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真核细胞中染色体浓缩调节因子(regulator of chromosome condensation 1,RCC1)是RanGTPase唯一的鸟嘌呤核苷酸交换因子.染色质结合的RCC1和RanGTPase相互作用,催化细胞核内RanGDP向RanGTP的转化,进而调控了核质间的定向运送、有丝分裂期纺锤体的组装以及核膜的形成.本实验从原生生物嗜热四膜虫大核基因组中鉴定了1个新的RCC1(TTHERM_00530380)基因.该基因全长2 541 bp,包含2个内含子序列,开放阅读框为2 181 bp,编码726个氨基酸.实时荧光定量PCR表明,RCC1在四膜虫营养生长、饥饿以及有性生殖时期都有表达,且在有性生殖转录水平达到最高.免疫荧光定位分析表明,HA-RCC1在营养生长和饥饿时期,定位于大核和小核中;在有性生殖时期,定位于亲本大核、减数分裂的小核、新生成的大核和凋亡的大核中.过表达RCC1导致大核的无丝分裂异常,细胞增殖变慢,最终产生无大核的后代细胞.敲减RCC1导致了多小核的产生.结果表明,RCC1参与调控了四膜虫细胞核的分裂,RCC1的正常表达对核分裂以及细胞增殖起到重要的调控作用.  相似文献   

真核细胞中染色体浓缩调节因子(regulator of chromosome condensation 1, RCC1)是 RanGTPase 唯一的鸟嘌呤核苷酸交换因子. 染色质结合的RCC1和RanGTPase相互作用,催化细胞核内RanGDP向RanGTP的转化,进而调控了核质间的定向运送、有丝分裂期纺锤体的组装以及核膜的形成. 本实验从原生生物嗜热四膜虫大核基因组中鉴定了1个新的RCC1(TTHERM_00530380)基因. 该基因全长2 541 bp,包含2个内含子序列,开放阅读框为2 181 bp,编码726个氨基酸. 实时荧光定量PCR表明,RCC1在四膜虫营养生长、饥饿以及有性生殖时期都有表达,且在有性生殖转录水平达到最高. 免疫荧光定位分析表明, HA RCC1在营养生长和饥饿时期,定位于大核和小核中|在有性生殖时期,定位于亲本大核、减数分裂的小核、新生成的大核和凋亡的大核中. 过表达RCC1导致大核的无丝分裂异常, 细胞增殖变慢,最终产生无大核的后代细胞. 敲减RCC1导致了多小核的产生. 结果表明,RCC1参与调控了四膜虫细胞核的分裂, RCC1的正常表达对核分裂以及细胞增殖起到重要的调控作用.  相似文献   

驱动蛋白(kinesin)是分子马达蛋白质超家族成员,主要参与囊泡与细胞器的运输、纺锤体组装、有丝分裂和减数分裂等过程。在减数分裂期,不同驱动蛋白发挥功能的调控机制并不十分清楚。嗜热四膜虫(Tetrahymena thermophila)中含有14个驱动蛋白家族成员。其中,kinesin-6家族的唯一成员Kin11(TTHERM_00637750),在营养生长期低表达,饥饿期不表达,有性生殖期表达上调。Kin11编码1608个氨基酸,包含1个N端保守的马达蛋白结构域,C端卷曲螺旋(coiled-coil)结构域,并在N端和C端分别含有核定位信号NLS1和NLS2。Kin11在营养生长期和有性生殖期,定位在有丝分裂和减数分裂的小核和纺锤体上,并在有性生殖后期alignment阶段定位于小核上。Kin11与微管蛋白共定位于有丝分裂和减数分裂的纺锤体上。将Kin11的N端含有NLS1的1~400位氨基酸序列截短后,截断突变体定位在有性生殖减数分裂期的小核和纺锤体上。而将其C端含有NLS2的1008~1608位氨基酸残基截短后,截断突变体只能定位在有丝分裂和减数分裂后期的小核及有丝分裂的纺锤体上。敲除KIN11导致减数分裂过程中的纺锤体结构发生异常变化,小核染色体不均等分离与丢失,有性生殖发育停滞。结果表明,嗜热四膜虫驱动蛋白Kin11通过影响纺锤体结构,参与调控四膜虫生殖系小核在减数分裂过程中的正常分离。  相似文献   

