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瘦寄蝇属Leptothelaira Mesnil et Shima隶于长足寄蝇亚科Dexinae瘦寄蝇族Leptothelairini;其体细长,后足基节上部具1宽而闭合的骨化桥,翅R4 5脉基部背面具1根小鬃;已知分布于俄罗斯远东南部、日本、越南、尼泊尔和我国台湾.本文记述了采自我国广西龙胜华坪的瘦寄蝇属1新纪录种:东方瘦寄蝇L.orientalis Mesnil et Shima,1979和产自陕西太白山和山西沁源与方山的1新种:长茎瘦寄蝇L.longipennis sp.nov,新种与分布东洋区的南方瘦寄蝇L.meridionalis Mesnil et Shima近似,但单眼鬃弱于内顶鬃,腹部第4背板后1/4~1/5和第5背板完全黑,第5腹板基部圆,中央裂深且基部宽,侧尾叶端部较窄而尖等.新种模式标本保存在沈阳师范大学昆虫研究所.  相似文献   

美根寄蝇属隶于追寄蝇亚科卷蛾寄蝇族,主要分布在古北区、东洋区和新北区,中国已知6种.记述采自我国吉林长白山和辽宁本溪的1新种,棕瓣美根寄蝇Meigenia fuscisquama sp. nov.,与三齿美根寄蝇的区别在于背中鬃2 3,前胫无前背鬃,中胫具2根前背鬃,第3、4背板各具1对中心鬃,雄肛尾叶和侧尾叶端部均较钝圆.新种模式标本保存在沈阳师范大学昆虫研究所.  相似文献   

噪寄蝇属Campylocheta隶属于双翅目寄蝇科长足寄蝇亚科Dexiinae噪寄蝇族Campylochetini,其幼虫一般寄生于鳞翅目夜蛾科和尺蛾科的幼虫;世界性分布。本属区别于其它近缘属的特征为:复眼具黄色密长毛;颜堤在下2/3或更多部分具鬃;单眼鬃发达,通常后倾;触角第3节长于第2节3倍以上,触角芒裸,在基部1/5~1/2变粗;前胸前侧片具密的淡色毛;背中鬃3+3;小盾端鬃强,交叉后伸;翅肩鳞黑色;前缘基鳞红黄色;腹部第1+2合背板无中缘鬃。本研究的腹噪寄蝇C.abdominalis、双鬃噪寄蝇C.bisetosa和毛颜噪寄蝇C.hirticeps为中国新纪录分布;褐脉噪寄蝇C.fuscinervis、马来噪寄蝇C.malaisei和巨尾噪寄蝇C.magnicauda为中国分布已知种;编制了中国本属8个种的检索表。首次描述了产自我国的2新种;新种模式标本及其它研究标本均保存于沈阳师范大学昆虫标本馆(SNU)。  相似文献   

中国新记录属——颊寄蝇属分类研究(双翅目:寄蝇科)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
颊寄蝇属Dexiosoma属于寄蝇亚科、Microphthalmini族,该属种类均栖息于草丛中,寄生于土壤中金龟子科幼虫;其外形特征是侧颜宽,具淡色毛,单眼鬃缺,触角芒羽状,后背中鬃3,足黄,前足基节前内侧大部具倒伏的小毛。已知4种颊寄蝇中,3种分布东洋区,1种分布古北区。本文研究了产自上述两动物地理区的颊寄蝇属标本和文献,首次发现该属在我国分布,记述了采自四川,云南和西藏的1新种,暗角颊寄蝇Dexiosoma nigricornis;简述了分布辽宁和吉林的中国新记录种,灰颊寄蝇D.caninum(Fabricius)的主要特征;编制了本属5种雄性检索表;研究标本均保存在沈阳师范大学昆虫研究所。  相似文献   

