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不同刈割频度对绵毛优若藜地上生物量及根系的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用盆栽试验,研究了不同刈割频度对绵毛优若藜地上生物量和根系的影响.结果显示:(1)不同刈割处理下绵毛优若藜地上生物量及其营养成分百分含量差异极显著(P<0.01),地上生物量随刈割频度增大呈先增大后减小,其1次刈割生物量最大,单株均值高达5.63g;随刈割次数增加其地上部分的粗脂肪和粗蛋白百分含量均极显著提高,而粗纤维和粗灰分的百分含量则均极显著降低.(2)与不刈割相比,不同频度的刈割均能使根系生物量、根系体积总量和主根直径减少,并随着刈割频度的增大显著减少.(3)刈割显著抑制植株主根伸长,也限制侧根发生,使整个根系在土壤中的分布因刈割频度增大而逐渐变浅,刈割频度≤1时,植物根系主要分布在0~30cm的土层中;刈割频度≥2时,植物根系基本分布在0~20cm的土层中.试验结果说明,绵毛优若藜在民勤沙区适应低频度刈割管理,即1年刈割1次,其地上生物量最大,而根系受影响最小.  相似文献   

绵毛优若藜(Ceratoideslanata)属藜科驼绒藜属植物。其英语名为Winterfat,也叫优若藜、白鼠尾草。绵毛优若藜由德国植物学家FrederickPursh发现,是美洲大陆特有种。绵毛优若藜为常绿灌木,一般高0.6—1.0m,基部枝黄绿色,纤维质,树皮易剥落或成鳞片状,长约2cm,每年从基部枝发出嫩枝。嫩枝、侧枝和叶上披浓长的绒毛,使植物成银色,叶缘不内卷,条形或披针形,宽约0.3—0.5cm。花束着生在嫩枝的叶腋,雌雄异花,同株;通常,在一束小穗中有两朵雄花,数朵雌花;无花瓣和萼片。果成熟时,被两片角质状苞片紧紧包裹,果…  相似文献   

不同种源白花泡桐种子的休眠生理生态研究   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
刘震  王艳梅  蒋建平 《生态学报》2004,24(5):959-964
为了探讨亚热带树木休眠理论以及休眠与树木分布的相互关系,研究了不同种源白花泡桐种子的休眠生理生态学特性。结果表明:白花泡桐种子适宜发芽温度范围在20~30℃,经过低温处理后,适宜发芽温度范围扩大到15~30℃,具有浅低温休眠特性;5℃的低温处理不仅提高了不同种源白花泡桐种子的发芽率和发芽势,而且加快了发芽速度,尤其在15℃发芽温度条件下的促进效果更加明显;40d的5℃低温处理效果最好.20d、60d的低温处理效果相对较差;没有用低温处理的不同种源白花泡桐种子,除了在25℃发芽温度下的发芽势差异不显著外,在不同发芽温度条件下的发芽率与发芽势都存在着显著差异,但在20℃、25℃发芽温度下的平均发芽时间差异不显著。在15℃发芽温度条件下,除了桂林种源以外,没有用低温处理的白花泡桐种子的发芽率与发芽势都随着种源纬度的增加而增加,而在20~30℃的适宜发芽温度范围内随种源纬度的变化趋势不明显;不同种源白花泡桐种子对低温处理反应差异明显。低温处理后的中亚热带以南的低纬度种源白花泡桐种子发芽率、发芽势都较北亚热带的高纬度种源高。低温处理后的中亚热带株州种源和北亚热带南部的宜昌种源白花泡桐种子的平均发芽时间最长,而随着纬度的降低或增加平均发芽时间都变短。不同种源白花泡桐种子的浅休眠特性不同,是对不同种源地气候的一种生理生态适应。  相似文献   

