to determine the relationship of N:P:Si ratio distribution with environmental conditions and the succession of grassland communities.


The distribution of N, P and Si varied greatly among the seven types of China’s grasslands as influenced by environmental conditions (e.g. mean annual temperature – MAT) and plant species groups (e.g. phylogeny). Leaf N showed a significant positive correlation with P across all species, while N and P showed significant negative correlations with Si.


Si was less affected by grassland types than N and P. Environmental conditions such as MAT and MAP had a significant influence on the stoichiometry of N, P and Si in grasslands and that temperature had a greater influence than precipitation. The succession of grassland communities may respond to or be influenced by stoichiometry of N, P and Si.  相似文献   

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