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植物根系分泌物的研究方法   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
根系分泌物是植物根系释放到根际环境中的有机物质的总称,对土壤结构形成、土壤养分转化、植物养分吸收、土壤微生物分布、环境胁迫缓解等方面都具有重要作用。但是,由于土壤中微生物对根系分泌物的降解以及根系分泌物本身含量低、成分复杂,根系分泌物的研究方法一直是植物营养学与土壤科学的研究热点和难点。近年来,一些新的实验技术和研究方法被应用到对植物根系分泌物的研究中。本文对目前在根系分泌物研究中应用较多的以及新发展起来的各种收集、分离和鉴定方法进行了综述,希望有助于相关研究者在针对不同的研究对象和目的时选择出可行、合适、高效的根系分泌物研究方法和技术。  相似文献   

根分泌物与土壤肥力   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张玲 《生物学通报》2000,35(9):17-17
植物生长在土壤中 ,既要从土壤中摄取营养 ,又要对土壤产生一定的响应。植物根系的生理特性和根 -土界面的营养环境是影响土壤养分有效性和植物生长的主要因素之一。根分泌物就是植物根对土壤肥力的一种响应。它是根对土壤因素的生化适应的产物。1 根分泌物的种类根分泌物是植物根系释放到周围环境中的各种物质 ,它是生物间相生相克关系不可缺少的成分。根分泌物的产生是通过代谢途径和非代谢途径。代谢途径包括初生代谢和次生代谢。根分泌物的种类繁多 ,数量各异 ,不仅有糖、有机酸和氨基酸等初生代谢物 ,还有酚类等次生代谢物 ,更有一些…  相似文献   

植物根系分泌物对土壤污染修复的作用及影响机理   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
王亚  冯发运  葛静  李勇  余向阳 《生态学报》2022,42(3):829-842
生物修复是一种经济环保的土壤修复技术。根系分泌物是利用生物修复污染土壤过程中的关键物质,也是植物与土壤微生物进行物质交换和信息传递的重要载体,在植物响应污染物胁迫中扮演重要角色。研究植物根系分泌物对土壤污染修复的作用和影响机理,是深入理解植物和微生物环境适应机制的重要途径,对促进生物修复污染土壤有重要指导意义。从污染物胁迫对根系分泌物的影响、根系分泌物对土壤污染物环境行为的影响、根系分泌物在调控污染土壤中根际微生物群落结构和多样性中发挥的作用等几个方面综述了根系分泌物对土壤污染修复的影响及内在机制。研究结果表明,根系分泌物在降低重金属对植物的毒性、加速有机污染物降解等方面有非常重要的作用。根系分泌物对土壤微生物的丰度和多样性均有显著影响,其与根际微生物互作在土壤污染物的消减中发挥了重要的调控作用。在此基础上,提出了以往研究中的不足,并对污染物胁迫下根系分泌物未来研究的方向和趋势进行了展望。  相似文献   

沙冬青属植物具有抗寒、抗旱、抗盐碱等特性,是研究植物逆境胁迫和筛选天然抗逆基因库的理想材料。非生物胁迫是限制沙冬青属植物生长发育及地理分布的重要因素,研究沙冬青属植物响应非生物胁迫的蛋白质组学为发掘其相关抗逆蛋白质及探索抗逆机理奠定基础。通过对近年来国内外利用蛋白质组学技术研究沙冬青属植物应答逆境胁迫的相关成果进行总结归纳,综述沙冬青属植物对低温、干旱、高盐等非生物胁迫响应的蛋白质组学最新研究进展,探讨在非生物胁迫下沙冬青属植物蛋白质水平的动态变化,揭示特定的蛋白质网络以及相关逆境应答机制,并对蛋白质组学技术应用前景进行展望,以期为沙冬青属植物抗逆分子机制更深入、全面的研究提供参考依据。  相似文献   

土壤-植物系统是生物圈的基本结构单元,土壤与植物之间存在密切的相互反馈。土壤退化导致植物面临各种非生物胁迫,植物的生理代谢遭到干扰,养分获取受到抑制。蚯蚓被称为“生态系统的工程师”。蚯蚓能够通过调控土壤物理-化学-生物学特性,改良退化土壤(盐碱土、重金属和有机污染物污染土壤),缓解植物所受胁迫,增加土壤养分有效性,促进植物生长,并通过自身分泌的信号物质提高植物的抗逆性。蚯蚓对土壤-植物系统的生态修复作用,对于改善植物生长环境、维持土壤生态系统健康和稳定具有重要意义。  相似文献   

