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生物基产品是指以可再生资源(如农业和林业残渣、有机废料等)为原料而生产的化工产品和绿色能源,因其环境友好的优越性已经成为社会绿色可持续发展的重要途径。近年来,欧美等发达国家纷纷出台战略政策促进生物基产业的发展。欧盟委员会对生物基的研究与创新(RI)项目给予了政策与财政的重点支持,已经逐渐形成以BBI(bio-based industries)计划为核心的管理与资助体系。通过对欧盟生物基RI项目的资助框架和经费分配情况的调研与分析,发现欧盟实现生物基经济目标的具体措施和实践方案,为我国生物基创新行动提出决策建议。同时,BBI计划作为欧盟新兴产业RI体系建设的典型案例,对我国其他创新方向开展科技政策与管理机制改革也具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

生物经济时代正在引发人类新一波技术和产业革命,并已成为了全球主要发达国家和新兴经济体抢占的制高点。文中从生物医药产业、转基因作物种植产业、生物能源产业以及生物基化学品产业4个角度分析了全球生物产业发展的时空特征,概括总结了全球生物产业发展的主要特点,并进一步针对我国生物产业发展中存在的瓶颈问题提出政策建议,对我国生物经济的未来发展具有指导意义。  相似文献   

生物经济是指通过可持续的方式,利用可再生自然资源来生产食品、能源、生物技术产品和服务的一切经济活动的总和。生物经济是继农业经济、工业经济、信息经济之后,人类经济社会发展的第四次浪潮。概述全球生物经济发展现状,梳理世界主要经济体生物经济战略布局,归纳生物经济未来发展的四个主要方向,通过调研统计分析生物制药、生物基材料和化学品、生物农业和未来食品三个生物产业重点领域的投融资数据,预判未来生物产业投融资前景,并针对我国生物产业投融资提出建议。  相似文献   

由于过度消耗化石资源引发的石油紧缺和温室效应问题,巳逐步影响到人类社会可持续发展的宗旨,开发能替代化石能源需求的新能源日渐急迫.生物质能源是化石能源的替代能源之一,对生物质能源炼制的研究成为很多人的关注热点.生物炼制产品的工业化,是形成可持续性的生物炼制品产业经济的关键.我国政府已经把发展生物质能源作为国家发展战略的一部分,确定了具体的发展目标,制定了相应的研发计划,出台了一系列法规以促进生物质能产业的健康发展.我国生物炼制技术在生物燃料、生物柴油、生物基化学品等领域取得了明显进步.本文主要综述生物炼制技术的研究进展及其产业发展情况.  相似文献   

在对欧盟生物经济概念演变进行梳理的基础上,从欧盟与成员国两个层面对欧盟生物经济的政策过程进行了系统考察,分析并归纳出欧盟生物经济政策的特点,包括:与产业绿色转型结合,多方位促进人类经济社会的可持续发展;与农业多功能性结合,促进地区农村和农业的发展;重视生物经济发展的政策与技术双平台系统建设.在相关讨论中,进一步阐明生物经济发展的动力机制、农业在生物经济中的基础作用、生物经济的平台价值及其时代意义.  相似文献   

2009年6月2日,国务院办公厅颁布了《促进生物产业加快发展的若干政策》(以下简称《政策》)。该政策的制定是我国在新世纪把握新科技革命战略机遇.全面建设创新型国家的重大举措.也是应对国际金融危机、促进经济平稳较快发展一揽子计划的重要组成部分。我国必须抓住世界生物科技革命和产业革命的机遇.将生物产业培育成为我国高技术领域的支柱产业。  相似文献   

生物经济时代开启了人类新一波技术产业革命,我国针对生物产业作出的战略部署已经取得了明显成效,但在生物产业发展过程中仍存在区域发展不平衡等问题。为综合评价我国各区域生物产业竞争力现状,文中从生物医药、生物能源、生物农业和生物工业4个细分产业角度构建了生物产业整体竞争力评价指标体系,通过层次分析法确定了各评价指标的权重,并通过实证分析计算了我国不同地区生物产业的综合竞争力指数。评价结果表明,我国各区域生物产业竞争在空间上呈现梯度分布现象。针对此,文中从实施乡村振兴战略、推进区域协调发展战略、深化生物产业供给侧结构性改革和建立区域统一的信息协作网络体系4个角度提出了相关政策建议。  相似文献   

王莉 《生命世界》2010,(4):111-112
<正>我国政府于2009年5月讨论并原则通过了《促进生物产业加快发展的若干政策》,指出必须抓住世界生物科技革命和产业革命的机遇,将生物产业培育成为我国高技术领域的支柱产业。以生物医药、生物农业、生物能源、生物制造和生物环保产业为重点,大力发展现代生物产业。  相似文献   

