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考察了山楂叶螨成螨在树内的三维空间格局及其聚集与扩散的趋势,并用聚块性指标研究了其聚集强度的时序变化。结果表明,在垂直和水平方向,山楂叶螨成螨在树内的空间格局均为聚集型,呈单个个体或小的个体群分布,以下层树冠的聚集强度为最高。根据种群的空间格局,给出了上、中、下3层树冠的数据代换公式。  相似文献   

苹果园二斑叶螨种群的空间格局   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:7  
种群空间格局的研究是昆虫生态学的重要内容,它不仅揭示出种群的空间结构特征,而且还是确定抽样技术和资料代换的基础,二斑叶螨是苹果园的重要害螨,应用4种聚集度指标和Iwao法分别考查了该螨在苹果树内的空间格局及动态规律,结果表明,二斑叶螨在树内不同方向和高度上均以个体群的形式存在,个体群的分布为聚集分布,其中上层和南面树冠的聚集度最高,而下层和内部树冠的聚集度最低,造成这种差异与该螨的生物学特性和环境条件的异质性有关,不论螨体在上层,中层或下层树冠,都明显地表现出前期高聚块,6月中旬以后聚集强度逐渐降低的趋势。  相似文献   

本应用空间分布型统计参数IwaoM-X模型中α,β及6个聚集指标分析了柑橘全爪螨的空间格局,并对抽样技术进行了探讨。结果表明,柑橘全爪螨的空间格局为聚集型;田间的抽样部位是上、中、下三部的叶片。提出了估算柑橘全爪螨在不同虫口密度下的理论抽样数。  相似文献   

胡瓜钝绥螨对苹果全爪螨的生物防治效果   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以生命表参数及天敌在室内和田间的应用效果来评价胡瓜钝绥螨对苹果全爪螨的控制效果.结果表明:胡瓜钝绥螨取食苹果全爪螨,能够完成发育历期并产卵,在(25±1)℃条件下一个世代仅需9.54d;其雌螨产卵期(24.85d)和寿命(38.52d)都比猎物的产卵期(15.93d)和寿命(34.79d)长,雌螨的平均产卵量仅为苹果全爪螨的56.1%;苹果全爪螨净增殖率(R0)和内禀增长率(rm)分别比胡瓜钝绥螨高103.9%和13.2%.室内释放情况下,无论益害比是1:30还是1:150,释放20d后防治效果均可达95%以上;在苹果示范园释放胡瓜钝绥螨,60d后防治效果达91.73%,比化防园高23.77%.表明胡瓜钝绥螨具有优良天敌的重要特征,在每叶苹果全爪螨低于2头时,果园释放胡瓜钝绥螨能有效控制苹果全爪螨的种群增长.  相似文献   

为明确新疆野苹果Malus sieversii吉尔吉斯与栽培苹果Malus domestica金冠对苹果全爪螨Panonychus ulmi生长发育和繁殖的影响, 在室温23±1℃, 相对湿度75%±5%, 光周期16L∶8D条件下, 组建了苹果全爪螨在吉尔吉斯和金冠上的实验种群两性生命表。结果显示: 吉尔吉斯和金冠对苹果全爪螨雌螨寿命、 产卵期及总产卵量等有明显影响、 而对总发育历期、 总产卵前期、 未成熟螨存活率等影响不显著。苹果全爪螨总发育历期在吉尔吉斯(雌12.60 d, 雄11.40 d)和金冠(雌12.54 d, 雄 11.67 d)上无显著差异, 雌成螨寿命在金冠(13.46 d)上显著长于在吉尔吉斯(10.88 d)上(P<0.05)。产卵期在金冠和吉尔吉斯上分别为10.55 d和8.30 d, 达到显著差异水平(P<0.05)。总产卵量在金冠上为34.12粒/雌, 显著高于在吉尔吉斯上(22.48粒/雌)(P<0.05)。苹果全爪螨在吉尔吉斯上内禀增长率(r)、 净增殖率(R0)、 世代平均周期(T)、 周限增长率(λ)分别为0.1354, 11.96, 18.33和1.1450, 而在金冠上分别为0.1489, 17.39, 19.18和1.1606。由种群动态参数可知, 苹果全爪螨在金冠上种群数量增长快于在吉尔吉斯上。研究结果有助于深入了解该螨在新疆野苹果与栽培苹果上种群动态, 并为苹果抗螨性育种及害螨综合治理提供理论依据。  相似文献   

