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中微量元素和有益元素对水稻生长和吸收镉的影响   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
采用盆栽试验,研究了中微量元素和有益元素对水稻生长和吸收镉的影响。结果表明,在所有测试的元素和施用方法中,硅酸钠叶面喷施显著增加稻谷产量,而碳酸钙、硼酸、硅酸钠土施和亚硒酸钠显著降低了稻谷产量。镁、锌、铁的盐酸盐形态对水稻籽粒的增产效果优于硫酸盐形态,而钙、铜的硫酸盐形态增产效果略高于盐酸盐形态。在钙、镁、硫三种中量元素中,钙增加了水稻籽粒中的Cd浓度和吸收量,而镁和硫则降低了籽粒中的Cd浓度和吸收量,以硫磺粉处理为最低。稻草中的Cd浓度和总量均以氯化镁处理为最高,硫磺粉处理最低。镁能有效抑制Cd从秸秆向籽粒的转移,其盐酸盐优于硫酸盐。在微量元素中,锌对水稻Cd的吸收抑制作用最为显著,其次是铜,而有益元素肥料硅酸钠叶面喷施则显著增加了稻谷中的Cd浓度和吸收量。硫酸亚铁、氯化锰、氯化铜、硼酸和硼砂处理都能有效地抑制Cd从秸秆向籽粒的转移,而硅酸钠叶面喷施和锌处理则促进了Cd的转移,表明硅酸钠抑制水稻吸收Cd的机制很可能发生在土壤中,而非在植株体内或地上部分。在Cd污染土壤上选用适宜的中微量和有益元素肥料及其施用方法,能有效降低水稻对镉的吸收和稻米中的Cd含量。  相似文献   

栽培模式对旱地小麦产量和籽粒养分含量的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过田间试验,研究地膜覆盖、秸秆还田和种植绿肥对冬小麦籽粒产量和籽粒养分含量的影响.结果表明:与传统模式相比,地膜覆盖并不总能提高旱地小麦产量,3年平均产量无显著变化,但籽粒磷吸收量却增加8.4%,磷含量平均提高13.0%;籽粒氮、硫和铁吸收量分别降低12.6%、15.0%和11.1%,含量分别降低12.1%、12.9%和10.1%,锌含量无显著变化.秸秆还田使小麦籽粒产量下降12.1%,籽粒氮、硫和铁吸收量分别降低22.5%、21.0%和19.8%,含量分别降低10.1%、9.4%和3.8%;磷吸收量降低9.8%,含量却增加5.0%,锌含量亦无显著变化.种植绿肥的小麦籽粒产量降低12.1%,籽粒氮和锌吸收量无显著变化,含量分别增加12.1%和12.6%,对磷、硫和铁含量无显著影响.可见,旱地条件下,不同栽培模式引起的籽粒产量增减与其养分吸收量变化不一致是养分含量变化的主要原因.在旱地小麦生产中,需注意地膜覆盖和秸秆还田的减产风险及对籽粒养分的不利影响,适当调控氮肥用量,保证小麦产量形成的养分需求,协调氮、硫、铁养分的吸收利用.种植绿肥能培肥土壤,提高籽粒氮和锌含量,但也应注意其减产问题.  相似文献   

镉胁迫下春小麦中镉的分布、富集及转移规律   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用盆栽试验,研究了镉胁迫下重金属镉(Cd)在春小麦中的分布、富集及转移规律。结果表明:Cd胁迫下,小麦根、茎、叶和籽粒中Cd积累量随外源Cd的增加而增加,小麦不同部位Cd积累量为根叶茎籽粒;籽粒中Cd含量与土壤中Cd显著相关;小麦不同部位对Cd的富集能力差异显著,且随外源Cd处理浓度的增加,各部位富集系数逐渐降低,低Cd浓度时各部位更易富集Cd;小麦植株地上部的转移系数亦呈递减趋势为茎、叶籽粒;在春小麦全生育期,土壤中Cd含量无明显变化,根对外源Cd的富集吸收于生育期70d左右达峰值,小麦植株中的Cd也在80d左右达到峰值后逐步减少,表明植株中的Cd,随籽粒的成熟逐步转移至籽粒。  相似文献   