DNA错配修复(mismatch repair, MMR)是一种进化中保守的机制,它校正DNA复制过程中产生的错误,维持基因组的稳定性。MMR家族蛋白同时也参与多种DNA相关的生物学功能。本研究从嗜热四膜虫鉴定了一种新的错配修复蛋白MLH3基因,该基因预测编码 319 个氨基酸,在有性生殖期特异表达。免疫荧光定位表明,HA-Mlh3定位在有性生殖期减数分裂的小核和新发育的大核中。MLH3 敲除的突变体细胞株,在有性生殖发育期停滞在两大核和两小核阶段,新大核DNA复制受阻。γ-H2A.X 检测表明,新大核和小核有性生殖后期断裂的基因组不能正常修复,发育中的细胞裂解,不能形成有性生殖后代。结果表明,Mlh3参与四膜虫新大核发育过程基因组的断裂修复和复制,对四膜虫的有性生殖是必需的。  相似文献   

DNA错配修复(DNA mismatch repair,MMR)蛋白Mlh1和其它因子形成多种不同的复合物,在DNA复制后的MMR途径和减数分裂DNA重组中发挥重要作用。然而对Mlh1的功能并不完全清楚,进一步分析Mlh1在不同进化地位生物中的功能具有重要意义。嗜热四膜虫(Tetrahymena thermophila)含有不同的错配修复复合物,基因表达谱分析发现,MutL复合物中的TMLH1(TTHERM_00127000)在营养生长期和饥饿期低水平表达,在有性生殖减数分裂期表达水平显著上调。免疫荧光定位显示营养生长期,Tmlh1定位于生殖系小核和转录活跃的大核;有性生殖期,定位于功能性小核和亲本大核,但在凋亡的大核和小核中消失。在减数分裂和有丝分裂时期,Tmlh1和α-微管蛋白(α-tubulin)存在共定位;而有性生殖后期,Tmlh1与异染色质蛋白Pdd1共定位于DNA删除的异染色结构域。TMLH1敲除细胞增殖速率降低,DNA损伤修复抑制,导致有性生殖细胞配对率降低和微核形成。1 mmol/L甲基甲磺酸甲酯(methy methanesulfonate, MMS)处理下,ΔTMLH1细胞传代时间增加了4.53%±0.35%,而野生型细胞传代时间增加了0.60%±0.14%。TMLH1敲除突变细胞株小核上呈现强烈的γ-H2A.X的荧光信号。免疫共沉淀和蛋白质谱分析发现,Tmlh1同微管蛋白、错配修复因子MutS、同源重组修复关键因子Rad51,非同源末端修复因子Ku80因子等存在相互作用。这些结果表明,嗜热四膜虫错配修复蛋白Tmlh1通过多种途径参与DNA修复和基因组重排,从而维持四膜虫生长发育和有性生殖过程中细胞核的稳定性。  相似文献   

RanGTPase激活蛋白(RanGTPase activating protein,RanGAP)和Ran相互作用,提高了Ran GTPase水解GTP的效率. RanGAP参与细胞内核质运输、纺锤体组装、核膜重建和异染色质的组装.生物进化过程中,不同生物的RanGAP表现出结构和功能的多样性.本研究从嗜热四膜虫大核基因组中鉴定出1个保守的RanGTPase激活蛋白基因RanGAP(TTHERM_00766430).实时荧光定量PCR表明,RanGAP在四膜虫营养生长、饥饿和有性生殖过程中均有表达,且在有性生殖4~6 h表达水平最高.免疫荧光定位表明,在营养生长期、饥饿期及有性生殖的早期,RanGAP定位于细胞质中| 在有性生殖后期, RanGAP定位于凋亡的大核中.过表达RanGAP的细胞增殖速率下降,大核分裂和胞质缢缩异常, 产生无大核细胞.敲减RanGAP的细胞大核形态异常,细胞增殖速率下降,无丝分裂受到抑制,进而产生无大核细胞.RanGAP的过表达或敲除分别引起四膜虫RAN1,RanBP1和RCC1基因的表达下调或上调.结果表明,RanGAP通过Ran信号通路调控了嗜热四膜虫无性生殖过程中大核的无丝分裂,并可能参与了有性生殖过程中亲本大核的凋亡.  相似文献   

