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蜈蚣草(Pteris vittata)是多年生的超积累砷植物,并用于修复受重金属污染的土壤。利用光学显微镜和荧光显微镜来研究蜈蚣草的解剖结构及组织化学特征,以此明确该物种适应干旱岩生环境,以及具有离子超富集作用的特点。结果表明:(1)蜈蚣草孢子体的根状茎、不定根和叶的结构均为初生结构,不定根的结构由内而外包括维管柱、内皮层、皮层、木质化厚壁组织层和表皮。(2)根状茎结构由内而外包括网状中柱、内皮层、皮层、表皮外覆盖的角质层。(3)羽状复叶的总叶柄的结构由内而外包括维管束、内皮层、皮层、厚壁组织层、表皮外覆盖的角质层。叶片为异面叶,表皮内方具厚壁层,叶表皮具角质层,仅下表皮有气孔。(4)蜈蚣草根表皮、皮层与根毛的表面富含果胶,皮层木质化;黄连素离子通透性试验结果显示,根毛、根表皮和皮层滞留大量黄连素离子。综上,植物体的内皮层、木质化厚壁组织层、异面叶和厚的角质层结构说明蜈蚣草适应岩生环境,根具木质化皮层和富含果胶的组织化学特点,以及离子通透性试验表明其与离子超积累功能有关。  相似文献   

双穗雀稗根外皮层,茎角质层和茎节中的质外体屏障结构阻挡黄连素示踪液透过植物体。茎中机械组织包括周缘厚壁机械组织层,厚壁组织层和维管系统,髓部和皮层的蜂窝状厚角组织。茎中通气组织包括茎节间髓部和皮层的蜂窝状通气组织,茎节内的通气组织。双穗雀稗茎节间具有外侧、内侧和维管系统的质外体屏障,以及茎节周围质外体屏障的封闭结构。因此,该植物体完善的机械组织、通气组织、质外体屏障结构及其离子不通透性是其适应湿地环境的重要结构。  相似文献   

黄连(Coptis chinensis)是毛茛科著名药材,该文研究了黄连体内黄连素在组织器官中的分布规律和根尖屏障结构特征。在白光和荧光显微镜下,组织器官中黄连素在蓝色激发光下自发黄色荧光,黄连素-苯胺兰对染研究细胞壁凯氏带和木质化,苏丹7B染色栓质层,间苯三酚-盐酸染色木质化。结果表明:黄连不定根初生结构为维管柱、内皮层、皮层、外皮层和表皮组成;次生结构以次生木质部为主、次生韧皮部和木栓层组成。黄连根茎初生结构由角质层,皮层和维管柱组成;次生结构由木栓层、皮层和维管柱组成,以皮层和维管柱为主。叶柄结构为髓、含维管束的厚壁组织层、皮层和角质层。黄连不定根的屏障结构初生结构时期由栓质化和木质化的内皮层、外皮层;次生结构时期为木栓层组成;根状茎的为角质层和木栓层。黄连素主要沉积分布在不定根和茎的木质部,叶柄的厚壁组织层,木质部和厚壁组织是鉴别黄连品质的重要部位。黄连根尖外皮层及早发育,同时初生木质部有黄连素沉积结合,可能造成水和矿质吸收和运输的阻碍,也是黄连适应阴生环境的重要原因。  相似文献   

水花生(Alternanthera philoxeroides)因其表型可塑性、高生长速率和快速无性繁殖能适应水、陆生境。该文利用光学显微镜和荧光显微镜对水、陆生境的水花生不定根、茎解剖结构、组织化学特征及质外体通透性进行了研究。结果表明:(1)水生境下,其不定根皮层中具较大裂生型通气组织,无次生生长,内皮层具凯氏带且栓质化,皮层和皮下层明显木质化。(2)在陆生环境下,其不定根有次生生长,胞间具通气组织,内皮层具凯氏带且栓质化,皮层和皮下层略木质化;此外,不定根还具额外形成层,产生次生维管束、薄壁组织和不定芽;多年生不定根中具直接分裂的薄壁组织,周皮具凯氏带,且栓质化和木质化。(3)水、陆生境下,其匍匐茎具髓和中空髓腔,发生次生生长,具裂-溶生型通气组织、单层内皮层、厚角组织和木质化且栓质化的角质层,陆生匍匐茎周皮栓质化且木质化。(4)水花生质外体屏障结构组成复杂,黄连素无法穿透质外体屏障结构。水花生的上述解剖学特征,是水花生适应水、陆生境的有力证据。  相似文献   