近期国外生物经济战略综述及对我国的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
正在2000年左右的世纪之交,生物经济概念开始兴起,美国政府率先提出《促进生物经济革命:基于生物的产品和生物能源》战略计划,并引发了"生物经济能否取代信息经济"的大讨论。随后,欧盟、世界经济合作与发展组织(OECD)相继提出有关生物经济的战略和报告,美国于2012年发布《国家生物经济蓝图》,再次强调生物经济对未来社会的影响力,提升了生物经济的地位。近年来,随着生命科学的高速发展,生物科技领域进一步展现出巨大  相似文献   

正进入21世纪以来,世界经济进入快速发展期,全球生物产业发展日益呈现新的格局。石油基能源产品的大量消耗导致环境问题层出不穷,为保证自身能源的安全与化工产品的多元性,世界各国纷纷在"生物能源与生物基产品"领域布局,力争抢占战略性新兴产业发展的制高点。生物能源围绕替代现有电能、热能、燃气、燃油等能源的高品质清洁能源方向,不断发展进步,而  相似文献   

国内生物基材料产业发展现状   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
近年来,生物基材料正逐步成为引领当代世界科技创新和经济发展的又一新的主导产业。文章综述了国内生物基材料产业的最新进展,对整个生物基材料产业市场进行了综合分析,包括生物基化学品如乳酸、1,3-丙二醇、丁二酸等,可生物降解生物基塑料如二元酸二元醇共聚酯、聚乳酸、二氧化碳共聚物、聚羟基烷酸酯、聚己内酯、热塑性生物质塑料,非生物降解生物基塑料如生物基聚酰胺、聚对苯二甲酸丙二醇酯、生物基聚氨酯,以及生物基纤维等材料的产业现状。  相似文献   

生物基化学纤维具有生产过程环境友好、原料可再生以及产品可生物降解等优良特性,因此,大力发展生物基化学纤维对于替代化石资源、发展循环经济、建设资源节约型和环境友好型的社会具有十分重大的意义。本文介绍了我国生物基纤维产业的发展现状,分析了生物基纤维产业发展存在的问题,指出了生物基纤维材料科技创新趋势和目标,并给出了我国发展生物基纤维的建议。  相似文献   

国外生物技术产业发展政策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
全球生物技术产业尚处于发展时期,政府的政策对技术的进步和产业的发展有明显的导向和促进作用。对美国、欧洲等国家和地区的产业政策进行综合研究,发现这些生物技术产业相对发达的国家和地区,尤其是美国,其产业政策已成体系,而且可操作性强,对产业的推动作用明显,具有相当的可借鉴意义。从组织管理结构、科研投入机制、鼓励研发创新、财税支持方式、资本市场培育、产业基地建设、中介服务网络构建、人才培养与引进、以及国际合作等方面对国际上行之有效的生物技术产业政策进行了归纳分析 。  相似文献   

我国儿童药物处于市场需求大、竞争小、政策利好的环境中,面临着前所未有的发展机遇。分析了我国儿童药物的发展环境和市 场现状,并对儿童药物的市场开发策略给予了建议。  相似文献   

Severe snowstorms on the Tibetan Plateau, which lead to large-scale loss of livestock, are projected to increase in intensity and frequency with climate change. At the same time, political-economic and institutional changes from the 1950s to the present have altered pastoralists’ ability to use various coping strategies. We take a political ecology approach to Tibetan pastoralists’ vulnerability to climate change by qualitatively analyzing how the efficacy of strategies of mobility, communal pooling, storage, and covering and sheltering livestock have been transformed over time in Nagchu, Tibet. Recent government projects have focused on emergency aid and providing shelters. However, these are less effective than mobility and less important than the availability of labor power. Mobility and labor power have been reduced by development and environmental policies, as well as by larger political-economic transformations. These transformations have shifted herders’ coping strategies from internal to external, increasing their reliance upon the state.  相似文献   

This research aims to propose a regenerative sustainability framework for AEC organizations, not only to focus on delivering green certified projects, but to encourage a revitalized approach to systematically drive their sustainability initiative. To achieve this aim, the study conducts an extensive global review of sustainable assessment systems in various industries and organizations, such as corporate sustainable reports, green company competitions, and green-renowned stocks. After learning the best practices from other industries, a sustainable development framework for the AEC organizations is developed. The proposed framework constitutes 110 key indicators covering three-dimensions of sustainability—social, environmental, and economic, respectively—and four-elements of corporate development essentials—projects, operations, governance, and stakeholders. By comparing the proposed framework to existing AEC practices, the study identifies the skewed development of corporate sustainability in the AEC industry where much awareness have been given to project-level environmental matters, but the social dimension, such as social stakeholders and social governance, are seriously lacking and need to be prioritized. A case study of a multi-millions construction company in China was investigated to validate this framework in practice. The case analysis justifies the practical value of the proposed framework, and elaborates the future need of regenerative sustainable initiatives for AEC organizations. The study contributes to the development of corporate sustainability theory in the AEC industry, and also provides industrial practitioners and policy makers with a better understanding of the next generation of corporate sustainable performance and implementation strategies.  相似文献   