微管蛋白(tubulin)在细胞的结构和功能中发挥着重要作用, α微管蛋白和 β微管蛋白是组成微管的主要因子,γ微管蛋白促使α和β微管蛋白二聚体组装为微管结构. 然而, 4种新的微管蛋白δ-,ε-,ζ-, 和η- tubulin在细胞中的功能并不完全清楚. 本研究从嗜热四膜虫大核基因组数据库中鉴定了一种新的编码δ微管蛋白基因(Tetrahymena delta tubulin 1, TDT1, TTHERM_00335970, http://www. ciliate. org), TDT1基因转录产生1 326 bp和 1 363 bp两种不同的转录本, 1 326 bp的转录本编码441个氨基酸的多肽; 而1 363 bp的转录本含有37 bp未剪切的内含子序列, 从而导致开发读框发生移码突变现象. 实时荧光定量PCR结果表明, TDT1基因在四膜虫细胞营养生长和有性生殖过程中都有表达, 且在有性生殖过程中的表达显著上调. 免疫荧光定位表明, TDT1蛋白不仅定位于四膜虫基体和有性生殖期conjugation junction结构, 而且在四膜虫的大核和小核中也有定位. TDT1基因敲除发现,该基因不能通过表型分配完全被巴龙霉素抗性基因替代, 结果表明, TDT1蛋白在四膜虫细胞中可能具有多种不同的功能, 它的正常表达对四膜虫细胞的生存是必需的.  相似文献   

细胞核自噬在真核生物进化过程中具有重要作用,然而不同生物中的自噬分子调控机制并不完全清楚。嗜热四膜虫有性生殖过程中亲本大核的程序化降解是一种独特的细胞核选择性自噬。该研究从嗜热四膜虫中鉴定出一种自噬相关基因Tt ATG4.1(TTHERM_00526270),编码677个氨基酸。Tt ATG4.1在营养生长期和饥饿期不表达,在有性生殖期2 h特异表达,亲本大核开始降解的anlagen时期表达量最高。通过同源重组构建获得MTT1启动子调控表达的ATG4.1突变株,免疫荧光定位显示, Atg4.1定位在细胞质和降解的亲本大核上。过量表达Atg4.1导致anlagen时期亲本大核未能正常凝缩,且细胞核膨大。通过自噬体和溶酶体荧光探针标记发现过量表达Atg4.1不影响亲本大核的酸化,但相比于野生型细胞,过表达Atg4.1细胞株中,亲本大核的降解更快。研究表明自噬相关蛋白Atg4.1参与调控嗜热四膜虫有性生殖中亲本大核程序化降解。  相似文献   

Ran是细胞内的一种具有GTP酶活性的功能蛋白,可以调节染色体稳定性、细胞核组建以及核质运输等多种细胞进程.Ran结合蛋白1(Ran-binding protein 1, Rbp1p )是Ran的必要调控因子,促进Ran-GTP水解为Ran-GDP.本研究从嗜热四膜虫大核基因组中鉴定出1个保守的Ran结合蛋白基因RBP1(TTHERM_00158040, http://www.ciliate.org).实时荧光定量PCR表明,RBP1在四膜虫营养生长和有性生殖过程中都有表达,且在有性生殖过程中表达水平提高.免疫荧光定位表明,在营养 生长期Rbp1p定位于细胞质中.过表达RBP1或敲减RBP1后,细胞生长速率下降,大核的无丝分裂异常,细胞分裂末期产生了无大核的异常细胞,同时过表达RBP1导致了多小核的产生.结果表明,Rbp1p影响四膜虫细胞核的分裂进程,它的正常表达对细胞增殖过程起到重要的调节作用.  相似文献   

Phosphorylation of the C terminus SQ motif that defines H2A.X variants is required for efficient DNA double-strand break (DSB) repair in diverse organisms but has not been studied in ciliated protozoa. Tetrahymena H2A.X is one of two similarly expressed major H2As, thereby differing both from mammals, where H2A.X is a quantitatively minor component, and from Saccharomyces cerevisiae where it is the only type of major H2A. Tetrahymena H2A.X is phosphorylated in the SQ motif in both the mitotic micronucleus and the amitotic macronucleus in response to DSBs induced by chemical agents and in the micronucleus during prophase of meiosis, which occurs in the absence of a synaptonemal complex. H2A.X is phosphorylated when programmed DNA rearrangements occur in developing macronuclei, as for immunoglobulin gene rearrangements in mammals, but not during the DNA fragmentation that accompanies breakdown of the parental macronucleus during conjugation, correcting the previous interpretation that this process is apoptosis-like. Using strains containing a mutated (S134A) SQ motif, we demonstrate that phosphorylation of this motif is important for Tetrahymena cells to recover from exogenous DNA damage and is required for normal micronuclear meiosis and mitosis and, to a lesser extent, for normal amitotic macronuclear division; its absence, while not lethal, leads to the accumulation of DSBs in both micro- and macronuclei. These results demonstrate multiple roles of H2A.X phosphorylation in maintaining genomic integrity in different phases of the Tetrahymena life cycle.  相似文献   

