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果树赤霉素代谢与信号途径研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赤霉素作为5大植物激素之一,在果树的花芽分化、花序发育、开花坐果、果实的生长发育及植株的形态建成等方面扮演着重要的角色,但对果树赤霉素的分子生物学研究与其他大田作物相比差距较大。为了在果树生产中能更加合理有效地利用赤霉素调控果树花果发育,研究果树赤霉素的合成及其信号转导途径的分子调控机制十分必要。研究发现GA合成的关键酶KO、GA2ox及GA20ox的表达均与果树矮化呈负相关,而KS的含量则与植株高矮呈正相关,板栗雄性不育现象也与KO、KAO的表达量密切相关。GAMYB基因及LFY基因则在果树的成花诱导和雄蕊发育等生殖生长过程中发挥重要作用。DELLA蛋白在果树的GA信号途径中作为负调控因子可致使矮化植株形成,在果树的细胞周期循环过程、转录调控、花的形成、细胞的信号转导及许多生理过程中,DELLA蛋白泛素化降解均扮演着至关重要的角色。主要从果树赤霉素的合成及赤霉素的信号途径两大方面,着重对果树赤霉素合成过程中的关键酶基因及其定位、果树赤霉素信号途径的重要元件如赤霉素受体GID1、DELLA蛋白等进行了综述,以期为高效利用赤霉素调控果树生长发育提供重要的理论参考。  相似文献   

缺铁胁迫对梨叶片中GA信号转导相关基因的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以不同程度缺铁的‘砀山酥梨’组培苗为实验材料,应用ELISA法测定叶片中内源GA含量,并依据NCBI上GA氧化酶GA2ox同源基因的保守序列,采用RACE技术克隆其基因全长,从梨基因组数据库中比对获得GA受体GID1的4个等位基因和DELLA蛋白的4个等位基因,通过实时RT-PCR分析GA2ox基因和GID1的4个等位基因和DELLA蛋白的4个等位基因的相对表达量,以探讨缺铁对梨叶片GA含量及其信号转导相关基因表达的影响。结果表明:(1)梨叶片中GA含量随着其缺铁程度的加重而增加。(2)克隆出梨叶片中GA2ox基因,其cDNA全长为1 014bp(GenBank登录号为KJ008976)。(3)GA2ox基因的表达量并未随梨缺铁程度增加而上升;GA受体GID1的4个等位基因相对表达量均随梨缺铁程度的加重而增加,其相对表达量与GA含量呈正相关关系;在DELLA蛋白的4个等位基因中,仅DELLA1相对表达量随着梨缺铁程度的加重而逐渐增加,说明DELLA1对缺铁胁迫最敏感。推测梨缺铁诱导了GA合成,但并没有促进活性GA向无活性GA转化。  相似文献   

高等植物赤霉素代谢及其信号转导通路   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
赤霉素是一类重要的植物激素,对植物的生长发育,如种子的萌发、茎的延展、叶片的生长、休眠芽的萌发以及植物的花和种子的发育等生理具有重要的调控作用。从1926年被发现至今,阐明了赤霉素代谢机理及调控机制,明确了赤霉素在植物体内的信号转导途径。本文综述了赤霉素的生物合成途径及其平衡的调节;赤霉素受体GID1、DELLA蛋白在赤霉素信号转导途径中的作用及相关研究;泛素介导的DELLA蛋白降解在赤霉素信号转导中的研究进展。  相似文献   

赤霉素(GA)参与调节植物多种生长发育过程,其生物合成在体内受到严格的控制。研究毛竹(Phyllostachys edulis)赤霉素合成通路相关的酶基因,对于揭示其在毛竹生长发育中的作用具有重要价值。对毛竹全基因组进行分析发现,涉及赤霉素生物合成的酶基因有7类共50个,包括4个CPS、3个KS、5个KAO、1个KO、10个GA20ox、20个GA2ox、和7个GA3ox。不同酶基因的各个成员虽是比较保守的,但其基因结构、基本理化性质均存在着一定的差异。亚细胞定位预测表明,PeCPSs和PeKSs定位在叶绿体上,PeKAOs位于内质网上,PeGA20oxs、PeGA2oxs和PeGA3oxs定位于细胞质基质中。进化分析显示,毛竹GA生物合成通路相关酶与来自水稻的相应酶均具有较高的一致性,亲缘关系较近。利用转录组数据分析基因表达的组织特异性,结果表明不同类酶基因以及同一类酶基因的不同成员的表达均存在一定的差异。例如:PeCPS-1、PeCPS-4和PeKO为组成型表达,PeKAO-5主要在笋幼芽中表达,PeGA20ox-10仅在幼芽和根中表达;PeGA2oxs中有9个为组成型表达,7个为特异性表达,而PeGA3oxs中分别有5个和2个。本研究为深入了解毛竹内源GA生物合成奠定了基础,为利用GA生物合成酶基因人为调控植物生长发育提供了参考。  相似文献   

