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Sexual conflict can drive rapid intersexual arms races, and lead to pronounced sexual dimorphism. Such dimorphism is frequent in diving beetles, where males typically possess expanded front and middle tarsi, supplied with adhesive setae to grasp females during mating, and females often have rough dorsal surfaces which hinder male attachment. In a number of species, females are dimorphic, being either smooth and male-like, or heavily sculptured dorsally. Smooth and sculptured females often have distinct biogeographies, and may be expected to be associated with specific counter-adaptations in males. The European diving beetle, Hydroporus memnonius Nicolai, includes a smooth male-like female, and a matt morph, var. castaneus Aubé, which are largely allopatric in distribution. We show that the two morphs differ in the density and intensity of their surface microreticulation, and that matt females are associated with morphologically distinct males, which have developed specific countermeasures on their tarsi, including a greater number of large adhesive setae, individually larger in area. Such males are expected to be more successful in pairing with both matt and shining females, and it is suggested that a process of population replacement, partly driven by sexual interactions, may occur where the two forms overlap in range.  © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2008, 94 , 685–697.  相似文献   

Sexual conflict can result in an ‘evolutionary arms race’ between males and females, with the evolution of sexual antagonistic traits used to resolve the conflict in favor of one sex over the other. We assessed the resolution of sexual conflict in a Hyalella amphipod species by manipulating putative sexually antagonistic traits in males and females and used mate‐guarding duration as our metric of conflict resolution. We discovered that large male posterior gnathopod size increased mate‐guarding duration, which suggests that it is a sexually antagonistic trait in this species. In contrast, female and male body size did not significantly affect mate‐guarding duration. Given that male posterior gnathopods show heightened condition dependence, future investigations should explore the interactive effects of sexual conflict and ecological context on trait evolution, phenotypic divergence, and speciation to elucidate the complex mechanisms involved in the evolution of biological diversity.  相似文献   

Male diving beetles of the subfamily Dytiscinae possess tarsi with adhesive discs that they strike on the female dorsum during mating interactions. Females of many species are dimorphic, being either smooth or structured dorsally. Darwin suggested the female structures were an aid for the male but in this study we investigate these characteristics in the light of sexual conflicts. The intraspecific variation in the numbers and size distribution of male tarsal discs, and in body measurements were recorded for three dytiscine species, all with dimorphic females. The number of protarsal discs in the two Dytiscus species varied much more than previously reported. In addition, only a small part of the variation could be explained by body size. In Graphoderus we found highly significant differences in male secondary sexual characters among populations. A multivariate analysis significantly correlated male secondary sexual characters with the proportion of granulate females in the populations. These observations are consistent with the theory of arms races and female counter adaptations. Covariation between male and female characters is predicted from a framework of sexual conflict over mating rate. At the same time our study gives a new perspective on the function of dytiscine female dorsal irregularities debated ever since Darwin.  相似文献   

Some recent models suggest a new role for evolutionary arms races between males and females in sexual selection. Female resistance to males is proposed to be driven by the direct advantage to the female of avoiding male-imposed reductions in the number of offspring she can produce, rather than by the indirect advantage of selecting among possible sires for her offspring, as in some traditional models of sexual selection by female choice. This article uses the massive but hitherto under-utilized taxonomic literature on genitalic evolution to test, in a two-step process, whether such new models of arms races between males and females have been responsible for rapid divergent evolution of male genitalia. The test revolves around the prediction that 'new arms races' are less likely to occur in species in which females are largely or completely protected from unwanted sexual attentions from males (e.g. species which mate in leks or in male swarms, in which males attract females from a distance, or in which females initiate contact by attracting males from a distance). The multiple possible mechanical functions of male genitalia are summarized, and functions of male genitalic structures in 43 species in 21 families of Diptera are compiled. Functions associated with intromission and insemination (e.g. seizing and positioning the female appropriately, pushing past possible barriers within the female, orienting within the female to achieve sperm transfer), which are unlikely to be involved in new arms races when females are protected, are shown to be common (> 50 % of documented cases). This information is then used to generate the new arms race prediction: differences in genitalic form among congeneric species in which females are protected should be less common than differences among congeneric species in which females are vulnerable to harassment by males. This prediction was tested using a sample of 361 genera of insects and spiders. The prediction clearly failed, even when the data were adjusted to take into account several possible biases. Comparative analyses within particular taxonomic groups also failed to show the predicted trends, as did less extensive data on other non-genitalic male display traits. Arms races, as defined in some recent models, seem to have been less important in male-female coevolution of genitalic structures than has been suggested. By elimination, alternative interpretations, such as traditional female choice, which do not predict associations between female protection from harassment and rapid divergent evolution, are strengthened.  相似文献   