沙生灌木沙漠葳区域栽培试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在吐鲁番、敦煌、民勤和天水4个地区进行了连续4年的沙漠葳[Chilopsis linearis(Cav.)Sweet]引种栽培试验,结果表明:沙漠葳是嗜热喜光的阳性树种,在吐鲁番生长表现良好,苗高、地茎、冠幅、主根长及侧根数等指标远高于其他试验区,苗高的年平均生长量可达2.26m,是其他3个试验区的3倍以上,2年生苗即可正常开花结实;在敦煌和民勤地区,沙漠葳能开花但种子不能成熟,植株生长量小,且受冬季低温和初春大气干旱的危害严重;在天水地区沙漠葳生长表现较好并能越冬存活,但不能正常开花结实。沙漠蒇的营养生长与年均温度和≥10℃有效积温呈显著正相关,相关系数分别达0.9868和0.9921,而与日照时数和相对湿度的相关性不显著。  相似文献   

气候变化对内蒙古草原典型植物物候的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
自然物候期是气候变化最直观的植物信号记录,自然物候变化是气候与自然环境变化的综合指标。基于1983—2009年内蒙古草甸草原、典型草原和荒漠草原区典型植物马兰草、霸王、贝加尔针茅和羊草生长期物候观测资料和同时段的气象观测资料,利用数理统计等方法,分析了不同草原区典型植物物候期与气候要素间的相互关系,结果表明:(1)1983—2009年内蒙古草原区植物物候期总体呈提前趋势,但地域差异明显,典型草原区植物萌芽返青、开花及黄枯期等物候提早趋势最为明显,说明不同草原区植物物候对气候变暖的区域响应不同。(2)内蒙古草原区植物物候期与气候变化密切相关。春季3—5月累积气温与植物萌芽返青期和开花期呈显著负相关,与日照时数为正相关,降水量对其影响不同草原区差异较大。荒漠草原和典型草原区植物黄枯期早晚与黄枯前1—2个月平均气温呈显著负相关,草甸草原区植物黄枯期与前1—2个月的降水量和日照时数有关,与气温关系不显著。(3)随着气候变暖,马兰草生长期缩短,霸王、贝加尔针茅和羊草生长期延长,其中典型草原区主要植物针茅生长季延长趋势最为明显,荒漠草原次之,草甸草原延长最少。  相似文献   

民勤荒漠植被对气候变化的响应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用民勤荒漠区1974-2009年物候观测资料和2002-2010年植被样方观测资料以及同期气象资料,分析了荒漠植被对气候变化的响应.结果表明:1961-2010年,民勤荒漠区气温升高,空气湿度增大,年均气温升高速率大于全球水平和中国近百年平均水平;植物对气温变化的响应主要表现在春季物候提前、秋季物候推迟、生长季延长;植被对降水量变化的响应主要表现为植被盖度和纯盖度随降水量减少而降低,植株密度、植物多度随降水量变化而波动;植被盖度和纯盖度与年降水量的相关性较高,然后依次为6-7月和4-5月的降水量;植株密度和植物多度与9月降水量呈正相关;植物春季物候提前的次序是芽初膨大期>芽开放期>开花始期>展叶始期和展叶盛期>花蕾序出现>开花盛期>开花末期>果实成熟期;秋季物候推迟的次序是叶全变色期>落叶始期>叶初变色期>落叶末期.春季气温升高对民勤荒漠区植物物候的影响大于秋季气温升高对物候的影响.  相似文献   

