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非木材林产品的民族植物学研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
非木材林产品(NTFPs)是指从森林植被中采集的药材、食物(如野菜、野果等)、树脂树胶、纤维或其他非木材类产品,它们不仅为当地群众提供了食物、药材等日常生活必需品,而且也是许多地区原住民的重要经济收入来源。在收集整理相关国内外研究资料的基础上,从非木材林产品的集市民族植物学、非木材林产品的经济价值和对原住民经济收入的贡献、影响非木材林产品采集和利用的因素、非木材林产品采集对当地生物多样性的影响、原住民对非木材林产品的传统管理与保护等方面对近年来有关非木材林产品的民族植物学研究进展进行了综合评述,并对非木材林产品的民族植物学重点研究内容和方向提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

生态移民可能对当地社区传统食用植物的资源及其利用知识产生重要影响。本研究采用半结构访谈、凭证标本采集与鉴定,并佐以Jaccard指数定量分析等方法,对宁夏红寺堡区生态移民迁入地及其迁出地村落传统食用植物利用知识进行比较研究。研究结果表明:(1)6个调查村落共有传统食用植物106种,其中传统粮食作物8科17种、传统栽培果蔬16科44种、野生食用植物22科45种。移民迁入地的传统食用植物种类较其迁出地有减少的趋势。(2)森林区域、黄土丘陵区域和半干旱沙化区域搬迁至红寺堡区的移民在传统食用植物利用方面存在差异。移民迁入地与迁出地生态环境差异越小,传统食用植物知识的保留程度越高。(3)3种不同类型区域的移民,所保留的传统食用植物与传统饮食文化关系密切。传统文化在促进移民的农家种质资源保存方面发挥了重要作用。本研究深入讨论了不同村落传统食用植物资源的相似性和差异性,在传统食用植物的定量研究上作出探索,对生态移民的传统食用植物知识保护与传承提出建议。研究结果可为区域生物多样性管理与可持续发展提供参考依据。  相似文献   

运用民族植物学“5W+lH”提问法,结合访谈方法、集市调查和野外调查进行编目,研究了凉山彝族自治州冕宁县饮食文化中食用野生植物的传统知识.结果表明:1)冕宁县饮食文化中利用的野生植物种类隶属于45科91属110种,其中传统粮用植物4种、野生蔬菜53种、野果植物37种、调味植物6种、酿造植物4种、药食两用植物16种、代茶植物15种;2)冕宁县彝族和汉族饮食文化中对野生植物利用有叠合又各自传承发展的特征;3)对彝族和汉族饮食文化中的野生植物利用现状形成的原因进行了分析,就如何保护传统知识进行了探讨,对可持续利用当地的野生食用植物资源提出建议.  相似文献   

运用民族植物学方法,以广西西部的1市1区10县为研究区域,对桂西壮族饮食文化中利用野生食用植物的传统知识进行了调查和研究.结果显示:桂西壮族饮食文化中常用的野生食用植物有46科102种,其中菊科(Asteraceae)种类最多(13种),其次为苋科(Amaranthaceae)、伞形科(Umbelliferae)、蔷薇科(Rosaceae)和豆科(Leguminosae)(各6种).食用部位常为嫩枝叶、果实、全株、花、根和茎等,其中,食用部位为嫩枝叶的种类最多(48种),食用部位为根和茎的种类最少(8种),食用部位为果实、全株和花的种类分别有18、17和11种.食用方法有炒、煮汤、生食、凉拌、水煮、茶饮、上汤和配菜等,常见的食用方法为炒和煮汤.采摘时间主要为春季和夏季,部分种类可全年采食.不同区域的壮族民众对野生食用植物的选择具有随机性,主要依据方便、易得、适用、无污染等标准进行选择,且生活在不同区域、不同环境的壮族民众对野生食用植物的选择具有较明显差异.综合分析结果表明:桂西壮族民众拥有丰富的利用野生食用植物的传统知识,具有食用植物种类丰富、食用部位多样、食用方法多样等特点,形成了富有民族特色的饮食文化.此外,根据研究结果,对桂西壮族特色饮食文化的保护和传承进行了探讨,并对当地野生食用植物资源的可持续利用提出了一些建议.  相似文献   

