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Generation glands are holocrine epidermal glands occurring on the ventral aspect of the thigh of cordylid lizards. In most species these glands seemingly start to differentiate with the onset of sexual maturity, but macroscopic signs of generation gland activity were noted in neonates of the large-scaled girdled lizard, Cordylus macropholis. The glands of neonatal, subadult, and adult individuals were examined microscopically using standard histological techniques. The glands of the five neonatal specimens examined, including both males and females, all had the same basic structure and displayed two layers of mature glandular material. In subadult and adult specimens, the number of layers varied from seven to nine. The structure of the generation glands of C. macropholis is similar to that of the few other Cordylus species that have been described to date. They are of the protruding kind with multiple mature glandular generations. Juveniles of an additional 12 cordylid species have been examined for the presence of active generation glands. Active glands were found to be present in neonates of C. tasmani and C. tropidosternum, both of which are, like C. macropholis, terrestrial species. In C. cordylus and C. coeruleopunctatus, active generation glands are absent in neonates, but differentiate soon after birth. In other cordylid species, generation glands apparently differentiate only with the onset of sexual maturity. J. Morphol. 235:177–182, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The anatomy of the femoral glands in an iguanid lizard, Crotaphytus collaris collaris (Say), is described. The 48 lizards (including three embryos) from which glands were examined were obtained throughout their season of activity at one locality in Kansas. In animals of both sexes the glands lie in a linear series on the ventral aspect of each thigh. They are composed of branching tubes and tubules of epidermal and dermal origin. The row of femoral pores is the only external manifestation of the glands. Post hatching, the glands of males increase in size and complexity; little onto-genetic change occurs in the glands of females. The relative length of the glands appears to vary seasonally in adult males suggesting variation in their activity. The greatest relative sizes occur in the breeding season. At times a stratum corneum, continuous with the stratum corneum of the skin, occurs in the duct of the gland internal to part of the secretion plug. Formation of the stratum corneum seems to be initiated in the autumn prior to hibernation, and the stratum corneum removes the outer part of the secretion plug in the next ecdysis; meanwhile, production of a new secretion plug is initiated. The anatomy of the femoral glands in Crotaphytus is similar to that of the described glands of other species of lizards.  相似文献   

To elucidate the functional significance of the three distinct types of generation glands that have been identified among cordylid lizards, we mapped gland type to the terminal taxa in the most recent phylogenetic tree for the Cordylidae. We used the phylogenetic programme Mesquite and applied the principle of parsimony to infer character states for the ancestral nodes in the tree. For those species where information on gland type was not available from the literature, we conducted a histological investigation of generation gland morphology, using standard histological techniques. We included two species of the sister family Gerrhosauridae in the analysis to serve as outgroups. In both Gerrhosaurus typicus and G. flavigularis, scales immediately anterior to the femoral pores displayed glandular activity, but differed from generation glands of cordylids in the absence of mature glandular generations. Among the cordylids investigated, we identified a fourth type of generation gland in Pseudocordylus subviridis, P. spinosus, and in the two Hemicordylus species, one where the glands consistently comprise of two mature glandular generations. In H. capensis, both single‐ and two‐layer type glands are present. Our reconstruction of ancestral character states suggests a minimum of six transformations from one gland type to another during the evolutionary history of the family. The reconstruction furthermore suggests that the single‐layer type gland reappeared at least once (in Hemicordylus) in the Cordylinae after having been lost. The reconstruction also unequivocally shows that the pit‐like multiple‐layer type gland evolved directly from the single‐layer type and not from the protruding multiple‐layer type. The two‐layer type gland appears to be an intermediary condition between the multiple‐layer and single‐layer types. The evolutionary transformation of generation gland type appears to be linked to changes in lifestyle and associated changes in degree of territoriality and the need for chemical communication. J. Morphol. 275:456–464, 2014. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Rock‐dwelling lizards are hypothesized to be highly constrained in the evolution of head morphology and, consequently, bite force. Because the ability to generate a high bite force might be advantageous for a species' dietary ecology, morphological changes in head configuration that allow individuals to maintain or improve their bite force under the constraint of crevice‐dwelling behaviour are to be expected. The present study addressed this issue by examining head morphology, bite force, and a number of dietary traits in the rock‐dwelling cordylid lizards Ouroborus cataphractus and Karusasaurus polyzonus. The results obtained show that O. cataphractus has a larger head and higher bite force than K. polyzonus. In K. polyzonus, head width, lower jaw length, and jaw closing‐in lever are the best predictors of bite force, whereas head height is the main determinant of bite force in O. cataphractus. Although the observed difference in bite force between the species does not appear to be related to dietary patterns or prey handling, the prey spectrum available for intake was greater in O. cataphractus compared to K. polyzonus. We discuss the influence of interspecific differences in anti‐predator morphology on head morphology and bite force in these rock‐dwelling species. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2014, 111, 823–833.  相似文献   

