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为了实现HIV-1整合酶蛋白核心区 (central core domain of integrase, IN-CCD) 的可溶性表达,并建立以IN-CCD为靶点的抑制剂体外筛选方法,从包含F185K突变HIV-1 IN基因的质粒中经PCR扩增得到含有F185K突变的IN-CCD基因,克隆到pET28b载体上构建重组质粒pIN-CCD,转化pIN-CCD至E. coli BL21 (DE3)中经IPTG诱导、表达,Ni-亲和层析纯化,获得IN-CCD蛋白。修饰DNA底物,以链亲和素包被的磁珠为载体捕获DNA产物,结合酶联免疫吸附测定法(ELISA)检测IN-CCD的去整合活性,并筛选以IN-CCD为靶点的抑制剂。结果表明重组蛋白IN-CCD实现了高效可溶性表达,纯化后蛋白纯度达95%。建立的ELISA可以检测IN-CCD的去整合活性,且方法特异性和灵敏度好,可以实现高通量抑制剂筛选。从100个样品中筛选得到5个具有初步抑制IN-CCD去整合活性的样品。  相似文献   

目的分别将人类p100基因,p100的SN基因片段和TD片段定向连入pERFP-CI质粒,使它们可与红色荧光蛋白在HeLa细胞内融合表达,从而为进一步研究P100蛋白及其片段的定位、功能及与其它蛋白的相互关系奠定实验基础。方法PCR分别扩增出P100蛋白全长,SN片段和TD片段基因的序列,定向克隆至真核表达载体pERFP-CI,构建相应的3种重组质粒。将构建成功的质粒转染入HeLa细胞,荧光显微镜下可观察红色荧光融合蛋白表达。结果①PCR法获得P100基因序列,长度为2659bp,SN基因片段1918bp,TD基因片段741bp;②将重组质粒直接进行双酶切鉴定可见P100片段,将经过蓝白斑筛选后的重组子经双酶切再与pERFP-CI载体连接并酶切得到SN片段和TD片段;③转染重组质粒后可观察到红色荧光蛋白的表达。结论3种外源片段成功载人pERFP-CI质粒;P100全长、SN片段、TD片段均可与红色荧光蛋白在HeLa细胞中融合表达。  相似文献   

人乳头瘤病毒16型L1蛋白的克隆及表达   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用PCR技术从宫颈癌组织中扩增人乳头瘤病毒16型(Human papillomavirus type16,HPV16)L1全长基因片段,目的片段克隆到pMD18T载体后经酶切鉴定及测序确认。构建重组原核表达质粒pGEX4T1-L1,转化大肠杆菌E.coliBL21,IPTG诱导表达出以非可溶性蛋白形式存在的表达蛋白,该重组蛋白的表达量占菌体总蛋白的17%,免疫印迹检测表明,表达蛋白与宫颈癌病人血清出现特异性反应。成功构建了重组原核表达质粒pGEX4T1-L1,并且在原核细胞中得到表达,为进一步研究L1蛋白的免疫学活性及疫苗的研发奠定了基础。  相似文献   

通过PCR方法从人类基因组中扩增出编码hαCGRP的片段,将该片段定向克隆到pET-32a( )载体上,构建DET-hαCGRP重组质粒.转化E.coli JM109菌株,利用酶切和测序方法筛选后,经IPTG诱导再转化E.coli BL21trxB(DE3)pLysS菌株.SDS-PAGE和Western Blot分析表达产物,最后通过扩张蟾蜍肠系膜微循环血管实验来检测重组hαCGRP扩张血管的活性,结果表明,重组质粒含hαCGRP成熟肽编码基因序列(111bp),符合预想结果;表达出21kD的融合蛋白,且主要以可溶性形式存在,其粗提物具有扩张血管能力,重组hαCGRP的成功表达为下一步纯化及研制基因工程药物奠定了重要基础。  相似文献   

