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为从分子水平上探究柴达木黄牛的父系遗传多样性、群体遗传结构及起源,本研究利用PCR产物直接测序和生物信息学方法对62头柴达木黄牛公牛2个Y染色体标记(即UTY-19和ZFY-10)进行多态性检测分析,结果表明:柴达木黄牛在2个Y染色体标记上均具有多态性,其中UTY-19标记检测到1个CA核苷酸颠换,而ZFY-10标记未发现SNP位点,但发现存在1个GT核苷酸插入/缺失。依据2个标记核苷酸变异确定单倍型组,结果显示柴达木黄牛包含Y1和Y2两种普通牛单倍型组,所占频率分别为0.21和0.79,提示该品种有2个普通牛父系起源。单倍型多样度为0.336 9±0.060 5,提示柴达木黄牛具有较低的父系遗传多样性。  相似文献   

为了从母系遗传角度深入阐明中国荷斯坦牛和鲁西黄牛的群体遗传多样性以及起源进化,本研究采用PCR测序法测定了9头中国荷斯坦牛和11头鲁西黄牛的线粒体DNA D-loop区的部分序列,并经剪切后进行生物信息学软件分析.结果表明,20个个体D-loop区共711 bp,共检测到19种单倍型和50个多态位点.核苷酸多样性(Pi)为0.021 33±0.004 54,单倍型多样性(Hd)为0.994±0.019,平均核苷酸差异数(k)为15.146 20.构建的NJ网络进化树共分为两大支系,其中部分鲁西黄牛与瘤牛聚为一支,而中国荷斯坦牛和部分鲁西黄牛与普通黄牛聚为一支.说明中国荷斯坦牛和鲁西黄牛群体遗传多样性均较高;鲁西黄牛同时含有瘤牛和普通黄牛的血统,而中国荷斯坦牛只含有普通黄牛的血统.  相似文献   

中国黄牛品种资源丰富,尚有28个地方固有品种.为了进一步深入了解这些宝贵遗传资源,本研究通过mtDNA变异特征与多态性分析揭示这些来自中国不同地域地方黄牛的母系起源与分子系统学特征.在17个品种84个体的mtDNA D-loop全序列中,一共检测到了102个核苷酸替代突变位.由此定义的53个单倍型被类聚为2个明显的单倍群:普通牛和瘤牛.mtDNA D-loop全序列变异的第一个特征是转换发生的频率远高于颠换;第二个特征是缺失与替代突变共存;第三个特征是缺失突变率比较高.所有D-loop全序列的核苷酸多样性和单倍型多样性分别为0.026 78±0.000 50和0.919±0.027.普通牛D-loop单倍型在北方牛种群中占有优势(80%~100%),而瘤牛单倍型在南方牛种群中占有优势(42.9%~100%),2种不同单倍型在中原牛种群中的分布也存在差异.2种不同单倍型在中国不同地域17个黄牛品种中的差异性分布揭示出了瘤牛mtDNA基因在中国黄牛中自南而北、由高到低的流动模式,这种基因流动模式的形成可能是由历史事件、地理隔离以及气候环境差异等造成的.  相似文献   

黄牛(Bos taurus)的驯养作为农耕文化重要内容之一,在我国历史悠久,长久以来形成的役用型逐步被肉用型所替代。为了揭示平凉地方牛群体的遗传背景,分析其是否具有生产优质牛肉的遗传基础,本研究测定了88头平凉地方牛群体mtDNA D-loop HVS序列,并对包括平凉地方牛群体在内的我国23个地方牛群体单倍型分布及系统发生关系进行了分析。结果表明,mtDNA D-loop 高变区,在平凉地方牛群体共有52个单倍型,而23个地方牛群体共有95个单倍型,这些单倍型在系统发生树和中介网络关系中分布于两个分枝,即瘤牛型和普通牛进化枝。因此,我们认为平凉地方牛群体和我国其他牛种一样,存在普通牛和瘤牛两个母系起源的遗传背景。  相似文献   