采用样方与沿途记录的方式,调查西双版纳橡胶林下植物物种多样性。以此为基础,通过相关文献资料及结合当地传统利用方式对该林下食用植物资源的种类组成、性状、食用类别等进行统计分析。结果表明:西双版纳橡胶林下食用植物资源共计66科141属169种,占资源植物总科数的66.67%,总属数的46.84%,总种数的40.82%;169种食用植物资源可划分为8大食用类别,其中野蔬类的占绝大多数,有80种,占食用植物资源总种数的47.34%;性状以草本类为主,有77种,占食用植物资源总种数的45.56%。  相似文献   

采用民族植物学和人类生态学的方法,初步研究了云南高黎贡山北部独龙江流域内独龙族的农业生态系统和采集利用植物的传统知识。处于近乎封闭的自然与社会环境中,独龙族与植物及植物环境的关系十分密切。独龙族的农业生态系统是典型的山地轮歇农业生态系统,系统中存在不少有价值的传统品种和地方品种,并以种植桤木(Alnus nepalensis)来促进轮歇地的休闲管理为特色,对保护当地的森林、生态系统和生物多样性起到了积极的作用。独龙族人人参与野生食用植物的采集活动,它是独龙族社会中仅次于农业生产而位居第二的重要经济活动,共采集100余种野生食用植物,其中有很大一部分是能代替粮食的产淀粉类植物。独龙族采集利用100多种药用植物,云黄连(Coptis teeta)和贝母(Fritillaria cirrhosa)等草药储量丰富,是独龙族用于同外界进行物资交换的主要物品。在其它植物资源的利用方面,独龙族也积累了丰富的传统知识,包括对纤维植物、染料植物等的认识和利用。桤木和董棕(Caryota urens)两个树种是体现独龙族传统植物学和生态学知识的代表种类。独龙族对植物的传统知识,有必要进行深入研究。  相似文献   

湘西州少数民族膳食结构中常见野生植物调查研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
湘西土家族苗族自治州位于武陵山区东部 ,属华中植物区系 ,植物资源十分丰富 ,对全州 8个县市的调研表明 ,野生食用植物是当地少数民族传统膳食结构中的重要组成成分。文章报导了常见野果、野菜等食物植物 42科 6 3属 83种及其利用价值、采集时令和食用方法 ,并就该地区野生食用植物资源的保护和开发提出了对策和措施。  相似文献   

选择当地牧民作为信息报告人,运用访谈和证据标本采集鉴定等民族植物学研究方法对内蒙古锡林郭勒典型草原地区蒙古族野生食用植物进行了调查。结果表明,锡林郭勒典型草原地区蒙古族民间野生食用植物共有29种和2变种;食用部位包括全株、地上部位、根、茎、鳞茎、叶、花、果和种子,其中叶是使用频率最高的部位。民间食用方式可分为野生粮食、蔬菜、水果、茶用、调料和零食6种类型。其中,蔬菜用野生植物最多,其次为茶用和调料用植物。当地民间对野生食用植物通常采取生食和熟食两种方法。采用腌制或干燥是当地民间对野生食用植物原料或加工品进行保存的主要方法。羊肉、牛肉、鲜奶和酸奶是当地蒙古族用野生植物烹饪各种食物和调制奶茶时的必用原料,具有地区和民族特色。  相似文献   

云南拥有独特的食花文化,蕴藏着丰富的食花资源与传统知识。棠梨花是云南分布最广、最为常见的食用花资源之一,是民间对可食用蔷薇科梨属(Pyrus)植物花的统称,其具体涉及的物种以及民间利用知识与现状尚待研究阐明。该研究在文献研究基础上,初步选择云南省普洱市的思茅区和墨江县,在棠梨花采集旺季,开展了民族植物学调查,包括标本采集与鉴定、集市调查与半结构式访谈。结果表明:(1)该地区食用棠梨花来自三种野生梨属植物,即川梨(P. pashia)、杜梨(P. betulifolia)和无毛川梨(P. pashia var. kumaoni),其中川梨利用频率最高。(2)棠梨花在集市上早春野生蔬菜中比重高,在当地和外地同时显示了很大的市场潜力。(3)当地民族在棠梨花的采后处理与加工方式上,具有高度的一致性。(4)食用理由主要包括清热、应季和无污染。该研究阐明了可食用棠梨花的物种、相关传统知识与利用现状,为棠梨花的资源价值与影响力评估提供了参考,为进一步探讨食花的文化因素与生理学意义提供了基础。  相似文献   