Although visually transmitted social signals are well documented in many diurnal iguanians, including collared lizards, secretory femoral glands also suggest a role of chemical signals in intraspecific communication. We conducted laboratory trials to test the extent to which male and female collared lizards responded by tongue‐flicking femoral gland secretions, neutral (water), and odoriferous (cologne) control substances, males distinguished self‐secretions from those produced by unfamiliar rival males, and females distinguish secretions from unfamiliar vs. familiar males. Both males and females spent similar amounts of time in four arena quadrants each with a Petri dish treated with one of the four test compounds. Males gave more tongue flicks/trial to secretions produced by unfamiliar rivals and cologne than they tongue‐flicked their own secretions and water. By contrast, the number of tongue flicks by females on control substances and familiar and unfamiliar males was similar. Results support the hypothesis that femoral gland secretions function in intrasexual signaling among male collared lizards, perhaps allowing them to distinguish unfamiliar rivals. Females tongue‐flicked secretions from familiar and unfamiliar males with similar frequency that was high relative to that of males, suggesting a possible role of secretions in assessment of males. Ours is the first evidence of a signaling role of femoral gland secretions in collared lizards and adds to a growing body of evidence that chemical signaling has evolved in diurnal lizards that also have highly developed visual‐based signaling.  相似文献   

Many lizards have epidermal glands in the cloacal or femoral region with semiochemical function related to sexual behavior and/or territorial demarcation. Externally, these glands are recognized as a row of pores, opening individually in the center of a modified scale. In many species the pores are used as systematic characters. They form a glandular cord or, in some species, a row of glandular beads below the dermis, and are connected to the exterior through the ducts, which continuously liberate a solid secretion. Dead cells, desquamated from the secretory epithelium, constitute the secretion, known as "a secretion plug." The present work focuses on the morphology of the femoral glands of the teiid lizard Ameiva ameiva, correlating it to the way in which the secretion is deposited in the environment. The results here obtained are compared to those available for other lizards and amphisbaenians. We observed that the diameter of the glandular pores did not show significant differences between males and females. The glands comprise germinative and secretory cells, which pass through at least three stages of differentiation, during which an accumulation of cytoplasmic granules, with a glycoprotein content, occurs. The cells eventually die and desquamate from the secretory epithelium, forming a secretory plug mostly constituted by juxtaposed nonfragmented secretory cells. Because of the arrangement of the rosette-like scales surrounding the femoral pores, we suggest that when the animal is in a resting position, with its femoral regions touching the ground, these scales may be involved in the breakage of their respective plugs, depositing tiny portions on the substrate. In this manner, it seems that the method for signal dispersion in this species involves specifically adapted structures and does not simply involve the chance breakage of the plug, as the gland secretes it. Signal dispersion must also be intimately associated with the animal's movement within its territory.  相似文献   