As one of the most abundant polymers in biosphere, lignin has attracted extensive attention as a kind of promising feedstock for biofuel and bio-based products. However, the utilization of lignin presents various challenges in that its complex composition and structure and high resistance to degradation. Lignin conversion through biological platform harnesses the catalytic power of microorganisms to decompose complex lignin molecules and obtain value-added products through biosynthesis. Given the heterogeneity of lignin, various microbial metabolic pathways are involved in lignin bioconversion processes, which has been characterized in extensive research work. With different types of lignin substrates (e.g., model compounds, technical lignin, and lignocellulosic biomass), several bacterial and fungal species have been proved to own lignin-degrading abilities and accumulate microbial products (e.g., lipid and polyhydroxyalkanoates), while the lignin conversion efficiencies are still relatively low. Genetic and metabolic strategies have been developed to enhance lignin biodegradation by reprogramming microbial metabolism, and diverse products, such as vanillin and dicarboxylic acids were also produced from lignin. This article aims at presenting a comprehensive review on lignin bioconversion including lignin degradation mechanisms, metabolic pathways, and applications for the production of value-added bioproducts. Advanced techniques on genetic and metabolic engineering are also covered in the recent development of biological platforms for lignin utilization. To conclude this article, the existing challenges for efficient lignin bioprocessing are analyzed and possible directions for future work are proposed.  相似文献   

生物医药产业发展态势与对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
当今许多国家政府已经把生物医药产业作为新的经济增长点来培育,通过采取不同政策和措施加速生物医药产业的发展。在我国政府相关利好政策的鼓励刺激和资金扶持下,我国生物医药产业有望加快走出经济危机的低谷,迎来快速发展期;在政府的引导下,构建生物产业技术创新战略联盟,推进资源整合和优势互补;多个高科技生物医药产业园区建设蓬勃,形成和集聚了一批具有较强实力的创新型企业,有力地带动了全国生物医药产业的发展和技术创新能力的提高。我国生物医药产业发展的重点要在产学研结合、前沿生物技术方面、市场准入政策和规范市场竞争秩序,以及高素质人才队伍的建设方面有所突破。根据市场导向,国家出台和制定相应的产业发展规划和政策,鼓励生物产业发展,加快国家生物医药产业基地建设;制定有关优惠政策,鼓励生物技术企业多种渠道和形式解产业发展资金问题;建立生物医药产业资源共享的机制,加强沟通与公共平台建设;发挥龙头企业的作用,支持大企业的收购兼并;加强相关法律法规建设,完善生物安全法和知识产权制度等一些措施来应对我国生物产业的快速发展。  相似文献   

Genome-scale metabolic models (GEMs) have been developed and used in guiding systems’ metabolic engineering strategies for strain design and development. This strategy has been used in fermentative production of bio-based industrial chemicals and fuels from alternative carbon sources. However, computer-aided hypotheses building using established algorithms and software platforms for biological discovery can be integrated into the pipeline for strain design strategy to create superior strains of microorganisms for targeted biosynthetic goals. Here, I described an integrated workflow strategy using GEMs for strain design and biological discovery. Specific case studies of strain design and biological discovery using Escherichia coli genome-scale model are presented and discussed. The integrated workflow presented herein, when applied carefully would help guide future design strategies for high-performance microbial strains that have existing and forthcoming genome-scale metabolic models.  相似文献   

Prospects for a bio-based succinate industry   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
Bio-based succinate is receiving increasing attention as a potential intermediary feedstock for replacing a large petrochemical-based bulk chemical market. The prospective economical and environmental benefits of a bio-based succinate industry have motivated research and development of succinate-producing organisms. Bio-based succinate is still faced with the challenge of becoming cost competitive against petrochemical-based alternatives. High succinate concentrations must be produced at high rates, with little or no by-products to most efficiently use substrates and to simplify purification procedures. Herein are described the current prospects for a bio-based succinate industry, with emphasis on specific bacteria that show the greatest promise for industrial succinate production. The succinate-producing characteristics and the metabolic pathway used by each bacterial species are described, and the advantages and disadvantages of each bacterial system are discussed.  相似文献   

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