采用石蜡切片法和组织离析法观察湿地植物菖蒲Acorus calamus营养器官的解剖结构特征,并探讨与菖蒲生态适应性的关系。结果表明,菖蒲根状茎具有不定根,不定根的表皮由一层细胞组成,排列紧密;皮层由多层薄壁细胞组成,薄壁细胞破裂形成多数的通气道;内皮层存在细胞壁马蹄形加厚的凯氏带,维管柱具5原型初生木质部,具4~10个大型导管,形成发达的通气组织。根状茎外层表皮细胞类方形,外壁增厚;基本组织近表皮有厚壁细胞团,皮层薄壁细胞呈链状排列,中间有较大的通气组织,内皮层形成凯氏带,有大量导管附着在凯氏带周围;维管束散生于基本组织,中柱维管束为周木型。根状茎部分区域存在与内生菌共生形成的结瘤。叶是等面叶,叶肉组织薄壁细胞破裂形成大的通气组织,叶脉具有限外韧维管束,中间有一较大的导管。菖蒲的解剖结构特点与其湿地生长环境相适应,根状茎存在结瘤状内共生菌,具有净化污水作用,不定根发达适于分株繁殖。  相似文献   

中国蜘蛛抱蛋属植物营养器官的解剖学研究   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
首次对中国蜘蛛抱蛋属 9种植物的营养器官进行了解剖学研究。结果表明 :该属 9种植物的解剖结构基本相同。根和根状茎都由表皮、皮层和维管柱组成。根表皮下有单层薄壁细胞 ;内、外皮层均为一层五面加厚的厚壁细胞 ,内皮层外切向壁薄 ,呈马蹄形 ,外皮层内切向壁薄而外切向壁特别加厚 ,并栓质化 ,在横切面上形成一明显的厚壁组织环带 ;根为多原形。根状茎有明显的内皮层 ,周木维管束散生于维管柱的基本组织中 ;具有次生结构 ,次生保护组织为周皮。叶为等面叶 ,具有C4植物结构特征 ;气孔在上、下表皮均有分布 ,保卫细胞肾形 ,属四轮列型。该属植物的解剖结构与其生态环境相适应 ,体现了结构与功能的统一。  相似文献   

濒危植物海南风吹楠营养器官解剖结构特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
该研究采用石蜡切片和光学显微技术,对海南风吹楠营养器官的解剖结构及其对环境的适应性进行了探讨。结果表明:海南风吹楠为典型异面叶,叶片中脉发达,中部分化出髓,上表皮外侧具角质层,内侧具1层内皮层,下表皮外侧无角质层,有气孔器分布,气孔器为双环型,略下陷;栅栏组织3~4层细胞,海绵组织4~6层细胞。茎的初生结构中表皮轻微角质化,维管束为外韧型,8~10个初生维管束围绕髓排列为1轮;茎的次生结构中,表皮外部角质层加厚,维管柱紧密排列连成环状,次生韧皮部和次生木质部发达,形成层细胞3~5层。根的初生结构中表皮细胞外壁加厚,外皮层细胞体积大,形状不规则,内侧具1层形成层,内皮层具凯氏带,初生木质部为多原型,呈辐射状排列。根的次生结构中木栓层细胞5~6层,木栓层内侧具1层木栓形成层,栓内层细胞3层。海南风吹楠营养器官具有一定耐阴和耐旱结构特征,同时与其生活的热带雨林沟谷中高温荫湿的环境相适应。  相似文献   