根据当地的气候特点和生态环境选取有代表性的3个乡9个村对云南省元阳县哈尼族、彝族的农业生物资源进行了系统调查和收集,共收集与当地民族生活、生产和民族文化密切相关的农业生物资源341份,其中粮食作物资源139份,果树资源(含野生种类)35份,蔬菜资源(含野生种类)55份,药用植物资源56份,饲用资源56份。详细整理分析了调查、收集到的资源的种类和利用价值,并对当地的农业生产和农业生物资源的利用和保护提出了具体建议。同时对当地的农业生物资源现状和变化情况进行调查和分析,为制订我国少数民族地区特有农业生物资源有效保护与高效利用发展战略提供基础数据和研究材料。  相似文献   



This cross-sectional study assessed the frequency of discrimination, harassment, and violence and the associated factors among a random sample of 1000 lesbian, gay men, and bisexual women and men recruited from randomly selected public venues in Italy.


A face-to-face interview sought information about: socio-demographics, frequency of discrimination, verbal harassment, and physical and sexual violence because of their sexual orientation, and their fear of suffering each types of victimization.


In the whole sample, 28.3% and 11.9% self-reported at least one episode of victimization because of the sexual orientation in their lifetime and in the last year. Those unmarried, compared to the others, and with a college degree or higher, compared to less educated respondents, were more likely to have experienced an episode of victimization in their lifetime. Lesbians, compared to bisexual, had almost twice the odds of experiencing an episode of victimization. The most commonly reported experiences across the lifetime were verbal harassment, discrimination, and physical or sexual violence. Among those who had experienced one episode of victimization in their lifetime, 42.1% self-reported one episode in the last year. Perceived fear of suffering violence because of their sexual orientation, measured on a 10-point Likert scale with a higher score indicative of greater fear, ranges from 5.7 for verbal harassment to 6.4 for discrimination. Participants were more likely to have fear of suffering victimization because of their sexual orientation if they were female (compared to male), lesbian and gay men (compared to bisexual women and men), unmarried (compared to the others), and if they have already suffered an episode of victimization (compared to those who have not suffered an episode).


The study provides important insights into the violence experiences of lesbian, gay men, and bisexual women and men and the results may serve for improving policy initiatives to reduce such episodes.  相似文献   

To show the relationships of calcium accumulation in the thoracic aorta to the other tissues, calcium contents were determined with a microwave-induced plasma-atomic emission spectrometer on arteries, veins, cartilages, ligaments, and bones. These tissues were resected from 18 individuals, consisting of 11 men and 7 women who died in the age range 59–91 yr. As thoracic and abdominal aortas are routinely used for radiographic examination of arterial calcification, they appear to be standard tissues of the calcium accumulation. The calcium accumulations were determined in the femoral artery, the superior and inferior venae cavae, the internal jugular vein, cartilages of the articular disk of the temporomandibular joint and the intervertebral disk, both the ligaments of the anterior cruciate ligament and the ligamentum capitis femoris, and the calcaneus, in contrast with the thoracic aorta. As calcium increased in the thoracic aorta, it increased in the femoral artery, the articular disk of the temporomandibular joint, the intervertebral disk, both ligaments of the anterior cruciate ligament, and the ligamentum capitis femoris, but it did not increase in veins, such as the superior and inferior venae cavae and the internal jugular vein. In contrast, it decreased in the calcaneus.  相似文献   

To clarify the seroepidemiology of human parechovirus type 1 (HPeV1), 3 and 6, neutralizing antibodies (NT Abs) were measured in 214 serum specimens collected in 2014 in Yamagata, Japan. The seroprevalence against HPeV1 was 100% in all age groups, while that against HPeV3 and HPeV6 was 79.4% and 66.8%, respectively, overall. The geometric mean titers of NT Abs against HPeV1, 3 and 6 were 755.2, 255.0 and 55.9, respectively, overall. Our findings indicate that HPeV1 is the most prevalent HPeV circulating in Yamagata, followed by HPeV3 and HPeV6.  相似文献   

