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氮素类型和剂量对寒温带针叶林土壤N2O排放的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大气氮沉降输入会增加森林生态系统氮素有效性,进而改变土壤N_2O产生与排放,然而有关不同氮素离子(氧化态NO_3~--N与还原态NH_4~+-N)沉降对土壤N_2O排放的影响知之甚少。以大兴安岭寒温带针叶林为研究对象,构建了3种类型(NH_4Cl、KNO_3、NH_4NO_3)和4个施氮水平(0、10、20、40 kg N hm~(-2)a~(-1))的增氮控制试验,利用流动化学分析仪和静态箱-气相色谱法4次/月测定凋落物层和矿质层土壤无机氮含量、土壤-大气界面N_2O净交换通量以及相关环境因子,分析施氮类型和剂量对土壤氮素有效性、土壤N_2O通量的影响探讨氮素富集条件下土壤N_2O通量的环境驱动机制。结果表明:施氮类型和剂量均显著影响土壤无机氮含量,土壤NH_4~+-N的积累效应显著高于NO_3~--N。施氮一致增加寒温带针叶林土壤N_2O排放,NH_4NO_3促进效应最为明显,增幅为442%-677%,高于全球平均水平(134%)。土壤N_2O通量与土壤温度、凋落物层NH_4~+-N含量正相关,且随着施氮水平增加而增加。结果表明大气氮沉降短期内不会导致寒温带针叶林土壤NO_3~--N大量流失,但会显著促进土壤N_2O的排放。此外,外源性NH_4~+和NO_3~-输入对土壤N_2O排放的促进作用具有协同效应,在未来森林生态系统氮循环和氮平衡研究中应该区分对待。  相似文献   

选择位于滇西北高原纳帕海国际重要湿地内的典型沼泽化草甸湿地为研究对象,采用原位土柱室内控制实验法研究了放牧干扰(猪翻拱扰动和牲畜践踏)对沼泽化草甸湿地土壤氮转化的影响。研究结果表明,放牧活动显著提高了沼泽化草甸湿地表层土壤的容重和pH值,降低了土壤含水率、TOC、TN和NH_4~+-N含量,而对NO_3~--N含量影响不显著。放牧干扰下沼泽化草甸湿地土壤的矿化速率和硝化速率均表现为猪翻拱扰动样地(ZG)牲畜践踏样地(JT)对照样地(CK);表现为ZGJTCK。放牧干扰促进了沼泽化草甸湿地土壤的矿化和硝化作用,猪的翻拱活动比牲畜践踏活动对土壤氮矿化和硝化作用的促进作用更显著。放牧干扰下沼泽化草甸湿地土壤的反硝化速率表现为ZGCKJT,猪的翻拱活动促进了土壤N_2O气体的排放,而牲畜践踏活动抑制了土壤N_2O气体的排放。相关性分析表明,受放牧干扰的沼泽化草甸湿地土壤的矿化和硝化速率均与土壤容重、pH呈显著正相关,与土壤含水率、NH_4~+-N、TOC、TN含量呈显著负相关;反硝化速率与TOC含量呈显著负相关。  相似文献   

本试验对比观测研究了在稻田土壤中经3年陈化后的生物炭(B_3)和新施入生物炭(B_0)对稻麦轮作系统CH_4和N_2O综合温室效应和温室气体强度的影响,旨在明确生物炭对土壤温室气体排放的长期效应.田间试验设置4个处理,分别为对照(CK)、施用氮肥不施用生物炭(N)、施用氮肥和新生物炭(NB_0)以及施用氮肥和陈化生物炭(NB_3)处理.结果表明:NB_0和NB_3处理均显著提高了稻田土壤pH值、有机碳和全氮含量,并且显著影响与温室气体排放相关的微生物潜在活性.与N处理相比,NB_3处理显著增加了作物产量,增幅14.1%,并且显著降低了CH_4和N_2O排放,降幅分别为9.0%和34.0%;而NB_0处理显著增加作物产量,增幅9.3%,显著降低N_2O排放,降幅38.6%,但增加了CH_4排放,增幅4.7%;同时NB_0和NB_3处理均能降低稻麦轮作系统的综合温室效应和温室气体强度,且NB_3处理能更有效地减少温室气体的排放并提高作物产量.在土壤中经3年陈化后的生物炭仍然具有固碳减排能力,因此,施用生物炭对稻麦轮作系统固碳减排和改善作物生产具有长期效应.  相似文献   