采用石蜡切片和光学显微技术对江南油杉(Keteleeria fortunei(Murr.)Carr.var.cyclolepis(Flous)Silba)根、茎、叶的解剖结构进行观测,研究其形态结构对环境的适应性。结果显示:江南油杉叶片为异面叶,上表皮厚11.5μm,外侧覆盖厚4.5μm的角质层,下表皮厚8.6μm,外侧覆盖厚2.4μm的角质层,有气孔器分布,栅栏组织由1~2层细胞组成,海绵组织由2~3层细胞组成,主脉为单脉,厚474.1μm。茎的初生结构中表皮细胞1~2层,外皮层细胞4~6层,内皮层细胞6~8层,其内分布有树脂道;次生结构中木栓层细胞2~3层,栓内层细胞1~2层,皮层内有树脂道和分泌腔分布,维管束紧密排列连成环状。根的初生结构中外皮层细胞3层,内皮层细胞1~2层,具凯氏带,初生木质部为四原型;次生结构中木栓层细胞3~4层,栓内层细胞2~3层。江南油杉营养器官的解剖结构表现出较大的可塑性,使之既能较好地适应阳生环境又对阴生环境具备一定的适应性,还可耐受一定的干旱和寒冷。  相似文献   

通过对蒙古黄芪营养器官解剖结构研究表明,根为典型的双子叶植物根的结构,初生结构由表皮、皮层和维管柱组成,初生木质部和初生韧皮部在分化过程中呈外始式,初生木质部四原型,皮层内具凯氏带;茎由表皮、皮层和维管柱组成,维管束为外韧无限维管束;叶为异面叶,由表皮、叶内和叶脉组成,栅栏组织排列紧密且整齐,细胞呈长柱形,海绵组织排列疏松且不整齐,细胞呈海绵状,有大量气隙,叶脉维管束发达,为外韧无限维管束,叶上下表皮均具有气孔.  相似文献   

大花蕙兰营养器官及原球茎的解剖学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对大花蕙兰试管苗营养器官及原球茎的解剖学研究结果表明:根由复表皮、皮层和维管柱组成,根毛丰富,皮层发达,内皮层明显,初生木质部月多元型,中央具髓,根茎由表皮,基本组织和维管束构成,维管束散生,属周木型;叶为等面叶,在上下表皮处分布有成束的厚壁组织,叶肉无栅栏组织和海绵组织之分,细胞排列紧密,维管束鞘由机械组织构成。原球茎原生分生组织的原套仅一层细胞,在顶端分生组织后面的薄壁细胞中,存在胚性细胞,由胚性细胞经球状胚可发育成幼原球茎。  相似文献   

The present study examined anatomical and histochemical features of belowground axes of four grass species (Cynodon dactylon, Eremochloa ophiuroides, Hemerthria altissima, and Paspalum distichum) which occur in wetlands and can survive flooding. They may help to restore the degraded ecological environment of the floodplain in the Jianghan Plain and the Three Gorges Dam riparian zone of the Yangtze River, China. Brightfield and epifluorescence microscopy gave evidence that the roots of the four species share similar structures with each having endodermis and exodermis, with mostly Y-shaped Casparian walls, suberin lamellae, and lignified secondary cell walls. But the timing of wall deposit apposition and the degree of secondary thickening vary among the species. The root cortical aerenchyma is basically lysigenous. Rhizomes and stolons have an epidermis with thick cuticle, a peripheral, mechanically stiff ring with or without small embedded vascular bundles and a chlorenchyma. The cortex is of varying thickness, with or without collenchymas. A central core of vascular bundles is usually surrounded by a sclerenchyma ring of varying thickness, depending upon the species. Pith cavities and small cortical cavities are normal except for unusual honeycomb or expansigenous aerenchyma in one species. The peripheral mechanical ring and the sclerenchyma ring contain suberin and lignin, but no detectable Casparian bands. Even in non-flooded conditions, anatomical traits of these species provide adaptive features allowing them to occupy riparian zones as they occur at the Yangtze River.  相似文献   

