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两种林龄文冠果叶N、P、K的季节变化及再吸收特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以科尔沁沙地西南缘乌丹地区文冠果人工林为研究对象,分析了8年生和50年生文冠果叶片N、P、K含量的季节变化和再吸收效率。结果表明:2种林龄文冠果年生长周期内N、P、K含量均呈下降趋势,其中,5—6月和8—10月下降幅度较大,6—8月含量变化不大;8年生文冠果叶片凋落前后的N、P、K含量(衰落叶中N除外)均极显著50年生文冠果(P0.01)。8年生文冠果叶片养分再吸收效率表现为:N(50%)P(32%)K(30%),但50年生的则表现为K(63%)P(62%)N(48%);二者N再吸收效率差异不显著(P0.05),而50年生文冠果叶片P、K再吸收效率极显著高于8年生文冠果(P0.01)。50年生文冠果叶片再吸收效率高,反映其较高的养分保存能力和养分利用效率,能更好地适应贫瘠养分生境。  相似文献   

生态恢复对马尾松叶片化学计量及氮磷转移的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解生态恢复对侵蚀红壤恢复的马尾松林叶片碳氮磷化学计量及氮磷养分转移的影响,在福建省长汀县河田镇典型侵蚀红壤区选取恢复13、30、33a的马尾松林为研究对象,并以未治理侵蚀地(CK1)和次生林(CK2)分别作为恢复前和恢复后的对照,通过测定马尾松叶片的碳、氮、磷含量,计算其计量比,内稳性指数和氮磷转移率,分析了侵蚀红壤生长的马尾松养分限制与养分转移的关系。结果表明:在侵蚀红壤恢复过程中,马尾松1年龄叶片C、N、P含量及1年龄叶片C∶N、C∶P、N∶P变化较小,这与马尾松较高的内稳性有关(N和P内稳性指数分别为7.57和3.89)。所有实验地马尾松1年龄叶片N∶P处于11.0—13.4之间,表明马尾松的生长受N、P共同限制,其中马尾松叶片N转移率显著低于P转移率,这与生态恢复过程中马尾松养分利用效率、生长需求以及土壤养分供应状况有关。1年龄叶片C∶N、C∶P分别与马尾松N、P转移率成负相关关系,当马尾松叶片C∶N、C∶P较低时,表明N、P利用效率较低,叶片衰老时更多的N和P被转移利用;反之,则N、P利用效率较高,转移率低。同时,C∶N、C∶P分别与树高、胸径成显著负相关关系,即马尾松生长对N、P的需求同样会影响化学计量比的变化,从而影响养分转移。虽然侵蚀地生态恢复过程中土壤N、P含量增加,但仍较贫瘠,不足以满足马尾松的生长,马尾松养分转移率较高,因此,为了提高侵蚀地恢复的马尾松林的生产力,建议下一步恢复措施中适当施加N肥和P肥。该研究将侵蚀红壤不同生态恢复年限的马尾松叶片C、N、P化学计量及养分转移结合,有助于全面、系统地揭示生态恢复过程马尾松林的养分循环,对指导侵蚀红壤恢复和提高马尾松生产力具有重要意义。  相似文献   

为揭示亚热带山地阔叶树叶片养分利用策略随海拔梯度的变化规律,本研究选取武夷山不同海拔(1400、1600和1800 m)44种阔叶树,研究成熟与衰老叶片养分含量、化学计量比及养分再吸收效率,并分析其异速生长关系。结果表明:成熟叶片氮(N)、磷(P)含量显著高于衰老叶,且均随海拔升高而升高。磷再吸收效率(PRE)与氮再吸收效率(NRE)的平均值分别为48.3%和34.9%,PRE显著高于NRE,养分再吸收效率随海拔变化无显著差异。NRE与成熟叶N含量在低海拔处(1400 m)呈正等速生长,与衰老叶N含量在高海拔处(1800 m)呈负异速生长。PRE与衰老叶片N、P含量在低海拔(1400 m处)呈负等速生长,在高海拔处(1600、1800 m)呈负异速生长。各海拔PRE-NRE异速生长指数为0.95。随着海拔的升高,成熟和衰老叶片养分含量升高,但海拔不影响养分再吸收效率,且植物偏好从衰老叶中再吸收P,高海拔养分再吸收效率会影响衰老叶片的养分状况。  相似文献   

