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苹果蠹蛾幼虫爬行特性   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文通过收集苹果和梨树上的蛀果模拟自然落果,研究了苹果蠹蛾Cydia pomonella(L.)脱果幼虫的爬行特性。结果发现,58.91%的幼虫钻出蛀果进行了爬行,而41.09%滞留于果堆内部;在进行爬行的幼虫中,50%的幼虫爬行距离在0~1m之间,95%的幼虫爬行距离在0~7m之间,这意味着在实际防治过程中,落果周围0到7m的范围都需要做防治处理,而0~1m的范围需要重点防治;幼虫在果堆放置后的0~25d持续脱果,表明当果园内有落果时需要马上及时清理;幼虫结茧的高度大部分在50cm以下,在实际防治过程中,树干缚带诱杀幼虫时应将诱集带设置在距地面0~0.5m的主干上,以保证落果幼虫也可以被诱集带捕获。  相似文献   

【目的】本研究旨在明确湿度变化对梨小食心虫Grapholitha molesta(Busck)在果实外各阶段存活率和蛀果率的影响及湿度对害虫最终存活率产生影响的关键阶段。【方法】在室内相对湿度25%,40%,55%,70%和85%条件下,记录和分析梨小食心虫的产卵量、卵孵化率、幼虫蛀果率、老熟幼虫化蛹率、蛹羽化率以及产卵、化蛹和羽化时间。【结果】湿度高低对化蛹率没有影响,供试的5种相对湿度下,化蛹率均为100%;但湿度对产卵量、卵孵化率、幼虫蛀果率、蛹羽化率和世代存活率均有显著影响,湿度越高,各阶段存活率、幼虫蛀果率和世代存活率也越高。不同虫态存活对湿度要求从高到低依次为:幼虫蛀果期成虫期卵期蛹期老熟幼虫期。湿度对害虫世代存活率产生显著影响主要发生在幼虫蛀果期、成虫期和卵孵化期。同时,湿度提高利于成虫产卵、化蛹和羽化,反之发育延缓。【结论】湿度会显著影响梨小食心虫各阶段的存活率、幼虫蛀果率和繁殖,成虫盛发期、卵期和蛀果期的湿度影响害虫种群数量和蛀果率的关键阶段。  相似文献   

【目的】植物在生长过程中,面对昆虫的取食危害演化出了系统而有效的防御策略。本研究探索了苹果果实应对蛀果害虫危害的防御反应机制。【方法】本文以蛀果害虫梨小食心虫Grapholitha molesta和苹果蠹蛾Cydia pomonella为研究对象,研究食心虫为害对果树防御酶活性的影响及反映寄主受其危害的应激程度。【结果】结果表明将梨小食心虫和苹果蠹蛾分别接虫于苹果果实处理后,寄主的蛋白质含量、CAT、POD和SOD活性明显高于未被危害果实且差异显著;梨小食心虫与苹果蠹蛾同时取食为害时,CAT活性4-8d时上升,12d后开始下降;POD活性增强明显高于其它4个处理,SOD活性明显高于其它处理且差异显著(P0.05)。【结论】苹果果实在遭受到虫害胁迫时,可诱导寄主体内防御酶出现应激反应,从而发挥重要保障作用。  相似文献   

室内饲养梨小食心虫幼虫脱果动态   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为掌握不同果实室内饲养梨小食心虫Grapholita molesta(Busck)的效果及幼虫脱果的动态,以新红星苹果、富士苹果和大金星山楂饲养梨小食心虫,逐日记载幼虫脱果数量,并进行逻辑斯蒂(logistic equation)曲线拟合。结果显示,相同接卵数和相同饲料重量的情况下,3种饲料得到的幼虫数量高低次序为:新红星苹果>红富士苹果>大金星山楂。其中,新红星苹果每千克产虫量为27.7头,显著高于其它两种饲料。经逻辑斯蒂方程拟合可知,两种苹果幼虫脱果各时期及盛期历期相差较小;而以山楂饲喂的幼虫脱果各时期均比苹果饲喂的梨小食心虫提前45 d,但盛期历期均为6 d左右。由此可知,梨小食心虫幼虫脱果动态可能与寄主水果种类关系较大,而与同种水果不同品种关系较小,这也可能是造成梨小食心虫各代发生重叠及混栽园受害严重的原因。因此,本研究不仅对在室内饲养梨小食心虫具有指导作用,且为测报防治田间脱果幼虫时间提供依据。  相似文献   