Isogenic Escherichia coli strains carrying single DNA-repair mutations were compared for their capacity for (i) the repair of X-ray-induced DNA double-strand breaks (DSB) as measured using neutral sucrose gradients; (ii) medium-dependent resistance, i.e., a recA-dependent X-ray survival phenomenon that correlates closely with the capacity for repairing DSB; and (iii) the growth medium-dependent, recA-dependent repair of X-ray-induced DNA single-strand breaks (SSB) as measured using alkaline sucrose gradients (about 80% of these SSB are actually parts of DSB). These three capacities were measured to quantitate more accurately the involvement of the various genes in the repair of DSB over a wide dose range. The mutations tested were grouped into five classes according to their effect on the repair of X-ray-induced DSB: (I) the recA, recB, recC, and lexA mutants were completely deficient; (II) the radB and recN mutants were about 90% deficient; (III) the recF and recJ mutants were about 70% deficient; (IV) the radA and uvrD mutants were about 30% deficient; and (V) the umuC mutant resembled the wild-type strains in its capacity for the repair of DSB.  相似文献   

Summary Concentration of N, P, K, Ca, Mg and S in summer groundnut crop was higher than in kharif while Zn, Fe, Mn and Cu contents were higher in summer crop. Kernel's N, P and Zn; Leaflet's Ca and Mn; Stem's K and Fe; Root's S and Cu and Petiole's Mg contents were highest. Shell's N, P, K, Mg, S, Zn and Cu; Kernel's Ca, Fe and Mn contents were the least. N, P, K, S, Zn and Cu concentrations decreased linearly as the crop grew. Ca, Mg, Fe and Mn concentrations did not display any distinct pattern. Ca concentration was positively correlated with pod yield in both the seasons.  相似文献   

The lake sturgeon, Acipenser fulvescens, is a threatened species across most of its range. To understand any potential shifts in diet across season or habitat, stomach contents were examined from juvenile lake sturgeon caught in the Winnipeg River, Manitoba, Canada. This information will aid in assessment of environmental impacts and conservation initiatives for this threatened species. From 2006 to 2008 gut contents were collected from juvenile lake sturgeon using a non‐lethal gastric lavage methodology. Juvenile lake sturgeon were sampled from four discrete deep water habitat types (13.7–27.4 m depths), during the months of May, June, July and October. In total, 13 066 prey items belonging to 14 prey groups were collected from 345 juvenile lake sturgeon (251–835 mm TL). Overall, juvenile lake sturgeon consumed a low diversity of organisms; insect larvae from three invertebrate orders, Trichoptera, Diptera and Ephemeroptera, accounted for 97.4% of the total numeric abundance of prey items recovered. A relationship between size of juvenile lake sturgeon and prey quantity or type was not observed. Diet of juvenile lake sturgeon varied in relation to season, with Diptera (77.6%) being the most abundant prey in May, Trichoptera the most abundant in June (n = 3,056, 60.4%) and July (n = 2,055, 52.6%). During October, 96% of stomachs examined were empty. In terms of habitat type, the standardized abundance of invertebrate prey items was highest in deep water habitats characterized by medium water velocity (depths > 13.7 m) and coarse substrate (particle sizes > 0.063 mm) in May and June when compared to deep water habitats characterized by low water velocity (<0.2 m.s?1) and fine substrate (particle sizes < 0.063 mm). However, in July, the opposite was observed and prey abundance in juvenile lake sturgeon stomachs decreased with increasing particle size. Results suggest a high degree of dietary overlap among juvenile lake sturgeon from multiple size/age classes occupying deep‐water habitats of the Winnipeg River.  相似文献   

Sixteen cod,Gadus morhua (L.), were individually fed a single ration of shrimps,Crangon allmanni. Four fish were killed and examined 6, 12, 24 and 48 h after the fish had been fed. Chitinase activities were measured in the extracts of stomach contents, stomach tissue, pyloric caecae, intestinal contents and intestinal tissue. The level of enzyme activity in different parts of the digestive tract was shown to be dependent on the phase of the digestive process. High concentrations of the chitin degradation product N-acetyl-D-glucosamine were determined in the stomach and in the intestinal contents. Based on the chitin concentration in the food organisms and the individual food uptake, the amount of chitin consumed by each fish could be calculated. Only up to 9% of the ingested chitin was recovered from the intestinal contents of the fish at any given time after feeding (6, 12, 24 and 48 h). In addition, only 2.4% of the chitin consumed with the food could be recovered in the collected faeces of the fish. The 4 cod killed 48 h after feeding had completely emptied their stomach. Chitin digestion in these fish was calculated to have been 90%.  相似文献   

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