In many sexually reproducing species, females are sperm limited and actively mate more than once which can lead to sperm competition between males. However, the costs and benefits of multiple matings may differ for males and females leading to different optimal mating frequencies and consequent sexual conflict. Under these circumstances, male traits that reduce females' re‐mating rates are likely to evolve. However, the same traits can also reduce, directly or indirectly, female survival and/or manipulate female fecundity. Evidence of this sexual conflict is common across several taxa. Here, we examine the evidence for this form of conflict in the free‐living nematodes of the Caenorhabditis genus. Members of this group are extensively used to describe developmental and physiological processes. Despite this, we understand little about the evolution of selfing, maintenance of males and sexual conflict in these species, particularly those with gonochoristic mating strategies. In this study, we demonstrate experimentally sexual conflict in the gonochoristic of C. remanei cultured under laboratory conditions. In our first experiment, we found that female fecundity increased with the number of males present which suggests that females' reproduction may be sperm limited. However, increasing the number of males present also reduced female survival. A second experiment ruled out the alternative explanation of density‐dependent reduction in female survival when more males were present as increasing female density correspondingly did not affect female survival. © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 99 , 362–369.  相似文献   

Evolutionary conflict between the sexes is predicted to lead to sexual arms races in which male adaptations for acquiring mates ("offense" traits) are met by female counteradaptations--for example, to reduce mating rate ("defense" traits). Such coevolutionary chases may be perpetual. However, we show here that the coevolutionary process may also lead to a stable state in which multiple offense-defense trait pairs are maintained. This type of polymorphism below the species level is a result of sexual conflict in combination with nonrandom mating. Our results show that if nonrandom mating occurs with respect to male and female conflict traits, genetic correlations will act to stabilize the trait frequencies so that all morphs are maintained. We discuss the results in special relation to the evolution of female polymorphism in diving beetles and argue that the process we describe may be a general force that maintains polymorphism in other taxa as well.  相似文献   

Natural selection and post‐copulatory sexual selection, including sexual conflict, contribute to genital diversification. Fundamental first steps in understanding how these processes shape the evolution of specific genital traits are to determine their function experimentally and to understand the interactions between female and male genitalia during copulation. Our experimental manipulations of male and female genitalia in red‐sided garter snakes (Thamnophis sirtalis parietalis) reveal that copulation duration and copulatory plug deposition, as well as total and oviductal/vaginal sperm counts, are influenced by the interaction between male and female genital traits and female behaviour during copulation. By mating females with anesthetized cloacae to males with spine‐ablated hemipenes using a fully factorial design, we identified significant female–male copulatory trait interactions and found that females prevent sperm from entering their oviducts by contracting their vaginal pouch. Furthermore, these muscular contractions limit copulatory plug size, whereas the basal spine of the male hemipene aids in sperm and plug transfer. Our results are consistent with a role of sexual conflict in mating interactions and highlight the evolutionary importance of female resistance to reproductive outcomes.  相似文献   

Models reveal that sexually antagonistic co‐evolution exaggerates female resistance and male persistence traits. Here we adapt an established model by including directional sexual selection acting against persistence. We find similar equilibria to previous models showing that sexually antagonistic co‐evolution can be limited by counteracting sexual, as well as, natural selection. We tested the model using empirical data for the seaweed fly, Coelopa ursina, in which body size acts as a persistence and a resistance trait. Our model can generate continuous co‐evolutionary cycles and stable equilibria, however, all simulations using empirically derived parameter estimates reach stable equilibria. Thus, stable equilibria might be more common in nature than continuous co‐evolutionary cycles, suggesting that sexual conflict is unlikely to promote speciation. The model predicts male biased sexual size dimorphism for C. ursina, comparable with empirically observed values. Male persistence is shown to be more sensitive than female resistance to changes in model parameters.  相似文献   