Roots of virtually all vascular plants have an endodermis with a Casparian band, and the majority of angiosperm roots tested also have an exodermis with a Casparian band. Both the endodermis and exodermis may develop suberin lamellae and thick, tertiary walls. Each of these wall modifications has its own function(s). The endodermal Casparian band prevents the unimpeded movement of apoplastic substances into the stele and also prevents the backflow of ions that have moved into the stele symplastically and then were released into its apoplast. In roots with a mature exodermis, the barrier to apoplastic inflow of ions occurs near the root surface, but prevention of backflow of ions from the stele remains a function of the endodermis. The suberin lamellae protect against pathogen invasion and possibly root drying during times of stress. Tertiary walls of the endodermis and exodermis are believed to function in mechanical support of the root, but this idea remains to be tested. During stress, root growth rates decline, and the endodermis and exodermis develop closer to the root tip. In two cases, stress is known to induce the formation of an exodermis, and in several other cases to accelerate the development of both the exodermis and endodermis. The responses of the endodermis and exodermis to drought, exposure to moist air, flooding, salinity, ion deficiency, acidity, and mechanical impedance are discussed.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Most studies of exodermal structure and function have involved species with a uniseriate exodermis. To extend this work, the development and apoplastic permeability of Iris germanica roots with a multiseriate exodermis (MEX) were investigated. The effects of different growth conditions on MEX maturation were also tested. In addition, the exodermises of eight Iris species were observed to determine if their mature anatomy correlated with habitat.


Plants were grown in soil, hydroponics (with and without a humid air gap) or aeroponics. Roots were sectioned and stained with various dyes to detect MEX development from the root apical meristem, Casparian bands, suberin lamellae and tertiary wall thickenings. Apoplastic permeability was tested using dye (berberine) and ionic (ferric) tracers.

Key Results

The root apical meristem was open and MEX development non-uniform. In soil-grown roots, the exodermis started maturing (i.e. Casparian bands and suberin lamellae were deposited) 10 mm from the tip, and two layers had matured by 70 mm. In both hydro- and aeroponically grown roots, exodermal maturation was delayed. However, in areas of roots exposed to an air gap in the hydroponic system, MEX maturation was accelerated. In contrast, maturation of the endodermis was not influenced by the growth conditions. The mature MEX had an atypical Casparian band that was continuous around the root circumference. The MEX prevented the influx and efflux of berberine, but had variable resistance to ferric ions due to their toxic effects. Iris species living in well-drained soils developed a MEX, but species in water-saturated substrates had a uniseriate exodermis and aerenchyma.


MEX maturation was influenced by the roots'' growth medium. The MEX matures very close to the root tip in soil, but much further from the tip in hydro- and aeroponic culture. The air gap accelerated maturation of the second exodermal layer. In Iris, the type of exodermis was correlated with natural habitat suggesting that a MEX may be advantageous for drought tolerance.Key words: Iris germanica, roots, culture conditions, development, anatomy, apoplastic tracers, multiseriate exodermis, endodermis, root apical meristem  相似文献   

荷叶铁线蕨为岩生珍稀蕨类植物,分布在中国重庆市万州、涪陵等极少地区.为揭示荷叶铁线蕨生长特性,采集栽培在种质资源圃中的荷叶铁线蕨根样、根状茎、在阳光下生长和在阴暗环境下生长的叶片,固定于甲醛-酒精-乙酸溶液中,用双面刀片进行徒手切片,分别用三种0.1%苏丹红、0.1%硫酸氢黄连素-苯胺兰、0.05%甲苯胺蓝染色剂染色,...  相似文献   