蓝藻抗病毒蛋白-N基因的克隆、表达、纯化及活性鉴定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蓝藻抗病毒蛋白-N(Cyanovirin-N,CVN)具有强效抗HIV及其他包膜病毒活性,该蛋白序列特殊,难以重组制备,在大肠杆菌细胞质中形成包涵体。本研究根据大肠杆菌密码子偏好性对CVN原始核苷酸序列进行优化,通过多次PCR合成SUMO-CVN的全长DNA序列,构建pET3c-SUMO-CVN重组表达质粒,重组质粒转化大肠杆菌BL21(DE3),获得表达菌株。通过对诱导剂浓度和诱导时间的优化,发现以0.5mmol/LIPTG在20℃诱导24h可获得最高表达,SDS-PAGE结果显示,SUMO-CVN为可溶性表达,表达量占菌体总蛋白的28%;经特异性的SUMO蛋白酶对融合蛋白进行酶切及两步Ni-NTA凝胶亲和层析可以得到纯度较高的重组CVN蛋白。ELISA结果表明,重组蛋白CVN与gp120蛋白有较高的亲和力。体外抗病毒活性实验表明,重组蛋白CVN在纳摩尔浓度具有很好的抗HSV-1和HIV-1/ⅢB活性;这为开发基于CVN的新型、高效抗病毒药物打下了基础。  相似文献   

黑曲霉pepB基因缺失菌株的构建及其功能分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
以黑曲霉(Aspergillus niger)GICC2773基因组DNA为模板,用PCR方法分别扩增pepB基因中的上游约1.4kb和下游约1.3kb两段DNA序列,将此两段序列按同一方向分别插入质粒pMW1中潮霉素抗性基因(hph)表达单元的5′和3′端,构建成重组质粒pMW1-pepB,用于通过同源重组靶向破坏基因组中的pepB基因。同源重组则采用原生质体-PEG方法,将酶切pMW1-pepB得到的线性片段转化A.niger GICC2773菌株,通过潮霉素选择平板得到62个Hgy抗性转化子,然后采用PCR方法从这些抗性转化子中筛选到1个由于同源重组产生的pepB基因缺失突变菌株pepB29。功能分析显示该突变株的酸性蛋白酶活性有明显下降,外源蛋白漆酶的分泌表达有所提高。  相似文献   

目的:构建蛋白酪氨酸磷酸酶SHP-2的原核表达载体并在大肠杆菌中表达。方法:以人脑组织mRNA为模板,通过RT-PCR扩增出目标cDNA,构建蛋白酪氨酸磷酸酶SHP-2-pEASY-E1重组质粒。将重组质粒转化进E.coli TOP10感受态细胞中,通过菌落PCR和测序进行阳性克隆的筛选和验证,将正确的质粒转化E.coli Transetta感受态细胞中,通过SDS-PAGE和western-blot进行蛋白检测和验证,酶促动力学分析SHP-2可溶性蛋白的活性。结果:成功克隆SHP-2功能域,构建SHP-2-pEASY-E1原核表达载体,完成可溶性蛋白的表达;酶促动力学分析结果为:米氏常数Km=0.97mmol/L,Vmax为13.57mmol/L/s。结论:本研究成功构建SHP-2的原核表达载体,重组表达的SHP-2蛋白具有较高的磷酸酶活性。  相似文献   

目的:构建基于萤光素酶的单次复制人免疫缺陷病毒(HIV)细胞模型,用于抗HIV药物的筛选。方法:构建含萤光素酶报告基因的假型慢病毒质粒,将疱疹性口炎病毒外膜糖蛋白(VSV-G)的表达质粒、HIV-1 Rev蛋白表达质粒、HIV Gag-Pol蛋白表达质粒和含萤光素酶报告基因的重组慢病毒质粒共转染HEK 293FT细胞,制备假型慢病毒;在假型慢病毒生产和再感染新鲜HEK 293FT细胞的过程中加入逆转录酶和蛋白酶抑制剂(如AZT),检测再感染的细胞中萤光素酶的表达水平,从而判断药物对HIV的抑制作用。结果:构建了含萤光素酶报告基因的重组慢病毒质粒pLenti-Luc;利用已知抗HIV药物AZT进行测试,发现HIV药物处理组细胞中萤光素酶活性远低于对照组。结论:建立了基于萤光素酶的HIV药物筛选细胞模型,该系统使用单次复制的报告病毒,具有良好的安全性,而使用萤光素酶基因作为报告基因使该系统具备极高的敏感性,该系统适合于进行高通量药物筛选。  相似文献   

