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土壤有机碳和氮分解对温度变化的响应机制   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
土壤碳和氮分解对温度变化响应过程是气候变化对陆地生态系统碳汇影响的关键。本文针对土壤有机碳和氮分解对温度变化响应机制和假说进行了概括分析。土壤碳和氮分解对温度变化的响应机制主要包括:土壤有机质的稳定性、质量及有效性,微生物生物量和活性及群落结构或多样性,土壤湿度,以及植被生产力、凋落物和pH等因素的作用。对这些机制还存在很大不确定性,需要考虑土壤有机质组分或微生物属性,同时需要考虑土壤有机质组分与微生物属性间的相互作用,以及土壤碳和氮分解对温度变化短期和长期响应过程的差异。土壤碳和氮分解对温度变化的响应机制的3个假说包括有机质分解质量.温度假说、有机质物理化学过程假说和功能移动假说,这些假说还需要验证和补充完善。  相似文献   

植物功能性状与湿地生态系统土壤碳汇功能   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
王平  盛连喜  燕红  周道玮  宋彦涛 《生态学报》2010,30(24):6990-7000
湿地生态系统碳平衡对气候变化极为敏感,是陆地生态系统碳循环响应全球变化的重要环节。然而,湿地生态系统碳汇调节机制仍不十分清楚,并且对影响因子的研究多集中在非生物因子上。综述了植物功能性状和功能性状多样性对湿地生态系统土壤碳汇功能的影响,阐明了生物因子对生态系统碳循环响应全球变化的重要性,介绍了植物功能性状对生态系统碳输入和输出过程的影响,简述了植物功能性状多样性的研究现状及其在指示生态系统碳汇功能现状和预测未来趋势等方面的应用。从优势植物、植物种间关系和植物-微生物种间关系3方面总结了植物功能性状多样性直接和间接影响生态系统碳循环的途径。展望了植物功能性状和功能性状多样性与湿地生态系统土壤碳汇功能的研究前景。  相似文献   

顾峰雪  黄玫  张远东  李洁  郭瑞  严昌荣 《生态学报》2017,37(8):2770-2778
由于人类活动影响,通过沉降和施肥方式进入生态系统的活性氮显著增加,其对土壤有机碳库产生重要影响。氮素利用效率(NUE)作为深入理解陆地生态系统碳氮耦合关系的重要参数,对NUE时空规律的研究不仅可以评估目前氮输入对陆地生态系统碳汇增加的贡献,同时也有助于预测未来氮输入情况下陆地生态系统的碳平衡。利用生态系统过程模型——CEVSA2模型的模拟结果,分析了东北地区氮输入情况下,土壤碳的氮素利用效率(SNUE)的时空变化规律及其影响因素,结果表明:(1)1961—2010年,氮输入的显著增加促进了土壤碳的蓄积,但SNUE显著下降;(2)森林的平均SNUE最高,农田最低;灌丛的下降速率最大,森林的SNUE变化趋势最不显著;(3)三江平原和长白山地区以及大小兴安岭的部分地区SNUE最大,其次是辽河平原、松嫩平原地区;内蒙古高原、呼伦贝尔高原地区以及大、小兴安岭的部分地区SNUE出现负值,说明在这些地区,外援氮输入抑制了土壤碳的蓄积;(4)氮输入的空间分异和不同生态系统响应氮输入的差异共同决定了SNUE及其变化的空间格局。该研究结果可为进一步分析不同区域氮促汇潜力和预测未来氮输入情景下的区域碳平衡提供参考。  相似文献   