苹果蠹蛾是苹果、梨等仁果类果树上的重要害虫,也是重要的入侵害虫。其具有寄主广泛、适生性强、蛀果为害等特点,一旦侵入很难彻底根除。老熟幼虫脱果后寻找隐蔽场所滞育的习性是其适应不利环境和维持种群繁衍的重要生存策略。本文就苹果蠹蛾幼虫滞育的诱导和终止因素、滞育场所的选取及聚集习性、滞育幼虫对环境的适应能力及内在生理生化特性以及针对滞育幼虫的防治技术等研究进行了综述,为探明苹果蠹蛾的灾变机理、预测预报和防治提供依据。  相似文献   

桃小食心虫(Carposina niponensis Wals)是我国苹果、梨上的重要害虫,初孵幼虫在果面爬行片刻,即蛀入果内。幼虫能否入果,除受捕食性天敌和风雨等外界条件影响之外,与果实表皮组织有关系,蛀入果内幼虫的成活数量和生长情况亦受果肉组织及果实内含物的直接影响。因此,研究食料条件与桃小食心虫发生数量的关系,对提高该虫现有  相似文献   

庾琴  杜恩强  封云涛  郭晓君  张润祥  郝赤 《昆虫学报》2019,62(11):1297-1304
【目的】明确梨小食心虫Grapholitha molesta在寄主果实上的钻蛀率和蛹重与寄主种类和果实发育阶段的关系,为其田间预测预报和综合防控提供技术依据。【方法】在室内条件下测定了接卵后72 h梨小食心虫初孵幼虫在不同发育阶段的3个种共6个品种水果[苹果Malus pumila (嘎啦苹果), 桃Amygdalus persica (大久保毛桃、丰白毛桃和霞光油桃), 梨Pyrus bretschneideri (砀山酥梨和玉露香梨)]果实上的钻蛀率以及在不同果实状态的4个水果品种(大久保毛桃、丰白毛桃、砀山酥梨和玉露香梨)果实上72 h的钻蛀率;比较了接卵后24 h和72 h初孵幼虫在不同发育阶段的3个苹果品种(嘎啦苹果、富士苹果和金冠苹果)果实上的钻蛀率;并测定了不同发育阶段的金冠苹果、富士苹果、嘎啦苹果、砀山酥梨和丰白毛桃上的梨小食心虫蛹重。【结果】接卵后72 h梨小食心虫初孵幼虫在6个不同水果品种果实上的钻蛀率从高到低依次为:霞光油桃>嘎啦苹果>砀山酥梨>玉露香梨>大久保毛桃>丰白毛桃;除霞光油桃外,其他5个水果品种果实的发育阶段显著影响初孵幼虫钻蛀率。对于嘎啦苹果,接卵后72 h初孵幼虫在其幼果上的钻蛀率最高(73.69%),在其着色期果实上钻蛀率最低(32.51%);在大久保毛桃、丰白毛桃、砀山酥梨和玉露香梨上,接卵后72 h初孵幼虫的钻蛀率均随果实生长发育而增加。初孵幼虫在3 个苹果品种着色期和成熟期果实上的钻蛀率随处理时间的增加而显著下降,而在其幼果上变化不显著。寄主种类及其发育阶段也显著影响梨小食心虫蛹重,成熟毛桃和梨饲养的雌、雄蛹重显著高于未成熟果实饲养的蛹重,着色期苹果不利于蛹重的增加。【结论】果实种类及发育阶段显著影响梨小食心虫初孵幼虫钻蛀率和蛹重,取食成熟期梨和桃的梨小食心虫初孵幼虫钻蛀率和蛹重显著高于取食未成熟果实的个体。  相似文献   

