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蒙古栎和黄菠萝是东北温带森林中重要的阔叶树种,探究二者对气候变化的响应关系能够为未来气候变化情境下东北阔叶林的经营、保护及恢复提供科学依据.本文在小兴安岭地区沿经度梯度设置3个采样点--海伦、铁力和伊春,运用树轮年代学方法建立了3个采样点蒙古栎和黄菠萝的标准年表,分析了其与当地气候因子的关系,揭示了蒙古栎和黄菠萝生长-气候关系的时空变异规律.结果表明: 研究区黄菠萝径向生长对生长季温度变化敏感,而蒙古栎径向生长受生长季温度和降水的共同限制作用.蒙古栎和黄菠萝对温度的响应存在差异: 春季均温升高抑制蒙古栎径向生长,而促进黄菠萝径向生长;夏季高温对蒙古栎径向生长的限制作用明显高于黄菠萝.随经度(水分)增加,蒙古栎径向生长与水分因子的关系逐渐减弱,而黄菠萝没有明显变化.树种生理特性是影响树木生长-气候关系的关键因素.1976年升温后,黄菠萝生长随温度升高而升高,但蒙古栎生长却随温度升高而呈下降趋势.升温造成的干旱胁迫可能是两树种生长响应差异及蒙古栎出现响应分异现象的重要原因.如果未来增温趋势持续或者加重,蒙古栎的生长可能会因干旱胁迫加剧而衰退,黄菠萝则不受影响或生长略微加快.  相似文献   

运用树木年轮气候学方法,研究了天山东西部森林上下限雪岭云杉(Picea schrenkiana)树木生长与气候因子的关系,以期揭示不同地区雪岭云杉径向生长对气候因子响应的差异及气候变暖影响下雪岭云杉的敏感性。结果表明:(1)昭苏地区年轮年表的统计特征更显著,比哈密地区树木径向生长对气候因子的响应更敏感;(2)2个地区树木生长受温度与降水的综合影响,从西部到东部,森林下限树木径向生长与温度的响应由显著正相关转为显著负相关;而森林上限树木生长与降水的关系由显著负相关转变为显著正相关;(3)进入快速升温阶段,气候条件对昭苏和哈密地区森林下限雪岭云杉生长的影响增强,而对哈密地区森林上限雪岭云杉生长的影响减弱;(4)随着温度升高,昭苏森林下限和哈密森林上下限的雪岭云杉径向生长与气候因子的关系均出现了显著变化。快速升温后,4月温度对哈密森林上限树木径向生长的促进作用显著增加,6月温度对昭苏和哈密森林下限树木生长的抑制作用显著增加,而对哈密森林上限树木生长的促进作用显著减弱;5和6月份降水分别对昭苏森林下限和哈密森林上限雪岭云杉径向生长的促进作用显著增加;4月温度和10月降水对哈密森林下限树木生长的抑制作用显著减弱。昭苏森林上限降水能够满足树木生长,气温升高对树木生长与气候因子关系的影响不显著。  相似文献   