记述采自宁夏六盘山区的寄蝇亚科2新种,宁夏透翅寄蝇Hyalurgus ningxiaensis sp. nov.和周氏密克寄蝇Mikia choui sp. nov.,分别隶属埃内寄蝇族Ernestini 和寄蝇族Tachinini。宁夏透翅寄蝇外形与分布中国、俄罗斯和欧洲的亮透翅寄蝇H. lucidus 相似,但新种额较窄,触角和足股节均黑色,翅r4+5室不闭合,无短柄,明显不同于后者;此外,新种也近似于分布我国的黄足透翅寄蝇H. flavipes,但新种额和颊均较窄,触角基节和梗节黑色,足股节也黑色,腹部第3、4 背板均具多对侧心鬃,可区别于后者。周氏密克寄蝇外形与分布我国、印尼及印度的毛缘密克寄蝇M. apicalis 相似,但新种雌、雄胸部背板中鬃均2+3,翅前缘端半部无黑色斑.R4+5脉从基部到r-m脉段全部具小鬃,后足端位背鬃3 根,腹部第1+2 合背板无中缘鬃,可区别于后者。新种模式标本保存在沈阳师范大学昆虫标本室。  相似文献   

中国蜉寄蝇属分类学研究(双翅目,寄蝇科)(英文)   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
蜉寄蝇属Phorocera隶属于双翅目Diptera寄蝇科Tachinidae追寄蝇业科Exoristinae追寄蝇族Exoristini,一般寄生于鳞翅口毒蛾科,夜蛾科和尺蛾科的幼虫;主要分布于古北区和新北区.该属区别于追寄蝇族Exoristini 其它属的特征为:眼后鬃列后方具黑毛,复眼具淡黄色长毛,单眼鬃位于前单眼后方,背中鬃3+3,翅内鬃0+3,腹部背板具心鬃.本文系统研究了中国蜉寄蝇属的4个已知种,勺肛蜉寄蝇P.assinilis,锥肛蜉寄蝇P.grandis,直条蜉寄蝇P.normalis和昏暗蜉寄蝇P.obscura;并首次描述了直条蜉寄蝇的雄性和采自我国辽宁本溪的1新种,辽宁蜉寄蝇Phorocera liaoningensis sp.nov.;编制了古北区本属6种雄性检索表.新种区别于近缘种勺肛蜉寄蝇的特征为:第4腹板后缘钝圆,中脉心角至中肘横脉的距离略长于心角至翅后缘的距离,雄性肛尾叶后面观端半部均匀变窄.  相似文献   

大角寄蝇属Atylomyia是追寄蝇亚科拱瓣寄蝇族的一个小属,其体小,眼裸,触角宽大,触角芒第2节长为宽的4~6倍,M脉弯曲处呈直角,前胫具1后鬃,腹部第1 2背板中央凹陷伸达后缘,中间背板无心鬃;已知3种,均分布于古北区.本文首次报告采自我国山西,广西和西藏的大角寄蝇属,并记述了2新种:小爪大角寄蝇Atylomyia minutiungula Zhang et Wang,sp.nov.和中华大角寄蝇A.chinensis Zhang et Ge,sp.nov.,并编制了该属分种检索表;新种模式标本保存在沈阳师范大学昆虫标本室.  相似文献   