施用生物炭和秸秆还田对华北农田CO2、N2O排放的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
刘杏认  张星  张晴雯  李贵春  张庆忠 《生态学报》2017,37(20):6700-6711
以华北农田冬小麦-夏玉米轮作体系连续6a施用生物炭和秸秆还田的土壤为研究对象,于2013年10月—2014年9月,采用静态暗箱-气相色谱法,对CO_2、N_2O通量进行了整个轮作周期的连续观测,探究施用生物炭与秸秆还田对其排放通量的影响。试验共设4个处理:CK(对照)、C1(低量生物炭4.5 t hm~(-2)a~(-1))、C2(高量生物炭9.0 t hm~(-2)a~(-1))和SR(秸秆还田straw return)。结果表明:在整个轮作周期内,各处理CO_2、N_2O通量随时间的变化趋势基本一致。随着生物炭施用量的增加,CO_2排放通量分别增加了0.3%—90.3%(C1)、1.0%—334.2%(C2)和0.4%—156.3%(SR)。其中,C2处理对CO_2累积排放量影响最大,增幅为42.9%。对N_2O而言,C2处理显著降低了N_2O累积排放量,但增加了CO_2和N_2O排放的综合增温潜势,C1和SR处理对N_2O累积排放量及综合增温潜势均没有显著影响。相关分析表明,土壤温度和土壤含水量是影响CO_2通量最主要的因素,两者之间呈极显著的正相关关系;N_2O通量与土壤温度、土壤含水量、NO_3~--N和NH_4~+-N均表现出极显著的正相关关系,而与土壤p H值表现出极显著的负相关关系。由此可见,添加生物炭对于减少氮素的气体损失具有较大的潜力。  相似文献   

一氧化氮(NO)在氮的生物地球化学循环、大气环境化学和全球变暖中起着重要作用。森林土壤是NO的一个重要来源。硝化、反硝化、硝化细菌反硝化以及化学反硝化是森林土壤NO产生的主要途径。当前,关于各个过程对NO排放的相对贡献以及生物和环境因子对各个过程NO产生的影响还缺乏系统性研究。因而,本文旨在综述森林土壤NO产生的主要途径,各途径来源NO的测定方法以及土壤氮循环功能基因和环境因子对不同来源土壤NO排放的影响,并在此基础上指出了研究的薄弱环节与未来研究方向。总体而言,森林土壤NO的排放主要来自硝化和反硝化作用,但是在酸性土壤中不能忽视化学反硝化过程对其排放的影响。在量化各个过程对土壤NO排放贡献时,15N-18O双同位素富集法比传统的硝化抑制剂法能更准确地区分NO的来源。土壤NO的产生是各种生物和非生物过程综合作用的结果,当前有关氮循环功能基因丰度与土壤NO排放关系的研究中,缺乏将氮循环功能基因和土壤各过程产生的NO排放联系起来研究。在探究环境因子对土壤NO排放影响时,更多关注单个环境因子对土壤硝化和反硝化过程来源NO排放的影响,而对硝化细菌反硝化和化学反硝化过程来源NO排放的研究较少,而且也缺乏多个环境因子共同作用对不同过程NO排放影响的研究。  相似文献   