树木年轮宽度与气候变化关系研究进展   总被引:32,自引:0,他引:32       下载免费PDF全文
 树木的生长和立地环境密切相关并受多种气候因子的影响。树木年轮宽度的增加与温度、降水、太阳辐射、CO2浓度等气候因子有着复杂的相关关系。在干旱或半干旱地区,温度是限制树木生长的重要气候因子。生长季开始时最低温度的升高有利于延长生长季,与年轮宽度正相关;但是当生长季温度过高时,即使降水非常充裕,当年也只能形成窄年轮。生长季的温度过高则会加快土壤蒸发失水量并提高蒸汽压差,使土壤水分不足而不利于树木生长,因而生长季的高温多表现为与年轮宽度的负相关。生长期内降水量与树木的径向生长也成正相关,但当生长季的降水量充足或过多时,降水对树木径向生长不相关或负相关。受温度和降水共同调控的土壤湿度是树木径向生长的主要限制因子,良好的水分状况对树木生长起决定性作用。某一地区的太阳辐射能量高常会导致高温少雨,故高强度的太阳辐射使表土的湿度降低而不利于树木的径向生长。而在受季风影响的地区,树木年轮宽度的增加与当年雨季的气候变化关系不大。当年季风到来之前的气候(温度和降水)是树木生长的主要限制因子。有关CO2浓度的升高对树木生长的影响,研究的结果很不一致。一些温室实验及田间控制实验证明,CO2浓度的升高能对短命的一年生草本植物和植物幼苗产生“施肥效应”,并有利于其生长;还有些研究证明CO2浓度的升高能使高海拔地带的树木年轮宽度增加;但也有些研究认为CO2浓度的升高对生长在自然条件下的自然植被影响不大。近年来,有关树木径向生长和气候变化的研究越来越引起人们的关注,相关研究也取得了较大的进展。这些研究在帮助人们了解和研究古气候变化对森林植被的影响,以及预测未来全球变化对陆地生态系统的影响等方面有重要的理论和现实意义。综述了气候变化对树木年轮宽度影响的研究进展和应用,并概述了研究方法和发展前景,希望能加快和拓宽这一领域的发展。  相似文献   

伊春地区红松和红皮云杉径向生长对气候变化的响应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
树木生长-气候关系对准确评估气候变化对森林生态系统影响、预测森林生产力与植被动态及揭示树木对气候变化的响适应策略至关重要。在全球变暖背景下,升温可能会对树木的生长产生影响,从而改变区域森林生态系统的生产力或碳储量。本研究利用生长-气候响应函数、滑动相关分析等树木年轮学方法,探讨伊春地区阔叶红松林内红松和红皮云杉径向生长的主要限制因子及两者径向生长对快速升温(1980年后)响应的异同。结果表明:1980年前红松径向生长有明显加速的趋势,红皮云杉上升趋势较弱;而1980年后红松径向生长趋势显著下降,红皮云杉则下降不明显。红皮云杉径向生长与上一年9月及当年6月平均气温显著负相关,而红松径向生长与上一年12月及当年1月、4月和6月最低气温显著正相关。1980年快速升温后,高温对两树种生长的抑制作用增强,尤其是红松。生长季末(9月)降水对红松和红皮云杉的限制作用由升温前的负相关转变为升温后的显著正相关。温度是限制红松和红皮云杉径向生长的主要气候因子,降水影响相对较弱;其中红松径向生长对气候变化的响应比红皮云杉更敏感。快速升温后,红松和红皮云杉生长-气候关系的变化可能与升温导致的暖干旱化有关。若气候变暖持续或加剧,二者径向生长的气候限制因子也将由温度转变为水分;红松和红皮云杉会出现生长衰退,尤其是红松。  相似文献   

利用树木年轮气候学方法,探讨了在气候变暖情景下,天山东部上中下限西伯利亚落叶松(Larix sibirica)树木径向生长与气候因子之间的响应关系,并利用冗余分析对其关系进行了验证。结果表明:不同海拔的差值年表(RES)要比标准年表(STD)的特征参数大,具有更高的信噪比和平均敏感度,含有较多的环境信息且更能代表树木总体变化;海拔2160m处的年表(L1)在快速升温(1985年)后,树木年轮宽度与降水和温度的相关性明显减弱;海拔2430m处的年表(L2)在两个时段内与降水和温度的关系均较弱;海拔2700m处的年表(L3)在1985~2013年时段内对降水和气温的正响应均增强。树木径向生长对单月气候因子的响应在前一年11、12月份显著性更高,当年6、7月份气温与树轮宽度指数具有更高的相关性。气候变暖使树木径向生长不断减小的特征在低海拔地区表现更为明显。上中下限西伯利亚落叶松对气温升高的敏感性降低。高海拔地区西伯利亚落叶松的径向生长主要受温度的影响,而中低海拔地区主要受降水与温度的共同影响。  相似文献   

