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迁安市农田重金属含量空间变异性   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
利用地统计学和GIS相结合的方法,对河北省迁安市农田土壤耕层(0~20 cm)8种重金属含量的空间变异性进行了研究.结果表明,农田中8种重金属含量均值未超过土壤环境质量(GB15618-1995)二级标准,属于中等变异.Cu、Zn、Ni、Cr和As含量的变异函数理论模型符合指数模型,空间相关程度强;Hg和Cd含量的变异函数理论模型符合球状模型,空间相关程度中等;Pb含量具有纯块金效应,空间相关程度弱.在整个研究尺度上,Pb含量具有恒定的变异,其余7种重金属含量由空间自相关部分引起的空间变异性起主要作用,空间相关距离为11~20 km.用普通Kriging方法对Cu、Zn、Ni、Cr、Hg、As和Cd含量空间局部插值表明,北部山地重金属含量较高,而中部盆地重金属含量较低.  相似文献   

不同种类镁肥对烤烟中微量元素含量和产质量的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
针对福建武平烟区土壤酸化严重,土壤有效镁含量偏低导致烟叶镁含量低的问题,研究了3 种不同镁肥对土壤和烤后烟叶中微量元素含量以及烤烟产质量的影响。结果表明,施用不同镁肥后均能显著提高土壤交换镁的含量,但不同镁肥对提高土壤交换镁含量的时效不同。各处理土壤其它中微量元素含量以施用硫酸镁的土壤较高,施用氢氧化镁的土壤偏低。烤后烟叶的镁含量以氧化镁处理最高,其次为氢氧化镁。施用镁肥会影响烟叶其它中微量元素的含量,其中施用氢氧化镁会导致中上部烟叶钙铁含量轻度缺乏,而施用硫酸镁会导致烟叶中锌锰含量过高。各处理中以氧化镁处理烟叶化学成分含量最适宜,且经济性状最优。因此,在福建武平烟区建议施用氧化镁,既可以防止烤烟生育前期有效镁的淋失,又可以提高烟叶的产量和质量。  相似文献   

不同尺度下低山茶园土壤有机质含量的空间变异   总被引:30,自引:3,他引:27  
南方低山丘陵区是我国茶园集中分布的区域,研究其土壤特性的空间变异性,尤其是有机质的空间分布特性,可以为实施低山丘陵茶园土壤养分精准管理提供依据。以四川蒙顶山茶园为研究对象,利用地统计学方法,在两个尺度下对其土壤有机质含量的空间变异性进行了研究。结果表明:(1)小尺度下,蒙顶山茶园土壤有机质含量具有中等空间相关性(C0与C0 C的比值为49.9%),空间相关距离达到了894m,随机性和结构性因子对有机质含量空间变异的影响各占一半;茶园土壤有机质含量在坡体垂直方向的变异性较强,在坡体水平方向上的变异较弱;普通Kriging插值分析说明有机质含量从东北至西南呈明显的带状分布,垂直方向上随海拔升高而增加。(2)微尺度下,代表性茶园土壤有机质含量具有强烈的空间相关性(C0与C0 C的比值为4.1%),空间相关距离达到了311m,结构性因子是影响其空间变异的主要因素;各向异性分析,茶园土壤有机质含量也在坡面垂直方向变异较强,且在坡面倾斜45°方向也存在一定变异;普通Kriging分析,坡面由上到下有机质含量逐渐增加。  相似文献   