赤霉素信号转导及其调控植物生长发育的研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
赤霉素(Gibberellins或gibberellic acid,GA)是植物生长发育所必需的植物激素之一,调控植物生长发育的多个过程。近年来随着植物分子生物学和功能基因组学的发展,有关GA信号转导途径及其调控植物生长发育的研究取得了一系列的进展。综述了GA信号转导途径的关键组分,包括GA受体GIBBERELLIN INSENSITIVE DWARF1(GID1)蛋白、F-box蛋白(拟南芥中的SLEEPY1[SLY1]和水稻中的GIBBERELLIN INSENSITIVE DWARF2[GID2])及DELLA蛋白,阐述了GA去除DELLA蛋白阻遏作用的分子模型,同时探讨DELLA蛋白通过其互作蛋白整合其它激素及环境信号调控植物生长发育的作用机理。  相似文献   

陈敏  马琳  贾聪俊  刘希强  龚攀  王赞 《西北植物学报》2016,36(11):2159-2166
赤霉素受体(GID)是赤霉素信号转导途径的重要成员,直接影响着赤霉素对植物体效应的发挥。该研究利用同源克隆的方法,首次从紫花苜蓿中克隆得到1个赤霉素受体基因,命名为MsGID1b。序列分析发现,MsGID1b基因开放阅读框长度为1 053bp,编码350个氨基酸,推测其蛋白质分子量为39.839kD,是一个无信号肽和跨膜结构的亲水性蛋白。序列比对结果表明,MsGID1b基因与蒺藜苜蓿MtGID1b基因的核苷酸序列相似性为98%,氨基酸序列相似性为99%,且具有HSL家族典型的HGG和GXSXG保守结构域及GA、DELLA蛋白结合位点。荧光定量PCR分析表明,MsGID1b基因在紫花苜蓿各组织中的表达丰度依次为:根盛花初花茎叶荚果;经GA3、ABA、NaCl、PEG和黑暗诱导后该基因表达上调,尤其是在GA3诱导下,MsGID1b基因的表达量一直维持在较高水平,表明MsGID1b基因可能参与紫花苜蓿的抗逆调控。  相似文献   

赤霉素(gibberellin,GA)是一种重要的激素,参与调控植物多种生长发育过程。GA生物合成通路已基本阐明,其中赤霉素3β羟化酶(gibberellin 3β-hydroxylase,GA3ox)是多种活性GA合成的关键酶。水稻中有2个GA3ox基因(OsGA3ox1和OsGA3ox2),其生理功能虽有初步研究,但它们在合成活性GA调控水稻发育过程中是如何分工协作尚不清楚。本研究通过CRISPR/Cas9技术获得基因编辑突变体ga3ox1和ga3ox2,发现ga3ox1花粉育性显著下降,而ga3ox2株高显著变矮,表明OsGA3ox1是花粉正常发育必需的,而OsGA3ox2是茎叶伸长必需的。组织表达分析表明,OsGA3ox1主要在未开的花中表达,OsGA3ox2主要在未伸长的叶中表达。进一步对野生型(WT)和两个ga3ox突变体未开的花、未伸长的叶及根中的GA进行检测分析,发现OsGA3ox1在花中催化GA9形成GA7与花粉育性密切相关;OsGA3ox2在未伸长的叶中催化GA20形成GA1调控株高;OsGA3ox1在根中催化GA19形成GA20,调控GA3的生成。总之,OsGA3...  相似文献   