凋落物是森林生态系统养分的重要来源, 叶片脱落时间是影响其分解的关键因素。东北温带森林中蒙古栎(Quercus mongolica)落叶时间较其他树种晚, 在山脊等贫瘠立地叶片甚至第二年春天才脱落。我们假设: 相对于其他树种, 蒙古栎叶片养分元素含量过高、再吸收时间长, 导致叶片延迟脱落。为验证假设, 除蒙古栎外, 选择了落叶时间居中的色木槭(Acer mono)和落叶较早的胡桃楸(Juglans mandshurica)为对象, 持续监测叶片从成熟至凋落过程中叶片养分元素含量, 包括大量元素: 氮(N)、磷(P)、钾(K)、钙(Ca)和镁(Mg), 微量元素: 铁(Fe)、铜(Cu)、锰(Mn)和锌(Zn); 并分析养分再吸收率。结果表明: 蒙古栎成熟叶养分元素含量介于对照树种之间; 凋落叶N、P和K含量低于对照树种, Fe和Mn含量高于对照树种, 其余元素含量介于对照树种之间。该结果不支持“蒙古栎叶片养分含量过高”假设。蒙古栎叶片N、P和K再吸收率高于对照树种, 再吸收率高低与其落叶时间完全一致; 叶片Cu和Zn再吸收率与对照树种无显著差异; 叶片其余元素未发生再吸收, 其累积率与对照树种无显著差异; 说明养分再吸收与养分含量无关, 可能与树种的种专一性相关, 可能会影响叶片脱落时间。由于蒙古栎多生长在贫瘠土壤, 其成熟叶无法积累更多养分; 为避免叶片脱落后养分进入土壤被其他物种利用, 将养分尽量回收储存于自身, 即蒙古栎叶片养分再吸收过程较长, 叶片脱落较晚。生长在极端贫瘠立地的蒙古栎叶片次年春天才落叶, 可能是由于再吸收一直在进行, 来不及脱落而保留至新生长季开始。落叶晚的树种养分再吸收率高、有利于自身养分保存, 更能适应贫瘠土壤, 反之亦然。  相似文献   

福建东山短枝木麻黄小枝氮磷含量及其再吸收率季节动态   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
叶功富  张立华  林益明  王亨  周海超  曾琦 《生态学报》2009,29(12):6519-6526
对福建东山赤山林场短枝木麻黄纯林小枝中的N和P含量、N ∶ P比、养分再吸收率的季节动态进行研究.结果表明,随着小枝的成熟和衰老,各季节N和P的含量依次降低,其中衰老小枝中N和P含量分别为(3.97±0.21)~(8.64±0.58) mg · g~(-1)和(0.04±0.03)~(0.10±0.03) mg · g~(-1),基本上表现为N和P的完全再吸收.成熟小枝N ∶ P比的季节动态介于(18.67±3.24)~(37.98±1.32)之间,均高于16,表明木麻黄的生长受到不同程度的P限制.N、P再吸收率的季节变化分别为(51.02±4.66)%~(63.00±8.61)%和(81.24 ±5.08)%~(91.78±5.84)%,P再吸收率显著高于N.N和P的再吸收率之间以及成熟叶中N、P含量与二者再吸收率之间没有显著相关性,但在衰老叶中存在显著负相关,表明养分再吸收程度越高,其再吸收率就越高.因此,木麻黄通过小枝衰老过程中的养分再吸收,减少养分的损失,从而适应贫瘠的立地条件.  相似文献   