Chemical communication plays an essential role in several social and reproductive behaviors of many animals. In lizards, the main sources of semiochemicals are femoral or pre‐anal gland secretions and feces. In male lizards Psammodromus algirus, there are age‐related differences in the chemical composition of femoral gland secretions and in the reproductive strategies, with older males defending territories and females, while younger males adopting sneak‐mating strategies. Females flee more often from mating advances of young males than from those of old males, which are more successful in obtaining matings. This suggests that age discrimination of males may be important for females. We tested here whether females showed differential chemosensory responses to chemical cues (femoral gland secretion and feces) of males of two age classes, and whether females use information from substrate scent marks of males of different ages to select where to stay. We found that females elicited more tongue‐flicks to the secretion and feces of old males than to control or secretion and feces of young males. Also, the time spent by females on a scented paper depended on the treatment, suggesting that females tended to spend more time on scent marks made with femoral secretions of old males. Adult females seemed capable to discriminate between young and old males based on chemical cues alone and showed more interest in scents of old males. However, substrate scent marks did not seem to entirely determine site selection by females, suggesting that females might need additional cues to perform the choice. These results can be explained by the different age‐dependent reproductive strategies of males, which can affect differentially to females.  相似文献   

Theory predicts marked sexual dimorphism in terms of body size and body structures used as weapons (e.g. chelipeds) in gonochoric species with intense male sexual competition for receptive females and reduced or no sexual dimorphism in species where competition among males is trivial. We tested this hypothesis using a pair of closely‐related species of symbiotic porcelain crabs as a model. In one species that inhabits sea anemones solitarily, competition among males for receptive females is unimportant. In a second species that dwells as dense aggregations on sea urchins, male–male competition for sexual partners is recurrent. We expected considerable sexual dimorphism in body size and weaponry in the urchin‐dwelling crab and reduced sexual dimorphism in the anemone‐dwelling crab. In agreement with expectations, in the urchin‐dwelling crab, male body size was, on average, larger than that of females and males invested considerably more to cheliped length than females. Also supporting theoretical considerations, in the anemone‐dwelling crab, sexual dimorphism in terms of body size was not detected and differences between the sexes in investment to cheliped length were minor. Interestingly, chelipeds were more developed both in males and females of the anemone‐dwelling crab than in the urchin‐dwelling crab as a result of the importance of these structures for monopolization of their naturally scarce anemone hosts. Another difference between the studied species was the existence of two clearly distinguishable ontogenetic phases in males of the urchin‐dwelling crab but not in males of the anemone‐dwelling crab. Whether the two different male morphs display different male reproductive strategies in the urchin‐dwelling crab remains to be addressed. Other conditions that might additionally explain the observed differences in sexual dimorphism (e.g. female mate choice) between the studied species remain to be explored. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 105 , 548–558.  相似文献   

Several genera of frogs from Madagascar, classified in the family Mantellidae, subfamily Mantellinae, possess structures commonly called 'femoral glands' on the ventral side of their shanks. The question arises as to the origin and phylogenetic significance of these glands. A molecular phylogeny based on 3601 nucleotide DNA sequences of three mitochondrial and two nuclear genes of 30 mantellid species provided strong support for monophyly of the included mantellines, all characterized by enlarged femoral gland clusters, as well as for those with gland clusters of coordinated central arrangement of secretion ducts. However, the phylogeny also strongly supported the hypothesis of convergent evolution of structurally similar glands in unrelated frogs ( Indirana , Petropedetes ), and several trends of convergent evolution of gland structure within mantellines. We studied the light microscopic structure of the femoral glands in a representative array of 18 mantellid species. Males of all species of the subfamily Mantellinae were characterized by clusters of distinct single glands. Each was structurally similar to an enlarged granular gland and secreted independently, probably through a single duct. By contrast, the largely semi-aquatic frogs in the genus Mantidactylus had a specialized cluster of glands, in which the secretion ducts led into a macroscopically recognizable central depression. In Boophis opisthodon , a mantellid species of the subfamily Boophinae without externally recognizable femoral glands, we observed a large number of enlarged granular glands of various sizes in the ventral skin of the shank. This observation is consistent with the hypothesis that the large and more uniform organs of mantellines are derived granular glands.  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 92 , 529–539.  相似文献   