采用室内土柱培养方法,研究不同土壤湿度(55%和80%土壤充水孔隙度,WFPS)条件下外源碳(葡萄糖,6.4 g C·m~(-2))和2种形态氮(NH_4Cl和KNO_3,4.5 g N·m~(-2))的添加对温带成熟阔叶红松混交林和次生白桦林土壤冻结后融化过程中氧化亚氮(N_2O)排放量的影响。结果表明:冻结过程会激发2种林分土壤融化初期N_2O的排放。随着土壤湿度的增加,2种林分土壤大量消耗硝态氮,反硝化作用强烈,导致融化初期N_2O激发效应的强度大,持续时间长,尤其是白桦林土壤。单施葡萄糖后,2种林分土壤大量消耗铵态氮和硝态氮,进而显著促进2种林分土壤融化初期N_2O的激发排放;随着土壤湿度的增加,葡萄糖对2种林分土壤N_2O累积排放量的促进作用减弱,这可能与高湿度条件下,冻结后融化过程中土壤释放大量溶解性有机碳(DOC)有关。低湿度条件下,2种林分土壤融化过程N_2O排放是铵态氮限制性的,即硝化潜势占主要优势,尤其是白桦林土壤;高湿度条件下,白桦林土壤具有很强的反硝化潜势,并且随着葡萄糖的施加,这种反硝化潜势加强。逐步回归分析显示:2种林分土壤冻结后融化过程N_2O累积排放量受到土壤pH、WFPS及水浸提DOC含量的影响,共同解释其66%的变化,并且与土壤水浸提溶解性有机氮含量呈显著的正相关;阔叶红松混交林土壤冻结后融化过程N_2O累积排放量与微生物生物氮呈显著负相关。综上可推测,温带森林土壤融化过程中N_2O的排放主要依赖于冻结处理后的土壤pH、WFPS以及溶解性有机质释放量的变化。  相似文献   

应用~(15)N实验证明,作物对氮肥利用率一般为30—60%左右。在施入的氮肥中有相当一部份氮素通过土壤而损失掉,其损失途径除了NO_2~-琳失外,另一方面是经过反硝化作用以一氧化二氮(N_2O)和氮气(N_2)进入大气中。Mcelroy等认为,进入大气中的N_2O不断继续上升,在同温层和分子态臭氧(O_3)发生反应形成硝酸和原子态氧,大大地降低了臭氧层的臭氧浓度,使宇宙线能更多地透过并直接地危及大气层和生物圈,可能使人类皮肤癌发病率相应地上升。在自然界的氮循环中,反硝化过程产生的氮约占构成氮平衡总量的20—  相似文献   

通过大田试验和室外盆栽试验,采用人工增加紫外辐射的方法模拟UV-B辐射增强,用静态箱-气相色谱法测定N_2O排放通量,研究地表UV-B辐射增强对土壤-大豆系统N_2O排放的影响.结果表明:在相同的气象条件和田间管理措施下,UV-B辐射增强没有改变土壤-大豆系统N_2O排放通量的季节性变化规律.但从植株结荚到成熟,UV-B辐射增强降低了土壤-大豆系统N_2O排放通量,进而降低了N_2O的累积排放量.收割实验发现,在分枝开花期,UV-B辐射增强对土壤N_2O排放影响明显,降低了土壤N_2O排放通量;从结荚至鼓粒期,UV-B辐射增强主要通过降低植株地上部分N_2O排放通量来降低土壤-大豆系统的N_2O排放.UV-B辐射增强显著降低了植株的生物量,并影响到植株的氮代谢和土壤NH_4~+-N与微生物氮.UV-B辐射增强可能会导致农田生态系统N_2O排放量降低.  相似文献   