湖南烟区土壤交换性钙、镁含量及对烤烟品质的影响   总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28  
分析了湖南烟区主要土壤类型交换性钙、镁元素含量状况及其对烟叶品质的影响,结果表明:(1)土壤交换性钙、镁含量在不同土壤类型间存在显著性差异,交换性钙含量平均为8.87cmol/kg,以红壤含量最高;交换性镁含量平均为1.16cmol/kg,以黄棕壤含量最高;交换性钙镁比值大小依次为:红壤(11.74)>水稻土(10.25)>黄壤(6.84)>黄棕壤(6.14),在烟叶实际生产中,应重视镁肥在红壤和水稻土中的施用;(2)烟叶钙含量偏高(21.93g/kg±4.37g/kg),烟叶镁含量偏低(2.52g/kg±1.26g/kg),两者均存在广泛的变异性;(3)整体来看,烟叶钙含量随土壤中交换性钙含量的升高和镁含量的降低而显著升高;烟叶镁含量随土壤交换性镁含量的升高而升高,与土壤交换性钙含量的相关性不显著;(4)典型相关分析表明,土壤中交换性镁含量的降低可能引起烟叶钾含量的提高,从而使得烟叶钾素和镁素含量达到较好的平衡;(5)土壤交换性钙、镁含量与烟叶其它化学成分指标的相关分析表明,土壤交换性钙有利于烟株对硼和氯素的吸收,对氮、锌和锰素的吸收则有显著的抑制作用;而土壤交换性镁有利于烟叶总糖、硼素和锰素的积累,对氮、磷、铁和锌素的吸收具有显著的抑制作用。  相似文献   

沈阳市郊耕地土壤交换性Ca含量的空间异质性特征   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
利用地统计学和地理信息系统相结合的方法研究了沈阳市郊耕地土壤(0~20crn)交换性钙含量的空间异质性特征,绘制了交换性钙含量的空间分布图。结果表明,土壤交换性钙含量经对数转换后基本符合正态分布,变异函数的最佳理论模型为球状模型,交换性钙含量具有很强的空间相关性,空间自相关距离为15.8km,其空间异质性主要受成土母质和土壤类型等结构性因子的影响。  相似文献   

不同富硒土壤对烤烟生长及硒吸收转运的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以烤烟品种‘云烟87’为材料,采用盆栽试验研究安徽池州烟区不同全硒含量土壤(0.30、0.45、1.00、1.75mg·kg-1)对烤烟生长发育以及硒吸收和转运的影响。结果显示:(1)土壤硒含量≤1.00mg·kg-1时能够促进烤烟生长,而土壤硒含量≥1.75mg·kg-1则抑制烤烟的生长。(2)土壤硒含量的增加能够显著提高烤烟根系、茎秆、叶片的硒含量,烟株各部位的硒含量呈现根系叶片茎秆的特点,且根系硒含量是叶片的2~3倍,叶片硒含量则是茎秆的3~4倍。(3)土壤硒含量由0.30mg·kg-1增加至1.75mg·kg-1时,烟株对硒的吸收系数由1.08显著降低至0.36,次级转运系数则由2.84显著升高至4.03,即土壤硒含量增加降低了根系吸收硒的效率,但却增加了硒在叶中的转运和相对累积量。(4)烤烟整株硒的富集量在土壤硒含量为1.00mg·kg-1时达到最大,每株达到72μg。研究表明,在安徽池州烟区的富硒土壤(0.45~1.00 mg·kg-1)上能够生产出富硒(0.15~0.23 mg·kg-1)烟叶,不需要额外添加外源硒,既可以减少生产成本,也能够避免造成水土污染。  相似文献   

湖南烤烟化学成分与土壤有机质含量的关系   总被引:54,自引:0,他引:54  
许自成  王林  王金平  肖汉乾 《生态学杂志》2006,25(10):1186-1190
以湖南烟区烤烟样品和对应的土壤样品为材料,研究了烤烟化学成分与土壤有机质含量的关系。结果表明,土壤有机质含量总体水平较高,平均为39.06g.kg-1±11.90g.kg-1;烤烟化学成分均存在着不同程度的变异,烟叶总氮和总钾含量较高,烟碱、总糖、氯和还原糖含量适宜;烤烟烟碱与土壤有机质含量的关系符合线性加平台模型,土壤有机质出现平台的转折点为36.25g.kg-1,与之对应的平台阶段的烟碱含量为3.00%;硝酸盐、亚硝酸盐含量随土壤有机质含量的增加而增加(P<0.01);石油醚提取物含量则有随土壤有机质含量的增加而减少的趋势;土壤有机质含量分组后,多重比较分析表明烟碱、总氮、硝酸盐、亚硝酸盐、石油醚提取物、钾、氯离子、总氮/烟碱、还原糖/烟碱、钾/氯在组间差异均达到5%的显著水平,而总糖和还原糖含量在组间差异不显著。  相似文献   

