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脱水休眠小卷蛾斯氏线虫的超微结构   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用扫描电镜,透视电镜和光学显微镜,对在SB高渗液中脱水体眠的小卷蛾斯氏线虫(Steinernema carpocapsae)BJ品系首次进行表态特征观察,结果表明:未脱水处理线虫体表光滑,侧线呈直线状,脱水体眠线虫体躯体稍弯曲,体表出现排列整剂的横向皱纹,侧线弯曲成有规律垢波浪状,脱水体眠后,线虫体长,体宽的明显减小达到了一个稳定值,比未处理线虫分别减少了33.1%和28.4%,脱水休眠线虫皮层和基质层变薄,皮下肌肉层明显变厚,肌肉纤维变形,排列没有方向性,食道与细胞器收缩,单位体积脂肪粒增多,以上这些变化可作为衡量小卷蛾氏线虫进入眠的形态特征参数。  相似文献   

本文研究建立了大苞鞘石斛(Dendrobium wardianum Warner)原球茎玻璃化法超低温保存的技术体系。结果发现,预处理和玻璃化溶液(plant vitrification solution 2,PVS2)装载脱水是影响大苞鞘石斛原球茎相对存活率的两个关键步骤,高渗与低温-高渗两种预处理方法测定的相对存活率具有显著性差异;玻璃化溶液的种类以及脱水时间对冻后存活率具有重要的影响。基于此,建立了大苞鞘石斛原球茎的超低温保存体系,即:以继代培养60 d的大苞鞘石斛原球茎为材料,1/2MS+0.8 mol/L蔗糖的培养基上4℃低温预处理6 d后,转至1/2 MS+2 mol/L甘油+0.4 mol/L蔗糖的装载液中室温下装载40 min,在0℃下装载PVS2脱水40 min,然后转入装有新鲜PVS2冷冻管中并迅速投入液氮。在液氮保存1 h后放在40℃水浴中快速解冻1 min,利用含1.2 mol/L蔗糖的1/2MS培养液洗涤3次,每次间隔10 min;待恢复培养30 d后统计存活率,可使大苞鞘石斛原球茎超低温保存后存活率达到20.0%。  相似文献   

侵染期的拟双角斯氏线虫Steinernema ceratophorum D43品系体外都包裹着一个透明的体鞘。为探明体鞘对线虫侵染力的影响, 了解鞘蛋白(sheath proteins, SPs)对大蜡螟Galleria mellonella 幼虫的免疫抑制作用, 本研究通过化学方法使拟双角斯氏线虫D43脱鞘, 以对寄主的致死率和侵入点数量为指标, 与包鞘线虫比较对大蜡螟幼虫的侵染力; 采用乙醇提取的方法获得线虫鞘蛋白, 利用双向电泳和质谱技术对鞘蛋白进行鉴定分析; 从血细胞数量和酚氧化酶活力两个方面评价鞘蛋白对大蜡螟幼虫免疫反应的抑制作用。结果表明: 0.5%次氯酸钠处理20 min可以保证95%以上的线虫存活和脱鞘。与包鞘线虫相比, 脱鞘线虫对大蜡螟幼虫的致死率显著降低, 致死时间延后, 节间膜侵入点数量显著减少。以35%乙醇提取的鞘蛋白提取物可鉴定出6种鞘蛋白, 其中一个被鉴定为丝氨酸蛋白酶。此外, 血腔注射鞘蛋白提取物可导致试虫血细胞数量明显降低, 酚氧化酶活力受到显著抑制。由此说明, 体鞘对拟双角斯氏线虫D43的侵染力具有显著影响, 鞘蛋白在抑制寄主昆虫免疫反应中发挥重要作用。  相似文献   

本实验在14只麻醉开胸狗心脏上观察了氟碳乳剂与右旋糖酐稀释血液对心肌耗氧量与供应缺血心肌氧量关系的影响。以左室压力-时间指数(SPTI)作为心肌耗氧量的指标,根据冠脉有效侧支血流量(ECF)、PaO_2和 Hb 浓度计算供应缺血心肌的氧量。实验结果表明,低分子右旋糖酐稀释血液后,SPTI 暂时性轻度增加(稀释后30min 时较对照增加7.1±2.7%,P<0.05,稀释后60min 时增加2.8±1.2%,P>0.05),ECF 明显增多(稀释后30min 时较对照增加58.5±6.1%,P<0.01),缺血区边缘心肌氧供需关系未发生明显变化。氟碳乳剂稀释血液后,SPTI 的变化规律与右旋糖酐稀释后相同(稀释后30min 和60min 时分别较对照增加2.5±0.7%和1.9±0.8%)ECF 和 PaO_2升高(稀释后30min 时分别较对照增加53.9±6.7%和93±8.9%),供应缺血心肌的氧量显著增加,缺血区边缘心肌氧供需矛盾明显改善。  相似文献   

