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记述中国叉木蛾属3新种:银叉木蛾Metathrinca argentea,sp.nov.,佛坪叉木蛾Metathrinca fopingensis,sp.nov.和梅花山叉木蛾Metathrinca meihuashana,sp.nov.,绘出了雌雄外生殖器特征图,并提供了中国已知种检索素。模式标本保存在南开大学生物系。  相似文献   

为评估不同波长黑光灯对椰子木蛾的诱集效果,在海南省万宁市兴隆镇设置试验点,利用8种不同波长的黑光灯进行诱集试验。结果显示:椰子木蛾对365 nm和368 nm的波长敏感,诱虫总量显著多于其它波长的黑光灯;365 nm黑光灯诱捕椰子木蛾雄虫最多,368 nm黑光灯诱捕椰子木蛾雌虫最多,均显著大于其它黑光灯诱集到的雌雄虫数量。23∶00-2∶00为最适宜诱捕椰子木蛾时段。为利用黑光灯监测椰子木蛾提供了基础依据。  相似文献   

【目的】椰子木蛾Opisina arenosella Walker是2013年在海南、广东和广西等地新发现的棕榈植物的危险性入侵害虫,其入侵范围有不断扩大的趋势。【方法】应用CLIMEX软件对椰子木蛾在中国的潜在适生区进行了分析。【结果】结果表明椰子木蛾在中国适生范围广,长江以南广大地区均是其高度适生区。【结论】这些区域是我国棕榈植物的主要分布区,建议加强检疫和监测措施,防止其进一步扩散。  相似文献   

椰子木蛾的产卵节律及其对寄主植物的产卵选择性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【背景】椰子木蛾是近年来新入侵我国棕榈科植物的害虫,研究其产卵习性可为监测和防治该虫提供参考。【方法】在室内条件下,观察、记录了椰子木蛾雌成虫的产卵节律及其对不同寄主植物的产卵选择性。【结果】椰子木蛾最高日产卵量可达34.4粒·头-1,且主要集中在羽化后4 d内产卵,占总产卵量的54.1%;产卵活动主要发生在夜间23:00到次日8:00;在椰子、蒲葵、大王棕、槟榔和散尾葵等寄主植物上的产卵量无显著差异,为89.3~147.7粒·头-1,但产卵位置存在差别。【结论与意义】椰子木蛾雌成虫具有较强的繁殖能力和产卵节律性,且在不同寄主植物上的产卵量一致。  相似文献   

对华北落叶松鞘蛾和兴安落叶松鞘蛾的形态特征进行了研究,与容易混淆的欧洲落叶松鞘蛾进行了比较。更正了兴安落叶松鞘蛾的学名,肯定了华北落叶松鞘蛾的分类学地位,并进行了重新描述。文中提供了以上3种落叶松鞘蛾的成虫、雌雄外生殖器等特征图,给出了它们的区别要点。  相似文献   

记述中国模尖蛾属Meleonoma Meyrick三新种:毛模尖蛾Meleomoma polychaeta,sp.nov,叶模尖蛾Meleonoma foliata,sp.nov.及刺模尖蛾Meleonoma echinata,sp.nov.。提供了成虫和雌雄外生殖器特征图。模式标本保存在南开大学生物系标本室。  相似文献   

中国锦织蛾属五新种及一新纪录种(鳞翅目:织蛾科)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文报道了中国织蛾5新种和1新纪录种,绘制了雌雄外生殖器特征图。模式标本保存在南开大学生物系。三线锦织蛾,新种Promalactis trilineata sp.nov.,本种外形与P.enopisema(Butler)相似,雄性外生殖器特征与朴锦织蛾P.parki Lvovsky相近,但该种雄性外生殖器爪形突末端圆形,抱器背中部具圆形突起,可与前两种区别。拟银锦织蛾,新种Promalactis  相似文献   

木蠹蛾性信息素研究的进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
张金桐  孟宪佐 《生命科学》2002,14(4):229-231
综述了木蠹蛾性信息素研究及在综合防治措施中应用的最新进展,重点评述了木蠹蛾性信息素的结构鉴定与化学结构。至今有4种木蠹蛾的性信息素被鉴定,另外还筛选出2种木蠹蛾的性诱剂。在我国,对木蠹蛾的防治,应采取化学防治、生物防治及使用人工合成性信息素或性诱剂诱捕法和迷向法综合防治措施。  相似文献   

研究了中国模尖蛾属MeleonomaMeyrick ,其中记述 2新种 :面模尖蛾M .facialisLietWang ,sp .nov .和软颚模尖蛾M .malacognathaLietWang ,sp .nov .。绘制了雌雄外生殖器特征图 ,给出了中国模尖蛾属分种检索表。模式标本保存在南开大学生物系标本室。  相似文献   