在研究HIV-1整合酶(IN)抗药性突变T66I时,发现这一突变同时可以提高整合酶的溶解性。原核表达了IN1–288/T66I和野生型(WT),取菌体破碎后的上清, SDS-PAGE和his标签蛋白质染色进行分析,结果表明IN1–288/T66I可溶性约是WT的2.4倍。600 ml培养基中诱导表达IN1–288/T66I/BL21,亲和层析纯化共收获蛋白质4.72 mg。用改进的ELISA方法测定IN1–288/T66I和IN1 288/F185K /C280S链转移催化活性,结果显示两种蛋白质活性基本相当。提供了有别于F185K /C280S突变的另外一种整合酶可溶性表达的途径,IN1–288/T66I重组蛋白还可以应用到整合酶抑制剂筛选中,以获取避开T66I抗药性突变的抑制剂。  相似文献   

Integrase is an enzyme found in human immunodeficiency virus, which is required for the viral life cycle, yet has no human cellular homologue. For this reason, HIV integrase (IN) has become an important target for the development of new AIDS therapeutics. Irreversible affinity ligands have proven to be valuable tools for studying a number of enzyme and protein systems, yet to date there have been no reports of such affinity ligands for the study of IN. As an initial approach toward irreversible ligand design directed against IN, we appended isothiocyanate functionality onto caffeic acid phenethyl ester (CAPE), a known HIV integrase inhibitor. The choice of isothiocyanate as the reactive functionality, was based on its demonstrated utility in the preparation of affinity ligands directed against a number of other protein targets. Several isomeric CAPE isothiocyanates were prepared to explore the enzyme topography for reactive nitrogen and sulfur nucleophiles vicinal to the enzyme-bound CAPE. The preparation of these CAPE isothiocyanates, required development of new synthetic methodology which employed phenyl thiocarbamates as latent isothiocyanates which could be unmasked near the end of the synthetic sequence. When it was observed that beta-mercaptoethanol (beta-ME), which is required to maintain the catalytic activity of soluble IN (a F185KC280S mutant), reacted with CAPE isothiocyanate functionality to form the corresponding hydroxyethylthiocarbamate, a variety of mutant IN were examined which did not require the presence of beta-ME for catalytic activity. Although in these latter enzymes, CAPE isothiocyanate functionality was presumed to be present and available for acylation by IN nucleophiles, they were equally effective against Cys to Ser mutants. One conclusion of these studies, is that upon binding of CAPE to the integrase, nitrogen or sulfur nucleophiles may not be properly situated in the vicinity of the phenethyl aryl ring to allow reaction with and covalent modification of reactive functionality, such as isothiocyanate groups. The fact that introduction of the isothiocyanate group onto various positions of the phenethyl ring or replacement of the phenyl ring with naphthyl rings, failed to significantly affect inhibitory potency, indicates a degree of insensitivity of this region of the molecule toward structural modification. These findings may be useful in future studies concerned with the development and use of HIV-1 integrase affinity ligands.  相似文献   

根据OC-IΔD86基因序列, 设计合成了7条寡核苷酸片段, 通过重叠延伸PCR技术合成了OC-IΔD86基因, 利用设计好的BamH I/ Xho I酶切位点将OC-IΔD86基因克隆到原核表达载体pet21b中, 在1 mmol/L的IPTG 诱导后5 h, OC-IDD86融合基因在大肠杆菌中得到表达, 表达产物处于可溶状态, 其表达量占总蛋白的11.4%, 可溶性蛋白的16.4%; 利用Ni-NTA系统纯化该蛋白并经PEG20000浓缩后, 活性分析表明该蛋白酶抑制剂在体外表现出对木瓜蛋白酶明显的抑制作用。这为转OC-IΔD86基因的抗根结线虫植物基因工程抗体制备, 以及进一步体内的抗根结线虫研究奠定了基础。  相似文献   

HIV-1 integrase (IN) is the key enzyme catalyzing the proviral DNA integration step. Although the enzyme catalyzes the integration step accurately in vitro, whether IN is sufficient for in vivo integration and how it interacts with the cellular machinery remains unclear. We set up a yeast cellular integration system where integrase was expressed as the sole HIV-1 protein and targeted the chromosomes. In this simple eukaryotic model, integrase is necessary and sufficient for the insertion of a DNA containing viral LTRs into the genome, thereby allowing the study of the isolated integration step independently of other viral mechanisms. Furthermore, the yeast system was used to identify cellular mechanisms involved in the integration step and allowed us to show the role of homologous recombination systems. We demonstrated physical interactions between HIV-1 IN and RAD51 protein and showed that HIV-1 integrase activity could be inhibited both in the cell and in vitro by RAD51 protein. Our data allowed the identification of RAD51 as a novel in vitro IN cofactor able to down regulate the activity of this retroviral enzyme, thereby acting as a potential cellular restriction factor to HIV infection.  相似文献   