河流沉积物氮循环主要微生物的生态特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
微生物驱动的氮循环过程是全球生物地球化学循环的重要组成部分,由于人类活动的影响,氮循环负荷加剧,氮素的生态平衡和微生物的功能特征也相应地受到干扰。河流生态系统是陆地与海洋联系的纽带,因人类活动过量活性氮的输入导致水体富营养化,明显影响着河流的生态功能以及河口沿岸海洋生态系统的平衡。富含微生物的沉积物对氮素的转化和去除起着至关重要的作用。本文主要介绍河流沉积物氮循环主要功能微生物,包括氨氧化细菌、氨氧化古菌、亚硝酸盐氧化菌、反硝化细菌和厌氧氨氧化细菌的群落特征和生态功能,总结氮相关营养盐、溶氧和季节变化等环境因子,以及河道控制管理措施和污水处理厂扰动等条件下氮循环过程主要功能类群的生态特征和响应关系。指出还需深入全面地研究河流沉积物生态系统氮循环过程的驱动机制和微生物的贡献效率,加强城市河流沉积物微生物功能作用的研究及河道生物修复技术的开发。  相似文献   

降水格局变化及大气氮沉降对诸多生态过程及功能均有重要影响。然而,目前对于土壤动物对以上两种全球变化趋动因子的响应模式及机制仍缺乏充分认识。本研究利用野外控制试验技术,在中国北方平原弃耕草地生态系统模拟增加降水及大气氮沉降对土壤动物群落的影响。结果表明,增加降水及氮素添加对土壤螨类及跳虫的种群密度均无影响。增加降水使土壤线虫的数量显著增加了14.9%,氮沉降对土壤线虫的数量无影响,但显著增加了群落中食细菌性线虫的数量(45.8%)。本研究表明,土壤线虫对资源有效性及生境微环境变化响应的敏感性强于土壤小节肢动物,且增加降水与氮沉降之间不存在交互作用。  相似文献   

土地利用变化对区域碳源汇的影响研究进展   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
马晓哲  王铮 《生态学报》2015,35(17):5898-5907
土地利用变化对陆地生态系统碳循环有着重要的影响,既可能成为碳源,也可能是碳汇。在国内外相关研究的基础上,综述了土地利用变化对全球及区域尺度上森林、草地和农业生态系统碳循环的影响。全球范围内,森林砍伐后向草地和农田的转化发挥碳源的作用,在毁林碳排放中占主导地位,其中热带地区森林转变为农田和草场的碳排放均高于温带和北方森林。另一方面,土地利用变化可促进森林的碳贮存,如退耕还林、改善森林管理等。各区域森林生态系统通过土地利用变化贮存碳的潜力存在显著差别,热带湿润和半湿润地区具有较大的碳汇潜力,而干旱地区减少碳排放的空间相对较少。开垦活动是影响草地生态系统碳储存最主要的人类活动,草地转变为农田伴随着土壤碳的流失。森林或草场转变为农田的过程伴随着植被和土壤碳储量的减少,生态系统碳储量降低,因此它是一个碳排放的过程。伴随着城市的扩张,农田向建设用地的转化也是一个碳排放的过程。当前评估土地利用变化影响的研究方法主要有遥感观测和遥感模型、统计估算、生态系统模型以及土地利用与生态系统模型的耦合。研究方法得到不断地完善和改进的同时,还存在着一些不确定性,因此需要建立统一的观测统计方法,降低数据中的不确定性;完善土地利用与生态系统模型的耦合研究;建立多尺度土地利用变化及生态系统综合技术方法体系;开展碳减排目标下土地利用最优化布局研究。  相似文献   

气候变暖和大气氮沉降增加会改变北方泥炭地的养分状态,从而影响其植被的物种组成和固碳功能。酚类物质是植物用于 防御植食性动物和适应环境的次生代谢产物,由于其具有抗分解的特性,在调节泥炭地碳动态方面也起着重要的作用。然而,北方 泥炭地不同功能型植物的酚含量及其如何随氮有效性变化尚不清楚。本论文通过测定中国东北大兴安岭地区18个泥炭地共11 种植物的叶片总酚含量(Total Phenols Contents, TPC),研究了它们随叶片氮、磷含量的变化关系,并探讨了其潜在机制。结果表明,灌木叶片TPC高于草本植物,说明生长较快且无菌根的草本植物比生长较慢且具有菌根的灌木对防御的碳投入较少。灌木叶片TPC随叶片氮含量增 加而降低,表明其防御碳投入随氮有效性增加而减少。相反,草本植物叶片TPC随氮含量增加而增加,随磷含量增加而减少,由于草本植物相对于灌木具有较强的氮限制和较弱的磷限制,草本植物防御碳投入可能随养分有效性增加而增加。我们的结果表明,泥炭地在氮有效性随气候变暖和氮沉降增加而增加的背景下,灌木将投入相对较多的碳用于生长而非防御,而草本植物则与之相反。这些发现将有助于对北方泥炭地灌木入侵及其资源竞争机制的理解。  相似文献   

