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Notch家族是一组进化上高度保守的跨膜蛋白,可以广泛调节细胞的发育和分化.越来越多的研究发现,Notch信号通路可以通过调节多种免疫细胞的发育和功能来调节机体的免疫功能.本文综述了Notch家族的组成,其调控因素及其靶基因,Notch信号通路对造血干细胞、固有免疫细胞和适应性免疫细胞的调节作用以及Notch信号通路参与的免疫相关疾病.Notch信号通路对造血干细胞、巨噬细胞、树突状细胞、肥大细胞、T和B淋巴细胞的发育和功能的发挥都有重要的调节作用,并参与肿瘤、病毒感染、炎症反应和自身免疫疾病等免疫相关疾病的发生.  相似文献   

Notch信号通路是保守的细胞间信号通路,其在胚胎形成和器官发生过程中对于控制干细胞和祖细胞的增殖、分化发挥着至关重要的作用,是发育生物学、细胞生物学、免疫学及血液学等多个领域的研究热点之一。近来研究发现,多种疾病的发生与Notch信号异常有关。本文就Notch信号通路的组成以及在神经病理性疼痛、神经退行性行疾病、脑损伤、肿瘤等的调节作用机制的进行综述。  相似文献   

神经干细胞作为一种具有自我更新能力和多向分化潜能的细胞,它的增殖和分化受到多种源于自身或外在、邻近或远程细胞信号通路的调控,各种细胞因子及胞间通讯在神经干细胞的增殖和分化中发挥着重要的作用。近年来的多种研究表明,Notch信号通路正是这样一种可以通过相邻细胞的配体与受体相互作用,从而传递信号,进一步发挥其生物学功能的重要信号通路。该通路参与了神经干细胞维持自我形态及向多种具有不同功能的神经细胞分化的过程.对于研究神经干细胞的增殖和分化具有巨大的意义。该文将就当前Notch信号通路对神经干细胞增殖分化影响的相关研究进行简要综述。  相似文献   

Notch信号通路是一个在进化中高度保守的信号通道,具有调控细胞增殖、分化及凋亡的作用。近年来,随着研究的不断深入,发现Notch信号通路与生殖干细胞的增殖分化及干细胞微环境的作用机理密切关联,Notch信号通路在生殖系统发育及疾病治疗中的作用机制逐渐引起人们的广泛关注。该文综合论述了Notch信号通路的生理特性及功能,重点阐述Notch信号通路在精原干细胞、卵巢生殖干细胞及生殖干细胞微环境系统中的调控机制。  相似文献   

Notch信号通路是在进化上非常保守的单次跨膜信号受体蛋白家族,广泛表达于脊椎动物与无脊椎动物中,主要由Notch受体、Notch配体及细胞内效应分子CSL蛋白组成。Notch信号通路是多种组织和器官早期发育所必需的细胞间调节信号,参与对细胞增殖、分化、凋亡的调控。近年的研究表明,Notch信号通路参与肺纤维化的发生发展,阻断或激活这一途径可以影响肺纤维化的进展,本文就Notch信号通路与肺纤维化的关系的研究进展做一综述。  相似文献   

TGF-β信号通路是一个由众多细胞因子组成的大家族,调节着包括细胞生长、上皮-间质转化、迁移、分化以及凋亡等在内的许多细胞功能,在组织与器官的正常生长、胚胎发育等过程中起着关键作用.一旦TGF-β信号传导过程发生异常,随之而来的就是一系列发育缺陷和疾病的产生,如肿瘤的发生,组织器官的纤维化,结缔组织以及骨骼疾病等.通过对TGF-β信号通路在不同疾病发生中的作用进行研究,目前已经开发了许多靶向此通路的治疗策略,如单克隆抗体、受体激酶抑制剂和反义寡聚核苷酸等.本综述总结了 TGF-β信号通路在不同疾病发生中的作用,并对最新的靶向此信号通路的治疗策略进行讨论.  相似文献   