The human immunodeficiency virus type-1 (HIV-1) integrase (IN) catalyzes the insertion of the retroviral genome into the chromosome of an infected host cell. HIV-1 IN was expressed as a N-terminal hexa-histidine fusion in Escherichia coli. A high-throughput purification strategy was developed using denaturing methods for the initial protein extraction, followed by a one-step nickel-chelating chromatography purification and step-wise refolding. IN was routinely greater than 90% pure with yields exceeding 14 microg of purified IN per ml of E. coli culture. In vitro 3' processing and strand transfer assays showed the enzyme preparations to be highly active. The specific activity of the purified IN was 2.65 pmol/h/microg IN, which is very similar to the activity of IN routinely produced by large-scale column chromatographic methods. This high-throughput platform should be of general utility to those interested in defining the structure-function relationship of proteins and enzymes.  相似文献   

Integration of HIV-1 genome into host cell chromosome is mediated by viral integrase (IN). The IN catalytic core (CC, IN(50-212)) dimerizes through mutual interactions of its alpha1 and alpha5 helices. Peptides INH1 and INH5 reproducing these helix sequences strongly inhibited IN. For instance, an IC(50) of 80 nM was determined for INH5 in integration assays using wild-type IN (wtIN). In size exclusion chromatography, INH1 and INH5 perturbed the association-dissociation equilibrium of both dmIN (IN(1-288)/F185K/C280S) and CC, leading to monomers as surviving species, while in circular dichroism, binding of peptides to dmIN altered the protein conformation. Thus, enzyme deactivation, subunit dissociation, and protein unfolding are events which parallel one another. The target of INH5 in the enzyme was then identified. In fluorescence spectroscopy, C(0.5) values of 168 and 44 nM were determined for the binding affinity of INH5 to IN and CC, respectively, at 115 nM subunit concentration, while interaction of INH5 with INH1 was found stronger than interaction of INH5 with itself (23 times larger in term of dissociation constants). These results strongly suggested that the alpha1 helix is the privileged target of INH5. The latter could serve as a lead for the development of new chemotherapeutic agents against HIV-1.  相似文献   

HIV-1复制需要HIV-1整合酶将其环状DNA整合进宿主DNA中,这其中包括2个重要反应,即“3′-加工”和“链转移”,两者均由HIV-1整合酶催化完成.阻断其中的任一反应,都能达到抑制HIV-1复制的目的.因此,了解HIV-1整合酶的完整结构和聚合状态,对深入探讨其作用机理及设计新型抑制剂具有重要的指导作用.然而,迄今为止仅有HIV-1整合酶单独结构域的晶体结构可供参考,而其全酶晶体结构尚未获得解析.本研究利用分子模拟技术,通过蛋白质 蛋白质/DNA分子对接、动力学模拟等方法,构建了全长整合酶四聚体的结构模型、HIV-1 DNA与整合酶复合物的结构模型,进一步从理论上证实HIV-1整合酶是以四聚体形态发挥催化作用,明确“3′-加工”和“链转移”在HIV-1整合酶上的催化位点.同时,通过与作用机理相似的细菌转座子Tn5转座酶等的结构比对,推测HIV-1整合酶的核心结构域中应有第2个Mg2+存在,其位置螯合于Asp64与Glu152之间.在HIV-1整合酶结构研究的基础上,有望进一步设计出新的抗艾滋病药物.  相似文献   

HIV-1整合酶催化病毒cDNA与宿主细胞基因组DNA的整合,是病毒在宿主细胞中增殖的一个关键酶。 3'加工是整合酶催化整合过程的第一步反应,3'加工反应动力学的研究对整合酶催化机理研究和以整合酶为靶点的药物研发都具有重要意义。构建了野生型HIV-1整合酶重组质粒,在大肠杆菌BL21中诱导表达,通过对包涵体变性、复性,纯化得到了整合酶蛋白。 基于分子信标原理,设计了荧光和淬灭基团标记的DNA底物,通过荧光信号实时监测3' 加工反应,对酶反应的动力学性质进行研究。 结果表明,纯化的整合酶蛋白具有较高的活性,酶反应表现出显著的Mg2+偏好性。 酶动力学研究 (Km = 131.79 nmol/L,Kcat = 0.0042 min -1) 表明,该分子信标方法和设计的DNA底物可用于整合酶3'加工反应动力学研究以及酶反应性质的研究。  相似文献   

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