赤霉素作用机理的分子基础与调控模式研究进展   总被引:22,自引:1,他引:21  
赤霉素(gibberellins或gibberellic acid,GA)作为植物生长的必需激素之一,调控植物生长发育的各个方面,如:种子萌发,下胚轴的伸长,叶片的生长和植物开花时间等。近年来随着植物功能基因组学的进一步发展,有关赤霉素生物合成及其调控,赤霉素信号转导途径,以及赤霉素与其他激素和环境因子的互作等领域的研究取得了较大的进展。本文综述了赤霉素生物合成的生物学途径及其调控研究;GA信号转导通道的研究进展,特别是DELLA蛋白阻遏植物生长发育的分子机理和GA解除阻遏作用(derepress)的分子模型;GA受体研究的新进展;探讨GA与其它激素之间的相互作用,以及植物在应答环境过程中的作用。  相似文献   

赤霉素作用机理的分子基础与调控模式研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
赤霉素(gibberellins或gibberellic acid, GA)作为植物生长的必需激素之一, 调控植物生长发育的各个方面, 如: 种子萌发, 下胚轴的伸长, 叶片的生长和植物开花时间等。近年来随着植物功能基因组学的进一步发展, 有关赤霉素生物合成及其调控, 赤霉素信号转导途径, 以及赤霉素与其他激素和环境因子的互作等领域的研究取得了较大的进展。本文综述了赤霉素生物合成的生物学途径及其调控研究; GA信号转导通道的研究进展, 特别是DELLA蛋白阻遏植物生长发育的分子机理和GA解除阻遏作用(derepress)的分子模型; GA受体研究的新进展; 探讨GA与其它激素之间的相互作用, 以及植物在应答环境过程中的作用。  相似文献   

赤霉素3-β-双氧化酶(GA3ox)是赤霉素(GA)生物合成过程中的关键酶之一,直接作用于活性GA的生成,在植物的生长发育过程中发挥着重要作用。GA3ox已在拟南芥、烟草、高粱和杨树等多种植物中得到克隆,在植物个体的不同生长阶段、不同组织中GA3ox的表达量均存在着差异,这主要是由物种内在的遗传因素所决定的,同时环境因子和外源激素处理对GA3ox表达也有着显著的影响。通过对基因突变体的研究,揭示出GA3ox突变导致GA的生物合成受阻而间接影响植物的生长,导致植物茎秆、花、种子、果、根等部位性状的改变,包括植株矮化、结籽困难等。过量表达GA3ox基因促进GA的生成,诱导细胞的分裂与分化,促进根尖的径向伸长、种子萌发等。主要从GA3ox的基因克隆与表达模式及其功能效应两方面综述了其在高等植物中研究进展,通过对GA3ox在不同植物中的相关功能研究,探讨其在植物生长发育过程中的具体作用,以期为了解GA3ox对植物生长发育的调控机制提供参考,也有助于在生产实践中更好地利用GA3ox开展基因工程研究,定向培育植物新品种。  相似文献   

Zhang Y  Zhu Y  Peng Y  Yan D  Li Q  Wang J  Wang L  He Z 《Cell research》2008,18(3):412-421
The rice Eui (ELONGATED UPPERMOST INTERNODE) gene encodes a cytochrome P450 monooxygenase that deactivates bioactive gibberellins (GAs). In this study, we investigated controlled expression of the Eui gene and its role in plant development. We found that Eui was differentially induced by exogenous GAs and that the Eui promoter had the highest activity in the vascular bundles. The eui mutant was defective in starch granule development in root caps and Eui overexpression enhanced starch granule generation and gravity responses, revealing a role for GA in root starch granule development and gravity responses. Experiments using embryoless half-seeds revealed that RAmy1A and GAmyb were highly upregulated in eui aleurone cells in the absence of exogenous GA. In addition, the GA biosynthesis genes GA3ox1 and GA20ox2 were downregulated and GA2ox1 was upregulated in eui seedlings. These results indicate that EUI is involved in GA homeostasis, not only in the internodes at the heading stage, but also in the seedling stage, roots and seeds. Disturbing GA homeostasis affected the expression of the GA signaling genes GID1 (GIBBERELLIN INSENSITIVE DWARF 1), GID2 and SLR1. Transgenic RNA interference of the Eui gene effectively increased plant height and improved heading performance. By contrast, the ectopic expression of Eui under the promoters of the rice GA biosynthesis genes GA3ox2 and GA20ox2 significantly reduced plant height. These results demonstrate that a slight increase in Eui expression could dramatically change rice morphology, indicating the practical application of the Eui gene in rice molecular breeding for a high yield potential.  相似文献   