凋落物是森林生态系统养分的重要来源, 叶片脱落时间是影响其分解的关键因素。东北温带森林中蒙古栎(Quercus mongolica)落叶时间较其他树种晚, 在山脊等贫瘠立地叶片甚至第二年春天才脱落。我们假设: 相对于其他树种, 蒙古栎叶片养分元素含量过高、再吸收时间长, 导致叶片延迟脱落。为验证假设, 除蒙古栎外, 选择了落叶时间居中的色木槭(Acer mono)和落叶较早的胡桃楸(Juglans mandshurica)为对象, 持续监测叶片从成熟至凋落过程中叶片养分元素含量, 包括大量元素: 氮(N)、磷(P)、钾(K)、钙(Ca)和镁(Mg), 微量元素: 铁(Fe)、铜(Cu)、锰(Mn)和锌(Zn); 并分析养分再吸收率。结果表明: 蒙古栎成熟叶养分元素含量介于对照树种之间; 凋落叶N、P和K含量低于对照树种, Fe和Mn含量高于对照树种, 其余元素含量介于对照树种之间。该结果不支持“蒙古栎叶片养分含量过高”假设。蒙古栎叶片N、P和K再吸收率高于对照树种, 再吸收率高低与其落叶时间完全一致; 叶片Cu和Zn再吸收率与对照树种无显著差异; 叶片其余元素未发生再吸收, 其累积率与对照树种无显著差异; 说明养分再吸收与养分含量无关, 可能与树种的种专一性相关, 可能会影响叶片脱落时间。由于蒙古栎多生长在贫瘠土壤, 其成熟叶无法积累更多养分; 为避免叶片脱落后养分进入土壤被其他物种利用, 将养分尽量回收储存于自身, 即蒙古栎叶片养分再吸收过程较长, 叶片脱落较晚。生长在极端贫瘠立地的蒙古栎叶片次年春天才落叶, 可能是由于再吸收一直在进行, 来不及脱落而保留至新生长季开始。落叶晚的树种养分再吸收率高、有利于自身养分保存, 更能适应贫瘠土壤, 反之亦然。  相似文献   

养分再吸收是植物养分利用的重要策略,体现了植物对养分留存、利用和适应环境的能力。为研究亚热带不同生活型(常绿与落叶)阔叶树养分含量与养分再吸收的关系,以江西阳际峰国家级自然保护区内30种阔叶树为研究对象,测定成熟和衰老叶片氮(N)和磷(P)含量,分析常绿和落叶树种叶片N和P含量及其再吸收效率差异,揭示阔叶树种叶片养分再吸收效率对植物生活型的响应。结果表明: 落叶树种成熟叶片N和P含量显著高于常绿树种,衰老叶片P含量显著高于常绿树种,而两者衰老叶N含量差异不显著;30种阔叶林木叶片的氮再吸收效率(NRE)与磷再吸收效率(PRE)平均值分别为49.6%和50.9%,两种生活型树种间叶片的NRE与PRE无显著差异;落叶和常绿树种叶片的NRE均与衰老叶N含量呈显著负相关,PRE则与衰老叶P含量呈显著负相关,且这种关系在不同生活型之间差异不显著;总物种的PRE-NRE异速生长指数为1.18。江西阳际峰30种不同生活型阔叶树的养分再吸收效率会影响衰老叶片的养分状况,且相较于N,植物偏好从衰老叶中再吸收P。  相似文献   

重庆石灰岩地区主要木本植物叶片性状及养分再吸收特征   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
刘宏伟  刘文丹  王微  柴捷  陶建平 《生态学报》2015,35(12):4071-4080
以重庆石灰岩地区15种常绿木本植物和14种落叶木本植物为研究对象,对两种生活型植物叶片衰老前后叶干物质含量(LDMC)、比叶面积(SLA)和叶片厚度(LT)进行了比较,并采用不同的计算方法(单位质量叶片养分含量、单位面积叶片养分含量)分析了两类植物叶片衰老前后养分含量及再吸收特征,最后对养分再吸收效率与其他叶性状因子之间的关系进行了相关分析。结果表明:常绿植物成熟叶LDMC、LT及衰老叶LT显著低于落叶植物,落叶植物成熟叶和衰老叶SLA均显著高于常绿植物(P0.05);基于单位质量叶片计算的养分含量,常绿植物成熟和衰老叶N、P量均低于落叶植物,而基于单位面积叶片计算的N、P含量则表现出相反的趋势;基于不同方法计算的N、P再吸收效率差异不明显,其中常绿植物基于单位质量叶片养分含量计算的N、P平均再吸收效率为39.42%、43.79%,落叶植物的为24.08%、33.59%;常绿和落叶植物N、P再吸收效率与LDMC、SLA、LT和成熟叶N、P含量之间没有显著相关性,但与衰老叶养分含量存在显著负相关(P0.05)。研究发现,无论是常绿植物还是落叶植物,衰老叶N、P含量均较低,表明石灰岩地区植物具有较高的养分再吸收程度。  相似文献   