我国部分黄牛品种线粒体D-loop区遗传多样性与起源分化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
张桂香  郑友民  王志刚  韩旭  贾善刚  陈宏 《遗传》2009,31(2):160-168
为了解我国地方黄牛品种线粒体DNA的遗传变异情况, 文章测定了16个地方黄牛品种206个个体线粒体D-loop区的全序列, 共检测到101个变异位点; 99种单倍型, 其中73种是普通牛单倍型, 26种是瘤牛单倍型; 平均核苷酸差异为22.6920, 单倍型多样度为0.9320, 核苷酸多样度为0.0227, 表明我国黄牛品种遗传多样性非常丰富。构建的NJ进化树显示16个品种来源于两大母系: 普通牛和瘤牛; 构建的Network图表明73种普通牛单倍型可以分为3大单倍型群; 26种瘤牛单倍型分为5种单倍型群, 推测我国瘤牛在迁移过程中, 至少经历了4次群体扩张事件。通过分析比较地方黄牛品种与内罗门牛共有的 H3单倍型, 发现其中只有16%的序列与内罗门牛的H3单倍型非常相似, 其余84%的序列均发生了鸟嘌呤变异, 推测这些变异很可能是我国瘤牛固有的变异。  相似文献   

测定了13个黄牛品种125个个体的线粒体D-loop区段的全序列,包括12个中国地方黄牛品种的123个个体和德国黄牛2个个体,并进行了分析。结果显示,共检测到93个变异位点,57个单倍型,平均核苷酸差异(average number ofnucleotide differences,k)为22.708,核苷酸多样度(nucleotide diversity,π)为0.0251±0.00479,单倍型多样度(haplotypediversity,Hd)为0.888±0.026,表明我国黄牛品种遗传多样性非常丰富。构建的Neighbor-Joining进化树显示这13个品种主要分成两大类型:普通牛和瘤牛;新发现的特殊类型Ⅲ只有一个西藏阿沛甲咂牛的个体,它与牦牛D-loop序列最相近,证明西藏地区的黄牛与牦牛之间存在基因渗入现象。普通牛和瘤牛在日喀则驼峰牛中占的比例分别是64.3%和35.7%,在阿沛甲咂牛中占的比例分别是50.0%和50.0%,证明了西藏的黄牛也有瘤牛类型。云南牛品种的单倍型非常丰富证明了云南在中国黄牛起源上的重要地位;在27个中国黄牛品种中(本研究11个品种以及GenBank上的16个品种)找到了中国瘤牛的核心单倍型i1,并且对它进行了讨论。同时证明了西藏瘤牛独立于中国瘤牛核心类群的特殊性。  相似文献   

牛(Bos)的驯养作为农耕文化重要内容之一,在我国历史悠久,长久以来形成的役用型逐步被肉用型所替代.为了揭示平凉地方牛群体的遗传背景,分析其是否具有生产优质牛肉的遗传基础,本研究测定了88头平凉地方牛群体mtDNA D-loop HVS序列,对包括平凉地方牛群体在内的我国23个地方牛群体单倍型分布及系统发生关系进行了分析.结果表明,mtDNA D-loop高变区,在平凉地方牛群体共有52个单倍型,23个地方牛群体共有95个单倍型,这些单倍型在系统发生树和中介网络关系中分布于两个分枝,即瘤牛型和普通牛进化枝.因此,我们认为平凉地方牛群体和我国其他牛种一样,存在普通牛和瘤牛两个母系起源的遗传背景.  相似文献   