不同温度下四川金川县岷江柏种子的发芽特征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
岷江柏(Capressus chenggiana S.Y.Hu)是我国川甘地区特有的濒危乔木。通过对不同温度下岷江柏种子的发芽特征研究,分析了种子的发芽周期和最适发芽温度,以及温度对种子发芽的影响,并讨论了岷江柏的发芽特征与环境温度的关系,从而为岷江柏的人工繁育和物种保护提供了理论依据。结果表明:种子发芽周期为20d,其中0~5d为萌动期,5~15d为高峰期。种子发芽温度为5℃~30℃,适宜发芽温度为10℃~25℃,5℃和30℃不利于种子发芽。在贮藏过程中,贮藏开始阶段10℃不利于种子发芽,贮藏4~10个月后10℃~25℃种子发芽的差别不明显。种子最适发芽温度在2003年1月、4月、7月和10月分别为:20℃、15℃、20℃、25℃。在贮藏过程.不同温度下种子的发芽率、发芽势和T50都有显著影响。岷江柏种子的发芽周期和最适发芽温度.以及贮藏过程中的发芽特征与环境温度有着密切的关系.这是植物对自然环境的一种适应。  相似文献   

甘肃民勤荒漠区18种乔木物候与气温变化的关系   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
在全球气候变暖的大背景下, 荒漠地区的植物物候是怎样响应气候变暖的?为了弄清这个问题, 对甘肃民勤荒漠区沙生植物园内18种乔木34 a的物候观测资料进行了分析。分析结果表明: 自1974年以来, 甘肃民勤荒漠区气温抬升幅度高于全国和全球水平, 尤其在2、3月气温抬升最为明显, 春季物候期提前幅度明显大于国内外其它文献报道; 物候期发生当月的平均气温对该物候期的影响>物候期发生上月平均气温的影响>年平均气温的影响; 研究区春季气温升高较其它地区更为明显, 这就是当地春季物候期提前幅度相对较大的原因。荒漠植物物候变化既是植物对气候变化的综合反应过程, 又是植物适应气候变化的过程。  相似文献   

唐古特白刺种源试验   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
唐古特白刺(Nitrariatangutorum)为蒺藜科白刺属灌木,是干旱、半干旱荒漠地区优良的固沙树种之一,也是重要开发利用的经济植物。我们从青海德令哈、吐鲁番、玉门和民勤等地引进4个不同地理的唐古特白刺种源,在民勤沙生植物园进行对比试验。研究结果表明,种源间的株高、地径、冠幅等生长量存在显著差异,生长表现均以来自民勤地区的种源最好,吐鲁番和玉门的较好,青海的次之。同时,这些不同地区的种源都具有抗旱、抗寒、抗风固沙和经济价值较高等优良特性。  相似文献   

以不同种源的10份紫斑牡丹种子为材料,研究了赤霉素浓度及沙藏温度对不同种源紫斑牡丹种子生根的影响,分析了不同主根长度、低温时间及赤霉素浓度对各种源种子发芽的影响。结果表明:(1)适于紫斑牡丹种子生根的温度为15~20℃,原生种源种子生根对25℃的适应性随纬度增大而减弱;原生种源种子生根的最佳赤霉素处理浓度较高(400~450mg/L),次生种源种子生根的最佳赤霉素处理浓度较低(300~350mg/L)。(2)根长、赤霉素浓度、低温时间交互效应对各种源紫斑牡丹种子始萌期、发芽势和发芽率均有极显著或显著性影响;根长大于4cm时,赤霉素和低温处理能更有效地促进已生根种子发芽。(3)种子发芽最佳处理组合因种源而异,湖北种源、河南种源和甘肃种源最佳处理组合分别是低温20d结合300mg/L赤霉素、低温20d结合200mg/L赤霉素和低温40d结合300mg/L赤霉素。  相似文献   