湖南烟区烤烟硫含量与土壤有效硫含量的分布特点   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
采用野外调查、田间试验与室内分析相结合的方法,分析了湖南烟区烤烟硫含量与土壤有效硫含量的分布特点及相互关系.结果表明湖南烟叶硫含量较高,平均为(0.81±0.26)%,变幅为0.34%~1.49%,有39.29%的烟叶硫含量小于0.70%;不同等级烟叶硫含量的变化规律为上橘二(B2F)>中橘三(C3F)>下橘二(X2F).湖南种植烤烟土壤有效硫含量较丰富且变异范围大,平均为(37.16±27.59)mg·kg-1,变幅为2.20~217.60 mg·kg-1;有22.58%的土壤在不同程度上缺硫(≤16.0 mg·kg-1),有26.08%的土壤有效硫含量偏高(>50.0 mg·kg-1),满足优质烟叶生长发育的正常土壤占51.34%;不同土壤类型有效硫含量的变化规律为鸭屎泥>黄泥田>红黄泥>青泥田>沙泥田>黄灰土>黄壤土.相关分析表明,烟叶硫含量与土壤有效硫含量呈极显著正相关(r=0.469, P<0.01).  相似文献   

土壤与烤烟中微量元素含量的相关性   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
通过分析四川省会理烟区土壤及红花大金元烟叶各30份样品中微量元素含量,研究了会理烟区植烟土壤与烟叶中中微量元素含量之间的定量关系。结果表明:会理烟区大部分土壤中微量元素含量在较适宜的范围内,但部分土壤水溶性硼、有效锌含量较低,烟叶中铜元素、镁元素含量较缺乏;利用多元线性逐步回归分析得到土壤与烟叶中微量元素的回归方程,其中烟叶中的锰、锌含量均受到土壤中5个中微量元素的综合影响,而钙含量仅受到土壤中有效锰和交换性钙的影响;偏相关和通径分析结果表明,烟叶中微量元素与其对应的土壤内中微量元素呈极显著正相关,且直接作用系数最大。土壤中的中微量元素之间存在着广泛的协同或拮抗效应,其中土壤有效锰的含量对烟叶所有中微量元素含量的影响最大,而烟叶锌含量受土壤中其他中微量元素的影响最大。  相似文献   

小尺度农田土壤有机质的空间变异性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用10m×10m高密度网格设计,在面积为10.24hm2农田内取耕层土壤样本1 024个,测定土壤有机质(SOM)含量。分析该取样尺度下土壤耕层(O~20 cm)有机质空间变异性,运用地统计学方法量化土壤有机质的空间变异特征。研究结果表明10.24hm2取样区内,土壤有机质空间分布呈弱变异性,CV为1.84%,但整体含量偏低,SOM≤1.04%。剔除趋势的土壤有机质变异函数具有较小的块金值0.000 05、块金基台比0.135和较大的变程145.5 m,Kriging插值的估计标准差仅为0.009 43%,表明该取样尺度下取样区土壤有机质空间分布的结构性变异比例高,土壤有机质具有高度空间相关性和较大空间相关范围。  相似文献   

The inhibition of growth of tobacco cells ( Nicotiana tabacum L. cv. Samsun) after treatment with A1 in medium containing high concentrations of cations requires the presence of Fe (II or III) during the treatment. We examined whether the inhibition of the post‐treatment growth is due to cell death occurring during the treatment with A1 and Fe. In cells at the end of A1 treatment, the integrity of the plasma membrane and the integrity of the mitochondrial inner membrane were monitored by use of Evans blue staining and the cleavage of 3‐(4,5‐dimethylthiazol‐2‐yl)‐2,5‐diphenyl tetrazolium bromide (MTT), respectively. Time‐course and dose‐response experiments indicate that the inhibition of post‐treatment growth is strongly related to Evans blue uptake, but not to MTT cleavage. These results suggest that the loss of integrity of the plasma membrane caused by a combination of Al and Fe directly contributes to cell death and the inhibition of post‐treatment growth.  相似文献   