朱瑞良 《植物学报》2022,57(5):559-578
全球气候变暖是人类面临最严峻的环境挑战。有效控制碳排放, 充分发挥生态系统的固碳能力是实现碳中和目标的重要手段。作为碳封存能力最强的一种湿地类型, 泥炭地是加快实现碳中和目标的关键陆地生态系统。作为泥炭地“有效的生态系统工程师”, 泥炭藓(Sphagnum)在泥炭地的碳汇功能、过滤淡水及保护土地免受洪水侵袭等方面具有极其重要的作用。100多年来, 泥炭藓广泛应用于医药保健、污染监测和废水处理等领域, 尤其是作为一类最值得信赖的土壤介质和保湿材料一直被广泛用于园艺产业。在全球气候变暖和“双碳”目标的大背景下, 泥炭藓已经成为生命科学和生态学研究的热点。该文主要从泥炭藓的形态、物种多样性和起源、生境与分布、繁殖和保护、培养与种植、环境指示和监测、用途和应用, 以及碳封存、储水和酸化能力等方面进行综述, 旨在为泥炭藓研究、泥炭地的保护和恢复以及泥炭藓开发利用和产业发展提供借鉴与参考。  相似文献   

陆地生物圈模型的发展与应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
陆地生物圈与大气圈和水圈之间能量、水和碳氮等元素的交换和循环对整个地球系统产生了深刻的影响。陆地生物圈模型(TBM)是研究陆地生态系统如何响应和反馈全球变化的重要方法和工具。通过对从生态系统到区域和全球陆地生物圈不同空间尺度的植被动态、生物地球物理和生物地球化学循环过程、水循环和水文过程、自然干扰和人类活动等过程时间动态的模拟, 陆地生物圈模型被广泛地应用于评估和归因过去陆地生物圈的时空变化和预测陆地生物圈对未来全球变化的响应和反馈。该文简要回顾了陆地生物圈模型的发展, 总结了模型对陆地生态系统主要过程的刻画和模型在生态系统生态学的应用, 并对未来陆地生物圈模型的发展和应用进行了展望。  相似文献   

深入理解土壤及团聚体元素有效性对氮沉降的响应机制,是研究全球变化背景下土壤养分供应及生态系统结构和功能的关键.本研究综合评述了草地生态系统土壤表土及团聚体内元素分布及其对氮沉降的响应机制.总体而言,草地表土内碳、氮、磷、硫有效性研究较多,且研究结果因氮添加形态、添加时间及生态系统类型而异.氮沉降通过改变碳、氮、磷、硫等生源要素的转化过程及其在土壤团聚体内的再分配,而影响这些元素的生物有效性.然而,氮沉降影响草地土壤交换性盐基及有效态微量元素的研究较少.氮沉降促进土壤酸化,导致各团聚体内钙、镁差异性流失,其中大粒径团聚体内盐基元素更易流失;酸化还有助于提高团聚体内铁、锰、铜、锌有效性.土壤小粒径团聚体内的养分对外界环境变化响应不敏感.当前研究的不足之处在于,较少关注氮沉降对土壤团聚作用及团聚体元素有效性的影响.今后应加强团聚体元素有效性与土壤酶活性耦合变化关系的研究,并分析氮沉降背景下土壤物理结构和化学组成的变化对植物群落的反馈作用.  相似文献   