记述中国灰尺蛾亚科璃尺蛾属Krananda Moore1新记录种:尼泊尔璃尺蛾Krananda nepalensis Yazaki,1992。对其外部形态和雌雄外生殖器特征做了简要描述,同时列出其世界分布。研究标本材料均保存在东北林业大学林学院昆虫标本室。  相似文献   

We propose a biological pest control system that invests part of a crop in feeding a pest in a cage. The fed pest maintains a predator that attacks the pest in the target area (i.e., the area for storing or growing crops). The fed pest cannot leave the cage nor the target pest cannot enter the cage. The predator, however, can freely attack both the fed and target pests in the target area. By introducing a refuge in the cage against the predator for the fed pest, the fed pest and predator may be stably sustained. In this study, we analyzed the potential performance of this system by modeling the population dynamics of the target pest, fed pest, and predator as differential equations. First, we show analytically that the target pest can be suppressed at extremely low abundance by adjusting both refuge efficiency and crop investment. Second, we show numerically that crop damage by the pest may be effectively suppressed by investing only small amounts of the crop. Third, we show numerically that the magnitude of required crop investment can be estimated by an index comprising of the predator's searching cost for prey and the relative growth efficiency of the predator with respect to the pest. Even if the system structure is changed or its population dynamics is modeled based on host–parasitoid interactions, crop damage can be suppressed effectively by small amounts of crop investment.  相似文献   

In this paper we propose and analyze a prey-predator type dynamical system for pest control where prey population is treated as the pest. We consider two classes for the pest namely susceptible pest and infected pest and the predator population is the natural enemy of the pest. We also consider average delay for both the predation rate i.e. predation to the susceptible pest and infected pest. Considering a subsystem of original system in the absence of infection, we analyze the existence of all possible non-negative equilibria and their stability criteria for both the subsystem as well as the original system. We present the conditions for transcritical bifurcation and Hopf bifurcation in the disease free system. The theoretical evaluations are demonstrated through numerical simulations.  相似文献   

魏雪莲  赵惠燕  刘光祖  吴养会 《生态学报》2009,29(10):5478-5484
在农田生态系统中,以作物状况、气象因素及天敌分别为3种控制变量,以害虫种群数量动态为状态变量,建立了燕尾突变模型,并用燕尾突变模型的性质分析害虫种群数量动态中产生的突变现象.具体对燕尾突变的分歧点集所分各个控制区域的系统势函数形式和平衡点情况进行了分析,说明了害虫种群数量发生突变的条件和机理,为实际应用提供理论依据.同时利用燕尾突变的性质直观描述了害虫种群数量变化中的突跳和滞后等现象.  相似文献   

Organic agriculture is increasing in popularity worldwide due to the rapidly growing market for organic products. In organic production, insects present a major pest challenge that negatively impacts crop health and yield. To successfully manage an organic farmland, an effective insect pest management program is key. In this review, we first describe the approaches currently used for pest management in organic farming. Next, we review natural plant defense mechanisms, especially those based on plant volatile organic compounds. Chemically complex, plant volatiles have multiple ecological roles in plant-insect interactions including attracting pollinators, acting as cues for foraging herbivores as well as functioning as direct defense, indirect defense, or interplant priming. Based on the ecological roles of plant volatiles, we then discuss in-depth how pest management may be improved through a variety of strategies including using resistant cultivars, polyculture, using beneficial microorganisms such as mycorrhizal fungi and endophytes, and using plant-derived pesticides, all of which are reviewed in the context of plant volatiles. Lastly, integration of these different strategies based on the trait of plant volatiles for a successful and sustainable pest management program in organic farming is discussed.  相似文献   

棉铃虫风险发生区的确定与评估   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
王正军  李典谟  谢宝瑜 《生态学报》2003,23(12):2642-2652
以河北省中南部地区作为研究区,应用GIS技术和地统计学方法就某一阈值的风险区、某一阈值的发生概率地图进行了探讨,并对该地区棉铃虫二代卵发生的历史数据(1980~1997)进行了空间模拟,在此基础上得到风险发生区和高风险区地图。二代棉铃虫卵发生的地域特点是,重发生区位于研究区的西部和南部部分地区,而轻发生区位于东北部,从东北至西南,棉铃虫发生程度趋于加重,其中西部的阜平县、曲阳县、行唐县、灵寿县、平山县等地以及南部的邯郸市、磁县、临漳县、魏县等地发生最重,属于二代棉铃虫高风险发生地,而东北的遵化市、玉田县、丰润县、唐山市、丰南县等地最轻。通过对风险发生区与各个影响因子如气象、耕作制度、高程、一代蛾量等的定性和定量的分析,认为影响棉铃虫发生的主要因子为气象因子,包括温度与降雨。就二代卵而言,主要影响因子为6月降雨量的大小,其次为耕作制度如小麦、棉花种植比例和一代蛾量。此外,环境因子如海拔高度、植被覆盖大小也对棉铃虫的发生有一定的影响。通过综合分析确认研究区棉铃虫高风险发生地(重发生区及中偏重发生区)具有一些显著特点,即海拔较高、多山地和高原、有较多沙土、自然植被覆盖率高、小麦种植比例较高、降雨偏少、温度较高、湿度较低、一代蛾量较高。  相似文献   