基于Cyt b基因全长序列,对我国10个地方黄牛品种的遗传多态性和系统发育关系进行了分析.中国黄牛Cyt b基因序列富含碱基A和T,A+T平均含量为56.7%,密码子第3位点核苷酸表现出较强的碱基组成偏倚,该位点上G的含量最低,为 3.5%,而A的含量最高,为44.6%,核苷酸组成偏差指数为0.45.在47个个体1 140 bp的序列中检测到30个变异位点,约占核苷酸总数的2.63%,密码子第3位点的突变率(76.7%)远高于第1位点(16.7%)和第2位点(6.6%),第2位点的非同义替代率(100%)远高于第1位点(40%)和第3位点(4.3%).定义了15种单倍型.将10个品种作为一个大的种群分析时,发现中国黄牛Cyt b基因具有较高的单倍型多样性(Hd=0.783±0046)和一定程度的核苷酸多样性(Pi=0.00828±0.00030),这与中国黄牛地理分布广、种群庞大和起源复杂有关系.基于Kimura 2 parameter距离采用UPGMA法构建的10个黄牛品种分子系统树中将47个个体分别与瘤牛和普通牛聚在一起,说明中国黄牛主要起源于瘤牛和普通牛.北方牛受普通牛的影响较大,南方牛受瘤牛的影响较大,但是对于亲缘关系复杂的中原地区黄牛而言,瘤牛和普通牛对它们的影响力大小因品种而异,因而它们分别和北方牛和南方牛之间的亲缘关系远近程度也存在差异.不同品种之间的亲缘关系差异可能与它们的地理分布差异具有一定的关系.  相似文献   

为了研究水牛Y染色体的遗传多样性, 文章以滇东南水牛3个地方群体- 红河(HH)、西双版纳(BN)和普洱(PR)共31头公牛为研究对象, 选取14个家牛Y染色体特异性微卫星标记, 以检测这些标记在水牛Y染色体遗传多样性研究中的可行性。结果表明, 3个标记(INRA008、UMN0103和UMN0504)只有1个等位基因, 表现为单态; 3个标记(UMN1113、UMN0304和BC1.2)均为3个等位基因, 但呈单态; 3个标记(UMN0920、UMN0307和UMN3008)呈现无规律的梯状条带, 所以这9个标记都不适用于水牛的Y染色体遗传多样性研究; 只有5个标记(INRA124、INRA189、BM861、PBR1F1和UMN2001)具有多态性, 表明适用于水牛的Y染色体遗传多样性研究。这5个多态性Y染色体特异微卫星标记在滇东南水牛群体中的平均等位基因数(NA)为2.8000, 平均期望杂合度(He)为0.3998, 基因多样性(GD)为0.4144, 多态信息含量(PIC)为0.3245, Shannon信息熵(SI)为0.5849, 表明滇东南水牛群体的Y染色体具有中等遗传多态性。  相似文献   

为了研究水牛Y染色体的遗传多样性,文章以滇东南水牛3个地方群体——红河(HH)、西双版纳(BN)和普洱(PR)共31头公牛为研究对象,选取14个家牛Y染色体特异性微卫星标记,以检测这些标记在水牛Y染色体遗传多样性研究中的可行性。结果表明,3个标记(INRA008、UMN0103和UMN0504)只有1个等位基因,表现为单态;3个标记(UMN1113、UMN0304和BC1.2)均为3个等位基因,但呈单态;3个标记(UMN0920、UMN0307和UMN3008)呈现无规律的梯状条带,所以这9个标记都不适用于水牛的Y染色体遗传多样性研究;只有5个标记(INRA124、INRA189、BM861、PBR1F1和UMN2001)具有多态性,表明适用于水牛的Y染色体遗传多样性研究。这5个多态性Y染色体特异微卫星标记在滇东南水牛群体中的平均等位基因数(NA)为2.8000,平均期望杂合度(He)为0.3998,基因多样性(GD)为0.4144,多态信息含量(PIC)为0.3245,Shannon信息熵(SI)为0.5849,表明滇东南水牛群体的Y染色体具有中等遗传多态性。  相似文献   

Zhang GX  Wang ZG  Chen WS  Wu CX  Han X  Chang H  Zan LS  Li RL  Wang JH  Song WT  Xu GF  Yang HJ  Luo YF 《Animal genetics》2007,38(6):550-559
Twenty-seven domesticated yellow cattle breeds of China and three introduced cattle breeds were analysed by means of 30 microsatellite markers to determine the level of genetic variation within and among populations as well as the population structure. In all, 480 microsatellite alleles were observed across the 30 breeds with the mean number of alleles per locus of 9.093 for native breeds and 6.885 for the three introduced breeds. Mean F -statistics (0.08) for Chinese native cattle breeds implied that 92% of the total genetic variation was from genetic differentiation within each breed and 8% of the genetic variation existed among breeds. A phylogenetic tree was constructed based on Nei's genetic distances, and three clusters were obtained. According to the tree, the three introduced breeds were distinct from the 27 native breeds. The indigenous cattle breeds were divided into two clusters, one cluster including five humpless breeds and the other cluster containing 22 humped breeds. This study identifies multiple origins of yellow cattle of China from Bos taurus and Bos indicus . Furthermore, population structure analysis implies that there are possibly five independent original domestications for yellow cattle in China. Four of five origins were four different Bos indicus types, mainly in areas of the Chang Jiang, the Zhu Jiang River basin, the Yellow River and the Huai River basin. The other origin was for Bos taurus type of Mongolian descent, mainly located in Northwestern China, the Mongolian plateau and Northeastern China or north of the Great Wall.  相似文献   