Zicheng Yu 《Ecosystems》2006,9(8):1278-1288
Understanding the long-term ecological dynamics of northern peatlands is essential for assessment of the possible responses and feedbacks of these carbon-rich ecosystems to climate change and natural disturbance. I used high-resolution macrofossil and lithological analyses of a fen peatland in western Canada to infer the Holocene developmental history of the peatland, to document the temporal pattern of long-term peat accumulation, and to investigate ecosystems responses to climate changes in terms of species composition and carbon accumulation. The peatland has been dominated by sedges and brown mosses during its 10,000-year history, despite interruption by tephra deposition. Peat accumulation rates vary by more than an order of magnitude and decline from 5500 to 1300 cal BP, resulting in a convex depth–age curve, which contrasts with the carbon accumulation patterns documented for oceanic peatlands. The synthesis of regional data from continental western Canada indicates that fens tend to accumulate more carbon than bogs of the same ages. These data suggest that the carbon sink potential of northern peatlands has varied dramatically in the past, so estimates of the present and projected carbon sink strengths of these peatlands need to take this temporal variation into consideration. Widespread slowdown of peat accumulation over the last 4000 years may have resulted from climate cooling in northern latitudes after the Holocene insolation maximum. The findings indicate that long-term peatland dynamics are modified by many local and regional factors and that gradual environmental change may be capable of triggering abrupt shifts and jumps in ecosystem states.  相似文献   

The majority of northern peatlands were initiated during the Holocene. Owing to their mass imbalance, they have sequestered huge amounts of carbon in terrestrial ecosystems. Although recent syntheses have filled some knowledge gaps, the extent and remoteness of many peatlands pose challenges to developing reliable regional carbon accumulation estimates from observations. In this work, we employed an individual‐ and patch‐based dynamic global vegetation model (LPJ‐GUESS) with peatland and permafrost functionality to quantify long‐term carbon accumulation rates in northern peatlands and to assess the effects of historical and projected future climate change on peatland carbon balance. We combined published datasets of peat basal age to form an up‐to‐date peat inception surface for the pan‐Arctic region which we then used to constrain the model. We divided our analysis into two parts, with a focus both on the carbon accumulation changes detected within the observed peatland boundary and at pan‐Arctic scale under two contrasting warming scenarios (representative concentration pathway—RCP8.5 and RCP2.6). We found that peatlands continue to act as carbon sinks under both warming scenarios, but their sink capacity will be substantially reduced under the high‐warming (RCP8.5) scenario after 2050. Areas where peat production was initially hampered by permafrost and low productivity were found to accumulate more carbon because of the initial warming and moisture‐rich environment due to permafrost thaw, higher precipitation and elevated CO2 levels. On the other hand, we project that areas which will experience reduced precipitation rates and those without permafrost will lose more carbon in the near future, particularly peatlands located in the European region and between 45 and 55°N latitude. Overall, we found that rapid global warming could reduce the carbon sink capacity of the northern peatlands in the coming decades.  相似文献   

Ecosystems - Climate change and the related increases in evapotranspiration threaten to make northern peatlands drier. The carbon sink function in peatlands is based on the delicate balance between...  相似文献   

The individual-based system of models EFIMOD simulating carbon and nitrogen flows in forest ecosystems has been used for forecasting the response of forest ecosystems to various forest management regimes with climate change. As input data the forest inventory data for the Manturovskii forestry of the Kostroma region were used. It has been shown that increase of mid-annual temperatures and precipitation influence the redistribution of carbon and nitrogen supply in organic form: supply increase of these elements in phytomass simultaneously with depletion of them in soil occurred. The most carbon and nitrogen accumulation in forest ecosystems occurs in the scenario without felling. In addition, in this scenario only the ecosystems of the modeling territory function as a carbon sink; in the other two scenarios (with selective and clear cutting) they function as a source of carbon. Climate changes greatly influence the decomposition rate of organic matter in soil, which leads to increased emission of carbon dioxide. The second consequence of the increase in the destruction rate is nitrogen increase in the soil in a form available for plants that entails productivity increase of stands.  相似文献   