过量施肥对设施菜田土壤菌群结构及N2O产生的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
【背景】N_2O是一种很强的温室气体,其温室效应强度大约是CO_2的265倍。土壤氮肥施加量是影响N_2O排放的重要因素,而厌氧条件下微生物反硝化则是N_2O产生的重要途径。【目的】研究过量施肥条件下蔬菜大棚土壤菌群结构变化及其对N_2O气体排放的影响。【方法】利用自动化培养与实时气体检测系统(Robot)监测土壤厌氧培养过程中N_2O和N_2排放通量,比较过量施肥和减氮施肥模式下土壤N_2O排放模式的差异。通过Illumina二代测序平台对这2种不同施肥处理的土壤微生物群落进行高通量测序,研究不同施肥量对土壤菌群组成的影响。【结果】过量施肥土壤中硝酸盐的含量大约是减氮施肥土壤的2倍,通过添加硝酸盐使2种土壤的硝酸盐含量均为60 mg/kg或为200 mg/kg时,过量施肥土壤在厌氧培养前期N_2O气体的产生量及产生速度都明显高于减氮施肥土壤。另外,过量施肥导致土壤菌群结构发生显著改变,并且降低了土壤微生物的多样性。相对于减氮施肥,过量施肥方式富集了Rhodanobacter属的微生物。PICRUSt预测结果显示,传统施肥没有显著改变反硝化功能基因相对丰度。【结论】长期过量氮肥施用显著增加了土壤N_2O的排放,可能原因是施肥改变了包括氮转化相关微生物在内的土壤菌群组成,从而影响了土壤N_2O气体的形成与还原过程。  相似文献   

裴广廷  马红亮  林伟  高人  尹云锋  杨柳明 《生态学报》2015,35(23):7774-7784
为探究氨基酸氮形态对亚热带土壤氮素含量及转化的影响,选择建瓯市万木林保护区的山地红壤为对象,采用室内培养实验法,通过设计60%和90%WHC两种土壤含水量并添加不同性质氨基酸,测定了土壤中铵态氮、硝态氮、可溶性有机氮的含量和氧化亚氮的释放量,分析了可溶性有机碳、土壤p H值的大小变化及其与氮素的相互关系。结果表明:与对照处理相比,氨基酸添加显著增加了土壤NH_4~+-N含量并使土壤p H值升高,且在一定程度上解除了高含水量(90%WHC)对NH_4~+-N产生的抑制,其中甲硫氨基酸的效果最为明显。酸性、碱性、中性氨基酸对土壤NO_3~--N含量和N_2O释放影响不显著,但甲硫氨基酸可显著抑制土壤硝化从而导致NH_4~+-N的积累,并在培养前期抑制土壤N_2O产生而在培养后期促进N_2O释放,总体上促进N_2O释放。60%WHC的氨基酸添加处理较90%WHC条件下降低土壤可溶性有机氮的幅度更大。氨基酸对土壤氮素转化的影响与带电性关系较小,而可能与其分解产物密切相关。可见,不同性质氨基酸处理对森林土壤氮素含量及转化存在不同程度的影响,且甲硫氨基酸对土壤氮素转化的影响机理值得深入研究。  相似文献   

