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生精细胞在发育成熟过程中产生大量抗原性蛋白,但在睾丸内并不引起免疫反应;另一方面,一些机体系统性免疫反应可以破坏男性生育能力.这些现象的调控机理是男性生殖领域广泛关注的重要问题,对这些问题的深入认识可能为预防及治疗由炎症引起的男性生育障碍提供新线索.睾丸是精子发生的场所,而附睾是精子成熟的器官,二者均会发生影响男性生育能力的免疫反应.然而睾丸和附睾中的免疫反应存在很大区别,睾丸具有较强的免疫豁免能力,附睾比睾丸易发生免疫反应,附睾内的精子比睾丸中的生精细胞更容易被免疫系统损伤.而且离睾丸越远的附睾区域,产生的炎症反应及其对生殖的影响越大.深入研究其调控机制将有助于揭示男性生殖系统特殊的免疫环境.  相似文献   

为探讨血管内皮生长因子(VEGF)在雄性生殖系精子发生发育和成熟过程中的调控作用,应用免疫组化、Periodic acid-Schiff(PAS)染色及蛋白质免疫印迹技术,检测VEGF蛋白在成年大鼠睾丸和附睾的表达和定位情况。Western-blots显示,在大鼠睾丸和附睾内均有VEGF蛋白(约45kD)的表达;免疫组化显示,睾丸内VEGF见于圆形和长形精子细胞、Sertoli细胞和Leydig细胞,免疫阳性产物位于细胞质内。精子细胞的VEGF表达伴随精子细胞顶体发育的全过程,精子残余体呈强阳性。附睾内VEGF表达于附睾管上皮,且有区域和细胞特异性。附睾起始段的所有上皮主细胞内都有VEGF阳性颗粒;头、体、尾各段的VEGF阳性细胞多数与含PAS阳性颗粒的细胞重合,证明为亮细胞;近端附睾的管腔内可见精子头部呈VEGF阳性染色。睾丸、附睾间质血管内皮为VEGF阴性。上述结果表明,VEGF蛋白可由生殖细胞和附睾管上皮细胞直接产生,它可能以自分泌和/或旁分泌的形式共同作用于睾丸和附睾的生殖细胞和血管内皮,直接或间接影响精子的发生、发育和成熟过程,特别是精子顶体的形成过程,并可能与精子在附睾内的成熟有关。  相似文献   

为探讨血管内皮生长因子(VEGF)在雄性生殖系精子发生发育和成熟过程中的调控作用,应用免疫组化、Periodic acid-Schiff(PAS)染色及蛋白质免疫印迹技术,检测VEGF蛋白在成年大鼠睾丸和附睾的表达和定位情况。Western-blots显示,在大鼠睾丸和附睾内均有VEGF蛋白(约45kD)的表达;免疫组化显示,睾丸内VEGF见于圆形和长形精子细胞、Sertoli细胞和Leydig细胞,免疫阳性产物位于细胞质内。精子细胞的VEGF表达伴随精子细胞项体发育的全过程,精子残余体呈强阳性。附睾内VEGF表达于附睾管上皮,且有区域和细胞特异性。附睾起始段的所有上皮主细胞内都有VEGF阳性颗粒;头、体、尾各段的VEGF阳性细胞多数与含PAS阳性颗粒的细胞重合,证明为亮细胞;近端附睾的管腔内可见精子头部呈VEGF阳性染色。睾丸、附睾间质血管内皮为VEGF阴性。上述结果表明,VEGF蛋白可由生殖细胞和附睾管上皮细胞直接产生,它可能以自分泌和/或旁分泌的形式共同作用于睾丸和附睾的生殖细胞和血管内皮,直接或间接影响精子的发生、发育和成熟过程,特别是精子顶体的形成过程,并可能与精子在附睾内的成熟有关。  相似文献   

小鼠精子表面Con A结合糖复合物的形成与变化   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
用辣根过氧化物酶标记的ConA(伴刀豆素A)对小鼠睾丸与附睾切片,以及对取自附睾和子宫(交配后)内的精子涂片进行了标记,旨在认识精子在发生、成熟和获能过程中表面糖复合物的形成与变化。本研究表明,睾丸内的生精细胞和支持细胞均呈ConA标记阳性。附睾的输出小管和附睾管上皮细胞,ConA标记呈中度至强阳性,有部位的差别。附睾头和附睾尾内精子表面的标记无明显差别,标记位置均主要在顶体区和尾部。精子在子宫内存留1.5小时后,顶体后区出现中度阳性标记,但存留3小时和6小时后,顶体和顶体后区的标记均减弱或消失。这些结果提示,(1)精子发生期即可合成ConA结合糖复合物,(2)精子在附睾成熟过程中表面的ConA结合糖复合物无明显变化,(3)精子获能后顶体后区出现的ConA结合糖复合物可能与受精能力有关。  相似文献   