Studies of sexual selection have tended to concentrate on obvious morphological dimorphisms such as crests, horns, antlers, and other physical displays or weapons; however, traits that show no obvious sexual dimorphism may nevertheless still be under sexual selection. Sexual selection theory generally predicts positive allometry for sexually selected traits. When fighting, male kangaroos use their forelimbs to clasp and hold their opponent and, standing on their tail, bring up their hind legs to kick their opponent. This action requires substantial strength and balance. We examined allometry of forelimb musculature in male and female western grey kangaroos (Macropus fuliginosus) to determine whether selection through male–male competition is associated with sex differences in muscle development. Forelimbs of males are more exaggerated than in females, with relatively greater muscle mass in males than the equivalent muscles in females. Furthermore, while muscles generally showed isometric growth in female forelimbs, every muscle demonstrated positive allometry in males. The significant positive allometry in male forelimb musculature, particularly those muscles most likely involved in male–male combat (a group of muscles involved in grasping: shoulder adduction, elbow flexion; and pulling: arm retraction, elbow flexion), clearly suggests that this musculature is subject to sexual selection. In addition to contributing to locomotion, the forelimbs of male kangaroos can also act as a signal, a weapon, and help in clasping, features that would contribute towards their importance as a sexually selected trait. Males would therefore benefit from well‐developed musculature of the arms and upper body during competition for mates. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2013, 109 , 923–931.  相似文献   

Males typically gain fitness from multiple mating, whereas females often lose fitness from numerous mating, potentially leading to sexual conflict over mating. This conflict is expected to favour the evolution of female resistance to mating. However, females may incur male harassment if they refuse to copulate; thus, greater female resistance may increase costs imposed by males. Here, I show that the evolution of resistance to mating raises fitness disadvantages of interacting with males when mating is harmful in female adzuki bean beetles, Callosobruchus chinensis. Females that were artificially selected for higher and lower remating propensity evolved to accept and resist remating, respectively. Compared with females that evolved to accept remating, females that evolved to resist it suffered higher fitness costs from continuous exposure to males. The costs of a single mating measured by the effect on longevity did not differ among selection line females. This study indicates that receptive rather than resistant females mitigate the fitness loss resulting from sexual conflict, suggesting that even though mating is harmful, females can evolve to accept additional mating.  相似文献   

Whether sexual selection generally promotes or impedes population persistence remains an open question. Intralocus sexual conflict (IaSC) can render sexual selection in males detrimental to the population by increasing the frequency of alleles with positive effects on male reproductive success but negative effects on female fecundity. Recent modeling based on fitness landscape theory, however, indicates that the relative impact of IaSC may be reduced in maladapted populations and that sexual selection therefore might promote adaptation when it is most needed. Here, we test this prediction using bean beetles that had undergone 80 generations of experimental evolution on two alternative host plants. We isolated and assessed the effect of maladaptation on sex‐specific strengths of selection and IaSC by cross‐rearing the two experimental evolution regimes on the alternative hosts and estimating within‐population genetic (co)variance for fitness in males and females. Two key predictions were upheld: males generally experienced stronger selection compared to females and maladaptation increased selection in females. However, maladaptation consistently decreased male‐bias in the strength of selection and IaSC was not reduced in maladapted populations. These findings imply that sexual selection can be disrupted in stressful environmental conditions, thus reducing one of the potential benefits of sexual reproduction in maladapted populations.  相似文献   

Males harm females during mating in a range of species. This harm is thought to evolve because it is directly or indirectly beneficial to the male, despite being costly to his mate. The resulting sexually antagonistic selection can cause sexual arms races. For sexually antagonistic co-evolution to occur, there must be genetic variation for traits involved in female harming and susceptibility to harm, but even then intersexual genetic correlations could facilitate or impede sexual co-evolution. Male Callosobruchus maculatus harm their mates during copulation by damaging the female's reproductive tract. However, there have been no investigations of the genetic variation in damage or in female susceptibility to damage, nor has the genetic covariance between these characters been assessed. Here, we use a full-sib/half-sib breeding design to show that male damage is heritable, whereas female susceptibility to damage is much less so. There is also a substantial positive genetic correlation between the two, suggesting that selection favouring damaging males will increase the prevalence of susceptible females. We also provide evidence consistent with intralocus sexual conflict in this species.  相似文献   