为了解福建省马尾松和杉木人工林养分需求特征,选取25个马尾松(Pinus massoniana)林和31个杉木(Cunninghamia lanceolata)林,测定了针叶中7种主要营养元素(C、N、P、S、K、Ca、Mg)含量。结果表明,马尾松针叶K、Ca、Mg含量显著低于杉木,分别是杉木的68%、14%、50%,表明杉木对矿质养分尤其Ca的需求远高于马尾松,提示马尾松比杉木更能适应矿质养分尤其Ca较贫瘠的立地。两树种针叶C、N、P、S含量及其化学计量比均表现出相似的内稳态特征,而Ca、Mg、K含量及其化学计量比的变异大,表明这3种矿质元素受立地条件的影响较大。两树种对N、P、K需求表现为协同正相关关系,N与Ca含量则为负相关关系,暗示持续N沉降或营林实践中长期施N肥可能抑制Ca的吸收。  相似文献   

邓蕾  王鸿喆  上官周平  刘广全 《生态学报》2010,30(18):4889-4897
通过对黄土高原水蚀风蚀交错区主要生长月份柠条锦鸡儿(Caragana korshinlii Kom.)叶片比叶面积(SLA)和矿质元素含量的测定,探讨其对生境条件及生长时间的响应规律,结果表明:不同生境柠条锦鸡儿叶片SLA随生长月份的变化趋势基本一致,但变化差异不显著;不同生境叶片有机碳(C)含量变化差异不显著;叶片全氮(N)含量、全钾(K)含量对生长月份的变化响应明显,变异幅度较大,而随生境条件发生的变异较小;叶片全磷(P)含量在不同生境随着生长月份发生的变异较大。不同生境叶片N/P随月份发生的变异较大、C/P的变异较小;叶片C/N、C/K在不同生境间无明显差异,但均随生长月份而产生较大变化,叶片N、P、K的含量与SLA相关性不明显。所以,生境条件和生长时间是柠条锦鸡儿叶片结构特性和养分组成发生变化的重要原因,其叶片比叶面积与矿质养分含量受外界环境因子和自身发育状况的共同调控。  相似文献   

In evergreen broad-leaved forests (EBLFs) in Tiantong National Forest Park, Eastern China, we studied the soil chemistry and plant leaf nutrient concentration along a chronosequence of secondary forest succession. Soil total N, P and leaf N, P concentration of the most abundant plant species increased with forest succession. We further examined leaf lifespan, leaf nutrient characteristics and root–shoot attributes of Pinus massoniana Lamb, the early-successional species, Schima superba Gardn. et Champ, the mid-successional species, and Castanopsis fargesii Franch, the late-successional species. These species showed both intraspecific and interspecific variability along succession. Leaf N concentration of the three dominant species increased while N resorption tended to decrease with succession; leaf P and P resorption didn’t show a consistent trend along forest succession. Compared with the other two species, C. fargesii had the shortest leaf lifespan, largest decay rate and the highest taproot diameter to shoot base diameter ratio while P. massoniana had the highest root–shoot biomass ratio and taproot length to shoot height ratio. Overall, P. massoniana used ‘conservative consumption’ nutrient use strategy in the infertile soil conditions while C. fargesii took up nutrients in the way of ‘resource spending’ when nutrient supply increased. The attributes of S. superba were intermediate between the other two species, which may contribute to its coexistence with other species in a wide range of soil conditions.  相似文献   