Predation has profound effects on the phenotypes of animal prey and, in lizards, the relationship between coloration and antipredatory behaviour has been studied in depth. However, studies that address the relationships between dorsal patterns and tail coloration with escape behaviour in polymorphic lizards are absent in the literature. We describe dorsal morphs and measured tail coloration and escape behaviour in hatchling Iberian wall lizards, Podarcis hispanicus, a species with a previously undescribed female‐restricted dorsal polymorphism (reticulated‐blotched males, and either striped or reticulated‐blotched females) and juvenile tails with conspicuous blue coloration, which is probably used to divert predator attacks towards the autotomizable tail. Overall we provide evidence for the existence of sexual dimorphism in tail ultraviolet reflectance between reticulated females and males, with striped females being intermediate. We identified sex/dorsal morph, body size and tail brightness as predictors of different aspects of escape behaviour and suggest the existence of two alternative escape strategies between striped and reticulated‐blotched females that may be dependent on dorsal morph differences, independently of sex. Reticulated‐blotched females, and also males (all reticulated‐blotched), ran faster and spent less time paused than striped females, which might reflect an escape behaviour strategy based on endurance in striped females. In addition, lowland males displayed tail waving as a ‘last resort’ antipredator strategy that may be related to fatigue. We concluded that hatchling antipredatory behaviour is influenced by both dorsal pattern and tail conspicuousness. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2014, 113 , 1094–1106.  相似文献   

Animals communicate via a variety of sensory channels and signals. Studies on acoustic and visual communication systems suggest that differences in the physical environment contribute to the variety of signalling behaviour, with species investing in those signals that are transmitted best under the local conditions. Whether or not environmental tuning also occurs in chemical communication systems has received much less attention. In the present study, we examined the effect of several aspects of the physical environment on the chemical communication system of lacertid lizards (family Lacertidae). The numbers of femoral pores are used as a proxy reflecting how much a particular species invests in and relies upon chemical signalling. Femoral pores are specialized epidermal structures that function as a secretion channel for the waxy substance produced by glands. In some lacertid species, the secretion carries infochemicals that play an important role in social communication. The number of femoral pores varies considerably among species. We have compiled data on femoral pore numbers for 162 species and tested for the effects of climate and substrate use. After correcting for body size and taking the phylogenetic relationships among the species into account, we found no effect of climate conditions or latitude on species pore numbers. Substrate use did affect pore numbers: shrub‐climbing species tended to have fewer femoral pores than species inhabiting other substrates. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2014, 114 , 44–57.  相似文献   

Intraspecific variation in morphology has often been related to fitness differences through its effects on performance. In lizards, variation in hind limb length can be shaped by natural selection for increased locomotor performance, sexual selection on the number or size of femoral pores involved in chemical signalling, or both. Here, we analyse the selective forces involved in sexual dimorphism and differences in hind limb length between two populations of Psammodromus algirus living at different elevation. Males were more robust and had longer hind limbs and limb segments than females, and low‐elevation lizards had longer limbs than high‐elevation lizards. However, differences in locomotor performance were small and non‐significant, making natural selection for faster runs an unlikely explanation for the observed pattern. On the other hand, males had more femoral pores than females, and lizards had more pores at lower elevation, although the difference was significant only for males (which invest more in chemical signalling). In males, the number of pores, which remains constant along a lizard's life, was not correlated with hind limb length. However, femur length was positively correlated with mean pore size, allowing low‐elevation males to have larger than expected pores, which could increase the effectiveness with which they spread their signals in a dry and warm habitat where chemicals become volatile rapidly. Also, saturation of the sexual coloration of the head was higher for low‐elevation males, suggesting that sexual selection pressures may be more intense. Overall, our results indicate that sexual selection plays a significant role in shaping intraspecific variation in hind limb length. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 104 , 318–329.  相似文献   

The presence of a gill‐derived gland is herein reported for the first time in males of species of Astyanax and related genera; they are described through histological cuts and SEM. The gill‐derived glands described for the Characidae, when fully developed, present a similar structure in different species. The main external feature of gill‐derived glands is the fusion of anteriormost gill filaments on the ventral branch of first gill arch. This fusion is caused by squamous stratified epithelial tissue that covers adjacent filaments, forming a series of chambers. In the region where the gill‐derived gland develops, the secondary lamellae of the gill filaments are much reduced or completely atrophied being characterized by the presence of glandular cells forming nests.  相似文献   