中国黄牛mtDNA D-loop遗传多样性及起源   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
房兴堂  周艳  陈宏  蔡欣  方南洙 《动物学报》2007,53(5):928-933
黄牛自古以来就是我国一个重要的畜种,其经济、文化价值很高。我国是世界上黄牛品种资源最丰富的国家之一。据《中国牛品种志》介绍,把一些地区同种异名的黄牛品种合并以后,尚有28个地方黄牛品种,按照其地理分布区域分为北方黄牛、中原黄牛和南方黄牛三大类型(邱怀,1986)。如果把中国地方黄牛品种分得更细,则有49个固有品种(常洪,1995)。关于中国黄牛的起源,历来有不同的观点。一般认为,中国黄牛是多元起源的,但究竟起源于哪几个牛种,观点不一(陈宏等,1993;于汝梁等,1993;Yu et al.,1999;陈幼春,1990)。主要的观点有:(1)中国黄牛主要起源于…  相似文献   

In order to clarify the origin and genetic diversity of cattle in North Eastern Asia, this study examined mitochondrial displacement loop sequence variation and frequencies of Bos taurus and Bos indicus Y chromosome haplotypes in Japanese, Mongolian, and Korean native cattle. In mitochondrial analyses, 20% of Mongolian cattle carried B. indicus mitochondrial haplotypes, but Japanese and Korean cattle carried only B. taurus haplotypes. In contrast, all samples revealed B. taurus Y chromosome haplotypes. This may be due to the import of zebu and other cattle during the Mongol Empire era with subsequent crossing with native taurine cattle. B. taurus mtDNA sequences fall into several geographically distributed haplogroups and one of these, termed here T4, is described in each of the test samples, but has not been observed in Near Eastern, European or African cattle. This may have been locally domesticated from an East Eurasian strain of Bos primigenius.  相似文献   

Differences in domestication and selection processes have contributed to considerable phenotypic and genotypic differences between Bos taurus and Bos indicus cattle breeds. Of particular interest in tropical and subtropical production environments are those genetic differences between subspecies that underlie the phenotypic extremes in tolerance and susceptibility to parasite infection. In general, B. taurus cattle are more susceptible to ectoparasites than B. indicus cattle in tropical environments, and much of this difference is under genetic control. To identify genomic regions involved in tick resistance, we developed a B. taurus x B. indicus F(2) experimental population to map quantitative trait loci (QTL) for resistance to the Riphicephalus (Boophilus) microplus tick. About 300 individuals were measured for parasite load in two seasons (rainy and dry) and genotyped for 23 microsatellite markers covering chromosomes 5, 7 and 14. We mapped a suggestive chromosome-wide QTL for tick load in the rainy season (P < 0.05) on chromosome 5. For the dry season, suggestive (P < 0.10) chromosome-wide QTL were mapped on chromosomes 7 and 14. The additive effect of the QTL on chromosome 14 corresponds to 3.18% of the total observed phenotypic variance. Our QTL-mapping study has identified different genomic regions controlling tick resistance; these QTL were dependent upon the season in which the ticks were counted, suggesting that the QTL in question may depend on environmental factors.  相似文献   

