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从第二届世界水资源论坛看辽宁的水资源危机及对策   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
辽宁是我国重要的工业省份,境内分布着我国三大城市群之一,农业也很发达,工农业生产、城市建设和居民生活对水资源的需求量都很大.本文根据第二届世界水资源大会有关会议资料[4]及后续影响,从世界范围内水资源的分布、取用和污染现状与发展趋势[6,9],对辽宁省水资源危机进行分析,对其今后宜采取的有效措施进行建议与论证.  相似文献   

为扩大国内外农业科研人员之间、作者与审者之间、作者与编者之间的学术与信息交流,促进我国农业科学研究的繁荣与发展,《中国农业科学》编委会/编辑部拟定于2007年11月30日-12月2日在北京举办第二届“世界农业科学前沿论坛”,届时将邀请国内外著名专家、学者作专题报告,内容主要为:[第一段]  相似文献   

水分胁迫对冬小麦叶片CO_2/H_2O交换参数的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
水资源严重匮乏已成为华北平原农业可持续发展的主要障碍因素 [1] ,提高有限水资源的利用效率显得十分重要。以前的研究主要注重农田水平作物与水分的关系 [2 ,4 ] ,利用作物生物学进行节水研究不够 [3,4 ] 。Roa等人认为作物适度的水分亏缺可获得高产 [15] ;Jensen等人认为适度水分胁迫甚至能使作物水分利用效率显著提高 [5,6] ,依此发展了调亏灌溉思想 ,对有限水量在作物生育期内时空最优分配制度进行研究 ,目前已为世界各国广泛关注 [6] 。作物 CO2 /H2 O交换参数包括光合速率、蒸腾速率、水分利用效率等 ,这些是确定作物水分高效利用…  相似文献   

在2008年成功举办首届中美心身医学行为医学与心脑血管疾病国际论坛的基础上,由中国医师协会培训部主办,中国中医科学院广安门医院、《医药与保健》杂志编辑部、北京中医药学会等单位承办的“第二届心身医学新进展国际论坛”定于2009年9月5日~6日在北京召开,开幕式将在北京人民大会堂隆重举行;本次会议主讲嘉宾有美国波士顿大学David I.Mostofskv,第18届世界心身医学大会主席、日本九州大学久保千春,世界卫生组织心身医学和精神药理学、加拿大皇后大学Amarendra N.Singh,中国中医科学院广安门医院赵志付,北京大学人民医院胡大一,首都医科大学宣武医院姜凤英等国内外知名专家。本次会议与会代表将授予国家级I类继续医学教育学分8分,[项目编号:2009—03—10—106(国)]。  相似文献   

据在江苏省连云港市召开的第二届《生物化学与分子生物学名词审定委员会》第二次会议的消息,《生物化学与分子生物学名词》词条的收集范围共有12个专题,约有生物化学与分子生物学名词6000条,是1990年全国自然科学名词审定委员会公布的1531条生物化学名词的4倍左右。这12个专题为:[01]总论;[02]蛋白质和多肽;[03]酶[04]核酸 [05]基因表达与调控 [06]糖 [07]脂[08]生物膜  相似文献   

[目的] 明确世界自然保护联盟公布的“世界100种恶性外来入侵物种”在我国大陆发生分布现状,为我国制定外来入侵物种管控对象和分级管理对策提供依据。[方法] 基于在线数据库系统、文献报道以及外来入侵物种本底调查结果,采用分类统计方法,对物种的分类地位、原产地、在我国的入侵状态及其所在的生态系统进行分析。[结果] 世界100种恶性外来入侵物种已有82种在我国发生分布,包括本地种33种、外来入侵种32种、外来非入侵种16种,以及未明确入侵状态1种。其中,32种外来入侵种包括陆生无脊椎动物8种、哺乳动物2种、鱼类2种、两栖动物1种、爬行动物1种、水生无脊椎动物2种、陆生植物9种、水生植物4种、真菌1种、卵菌1种和病毒1种。以上物种主要分布在东南沿海地区和西南地区,而较少分布在西北地区和东北地区;约75%物种分布在农田、城镇、森林和湿地4类生态系统。[结论] 建议外来入侵物种管理部门重点关注尚未在国内发生分布的18种潜在外来入侵物种,并列入国家外来入侵物种相关管理对象,严防其传入与扩散;严密监控国内已发生且具有潜在危险的外来物种,防止其向可能入侵的生态系统边缘扩散;继续对在国内已发生的外来入侵种实施区域性分级控制管理措施。  相似文献   