Nutrient resorption is the process whereby plants recover nutrients from senescing leaves and reallocate them to storage structures or newer tissues. Elemental resorption of foliar N and P has been shown to respond to temperature and precipitation, but we know remarkably little about the influence of warming and drought on the resorption of these and other essential plant macro‐ and micronutrients, which could alter the ability of species to recycle their nutrients. We conducted a 5 year manipulative field study to simulate predicted climate change conditions and studied the effects of warming (W), rainfall reduction (RR), and their combination (W+RR) on nutrient resorption efficiency in five coexisting shrub species in a semiarid shrubland. Both mature and senesced leaves showed significant reductions in their nutrient contents and an altered stoichiometry in response to climate change conditions. Warming (W, W+RR) reduced mature leaf N, K, Ca, S, Fe, and Zn and senesced leaf N, Ca, Mg, S, Fe, and Zn contents relative to ambient temperature conditions. Warming increased mature leaf C/N ratios and decreased N/P and C/P ratios and increased senesced leaf C/N and C/P ratios. Furthermore, W and W+RR reduced nutrient resorption efficiencies for N (6.3%), K (19.8%), S (70.9%) and increased Ca and Fe accumulation in senesced leaves (440% and 35.7%, respectively) relative to the control treatment. Rainfall reduction decreased the resorption efficiencies of N (6.7%), S (51%), and Zn (46%). Reductions in nutrient resorption efficiencies with warming and/or rainfall reduction were rather uniform and consistent across species. The negative impacts of warming and rainfall reduction on foliar nutrient resorption efficiency will likely cause an impairment of plant nutrient budgets and fitness across coexisting native shrubs in this nutrient‐poor habitat, with probable implications for key ecosystem functions such as reductions in nutrient retention in vegetation, litter decomposition, and nutrient cycling rates.  相似文献   

Salix gracilistyla is one of the dominant plants in the riparian vegetation of the upper-middle reaches of rivers in western Japan. This species colonizes mainly sandy habitats, where soil nutrient levels are low, but shows high potential for production. We hypothesized that S.␣gracilistyla uses nutrients conservatively within stands, showing a high resorption efficiency during leaf senescence. To test this hypothesis, we examined seasonal changes in nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) concentrations in aboveground organs of S. gracilistyla stands on a fluvial bar in the Ohtagawa River, western Japan. The concentrations in leaves decreased from April to May as leaves expanded. Thereafter, the concentrations showed little fluctuation until September. They declined considerably in autumn, possibly owing to nutrient resorption. We converted the nutrient concentrations in each organ to nutrient amounts per stand area on the basis of the biomass of each organ. The resorption efficiency of N and P in leaves during senescence were estimated to be 44 and 46%, respectively. Annual net increments of N and P in aboveground organs, calculated by adding the amounts in inflorescences and leaf litter to the annual increments in perennial organs, were estimated to be 9.9 g and 0.83 g m−2 year−1, respectively. The amounts released in leaf litter were 6.7 g N and 0.44 g P m−2. These values are comparable to or larger than those of other deciduous trees. We conclude that S. gracilistyla stands acquire large amounts of nutrients and release a large proportion in leaf litter.  相似文献   

以常宁油茶低产林为研究对象,分析了油茶低产林树体各器官及土壤养分时间动态变化。结果表明:油茶低产林树体在不同生长期需求的大量元素均为全N、Ca和全K最多,而需求的Mg和全P最少;需求的微量元素均为Mn和Fe最多,Cu和Cd最少;春梢期供应的土壤养分元素是速效N和Mg,夏梢期主要供应的土壤元素是速效K、全N、全P、Fe和有机质,果实成熟期主要供应的土壤养分元素是全K,开花期主要供应的土壤元素是速效P和Ca;不同时间油茶低产林养分需求为春梢期(28.36%)夏梢期(26.17%)果实成熟期(22.75%)开花期(22.73%);土壤养分供应为夏梢期(2999.83±87.04 mg/kg)果实成熟期(2703.93±292.26 mg/kg)开花期(2554.60±508.84 mg/kg)春梢期(2385.88±199.62 mg/kg);油茶低产林在不同生长期需要的养分和土壤供应的养分并不一一对应。研究结果可为油茶低产林的施肥时间配置和养分时间变化提供科学依据,在春梢期多施肥。  相似文献   