干细胞是一类具有多种分化潜能的细胞,在不同的环境条件下,可以分化成需要的其他功能性细胞。干细胞的增殖和分化对人体起着关键作用,无论是正常新陈代谢还是再生医学治疗都离不开干细胞。干细胞按所处的发育阶段,可以分为胚胎干细胞、成体干细胞,干细胞的增殖、分化受到多条信号通路的调控。本文主要讨论Notch信号通路对不同种类的成体干细胞,包括造血干细胞、间充质干细胞、肿瘤干细胞等的分化影响,展望干细胞在医学应用中的前途,对再生医学的研究和应用具有一定的参考作用。  相似文献   

Notch和Wnt信号通路能够调控细胞的分化、增殖、迁移和粘附等多种行为,在胚胎发育、干细胞分化及肿瘤生长等方面发挥多样性的调控作用.血管形成过程中的典型事件包括尖端细胞(tipcell)和柄细胞(stalkcell)分化、柄细胞增殖、内皮细胞迁移和粘附、血管重塑以及动静脉分化等.本文对Notch和Wnt信号通路在血管形成不同阶段的功能作一综述,以期描述Notch和Wnt是怎样在分子水平上协同作用进而调控血管的形成.从两条信号通路的分子水平及复杂信号网络中众多成员协调作用的角度了解血管形成的机制,对于调整肿瘤等涉及血管形成的相关疾病的治疗策略具有一定意义.  相似文献   

Notch受体是一类存在于多细胞生物中进化上高度保守的跨膜蛋白受体,其介导的信号通路在组织器官的生长发育中起重要作用。糖基化修饰是一类重要的影响多信号通路的蛋白翻译后修饰。Notch受体胞外域的表皮生长因子样重复序列(EGF-R)存在多种糖基化修饰如O-葡聚糖、O-岩藻糖聚糖、O- N-乙酰氨基葡萄糖,这些糖基化修饰可以促进或抑制Notch信号通路。本文主要阐述表皮生长因子样重复序列(EGF-R)的主要糖基化以及对Notch信号通路的影响和其异常导致相关的疾病。  相似文献   

Notch基因编码着一类进化上高度保守的跨膜受体蛋白家族,其信号通路是由Notch受体、Notch配体、CSL DNA结合蛋白组成。该信号通路能够调节淋巴细胞的发育和分化过程,介导心血管系统的形成,参与肿瘤的发生和发展。近年来有研究表明,Notch信号通路在造血作用及白血病的发生过程中起关键作用。本文综述了Notch信号通路在淋巴细胞及造血干细胞的发育和分化中的作用,进一步探讨了其对造血作用和白血病发生发展的调节,以期能够对临床造血疾病的治疗提供帮助。  相似文献   



Notch signaling plays a critical role in multiple developmental programs and not surprisingly, the Notch pathway has also been implicated in the regulation of many adult stem cells, such as those in the intestine, skin, lungs, hematopoietic system, and muscle.

Scope of review

In this review, we will first describe molecular mechanisms of Notch component modulation including recent advances in this field and introduce the fundamental principles of Notch signaling controlling cell fate decisions. We will then illustrate its important and varied functions in major stem cell model systems including: Drosophila and mammalian intestinal stem cells and mammalian skin, lung, hematopoietic and muscle stem cells.

Major conclusions

The Notch receptor and its ligands are controlled by endocytic processes that regulate activation, turnover, and recycling. Glycosylation of the Notch extracellular domain has important modulatory functions on interactions with ligands and on proper receptor activity. Notch can mediate cell fate decisions including proliferation, lineage commitment, and terminal differentiation in many adult stem cell types. Certain cell fate decisions can have precise requirements for levels of Notch signaling controlled through modulatory regulation.