Ferritin overexpression in transgenic plants has been recently reported to increase leaf and seed iron content. We investigated the influence of various soil conditions on this increase in leaf iron content. One control transgenic tobacco and two transgenic tobaccos overexpressing ferritin in the plastids or in the cytoplasm, respectively, were grown on five different soils, two of them being amended with sewage sludge. Although a significant increase in leaf iron concentration was measured in transgenics overexpressing ferritin grown on three out of five soils, this increase was not a general rule. On some soils, leaf iron concentration of control plants was as high as in transgenics grown on other soils. In addition, an increased phosphorus concentration in the two sewage sludge amended soils correlated with a high leaf iron concentration in control plants, similar to the one measured in ferritin transformed plants. Indeed, growing plants in vitro with various increasing phosphate concentrations revealed a direct P involvement in iron loading of control plants, at a similar level as overexpressing ferritin plants. Also, with one of the soil tested, not only iron but also manganese, zinc and cadmium, and to a much lesser extent copper, nickel and lead were found more abundantly in ferritin transformed plants than in control plants. These data indicate that the iron fortification of leaves, based on ferritin overexpression, could be limited in its biotechnological application because of its high soil dependence.  相似文献   

To determine the responses of plants to deficiencies of multiple metals, tobacco plants ( Nicotiana tabacum L.) were subjected to treatments that were deficient in combinations of Fe and two other micronutrients, Zn and Mn. The response was measured using macro indices, including plant appearance, FW, chlorophyll concentration, and mineral concentrations, and with a molecular index, the barley ( Hordeum vulgare L.) Ids2 promoter / GUS fusion gene system (Yoshihara et al. 2003, Plant Biotech 20: 33–41). Tobacco plants grown in medium with combined deficiencies grew better and had higher chlorophyll concentrations than did plants grown on medium deficient in Fe only, although the measured Fe concentrations in the plant tissues were essentially the same. The Ids2/GUS expression responded to Fe deficiency, but not to Mn or Zn deficiencies in tobacco plants when Fe was present. Tobacco plants grown in medium with combined deficiencies had clearly detectable GUS activity, but the response was significantly lower than that in tobacco plants deficient in Fe only. The Fe-deficiency symptoms were mitigated at both the visible and molecular levels. Although more precise experimental evidence is needed to explain the mitigation mechanism, the balance of minerals was shown to be an important parameter to consider when estimating iron deficiency based on tobacco plant responses.  相似文献   

Long-distance signals generated in shoots are thought to be associated with the regulation of iron uptake from roots; however, the signaling mechanism is still unknown. To elucidate whether the signal regulates iron uptake genes in roots positively or negatively, we analyzed the expressions of two representative iron uptake genes: NtIRT1 and NtFRO1 in tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) roots, after shoots were manipulated in vitro. When iron-deficient leaves were treated with Fe(II)-EDTA, the expressions of both genes were significantly reduced; nevertheless iron concentration in the roots maintained a similar level to that in roots grown under iron-deficient conditions. Next, all leaves from tobacco plants grown under the iron-deficient condition were excised. The expression of two genes were quickly reduced below half within 2 h after the leaf excision and gradually disappeared by the end of a 24-h period. The NtIRT1 expression was compared among the plants whose leaves were cut off in various patterns. The expression increased in proportion to the dry weight of iron-deficient leaves, although no relation was observed between the gene expression and the position of excised leaves. Interestingly, the NtIRT1 expression in hairy roots increased under the iron-deficient condition, suggesting that roots also have the signaling mechanism of iron status as well as shoots. Taken together, these results indicate that the long-distance signal generated in iron-deficient tissues including roots is a major factor in positive regulation of the expression of NtIRT1 and NtFRO1 in roots, and that the strength of the signal depends on the size of plants.  相似文献   