为明确重庆地区柑橘全爪螨Panonychus citri(McGregor)对常用杀螨剂的抗性水平,本研究采用阿维菌素、哒螨灵、三唑锡、螺螨酯4种不同类型杀螨剂对柑橘全爪螨重庆北碚种群、璧山种群、武隆种群和忠县种群进行了田间敏感性测定。结果表明,柑橘全爪螨4个种群对三唑锡表现最不敏感,致死中浓度LC50在209.9~370.9mg/L之间。璧山种群对阿维菌素敏感性最高,武隆种群和忠县种群对阿维菌素的相对抗性分别达12倍和11倍。哒螨灵监测结果表明,北碚种群的抗性水平显著高于其他3个种群。而北碚种群对螺螨酯的LC50仅为1.2mg/L,显著低于其他种群。柑橘全爪螨4个种群解毒酶活性研究发现,解毒酶活性的高低与不同种群抗性水平之间并没有明显相关性,这可能同各地区施药背景不同、综合防治措施不同、各杀螨剂作用机理不同、不同种群体内代谢抗性及靶标抗性水平差异有关。  相似文献   

苹果全爪螨在不同温度下的实验种群生命表   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在5种不同温度和16h/d光照长度的条件下组建苹果全爪螨Panonychus ulmi(Koch)实验种群生命表,在此基础上进行该实验种群的一些特征和生命参数分析。结果表明,适于苹果全爪螨实验种群增长的温度在26~30℃。  相似文献   

【目的】植绥螨是柑桔园的重要天敌。桔园杂草假臭草常被误认为藿香蓟而被保留或种植,但其在维持植绥螨上的生态功能是否与藿香蓟相似,尚无报道。了解植绥螨在桔树和藿香蓟、假臭草上的时空分布,可为筛选果园杂草及其它合理保护和增殖桔园植绥螨措施提供参考。【方法】本文采用常规摘叶法调查植绥螨和柑桔全爪螨Panonychuscitri(McGregor)在桔树上的时空分布,以及采用整株取样法调查附近藿香蓟和假臭草上的植绥螨种群。【结果】发现植绥螨在桔树树冠外层的种群密度在夜晚23:30较高,而柑桔全爪螨正好相反,在白天15:30密度更高。在白天藿香蓟上的植绥螨显著多于假臭草上的,在夜晚两种草上的植绥螨无显著差异。植绥螨在白天多栖息于藿香蓟上,晚上则从藿香蓟转出至外面。【结论】藿香蓟对广谱性捕食螨天敌冲绳钝绥螨Amblyseius okinawanus增殖作用明显,建议果园留种藿香蓟;选择在桔树树冠外层植绥螨分布较少而全爪螨分布较多的白天时间段喷施安全性较高的农药,可以较好地达到控制全爪螨又保护捕食螨的效果。  相似文献   

山楂叶螨和苹果全爪螨均可用育苗器培养的苹果实生苗在室内大量饲养繁殖,营养液可采用改进的Hoagland溶液。试验证明,上述两种叶螨在苹果实生苗、苹果枝条和盆栽苹果树上的产卵量、卵化率、若螨转化为成螨率基本相同;对以上3种寄主上繁殖的苹果叶螨进行毒力测定,其结果基本一致。作者认为,此法可用于杀螨剂的筛选和苹果害螨抗药性测定。  相似文献   