General significance

We describe the current state of knowledge of how the Notch receptor is controlled through its interaction with ligands and how this is regulated by associated factors. The functional consequences of Notch receptor activation on cell fate decisions are discussed. We illustrate the importance of Notch's role in cell fate decisions in adult stem cells using examples from the intestine, skin, lung, blood, and muscle. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled Biochemistry of Stem Cells.  相似文献   

The Notch pathway in prostate development and cancer   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Abstract The Notch family of transmembrane receptors are important mediators of cell fate determination. Accordingly, Notch signaling is intimately involved in the development of numerous tissues. Recent findings have highlighted a critical role for Notch signaling in normal prostate development. Notch signaling is required for embryonic and postnatal prostatic growth and development, for proper cell lineage specification within the prostate, as well as for adult prostate maintenance and regeneration following castration and hormone replacement. Evidence for Notch as a regulator of prostate cancer development, progression, and metastasis has also emerged. This review summarizes our current understanding of the role of Notch pathway elements, including members of the Jagged, Delta-like, hairy/enhancer-of-split, and hairy/enhancer-of-split related with YRPW motif families, in prostate development and tumorigenesis. Data supporting Notch pathway elements as oncogenes and tumor suppressors in prostate tumors, as well as data implicating Notch receptors and ligands as potential markers of normal prostate stem/progenitor cells and prostate cancer stem/initiating cells, are also presented.  相似文献   

帕金森病是中老年人常见的中枢神经系统退行性疾病,研究表明小胶质细胞的活化及其介导的神经炎症在帕金森病的病程进展中发挥重要作用,适度干预小胶质细胞的活化有望延缓帕金森病的进程。小胶质细胞是中枢神经系统固有的巨噬细胞,Notch信号途径可以调控小鼠外周巨噬细胞的分化及功能。Notch通路也参与调控小胶质细胞的激活、细胞因子的表达、吞噬活性的变化等,而这与活化的小胶质细胞介导的帕金森病等神经退行性疾病的病情进展相关。因此,本文将综述Notch信号途径与小胶质细胞介导的相关疾病的研究进展。  相似文献   

The respiratory system has ideal tissue structure and cell types for efficient gas exchange to intake oxygen and release carbon dioxide. This complex system develops through orchestrated intercellular signaling among various cell types, such as club, ciliated, basal, neuroendocrine, AT1, AT2, endothelial, and smooth muscle cells. Notch signaling is a highly conserved cell–cell signaling pathway ideally suited for very short-range cellular communication because Notch signals are transmitted by direct contact with an adjacent cell. Enthusiastic efforts by Notch researchers over the last two decades have led to the identification of critical roles of this signaling pathway during development, homeostasis, and regeneration of the respiratory system. The dysregulation of Notch signaling results in a wide range of respiratory diseases such as pulmonary artery hypertension (PAH), chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), interstitial pulmonary fibrosis (IPF), and lung cancer. Thus, a deep understanding of the biological functions of Notch signaling will help identify novel treatment targets in various respiratory diseases.  相似文献   

杨曦  陈鹏  蒋霞  潘敏慧  鲁成 《昆虫学报》2021,64(2):250-258
Notch信号通路由Notch受体、Notch配体(DSL蛋白)、CSL[C promoter binding factor-1 (CBF1), Suppressor of hairless (Su(H)), Lag-1]转录因子、其他效应子和Notch调节分子构成,在动物组织的发育和器官的细胞命运决定中起着基础性的作用。从1917年在果蝇Drosophilia中被发现以来,基于昆虫Notch信号通路的研究一直十分活跃,证实了其在昆虫中主要行使胚胎及器官的发育调控、细胞增殖及细胞周期调控等作用。Notch基因位点的突变能够导致果蝇在胚胎期死亡,且翅发生缺失;Notch胞内域(intracellular domain of Notch, NICD)的表达会影响果蝇、蟑螂等昆虫卵巢卵泡细胞的发育;Delta可以介导昆虫体节形成以及神经系统正常发育;Su(H)以转录因子的形式发挥功能,主要影响昆虫细胞的细胞周期进程;Fringe在果蝇、家蚕Bombyx mori等昆虫的翅发育过程中起关键作用。此外Notch信号通路与Hippo信号通路、Wnt信号通路和EGFR信号通路等存在相互作用,表明其不作为一个单线形式而是复杂的网络结构参与昆虫的生命进程。近年来对Notch信号通路的研究已经从昆虫扩展到人类重大疾病、肿瘤医学和分子治疗中。鉴于Notch信号通路的高度保守性,昆虫Notch信号通路的研究成果不仅对昆虫发育机制的解析起着关键作用,还可为其他动物的研究乃至人类疾病的研究提供重要的参考和新思路。  相似文献   