中国卷蛾寄蝇族一新种及二新纪录种(双翅目,寄蝇科)   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
长腹寄蝇属是双翅目寄蝇科卷蛾寄蝇族中的1个小属,已知2种:Dolichocoxys femoralis Townsend分布于缅甸、印度尼西亚,D.rossica Mesnil分布俄罗斯远东地区。王氏长腹寄蝇Dolichocoxys wangiZhang et Liu,sp.nov.(图1 ~7)主要特征体长12.0 ~13.0mm;触角芒具绒毛; 2后背中鬃较宽分离,小盾端鬃毛状,前胸侧板具鬃;足黑且长;雄性腹部长筒形,第5背板端部延长成细长尾。正模♂,西藏墨脱阿尼桥, 1 300m, 2003-08-10 ,王明福采;副模1 ♂,同正模; 1 ♂,西藏亚东, 1977-06-13 ,吴健毅采, 2 ♂♂,云南德钦虎跳峡, 2 800 ~2 900m, 1996年8月24 ~26日。新种近似于D.femoralis,但体型较大,足基节和腿节黑色,与后者区别明显;又与D.rossica近似,但体型较大,触角、下颚须和足均黑色,区别于后者。新种模式标本分别保存在沈阳师范大学昆虫标本馆和中科院上海昆虫博物馆。此外,报道卷蛾寄蝇族2中国新纪录种:等鬃毛颜寄蝇Admontia podomyia Brauer et Bergenstamm,1889 (四川、青海) ;黄奥斯渥寄蝇Oswaldia gilva Shi ma,1991 (辽宁)。  相似文献   

记述中国辽宁本溪产突颜寄蝇属1新种,薛氏突颜寄蝇Phasia xuei sp. nov.,该新种外形与分布于中国、尼泊尔、日本和俄罗斯的P. rohdendorfi 相似,但新种复眼间距约等于两单眼的距离,下颚须、下腋瓣后缘和爪垫淡黄棕色,平衡棒基部红棕色,其余部分黄色,后足胫节具4–5根前背鬃和3–4根后背鬃,腹部第3背板长于第1+2合背板,可以区别于后者。新种模式标本保存在沈阳师范大学昆虫标本馆(SYNU)。  相似文献   

发现并描述产自中国四川的寄蝇科1新种,张氏尼寄蝇Neaera zhangi sp.nov.;给出修订的古北区该属分种检索表;新种模式标本分别保存在中国科学院动物研究所(IZCAS)和沈阳师范大学昆虫标本馆(SYNU).张氏尼寄蝇,新种Neaera zhangi sp.nov.(图1~9)新种外形近似分布在我国内蒙古、中亚、中东、欧洲和俄罗斯西部及东西伯利亚的宽角尼寄蝇N.latiornis (Meigen),但新种翅前缘基鳞黑色;中足胫节具有7根(其中4根强壮)前背鬃,6根后背鬃和1根腹鬃;腹部背板无黑色中纵条,第3背板的前1/2和第4背板的前1/3覆灰白色粉被,第4背板与第5背板几乎等长.正模♂,四川德格柯洛洞(31°58′N,98°41′E),1983-07-05,张学忠采.副模:1♂,1♀,四川康定折多塘,2006-07-07.冯立勇采.词源:新种种名源自正模采集者张学忠先生姓氏,纪念他对中国双翅目昆虫研究的贡献.  相似文献   

The Precautionary Principle is in sharp political focus today because (1) the nature of scientific uncertainty is changing and (2) there is increasing pressure to base governmental action on more “rational” schemes, such as cost-benefit analysis and quantitative risk assessment, the former being an embodiment of ‘rational choice theory’ promoted by the Chicago school of law and economics. The Precautionary Principle has been criticized as being both too vague and too arbitrary to form a basis for rational decision making. The assumption underlying this criticism is that any scheme not based on cost-benefit analysis and risk assessment is both irrational and without secure foundation in either science or economics. This paper contests that view and makes explicit the rational tenets of the Precautionary Principle within an analytical framework as rigorous as uncertainties permit, and one that mirrors democratic values embodied in regulatory, compensatory, and common law. Unlike other formulations that reject risk assessment, this paper argues that risk assessment can be used within the formalism of tradeoff analysis—a more appropriate alternative to traditional cost-benefit analysis and one that satisfies the need for well-grounded public policy decision making. This paper will argue that the precautionary approach is the most appropriate basis for policy, even when large uncertainties do not exist, especially where the fairness of the distributions of costs and benefits of hazardous activities and products are a concern. Furthermore, it will offer an approach to making decisions within an analytic framework, based on equity and justice, to replace the economic paradigm of utilitarian cost-benefit analysis.  相似文献   