小鼠精子表面SBA结合糖复合物的形成与变化   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
用HRP标记的大豆凝集素(SBA)对睾丸与附睾切片,以及取自附睾和子宫(交配后)内的精子进行了标记,旨在认识精子在发生、成熟和获能过程中表面糖复合物的形成与变化规律。在睾丸内,精母细胞和早期精子细胞胞质内有一强阳性颗粒,处于精子形成期的精子细胞呈弱阳性标记。附睾管内的精子团呈强阳性,附睾管上皮则仅在游离缘呈弱阳性。交配后1.5小时自子宫内洗出的精子,其顶体区的标记增至强阳性,但随着在子宫内存留时间的延长,标记强度逐渐减弱或消失。结果表明,1)精子表面的SBA结合糖复合物出现于精子形成期;2)在成熟和获能过程中精子表面的SBA结合糖复合物发生明显的变化  相似文献   

VEGF、VEGFR2在青春期大鼠睾丸、附睾及附睾精子上的表达   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的通过对血管内皮生长因子(VEGF)及其受体VEGFR2在青春期大鼠睾丸及附睾表达的研究,探讨其在雄性生殖器官中的作用。方法采用免疫组化法检测VEGF、VEGFR2在SD大鼠睾丸和附睾的表达定位,用免疫荧光法检测它们在大鼠附睾精子上的表达定位。结果VEGF及VEGFR2在青春期大鼠睾丸和附睾组织中均有表达。在睾丸中,VEGF主要表达于精原细胞胞质、精子细胞发育中的顶体、Sertoli细胞胞质及精子残余体内,Leydig细胞胞质也有阳性表达;VEGFR2主要表达于精子细胞发育中的顶体和间质细胞胞质。在附睾中,VEGF表达于附睾管上皮所有主细胞胞质内;而VEGFR2表达于附睾管头段和尾段上皮主细胞胞质内,体段免疫染色阴性。免疫荧光显示,VEGF与VEGFR2都与精子头部顶体、尾部颈段、中段和主段相结合,末段未见阳性荧光。结论VEGF及VEGFR2在大鼠的睾丸和附睾中均有表达,其表达定位具有细胞特异性和区域特异性,提示其可能在大鼠睾丸精子发生和附睾精子成熟中发挥重要作用。  相似文献   

应用免疫组织化学方法研究了产后1、10、25、45、60日龄(成体)5个发育阶段的棕色田鼠(Lasiopodomys mandarinus)睾丸和附睾组织内睾酮的免疫阳性反应.1日龄和10日龄,棕色田鼠睾丸生精小管内的前精原细胞胞质中有睾酮阳性表达.25日龄,有许多精子细胞产生,睾酮主要集中于精子细胞胞质表达.45日龄,精母细胞和精子中也有睾酮表达.成体精原细胞、精母细胞、精子细胞和精子中均有睾酮表达.1日龄至成体睾丸间质细胞和肌样细胞均有睾酮表达,25日龄时表达最强(P0.05).1日龄至成体附睾上皮细胞和连接组织有睾酮表达,成体附睾管内的大量精子有睾酮表达.这些结果说明,棕色田鼠从出生到性成熟过程中,在精子发生的各阶段,睾酮对生精细胞的分化增殖有直接的调控作用,这种调控作用随发育阶段不同具有可变性,同时,附睾的功能和精子的成熟也受到睾酮的调节.  相似文献   

用中药复方免不1号,免不2号治疗免疫性不育雄鼠,观察睾丸,附睾组织学和免疫组化的变化。用精子抗原免疫昆明种雄性小白鼠,建立免疫性不育动物模型。同时分别饲喂中药复方免不1号,免不2号,醋酸强的松,生理盐水;从组织学和免疫组化等方面观察免疫性不育症的变化。结果显示免疫性不育雄鼠血清,精囊液抗精子抗体高,睾丸间质,睾丸曲细精管界膜,精原细胞,附睾管上皮细胞免疫复合物沉积多,睾丸每曲细精管精子和晚期精子细胞减少,中药免不1号和2号能降低抗精子抗体,清除免疫复合物的沉积,恢复曲细精管精子和晚期精子细胞数。结果表明:免不1号和2号通过调节全身免疫系统,清除循环和局部的抗精子抗体,免疫复合物,提高精子和精子细胞数,从而提高小鼠的受孕率。  相似文献   