The relationship between crop load and the functional storageof selected macronutrients and starch was assessed to developnutrient budgets and best management fertilization practicesin orchards. Functional storage represents the amount of nutrientsand starch redistributed from perennial tree parts in supportof the spring growth flush. Functional storage was influencedby:(a)nutrient and starch accumulation prior to dormancy; and(b)nutrientand starch demand by vegetative and reproductive organs in spring.Lightly cropping (off-year) trees stored 7, 14 and 2 times asmuch N, P and K, respectively, as heavily cropping (on-year)trees. Similar to many biennial plant species, nutrients thataccumulated during the vegetative phase in off-year trees wereused to support reproductive growth during the subsequent on-year.Soil nutrient uptake contributed more to storage pools thanleaf nutrient resorption in off-year-trees, while the reversewas true in on-year trees. Net nutrient resorption from senescingleaves accounted for all of the N and P and a third of the Kstored in on-year trees. Only between 20–33% of the N,P and K stored in perennial tissues of off-year trees couldbe attributed to leaf nutrient resorption. This is the firststudy to determine the amounts of nutrients stored in the perennialparts of mature, field-grown trees and the relative contributionsof leaf nutrient resorption and soil nutrient uptake to functionalstorage in trees.Copyright 1998 Annals of Botany Company Pistacia vera, nutrient storage, biennial bearing, crop load, leaf nutrient resorption, source-sink relationships.  相似文献   

Both water and nutrients are limiting in arid environments, and desert plants have adapted to these limitations through numerous developmental and physiological mechanisms. In the Mono Basin, California, USA, co-dominant Sarcobatus vermiculatus and Chrysothamnus nauseosus ssp. consimilis are differentially N and P limited. We hypothesized that low leaf N resorption contributes to N-limitation in Sarcobatus and that low leaf P resorption contributes to P-limitation in Chrysothamnus. As predicted, Sarcobatus resorbed proportionally 1.7-fold less N than Chrysothamnus, but reduced leaf P in senescent leaves to lower levels than Chrysothamnus (8.0–10.8-fold lower based on leaf area or mass, respectively), consistent with N, but not P limitations in Sarcobatus. Again, as predicted, Chrysothamnus resorbed proportionally 2.0-fold less P than Sarcobatus yet reduced leaf N in senescent leaves to lower levels than Sarcobatus (1.8–1.3-fold lower based on leaf area or mass, respectively), consistent with P, but not N limitations in Chrysothamnus. Leaf N and P pools were approximately 50% of aboveground pools in both species during the growing season, suggesting leaf resorption can contribute significantly to whole plant nutrient retention. This was consistent with changes in leaf N vs. P concentration as plants grew from seedlings to adults. Our results support the conclusion that N-limitation in Sarcobatus and P-limitation in Chrysothamnus are in part caused by physiological (or other) constraints that prevent more efficient resorption of N or P, respectively. For these species, differential nutrient resorption may be a key physiological component contributing to their coexistence in this saline, low resource habitat.  相似文献   

Resorption is the process by which nutrients are withdrawn from leaves prior to leaf fall. Mistletoes are generally thought not to rely on nutrient resorption; being xylem‐tapping parasites, they instead derive the nutrients required for new growth from their host plant, at little or no cost. We measured nutrient (N, P, K, Ca, Mg) resorption in 18 parasitic mistletoe–host species pairs distributed across three sites with notably low‐P soil, also quantifying relationships with leaf lifespan (LL) and specific leaf area (SLA). There was little or no evidence of N, Ca or Mg resorption. By contrast, on average ~30% of P and ~20% of K were resorbed prior to leaf fall. Longer LL in mistletoes was associated with lower N and P concentrations in mistletoes and in host leaves. We provide evidence that, even though mistletoes are relatively inefficient in terms of nutrient resorption compared to non‐parasite species, on low‐P soils their ecological and evolutionary strategies for conserving phosphorous involve modulation of both leaf lifespan and P concentration in senesced leaves.  相似文献   