苹果蠹蛾Cydia pomonella Linne是为害苹果Malus pumila Mill.、梨Pyrus spp.、桃Amygdalus persica L.等仁果类和核果类果树的重要蛀果害虫之一.为明确寄主颜色在苹果蠹蛾产卵中的作用,本文研究了不同颜色对苹果蠹蛾雌成虫产卵选择性的影响.试验采用彩色硫酸纸模拟寄主...  相似文献   

李志文  孙寒松 《昆虫学报》2016,(10):1123-1132
【目的】油茶象Curculio chinensis Chevrolat是我国特有木本油料树种——小果油茶Camellia meiocarpa Hu的专性蛀果害虫,常导致大量落果。在本研究样地,啮齿动物对落果及果内象虫具强烈捕食作用。本研究旨在揭示小果油茶、油茶象和啮齿动物三者间复杂的相互作用及其行为机制,为油茶象科学防控提供理论依据。【方法】2013年在湖南省益阳市赫山区小果油茶林于落果季节系统调查6 161个落果,检查油茶象寄生及啮齿动物捕食情况,并对果长、果径和壳厚进行了测量。用线性回归模型分析象蛀率与果径、壳厚和效费比以及油茶象死亡率与调查日期的相关性;用独立样本t检验分析啮齿动物捕食的象蛀落果与非象蛀落果大小差异性。【结果】象蛀落果2013年7月2日始至果实采收止,具明显高峰期,即同年8月16日至8月23日。啮齿动物捕食贯穿整个落果季节,其高峰期与象蛀落果高峰期一致。象蛀落果中4-5龄幼虫所占比例高达85.5%。油茶象寄生率与果径不相关,与壳厚显著线性负相关,与效费比显著线性正相关。象蛀果实脱落越早,果实发育受限越重,油茶象幼虫死亡率越高。被啮齿动物捕食的油茶果实中,小果实占76.9%,其种子被啮噬殆尽。啮齿动物对象蛀果实的捕食率为24.0%,此类果实中,象蛀种子多破损,非象蛀种子几乎不被捕食。啮齿动物啮噬果实中,象蛀果实的果长和果径均显著大于非象蛀果实的。【结论】本研究明确了研究样地小果油茶落果、象蛀落果及啮齿动物捕食的时间格局。象虫蛀食导致果实发育正常生理活动受阻是油茶果实脱落的根本原因,不支持主动防御假说。油茶象产卵行为在果实大小与壳厚两种矛盾的选择压力间存在权衡,其本质可能是亲代雌虫繁殖力与后代幼虫适合度间的权衡。产卵时间格局通过影响寄主果实发育最终对后代幼虫适合度产生影响。研究样地中,啮齿动物能准确探测并捕食大果实中油茶象幼虫,是油茶象重要的天敌控制因子。  相似文献   

【背景】苹果蠹蛾是我国重要的检疫性害虫,目前从新疆迅速向东部扩散。苹果蠹蛾性信息素胶条迷向剂对防控苹果蠹蛾高效、安全,但成本较高。【方法】2013年在宁夏中卫市常乐镇马路滩村果园使用3种不同剂型的迷向剂对苹果蠹蛾进行了防治试验,每个处理果园面积3.3 hm~2,分别使用性诱剂处理后,用诱捕器监测处理后的诱蛾量,在生长期调查果实为害率,比较防治效果。【结果】通过整个生长季诱捕器监测,悬挂点以900个·hm~(-2)双层处理,胶条迷向剂在开花前处理1次,整个生长季处理区中心部位没有监测到苹果蠹蛾成虫;透明塑管迷向剂分别在开花前和6月底处理2次,整个生长季中心部位平均每个诱捕器诱到3.3头雄蛾;膏体迷向剂分别在开花前和6月底处理2次,整个生长季中心部位平均每个诱捕器诱到12头雄蛾。在6月下旬和果实采收前进行果实为害率调查,胶条迷向剂区平均蛀果率分别为0和0.56%,透明塑管迷向剂区蛀果率分别为0.89%和1.38%,膏体迷向剂处理区蛀果率分别为0.79%和1.38%。常规农药防治区2个时期蛀果率分别为1.44%和3.13%。【结论与意义】综合考虑防治效果和使用成本,在虫口密度高、效益高的果园可以使用胶条迷向剂,膏体迷向剂和透明塑管迷向剂只有在虫口密度较低的情况下使用。  相似文献   