Flowering of Nicotiana tabacum cv Xhanti depends on gibberellins because gibberellin-deficient plants, due to overexpression of a gibberellin 2-oxidase gene (35S:NoGA2ox3) or to treatment with the gibberellin biosynthesis inhibitor paclobutrazol, flowered later than wild type. These plants also showed inhibition of the expression of molecular markers related to floral transition (NtMADS-4 and NtMADS-11). To investigate further the role of gibberellin in flowering, we quantified its content in tobacco plants during development. We found a progressive reduction in the levels of GA1 and GA4 in the apical shoot during vegetative growth, reaching very low levels at floral transition and beyond. This excludes these two gibberellins as flowering-promoting factors in the apex. The evolution of active gibberellin content in apical shoots agrees with the expression patterns of gibberellin metabolism genes: two encoding gibberellin 20-oxidases (NtGA20ox1 = Ntc12, NtGA20ox2 = Ntc16), one encoding a gibberellin 3-oxidase (NtGA3ox1 = Nty) and one encoding a gibberellin 2-oxidase (NtGA2ox1), suggesting that active gibberellins are locally synthesized. In young apical leaves, GA1 and GA4 content and the expression of gibberellin metabolism genes were rather constant. Our results support that floral transition in tobacco, in contrast to that in Arabidopsis, is not regulated by the levels of GA1 and GA4 in apical shoots, although reaching a threshold in gibberellin levels may be necessary to allow meristem competence for flowering.  相似文献   

Gibberellins are phytohormones that regulate growth and development of plants. Gibberellin homeostasis is maintained by feedback regulation of gibberellin metabolism genes. To understand this regulation, we manipulated the gibberellin pathway in tobacco and studied its effects on the morphological phenotype, gibberellin levels and the expression of endogenous gibberellin metabolism genes. The overexpression of a gibberellin 3-oxidase (biosynthesis gene) in tobacco (3ox-OE) induced slight variations in phenotype and active GA(1) levels, but we also found an increase in GA(8) levels (GA(1) inactivation product) and a conspicuous induction of gibberellin 2-oxidases (catabolism genes; NtGA2ox3 and -5), suggesting an important role for these particular genes in the control of gibberellin homeostasis. The effect of simultaneous overexpression of two biosynthesis genes, a gibberellin 3-oxidase and a gibberellin 20-oxidase (20ox/3ox-OE), on phenotype and gibberellin content suggests that gibberellin 3-oxidases are non-limiting enzymes in tobacco, even in a 20ox-OE background. Moreover, the expression analysis of gibberellin metabolism genes in transgenic plants (3ox-OE, 20ox-OE and hybrid 3ox/20ox-OE), and in response to application of different GA(1) concentrations, showed genes with different gibberellin sensitivity. Gibberellin biosynthesis genes (NtGA20ox1 and NtGA3ox1) are negatively feedback regulated mainly by high gibberellin levels. In contrast, gibberellin catabolism genes which are subject to positive feedback regulation are sensitive to high (NtGA2ox1) or to low (NtGA2ox3 and -5) gibberellin concentrations. These two last GA2ox genes seem to play a predominant role in gibberellin homeostasis under mild gibberellin variations, but not under large gibberellin changes, where the biosynthesis genes GA20ox and GA3ox may be more important.  相似文献   

The rice (Oryza sativa) DELLA protein SLR1 acts as a repressor of gibberellin (GA) signaling. GA perception by GID1 causes SLR1 protein degradation involving the F-box protein GID2; this triggers GA-associated responses such as shoot elongation and seed germination. In GA-insensitive and GA biosynthesis mutants, SLENDER RICE1 (SLR1) accumulates to high levels, and the severity of dwarfism is usually correlated with the level of SLR1 accumulation. An exception is the GA-insensitive F-box mutant gid2, which shows milder dwarfism than mutants such as gid1 and cps even though it accumulates higher levels of SLR1. The level of SLR1 protein in gid2 was decreased by loss of GID1 function or treatment with a GA biosynthesis inhibitor, and dwarfism was enhanced. Conversely, overproduction of GID1 or treatment with GA(3) increased the SLR1 level in gid2 and reduced dwarfism. These results indicate that derepression of SLR1 repressive activity can be accomplished by GA and GID1 alone and does not require F-box (GID2) function. Evidence for GA signaling without GID2 was also provided by the expression behavior of GA-regulated genes such as GA-20oxidase1, GID1, and SLR1 in the gid2 mutant. Based on these observations, we propose a model for the release of GA suppression that does not require DELLA protein degradation.  相似文献   