Leaf functional traits are widely used to detect and explain adaptations that enable plants to live under various environmental conditions. This study aims to determine the difference in leaf functional traits among four forest types of Pinus massoniana coniferous and broad‐leaved mixed forests by leaf morphological, nutrients, and stoichiometric traits in the subtropical mountain, Southeastern China. Our study indicated that the evergreen conifer species of P. massoniana had higher leaf dry matter content (LDMC), leaf C content, C/N and C/P ratios, while the three deciduous broad‐leaved species of L. formosana, Q. tissima, and P. strobilacea had higher specific leaf area (SLA), leaf N, leaf P nutrient contents, and N/P ratio in the three mixed forest types. The results showed that the species of P. massoniana has adapted to the nutrient‐poor environment by increasing their leaf dry matter for higher construction costs thereby reducing water loss and reflects a resource conservation strategy. In contrast, the three species of L. formosana, Q. tissima, and P. strobilacea exhibited an optimized resource acquisition strategy rather than resource conservation strategy in the subtropical mountain of southeastern China. Regarding the four forest types, the three mixed forest types displayed increased plant leaf nutrient contents when compared to the pure P. massoniana forest, especially the P. massonianaL. formosana mixed forest type (PLM). Overall, variation in leaf functional traits among different forest types may play an adaptive role in the successful survival of plants under diverse environments because leaf functional traits can lead to significant effects on leaf function, especially for their acquisition of nutrients and use of light. The results of this study are beneficial to reveal the changes in plant leaf functional traits at the regional scale, which will provide a foundation for predicting changes in leaf traits and adaptation in the future environment.  相似文献   

不同林龄马尾松凋落物基质质量与土壤养分的关系   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
凋落物的质量、数量及分解速率在一定程度上代表了土壤的营养状况。为了精确估算凋落物分解对土壤碳库的年净归还量及凋落物-土壤生物化学连续体的深层理解,从凋落物基质质量的角度分析了三峡库区不同林龄马尾松凋落物基质质量与土壤养分的作用关系,结果表明:中龄林、近熟林、成熟林马尾松凋落物基质质量中的C、C/N比、C/P比、木质素/N比、木质素/P比差异显著,其中近熟林凋落物叶木质素/N分别比中龄林和成熟林的高33.65%、39.24%,N、P、K、木质素含量差异不显著;但各组织器官的N、P、K含量差异显著,均是皮<枝<叶<杂物,C/N比、C/P比的变化则相反。不同林龄马尾松0-20 cm(0-5 cm、5-10 cm、10-20 cm)土壤有机质、总氮、有效磷含量均表现出近熟林<中龄林<成熟林,0-5 cm最大,10-20 cm最小,且随着土壤深度的增加而明显降低,总磷则是中林龄最低,成熟林最大,pH值则各土层均表现为中龄林<成熟林<近熟林,平均pH值为4.55-5.51。凋落物基质质量指标与土壤养分之间冗余分析(RDA)表明:马尾松凋落物基质质量和土壤养分之间关系紧密,N、P、纤维素、半纤维素、木质素、木质素/N比、C/N比对土壤养分影响比较大;凋落物中木质素/N比、C/N比与土壤有机质呈显著负相关,其含量越高越不利于土壤有机质的形成,土壤养分积累的越慢;凋落物基质质量氮含量与土壤氮含量呈显著正相关;土壤pH值、容重与N含量呈显著负相关,与凋落物C/N比、木质素/N比呈显著正相关。马尾松土壤表面有机质、N、P养分含量与凋落物基质质量对应养分含量变化规律一致,土壤养分高,凋落物基质质量相对较高,土壤贫瘠,凋落物基质质量相对较低。  相似文献   

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