We report 20 new species records for the Coleoptera fauna in New Brunswick, Canada, five of which are new records for the Maritime provinces, including one species that is new for Canada. One species of Kateretidae, Kateretes pusillus (Thunberg) is newly recorded for New Brunswick and the Maritime provinces. Stelidota octomaculata (Say), Phenolia grossa (Fabricius), andCryptarcha strigatula Parsons of the family Nitidulidae are added to the faunal list of New Brunswick; the latter species is new to the Maritime provinces. Two species of Cerylonidae, Philothermus glabriculus LeConte and Cerylon unicolor (Ziegler), are reported for the first time for New Brunswick. Philothermus glabriculus is new for the Maritime provinces. Two species of Endomychidae, Hadromychus chandleri Bousquet and Leschen and Danae testacea (Ziegler) are newly recorded for New Brunswick. Three species of Coccinelidae, Stethorus punctum punctum (LeConte), Naemia seriata seriata Melsheimer, and Macronaemia episcopalis (Kirby) are added to the provincial list. Macronaemia episcopalis (Kirby) is a species new to the Maritime provinces. Nine species of Latridiidae, Cartodere nodifer (Westwood), Dienerella ruficollis (Marsham), Enicmus aterrimus Motschulsky, Enicmus fictus Fall, Encimus histrio Jay and Tomlin, Lathridius minutus (Linnaeus), Stephostethus productus Rosenhauer, Corticaria elongata (Gyllenhal), and Corticarina longipennis (LeConte) are newly recorded for New Brunswick. Stephostehus productus is newly recorded from Canada. Collection and habitat data are presented for all these species.  相似文献   

William Simkulet 《Bioethics》2019,33(9):1002-1011
Most serious contemporary opposition to abortion is grounded on the belief that human fetuses are members of the same moral category as beings like us, and that the loss of any such life is one of the worst possible losses. Substance view theorists oppose abortion for this reason: in their view beings like us are essentially rational substances with inherent moral worth, and those who perform induced abortion fail to recognize this moral worth. In a recent series of articles, Rob Lovering presents reductio‐style arguments against the substance view, in part arguing that it is inconsistent with our intuitions in rescue and spontaneous abortion cases. In a recent reply, Henrik Friberg‐Fernros argues that the substance view can evade these problematic implications because of a distinction between killing and letting die. According to this argument, the fetus’s right to life is a negative right not to be killed, not a positive right to be rescued, thus the anti‐abortion theorist who lets fetuses die acts acceptably. I argue this stance fails to recognize the inherent moral worth that the substance view contends fetuses possess. One who refrains from saving a person, or doesn’t care how many people she saves, cannot reasonably claim to value life. Furthermore, this stance is at odds with most contemporary anti‐abortion views that oppose induced abortions of both the killing and letting die variety.  相似文献   

Piotrowska A  Bajguz A 《Phytochemistry》2011,72(17):2097-2112
Phytohormones, including auxins, abscisic acid, brassinosteroids, cytokinins, ethylene, gibberellins, and jasmonates, are involved in all aspects of plant growth, and developmental processes as well as environmental responses. However, our understanding of hormonal homeostasis is far from complete. Phytohormone conjugation is considered as a part of the mechanism to control cellular levels of these compounds. Active phytohormones are changed into multiple forms by acylation, esterification or glycosylation, for example. It seems that conjugated compounds could serve as pool of inactive phytohormones that can be converted to active forms by de-conjugation reactions. Some conjugates are thought to be temporary storage forms, from which free active hormones can be released after hydrolysis. It is also believed that conjugation serves functions, such as irreversible inactivation, transport, compartmentalization, and protection against degradation. The nature of abscisic acid, brassinosteroid, ethylene, gibberellin, and jasmonate conjugates is discussed.  相似文献   