苹果蠹蛾成虫产卵特性   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
苹果蠹蛾Cydia pomonella(L.)是全球温带地区果园主要害虫之一,是中国的重要检疫性有害生物,对我国苹果、梨等水果的安全生产造成极大危害及威胁。为详细了解苹果蠹蛾的产卵特性,从而为进行有效的监测与防控提供基础信息,作者于2006年在甘肃省山丹县梨果园中对树冠不同高度与朝向的蛀果率进行了调查,并于2010在内蒙古阿拉善左旗对梨树果枝上不同部位的产卵量进行了详细调查。主要研究结果如下:1)树冠2.5m以上的蛀果率显著高于2.5m以下的蛀果率,树冠东面的蛀果率最高,南面的蛀果率最低;2)在整个果园中,靠近北侧的果树上果实受害程度要高于南侧果树上的果实受害程度,整个果园中蛀果率由北向南逐渐降低;3)叶片上的卵数最多,占总卵数的73.1%,果实上的卵数次之,占总卵数的14.6%,枝条上的卵数最少,占总卵数的12.2%;4)在产卵的叶片上,卵主要产在叶背面,叶片背面卵量是叶正面的6.65倍。鉴于以上研究结果,在开展化学防治或颗粒体病毒防治时,应注意充分喷施果树上层树冠,且在对果实进行处理的同时,叶片和枝条也需要充分喷药。  相似文献   

甘肃酒泉苹果蠹蛾的发生规律   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
苹果蠹蛾Cydia pomonella(L.)是我国重要的果树害虫和检疫对象。本文通过田间调查和性诱芯诱捕器诱捕的方法,研究了2008年苹果蠹蛾在甘肃酒泉的年发生规律和空间分布特性。结果表明,苹果蠹蛾在我国甘肃酒泉1年发生2代;越冬代和第1代成虫发生高峰期分别为5月上旬至中旬和7月上旬至中旬,成虫在树冠的中层、向阳的方向(东部和南部)、果实和叶背面产卵较多;幼虫发生的两次高峰分别发生在6月17日和7月26日,刚孵化幼虫很快蛀果隐蔽为害,给防治带来很大困难;幼虫化蛹前,主要从树的上部向下爬行,并常以老熟幼虫潜入树干或分枝的树皮下结茧化蛹或越冬,次年4月中下旬开始羽化。  相似文献   

The Oriental fruit moth, Grapholita molesta (Busck) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) has become a pest of tree fruits since its introduction to the United States in the early twentieth century. Oriental fruit moth has historically been a major pest problem in peach production, and outbreaks in commercial apple (Malus spp.) orchards in the eastern United States were rare until the late 1990s. Recent outbreaks in Mid-Atlantic apple orchards have lead researchers to investigate host-associated effects on oriental fruit moth biology, behavior, and population dynamics. Studies were designed to assess cultivar level effects in apples on oviposition and larval feeding behavior of oriental fruit moth. In a mixed cultivar apple orchard, total oriental fruit moth oviposition and oviposition site preferences varied between cultivars. These preferences also varied over time, when sampling was repeated at various times of the growing season. Although most adult female oriental fruit moth preferentially oviposited in the calyx and stem areas of apple fruit, noticeable numbers of eggs also were laid on the sides of fruit, contradicting some previous reports. Oriental fruit moth females exhibited a strong ovipositional preference for fruit that were previously damaged by oriental fruit moth or codling moth, Cydia ponmonella (L.). The majority of newly hatched oriental fruit moth larvae were observed to spend <24 h on the surface of apple fruit before entry, and this behavior was observed on several apple cultivars. Neonate larvae exhibited a preference for entering fruit at either the stem or calyx ends, regardless of their initial site of placement. Our findings underscore the importance of adequate spray coverage and accurate timing of insecticide applications targeting oriental fruit moth.  相似文献   