棕色田鼠睾丸及附睾胚后发育的形态学变化   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
通过组织学方法,对产后1 d、10 d、25 d、45 d、60 d及70 d的棕色田鼠Lasiopodomys mandarinus睾丸和附睾发育进行了观察,以探讨其精子发生特点.结果 发现,1 d棕色田鼠的生殖细胞主要是生殖母细胞和前精原细胞;10 d出现大量精原细胞,睾丸间质细胞明显;25 d出现精子细胞;45 d有少量精子出现;60 d和70 d具有各级生精细胞,睾丸生精小管和附睾内出现大量成熟精子.睾丸生精小管管径和生精上皮厚度随日龄增加,于60 d达到最大;附睾管腔直径和附睾上皮厚度也于60 d达到最大.这些结果表明,棕色田鼠在生后45 d左右进入青春期,60 d左右达到性成熟,精子的产生及成熟与附睾的发育同步.  相似文献   

本文报导国人睾丸、附睾和输精管的NSE,AChE,ChE,ALP,ACP,5'-Nase,G-6-Pase,β-GA,β-GR,AP-M,ATPase和TPPase水解酶的组织化学活性、结果显示:睾丸曲细精管的ALP,5'-Nase和ATPase;睾丸间质细胞的NSE,ALP,ATPase和ACP;睾丸间质中的NSE,ALP和AT-Pasc;睾丸输出小管和附睾管上皮的NSE,ALP,ACP,5’-Nase,β-GA,β-GR,ATPase和Tppase;附睾头部间质中的NSE,AChE,ALP,和ATPase;输精管上皮细胞的ATPase的酶活性均呈强阳性或极强阳性。说明人类睾丸、附睾和输精管含有丰富的水解酶,尤其是附睾头部的输出小管、附睾管和头质均含有种类多活性高的水解酶,在精子的功能成熟上起了重要的作用,提示其可能作为生育与不育诊治中的重要指标。  相似文献   

A boar "anti-agglutinin," which inhibits head-to-head agglutination of spermatozoa, has been identified as a 25-kDa sialoprotein contained in epididymal and seminal plasma. This study was conducted to determine the location of the anti-agglutinin on spermatozoa and in various organs, including epididymides, by indirect immunofluorescence and Western blotting techniques. Ejaculated boar spermatozoa were washed and subjected to immunocytochemical observation. Epididymal plasma was recovered from three different regions of epididymides and subjected to sodium dodecylsulfate (SDS)-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) and Western blotting. Twelve kinds of organs (testis, epididymis, seminal vesicle, prostate, heart, liver, kidney, spleen, stomach, small intestine, lung, and muscle) were recovered from boars. The unilateral epididymides were fixed, cut into 10-microm frozen sections, and subjected to immunohistochemical observation. The other organs were homogenized and used for SDS-PAGE and Western blotting. Immunocytochemical observations revealed that the antiserum strongly recognized the acrosomal region and equatorial segment on unfixed and methanol-fixed spermatozoa. Immunohistochemical observations revealed that the epithelia of the epididymal ducts were recognized by the antiserum mainly in the corpus epididymides. Moreover, the antiserum reacted with the luminal contents of the corpus and cauda epididymides. However, no specific reaction was detected in the caput epididymides. Western blotting showed that the antiserum selectively recognized a band of the anti-agglutinin in the corpus and cauda epididymal plasma, although no band was detected in the caput epididymal plasma. In the extracts from various organs, the single band was detected in the corpus and cauda epididymides at the same mobility as the anti-agglutinin, but not in the other organs. Based on these results, the following matters concerning the anti-agglutinin are discussed: (1) the importance of its association with the acrosome of spermatozoa in inhibiting sperm head-to-head agglutination; (2) its origin in the epididymis; and (3) its tissue specificity.  相似文献   

1. The effects of ligation of caput, cauda epididymides and vasectomy were studied in adult gerbils. 2. The operations were performed unilaterally, the testis and epididymides on the contralateral side serving as controls. 3. Ligation of cauda epididymides decrease testicular weight, whereas caput ligation did not change the testis weight. Accessory sex glands were reduced in size. 4. Ligation caused a drastic degeneration of the spermatogenic cells. There was a complete disruption of testicular function. Leydig cell hypertrophy was conspicuous. Caput and cauda ligation led to degenerative changes in the epididymides. Epididymal epithelium was regressed and the lumen was devoid of spermatozoa. 5. Caput and cauda ligation inhibited the synthesis of RNA, protein and sialic acid in testis and epididymides and depleted the fructose concentration in the seminal vesicle. 6. Vasectomy did not cause any alteration in sperm production during the 8 week period on the lighted side. The cytology and the biochemistry of the testis and epididymides appeared to be normal.  相似文献   