植物根系对根际微环境扰动机制研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根际微环境是构建植物与土壤交流沟通的桥梁,也是植物遭受胁迫时优先作出响应的区域。植物根系作为根际的主要调控者,根构型和根系分泌物种类、数量的改变均可对根际微生物和土壤动物种群分布及其结构造成影响。然而,土壤动物的扰动、微生物的分解作用也可改善根际土壤特性,提高植物抗逆性及养分利用效率,从而促进植物根系生长。可见,植物根系-根际动物-根际微生物之间存在复杂的互作关系。本文从根际内、外微环境出发,分析了根际外植物根系对微环境的物理和化学扰动、根际内植物根系与微生物的互作扰动、根际内植物根系和土壤动物的物理扰动、以植物根系分泌物为介质的化学扰动等方面研究进展,在此基础上,论述了根际微环境主要影响因子之间的互作机制,并对该领域的研究方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

根系分泌物及其在植物修复中的作用   总被引:53,自引:0,他引:53       下载免费PDF全文
 近年来环境污染日益严重,污染物在土壤植物中的行为引起了人们的高度关注。利用植物去除土壤水体等介质中污染物的植物修复是近10年来兴起的一项安全、廉价的技术,已成为污染生态学和环境生态学的研究热点,它通过植物吸收、根滤、稳定、挥发等方式清除环境中的重金属和有机污染物。国内外有关植物修复的研究报道和概述很多, 但对植物根系分泌物在植物修复中所起的作用及其机理少有述评。 本文从根系分泌物对土壤重金属和土壤有机污染物的去除作用出发,对根系分泌物的种类、数量及其在去除环境污染物中的作用机理和功能地位进行了总结,并借助研究事例对影响植物根系分泌的内外因子,如植物种类、营养胁迫、重金属胁迫、根际环境的理化性质、土壤微生物及其它环境因子进行了讨论。概言之,根系分泌物在修复污染土壤中的重金属途径是多种多样的,主要是通过调节根际pH值、与重金属形成螯合物、络合反应、沉淀、提高土壤微生物数量和活性来改变重金属在根际中的存在形态以及提高重金属的生物有效性,从而减轻它对环境的危害。在清除有机污染物时,根系分泌物中的酶可以对有机污染物进行直接降解,根系分泌物影响下的微生物也可以对有机污染物进行间接降解,且被认为是主要的降解途径。根系分泌物在植物修复过程中确实起着某些重要作用,今后应将这方面的研究重点放在某些特异性根系分泌物植物,尤其是某些重金属超富集植物资源的寻找、筛选上,通过室内实验和野外研究确定其根系分泌物对清除重金属和有机污染物的效率,证实超富集植物根系分泌物的特异性与污染物超富集的内在联系,找到污染土壤生态恢复和治理的有效方法并加以推广应用,如针对性地在被污染地大面积种植此类具特异性根分泌物植物,并辅以营林措施如修剪等,加快生物修复进程,提高修复效率。植物根系分泌物在植物修复过程中所具有的重要生态意义和可能应用前景,为污染生态学和化学生态学之间的联合研究开拓了全新的领域,今后将取得新的突破和重要进展。  相似文献   

植物根系耐盐机制的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
植物根系能够摄取土壤环境中的养分与水分,在植物的生长发育中起重要的作用。植物根系由于直接与土壤环境相接触会受到非生物胁迫较大的影响。盐胁迫是主要的非生物胁迫之一,对植物根系会产生较大的伤害。综述根系在组织形态和细胞水平上对盐胁迫的应答,以及根系响应盐胁迫的信号传导途径、转录因子与基因,对植物根部耐盐机制的解析和植物耐盐基因工程工具基因的挖掘具有重要意义。  相似文献   