长白山树木径向生长对气候因子的响应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
长白山是我国东北地区树木年轮学研究的热点区域之一,迄今已在学术期刊上发表了大量相关的研究论文.为了弄清当前长白山树木年轮研究的进展,阐明树木径向生长对气候因子的响应规律,本文总结了发表在学术期刊上的有关文献,依据研究的树种、采样点海拔和去趋势方法等,对比分析了不同研究结果的差异及其形成原因.总的来看,长白山树木径向生长受温度和降水的共同作用,且温度的影响更大;树木径向生长-气候关系具有明显的树种和海拔差异.大多数研究支持: 针叶树主要受当年生长季前(4—5月)温度和生长季(6—8月)降水的显著影响;阔叶树则主要受当年、上年生长季温度和休眠期(上年11月至次年3月)、当年生长季降水的显著影响;上年9月降水对针、阔叶树种径向生长均有显著作用.同时,许多研究也出现了不同甚至截然相反的研究结果.研究结果差异最大的多出现在低、中海拔,表明在低、中海拔,采样点的选择可能对研究结果有较大影响.另外,年表去趋势方法也是造成研究结果不同的主要原因之一.相比较而言,采用线性或负指数去趋势方法在研究结果中显著增加了降水的作用,尤其是显著增加了休眠期降水对树木生长的影响,同时也显著增强了当前生长季末期(9—10月)温度的作用.本研究表明,采样点的小生境和年表构建时采用的去趋势方法是造成研究结果差异的主要原因,因此,在长白山开展树木年轮学研究,应增加采样点的数量,慎重选择去趋势方法.  相似文献   

为了了解青藏高原东北部不同降水梯度下, 高山林线处的树木径向生长与气候关系是否存在差异, 在青海东北部从西北到东南沿降水梯度设置3个高山林线采样点: 乌兰县哈里哈图国家森林公园(HL, 年降水量217 mm)、都兰县曲什岗(QS, 281 mm)和同德县河北林场(HB, 470 mm), 运用树轮年轮学方法分析林线优势种祁连圆柏(Sabina przewalskii)的径向生长-气候关系随降水梯度的变化规律。结果表明: 不同降水梯度下, 降水对祁连圆柏径向生长的限制作用差异不明显, 但温度对祁连圆柏径向生长的影响存在显著差异。在低降水区域(HL), 冬、夏季最低气温主要限制祁连圆柏径向生长, 并且在不同气候特征年中无明显变化; 在中降水区域(QS), 祁连圆柏的径向生长明显受冬季最低气温影响, 与低降水区域相比, 春、夏季最低气温对祁连圆柏径向生长的限制作用减弱, 并且主要限制因子在不同气候特征年存在显著变化; 在高降水区域(HB), 冬、夏季最低气温对祁连圆柏径向生长的限制作用不显著, 而春、秋季最低气温对祁连圆柏径向生长的抑制作用显著增加, 并且主要集中在高温年和干旱年。该研究结果并未支持干旱(湿润)区高山林线树木径向生长主要由水分(温度)限制的假说, 但是林线处降水量会影响树木生长与温度的关系。随着青藏高原东北部暖湿化加剧, 不同地区林线处树木生长的气候限制因子可能存在复杂化趋势。  相似文献   

薛盼盼  缪宁  罗建琼  张远东  毛康珊 《生态学报》2023,(24):10263-10273
坡向和海拔作为重要的地形因子决定着林木立地条件的水热分配,为揭示川西地区升温突变前后制约岷江冷杉(Abies fargesii var.faxoniana)径向生长的气候因子变化及其在坡向和海拔上的响应格局,通过树木年轮学方法构建了4个坡向(NE、N、NW和W)的3个海拔梯度(≥3650 m)共12个岷江冷杉的标准年表,采用皮尔逊相关分析和回归分析的方法分析了升温突变前后(1980年)限制岷江冷杉径向生长主要气候因子的变化及径向生长的变化趋势。结果表明:升温前,生长季(7月)低温和降水、前一年冬季(10—11月)最高温和平均温制约岷江冷杉的生长,而当年春季(3月)温度的升高和生长季前(5月)较多的降水不利于其生长。升温后,4个坡向的林线、东北坡中海拔,西坡中、低海拔岷江冷杉的径向生长与大部分月温度表现为正相关关系,且上述样点树木径向生长明显加速。1980年升温前,制约不同样点岷江冷杉径向生长的气候因子具有一致性——坡向和海拔对其径向生长与温度相关关系的干扰和影响较小。增温促进了各坡向林线岷江冷杉的径向生长,且偏阳坡在更大的海拔范围内对增温表现出正反馈。研究对未来气候变化背景下川西不同坡...  相似文献   