Mochizuki K  Fine NA  Fujisawa T  Gorovsky MA 《Cell》2002,110(6):689-699
During development of the somatic macronucleus from the germline micronucleus in ciliates, chromosome rearrangements occur in which specific regions of DNA are eliminated and flanking regions are healed, either by religation or construction of telomeres. We identified a gene, TWI1, in Tetrahymena thermophila that is homologous to piwi and is required for DNA elimination. We also found that small RNAs were specifically expressed prior to chromosome rearrangement during conjugation. These RNAs were not observed in TWI1 knockout cells and required PDD1, another gene required for rearrangement, for expression. We propose that these small RNAs function to specify sequences to be eliminated by a mechanism similar to RNA-mediated gene silencing.  相似文献   

Asf1 is a histone chaperone that favors histone H3/H4 assembly and disassembly. We solved the structure of the conserved domain of human ASF1A in complex with the C-terminal helix of histone H3 using nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. This structure is fully compatible with an association of ASF1 with the heterodimeric form of histones H3/H4. In our model, ASF1 substitutes for the second H3/H4 heterodimer that is normally found in heterotetrameric H3/H4 complexes. This result constitutes an essential step in the fundamental understanding of the mechanisms of nucleosome assembly by histone chaperones. Point mutations that perturb the Asf1/histone interface were designed from the structure. The decreased binding affinity of the Asf1-H3/H4 complex correlates with decreased levels of H3-K56 acetylation and phenotypic defects in vivo.  相似文献   

Sequence characterization of Tetrahymena macronuclear DNA ends.   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
Tetrahymena is a ciliated protozoan which has two nuclei: a micronucleus, which maintains the genetic continuity of the cell, and the macronucleus which is derived from the micronucleus after sexual conjugation. A macronuclear DNA library was constructed to contain DNA ends. A probe containing C4A2 repeats which are known to be present at macronuclear DNA ends (1) was used to screen the library. Three clones were characterized by sequencing, restriction enzyme mapping and Bal 31 digestion. The data indicate that these three clones represent macronuclear DNA ends which were generated by DNA fragmentation during macronuclear formation. The sequencing data at the C4A2 repeat junction show a conserved sequence of five nucleotides, TTATT. Sequences further away show no obvious homologies except that they are highly enriched in AT. This structure is quite different from the subtelomeric sequences of other organisms.  相似文献   

Programmed DNA rearrangements are important processes present in many organisms. In the ciliated protozoan Tetrahymena thermophila, DNA rearrangements occur during the sexual conjugation process and lead to the deletion of thousands of specific DNA segments and fragmentation of the chromosomes. In this study, we found that the Ku80 homologue, a conserved component of the nonhomologous end-joining process of DNA repair, was essential for these two processes. During conjugation, TKU80 was highly expressed and localized to the new macronucleus, where DNA rearrangements occur. Homokaryon TKU80-knockout mutants are unable to complete conjugation and produce progeny and are arrested at the two-micronuclei/two-macronuclei stage. Analysis of their DNA revealed failure to complete DNA deletion. However, the DNA-cutting step appeared to have occurred, as evidenced by the presence of circularized excised DNA. Moreover, chromosome breakage or de novo telomere addition was affected. The mutant appears to accumulate free DNA ends detectable by terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase dUTP nick end labeling assays that led to the degradation of most DNA in the developing macronucleus. These findings suggest that Tku80p may serve an end-protective role after DNA cleavage has occurred. Unexpectedly, the large heterochromatin structures that normally associate with DNA rearrangements failed to form without TKU80. Together the results suggest multiple roles for Tku80p and indicate that a Ku-dependent DNA-repair pathway is involved in programmed DNA rearrangements in Tetrahymena.  相似文献   

C4A2 repeats are present in multiple clusters in both the macronucleus and micronucleus of Tetrahymena. Although the macronucleus is generated from the micronucleus after sexual conjugation, the repeats are telomeric sequences in the macronucleus but are internally located in the micronucleus (1). This study investigates the fate of the sequences adjacent to the micronuclear C4A2 repeats. Southern blot analyses of 21 C4A2-containing micronuclear clones show that extensive elimination of the adjacent sequences occurs during the formation of the macronucleus. Comparison of one C4A2-containing micronuclear clone with its derived macronuclear segment indicates that approximately 4.5 kb of DNA, which includes the C4A2 repeats and adjacent sequences on both sides is deleted from the macronucleus. The two regions adjoining the deletion are joined together to form a contiguous segment in the macronucleus. This excision of C4A2 repeats and surrounding sequences and the rejoining of the retained segments is probably the mechanism by which all or most of the other C4A2 adjacent sequences are eliminated.  相似文献   

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