To identify where gibberellin (GA) biosynthesis and signaling occur, we analyzed the expression of four genes involved in GA biosynthesis, GA 20-oxidase1 and GA 20-oxidase2 (OsGA20ox1 and OsGA20ox2), and GA 3-oxidase1 and GA 3-oxidase2 (OsGA3ox1 and OsGA3ox2), and two genes involved in GA signaling, namely, the gene encoding the alpha-subunit of the heterotrimeric GTP-binding protein (Galpha), and SLENDER RICE1 (SLR1), which encodes a repressor of GA signaling. At the vegetative stage, the expression of OsGA20ox2, OsGA3ox2, Galpha, and SLR1 was observed in rapidly elongating or dividing organs and tissues, whereas the expression of OsGA20ox1 or OsGA3ox1 could not be detected. At the inflorescence or floral stage, the expression of OsGA20ox2, OsGA3ox2, Galpha, and SLR1 was also observed in the shoot meristems and stamen primordia. The overlapping expression of genes for GA biosynthesis and signaling indicates that in these tissues and organs, active GA biosynthesis occurs at the same site as does GA signaling. In contrast, no GA-biosynthesis genes were expressed in the aleurone cells of the endosperm; however, the two GA-signaling genes were actively expressed, indicating that the aleurone does not produce bioactive GAs, but can perceive GAs. The expression of OsGA20ox1 and OsGA3ox1 was observed only in the epithelium of the embryo and the tapetum of the anther. Based on the specific expression pattern of OsGA20ox1 and OsGA3ox1 in these tissues, we discuss the unique nature of the epithelium and the tapetum in terms of GA biosynthesis. The epithelium and the tapetum are considered to be an important source of bioactive GAs for aleurone and other organs of the flower, respectively.  相似文献   

This article presents evidence that DELLA repression of gibberellin (GA) signaling is relieved both by proteolysis-dependent and -independent pathways in Arabidopsis thaliana. DELLA proteins are negative regulators of GA responses, including seed germination, stem elongation, and fertility. GA stimulates GA responses by causing DELLA repressor degradation via the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway. DELLA degradation requires GA biosynthesis, three functionally redundant GA receptors GIBBERELLIN INSENSITIVE DWARF1 (GID1a, b, and c), and the SLEEPY1 (SLY1) F-box subunit of an SCF E3 ubiquitin ligase. The sly1 mutants accumulate more DELLA proteins but display less severe dwarf and germination phenotypes than the GA biosynthesis mutant ga1-3 or the gid1abc triple mutant. Interestingly, GID1 overexpression rescued the sly1 dwarf and infertility phenotypes without decreasing the accumulation of the DELLA protein REPRESSOR OF ga1-3. GID1 rescue of sly1 mutants was dependent on the level of GID1 protein, GA, and the presence of a functional DELLA motif. Since DELLA shows increasing interaction with GID1 with increasing GA levels, it appears that GA-bound GID1 can block DELLA repressor activity by direct protein-protein interaction with the DELLA domain. Thus, a SLY1-independent mechanism for GA signaling may function without DELLA degradation.  相似文献   