Mating systems have a profound influence on the probability of conflict occurring between the sexes. Promiscuity is predicted to generate sexual conflict, thereby driving the evolution of male traits that harm females, whereas monogamy is expected to foster reproductive cooperation, thus rendering such traits redundant. We tested these predictions using experimentally evolved Drosophila pseudoobscura subject to different mating systems. Female survival was not influenced by the mating system treatment of her partner. However, females continuously housed with males evolving under elevated opportunities for female promiscuity produced fewer total progeny, but a relatively greater number of progeny early in their lives, than females housed with males evolving under obligate monogamy. We also found that promiscuous males courted females more frequently than monogamous males. Variation in male courtship frequency and progeny production patterns among treatments reinforces the critical importance of mating system variation for sexual conflict, during both pre‐ and post‐copulatory interactions.  相似文献   

Sexual conflict has recently been proposed as a driving force behind the rapid diversification of genitalia among sexually reproducing organisms. In traumatically inseminating insects, males stab females in the side of the body with needle‐like genitalia, ejaculating into their body cavity. Such mating is costly to females and has led to the evolution of cost‐reducing ‘paragenitalia’ in some species. Whereas some consider this evidence of sexually antagonistic coevolution, others remain unconvinced. Variation in the reproductive morphology of both sexes – particularly males – is alleged to be negligible, contradicting the expectations of a coevolutionary arms race. Here, we use a phylogeny of the traumatically inseminating plant bug genus Coridromius to show that external female paragenitalia have evolved multiply across the genus and are correlated with changes in male genital shape. This pattern is characteristic of an evolutionary arms race driven by sexual conflict.  相似文献   

Females in many taxa experience postmating activation of their immune system, independently of any genital trauma or pathogenic attack arising from male‐female genital contact. This response has always been interpreted as a product of natural selection as it either prepares the female immune system for antigens arising from an implanted embryo (in the case of placental mammals), or is a “pre‐emptive strike” against infection or injury acquired during mating. While the first hypothesis has empirical support, the second is not entirely satisfactory. Recently, studies that have experimentally dissected the postmating responses of Drosophila melanogaster females point to a different explanation: male reproductive peptides/proteins that have evolved in response to postmating male‐male competition are directly responsible for activating particular elements of the female immune system. Thus, in a broad sense, males may be said to be immunogenic to females. Here, we discuss a possible direct role of sexual selection/sexual conflict in immune system evolution, in contrast to indirect trade‐offs with other life‐history traits, presenting the available evidence from a range of taxa and proposing ways in which the competing hypotheses could be tested. The major implication of this review is that immune system evolution is not only a product of natural selection but also that sexual selection and potentially sexual conflict enforces a direct selective pressure. This is a significant shift, and will compel researchers studying immune system evolution and ecological immunity to look beyond the forces generated by parasites and pathogens to those generated by the male ejaculate.  相似文献   

Morphological traits involved in male-female sexual interactions, such as male genitalia, often show rapid divergent evolution. This widespread evolutionary pattern could result from sustained sexually antagonistic coevolution, or from other types of selection such as female choice or selection for species isolation. I reviewed the extensive but under-utilized taxonomic literature on a selected subset of insects, in which male-female conflict has apparently resulted in antagonistic coevolution in males and females. I checked the sexual morphology of groups comprising 500-1000 species in six orders for three evolutionary trends predicted by the sexually antagonistic coevolution hypothesis: males with species-specific differences and elaborate morphology in structures that grasp or perforate females in sexual contexts; corresponding female structures with apparently coevolved species-specific morphology; and potentially defensive designs of female morphology. The expectation was that the predictions were especially likely to be fulfilled in these groups. A largely qualitative overview revealed several surprising patterns: sexually antagonistic coevolution is associated with frequent, relatively weak species-specific differences in males, but male designs are usually relatively simple and conservative (in contrast to the diverse and elaborate designs common in male structures specialized to contact and hold females in other species, and also in weapons such as horns and pincers used in intra-specific battles); coevolutionary divergence of females is not common; and defensive female divergence is very uncommon. No cases were found of female defensive devices that can be facultatively deployed. Coevolutionary morphological races may have occurred between males and females of some bugs with traumatic insemination, but apparently as a result of female attempts to control fertilization, rather than to reduce the physical damage and infections resulting from insertion of the male's hypodermic genitalia. In sum, the sexually antagonistic coevolution that probably occurs in these groups has generally not resulted in rapid, sustained evolutionary divergence in male and female external sexual morphology. Several limitations of this study, and directions for further analyses are discussed.  相似文献   