慈姑属 ( Sagittaria L.)是泽泻科 ( Alismataceae)中一个很重要的属 ,世界广布 ,共约30个种 ,数量仅次于美洲分布的刺果泽泻属 ( Echinodorus Rich.) (约 4 7种 ) [1 ] 。慈姑属植物在我国已知有 8种、1亚种、3变种及 1变型 ,共 1 1个分类群 ,其中特有种 4个 ,对于研究全世界的慈姑属植物来说 ,中国地区有着重要意义 [2 ]。腾冲慈姑为我国慈姑属植物的一个特有种 ,仅分布于我国云南西部的山地沼泽中[3] 。陈家宽 ( 1 989)曾对中国 7种慈姑属植物的核型进行了研究 ,但由于受到材料来源的限制 ,未报道腾冲慈姑的核型。本文首次对腾冲慈姑的…  相似文献   

第四届国际结构基因组学大会在京召开;2006年国际基因组学大会在杭州举行;“第十届生物医药产业发展论坛”在京举行;第56届中国实验室技术及设备展览会暨学术报告会在天津举行;“植物激素和绿色革命”香山科学会议召开;[编者按]  相似文献   

继2006年8月召开第一届编委会会议后,2007年6月16日《生物技术产业》第一届编委会第二次工作会议在石家庄隆重召开。[第一段]  相似文献   

万云  许丽丽  耿其芳  冷欣  安树青  唐剑武 《生态学报》2012,32(17):5601-5608
为促进中国青年生态学者与海外生态学者的交流与合作,第二届"国际青年生态学者论坛"于2011年8月1—4日在南京大学举行。来自海内外近400名学生和青年学者,围绕"全球变化背景下生态学热点问题"主题,分别从植物群落学、植物生理生态学、地下生态学、水生态系统、生物入侵、生物多样性、区域生态安全等7个方面进行了交流与讨论,本届论坛报告反映了在全球变化背景下,我国生态学在研究领域、内容、尺度、方法上的发展现状与进展。以会议收集的95篇摘要为基础,重点综述了27场青年学者论坛报告内容,并对会议的进一步完善提出了几点建议。  相似文献   

Trait combinations that lead to a higher efficiency in resource utilization are important drivers of divergent natural selection and adaptive radiation. However, variation in environmental features might constrain foraging in complex ways and therefore impede the exploitation of critical resources. We tested the effect of water transparency on intra-population divergence in morphology of Eurasian perch (Perca fluviatilis) across seven lakes in central Sweden. Morphological divergence between near-shore littoral and open-water pelagic perch substantially increased with increasing water transparency. Reliance on littoral resources increased strongly with increasing water transparency in littoral populations, whereas littoral reliance was not affected by water transparency in pelagic populations. Despite the similar reliance on pelagic resources in pelagic populations along the water transparency gradient, the utilization of particular pelagic prey items differed with variation in water transparency in pelagic populations. Pelagic perch utilized cladocerans in lakes with high water transparency and copepods in lakes with low water transparency. We suggest that under impaired visual conditions low utilization of littoral resources by littoral perch and utilization of evasive copepods by pelagic perch may lead to changes in morphology. Our findings indicate that visual conditions can affect population divergence in predator populations through their effects on resource utilization.  相似文献   

Daily microbiological water quality and precipitation data spanning 6?years were collected from monitoring stations at southern California beaches. Daily precipitation projected for the twenty-first century was derived from downscaled CNRM CM3 global climate model. A time series model of Enterococcus concentrations that was driven by precipitation, matched the general trend of empirical water quality data; there was a positive association between precipitation and microbiological water contamination (P?相似文献   