施硅对镉胁迫下水稻镉吸收和转运的调控效应   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
探讨镉(Cd)胁迫下,施硅处理对水稻镉积累的影响。以水稻"泰优390"为材料,通过营养液培养的方法,研究水稻在3种镉胁迫浓度(Cd1、Cd2、Cd3)下施用4种不同浓度硅(Si0、Si1、Si2、Si3)对水稻镉积累的影响。结果表明:施用硅浓度越高,水稻产量增加越大,对水稻各部位镉含量具有显著降低效果;施硅能显著降低水稻各部位转运系数,阻控镉向地上部转移,且对水稻伤流液中镉含量也能起到显著降低的作用;表明施硅能有效阻控水稻吸收镉,且施硅浓度越高效果越显著,但考虑成本因素,不同程度镉污染应该施用相应量的硅,以达到国家食品中污染物限量标准;施硅与镉胁迫对水稻农艺性状以及镉吸收和转运存在交互作用。本试验结果为科学管理和合理利用重金属污染土壤以及适量施用硅肥提供依据,对生产安全稻米有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

采用贵州黄壤、石灰土和浙江水稻土,通过盆栽试验探讨了在3种土壤上施用含不同浓度重金属的污泥对小麦、水稻生长及锌(Zn)镉(Cd)吸收性的影响.结果表明: 不同土壤施用同种污泥所产生的重金属污染风险不同,在黄壤和水稻土上施用高浓度重金属污泥对作物的污染风险较高.一次施用Zn、Cd浓度分别为1789、8.47 mg·kg-1的污泥1.6%,使黄壤小麦籽粒中Zn、Cd浓度分别达109、0.08 mg·kg-1;第二次施用后种植水稻,糙米中Zn、Cd浓度达52.0、0.54 mg·kg-1.而施用污泥后石灰性土壤的两种作物其可食部分均无重金属污染风险.土壤醋酸铵提取态Zn是影响麦粒和糙米中Zn浓度的主要因素,而土壤醋酸铵提取态Cd对麦粒和糙米中Cd浓度无明显影响.施用高浓度重金属污泥使3种土壤Zn、Cd全量显著提高,且两次施用后土壤全量Zn均超过国家土壤环境质量二级标准.  相似文献   

在人体和动植物的生长发育过程中,铁(Fe)、锌(Zn)、硒(Se)3种微量元素起着重要的作用。为了提高小麦籽粒中Fe、Zn、Se元素的含量及进一步分析叶面喷施Fe、Zn、Se肥及其组合对籽粒中Fe、Zn、Se以及其他矿物元素含量的影响,并寻求生产上最适宜的叶面喷施组合,采用不同浓度的硫酸亚铁(Fe肥)、硫酸锌(Zn肥)和亚硒酸钠(Se肥)及其组合对小麦品种北京0045(BJ0045)进行叶面喷施处理。结果表明,叶面喷施Fe、Zn、Se肥均能显著提高BJ0045籽粒中Fe、Zn、Se元素的含量;Fe与Se能够相互促进吸收,Zn能够促进Se与Fe的吸收,Se对Zn有抑制作用;不同的叶面喷施组合处理中,Fe/Zn/Se三者混合肥的使用能显著提高籽粒中Fe、Zn、Se元素的含量,同时发现不同的叶面喷施组合的施用对籽粒中Ca、Mg、Cu、Mn、P矿物元素的吸收也有不同的影响。  相似文献   

伴矿景天-水稻轮作及磷修复剂对水稻锌镉吸收的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用盆栽试验,将锌镉超积累植物伴矿景天与镉低积累水稻中香1号轮作种植于重金属污染土壤,并向土壤添加钙镁磷肥和磷矿粉,研究两种磷修复剂对伴矿景天和镉低积累水稻生长及地上部重金属积累性的影响.盆栽试验结果表明,在轻污染土壤上施用50 g·kg-1磷矿粉时伴矿景天地上部的Zn、Cd吸收量分别达到每盆11.5 和0.79 mg,效果好于施用4 g·kg-1钙镁磷肥处理.在重金属污染土壤上种植伴矿景天使后茬水稻地上部Zn、Cd浓度上升,但钙镁磷肥的施用显著降低了水稻体内的Zn、Cd积累量.种植伴矿景天后添加钙镁磷肥稳定调控剂对土壤中水溶态及NH4OAc提取态Zn、Cd的稳定效果明显优于磷矿粉,且在高污染土壤上效果更佳.田间试验结果显示,施用钙镁磷肥不仅可增加水稻产量,且可一定程度上降低水稻地上部的Zn、Cd吸收量.  相似文献   