半滑舌鳎侧线器官和无眼侧皮肤表面的特殊结构   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
马爱军  王新安  庄志猛 《动物学报》2007,53(6):1113-1120
为了解决半滑舌鳎的摄食难题,探讨其摄食机理,本文采用光镜和扫描电镜手段对半滑舌鳎有眼侧侧线管和无眼侧皮肤表面的特殊结构进行了研究。结果表明(1)有眼侧:半滑舌鳎侧线孔圆形,孔径与所在部位侧线管径相同,孔上并连有一胶质管,这种特殊结构既可以提高管道内感觉器官(管道神经丘)的敏感性,又可阻止外界异物进入侧线管内部,具有保护作用;半滑舌鳎口腔附近的侧线管管径及侧线孔孔径较其它部位大,侧线孔密度高,认为口腔附近侧线管道内的感觉器官(管道神经丘)的敏感性较其它部位高,在鱼类捕食行为中具有重要作用;(2)无眼侧:躯干部表面覆盖圆鳞,头部皮肤无鳞,表面被覆相互连结的黏液管,形成黏液管皮肤;极其发达的黏液管构成管状黏液分泌系统。扫描电镜观察发现,在头部黏液管皮肤表面镶嵌着一种乳头状突起(Pailla),其典型特征是在表面被覆一盾牌状结构,一般多个簇生在一起,很少单独存在,其分布密度是从吻端向内逐渐减少,组织切片显示内部结构周边是套细胞,中央是感觉细胞,具一柄或两柄。根据其外部形态和内部结构,作者推测,这可能是半滑舌鳎特有的一种触觉器官,并在其摄食行为中起重要作用。半滑舌鳎极其发达的黏液分泌系统对于裸露的乳头状突起(Pailla)具有相当重要的保护作用。  相似文献   

西南干热河谷地区葡萄休眠规律的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在西南干热河谷地区南亚热带气候条件下,4个酿酒葡萄品种梅尔诺 Merlot 、黑虎香 Fox 、霞多丽Chardonnay 和佳美 Gamay 分别在10月初、10月中旬、11月初和11月中旬进入生理性内休眠;约在12月初、12月中旬、1月初和12月中旬进入生态休眠阶段 萌芽率>5 0 % .休眠期葡萄新梢淀粉和总糖含量的变化趋势为:随着休眠程度的加深,淀粉含量上升,总糖含量下降;随着内休眠解除,总糖上升,淀粉下降,二者呈相反的变化趋势.研究结果为在该地区打破葡萄休眠,实现葡萄避雨栽培提供了理论基础.  相似文献   

在氨基甲酸乙酯-氯醛糖麻醉下,经咽部暴露下丘脑。实验在三碘季铵酚制动并人工呼吸条件下进行。用玻璃微电极在细胞外记录下丘脑前部(AH)单位电活动,观察其对颈总动脉注射高渗 NaGl 液及牵拉左心房的反应。共记录到32个单位,其自发放电频率1—13次/s。对照条件下所记录的视上核(SO)单位中,多数对高渗刺激和牵拉左心房分别表现为兴奋和抑制,少数则被前者抑制,而被后者所兴奋。11个下丘脑前核-视上核(Ha-SO)区域的单位,接受高渗刺激后5s 内放电频率增加61.6±37.0%(平均值±标准误),持续时间约1min;偏内侧近 Ha 的单位,在牵拉左心房时其放电频率减少23.5±10.5%;偏外侧近 SO 单位对高渗刺激呈特异的单相反应,此可能即为 Verney 渗透压感受器。AH 偏内侧的 Ha-SO 单位对高渗刺激和牵拉左心房呈会聚反应。对两种刺激引起 AH 单位反应的特征及其整合作用的机理作了简要的讨论。  相似文献   