Iron superoxide dismutases (FeSODs) play an important role in preventing the oxidative damage associated with photosynthesis. To investigate the mechanisms of FeSOD in protection against photooxidative stress, we obtained transgenic tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) plants with severely decreased FeSOD by using a gene encoding tobacco chloroplastic FeSOD for the RNAi construct. Transgenic plants were highly sensitive to photooxidative stress and accumulated increased levels of O??? under normal light conditions. Spectroscopic analysis and electron transport measurements showed that PSII activity was significantly reduced in transgenic plants. Flash-induced fluorescence relaxation and thermoluminescence measurements revealed that there was a slow electron transfer between Q(A) and Q(B) and decreased redox potential of Q(B) in transgenic plants, whereas the donor side function of PSII was not affected. Immunoblot and blue native gel analyses showed that PSII protein accumulation was also decreased in transgenic plants. PSII photodamage and D1 protein degradation under high light treatment was increased in transgenic plants, whereas the PSII repair was not affected, indicating that the stability of the PSII complex was decreased in transgenic plants. The results in this study suggest that FeSOD plays an important role in maintaining PSII function by stabilizing PSII complexes in tobacco plants.  相似文献   

The role of endogenous glutathione (GSH) in the protection of suspension-cultured tobacco cells from aluminum (Al) toxicity was examined. Cells at the logarithmic phase of growth were treated with or without Al in nutrient medium prepared without Pi and EDTA. In the absence of Al, total GSH content (including oxidized glutathione [GSSG]) increased gradually. In the presence of Al, the increase of GSH was repressed. This effect was observed before the loss of plasma membrane integrity and the loss of cell viability. In contrast, GSSG content in cells increased in the presence of Al. GSH-deprived cells were prepared by culturing cells with buthionine sulfoximine (an inhibitor of Γ -glutamylcysteine synthetase) for 24 h. Total GSH content in GSH-deprived cells was 6% of that in normal cells. The GSH-deprived cells exhibited a higher degree of lipid peroxidation, increased accumulation of Al, and greater loss of viability than normal cells. These results suggest that GSH protects cells from the oxidative membrane damage caused by a combination of Al and Fe(II) possibly by both direct consumption of GSH and oxidation of GSH.  相似文献   

Internal symptoms in epidermal cells of tobacco rattle virus infected tobacco were investigated. Ring-, elipsoid- and spindle-shaped inclusions were found in the period between the fourth and thirtieth day after inoculation of Samsun seedlings.  相似文献   

A mammalian iron ATPase induced by iron   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
While molecular mechanisms for iron entry and storage within cells have been elucidated, no system to mediate iron efflux has been heretofore identified. We now describe an ATP requiring iron transporter in mammalian cells. (55)Fe is transported into microsomal vesicles in a Mg-ATP-dependent fashion. The transporter is specific for ferrous iron, is temperature- and time-dependent, and detected only with hydrolyzable nucleotides. It differs from all known ATPases and appears to be a P-type ATPase. The Fe-ATPase is localized together with heme oxygenase-1 to microsomal membranes with both proteins greatly enriched in the spleen. Iron treatment markedly induces ATP-dependent iron transport in RAW 264.7 macrophage cells with an initial phase that is resistant to cycloheximide and actinomycin D and a later phase that is inhibited by these agents. Iron release, elicited in intact rats by glycerol-induced rhabdomyolysis, induces ATP-dependent iron transport in the kidney. Mice with genomic deletion of heme oxygenase-1 have selective tissue iron accumulation and display augmented ATP-dependent iron transport in those tissues that accumulate iron.  相似文献   

Summary A high molecular weight protein unrelated to the viral coat was detected in tobacco mesophyll protoplasts infected by tobacco mosaic virus.  相似文献   

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