刘洪翠  郑敏化  韩骅  张丙芳 《生物磁学》2011,(11):2194-2196
帕金森病是中老年人常见的中枢神经系统退行性疾病,研究表明小胶质细胞的活化及其介导的神经炎症在帕金森病的病程进展中发挥重要作用,适度干预小胶质细胞的活化有望延缓帕金森病的进程。小胶质细胞是中枢神经系统固有的巨噬细胞,Notch信号途径可以调控小鼠外周巨噬细胞的分化及功能。Notch通路也参与调控小胶质细胞的激活、细胞因子的表达、吞噬活性的变化等,而这与活化的小胶质细胞介导的帕金森病等神经退行性疾病的病情进展相关。因此,本文将综述Notch信号途径与小胶质细胞介导的相关疾病的研究进展。  相似文献   

Cancer stem cells (CSCs) are believed to play an important role in tumor growth and recurrence. These cells exhibit self-renewal and proliferation properties. CSCs also exhibit significant drug resistance compared with normal tumor cells. Finding new treatments that target CSCs could significantly enhance the effect of chemotherapy and improve patient survival. Notch signaling is known to regulate the development of the lungs by controlling the cell-fate determination of normal stem cells. In this study, we isolated CSCs from the human lung adenocarcinoma cell line A549. CD133 was used as a stem cell marker for fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS). We compared the expression of Notch signaling in both CD133+ and CD133− cells and blocked Notch signaling using the γ-secretase inhibitor DAPT (GSI-IX). The effect of combining GSI and cisplatin (CDDP) was also examined in these two types of cells. We observed that both CD133+ and CD133− cells proliferated at similar rates, but the cells exhibited distinctive differences in cell cycle progression. Few CD133+ cells were observed in the G2/M phase, and there were half as many cells in S phase compared with the CD133− cells. Furthermore, CD133+ cells exhibited significant resistance to chemotherapy when treated with CDDP. The expression of Notch signaling pathway members, such as Notch1, Notch2 and Hes1, was lower in CD133+ cells. GSI slightly inhibited the proliferation of both cell types and exhibited little effect on the cell cycle. The inhibitory effects of DPP on these two types of cells were enhanced when combined with GSI. Interestingly, this effect was especially significant in CD133+ cells, suggesting that Notch pathway blockade may be a useful CSC-targeted therapy in lung cancer.  相似文献   

The Notch signaling pathway is an evolutionarily conserved pathway that is critical for tissue morphogenesis during development, but is also involved in tissue maintenance and repair in the adult. In skeletal muscle, regulation of Notch signaling is involved in somitogenesis, muscle development, and the proliferation and cell fate determination of muscle stems cells during regeneration. During each of these processes, the spatial and temporal control of Notch signaling is essential for proper tissue formation. That control is mediated by a series of regulatory proteins and protein complexes that enhance or inhibit Notch signaling by regulating protein processing, localization, activity, and stability. In this review, we focus on the regulation of Notch signaling during postnatal muscle regeneration when muscle stem cells ("satellite cells") must activate, proliferate, progress along a myogenic lineage pathway, and ultimately differentiate to form new muscle. We review the regulators of Notch signaling, such as Numb and Deltex, that have documented roles in myogenesis as well as other regulators that may play a role in modulating Notch signaling during satellite cell activation and postnatal myogenesis.  相似文献   

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