目的:建立非控制性失血性休克的家兔模型,研究两种不同复苏方案对家兔血流动力学的影响.方法:24只家兔复制成非控制性失血性休克模型,随即分成四组,假手术组(SHAM组)、休克未治疗组(SWT组)、积极性复苏组(PT组)、限制性复苏组(LT组).在实验设定的时间段内,采用两种复苏方案输入的液体有:7.5%高渗氯化钠溶液(7.5%Hypertonie saline,HTS).乳酸林格氏液(Lactated Ringers solution,LRS),羟乙基淀粉溶液(Hydroxyethyl Starch 130/0.4,HES).在实验的Omin、30min、60min、90min,监测家兔的左心室压力上升或下降的最大速率(themaximal change rateofleftintraventricularpressure.±dp/dtrnax)以及左心室收缩压(left intraventricular systolic pressure,LVSP),并在90min实验结束时,处死家免,统计出血量,补液量.结果:在监测指标±dp/dtmax和LVSP上,PT组和LT组分别与SWT组比较时,60min、90min的指标均有统计学意义(P<0.05);60min时,PT组与LT组相比较,各指标数值虽略大,但差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);90min时,PT组与LT组相比较各项指标均有统计学意义(P<0.05).补体量上,30-60min、60-90min两个阶段,PT组与LT组比较所用LRS、HES的量均有统计学意义(P<0.05);失血量上,PT组分别与LT组、SWT组比较后,均有统计学意义(P<0.05),LT组与SWT组比较无统计学意义(P>0.05).结论:在非控制性失血性休克的早期救治中,采用限制性液体复苏方案较积极性液体复苏,补液量少,并且对家兔心功能的维持作用效果比较明显;尤其在控制活动性失血上,与积极性复苏相比,限制性复苏优势明显.  相似文献   

韩松  周晓平  朱浩  郝斌 《生物磁学》2009,(15):2858-2860
目的:研究高渗盐复合液对大面积脑梗塞后颅内压增高、脑水肿治疗作用和机理,从而指导对大面积脑梗塞引起颅内压升高和脑水肿的治疗作用。方法:动态观察生理盐水组、甘露醇组和高渗复合盐组的颅内压变化,了解三组颅内压改变情况及脑细胞凋亡检测。结果:除生理盐水治疗组外,其它两组药物均在30min~1h内起效,且2组动物在用药后的2h内颅内压均显著降低,两组间无明显差别。结论:高渗盐复合液可以降低颅内压,其起效时间和维持作用的时间均与20%甘露醇类似。  相似文献   

9种形态生理休眠的种子脱水对萌发和胚胎生长的影响 在具有形态生理种子休眠(MPD)的物种中,吸胀种子脱水对胚胎生长和萌发的影响鲜为人知。我们研究了9种不同MPD水平的种子对脱水的反应。对每个物种进行对照实验,使种子永久保持水化并暴露在最佳层积-培养顺序中以促进胚胎生长。同时也开展了室温条件下脱水中断种子层积处理1个月的实验。研究结果显示,具有非深度简单MPD的白藤铁线莲(Clematis vitalba)和高山茶藨子(Ribes alpinum)的胚生长 和种子活力均不受干燥影响,但干燥使高山茶藨子的萌发力下降了16%。具有深度简单上胚轴MPD的黄 水仙(Narcissus pseudonarcissus)种子在不同的胚生长阶段呈现脱水耐受性,但其萌发力略有下降。具有不同 MPD复杂水平的物种对脱水的反应更为多变:具有中度复杂MPD的Delphinium fissum亚种与具有深度复杂MPD的峨参(Anthriscus sylvestris)和熊根芹(Meum athamanticum),具有脱水耐受性。与之相反,具有非深度复杂MPD的鹅莓(Ribes uva-crispa)、中度复杂MPD的Lonicera pyrenaica和深度复杂MPD的Chaerophyllum aureum,脱水后萌发力下降。虽然具有MPD简单水平的种子能够具备脱水耐受性,但一些具有复杂水平MPD的种子也具有很高的耐受性。因此,脱水不诱导胚生长后期的次生休眠。9种植物中大多数的吸胀种子的脱水耐受性可能表征其对地中海地区气候变化的适应性。  相似文献   