We tested the hypothesis that an evolutionary trade‐off exists between the capacity to run on level terrain and the ability to climb inclined structures in lacertid lizards. Biomechanical and physiological models of lizard locomotor performance suggest that the morphological design requirements of a ground‐dwelling vs. scansorial life style are difficult to reconcile. This conflict is thought to preclude simultaneous evolution of maximal locomotor performance on level and inclined terrain. This notion has been corroborated by comparative studies on lizard species from other groups (Anolis, Chamaeleo, Sceloporus), but is not supported by our data on 13 species from the family Lacertidae. We found no indication of a negative association between maximal sprint speed of lizards over a level racetrack (indicative of ground‐dwelling locomotor performance), on an inclined stony surface (indicative of climbing performance over rock faces) and inclined mesh surface (indicative of clambering performance among vegetation). Moreover, morphological characteristics associated with fast sprinting capacities (e.g. long hind limbs) apparently enhance, rather than hinder climbing and clambering performance. We conclude that in our sample of lacertid lizards, the evolution of fast sprinting capacity on level terrain has not inflicted major restrictions on climbing and clambering performance.  相似文献   

Stable social aggregations are rarely recorded in lizards, but have now been reported from several species in the Australian scincid genus Egernia. Most of those examples come from species using rock crevice refuges that are relatively easy to observe. But for many other Egernia species that occupy different habitats and are more secretive, it is hard to gather the observational data needed to deduce their social structure. Therefore, we used genotypes at six polymorphic microsatellite DNA loci of 229 individuals of Egernia frerei, trapped in 22 sampling sites over 3500 ha of eucalypt forest on Fraser Island, Australia. Each sampling site contained 15 trap locations in a 100 x 50 m grid. We estimated relatedness among pairs of individuals and found that relatedness was higher within than between sites. Relatedness of females within sites was higher than relatedness of males, and was higher than relatedness between males and females. Within sites we found that juvenile lizards were highly related to other juveniles and to adults trapped at the same location, or at adjacent locations, but relatedness decreased with increasing trap separation. We interpreted the results as suggesting high natal philopatry among juvenile lizards and adult females. This result is consistent with stable family group structure previously reported in rock dwelling Egernia species, and suggests that social behaviour in this genus is not habitat driven.  相似文献   

Chemical signals are essential for intersexual communication in many animals, including lizards. While faeces have been suggested to contain socially relevant chemical stimuli, epidermal gland secretions are generally believed to be the leading source of chemosignals involved in lizard communication. Early research has shown that sex hormones affect epidermal gland activity, with androgens stimulating gland/pore size and/or gland productivity. However, the functional significance of hormone‐induced glandular activity in lizard chemical communication remains unclear. In this study, we manipulated testosterone (T) concentrations in male Podarcis muralis lizards. While T‐supplementation did not change pore size, it did increase secretion production substantially. Chemosensory tests showed that female conspecifics tongue‐flick at a higher rate and more quickly towards the secretion of males with experimentally increased T levels than towards the secretion of control males, suggesting that females can discriminate between males with dissimilar T levels based on chemical cues of secretion alone. Based on the scent of faeces, however, females were unable to discriminate between males with differential T levels. Also, females reacted more quickly when offered larger amounts of secretion – irrespective of whether secretions were obtained from control or T‐increased males. This result indicates that secretion quantity affects chemosignal detectability in Podarcis muralis.  相似文献   