伴矿景天-水稻轮作及磷修复剂对水稻锌镐吸收的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
采用盆栽试验,将锌镉超积累植物伴矿景天与镉低积累水稻中香1号轮作种植于重金属污染土壤,并向土壤添加钙镁磷肥和磷矿粉,研究两种磷修复剂对伴矿景天和锡低积累水稻生长及地上部重金属积累性的影响.盆栽试验结果表明,在轻污染土壤上施用50g"kg-'磷矿粉时伴矿景天地上部的Zn,Cd吸收量分别达到每盆11.5和0.79 mg,效果好于施用4g·kg(-1)钙镁磷肥处理.在重金属污染土壤上种植伴矿景天使后茬水稻地上部Zn、Cd浓度上升,但钙镁磷肥的施用显著降低了水稻体内的Zn,Cd积累量.种植伴矿景天后添加钙镁磷肥稳定调控剂对土壤中水溶态及NH4 OAc提取态Zn、Cd的稳定效果明显优于磷矿粉,且在高污染土壤上效果更佳.田间试验结果显示,施用钙镁磷肥不仅可增加水稻产量,且可一定程度上降低水稻地上部的Zn、Cd吸收量.  相似文献   

为探究硅肥(Si)和水溶性壳聚糖(WSC)对油菜镉(Cd)含量的影响,在河南省济源市某运行中的典型冶炼厂周边中低度Cd污染农田设置田间试验,选用2种规模化种植的冬油菜甘蓝型秦油1号(QY-1)和白菜型三月黄(SYH)为供试植物,研究叶面喷施Si和WSC对2种供试冬油菜生物量、不同部位Cd含量、生物富集系数的影响。结果表明,与对照相比,叶面喷施2种肥均能降低2种油菜籽粒和豆荚对Cd的吸收。叶面喷施Si和WSC后,QY-1籽粒中Cd含量分别下降8.80%~44.01%和15.01%~37.77%;SYH籽粒中Cd含量分别下降20.94%~32.42%和14.33%~28.65%。2种油菜籽粒和豆荚均在喷施2次Si肥的处理下,Cd含量达到最低,喷施一次WSC的处理次之。经叶面肥处理后,与SYH相比,QY-1的生物量更高,Cd富集能力更低,因此,QY-1更适合应用于轻中度Cd污染土壤的安全生产。综上所述,在我国典型冶炼厂周边中低度Cd污染农田采用低富集冬油菜品种结合喷施叶面肥可以初步实现污染土壤的安全利用。  相似文献   

有机物料对污染土壤上水稻生长和重金属吸收的影响   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
采用盆栽试验,研究了施用有机碳源、菜籽饼和猪粪对污染土壤上水稻生长和重金属吸收特性的影响.结果表明: 施用菜籽饼和猪粪均能缓解重金属对水稻的毒害作用,促进水稻生长,显著增加地上部生物量和籽粒产量,降低糙米中重金属浓度;而有机碳源抑制水稻生长.与施用化肥相比,施用菜籽饼和猪粪处理的水稻籽粒产量分别增加128.3%和67.9%;施用菜籽饼处理的糙米Cd、Cu和Zn浓度分别降低47.6%、35.2%和21.5%,施用猪粪处理分别降低9.5%、21.2%和9.3%.土壤中DTPA提取态重金属浓度与水稻地上部生物量和重金属积累总量呈显著负相关.  相似文献   

In order to identify the effects of soil properties on the transfer of Cd from soil to wheat under actual field conditions, 126 pairs of topsoil and wheat samples were collected from the Yangtze River delta region, China. Relevant parameters (Cd, Ca, Mg, Fe, Mn, Zn, N, P, K, S, pH, total organic carbon, and speciation of soil Cd) in soil and wheat tissues were analyzed, and the results were treated by statistical methods. Soil samples (19.8%) and 14.3% of the wheat grain samples exceeded the relevant maximum permissible Cd concentrations in China for agricultural soil and wheat grain, respectively. The major speciations of Cd in soil were exchangeable, bound to carbonates and fulvic and humic acid fraction, and they were readily affected by soil pH, total Ca, Mg, S and P, DTPA-Fe, Ex-Ca, and Ex-Mg. Cadmium showed a strong correlation with Fe, S, and P present in the grain and the soil, whereas there was no significant correlation in the straw or root. Generally, soil pH, Ca, Mg, Mn, P, and slowly available K restricted Cd transfer from soil to wheat, whereas soil S, N, Zn, DTPA-Fe, and total organic carbon enhance Cd uptake by wheat.  相似文献   