Qatar has a dry, subtropical desert climate, with minimum annual rainfall and intensely hot and humid summers. Using indigenous grass, those adapted to local conditions have the potential to be used for fodder and can also be used for restoration or rehabilitation of degraded rangelands. Chloris virgata, Coelachyrum brevifolium and Cenchrus ciliaris bloom twice a year from April to May (summer) and September to October (winter) under the nursery condition. Therefore, it is important to understand, how seeds produced in different seasons affect the dormancy as well as germination of these species. Seeds of C. virgata, C. brevifolium and C. ciliaris, three desert grasses, were collected from the plants growing on Shahniya nursery in two different seasons, summer (May) and winter (October). The seeds collected in May (summer) were stored up to winter. However seeds collected in October (winter) were immediately used for experiment. We compared the germination potential of seeds that matured in different season at different alternating temperatures at 15/25, 20/30 and 25/35 °C. Lower temperatures correspond to the dark period, while higher temperatures reflect the light period. Seeds collected in summer season (old seeds) were heavier as compared to seeds collected in winter season (new seeds). Winter seeds of C. virgata seem to be dormant, while summer seeds, germinated well in all the tested temperature regimes. However, C. ciliaris seeds showed opposite trends.  相似文献   

Germination response to fluctuating temperatures is a mechanism by which seeds detect gaps in vegetation canopies and depth of burial in soil, and it is very important for plants. Thus, studies on the effect of fluctuating temperature on germination at the community level are valuable for understanding community structure and biodiversity maintenance. We determined the effects of two alternating temperatures (5/25°C and 10/20°C) and one constant temperature (15°C) on seed germination of 445 species in a grassland community on the eastern Tibet Plateau. Seed mass was determined for each species, and data on habitat, type of life cycle, altitudinal distribution and functional group (graminoids or forbs) were obtained from the literature. Taking all species into account, alternating temperatures increased germination percentages regardless of amplitude. Overall, species growing in disturbed ground showed a significant germination response to temperature fluctuation, but those living in Alpine/subalpine meadow, forest margin /scrub, marshland and dry sunny slope habitats did not. Species distributed only at high elevations (>2000m) did not show a significant germination response to temperature fluctuation, whereas those occurring at both high and low elevations had a significant positive response. Germination of annuals/biennials was significantly promoted by 5/25°C, but not by 10/20°C, whereas germination of perennials was significantly promoted by both 5/25°C and 10/20°C. Small-seeded species were more likely than large-seeded species to respond positively to fluctuating temperatures. Germination of forbs had a positive response to temperature fluctuation, but germination of graminoids did not. Regeneration ability by seeds for about 36% of the species studied in the grassland can be increased by temperature fluctuation. The differential response among species to alternating vs. constant temperatures helps maintain community structure and biodiversity. A positive germination response to temperature fluctuation can partly explain why there are more forbs in degraded meadows.  相似文献   

Scorzonera pusilla is one of the early-spring short- lived perennial desert plants. Non-dormant seeds of S. pusilla are very small and light , and able to absorb water very quickly . Suitable temperature for germination was between 0℃ and 15℃, and the optimum temperature was 4℃ . With the increasing temperature, the germination percentage decreased evidently. Especially , temperature fluctuations had not significant effect on seed germination. Final germination percentages decreased distinctly with decreasing water potential of PEG and NaCl solution. The relationship between water potential of different solutions and germination was negative. The stronger the osmotic stress was, the more the proline content of seedlings was. The effects of NaCl on germination and seedlings were much stronger than that of iso-osmotic PEG in spite of two different temperatures, and the proline content of seedlings confronting increasing water stress was increased sharply .When the concentration of NaCl increased to some extent , the salt toxicity occurred besides water stress . The results are valuableto elucidate the ecogeographical patterns and mechanisms for adaptation of such early-spring ephemeral plants in the desert environments  相似文献   