Rat spermatozoa were recovered from the caput, corpus, and cauda epididymides and assayed for glycosidase activity, total nonamino (neutral) carbohydrate, and protein content. The activities of beta-glucosidase, beta-galactosidase, beta-N-acetylglucosaminidase, and beta-N-acetylgalactosaminidase were fluorometrically assayed in spermatozoa and membrane-enriched fractions. Except for beta-glucosidase, the activities of the glycosidases based on protein content were greatest in whole sperm and membrane-enriched fractions obtained from the cauda epididymides. Based on sperm concentration, however, glycosidase activities increased proceeding from the caput to the corpus epididymides, then declined from the corpus to the cauda epididymides. Analyses of nonamino carbohydrate and protein content based on sperm number indicated regional trends similar to those of glycosidase activity. Total nonamino carbohydrate and protein content were highest in corpus sperm, and lowest in cauda sperm. These data indicate major quantitative changes in cell surface carbohydrate as spermatozoa traverse the epididymis. A positive correlation for the membrane-enriched fraction between increasing glycosidase activity and decreasing carbohydrate and protein content suggests that glycosidases may play a significant role in modifying the spermatozoon surface during epididymal transit and maturation.  相似文献   

When 2 ejaculates are collected by electroejaculation from the domestic cat within a period of 10 min the first ejaculate has a higher proportion of abnormal spermatozoa than the second. The reason for this difference is not known for the domestic cat, but in other species long-term epididymal storage results in a higher proportion of abnormal spermatozoa. The aims of this study were to determine the proportions of abnormal spermatozoa in the cauda epididymidis and to ascertain if electroejaculation affects this proportion. Therefore the proportions of spermatozoa in the cauda epididymidis with different morphological abnormalities were compared before and after ejaculation. In addition, the proportion of morphologically abnormal spermatozoa in the epididymis was compared with that in the ejaculate. Nine privately-owned domestic cats were anesthetized, and one testicle was surgically removed. An ejaculate was collected by electroejaculation, after which the remaining testicle was ectomized. There were no significant differences in the proportions of different sperm abnormalities between the cauda epididymidis removed before ejaculation and the one removed after ejaculation. A significantly (P = 0.009) higher proportion of spermatozoa with tail abnormalities was found in the ejaculates compared with the cauda epididymides (11.1 and 1.6%, respectively), while, as expected, there was a lower proportion of spermatozoa with distal droplets in the ejaculates than in the cauda epididymides (35.1 and 75.9%, respectively). This new information contributes to the understanding of the etiology of sperm defects in the domestic cat, and is of importance when evaluating a semen sample in this species.  相似文献   

Cyproterone acetate, a well-known potent anto-androgen, competitively inhibits the action of endogenously and expgenously administered androgens on target organs like the epididymis and ventral prostate (Prasad, Rajalakshmi & Reddy, 1972). Administration of cyproterone acetate to immature 30-day-old rats for 20 days or to adult, sexually mature rate for 15 days, resulted in a marked decrease in the content of sialic acid in the caput and cauda epididymides and a decrease in the secretory activity of the dorsolateral prostate and coagulating glands. The incorporation of (3H) uridine and (3H) phenylaline has been studied in adult rats treated with cyproterone acetate for 15 days. An increased incorporation of (3H) uridine and (3H) phenylalinine was observed in the caput and cauda epididymidis cauda epididymidis followed by the caput epididymidis. However, the increase in incorporation of (3H) phenylalanine was of the same order of magnitude in the caput and cauda epididymidis whereas it was almost insignificant in the ventral prostate.  相似文献   

In an attempt to determine if changes previously described in the epididymides of cryptorchid testes were related to the elevated environmental temperature or to the absence of normal luminal constituents, rats were divided into four test groups. Group I animals were made unilaterally cryptorchid. Animals in Group II had only the cauda epididymidis of one side maintained within the abdominal cavity (cryptepididymal) while the caput epididymides and testes remained in the scrotum. The testes of animals in Group III remained in the scrotum but had their efferent tubules ligated on one side. Testes of unoperated rats and contralateral testes of the test animals served as controls. The histochemical demonstration of sorbitol dehydrogenase (SDH) was used to determine differences in functional activity and light and electron microscopy were used to determine structural changes. SDH activity could not be demonstrated in the cauda epididymidis of cryptorchid and efferent tubule-ligated animals; animals in which the luminal contents were obviously changed. These same groups of animals showed abnormal folding of the basal surface of the epididymal epithelium at the ultrastructural level. Activity of SDH could be demonstrated in control epididymides and in those that contained normal luminal contents but were maintained at the temperature of the abdominal cavity. The basal surface of the epididymal epithelium was not unusual in these animals. The results indicate that the epididymis is influenced to a greater extent by changes in luminal contents than by temperature elevation.  相似文献   