The cranial glands of ten species of turtles were studied by the use of histochemistry applied to serial sections of whole heads. The majority were stenohaline species, but one brackish water form, Malaclemys, was included. The results show that all species have two major orbital glands, an anterior Harderian gland, and a posterior lachrymal gland. The latter is seromucous in all species except Malaclemys terrapin in which the gland shows little evidence or organic secretion. External and medial nasal glands are found in all species studied, and also are seromucous glands. With these reslts, combined with a review of the literature the following conclusions are made. The Harderian gland is by definition the orbital gland opening through the medial surface of the nictitating membrane at or near the anterior canthus. It is of constant occurrence, and histological appearance, probably serving the same function. However, despite much recent study this function remains unknown. The lachrymal gland is defined as the orbital gland which opens through the lateral surface of the nictitating membrane, or medial surface of the lower eyelid, at or near the posterior canthus. It is of variable occurrence, absent in many reptiles, and has a histological structure which is also variable. In the stenohaline species it is apparently involved in organic secretion, while in the brackish water Malaclemys it may be involved in salt secretion, as it is in Cheloniidae. The nasal glands in turtles are probably homologous with the nasal salt glands of lizards and birds, but they do not appear to subserve the same function. In all species of turtles studied the nasal glands are seromucous. They are perhaps involved in the maintenance of the epithelium of the olfactory cavity.  相似文献   

In Lake Malawi, two ecologically distinct lineages of cichlid fishes (rock‐ vs sand‐dwelling ecotypes, each comprised of over 200 species) evolved within the last million years. The rock‐dwelling species (Mbuna) are aggressively territorial year‐round and males court and spawn with females over rocky substrate. In contrast, males of sand‐dwelling species are not territorial and instead aggregate on seasonal breeding leks in which males construct courtship “bowers” in the sand. However, little is known about how phenotypic variation in aggression is produced by the genome. In this study, we first quantify and compare behavior in seven cichlid species, demonstrating substantial ecotype and species differences in unconditioned mirror‐elicited aggression. Second, we compare neural activity in mirror‐elicited aggression in two representative species, Mchenga conophoros (sand‐dwelling) and Petrotilapia chitimba (rock‐dwelling). Finally, we compare gene expression patterns between these two species, specifically within neurons activated during mirror aggression. We identified a large number of genes showing differential expression in mirror‐elicited aggression, as well as many genes that differ between ecotypes. These genes, which may underly species differences in behavior, include several neuropeptides, genes involved in the synthesis of steroid hormones and neurotransmitter activity. This work lays the foundation for future experiments using this emerging genetic model system to investigate the genomic basis of evolved species differences in both brain and behavior.  相似文献   

Rensch's rule states that degree of sexual dimorphism increases with body size in species with larger males, and decreases with body size in those with larger females. To test this rule, we assessed the pattern of sexual size dimorphism in tinamous using a comparative analysis of independent contrasts. Tinamous are a monophyletic group of primitive birds comprising at least 47 ground dwelling species with prominent or exclusive paternal care of eggs and offspring. Although the size of females exceeded that of males in most considered species, we found an isometric relationship between males and females, instead of the negative allometric one predicted by Rensch's rule. Previous studies in Strigiformes and Falconiformes found positive allometric and isometric relationships respectively, and, considering these findings with our results, we conclude that Rensch's rule is not supported by birds with exclusively female-biased sexual dimorphism in size.  © 2003 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2003, 80 , 519–527  相似文献   

The femoral or cloacal region in lizards and amphisbaenians displays epidermal glands; these are commonly used for purposes of systematics. In spite of being recognized as semiochemical sources (Maderson [1986] Plenum Press, pp. 13–25), their precise role remains uncertain. The glands of lizards are assumed to be principally associated with reproduction and the demarcation of territory. Their function in amphisbaenians remains unknown. The histology of these glands has only been described for lizards. There are no ultrastructural studies of glands of either type. This study concentrates on the fine morphology of the pre-cloacal glands in Amphisbaena alba using routine histological and ultrastructural techniques. The pre-cloacal glands of amphisbaenians are, like those of lizards (Chiu and Maderson [1975] J. Morphol. 147:23–40), made up by a layer of germinative cells and various layers of polyhedral cells. The latter display three well-characterized stages of differentiation. Granules form and pass through two distinct stages. Thereafter, the granules fuse in the third stage. The glandular secretion is formed by cellular units that constitute the plug. Comparison of these morphological data with those available for lizards allows speculation about the function of the glands in amphisbaenians. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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