Codling moths, Cydia pomonella (L.), have long been suspected of emerging from stacks of harvest bins in the spring and causing damage to nearby apple and pear orchards. With increased use of mating disruption for codling moth control, outside sources of infestation have become more of a concern for growers using pheromone based mating disruption systems. Studies were designed to provide information on bins as a source of codling moth and the pattern of codling moth emergence from stacks of bins. In these studies, codling moth larvae colonized wood harvest bins at a much higher frequency than harvest bins made of injection molded plastic (189 moths emerged from wood compared with five from plastic). There was no statistical difference in the number of moths infesting bins that had been filled with infested fruit compared with bins left empty at harvest. This suggests that codling moth enter the bins during the time that the bins are in the orchard before harvest. Emergence of laboratory reared adult codling moth from wood bins placed in stacks was found to be prolonged compared with field populations. Temperature differences within the bin stacks accounted for this attenuated emergence pattern. Covering bin stacks with clear plastic accelerated codling moth development in the upper levels of the stack. Codling moth emergence patterns from plastic-covered stacks more closely coincided with male flight in field populations. This information could be important in developing a technique for neutralizing codling moth-infested bins, and in understanding how infested bins may influence pest management in fruit orchards that are located near bin piles. Implications for control of codling moth in conventional orchards and in those using mating disruption as the principal component of an integrated pest management system include increased numbers of treatments directed at areas affected by infested bins.  相似文献   

苹果蠹蛾Cydia pomonella(L.)是世界著名的严重危害苹果的重要入侵害虫,常造成20%~30%的产量损失,现已传入新疆、甘肃、内蒙古、宁夏、黑龙江和吉林等省区,对我国全国苹果安全生产构成严重威胁。2009年农业部科教司批准设立公益性行业(农业)专项"入侵生物苹果蠹蛾监测与防控技术研究",由中国科学院动物研究所主持,全国农业技术推广服务中心、西北农林科技大学、中国农科院植保所和郑州果树所、中国农业大学、河北农业大学以及相关省区植保部门等16单位参加。本文对该项目执行3年中在苹果蠹蛾关键生物学特性、实用监测和防治技术方面取得的主要进展进行了总结,详细情况可通过苹果蠹蛾信息网(www.codlingmoth.net)获得。  相似文献   

The codling moth, Cydia pomonella (L.), and oriental fruit moth, Grapholita molesta (Busck), are two key pests of apple (Malus domestica Borkh.) in North Carolina. Growers extensively relied on organophosphate insecticides, primarily azinphosmethyl, for > 40 yr to manage these pests. Because of organophosphate resistance development and regulatory actions, growers are transitioning to management programs that use new, reduced-risk, and OP-replacement insecticides. This study evaluated the toxicity of a diversity of replacement insecticides to eggs, larvae, and adults, as well as an assessment of their residual activity, to codling moth and oriental fruit moth. Laboratory-susceptible strains of both species were used for all bioassays. Fresh field-harvested apples were used as a media for assessing the ovicidal activity of insecticides. For larval studies, insecticides were topically applied to the surface of lima bean-based diet, onto which neonates were placed. Toxicity was based on two measures of mortality; 5-d mortality and development to adult stage. Ovicidal bioassays showed that oriental fruit moth eggs were generally more tolerant than codling moth eggs to insecticides, with novaluron, acetamiprid, and azinphoshmethyl having the highest levels of toxicity to eggs of both species. In contrast, codling moth larvae generally were more tolerant than oriental fruit moth to most insecticides. Methoxyfenozide and pyriproxyfen were the only insecticides with lower LC50 values against codling moth than oriental fruit moth neonates. Moreover, a number of insecticides, particularly the IGRs methoxyfenozide and novaluron, the anthranilic diamide chlorantriliprole, and the spinosyn spinetoram, provided equal or longer residual activity against codling moth compared with azinphosmethyl in field studies. Results are discussed in relation to their use in devising field use patterns of insecticides and for insecticide resistance monitoring programs.  相似文献   