葡萄花翅小卷蛾是葡萄上的重要害虫,具有多食性、多化性等生物学特点,抗逆能力极强。该虫起源于欧洲,现已入侵全球多个国家。葡萄花翅小卷蛾主要以幼虫取食葡萄花序、幼果和成熟果实,给葡萄生产造成重大损失;其危害有利于真菌的侵入,导致灰霉病、白粉病等病害大量发生,从而造成葡萄腐烂。由于该虫入侵风险极高,已被我国列为重要的进境检疫性有害生物。国外对葡萄花翅小卷蛾的防治主要采用化学杀虫剂,由于长期大量且不合理地使用化学杀虫剂,葡萄花翅小卷蛾已对多种不同类型的杀虫剂产生了抗药性。本研究总结了葡萄花翅小卷蛾的抗性测定方法、抗性现状及其抗性机理,同时结合国外葡萄花翅小卷蛾抗性和防治相关研究,提出该虫抗性治理策略,并对我国预防该虫的入侵提出建议。  相似文献   

Insect transgenesis and its potential role in agriculture and human health   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The ability to genetically engineer insects other than Drosophila melanogaster has further extended modern genetic techniques into important insect pest species ranging from fruit fly pests of horticulture to mosquito vectors of human disease. In only a relatively short period of time, a range of transgenes have been inserted into more than 10 insect pest species. Genetic transformation of these pest species has proven to be a very important laboratory tool in analyzing gene function and effects on phenotype however the full extension of this technology into the field is yet to be realized. Here we briefly review the development of transgenic technology in pest insect species and discuss the challenges that remain in this applied area of insect genetics and entomology.  相似文献   

Semiochemical-based pest management programs comprise three major approaches that are being used to provide environmentally friendly control methods of insect pests: mass trapping, "lure and kill," and mating disruption. In this article, we review the potential of mass trapping in long-term pest management as well as in the eradication of invasive species. We discuss similarities and differences between mass trapping and other two main approaches of semiochemical-based pest management programs. We highlight several study cases where mass trapping has been used either in long-term pest management [e.g., codling moth, Cydia pomonella (L.); pink bollworm, Pectinophora gossypiella (Saunders); bark beetles, palm weevils, corn rootworms (Diabrotica spp.); and fruit flies] or in eradication of invasive species [e.g., gypsy moth, Lymantria dispar (L.); and boll weevil, Anthonomus grandis grandis Boheman). We list the critical issues that affect the efficacy of mass trapping and compare these with previously published models developed to investigate mass trapping efficacy in pest control. We conclude that mass trapping has good potential to suppress or eradicate low-density, isolated pest populations; however, its full potential in pest management has not been adequately realized and therefore encourages further research and development of this technology.  相似文献   

具有脉冲投放捕食者阶段结构时滞的捕食-食饵模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
讨论了具有阶段结构脉冲时滞的HollinglI功能反应的捕食模型,其中天敌(益虫)进行人工脉冲周期投放,害虫具有阶段结构及成熟期的时滞现象,并进行了系统的数学及生物方面的研究.利用脉冲及时滞微分方程的基本知识证明了该害虫根除周期解的唯一性和全局吸引性.进一步证明了当天敌的投放量或者投放周期在一定的范围内,能够控制害虫在作物的经济危害水平(EIL)运行的情况下使天敌与害虫可以共存.得出的结论为害虫治理提供了策略基础.  相似文献   

Saddle gall midge Haplodiplosis marginata (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) is a pest of cereals across Europe. The occasional nature of this pest has resulted in limited and sporadic research activity. There remain important gaps in knowledge due either to a genuine lack of research or to previous research being difficult to access. These knowledge gaps make the development of effective control options difficult. Here, we review the existing literature in an attempt to consolidate the information on H. marginata from research which spans several decades and encompasses many different countries. The current distribution and pest status of this insect are updated, along with the methods of cultural and chemical control available to growers. The biology and life history of the insect are described in detail and the ecological processes governing them are discussed. A forecasting model is presented which allows the emergence of this pest in the UK to be predicted from degree day data, and the potential application of this model in management decisions is discussed. Finally, the areas in most need of further research are identified, along with suggestions of how this information can be used to help develop effective and sustainable management solutions for this pest.  相似文献   

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