Anhydrobiotic survival of Pratylenchus penetrans was compared in several soil moisture regimes. Bodies of anhydrobiotic nematodes were coiled. In slow-dried soils, Vineland silt loam (VSL) and Fox loamy sand (FLS), 70 and 58% of the total P. penetrans populations were anhydrobiotic when soil moistures reached ca. 3% and water potential 15 kPa or greater. Coiling began at a much lower water potential in FLS than in VSL. In fast-dried soils, only 31 and 22% of the P. penetrans populations in the same two soil types had entered the anhydrobiotic state at comparable moistures. In the above soils, 76-96% of the P. penetrans were alive immediately after entering the anhydrobiotic state. In slow-dried VSL, some nematodes (1%) survived 770 days. In the other soils, all anhydrobiotic nematodes were dead after 438 days. Anhydrobiosis increased the ability of nematodes to survive subzero temperatures, but it did not increase their ability to survive temperatures above 40 C. Infectivity and reproductivity of rehydrated P. penetrans were not affected by anhydrobiosis.  相似文献   

During the second ecdysis of ruminant trichostrongyles, a region of the second molt cuticle is digested by a 44-kDa Zn-metalloprotease. We have examined this digestion process by light and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The substrate region of the cuticle appeared, during the ecdysis process, as an indented ring at the 20th cuticular annulus coincident with the anterior terminus of the lateral alae. Continued digestion of the cuticle resulted in holes in the ring region that expanded until they became continuous and separation occurred between the anterior and posterior portions of the cuticle. Mechanical movements of the L3 forced aside the cuticle cap that generally remained attached on one side to the posterior portion as the larva escaped from the sheath. The site of secretion of the 44-kDa ecdysing enzyme causing cuticle digestion was not clear from morphological observations; however, existing evidence strongly points to the release of enzyme from the esophageal (pharyngeal) glands through the mouth.  相似文献   

The anhydrobiotic nematode Ditylenchus dipsaci is a fast-dehydration strategist, itself generating the slow rate of water loss necessary for survival. A permeability slump occurs during the initial phases of desiccation. This may be produced by changes in the nematode's cuticle. Two scanning electron microscopic techniques were used to follow changes in surface structures during desiccation. Freeze substitution and critical-point drying produced artifacts that obscured changes produced by the desiccation of the nematode. Low-temperature field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM) was successful in following changes that reflected those observed by light microscopy (LM). Significant changes in diameter, the lateral alae, and the cuticular annulations were demonstrated using this technique. Two types of annulations were observed: the major annulations, which extended to meet the margins of the lateral alae, and the minor annulations, which did not. With desiccation the prominence of the annulations increased, their spacing decreased, and the minor annulations extended closer to the margins of the lateral alae. These observations are consistent with the permeability slump resulting from a decrease in the width of the annulation groove and an increase in its depth. However, this requires confirmation using techniques that can follow annulation changes in individual nematodes.  相似文献   

Wharton DA  Lemmon J 《Tissue & cell》1998,30(3):312-323
Ultrastructural changes during desiccation of the anhydrobiotic nematode Ditylenchus dipsaci were followed and quantified after preparation of material at different levels of hydration using freeze substitution techniques. Some shrinkage was caused by processing in the more hydrated specimens but the changes observed correspond to those observed in live nematodes by light microscopy, indicating that the technique is useful for following changes during desiccation. The overall pattern of changes was a rapid decrease in the magnitude of the measured parameter during the first 5 min of desiccation, followed by a slower rate of decrease upon further desiccation. This was observed in the cuticle, the lateral hypodermal cords and the muscle cells and is consistent with the pattern of water loss of the nematode. The contractile region of the muscle cells, however, proved an exception and the muscle fibres appear to resist shrinkage and packing until water loss becomes severe. The mitochondria swell and then shrink during desiccation, which may indicate disruption of the permeability of the mitochondrial membrane. A decrease in the thickness of the cortical zone was the most prominent change in the cuticle and this may be related to the permeability slump which occurs during the first 5 min of desiccation.  相似文献   

Activity and respiration in the anemone, Metridium senile (L.), were monitored under both constant and fluctuating salinity conditions. During constant exposure to 50% sea water it was found that the animals retracted the tentacles and that the rate of oxygen consumption decreased by ≈50%. The same response was elicited from animals in 100% sea water in a contracted state. Animals exposed to continually fluctuating salinities were found to retract the tentacles, contract the body wall, and produce amounts of mucus during periods of decreasing salinities. These reactions were reversed during exposure to increasing salinity. Oxygen consumption never ceased entirely in animals exposed to dilute sea water and it was found that during declining oxygen tension M. senile regulated its oxygen consumption until the environmental oxygen tension fell to ≈30% saturation.  相似文献   