为了了解青藏高原东北部不同降水梯度下, 高山林线处的树木径向生长与气候关系是否存在差异, 在青海东北部从西北到东南沿降水梯度设置3个高山林线采样点: 乌兰县哈里哈图国家森林公园(HL, 年降水量217 mm)、都兰县曲什岗(QS, 281 mm)和同德县河北林场(HB, 470 mm), 运用树轮年轮学方法分析林线优势种祁连圆柏(Sabina przewalskii)的径向生长-气候关系随降水梯度的变化规律。结果表明: 不同降水梯度下, 降水对祁连圆柏径向生长的限制作用差异不明显, 但温度对祁连圆柏径向生长的影响存在显著差异。在低降水区域(HL), 冬、夏季最低气温主要限制祁连圆柏径向生长, 并且在不同气候特征年中无明显变化; 在中降水区域(QS), 祁连圆柏的径向生长明显受冬季最低气温影响, 与低降水区域相比, 春、夏季最低气温对祁连圆柏径向生长的限制作用减弱, 并且主要限制因子在不同气候特征年存在显著变化; 在高降水区域(HB), 冬、夏季最低气温对祁连圆柏径向生长的限制作用不显著, 而春、秋季最低气温对祁连圆柏径向生长的抑制作用显著增加, 并且主要集中在高温年和干旱年。该研究结果并未支持干旱(湿润)区高山林线树木径向生长主要由水分(温度)限制的假说, 但是林线处降水量会影响树木生长与温度的关系。随着青藏高原东北部暖湿化加剧, 不同地区林线处树木生长的气候限制因子可能存在复杂化趋势。  相似文献   

姚启超  王晓春  肖兴威   《生态学杂志》2015,26(7):1935-1944
运用树木年轮学方法,建立了小兴安岭丰林自然保护区不同海拔2个红皮云杉树轮宽度年表,研究其与局地温度、降水、帕默尔干旱指数(PDSI)及大尺度气候因子的关系,探讨红皮云杉径向生长的主要限制因子,分析其近几十年衰退的原因.结果表明: 小兴安岭红皮云杉径向生长受温度限制作用强于降水,且生长季最低温度限制最强.不同海拔红皮云杉径向生长对气候响应存在明显差异:低海拔红皮云杉径向生长与生长季(6—9月)年降水量呈显著正相关;与不同深度土壤温度呈显著负相关,80 cm土层土温在生长季阶段限制作用最强;与PDSI在生长季呈显著正相关.高海拔红皮云杉与空气温度、降水、土壤温度及PDSI的关系没有低海拔显著.小兴安岭红皮云杉衰退可能与北大西洋多年代际振荡(AMO)、太平洋年代际振荡(PDO)的相位转变以及1980年后的显著升温有一定关联,上述因素的耦合作用使该区土壤蒸发量加大,暖干化现象加剧,进而导致低海拔红皮云杉生长衰退.  相似文献   