Palsa peatlands, permafrost-affected peatlands characteristic of the outer margin of the discontinuous permafrost zone, form unique ecosystems in northern-boreal and arctic regions, but are now degrading throughout their distributional range due to climate warming. Permafrost thaw and the degradation of palsa mounds are likely to affect the biogeochemical stability of soil organic matter (that is, SOM resistance to microbial decomposition), which may change the net C source/sink character of palsa peatland ecosystems. In this study, we have assessed both biological and chemical proxies for SOM stability, and we have investigated SOM bulk chemistry with mid-infrared spectroscopy, in surface peat of three distinct peatland features in a palsa peatland in northern Norway. Our results show that the stability of SOM in surface peat as determined by both biological and chemical proxies is consistently higher in the permafrost-associated palsa mounds than in the surrounding internal lawns and bog hummocks. Our results also suggest that differences in SOM bulk chemistry is a main factor explaining the present SOM stability in surface peat of palsa peatlands, with selective preservation of recalcitrant and highly oxidized SOM components in the active layer of palsa mounds during intense aerobic decomposition over time, whereas SOM in the wetter areas of the peatland remains stabilized mainly by anaerobic conditions. The continued degradation of palsa mounds and the expansion of wetter peat areas are likely to modify the bulk SOM chemistry of palsa peatlands, but the effect on the future net C source/sink character of palsa peatlands will largely depend on moisture conditions and oxygen availability in peat.  相似文献   

Climate warming is leading to permafrost thaw in northern peatlands, and current predictions suggest that thawing will drive greater surface wetness and an increase in methane emissions. Hydrology largely drives peatland vegetation composition, which is a key element in peatland functioning and thus in carbon dynamics. These processes are expected to change. Peatland carbon accumulation is determined by the balance between plant production and peat decomposition. But both processes are expected to accelerate in northern peatlands due to warming, leading to uncertainty in future peatland carbon budgets. Here, we compile a dataset of vegetation changes and apparent carbon accumulation data reconstructed from 33 peat cores collected from 16 sub-arctic peatlands in Fennoscandia and European Russia. The data cover the past two millennia that has undergone prominent changes in climate and a notable increase in annual temperatures toward present times. We show a pattern where European sub-Arctic peatland microhabitats have undergone a habitat change where currently drier habitats dominated by Sphagnum mosses replaced wetter sedge-dominated vegetation and these new habitats have remained relatively stable over the recent decades. Our results suggest an alternative future pathway where sub-arctic peatlands may at least partly sustain dry vegetation and enhance the carbon sink capacity of northern peatlands.  相似文献   

The NOx input terrestrial ecosystems are increasing significantly induced by human activities, yet the understanding of the responses of carbon cycle to nitrogen deposition is still poor. The northern temperate forest ecosystems have seen the greatest changes in nitrogen inputs from atmosphere. It is necessary for us to understand how the carbon cycle would change under the nitrogen addition in temperate forests, as an important carbon sink. In this study, we present a biogeochemical process model, CEVSA2, and use this model to elucidate the key processes that may strongly influence the carbon budget response to anthropogenic nitrogen addition. The CEVSA2 model has included the effect of nitrogen on photosynthesis, carbon allocation, soil organic matter decomposition, etc. Our simulations show nitrogen addition stimulates the photosynthesis, net carbon sequestration, carbon accumulation in vegetation and soil, by contrary, the low level of nitrogen addition decreases the heterotrophical and total respiration. The long-term chronic nitrogen addition experiments show that the low and high level nitrogen addition would reduce the carbon sequestration and accumulation. The model failed to simulate the effect of nitrogen addition on plant mortality, the de-coupling of nitrogen and photosynthesis when nitrogen saturates. In addition, the responses of soil respiration to nitrogen deposition involve so many complex biochemical processes; however, we have little knowledge about them. Sequentially, there is large uncertainty of model simulation on the effect of nitrogen deposition on soil respiration. With increasing rates of anthropogenic nitrogen deposition, there is a strong need to understand links between nitrogen inputs and carbon cycle.  相似文献   