采用Dmey小波函数对杂古脑(岷江的一个重要流域)水文站41年(1962~2002)的月径流时间序列进行了多尺度分析和周期性分析.结果表明,无论在64月(5.4年)还是在128月(10.7年)的时间尺度上,1962~1978年期间杂古脑流域植被虽然破坏严重,但其径流相对稳定,并略低于多年历史平均;1986~1997年期间径流明显处于上升趋势,表明全球变暖对岷江上游水文动态规律具有重要影响.周期性分析发现,在最近40多年间,杂古脑流域径流出现了多次丰枯交替,次数与时间尺度有关(5年尺度7次,10年尺度3次).这表明在流域尺度上研究土地利用/土地覆盖变化的水文效应时应考虑全球气候变化的影响.  相似文献   

我国水资源生态足迹分析与预测   总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28  
谭秀娟  郑钦玉 《生态学报》2009,29(7):3559-3568
生态足迹模型的提出为水资源可持续利用的定量评价提供了新思路.通过构建水资源生态足迹和水资源生态承载力的计算模型,对我国1949~2007年水资源的可持续利用状况作出了客观的评价,并运用ARIMA模型对我国水资源生态足迹变动趋势作出深入的研究.结果表明,1949~2007年,我国人均水资源生态承载力总体上呈下降态势,而人均水资源生态足迹则逐年上升,从而造成人均水资源生态赤字逐渐增大,我国水资源处于一种不安全状态.运用ARIMA(2,1,3)模型的预测结果表明,2008~2012年,我国人均水资源生态足迹将继续呈上升态势,水危机形势将日益严峻.在此基础上,针对我国水资源的可持续利用问题提出了一组政策建议.  相似文献   

全球气候变化对农业生态系统的影响研究进展   总被引:57,自引:7,他引:50  
肖国举  张强  王静 《应用生态学报》2007,18(8):1877-1885
全球大气中CO2浓度升高、气温升高及降水量的变化等是全球气候变化对农业生产和农业生态系统影响最为重要的几个生态因子,其影响主要表现在对农作物产量、生长发育、病虫害、农业水资源及农业生态系统结构和功能等方面.在过去的几十年,全球气候变化已对我国农业和农业生态系统,特别是我国北方旱区农业造成重大影响,其中不少影响是负面的或不利的.本文综述了全球气候变化对农业水资源、农田土壤养分变化、农作物生长发育、农作物病虫害与杂草、粮食安全及农业生态系统的结构和功能等方面的影响.针对21世纪全球气候变化对我国农业生产和农业生态系统带来的挑战,探讨了今后研究的重点和难点问题.  相似文献   

Plant pathogens in irrigation water were recognized early in the last century as a significant crop health issue. This issue has increased greatly in scope and degree of impact since that time and it will continue to be a problem as agriculture increasingly depends on the use of recycled water. Plant pathogens detected from water resources include 17 species of Phytophthora, 26 of Pythium, 27 genera of fungi, 8 species of bacteria, 10 viruses, and 13 species of plant parasitic nematodes. There is substantial evidence demonstrating that contaminated irrigation water is a primary, if not the sole, source of inoculum for Phytophthora diseases of numerous nursery, fruit, and vegetable crops. These findings pose great challenges and opportunities to the plant pathology community. A variety of water treatment methods are available but few have been assessed for agricultural purposes under commercial conditions. Investigations into their technical feasibility and economics are urgently needed. Aquatic ecology of plant pathogens is an emerging field of research that holds great promise for developing ecologically based water decontamination and other strategies of pathogen mitigation. Pathogen detection and monitoring as well as biological and economic thresholds are much-needed IPM tools and should be priorities of future research. Teaming with hydrologists, agricultural engineers, ecologists, geneticists, economists, statisticians, and farmers is essential to effectively attack such a complex issue of growing global importance. Research should proceed in conjunction with nutrient and pesticide management studies in a coordinated and comprehensive approach as they are interrelated components of water resource conservation and protection.  相似文献   