长期施肥和增水对半干旱草地土壤性质和植物性状的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文对内蒙古多伦退化草地2005年建立的长期野外控制试验中施肥和增水对土壤性质和植物群落特征的影响进行了总结和综合评述.结果表明:加氮导致了表土酸化并降低酸缓冲容量,提高了表土中碳氮磷硫有效性及DTPA-浸提态铁锰铜含量,导致盐基离子钙镁钾钠总量的消耗,降低了土壤微生物群落多样性,促进了优势植物物种叶片对氮磷硫钾及锰铜锌的吸收,抑制植物叶片对铁的吸收,而对钙镁吸收无显著影响,增加了植物地上净初级生产力(ANPP),降低了植物物种多样性和群落稳定性.单独加磷增加了表土全磷和Olsen-P含量及真菌丰度,促进了植物叶片对氮、磷、硫的吸收,但对其他土壤基本化学性质及ANPP、物种多样性无显著影响.增水提高了植物群落对干旱的抵抗力,但对ANPP增长的贡献受到土壤氮有效性的限制.增水对于加氮导致的土壤酸化、植物和微生物多样性降低等具有一定的缓冲作用;加氮增水和加磷增水下,土壤微生物多样性及功能受地上植物群落结构及功能变化的影响.长期野外控制试验对于深入理解草地生态系统结构和功能对环境变化的响应具有重要意义,但单点的研究结果仍需与不同区域多点控制试验的联网研究相结合,深入开展地上与地下生态过程的关联研究,才能深入理解草地生态系统生态学的相关机制.  相似文献   

Many metal transporters in plants are promiscuous, accommodating multiple divalent cations including some which are toxic to humans. Previous attempts to increase the iron (Fe) and zinc (Zn) content of rice endosperm by overexpressing different metal transporters have therefore led unintentionally to the accumulation of copper (Cu), manganese (Mn) and cadmium (Cd). Unlike other metal transporters, barley Yellow Stripe 1 (HvYS1) is specific for Fe. We investigated the mechanistic basis of this preference by constitutively expressing HvYS1 in rice under the control of the maize ubiquitin1 promoter and comparing the mobilization and loading of different metals. Plants expressing HvYS1 showed modest increases in Fe uptake, root‐to‐shoot translocation, seed accumulation and endosperm loading, but without any change in the uptake and root‐to‐shoot translocation of Zn, Mn or Cu, confirming the selective transport of Fe. The concentrations of Zn and Mn in the endosperm did not differ significantly between the wild‐type and HvYS1 lines, but the transgenic endosperm contained significantly lower concentrations of Cu. Furthermore, the transgenic lines showed a significantly reduced Cd uptake, root‐to‐shoot translocation and accumulation in the seeds. The underlying mechanism of metal uptake and translocation reflects the down‐regulation of promiscuous endogenous metal transporters revealing an internal feedback mechanism that limits seed loading with Fe. This promotes the preferential mobilization and loading of Fe, therefore displacing Cu and Cd in the seed.  相似文献   

Some plants are able to maintain or improve their performance under cadmium (Cd) exposure, despite high Cd concentrations in roots and shoots, indicating that they have protective strategies to neutralise the side effects from Cd accumulation. The regulation of antioxidant machinery and the mitigation of Cd uptake and translocation have been the focus of several studies, but evidence shows that the modulation of nutritional status is also involved in tolerance mechanisms. Although alterations in the nutrient concentrations are usually coupled to negative outcomes on the development of plants under Cd exposure, current works have shown their “sweet” sides. Here, we provide evidence that the degree of plant tolerance to short Cd exposure is, at least partially, associated with differential changes in magnesium (Mg), manganese (Mn) and boron (B) status, all of which modulate physiological and developmental events, such as root architecture (Mg and/or B status), ionomic balance (Mn and/or B status), biomass production (Mg and/or Mn status) and biomass allocation (Mg/K ratio). Modulation of root architecture can be a strategy to obtain water and nutrients in metal-free patches in a growing medium. Changes in the uptake and/or distribution of nutrients may adjust the ionomic profile to equilibrate charge and pH homeostasis after Cd entrance into the plant. Alterations in the Mn and Mg status may alter the balance between photorespiratory and photosynthetic metabolisms. Finally, reprogramming biomass allocation among organs can be a strategy to remodelling plant body in order to better cope with environmental challenges. The identification and understanding of plant tolerance mechanisms against heavy metal toxicity is necessary to support strategies to mitigate their impacts on crop productivity and quality, supporting food security in increasing environmental contamination in the Anthropocene.  相似文献   