刘坤  张慧  孔令辉  乔亚军  胡梦甜 《生态学报》2023,43(10):4294-4307
“碳中和”是我国作出的一项重大的国家战略决策,陆地生态系统碳汇作为碳增汇的重要组成部分,在碳中和目标实现的过程中发挥着重要的作用。但当前基于不同观测数据和方法的陆地碳汇计算仍有很大的不确定性,为了全面了解陆地生态系统碳汇分布特征,提高陆地生态系统碳汇评估的准确性,梳理了近年来关于陆地生态系统碳汇评估的国内外研究进展,从“自下而上”和“自上而下”两类途径阐述了陆地生态系统碳汇评估的主要方法(样地清查法、涡度相关法、模型模拟法和碳同化反演法)的主要原理和特征,优势和缺陷,及在不同尺度碳汇研究中的应用,并从土地利用/覆盖变化、气候因素(大气CO2浓度、氮沉降)、环境因素(太阳辐射、温度、降水)等因素阐述了陆地系统碳汇主要驱动因子;分析了我国陆地生态系统碳汇的主要特征及时空变化趋势,并从人类活动(生态工程)和环境因素阐述了中国陆地生态系统碳汇的驱动因素;最后,展望了新的监测手段和评估方法在提升陆地生态系统碳汇评估精度中的作用,从而更好的服务于我国“碳中和”的长远目标。  相似文献   

森林生态系统具有吸收大气CO_2、缓解气候变化的作用。造林再造林作为京都议定书认可的大气CO_2减排途径,是提高森林固碳能力的低成本、有效策略。森林生态系统固碳能力还受森林采伐、气候变化、大气CO_2浓度升高、火灾以及虫害等自然因素和人为因素的强烈影响。综述了全球和区域造林再造林的固碳能力,以及目前较受重视的一些因素(森林采伐、气候变化、大气CO_2浓度升高、火灾以及虫害)对森林生态系统固碳能力的影响。结果表明,全球造林再造林固碳能力为148—2400TgC/a;采伐造成的全球森林碳损失最大为900 TgC/a,其次是火灾为300 TgC/a,虫害造成森林碳释放最小在2—107 TgC/a之间。建议在今后的研究中,应关注固碳措施和多种环境因素对森林生态系统固碳能力,尤其是对森林土壤固碳能力的影响,严格控制森林采伐和火灾发生,以及减少或避免造林再造林活动引起的碳泄漏。  相似文献   

农田生态系统碳汇研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵明月  刘源鑫  张雪艳 《生态学报》2022,42(23):9405-9416
农田生态系统碳汇包括农作物生物量碳汇和农田土壤碳汇两个方面,中国农田生态系统面积大,碳储量高,是全球生态系统碳循环的重要组成部分。厘清中国农作物生物量和土壤有机碳含量、变化率和影响因素对于解析全球碳循环和维系粮食安全具有重要意义。梳理农田生态系统碳汇相关概念的基础上,比较农田生态系统碳汇研究方法的适用性及存在问题,通过以往研究和SoilGrids250数据研究中国农田生态系统碳库时空分布,并分析农田生态系统碳汇的影响因素及固碳方法。结果表明,中国近30年来农作物生物量呈现增加趋势,农田土壤有机碳含量普遍较低且空间分布不均,0-5cm土壤有机碳含量平均值在16.7 g/kg到86.5 g/kg之间,增加农田土壤有机碳含量是未来中国农田生态系统碳汇的重要方向。肥料和有机残留管理、保护性耕作、种植模式、灌溉等管理措施是增加土壤有机碳汇的主要措施,但农田生态系统碳汇潜力估算仍存在不确定性。最后,从农田生态系统碳汇潜力估算、影响因素厘定和增汇技术研发3个方面提出未来研究方向。研究结果有助于推动农田生态系统碳汇科学研究和技术推广,为实现农田生态系统助力"碳中和"寻求重要路径。  相似文献   

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