The Daxing’an Mountains is one of the areas with the most serious climate warming in northern China. Dahurian larch (Larix gmelinii) and Mongolian Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica) are two major coniferous species in boreal forests of the region. Their growth-climate relationship is crucial for understanding the effects of climate change on boreal forest ecosystems. To examine and compare the changes of climate-growth relationship between larch and pine, a total of 418 tree-ring cores of the two species were collected at six sites in the Daxing’an Mountains, and the tree-ring chronologies were developed. The results showed that water availability (Palmer Drought Severity Index, PDSI) played a key role in the stable growth of larch and pine. The temperature and precipitation in January, June-August are important factors affecting the radial growth of the two coniferous species along the latitude gradient. The correlation coefficients of growth and the seasonal temperature and precipitation of larch and pine showed a completely opposite trend with the increase of latitude. In summer and autumn, the correlation coefficients between larch growth and seasonal mean temperature decreased first and then increased with the increase of latitude, while that of pine, on the contrary, increased first and then decreased. In winter, spring and autumn, the correlation coefficients between larch growth and seasonal total precipitation decreased first and then increased with the increase of latitude, while that of pine was opposite. However, the correlation coefficients between larch and pine growth and PDSI showed the same trend with the increase of latitude, decreasing at first and then increasing. Before and after rapid warming (around 1980), the correlation coefficients between larch and pine growth and PDSI showed a completely opposite change. Our findings emphasize that the growth-climate relationships of Dahurian larch and Mongolian Scotts pine shows an opposite trend with latitude, which means that the two species may exhibit a completely opposite response with climate change along the latitude gradient.  相似文献   

Climate change has been unprecedented in the last half-century. Tree growth dynamics and responses to climate warming at different elevations vary by study area due to regional diversity in site-specific climatic conditions in the central Hengduan Mountains. A. georgei is the dominant species in high-elevation montane forests in the central Hengduan Mountains. To study the response of A. georgei radial growth to climate and identify tree growth trends at different elevations, tree-ring width chronologies at four elevations across the subalpine A. georgei forest belt were built and growth-climate relationships were analyzed. The primary findings of this study were as follows: (1) radial growth rates of A. georgei decreased with elevation; (2) warming alleviated the limitation of low temperatures and abundant precipitation on tree radial growth at the highest sampling site; and (3) unlike at other elevations, the trend of trees basal area increment (BAI) at the lowest sampling site showed a significant decline over the past 20 years. This suggests the presence of an elevational inflection point, likely between 3800 m and 4000 m, where tree growth trends diverge. These results confirmed that A. georgei at higher elevation in the central Hengduan Mountains currently benefits from higher temperatures. However, the effects of drought on A. georgei at lower elevations would cause radial growth to decrease with climate warming. Therefore, it is critical to establish effective management strategies based on how A. georgei responds to climate change at various elevations.  相似文献   

利用西昆仑山的雪岭云杉和昆仑圆柏树芯样本,建立其树轮宽度年表。通过分析两种针叶树种树木径向生长特征与气候要素的相关关系,探讨了树种间的树木生长气候响应异同及响应关系的稳定性。结果表明:研究区域内的雪岭云杉和昆仑圆柏年表间存在显著正相关。两种针叶树种在1994年气温突变前树轮宽度年表指数和基部断面生长增量(BAI)呈上升趋势,在气温突变后年表和BAI则呈下降趋势,并且昆仑圆柏的树木径向生长速率高于雪岭云杉。与气候要素的相关性分析结果表明,雪岭云杉径向生长与上年生长季(5—6月和8—10月)和当年生长季(3—6月和10月)气温呈显著负相关,而昆仑圆柏径向生长与上年10月和当年生长季前期(4—6月)气温呈显著负相关;两者均与当年春季降水呈显著正相关。滑动相关分析结果显示,上年和当年生长季气温对两个树种树木径向生长的负响应在增强,特别是在当年生长季前期更为显著。此外,当年生长季前期降水对树木径向生长的促进作用也在增强。在有可能的气候突变年份(1994年)之后,两种针叶树种对气温和降水的响应敏感性均有所增强,并且雪岭云杉对气温的响应敏感性强于昆仑圆柏,而对降水响应敏感性要弱于昆仑圆柏。  相似文献   