Bioactive gibberellins (GAs) affect many biological processes including germination, stem growth, transition to flowering, and fruit development. The location, timing, and level of bioactive GA are finely tuned to ensure that optimal growth and development occur. The balance between GA biosynthesis and deactivation is controlled by external factors such as light and by internal factors that include auxin. The role of auxin transport inhibitors (ATIs) and auxins on GA homeostasis in intact light-grown Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. seedlings was investigated. Two ATIs, 1-N-naphthylthalamic acid (NPA) and 1-naphthoxyacetic acid (NOA) caused elevated expression of the GA biosynthetic enzyme AtGA20-oxidase1 (AtGA20ox1) in shoot but not in root tissues, and only at certain developmental stages. It was investigated whether enhanced AtGA20ox1 gene expression was a consequence of altered flow through the GA biosynthetic pathway, or was due to impaired GA signalling that can lead to enhanced AtGA20ox1 expression and accumulation of a DELLA protein, Repressor of ga1-3 (RGA). Both ATIs promoted accumulation of GFP-fused RGA in shoots and roots, and this increase was counteracted by the application of GA(4). These results suggest that in ATI-treated seedlings the impediment to DELLA protein degradation may be a deficiency of bioactive GA at sites of GA response. It is proposed that the four different levels of AtGA20ox1 regulation observed here are imposed in a strict hierarchy: spatial (organ-, tissue-, cell-specific) > developmental > metabolic > auxin regulation. Thus results show that, in intact auxin- and auxin transport inhibitor-treated light-grown Arabidopsis seedlings, three other levels of regulation supersede the effects of auxin on AtGA20ox1.  相似文献   

In contrast to a wealth of knowledge about the photoregulation of gibberellin metabolism in dicots, that in monocots remains largely unclear. In this study, we found that a blue light signal triggers reduction of active gibberellin content in rice seedlings with simultaneous repression of two gibberellin 20-oxidase genes (OsGA20ox2 and OsGA20ox4) and acute induction of four gibberellin 2-oxidase genes (OsGA2ox4-OsGA2ox7). For further examination of the regulation of these genes, we established a series of cryptochrome-deficient lines through reverse genetic screening from a Tos17 mutant population and construction of knockdown lines based on an RNA interference technique. By using these lines and phytochrome mutants, we elucidated that cryptochrome 1 (cry1), consisting of two species in rice plants (cry1a and cry1b), is indispensable for robust induction of the GA2ox genes. On the other hand, repression of the GA20ox genes is mediated by phytochromes. In addition, we found that the phytochromes also mediate the repression of a gibberellin 3-oxidase gene (OsGA3ox2) in the light. These results imply that, in rice seedlings, phytochromes mediate the repression of gibberellin biosynthesis capacity, while cry1 mediates the induction of gibberellin inactivation capacity. The cry1 action was demonstrated to be dominant in the reduction of active gibberellin content, but, in rice seedlings, the cumulative effects of these independent actions reduced active gibberellin content in the light. This pathway design in which different types of photoreceptors independently but cooperatively regulate active gibberellin content is unique from the viewpoint of dicot research. This redundancy should provide robustness to the response in rice plants.  相似文献   

In rice (Oryza sativa) and Arabidopsis thaliana, gibberellin (GA) signaling is mediated by GIBBERELLIN-INSENSITIVE DWARF1 (GID1) and DELLA proteins in collaboration with a GA-specific F-box protein. To explore when plants evolved the ability to perceive GA by the GID1/DELLA pathway, we examined these GA signaling components in the lycophyte Selaginella moellendorffii and the bryophyte Physcomitrella patens. An in silico search identified several homologs of GID1, DELLA, and GID2, a GA-specific F-box protein in rice, in both species. Sm GID1a and Sm GID1b, GID1 proteins from S. moellendorffii, showed GA binding activity in vitro and interacted with DELLA proteins from S. moellendorffii in a GA-dependent manner in yeast. Introduction of constitutively expressed Sm GID1a, Sm G1D1b, and Sm GID2a transgenes rescued the dwarf phenotype of rice gid1 and gid2 mutants. Furthermore, treatment with GA(4), a major GA in S. moellendorffii, caused downregulation of Sm GID1b, Sm GA20 oxidase, and Sm GA3 oxidase and degradation of the Sm DELLA1 protein. These results demonstrate that the homologs of GID1, DELLA, and GID2 work in a similar manner in S. moellendorffii and in flowering plants. Biochemical studies revealed that Sm GID1s have different GA binding properties from GID1s in flowering plants. No evidence was found for the functional conservation of these genes in P. patens, indicating that GID1/DELLA-mediated GA signaling, if present, differs from that in vascular plants. Our results suggest that GID1/DELLA-mediated GA signaling appeared after the divergence of vascular plants from the moss lineage.  相似文献   

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