Codling moth, Cydia pomonella L., is a cosmopolitan pest of pome and stone fruits. It has been identified as a quarantine pest of concern in a number of countries where it is not known to occur, most of them tropical or subtropical countries. Although considerable work has been done on the basic biology and physiology of this temperate pest, little is known on its potential to develop and establish in tropical environments with short photoperiods and few to no days below 10 degrees C. Apples were harvested over three field seasons (2007-2009) from unmanaged orchards in central Washington State and subjected to simulated commercial cold storage at 1.1 +/- 2 degrees C for up to 119 d. After cold storage, infested fruits were held at 20 degrees C under a 12:12 L:D photoperiod for up to 6 mo. Over the entire experiment only 27% of the larvae collected exited the fruit and cocooned. Of those 27%, only 1.06% of larvae held under a 12:12 L:D photoperiod successfully emerged as moths. No moths emerged when host fruit would be available in a representative importing country in the tropics over the 3 yr of testing. These results indicate that codling moth in apples from the Pacific Northwest pose little threat of surviving and establishing in tropical regions where daylength is insufficient to break diapause and the chilling requirement is not met.  相似文献   

Cydia pomonella granulovirus (CpGV) has received considerable attention as a potential microbial insecticide for the control of the codling moth (Cydia pomonella L.) , a worldwide pest of apples. Laboratory experiments were established to investigate virus uptake by first instar larvae, using a novel leaf disc bioassay technique. Virus uptake was found to be independent of active feeding and larvae became infected simply by walking or browsing on sprayed leaf disc surfaces in as little time as 3.5 min. Infection increased as a function of time spent on the leaf disc surface and a linear log time/probit mortality relationship could be fitted. The bioassay technique used has potential for the realistic laboratory testing of virus spray formulations. A field experiment showed that virus infection could be contracted by newly hatched codling moth larvae both from the surface of sprayed leaves and sprayed fruit. The potential for exploiting this knowledge for improving spray formulations is discussed.  相似文献   

Volatile compounds from the apple, Malus domestica Borkh. (Rosaceae), change considerably as the season progresses, and this is successfully exploited by the female codling moth Cydia pomonella L. (Lepidoptera, Tortricidae), as it searches for oviposition sites. In this study, we investigated the effect of seasonal emissions of apple fruit volatiles on the host location behaviour of a parasitoid of the codling moth larvae, Hyssopus pallidus (Askew) (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae). In dual choice olfactory bioassays, the behaviour of the parasitoid in response to apple cues was observed over the complete 2003 growing season. Our results show that codling moth infested apples evoked a strong response from the parasitoid at the beginning of the season, until July. Then, attraction dropped drastically, increasing again at the beginning of August. At the end of the growing season, just prior to harvest, infested apples hardly evoked any behavioural response. Interestingly enough, mid‐season emissions of healthy apples were per se attractive to the parasitoid, and even preferred over volatiles from infested apples. Simultaneous volatile collections from healthy apples on twigs in the field were analysed throughout the season, showing that the overall quantity of headspace volatiles peaks at the beginning of June and mid‐August. The seasonal volatile emission is correlated with the behaviour of the parasitoid during the fruit ripening stage. The results are discussed in relation to the use of H. pallidus as a potential biocontrol agent, in order to enhance current integrated pest management (IPM) programs.  相似文献   

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