以豫西旱地玉米农田为研究对象,设置不同生物炭施用量处理(T0:不施用生物炭;T1:施用生物炭20 t/hm2;T2:施用生物炭40 t/hm2),采用密闭式静态箱法测定N2O排放通量和荧光定量PCR法分析丛枝菌根(arbuscular mycorrhizal,AM)真菌、氨单加氧酶(amoA)、亚硝酸盐还原酶(nirSnirK)以及氧化亚氮还原酶(nosZ)的基因丰度,同时测定土壤理化性状的变化。研究结果表明,随着生物炭施用量的增加,土壤pH和含水量呈增加趋势,土壤有机碳、全氮和铵态氮含量显著提高,土壤容重和硝态氮含量显著降低。T1和T2处理土壤有机碳含量分别较T0显著提高38.44%和71.01%;T1和T2处理土壤铵态氮含量分别较T0显著增加15.89%和30.46%;T2处理土壤全氮含量较T0处理显著提高14.87%;T1和T2处理土壤硝态氮含量分别较T0减少10.57%和21.40%。随着生物炭施用量的增加,AM真菌侵染率显著增加,T1和T2处理分别较T0处理提高71.88%和115.88%;AOA、AOB、nirKnirS基因丰度显著降低;nosZ基因丰度增加。施加生物炭处理的N2O排放通量和累积排放量均低于不施生物炭处理,具体表现为:T0 > T1 > T2。相关分析表明,生物炭施用量与AM真菌基因丰度呈显著正相关;与nosZ基因丰度呈正相关;与AOA、AOB、nirKnirS基因丰度呈极显著负相关。N2O排放通量与AOA、nirKnirS基因丰度呈极显著正相关;与土壤含水量和土壤硝态氮含量呈显著正相关;与AM真菌、nosZ基因丰度、易提取球囊霉素含量、铵态氮含量呈极显著负相关。集成推进树(ABT)分析表明,AOA对N2O排放的影响最大,其次是AM真菌和nirS。总之,生物炭处理改善土壤理化性质、提高土壤AM真菌侵染率、调节硝化、反硝化相关功能基因的丰度,减少N2O气体排放,为旱地农田合理施用生物炭减少N2O气体排放提供理论依据。  相似文献   

Biochar has been widely researched as an important technology for climate smart agriculture, yet work is still necessary to identify the magnitude of potential greenhouse gas (GHG) mitigation and mechanisms involved. This study measured slow‐pyrolysis wood‐derived biochar's impact on GHG efflux, mineral N dynamics, and soil organic C in a series of two incubations across fertilized and unfertilized agricultural soils and soil moisture regimes. This research explored the magnitude of biochar's full GHG mitigation potential and drivers of such impacts. Results of this incubation indicate slow‐pyrolysis wood‐derived biochar has potential to provide annual emission reductions of 0.58–1.72 Mg CO2‐eq ha?1 at a 25 Mg ha?1 biochar application rate. The greatest GHG mitigation potential was from C sequestration and nitrous oxide (N2O) reduction in mineral N fertilized soils, with minimal impacts on N2O emissions in unfertilized soils, carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, and methane (CH4) uptake. Analysis of mineral N dynamics in the bulk soil and on biochar isolates indicated that neither biochar impacts on net mineralization and nitrification nor retention of ammonium () on biochar isolates could explain biochar's N2O reduction. Instead, biochar amendments exhibited consistent N2O emission reductions relative to the N2O emission in the control soil regardless of soil type and fertilization. Results across a soil moisture gradient suggest that woody biochar may aerate soils shifting redox conditions and subsequent N2O production. Understanding the magnitude of biochar's GHG reduction potential and the mechanisms driving these effects can help inform biochar modeling efforts, explain field results and identify agricultural applications that maximize biochar's full GHG mitigation potential.  相似文献   

Existing studies suggest that biochar application can reduce soil nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions, mainly based on short-term results. However, it remains unclear what the effects (i.e., legacy effects) and underlying mechanisms are on N2O emissions after many years of a single application of biochar. Here, we collected intact soil columns from plots without and with biochar application in a subtropical tea plantation 7 years ago for an incubation experiment. We used the N2O isotopocule analysis combined with ammonia oxidizer-specific inhibitors and molecular biology approaches to investigate how the legacy effect of biochar affected soil N2O emissions. Results showed that the soil in the presence of biochar had lower N2O emissions than the control albeit statistically insignificant. The legacy effect of biochar in decreasing N2O emissions may be attributed to the reduced effectiveness of the soil substrate, nitrification and denitrification activities, and the promotion of the further reduction of N2O. The legacy effect of biochar reduced the relative contribution of nitrifier denitrification/bacterial denitrification, nitrification-related N2O production, and the relative abundance of several microorganisms involved in the nitrogen cycle. Our global meta-analysis also showed that the reduction of N2O by biochar increased with increasing application rate but diminished and possibly even reversed with increasing experimental time. In conclusion, our findings suggest that the abatement capacity of biochar on soil N2O emissions may weaken over time after biochar application, but this remains under further investigation.  相似文献   