A review is presented of issues relevant to the definition, measurement, and classification of stimuli, situations, and environments. Problems such as the lack of adequate definitions of concepts, error and bias in measurement procedures, confusion between measurement of a concept and measurement of its behavioral effects, and the lack of agreement among alternative measures are emphasized. It is suggested that concepts be defined in terms of objective characteristics while allowing for the study of the transactional relationship between organism and environment. The work of the ethologists in defining stimuli while studying their relationship to different organismic states and situational contexts is emphasized in this regard. Following Brunswik, it is also suggested that wherever possible there be a representative sampling of variables in natural settings. Note from the editors: From time to time, Human Ecology will publish a review article. Our first in this series is a review by a psychologist of basic definitional and conceptual problems in environmental studies.This paper was prepared while the author was a Visiting Research Fellow at the Educational Testing Service. The support of ETS and my colleagues in the Division of Psychological Studies is gratefully acknowledged. The review was also supported in part by a grant from the Rutgers University Research Council.  相似文献   

Oral cancer is one of the main causes of cancer-related deaths in South-Asian countries. There are very limited treatment options available for oral cancer. Research endeavors focused on discovery and development of novel therapies for oral cancer, is necessary to control the ever rising oral cancer related mortalities. We mined the large pool of compounds from the publicly available compound databases, to identify potential therapeutic compounds for oral cancer. Over 84 million compounds were screened for the possible anti-cancer activity by custom build SVM classifier. The molecular targets of the predicted anti-cancer compounds were mined from reliable sources like experimental bioassays studies associated with the compound, and from protein-compound interaction databases. Therapeutic compounds from DrugBank, and a list of natural anti-cancer compounds derived from literature mining of published studies, were used for building partial least squares regression model. The regression model thus built, was used for the estimation of oral cancer specific weights based on the molecular targets. These weights were used to compute scores for screening the predicted anti-cancer compounds for their potential to treat oral cancer. The list of potential compounds was annotated with corresponding physicochemical properties, cancer specific bioactivity evidences, and literature evidences. In all, 288 compounds with the potential to treat oral cancer were identified in the current study. The majority of the compounds in this list are natural products, which are well-tolerated and have minimal side-effects compared to the synthetic counterparts. Some of the potential therapeutic compounds identified in the current study are resveratrol, nimbolide, lovastatin, bortezomib, vorinostat, berberine, pterostilbene, deguelin, andrographolide, and colchicine.  相似文献   

We report 19 new species records for the faunal list of Coleoptera in New Brunswick, Canada, six of which are new records for the Maritime provinces, and one of which is new Canadian record. We also provide the first recent records for five additional species in New Brunswick. One new species of Stenotrachelidae, Cephaloon ungulare LeConte, is added to the New Brunswick faunal list. Additional records are provided for Cephaloon lepturides Newman, as well the first recent record of Nematoplus collaris LeConte. Two species of Oedemeridae, Asclera puncticollis (Say) and Asclera ruficollis (Say), are newly reported for New Brunswick, and additional locality and bionomic data are provided for Calopus angustus LeConte and Ditylus caeruleus (Randall). The records of Ditylus caerulus are the first recent records for the province. Three species of Meloidae, Epicauta pestifera Werner, Lytta sayi LeConte, and Meloe augustcollis Say are reported the first time for New Brunswick; Epicauta pestifera is newly recorded in Canada. Lacconotus punctatus LeConte and the family Mycteridaeis newly recorded for New Brunswick. The first recent records of Borus unicolor Say (Boridae) are reported from the province. One new species of Pythidae, Pytho siedlitzi Blair, and the first recent records of Pytho niger Kirby are added to the faunal list of New Brunswick. Three species of Pyrochroidae are newly reported for the province, including Pedilus canaliculatus (LeConte) and Pedilus elegans (Hentz), which are new for the Maritime provinces. Five species of Anthicidae and the first recent record of Anthicus cervinus LaFerté-Sénectére are newly reported for New Brunswick. Anthicus melancholicus LaFerté-Sénectère, Sapintus pubescens (LaFerté-Sénectère), Notoxus bifasciatus (LeConte), and Stereopalpus rufipes Casey are new to the Maritime provinces faunal list. Ambyderus granularis (LeConte) is removed from the faunal list of the province. Three species of Aderidae, Vanonus huronicus Casey, Zonantes fasciatus (Melsheimer), and Zonantes pallidusWerner, are newly recorded for New Brunswick; Zonantes fasciatus and Vanonus huronicus are new for the Maritime provinces' faunal list. Collection data, bionomic data, and distribution maps are presented for all these species.  相似文献   