The expression of secondary sexual traits in females has often been attributed to a correlated response to selection on male traits. In rare cases, females have secondary sexual traits that are not homologous structures to secondary sexual traits in males and are thus less likely to have evolved in females because of correlated selection. In this study, we used the dung beetle Onthophagus sagittarius, a species with sex‐specific horns, to examine the environmental and quantitative genetic control of horn expression in males and females. Offspring subjected to different brood mass manipulations (dung addition/removal) were found to differ significantly in body size. Brood mass manipulation also had a significant effect on the length of male horns; however, female horn length was found to be relatively impervious to the treatment, showing stronger patterns of additive genetic variance than males. We found no correlations between horn expression in males and females. We therefore conclude that the horns of O. sagittarius females are unlikely to result from genetic correlations between males and females. Rather, our data suggest that they may be under independent genetic control.  相似文献   

Intralocus sexual conflict (IaSC) is pervasive because males and females experience differences in selection but share much of the same genome. Traits with integrated genetic architecture should be reservoirs of sexually antagonistic genetic variation for fitness, but explorations of multivariate IaSC are scarce. Previously, we showed that upward artificial selection on male life span decreased male fitness but increased female fitness compared with downward selection in the seed beetle Callosobruchus maculatus. Here, we use these selection lines to investigate sex‐specific evolution of four functionally integrated traits (metabolic rate, locomotor activity, body mass, and life span) that collectively define a sexually dimorphic life‐history syndrome in many species. Male‐limited selection for short life span led to correlated evolution in females toward a more male‐like multivariate phenotype. Conversely, males selected for long life span became more female‐like, implying that IaSC results from genetic integration of this suite of traits. However, while life span, metabolism, and body mass showed correlated evolution in the sexes, activity did not evolve in males but, surprisingly, did so in females. This led to sexual monomorphism in locomotor activity in short‐life lines associated with detrimental effects in females. Our results thus support the general tenet that widespread pleiotropy generates IaSC despite sex‐specific genetic architecture.  相似文献   

The rapid evolutionary divergence of male genital structures under sexual selection is well documented. However, variation in female genital traits and the potential for sexual conflict to drive the coevolution between male and female traits has only recently received attention. In many lepidopterans, females possess genital teeth (collectively, signa). Comparative studies suggest these teeth, involved in the deflation of spermatophores, may have coevolved with male spermatophore thickness via sexually antagonistic coevolution in a contest over the rate of deflation of spermatophores within the reproductive tract. We tested the hypothesis that sexual conflict should generate coevolution between genital teeth and spermatophore morphology by examining these traits under experimental manipulation of sexual conflict intensity. Using micro‐CT scanning, we examined spermatophore and teeth morphology in populations of the Indian moth, Plodia interpunctella, which had been evolving for 110 generations under different adult sex‐ratio biases. We found divergence in female signa morphology in response to sexual conflict: females from female‐biased populations (reduced sexual conflict) developed wider signa. However, we found no evidence of coevolution between signa traits and spermatophore thickness as reported from comparative studies.  相似文献   

Theory predicts that costly secondary sexual traits will evolve heightened condition dependence, and many studies have reported strong condition dependence of signal and weapon traits in a variety of species. However, although genital structures often play key roles in intersexual interactions and appear to be subject to sexual or sexually antagonistic selection, few studies have examined the condition dependence of genital structures, especially in both sexes simultaneously. We investigated the responses of male and female genital structures to manipulation of larval diet quality (new versus once‐used mung beans) in the bruchid seed beetle Callosobruchus maculatus. We quantified effects on mean relative size and static allometry of the male aedeagus, aedeagal spines, flap and paramere and the female reproductive tract and bursal spines. None of the male traits showed a significant effect of diet quality. In females, we found that longer bursal spines (relative to body size) were expressed on low‐quality diet. Although the function of bursal spines is poorly understood, we suggest that greater bursal spine length in low‐condition females may represent a sexually antagonistic adaptation. Overall, we found no evidence that genital traits in C. maculatus are expressed to a greater extent when nutrients are more abundant. This suggests that, even though some genital traits appear to function as secondary sexual traits, genital traits do not exhibit heightened condition dependence in this species. We discuss possible reasons for this finding.  相似文献   

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