We examined the effects of growth carbon dioxide (CO2)concentration and soil nutrient availability on nitrogen (N)transformations and N trace gas fluxes in California grasslandmicrocosms during early-season wet-up, a time when rates of Ntransformation and N trace gas flux are high. After plant senescenceand summer drought, we simulated the first fall rains and examined Ncycling. Growth at elevated CO2 increased root productionand root carbon:nitrogen ratio. Under nutrient enrichment, elevatedCO2 increased microbial N immobilization during wet-up,leading to a 43% reduction in gross nitrification anda 55% reduction in NO emission from soil. ElevatedCO2 increased microbial N immobilization at ambientnutrients, but did not alter nitrification or NO emission. ElevatedCO2 did not alter soil emission of N2O ateither nutrient level. Addition of NPK fertilizer (1:1:1) stimulatedN mineralization and nitrification, leading to increased N2Oand NO emission from soil. The results of our study support a mechanisticmodel in which elevated CO2 alters soil N cycling and NOemission: increased root production and increased C:N ratio in elevatedCO2 stimulate N immobilization, thereby decreasingnitrification and associated NO emission when nutrients are abundant.This model is consistent with our basic understanding of how C availabilityinfluences soil N cycling and thus may apply to many terrestrial ecosystems.  相似文献   

Intensive vegetable production exhibits contrasting characteristics of high nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions and low nitrogen use efficiency (NUE). In an effort to mitigate N2O emissions and improve NUE, a field experiment with nine consecutive vegetable crops was designed to study the combined effects of nitrogen (N) and biochar amendment and their interaction on soil properties, N2O emission and NUE in an intensified vegetable field in southeastern China. We found that N application significantly increased N2O emissions, N2O–N emission factors and yield‐scaled N2O emissions by 51–159%, 9–125% and 14–131%, respectively. Moreover, high N input significantly decreased N partial factor productivity (PFPN) and even yield during the seventh to ninth vegetable crops along with obvious soil degradation and mineral N accumulation. To the contrary, biochar amendment resulted in significant decreases in cumulative N2O emissions, N2O–N emission factor and yield‐scaled N2O emissions by 5–39%, 16–67% and 14–53%, respectively. In addition, biochar significantly increased yield, PFPN and apparent recovery of N (ARN). Although without obvious influence during the first to fourth vegetable crops, biochar amendment mitigated N2O emissions during the fifth to ninth vegetable crops. The relative effects of biochar amendments were reduced with increasing N application rate. Hence, while high N input produced adverse consequences such as mineral N accumulation and soil degradation in the vegetable field, biochar amendment can be a beneficial agricultural strategy to mitigate N2O emissions and improve NUE and soil quality in vegetable field.  相似文献   

Carbon (C) sequestration potential of biochar should be considered together with emission of greenhouse gases when applied to soils. In this study, we investigated CO2 and N2O emissions following the application of rice husk biochars to cultivated grassland soils and related gas emissions tos oil C and nitrogen (N) dynamics. Treatments included biochar addition (CHAR, NO CHAR) and amendment (COMPOST, UREA, NO FERT). The biochar application rate was 0.3% by weight. The temporal pattern of CO2 emissions differed according to biochar addition and amendments. CO2 emissions from the COMPOST soils were significantly higher than those from the UREA and NO FERT soils and less CO2 emission was observed when biochar and compost were applied together during the summer. Overall N2O emission was significantly influenced by the interaction between biochar and amendments. In UREA soil, biochar addition increased N2O emission by 49% compared to the control, while in the COMPOST and NO FERT soils, biochar did not have an effect on N2O emission. Two possible mechanisms were proposed to explain the higher N2O emissions upon biochar addition to UREA soil than other soils. Labile C in the biochar may have stimulated microbial N mineralization in the C-limited soil used in our study, resulting in an increase in N2O emission. Biochar may also have provided the soil with the ability to retain mineral N, leading to increased N2O emission. The overall results imply that biochar addition can increase C sequestration when applied together with compost, and might stimulate N2O emission when applied to soil amended with urea.  相似文献   