It is still not possible to provide an evidence-based answer to the question of whether regular exercise is essential for normal growth. It is also unclear whether very low levels of exercise result in growth deficits. Regular exposure to exercise is characterized by heterogeneity in responsiveness, with most individuals experiencing improvements in fitness traits but a significant proportion showing only very minor gains. Whether a sedentary mode of life during the growing years results in a permanent deficit in cardiorespiratory fitness or a diminished ability to respond favorably to regular exercise later in life remains to be investigated. Although several genes have been associated with fitness levels or response to regular exercise, the quality of the evidence is weak mainly because studies are statistically underpowered. The special case of the obese, sedentary child is discussed, and the importance of the "energy gap" in the excess weight gain during growth is highlighted. Obese, sedentary children have high blood pressure, dyslipidemia, elevated glycemia and type 2 diabetes, hepatic steatosis, respiratory problems, orthopedic complications, and other health disorders more frequently than normal weight, physically active children. The role of genetic differences in the inclination to be sedentary or physically active is reviewed. An understanding of the true role of genetic differences and regular exercise on the growth of children will require more elaborate paradigms incorporating not only DNA sequence variants and exercise exposure but also information on nutrition, programming, and epigenetic events during fetal life and early postnatal years.  相似文献   

It is frequently claimed that green algae are intrinsically more productive, often by orders of magnitude, than higher plants commonly grown as crops for food. There is no firm evidence for this belief. On the contrary, there is much experience which shows that algae are not more but less productive. Under optimal conditions, all green organisms photosynthesize at the same rate in low light and, whilst commonly cultivated ‘sun’ species show some differences in rate in full light, these do not translate into widely different rates of accumulation of biomass. Accordingly, irrespective of crop, one acre of land, pond or bioreactor, can annually yield about enough biomass to fuel one motor vehicle or meet the calorific requirement of several people. This amount of biomass is not sufficient to make other than a very small contribution to our present road transport requirements and yet contributes significantly to global food shortages and rising prices. Reliable evidence also suggests that, if all of the inputs are taken into account, the net energy gain of liquid biofuels, derived either from algae or terrestrial crops, is either very modest or non-existent and will therefore bring about little or no sparing of carbon dioxide emissions.  相似文献   

Nodes in networks are often of different types, and in this sense networks are differentiated. Here we examine the relationship between network differentiation and network size in networks under economic or natural selective pressure, such as electronic circuits (networks of electronic components), Legos (networks of Lego pieces), businesses (networks of employees), universities (networks of faculty), organisms (networks of cells), ant colonies (networks of ants), and nervous systems (networks of neurons). For each of these we find that (i) differentiation increases with network size, and (ii) the relationship is consistent with a power law. These results are explained by a hypothesis that, because nodes are costly to build and maintain in such "selected networks", network size is optimized, and from this the power-law relationship may be derived. The scaling exponent depends on the particular kind of network, and is determined by the degree to which nodes are used in a combinatorial fashion to carry out network-level functions. We find that networks under natural selection (organisms, ant colonies, and nervous systems) have much higher combinatorial abilities than the networks for which human ingenuity is involved (electronic circuits, Legos, businesses, and universities). A distinct but related optimization hypothesis may be used to explain scaling of differentiation in competitive networks (networks where the nodes themselves, rather than the entire network, are under selective pressure) such as ecosystems (networks of organisms).  相似文献   

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