Haloxylon salicornicum and Salsola vermiculata (Amaranthaceae) are two perennial shrubs producing fruits with differently coloured perianths (yellow vs pink) on separate individuals. To test the impact of different storage periods (four, eight and twelve months) and temperature conditions (freezing, room temperature and natural field temperatures) on the seed germination of the two seed categories, germination tests were carried out on both species. For both species, collected from wild plants in the Arabian desert (Qatar), seed germination was tested under two photoperiods (light 12/12; dark 24 hours) at 20/30°C for winged (intact) and de‐winged seeds. For each species, all the considered factors (perianth colour, wing presence, photoperiod, storage period and storage conditions) had significant effects on seed germination (p < 0.001), while the interactions among factors varied in their level of significance depending on the species. In both species, yellow seeds germinated considerably better than the pink ones, the presence of wings slowed the germination, and both storage period and temperature conditions highly influenced their germination ability. Our results indicate that seeds from different perianth colours have different germination strategies to delay their germination and distribute the species through time by escaping germination time by imposing some kind of after‐ripening or seed dormancy. The variation in storage time and storage conditions might help in extending their germination period, where one set of seeds germinate immediately, and the other set of seeds becomes dormant and thus contributes to the formation of a soil seed bank for the long‐term recruitment of seedlings. This study highlights an ecological advantageous strategy for these two species growing in the unpredictable desert habitat.  相似文献   

The effects of light and temperature on germination of paper birch (Betula papyrifera Marsh.) were examined in seeds from different geographic locations. Under continuous light at 14–18 C northern seed sources germinated more rapidly and achieved higher germination percentages than southern ones. Seed source influenced the range of temperatures over which germination occurred. Northern seeds had a wider temperature range than southern ones due to depression of the low temperature limit in northern seeds. At 15 C, seeds exhibited a photoperiodic-like response with progressive increases in germination as daily photoperiod was increased. This was not a true photoperiodic effect because seeds responded to the total amount of light rather than to the relative length of light and dark periods. It is suggested that at temperatures near 15 C, this response may be important in preventing fall germination. Prechilling at 3 C promoted subsequent dark germination in most seed sources tested, and northern seeds were much more sensitive to the treatments than southern seeds. In some seeds the prechilling stimulus was lost with protracted storage at 3 C; this was observed in both northern and southern seeds. Prechilling enhanced the seeds’ sensitivity to subsequent light. Although acquisition of the prechilling stimulus does not serve to measure the length of winter in these seeds, the high light sensitivity induced by prechilling probably accelerates spring germination. Northern seeds typically had thinner, more translucent pericarps than their southern counterparts.  相似文献   

Stotzky , G., and Elsie A. Cox . (Central Research Labs., United Fruit Co., Norwood, Mass.) Seed germination studies in Musa. II. Alternating temperature requirement for the germination of Musa balbisiana. Amer. Jour. Bot. 49(7): 763–770. Illus. 1962.—Alternating temperatures were found to be required for the germination of seeds of Musa balbisiana. The temperature differentials optimal for germination in soil are dependent upon both the high and low temperatures, and range from 8–23 C. Germination is maximal when the seeds are held 6–12 hr at the high (27–35 C) and 12–18 hr at the low (12–18 C) temperatures. Some germination can be induced by short exposures to alternating temperatures followed by constant high temperatures, but continuous exposure to alternating temperatures is necessary for maximum germination. Excised embryos develop better at constant than at alternating temperatures, showing that the mechanisms affected by alternating temperatures reside elsewhere in the seed. Alternating temperatures are also required for germination of mechanically scarified seeds, although the temperature differentials are less than those necessary for intact seeds, indicating that the action of alternating temperatures is not on the permeability of the integuments.  相似文献   

In this study, we show that seeds of Ilex maximowicziana collected from northern and southern Taiwan differ in germination responses to temperature. Seeds produced by plants growing in the tropical environment of southern Taiwan were more responsive (in a positive way) to higher incubation temperatures than those produced by plants growing in the subtropical environment of northern Taiwan. On the other hand, seeds produced in northern Taiwan were more responsive (in a positive way) to low incubation temperatures and to cold stratification than those from southern Taiwan. Germination percentages and rates of seeds from northern Taiwan were higher at 20/10°C than at 30/20°C, reaching a plateau of >80% germination after 12 weeks incubation, whereas germination of seeds from southern Taiwan reached >80% at 30/20 and 25°C but not at 20/10°C. Gibberellic acid (GA3) increased germination rate but not germination percentage of seeds from both southern and northern Taiwan. Freshly matured seeds of I. maximowicziana have rudimentary embryos. During dormancy break, embryo length increased 11.5- and 8.0-fold in northern and southern seeds, respectively, before radicle emergence. Thus, seeds of Ilex maximowicziana have nondeep simple morphophysiological dormancy. This is the first detailed study of the germination requirements of a subtropical/tropical species of the large cosmopolitan genus Ilex.  相似文献   