Accurately assessing the impact of climate changes on tree growth or forest productivity is vital to better understand global carbon cycles. Here, we carried out dendroclimatological research on Yezo spruce (Picea jezoensis var. microsperma) along an elevation gradient in two sites to investigate the effect of rapid warming on spruce growth in northeast China. Results indicated that trees at two low-elevation sites had significantly wider ring widths and higher basal area increment (BAI) compared with high-elevation sites. Ring widths and BAI of Yezo spruce at low elevations showed a clear growth increase during the 1940s–1970s followed by a significant decline after 1980. However, trees at high elevations showed a relatively stable growth during the 1940s–1970s followed by a significant increase after 1980. Rapid warming after 1980 increased the radial growth of Yezo spruce at high-elevation sites, but reduced tree growth at low-elevation sites. Winter precipitation and growing season temperature were positively correlated with radial growth of Yezo spruce at high elevations, but negatively correlated with tree growth at low elevations. A clear pattern of growth and growth-climate relationship changed in 1980. The temperature threshold for determining the impact of climate on Yezo spruce could change with latitude or site. Difference in drought caused by warming may be the main reason for the opposite response of tree growing at different altitudes in northeast China. The mechanism of rapid warming driving contrasting growth at different elevations should also be investigated in other tree species in NE Asia. In the context of future climate warming, our findings are of great significance for tree growth in assessing forest dynamics and carbon cycling.  相似文献   

Warming-induced drought has widely affected forest dynamics in most places of the northern hemisphere. In this study, we assessed how climate warming has affected Picea crassifolia (Qinghai spruce) forests using tree growth-climate relationships and the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) along the Qilian Mountains, northeastern Tibet Plateau (the main range of Picea crassifolia). Based on the analysis on trees radial growth data from the upper tree line and the regional NDVI data, we identified a pervasive growth decline in recent decades, most likely caused by warming-induced droughts. The drought stress on Picea crassifolia radial growth were expanding from northeast to southwest and the favorable moisture conditions for tree growth were retreating along the identical direction in the study area over the last half century. Compared to the historical drought stress on tree radial growth in the 1920s, recent warming-induced droughts display a longer-lasting stress with a broader spatial distribution on regional forest growth. If the recent warming continues without the effective moisture increasing, then a notable challenge is developed for Picea crassifolia in the Qilian Mountains. Elaborate forest management is necessary to counteract the future risk of climate change effects in this region.  相似文献   

阿尔泰山萨彦岭4种优势树种径向生长对气候因子的响应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
康剑  蒋少伟  黄建国 《生态学报》2020,40(17):6135-6146
气候变化深刻地影响森林树木的生长,而树种对气候变化敏感度的差异可能影响了气候变化下的森林生态系统响应。因此,研究优势树种间生长对气候变化的敏感度差异,对正确认识气候变化下林分生长动态及分布格局十分重要。基于树木年代学的方法,研究了阿尔泰山萨彦岭西伯利亚落叶松(Larix sibirica)、西伯利亚红松(Pinus sibirica)、西伯利亚冷杉(Abies sibirica)以及西伯利亚云杉(Picea obovata)4种优势树种的径向生长-气候关系。结果显示:(1)西伯利亚冷杉径向生长与上一年10-11月、当年1-9月的干旱指数、2-4月的降水显著正相关,与1月的平均温和最高温呈显著负相关关系,与当年4、6月份的水汽压正相关;(2)西伯利亚落叶松径向生长与上一年8月和当年8月的平均温、最高温以及当年8月的最低温显著负相关,而与当年6月的最低温则正相关,与8月份的水汽压显著负相关;(3)西伯利亚红松径向生长与3月降水、7月最低温、上一年10月的水汽压显著正相关;(4)西伯利亚云杉径向生长与6月平均温、最高温、水汽压正相关,与上一年10-11月、当年2-4月和9月的干旱指数正相关,同时与3、4月的降水量显著正相关。西伯利亚冷杉和西伯利亚云杉、西伯利亚云杉和西伯利亚落叶松、西伯利亚云杉和西伯利亚红松对于特定气候因子表现出相似的响应结果,与年表间相关性的结果一致。但差异也是明显的,西伯利亚冷杉和西伯利亚云杉对区域水分变化敏感,而西伯利亚落叶松和西伯利亚红松主要对区域温度变化敏感。综上所述,气候变化下,该区域优势树种对气候变化响应的差异可能导致区域林分动态和格局的改变,因此,多树种径向生长-气候关系研究有助于正确反映森林动态。研究结果可以为区域森林管理与生态保护工作提供理论依据。  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate the age trends of genetic variation in radial growth of different provenances and growth-climate relationship in different locations. Tree-ring cores of 10 L. olgensis provenances were sampled from four representative trials with different climatic conditions in 2019. The results of ANOVA show that significant differences for DBH at different ages were detected among provenances within sites, except for 10, 11, 37, and 38 years at LS. The phenotypic and genetic coefficient of variation in different sites were generally decreased with age. Although there were large fluctuations for provenance repeatability at different ages across sites, they all belonged to high repeatability. Age-age correlations show that the early selection for DBH could be made at the age of 10 years at the semi-arid area in Heilongjiang province and the southeast slope of Xiaoxing'an Mountains, while the ages for early selection at the southeastern slope of Daxing'an Mountains and the western slope of Zhangguangcai Mountain were 13 and 12 years old, respectively. The results of growth-climate relationships showed that temperature and precipitation played key roles in the radial growth of larch at each site. In the semi-arid area in Heilongjiang province, radial growth showed significant correlations with August temperature (positive) of the current year, and with previous May temperature (negative) and November temperature (positive), and previous December precipitation (positive). The current June temperature (negative) and precipitation (positive) were important factors affecting the radial growth at the southeastern slope of Daxing'an Mountains. July temperature of the current year had a negative relationship with larch growth at the southeast slope of Xiaoxing'an Mountains, while there were no significant correlations between radial growth and climatic factors at the western slope of Zhangguangcai Mountain. The results reported in this study provide a valuable insight about early selection for different sites and can serve as a reference for future breeding and improvement research.  相似文献   