赵宽  吴沿友 《西北植物学报》2014,34(5):1002-1007
该研究建立了植物根茎叶及根系分泌物中有机酸的离子色谱分析测定方法,并测定了4种不同植物幼苗根茎叶及根系分泌物中低分子量有机酸的组成,为揭示逆境胁迫下植物体内有机酸的作用提供依据。结果表明:离子色谱分析法对植物有机酸的加标回收率为91.10%~105.42%,检测限为0.12~0.36mg/L,方法线性关系良好(R2=0.965 3~0.998 8);4种植物根茎叶及根系分泌物中都可以检测出草酸、柠檬酸、苹果酸、丁二酸和酒石酸,其中草酸、柠檬酸和苹果酸为优势酸;有机酸的组成和含量具有物种以及器官的差异性;根系分泌物中的有机酸与根茎叶中有机酸的相关性也因种属差异而不同。这为研究逆境胁迫下植物器官及根系分泌物提供了可靠方法。  相似文献   

丛枝菌根真菌影响作物非生物胁迫耐受性的研究进展   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
土壤中存在着大量不同种类的微生物资源,土壤微生物能够与自然界中的大多数植物密切合作,其中丛枝菌根真菌(arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi,AMF)起着十分重要的作用。近年来,对于AMF的研究越来越多。AMF是存在于土壤中的重要真菌之一,是土壤中的菌根真菌菌丝与高等植物营养根系形成的一种联合体。AMF可以与陆地上90%左右的植物根系形成共生体,通过在植物根系形成重要的“丛枝菌根”结构而为植物提供更多的养分。为了了解接种AMF对作物生长过程中耐受一些非生物胁迫(如干旱、极端温度、重金属污染、盐分、不利的土壤pH变化等)性能方面的影响,基于之前接种AMF对养分胁迫下玉米生长影响的研究,在扩大作物品种的基础上,通过查阅大量文献,结合试验研究及对前人和近年来关于AMF的一些最新研究进展,获得了具有实践性意义的新发现:AMF与植物共生有助于植物生长,可以改善植物的营养状况,并且可以保护植物免受各种非生物环境胁迫的影响。由此可以得出结论:AMF通过各种机制改善植物生长状况,提高作物抗逆性,为作物增产、农民增收创造了福利,并且避免了由于肥料过量施用导致的一些污染环境问题。本文主要综述了接种AMF在各种非生物环境胁迫(干旱、极端温度、重金属污染、盐分、不利的土壤pH变化等)条件下对植株生长和发育的有利影响,并对目前存在的不足和今后研究的重点提出几点建议。  相似文献   

The aim of the present review is to define the various origins of root-mediated changes of pH in the rhizosphere, i.e., the volume of soil around roots that is influenced by root activities. Root-mediated pH changes are of major relevance in an ecological perspective as soil pH is a critical parameter that influences the bioavailability of many nutrients and toxic elements and the physiology of the roots and rhizosphere microorganisms. A major process that contributes root-induced pH changes in the rhizosphere is the release of charges carried by H+ or OH to compensate for an unbalanced cation–anion uptake at the soil–root interface. In addition to the ions taken up by the plant, all the ions crossing the plasma membrane of root cells (e.g., organic anions exuded by plant roots) should be taken into account, since they all need to be balanced by an exchange of charges, i.e., by a release of either H+ or OH. Although poorly documented, root exudation and respiration can contribute some proportion of rhizosphere pH decrease as a result of a build-up of the CO2 concentration. This will form carbonic acid in the rhizosphere that may dissociate in neutral to alkaline soils, and result in some pH decrease. Ultimately, plant roots and associated microorganisms can also alter rhizosphere pH via redox-coupled reactions. These various processes involved in root-mediated pH changes in the rhizosphere also depend on environmental constraints, especially nutritional constraints to which plants can respond. This is briefly addressed, with a special emphasis on the response of plant roots to deficiencies of P and Fe and to Al toxicity. Finally, soil pH itself and pH buffering capacity also have a dramatic influence on root-mediated pH changes.  相似文献   

Plant growth results from interaction of roots and shoots with the environment. The environment for roots is the soil or planting medium which provide structural support as well as water and nutrients to the plant. Roots also support the growth and functions of a complex of microorganisms that can have a profound effect on the growth anti survival of plants. These microorganisms constitute rhizosphere microflora and can be categorized as deleterious, beneficial, or neutral with respect to root/plant health. Beneficial interactions between roots and microbes do occur in rhizosphere and can be enhanced. Increased plant growth and crop yield can be obtained upon inoculating seeds or roots with certain specific root-colonizing bacteria- 'plant growth promoting rhizobacteria'. In this review, we discuss the mechanisms by which plant growth promoting rhizobacteria may stimulate plant growth.  相似文献   