苹果生长前期昆虫群落空间结构分析   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:11  
在苹果生长的前期 ,将苹果树分为 1 8个区 ,研究每个区立体空间中的昆虫群落结构。结果分析表明 :苹果树中昆虫 (及螨类 )共有 2 7种 ,其中植食性害虫 1 5种 ,种数占总量的 5 5 5 6% ,天敌昆虫 1 2种占 44 44% ;昆虫群落在树上、下、中及内外层差异大 ,而在东、南、西、北 4方位上差异小。通过频次比较的方法与 χ2 检验得出 :梨星毛虫IlliberispruniDyar、山楂叶螨TetrangchusviennensisZacher、顶梢卷叶蛾SpilonotalechriaspisMeyrich均符合负二项分布 ;采用聚集指标法计算得出 :梨星毛虫、山楂叶螨、顶梢卷叶蛾均为聚集型分布 ,另外 ,山楂叶螨的I值最大 ,聚集度最高。以上的研究为苹果园有害生物综合治理提供理论依据  相似文献   

We conducted a series of path analyses to determine which direct and indirect species interactions were most important in determining the within-season dynamics of apple rust mite (Aculus schlechtendali) (Eriophyidae) in a series of Nova Scotian (Canada) apple orchards. Typhlodromus pyri (Phytoseiidae) was usually more important than Zetzellia mali (Stigmaeidae) in the direct reduction of the apple rust mite population growth rate. When both predators contributed to lowering apple rust mite growth, T. pyri acted earlier in the season than did Z. mali. Predation by T. pyri was not affected by plant quality (nitrogen content or cultivar), but predation by Z. mali was enhanced by high nitrogen levels and was influenced by cultivar. There was little evidence of direct competition between Panonychus ulmi and apple rust mite in these orchards, possibly due to the low densities of P. ulmi. The indirect effects were generally smaller than the direct effects, but were occasionally important. Apparent competition between P. ulmi and apple rust mite was observed at times in some orchards, more often mediated by Z. mali than by T. pyri. Interference between the predator species was only occasionally strong enough to affect apple rust mite population dynamics.  相似文献   

Typhlodromus pyri Scheuten (Acari: Phytoseiidae) is the most important predator of Panonychus ulmi (Koch) (Acari: Tetranychidae) in orchards and vineyards. It was recently found that adult T. pyri females cause microscopic scars on apple leaves. The present laboratory experiments were carried out to confirm the production of scars on apple leaves and to assess if females cause scars on fruits as well. Scar production on apple leaves and/or fruits was investigated under various nutritional conditions: no food, pollen of Scots pine (Pinus sylvsestris L.) only, nymphs of P. ulmi only, and pollen + prey. Both on leaves and fruits, either offered alone or in combination, feeding scars were produced under all nutritional conditions, but mostly in the 'no food' treatment. The predators consumed significantly more P. ulmi nymphs when offered alone than when offered in combination with pollen. T. pyri laid eggs under all nutritional conditions, but mostly in the 'pollen + prey' treatment and least when no food was offered. T. pyri females caused scars on both leaves and fruits when offered simultaneously, but more on leaves than on fruits. The scars were also bigger on leaves than on fruits in all experiments. T. pyri survived and reproduced on plant material in the absence of other food sources. Whether the scars produced on leaves and fruits harm the quality of fruits or the yield of apple cannot be concluded from the present experiments.  相似文献   

不同寄主植物对山楂叶螨生长发育和繁殖的影响   总被引:12,自引:3,他引:9  
李定旭  侯月利  沈佐锐 《生态学报》2005,25(7):1562-1569
室内采用叶碟饲养的方法研究了苹果、桃、李、樱桃和杏等不同果树对山楂叶螨Tetrancychusvienensis生长发育和繁殖的影响。结果表明,在李树上山楂叶螨的发育历期短、生殖力强、存活率高,rm值大,而在樱桃和杏树上该螨的发育历期长、生殖力弱、存活率低、rm值小。寄主转换试验结果表明,当山楂叶螨由苹果转移至樱桃和杏树时,其生长发育的历期显著延长,rm值大幅度降低;而由苹果转移至桃树和李树时,其生长发育的历期虽也有所延长,但差异不显著,rm值则明显降低。表明山楂叶螨对新寄主的适应因不同寄主而异,在桃和李上经历1代后即可适应,而在杏和樱桃上经历2代后才能适应新的寄主。  相似文献   