In view of the projected decrease in precipitation and increase in temperature, a better understanding on growth-climate responses in different populations of tree species is needed to improve and enhance the conservation and management strategies for major forest tree species. In this study, we assessed differences in growth traits (i.e., stem diameter, tree height, and stem radial growth) and analysed climate-growth relationships in five provenances of maritime pine (Pinus pinaster Ait.) grown in four replicated common gardens in Sardinia (Italy). Stem radial growth increased under a positive water balance in late winter and early spring. Conversely, high temperature and low precipitation in summer had a negative impact on stem radial growth. At age 40, none of the considered provenances (Portugal, Corsica, Tuscany, Sardinia-Telti, Sardinia-Limbara) showed a substantial advantage in more than one common garden site for tree height and stem diameter. Nevertheless, differences were found among common garden sites in terms of dendrometric parameters, stem radial growth, and growth-climate responses (including sensitivity to summer drought), suggesting a greater site dependent over tree growth. Although in juvenile stages the Portuguese provenance (in particular) showed greater growth than the Sardinian ones, this study showed that, with tree age, the differences among the five provenances tends to narrow. Therefore, irrespective of the seed source, tree growth patterns and growth-climate responses were similar at age 40. This result can be important for implementing forest management strategies to balance adaptation and mitigation potential of maritime pine plantations in harsh environmental conditions.  相似文献   

为了解我国东南部亚热带森林不同海拔树木生长对气候响应的差异,建立了福建省武夷山脉东麓2个样点的4个马尾松(Pinus massoniana)轮宽年表,对树木径向生长与气候因子进行了bootstrapped相关分析和线性混合模型(LME)拟合。结果表明,在高海拔地区马尾松径向生长对气候因子年际波动敏感性较强,主要表现为与生长季前冬季光温条件以及生长季内7月降水的正相关,生长-气候关系在不同样点间表现出较强的一致性。线性混合模型可以较好地拟合高海拔树木生长变化,当使用前1年12月平均日最高温、当年1月日照时长和当年7月降雨量3个气候变量进行拟合时,模型解释量达到0.5,其中前1年12月最高温和当年1月日照时数在模型中起到主导作用,累积相对贡献率约占80%,说明生长季前冬季的光热条件是限制高海拔马尾松径向生长最主要的气候因子。因此,我国亚热带地区高海拔的树木径向生长可能对未来气候变化有更强的敏感性,相关森林管理政策的制定需要将此纳入考虑;同时我国亚热带地区高海拔森林中的树木有被用于树轮气候重建的潜力。  相似文献   

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