Five species of nematodes - Hemicriconemoides pseudobrachyurum, Hemicycliophora conida, Macroposthonia ornata, Aphelenchoides ritzemabosi, and Psilenchus hilarulus -were desiccated to study their capacity to survive anhydrobiotically. Results indicate that the ability of the sheath to shrink quickly and its relatively loose attachment with the nematode body allow H. conida to survive longer than H. pseudobrachyurum; the survival of M. ornata was intermediate, A. ritzemabosi and P. hilarulus survived immersion in paraffin oil for 12 and 17 days, respectively. Both of these nematodes possess multiple contraction ability; i.e., coiling coupled with transverse and longitudinal folding of the cuticle. P. hilarulus is a new addition to the list of anhydrobiotic nematodes.  相似文献   

Although the ability of plant-parasitic nematodes to survive in a dehydrated or anhydrobiotic state for long periods of time has been well documented, the ability of free-living nematodes has not. Here we report on the survival of a free-living nematode, Panagrolaimus sp., from Armenia in the anhydrobiotic state for 8.7 years. This Panagrolaimus sp. can be cultured and maintained readily and may provide a good system for studying anhydrobiosis in nematodes.  相似文献   

Anhydrobiotic animals can survive the loss of both free and bound water from their cells. While in this state they are also resistant to freezing. This physiology adapts anhydrobiotes to harsh environments and it aids their dispersal. Panagrolaimus davidi, a bacterial feeding anhydrobiotic nematode isolated from Ross Island Antarctica, can survive intracellular ice formation when fully hydrated. A capacity to survive freezing while fully hydrated has also been observed in some other Antarctic nematodes. We experimentally determined the anhydrobiotic and freezing-tolerance phenotypes of 24 Panagrolaimus strains from tropical, temperate, continental and polar habitats and we analysed their phylogenetic relationships. We found that several other Panagrolaimus isolates can also survive freezing when fully hydrated and that tissue extracts from these freezing-tolerant nematodes can inhibit the growth of ice crystals. We show that P. davidi belongs to a clade of anhydrobiotic and freezing-tolerant panagrolaimids containing strains from temperate and continental regions and that P. superbus, an early colonizer at Surtsey island, Iceland after its volcanic formation, is closely related to a species from Pennsylvania, USA. Ancestral state reconstructions show that anhydrobiosis evolved deep in the phylogeny of Panagrolaimus. The early-diverging Panagrolaimus lineages are strongly anhydrobiotic but weakly freezing-tolerant, suggesting that freezing tolerance is most likely a derived trait. The common ancestors of the davidi and the superbus clades were anhydrobiotic and also possessed robust freezing tolerance, along with a capacity to inhibit the growth and recrystallization of ice crystals. Unlike other endemic Antarctic nematodes, the life history traits of P. davidi do not show evidence of an evolved response to polar conditions. Thus we suggest that the colonization of Antarctica by P. davidi and of Surtsey by P. superbus may be examples of recent “ecological fitting” of freezing-tolerant anhydrobiotic propagules to the respective abiotic conditions in Ross Island and Surtsey.  相似文献   

The onset of molting in all stages of Hemicycliophora arenaria was preceded by the appearance of numerous, discrete globular structures which were termed "molting bodies" because they were present in the hypodermis only during the production of the new cuticle. In all parasitic stages the molt commenced with the separation of the cuticle from the hypodermis from which the new sheath and cuticle were differentiated. Following completion of the new sheath and cuticle most of the old outer covering was apparently absorbed before ecdysis. Electronmicrographs of body wall cross sections in molting L4 male specimens revealed the final molt to be a double molt in which an additional sixth cuticle was produced. Since both a new sheath and cuticle were produced during the molt of each stage, the sheath must be considered as an integral part of the cuticle and not as a residual cuticle or the result of an incomplete additional molt. Molting in Aphelenchus avenae and Hirschmanniella gracilis was less complex and "molting bodies" were not observed. After cuticle separation the hypodermis gave rise to a new trilaminate zone, the future cortex, and (later) the matrix and striated basal layers.  相似文献   

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