Laboratory bioassays were conducted to characterize the activity of the insecticide spinosad against the twospotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae Koch, and European red mite, Panonychus ulmi (Koch) (Acari: Tetranychidae). T. urticae females and larvae were individually placed on bean, Phaseolus vulgaris L. (Fabaceae), leaf disks treated with four rates of spinosad (25, 55, 121, and 266 ppm) and a water control. Significantly fewer T. urticae completed development on any spinosad rates (<15%) compared with the control (>85%), whereas spinosad exhibited no significant effects on P. ulmi development; 72.5 and 83.1% of P. ulmi completed development on apple (Malus pumila P. Mill, Rosaceae) leaf disks treated with 75 ppm spinosad and the control, respectively. T. urticae adult females placed on spinosad-treated disks had significantly higher mortality and lower oviposition rates compared with the water control; no significant mortality effects were observed until 3 d after placing adults on leaf disks. In choice tests where half of a bean leaf was treated with 55 ppm spinosad transversally or longitudinally, T. urticae females were repelled by spinosad and largely oviposited and fed on nonspinosad treated areas. Spinosad did not affect the behavior of P. ulmi females. When T. urticae females were released on potted bean plants (two-leaf stage) in which leaves received spinosad sprays on the adaxial or abaxial leaf surfaces, or complete spinosad coverage on one or two of the leaves, mite population increase lagged significantly behind those released on control plants. These results indicate that spinosad has significant acaricidal effects against T. urticae but not P. ulmi.  相似文献   

苹果绵蚜Eriosoma lanigerum(Hausmann)是我国重要的检疫性害虫,主要为害苹果、海棠等苹果属(Malus Mill.)植物。目前,该种害虫已在我国一些苹果主产区迅速扩散,并给我国的苹果产业造成了较为严重的经济损失。为了对其进行有效监控,控制其蔓延,制定合理的防治策略,本研究利用GARP和MAXENT两种生态位模型,结合其寄主地理分布,预测苹果绵蚜在我国的潜在地理分布区。研究结果表明:GARP和MAXENT预测结果相似,但前者预测面积比后者广泛。苹果绵蚜在我国的最适适生区主要分布在东北(辽宁南部)、华北(河北东、南部、北京、天津和山西南部)、华东(山东大部)、华中(河南北部)和西北(陕西中部)。另外,河北南部、山东和河南南部、甘肃东部、四川中南部、陕西大部、云南与西藏的零星地区是苹果绵蚜的中度适生区;黑龙江、吉林、新疆等20个省份(市、自治区)的全境是苹果绵蚜低度适生区或不适生区。此外,刀切法(Jackknifetest)检验结果表明,1月份平均最高温是影响苹果绵蚜分布最重要的环境变量。最后,提出几点管理苹果绵蚜的方法和防治策略,避免该种害虫传播或入侵到其它苹果产区。  相似文献   