旱冬瓜(Alnus nepalensis)是元阳梯田水源区的优势树种之一,其作为一种速生树种被发展为当地居民重要的薪炭林和经济林,树种的生长发育和地理分布受到水分制约,其吸收水分和水分利用的变化将会直接影响森林生态系统的水循环。该研究于2014年5-11月间进行,研究时段内累计降雨1262 mm,地下水δD 值在-71‰~-53‰范围,δ18 O 在-10.6‰~-7.0‰范围,受环境因子的影响很小,基本上保持常年稳定。土壤水是可供树种直接吸收利用的水源,基于氢氧稳定同位素技术,对比元阳梯田水源区旱冬瓜树种茎干水δD 和其林地不同深度土壤水δD 的同位素组成情况,结合不同深度土壤含水量,定性分析判断旱冬瓜对土壤水的利用,结果表明旱冬瓜旱季利用的土壤水主要分布在40 cm 土层附近,而雨季利用的土壤水范围较广,分布在0~60 cm 的土层。利用多元线性混合模型 IsoSource 软件定量分析旱冬瓜对土壤水和地下水的利用,结果表明:旱冬瓜水分来源分布较广,各土层土壤水和地下水均有贡献,雨季旱冬瓜主要利用0~60 cm 深土壤水,其中雨后旱冬瓜绝大部分水分来源于0~10 cm 的土壤水分,利用比例为66%~73%;其它时间主要利用40~60 cm 的土壤水,贡献率高达73%;旱季旱冬瓜的绝大部分水分来源于地下水,对地下水的利用比例为18%~68%,同时,40~60 cm 的土壤水也是其重要的水源。从不同时间尺度考察旱冬瓜对土壤水和浅层地下水的需求,更加准确地认识元阳梯田水源区不同森林类型优势树种的水分来源,为梯田森林生态系统经营与维护以及梯田的可持续发展提供了理论依据。  相似文献   


????? 集中制备、分质供应的纯水供应模式具有运营成本低、方便管理、节约设备用房等特点。为了达到降低运营成本,节约用水的目的, 结合医院自身的实际情况,对原有的末端设水处理设备独立供水的纯水供应系统进行局部改造和优化组合。在投资成本较少的前提下,充分提高了水资源的利用率。改造完成后累计节约用水约1 700吨,创造了一定的经济效应和社会效应,对其他同行有一定的参考价值。


A Global Assessment of the Water Footprint of Farm Animal Products   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
The increase in the consumption of animal products is likely to put further pressure on the world’s freshwater resources. This paper provides a comprehensive account of the water footprint of animal products, considering different production systems and feed composition per animal type and country. Nearly one-third of the total water footprint of agriculture in the world is related to the production of animal products. The water footprint of any animal product is larger than the water footprint of crop products with equivalent nutritional value. The average water footprint per calorie for beef is 20 times larger than for cereals and starchy roots. The water footprint per gram of protein for milk, eggs and chicken meat is 1.5 times larger than for pulses. The unfavorable feed conversion efficiency for animal products is largely responsible for the relatively large water footprint of animal products compared to the crop products. Animal products from industrial systems generally consume and pollute more ground- and surface-water resources than animal products from grazing or mixed systems. The rising global meat consumption and the intensification of animal production systems will put further pressure on the global freshwater resources in the coming decades. The study shows that from a freshwater perspective, animal products from grazing systems have a smaller blue and grey water footprint than products from industrial systems, and that it is more water-efficient to obtain calories, protein and fat through crop products than animal products.  相似文献   

This study examines the validity of the assumption that international large-scale land acquisition (LSLA) is motivated by the desire to secure control over water resources, which is commonly referred to as ‘water grabbing’. This assumption was repeatedly expressed in recent years, ascribing the said motivation to the Gulf States in particular. However, it must be considered of hypothetical nature, as the few global studies conducted so far focused primarily on the effects of LSLA on host countries or on trade in virtual water. In this study, we analyse the effects of 475 intended or concluded land deals recorded in the Land Matrix database on the water balance in both host and investor countries. We also examine how these effects relate to water stress and how they contribute to global trade in virtual water. The analysis shows that implementation of the LSLAs in our sample would result in global water savings based on virtual water trade. At the level of individual LSLA host countries, however, water use intensity would increase, particularly in 15 sub-Saharan states. From an investor country perspective, the analysis reveals that countries often suspected of using LSLA to relieve pressure on their domestic water resources—such as China, India, and all Gulf States except Saudi Arabia—invest in agricultural activities abroad that are less water-intensive compared to their average domestic crop production. Conversely, large investor countries such as the United States, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, and Japan are disproportionately externalizing crop water consumption through their international land investments. Statistical analyses also show that host countries with abundant water resources are not per se favoured targets of LSLA. Indeed, further analysis reveals that land investments originating in water-stressed countries have only a weak tendency to target areas with a smaller water risk.  相似文献   

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