The relative contribution of the apoplastic and cell-to-cell paths to the overall hydraulic conductivity of the outer part of rice roots (LpOPR) was estimated using a pressure perfusion technique for 30-d-old rice plants (lowland cultivar, IR64, and upland cultivar, Azucena). The technique was based on the perfusion of aerenchyma of root segments from two different zones (20-50 mm and 50-100 mm from the root apex) with aerated nutrient solution using precise pump rates. The outer part of roots (OPR) comprised an outermost rhizodermis, an exodermis, sclerenchyma fibre cells, and the innermost unmodified cortical cell layer. No root anatomical differences were observed for the two cultivars used. Development of apoplastic barriers such as Casparian bands and suberin lamellae in the exodermis were highly variable. On average, matured apoplastic barriers were observed at around 50-70 mm from the root apex. Lignification of the exodermis was completed earlier than that of sclerenchyma cells. Radial water flow across the OPR was impeded either by partially blocking off the porous apoplast with China ink particles (diameter 50 nm) or by closing water channels (aquaporins) in cell membranes with 50 micro M HgCl2. The reduction of LpOPR was relatively larger in the presence of an apoplastic blockage with ink ( approximately 30%) than in the presence of the water channel blocker ( approximately 10%) suggesting a relatively larger apoplastic water flow. The reflection coefficient of the OPR (sigmasOPR) for mannitol significantly increased during both treatments. It was larger when pores of the apoplast were closed, but absolute values were low (overall range of sigmasOPR=0.1-0.4), which also suggested a large contribution of the non-selective, apoplastic path to overall water flow. The strongest evidence in favour of a predominantly apoplastic water transport came from the comparison between diffusional (PdOPR, measured with heavy water, HDO) and osmotic water permeability (PfOPR) or hydraulic conductivity (LpOPR). PfOPR was larger by a factor of 600-1400 compared with P(dOPR). The development of OPR along roots resulted in a decrease of PdOPR by a factor of three (segments taken at 20-50 and 50-100 mm from root apex, respectively). Heat-killing of living cells resulted in an increase of PdOPR for both immature (20-50 mm) and mature (50-100 mm) root segments by a factor of two. Even though both pathways (apoplast and cell-to-cell) contributed to the overall water flow, the findings indicate predominantly apoplastic water flow across the OPR, even in the presence of apoplastic barriers. Low diffusional water permeabilities may suggest a low rate of oxygen diffusion across the OPR from aerenchyma to the outer anaerobic soil medium (low PO2OPR). To date, there are no data on PO2OPR. Provisional data of radial oxygen losses (ROL) across the OPR suggest that, unlike water, rice roots efficiently retain oxygen within the aerenchyma. This ability strongly increases as roots/OPR develop.  相似文献   

PETERSON, C. A. & PERUMALLA, C. J., 1990. A survey of angiosperm species to detect hypodermal Casparian bands. II. Roots with a multiseriate hypodermis or epidermis.
Roots of 25 species which had either a multiseriate hypodermis or a multiseriate epidermis were tested for the presence of a hypodermal Casparian band. All species save one were in the Liliopsida and six were orchids with both soil and aerial roots. Lignosuberized hypodermal Casparian bands were present in all species tested; those with a biseriate hypodermis had bands in both layers and of those with a multiseriate hypodermis, the three species which were tested had bands in every layer. Although Casparian bands can often be recognized by the presence of sinuous walls in longitudinal views of uniseriate hypodermal layers, these sinuosities were not evident in multiseriate hypodermal layers containing Casparian bands. The lack of air spaces, once thought to be a characteristic feature of the hypodermis, did not hold true for some members of the Liliopsida. All walls of the hypodermis were suberized, indicating that suberin lamellae were probably present in addition to Casparian bands. We recommend using the term 'exodermis' to refer to a hypodermis which has a Casparian band. Epidermal walls of non-orchid roots were suberized whereas those of orchids were lignified. Regardless of their type of modification, all epidermal walls were permeable to the apoplastic dye, Cellufluor.  相似文献   

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