Seed collections from 72 rubber rabbitbrush populations occupying a range of habitats in western North America were incubated at 3 C in the laboratory. Collections from warm desert habitats required less than 2 weeks to achieve 90% relative germination under these conditions, while collections from montane habitats showed delayed germination requiring up to 20 weeks. When 13 representative collections were incubated at constant temperatures from 5 to 30 C, all germinated completely at 30 C within 4 weeks. Collections from warm desert habitats germinated rapidly over the whole range of temperatures. Montane collections sometimes exhibited dormancy at intermediate temperatures (15 and 25 C) even though they were ultimately able to germinate at lower temperatures. Results suggest that dormancy is conditional and temperature-dependent in this species. Chilling the seeds extends the temperature range for germination downward to include the chill temperature itself. Germination response to temperature and its variation as a function of habitat are of apparent adaptive significance, serving to time germination so that the probability of seedling survival is maximized in each habitat. Within populations, response to temperature varied as a function of year of harvest and of within-year harvest date, indicating that germination patterns are probably not under rigid genetic control but represent an integration of genetic and environmental factors.  相似文献   

The effects of time of seed maturation and dry seed storage and of light and temperature requirements during seed incubation on final germination percentage and germination rate were assessed for the invasive shrub Prosopis juliflora (Sw.) D.C., grown under desert environmental conditions of the United Arab Emirates (UAE). Seeds were collected from Fujira on the northern coast of the UAE at different times during the growing seasons (autumn, winter and spring) and were germinated immediately and after 8 months of dry storage under room temperature (20±3 °C). Seeds were germinated at three temperatures (15, 25 and 40 °C) in both continuous light and darkness. The results showed significant effects for time of seed collection, seed storage, light and temperature of seed incubation and many of their interactions on both germination percentage and rate. Fresh seeds matured during autumn and winter germinated significantly greater at 40 °C and in light than at lower temperatures and in dark. Storage significantly increased germination percentage and rate; the increase was greater for seeds matured during winter than for seeds matured during spring. This indicates that dormancy breakage was greater in seeds of winter than seeds of spring. The need for high temperature to achieve greater germination was significantly reduced after seed storage, especially for seeds matured in autumn and winter.  相似文献   

Abstract. Symbiotic germination and development in vitro of Dactylorhiza majalis seeds with a strain of Rhizoctonia is very temperature dependent. Above an optimum at 23–25 °C there is a marked decline in germination percentage. Seeds that did germinate at higher temperatures had only little or no development of mycorrhiza, and developed few or no rhizoids compared with seedlings raised at optimal or lower temperatures. Six-week-old seedlings grown for additional 4 weeks on a range of temperatures had an optimal length increase at 23–24.5 °C mean temperature. At superoptimal temperatures (26 °C), the seedlings contained smaller starch reserves than those at lower temperatures and increased about as much in length as seedlings grown at 13 °C but much less than those grown at optimum. Temperature also influenced the differentiation of the leafy shoot, seedlings growing to a larger size before shoot initiation in the temperature range of optimal growth. Because of the small span between optimal and too-high temperatures, a careful assessment of temperature optimum will be necessary in any orchid/fungus relationship before judging the success of symbiosis. At optimal temperature, symbiotic germination gave a germination percentage about twice that using a good asymbiotic method. The increase in seedling length was about 45% per week in symbiotic culture compared with less than 30% in the asymbiotic culture.  相似文献   

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