This study was conducted under greenhouse conditions to evaluate the potential use of SPS as a fertilizer, amendment and/or liming agent for wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Two representative Mediterranean agricultural soils, a Cambic Arenosol (cmAR) and a Cromic Cambisol (crCM) were used. Treatments included four sludge rates ranging from 0 to 40 g kg(-1) (equivalent of 0, 38, 88 and 120 Mg ha(-1)). A significant increment in soil pH, organic carbon, N total, available P and exchangeable K were observed in both soils. Sludge application significantly increased N and decreased Zn, Mn and Cu concentrations in wheat. Wheat grain yields were reduced by 33% and 37% when 120 Mg SPS ha(-1) was applied to cmAR and crCM soils, respectively, due apparently to unavailability of Mg. However, straw yields, with much lower Mg requirements, increased significantly with SPS rates. Secondary pulp mill sludge seems to be a potential source of organic matter, N, P, K and a potential soil amendment liming agent for acid soils, when appropriate supplemental fertilizer was provided. For grain crops grown in these soils, addition of Mg is required for proper nutrient balance.  相似文献   

When growing in the field, plants are exposed to the effect of heavy metals as soon as the seed comes into contact with the soil solution. Therefore, we found important to study the effect of Cd and Ni on maize exposed to these heavy metals since sowing. The aim of this work was to examine which anatomical changes are induced by continuous intoxication of young maize root system with 0.1 mM Cd and Ni, thus modifying its growth and capacity for water and nutrient uptake. Concomitantly, the effect on concentration and distribution of Cd, Ni and some essential ions (Ca, Mg, Zn, Fe, Cu and Mn) was studied.  相似文献   


Biochar is considered a novel soil amendment for cadmium (Cd) stabilization in contaminated soils. A pot experiment was conducted to examine the efficiency of wheat straw and sugarcane bagasse induced biochar on Cd mobility in soil and its bioavailability to spinach in contaminated soil. Soil pH, Cd contents in plant tissues and microbial biomass were examined. Results showed that Cd was significantly decreased by 30.95% and 20.83% with wheat straw and sugarcane bagasse biochar at 2% application rate respectively, relative to the control. Similarly, Cd contents were decreased in plants shoots by 15.41 and 14.33%, while in roots by 48.3 and 35.54%, when wheat straw and sugarcane biochar were added at 2% application rate respectively. Moreover, soil microbial biomass was significantly increased with the application of all biochar types and their applications rates. Finally, wheat straw biochar at 2% application rate can be considered as an effective approach for Cd stabilization in contaminated soils.  相似文献   

 本文用盆钵试验研究京郊石灰性草甸土冬小麦养分生物循环的结果表明:小麦对不同养分吸收、携出和归还数量的差异很大。根据随籽粒携出和以根茬归还的比例特点,可将养分划分为三种类型:1)低归还高携出型(N、P、K);2)低携出高归还型(Ca、Fe);3)中归还中携出型(Mg、Mn、Cu、Zn)。施锰增加植株对氮和锰的吸收及钾和锰随籽粒的携出;施锌则降低植株对锰的吸收和随籽粒携出的钾、钙、镁、铁、锰量。锰肥和锌肥有拮抗作用。  相似文献   

Biochar is a promising amendment to promote cadmium (Cd) sorption and fixation in agricultural soil, where microplastics are emerging contaminants in soil. Herein, a greenhouse pot experiment was conducted to elucidate the effects on Cd availability in a soil–plant system by biochar and fresh/aged microplastics application. The fresh microplastics led to an obvious increase in soil Cd availability and Cd uptake by wheat plant, while the aged microplastics increased the available Cd in soil but had no effect on Cd uptake by wheat plant, which was likely attributed to the blocking effect of the aged microplastics on Cd transportation from the soil to the wheat plant. Unexpectedly, biochar had increased Cd availability and Cd uptake. The increased soil soluble Cd was because of both decreased soil pH and elevated dissolved organic matter (DOM) content resulted by biochar addition. Also, the unchanged Cd adsorption of the soil was likely responsible for the increased tested soil Cd availability. In addition, the combined effects of a greater decrease in soil pH, an increase in soil DOM content, and a reduction in Cd adsorption after the addition of microplastics to biochar-amended soil resulted in a significant increase (ranging from 2.63% to 47.73%) in Cd availability compared to soil treated with biochar alone. Moreover, fresh microplastics inhibited wheat growth, and greater inhibition effect was observed for their aged ones. The biochar elevated the wheat biomass; however, the coexistence of microplastics and biochar decreased the wheat plant biomass compared with biochar alone, due to the negative influence of microplastics in plant growth.  相似文献   

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