Eight Bos taurus cattle breeds from the Near East region were screened with a Bos indicus (zebu)-diagnostic Y-specific microsatellite (INRA124) to estimate the proportion of zebu Y chromosomes in each population. This value was compared with previously published values for zebu introgression for both the mitochondrial and autosomal gene pools of the same breeds. All breeds revealed considerable levels of introgression from B. indicus cattle when the autosomal data were taken into consideration; this was particularly apparent in cattle populations from Iraq in the east, and declined in the populations further west towards Anatolia. This non-random pattern of introgression and admixture is suggestive of the introduction of zebu cattle from the region corresponding to present-day Iran and northern Pakistan. In addition, the maternal and paternal markers demonstrate that the movement of cattle into and within the Near East was complex.  相似文献   

A. Lagziel  E. Lipkin    M. Soller 《Genetics》1996,142(3):945-951
The bovine Growth Hormone gene (bGH) is an attractive candidate gene for milk production in cattle. Single-strand conformation polymorphisms at bGH were identified and used to define haplotype configurations at this gene in the Israeli Holstein dairy cattle population (Bos taurus) and in the parent animals of the International Bovine Reference Family Panel (a collection of B. taurus and B. indicus crosses). B. taurus and B. indicus haplotypes at the bGH gene differed qualitatively, confirming the previously proposed long evolutionary separation of these cattle subraces. Only a small number of bGH haplotypes were present in the Israel Holstein population. One of the haplotypes, apparently of B. indicus origin, was found to have a highly significant positive effect on milk protein percentage. This illustrates the utility of the haplotype approach for uncovering candidate gene involvement in quantitative genetic variation in agricultural populations. The strong effect of an indicine haplotype in a taurine background raises the possibility that indicine alleles at other candidate genes may comprise a genetic resource for improvement of taurine populations. It is proposed that haplotype analysis may be a useful adjunct to measures of genetic distance for evaluating rare breeds with respect to gene conservation.  相似文献   

To determine the origin and genetic diversity of Chinese cattle, we analyzed the complete mtDNA D-loop sequences of 84 cattle from 14 breeds/populations from southwest and west China, together with the available cattle sequences in GenBank. Our results showed that the Chinese cattle samples converged into two main groups, which correspond to the two species Bos taurus and Bos indicus. Although a dominant lineage was clearly discerned in both B. taurus and B. indicus mtDNAs, network analysis of the lineages in each of the two species further revealed multiple clades that presented regional difference. The B. taurus samples in China could be grouped into clades T2, T3, and T4, whereas B. indicus harbored two clades I1 and I2. Age estimation of these discerned clades showed a time range of 14,100-44,500 years before present (YBP). The phylogenetic pattern of Chinese cattle was consistent with the recently described cattle matrilineal pool from northeast Asia, but suggested that B. indicus contributed more to the cattle from south and southwest China. The genetic diversity of Chinese cattle varied among the breeds studied.  相似文献   

Admixture analysis of South Asian cattle   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
We present population genetic analysis of microsatellite variation in seven Bos indicus cattle breeds from a variety of locations in South Asia. This is the first such study focusing within this area, which is one of the postulated centres of origin of domestic cattle. An estimate of the influence of Bos taurus ancestry was carried out using three approaches: by the systematic selection of population-associated alleles for B. taurus and examination of their frequency; by examining the truncation of genetic distances from European populations; and by a model-based Bayesian admixture analysis. These analyses revealed a B. taurus influence in the Indian subcontinent; part of a gradation which stretches from Europe through the Near East towards Indian and which may be of ancient origin.  相似文献   

目的:测定务川黑牛mtDNA D-loop区全序列,以了解其遗传背景。方法:采用PCR直接测序方法测定务川黑牛mtD-NA D-loop区全序列。结果:32个个体D-loop区的全序列中,四种碱基A、T、C和G含量分别为:33.1%、28.4%、25.0%和13.5%,A+T平均含量61.5%。经过序列比对,共检测到57个变异位点,占所测mtDNA序列总长的6.26%,其中转换54个,颠换3个;产生17种单倍型,其中6种是普通牛单倍型,11种是瘤牛单倍型;平均核苷酸差异为22.623,单倍型多样度0.901±0.039,核苷酸多样度0.0249±0.00147。结论:务川黑牛这一品种遗传多样性非常丰富,据此构建的NJ进化树显示务川黑牛含有普通牛和瘤牛的血统。  相似文献   

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