The application of biochar as a soil amendment to improve soil fertility has been suggested as a tool to reduce soil‐borne CO2 and non‐CO2 greenhouse gas emissions, especially nitrous oxide (N2O). Both laboratory and field trials have demonstrated N2O emission reduction by biochar amendment, but the long‐term effect (>1 year) has been questioned. Here, we present results of a combined microcosm and field study using a powdered beech wood biochar from slow pyrolysis. The field experiment showed that both CO2 and N2O emissions were still effectively reduced by biochar in the third year after application. However, biochar did not influence the biomass yield of sunflower for biogas production (Helianthus annuus L.). Biochar reduced bulk density and increased soil aeration and thus reduced the water‐filled pore space (WFPS) in the field, but was also able to suppress N2O emission in the microcosms experiment conducted at constant WFPS. For both experiments, biochar had limited impact on soil mineral nitrogen speciation, but it reduced the accumulation of nitrite in the microcosms. Extraction of soil DNA and quantification of functional marker genes by quantitative polymerase chain reaction showed that biochar did not alter the abundance of nitrogen‐transforming bacteria and archaea in both field and microcosm experiments. In contradiction to previous experiments, this study demonstrates the long‐term N2O emission suppression potential of a wood biochar and thus highlights its overall climate change mitigation potential. While a detailed understanding of the underlying mechanisms requires further research, we provide evidence for a range of biochar‐induced changes to the soil environment and their change with time that might explain the often observed N2O emission suppression.  相似文献   

Field studies have tested the effectiveness of nitrification inhibitors in reducing grassland soil nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions. However, the magnitude of the effects on N2O emission rates across global grasslands remains unclear owing to its spatial heterogeneity. In this study, we synthesized 40 datasets from 23 published studies. The meta-analysis revealed that effect size of nitrification inhibitors was −0.59 ± 0.07 (95% confidence interval: −0.73 to −0.46). The mitigation effect on global grassland N2O emission rates was approximately 44.56%. Meanwhile, dicyandiamide (DCD) and 3,4-dimethylpyrazole phosphate (DMPP) decreased grassland N2O emission rates by 48.31% and 32.97%, respectively (P < 0.05). The mixed effects models indicated that total nitrogen, soil bulk and air temperature were the main controlling factors, which explained 42.79%, 40.70%, and 18.59% of the variation in effect size, respectively. Considering global warming, there is considerable potential benefit from mitigating grassland N2O emissions through the application of DCD and DMPP.  相似文献   

牲畜排泄物返还被认为是对草地的一种天然的施肥措施,也是草地养分归还的一种重要途径,对于维持土壤肥力和植被生产力具有十分重要的生态学意义。论述了放牧牲畜粪便和尿液自身降解及其氮素变化、粪尿返还对草地土壤氮转化和氧化亚氮(N2O)排放的作用机制及影响效应,指出排泄物氮输入使粪尿斑块成为草地土壤氮转化和N2O排放的活跃点,且不同排泄物类型、土壤理化特性和气候条件等使土壤氮素矿化、固持、硝化及反硝化等关键过程具有复杂性和差异性,进而导致不同类型草地生态系统N2O排放对牲畜排泄物返还的响应不尽相同。建议未来在全球气候变化背景下,应加强草地牲畜排泄物-植被-土壤体系氮素生物地球化学循环过程的系统研究,进一步加深天然草地关键氮素转化过程和N2O排放的微生物作用机制方面的认识,从而有助于为优化放牧牲畜排泄物的管理模式、制定科学合理的草地土壤养分调控策略和维持草地生态系统可持续发展提供科学有效的理论指导。  相似文献   

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