Ecological inefficiency of conventional IPM programs for apple orchard protection in the North Caucasus results from arbitrary use of compounds producing opposite ecological effects, i.e., broad-spectrum chemical insecticides after environment-friendly selective ones, which destroys the apple orchard agroecosystem. The investigation was aimed at developing an effective and ecologically acceptable program with alternation of environment-friendly compounds which act along the same vector to preserve the populations of natural enemies of the pests and thus to stabilize the apple orchard agroecosystem, i.e., create an ecological type of orchard. In this kind of orchards, broad-spectrum chemical pesticides are prohibited whereas selective biological compounds (including synthetic ones) and methods are welcomed. The test runs of the resulting pest and enemy management (PEM) programs based both on bioregulators (Insegar, Match, Dimilin) and bio-insecticides (Phytoverm™, Lepidocid™, etc.) in 2007 and 2009 demonstrated their high efficiency: the apple fruit damage by codling moth was 1.2% and 0.3%, respectively. The test of sticky bands fixed on apple tree trunks to prevent ants from getting to the crowns showed a significant increase in the abundance of predaceous bugs which sharply reduced the green apple aphid population.  相似文献   

【背景】在我国,苹果绵蚜对苹果等寄主的危害日益严重,发生面积不断扩大,而品种抗性是害虫治理的一种重要手段。【方法12007—2009年于山东莱阳地区系统调查了苹果绵蚜在不同寄主果园的发生动态规律,比较了不同寄主对苹果绵蚜的抗性差异。【结果】苹果绵蚜在红富士、乔纳金、新红星苹果园和西府海棠果园中1a有2个发生高峰,5月底到7月下旬是第1个高峰,也是全年发生的最高峰,9月初到10月底是全年发生的第2个高峰,而7月底到8月底是苹果绵蚜发生的低谷期。苹果绵蚜在红富士苹果上的发生数量显著高于在乔纳金、新红星苹果和西府海棠上的发生数量。在3a的调查时间内,苹果绵蚜在红富士、乔纳金、新红星苹果上每次平均发生量分别为153.2、31.6、30.3头·株^-1。越冬前调查表明,苹果绵蚜对红富士的为害率显著高于青香蕉、乔纳金、新红星和小国光,小国光的被害率以及虫落数量最低。【结论与意义】红富士是苹果绵蚜的感虫品种,而小国光、乔纳金和新红星相对抗虫。文中讨论了苹果绵蚜抗性品种的筛选方法,为掌握不同寄主对苹果绵蚜的抗性差异以及制定苹果绵蚜的抗性治理策略提供了依据。  相似文献   

不同寄主植物对桃小食心虫生长发育和繁殖的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为探索寄主植物对桃小食心虫Carposina sasakii生长发育和繁殖的影响, 在室内温度23±1℃, 相对湿度80%±7%, 光周期15L∶9D条件下, 测定了桃小食心虫在杏Armeniaca vulgaris、 李Prunus salicina、 桃Amygdalus persica、 枣Ziziphus jujuba、 苹果Malus pumila和梨Pyrus sorotina上各发育阶段的历期、 存活率和/或产卵量, 并组建了桃小食心虫在各寄主植物上的生命表。结果表明: 桃小食心虫的生长发育和繁殖在不同寄主植物间存在显著差异。幼虫的发育历期以李为最短(12.48 d), 梨为最长(19.15 d); 整个幼虫期的存活率以李为最高(50.54%), 梨为最低(17.91%); 单雌平均产卵量以枣(214.50粒/雌)和桃(197.94粒/雌)最高。生命表分析结果表明, 净生殖率R0以枣(117.49)为最大, 平均世代周期T则以梨(41.31 d)和苹果(41.51 d)最长, 内禀增长率rm以李(0.1294)为最高, 其次为枣(0.1201)和杏(0.1128)。这些结果有助于深入了解该虫在不同寄主植物上的种群动态。  相似文献   

多维营养生态位由红生苹果叶片的10种无机营养元素组成,利用树冠不同部位各营养元素含量和各种主要活动位点构成的矩阵进行多元统计分析建立各种物种的多维营养生态位。针对各物种营养生态,位在时间维上的变化,进行了生态位胀缩和中心转换分析。结果表明:(1)主成分分析使10个营养维降为两维规范空间PCⅠ和PCⅡ。PCⅠ代表了综合主成分;PCⅡ代表了不同营养成分的特殊作用。(2)两种叶螨间的营养生态位在生长季中  相似文献   

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