基于分子生物学和基因组学的植物根际微生物研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根际微生物是指在植物根系直接影响的土壤范围内生长繁殖的微生物。根际微生物研究对微生物生态学和工业生物技术开发均十分重要, 妨碍其研究进展的主要原因是99%的根际微生物物种在实验室中无法成功培养。近年来, 将基于分子生物学和基因组学的非培养研究技术应用于根际微生物多样性研究取得了很大进展, 本文结合作者对红豆杉根际的研究, 评述近期相关新技术的应用和其未来应用前景。  相似文献   

Unravelling rhizosphere-microbial interactions: opportunities and limitations   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
The rhizosphere is a biologically active zone of the soil around plant roots that contains soil-borne microbes including bacteria and fungi. Plant-microbe interactions in the rhizosphere can be beneficial to the plant, the microbes or to neither of them. One of the major difficulties that plant biologists and microbiologists face when studying these interactions is that many groups of microbes that inhabit this zone are not cultivable in the laboratory. Recent developments in molecular biology methods are shedding some light on rhizospheric microbial diversity. This review discusses recent findings and future challenges in the study of plant-microbe interactions in the rhizosphere.  相似文献   

白菜根肿病是由芸薹根肿菌(Plasmodiophora brassicae Woron)引起的一种常见土传病害,主要危害白菜的根部。根际是土壤-植物-微生物相互作用最活跃的关键微域,根际微生态系统中的微生物失衡是导致土传病害的重要因素,深入探究根际微生态与土传病害互作机制,有利于从根际微生物、抑病物质和功能代谢等方面挖掘防控土传病害安全高效的方法。本文综述了根际微生态与白菜根肿病的发生机制关系,从该病害的危害、发生的根际微生态机制及生防菌防治研究等方面综合分析了根际微生物调控白菜根肿病发生的机制,以期为白菜根肿病防控、促进土壤健康和维持根际微生态系统稳定提供理论依据。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Roots growing in soil encounter physical, chemical and biological environments that influence their rhizospheres and affect plant growth. Exudates from roots can stimulate or inhibit soil organisms that may release nutrients, infect the root, or modify plant growth via signals. These rhizosphere processes are poorly understood in field conditions. SCOPE AND AIMS: We characterize roots and their rhizospheres and rates of growth in units of distance and time so that interactions with soil organisms can be better understood in field conditions. We review: (1) distances between components of the soil, including dead roots remnant from previous plants, and the distances between new roots, their rhizospheres and soil components; (2) characteristic times (distance(2)/diffusivity) for solutes to travel distances between roots and responsive soil organisms; (3) rates of movement and growth of soil organisms; (4) rates of extension of roots, and how these relate to the rates of anatomical and biochemical ageing of root tissues and the development of the rhizosphere within the soil profile; and (5) numbers of micro-organisms in the rhizosphere and the dependence on the site of attachment to the growing tip. We consider temporal and spatial variation within the rhizosphere to understand the distribution of bacteria and fungi on roots in hard, unploughed soil, and the activities of organisms in the overlapping rhizospheres of living and dead roots clustered in gaps in most field soils. CONCLUSIONS: Rhizosphere distances, characteristic times for solute diffusion, and rates of root and organism growth must be considered to understand rhizosphere development. Many values used in our analysis were estimates. The paucity of reliable data underlines the rudimentary state of our knowledge of root-organism interactions in the field.  相似文献   

Rhizosphere: biophysics, biogeochemistry and ecological relevance   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Life on Earth is sustained by a small volume of soil surrounding roots, called the rhizosphere. The soil is where most of the biodiversity on Earth exists, and the rhizosphere probably represents the most dynamic habitat on Earth; and certainly is the most important zone in terms of defining the quality and quantity of the Human terrestrial food resource. Despite its central importance to all life, we know very little about rhizosphere functioning, and have an extraordinary ignorance about how best we can manipulate it to our advantage. A major issue in research on rhizosphere processes is the intimate connection between the biology, physics and chemistry of the system which exhibits astonishing spatial and temporal heterogeneities. This review considers the unique biophysical and biogeochemical properties of the rhizosphere and draws some connections between them. Particular emphasis is put on how underlying processes affect rhizosphere ecology, to generate highly heterogeneous microenvironments. Rhizosphere ecology is driven by a combination of the physical architecture of the soil matrix, coupled with the spatial and temporal distribution of rhizodeposits, protons, gases, and the role of roots as sinks for water and nutrients. Consequences for plant growth and whole-system ecology are considered. The first sections address the physical architecture and soil strength of the rhizosphere, drawing their relationship with key functions such as the movement and storage of elements and water as well as the ability of roots to explore the soil and the definition of diverse habitats for soil microorganisms. The distribution of water and its accessibility in the rhizosphere is considered in detail, with a special emphasis on spatial and temporal dynamics and heterogeneities. The physical architecture and water content play a key role in determining the biogeochemical ambience of the rhizosphere, via their effect on partial pressures of O2 and CO2, and thereby on redox potential and pH of the rhizosphere, respectively. We address the various mechanisms by which roots and associated microorganisms alter these major drivers of soil biogeochemistry. Finally, we consider the distribution of nutrients, their accessibility in the rhizosphere, and their functional relevance for plant and microbial ecology. Gradients of nutrients in the rhizosphere, and their spatial patterns or temporal dynamics are discussed in the light of current knowledge of rhizosphere biophysics and biogeochemistry. Priorities for future research are identified as well as new methodological developments which might help to advance a comprehensive understanding of the co-occurring processes in the rhizosphere.  相似文献   

Soil environments are dynamic and the plant rhizosphere harbours a phenomenal diversity of micro-organisms which exchange signals and beneficial nutrients. Bipartite beneficial or symbiotic interactions with host roots, such as mycorrhizae and various bacteria, are relatively well characterized. In addition, a tripartite interaction also exists between plant roots, arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) and associated bacteria. Bacterial biofilms exist as a sheet of bacterial cells in association with AMF structures, embedded within a self-produced exopolysaccharide matrix. Such biofilms may play important functional roles within these tripartite interactions. However, the details about such interactions in the rhizosphere and their relevant functional relationships have not been elucidated. This review explores the current understanding of naturally occurring microbial biofilms, and their interaction with biotic surfaces, especially AMF. The possible roles played by bacterial biofilms and the potential for their application for a more productive and sustainable agriculture is discussed in this review.  相似文献   

Biological costs and benefits to plant-microbe interactions in the rhizosphere   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
This review looks briefly at plants and their rhizosphere microbes, the chemical communications that exist, and the biological processes they sustain. Primarily it is the loss of carbon compounds from roots that drives the development of enhanced microbial populations in the rhizosphere when compared with the bulk soil, or that sustains specific mycorrhizal or legume associations. The benefits to the plant from this carbon loss are discussed. Overall the general rhizosphere effect could help the plant by maintaining the recycling of nutrients, through the production of hormones, helping to provide resistance to microbial diseases and to aid tolerance to toxic compounds. When plants lack essential mineral elements such as P or N, symbiotic relationships can be beneficial and promote plant growth. However, this benefit may be lost in well-fertilized (agricultural) soils where nutrients are readily available to plants and symbionts reduce growth. Since these rhizosphere associations are commonplace and offer key benefits to plants, these interactions would appear to be essential to their overall success.  相似文献   

Jones  David L. 《Plant and Soil》1998,205(1):25-44
Organic acids, such as malate, citrate and oxalate, have been proposed to be involved in many processes operating in the rhizosphere, including nutrient acquisition and metal detoxification, alleviation of anaerobic stress in roots, mineral weathering and pathogen attraction. A full assessment of their role in these processes, however, cannot be determined unless the exact mechanisms of plant organic acid release and the fate of these compounds in the soil are more fully understood. This review therefore includes information on organic acid levels in plants (concentrations, compartmentalisation, spatial aspects, synthesis), plant efflux (passive versus active transport, theoretical versus experimental considerations), soil reactions (soil solution concentrations, sorption) and microbial considerations (mineralization). In summary, the release of organic acids from roots can operate by multiple mechanisms in response to a number of well-defined environmental stresses (e.g., Al, P and Fe stress, anoxia): These responses, however, are highly stress- and plant-species specific. In addition, this review indicates that the sorption of organic acids to the mineral phase and mineralisation by the soil's microbial biomass are critical to determining the effectiveness of organic acids in most rhizosphere processes.  相似文献   

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