Oral administration (80 mg/kg body wt/day for 30 days) of solasodine (extracted and isolated from the berries of the Solanum xanthocarpum) to intact dogs significantly decreased the epithelial cell height of cauda epididymides. The cells became atrophic and the lumen was devoid of spermatozoa. Castration followed by the adminstration of solasodine further reduced the epithelial cell height in comparison to castrated controls. Concurrent treatment of solasodine along with testosterone propionate was unable to restore the normal epithelial lumen parameters. Total protein, sialic acid, glycogen and acid phosphatase activities were significantly reduced in solasodine treated cauda epididymides. These result suggest antiandrogenic potency of solasodine.  相似文献   

Effect of diabetes mellitus on epididymal enzymes of adult rats.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Diabetes mellitus caused significant reduction in serum testosterone and accessory sex glands weight. The sperm content of epididymal regions also decreased. Among the epididymal regions, the cauda epididymidal tissue alone showed significant reduction in Na(+)-K+ ATPase activity. However, Mg2+ ATPase activity was lowered in caput epididymidis only. Specific activity of Ca2+ ATPase significantly decreased in caput and cauda epididymides. All three ATPases decreased significantly in caput epididymidal spermatozoa leaving cauda epididymidal spermatozoa unaffected. Specific activity of alkaline phosphatase was suppressed in caput epididymidis and in the spermatozoa collected from caput and cauda epididymides, while the acid phosphatase was unaffected. In general, the results are suggestive of definite influence of diabetes on epididymal phosphatases which is region specific. Diabetes induced decrease in phosphatases may have an impact on secretory and absorptive functions of epididymis and thus on sperm maturation.  相似文献   

The objective of the study was to determine the effects of ejaculation on scrotal surface temperature (SST) measured with infrared thermography in bulls. In 18 Holstein bulls (18 mo old), sexual stimulation and spontaneous ejaculation (into an artificial vagina) increased SST at the bottom of the scrotum (0.9 degrees C; P < 0.0001). In 11 Angus bulls (1 yr old) electroejaculation increased both bottom and average SST (1.7 degrees C; P < 0.005 and 0.9 degrees C, P < 0.05), while in 12 Simmental cross bulls (2 yr old) electroejaculation significantly increased top, bottom and average SST (1.0, 1.2 and 1.1 degrees C, respectively). However, there was no significant increase in SST following electroejaculation in 15 Simmental cross bulls (2 yr old) with caudal epididectomies. The increase in SST was attributed to a localized increase in SST over the cauda epididymides, perhaps due to heat produced by contraction of the cauda epididymides during ejaculation. The results support the hypothesis that spontaneous ejaculation or electroejaculation increases SST and that this response is mediated by the cauda epididymides. Infrared thermography of the scrotum for evaluation of scrotal/testicular thermorégulation for clinical or research purposes should be performed before semen collection since thermography conducted soon after ejaculation may be misleading.  相似文献   

Clusterin is a heterodimeric glycoprotein synthesized and secreted by rat Sertoli cells and epididymal epithelium. The goal of this study was to determine the presence of clusterin in the luminal fluid of the cauda epididymides and its association with the membranes of developing spermatozoa in the presence and absence of androgen. We have previously demonstrated by two-dimensional (2-D) Western blot probing for clusterin that in epididymal fluid the amounts of clusterin were: caput greater than corpus greater than cauda. Luminal fluid from cauda epididymides was collected from control and orchiectomized rats (6 and 12 days) and orchiectomized animals that received testosterone implants. Equal volumes of fluid were analyzed by 2-D Western blot probing for clusterin. Following orchiectomy, there was an increase in clusterin in the luminal fluid after 6 days and maximal amount after 12 days compared with control cauda fluid. Orchiectomized animals which received testosterone treatment showed levels of clusterin comparable to that of controls. Serum clusterin was detected in fluid of orchiectomized animals with and without testosterone. Western blots of cauda sperm membrane extracts of control animals and orchiectomized animals treated with testosterone had a very low level of epididymal clusterin, whereas extracts collected from orchiectomized animals revealed high levels of clusterin. We suggest that, in the normal animal, clusterin is secreted into the lumen of the proximal epididymis where it binds to the sperm membrane. In the distal epididymis, clusterin dissociates from sperm and is processed (proteolysis/endocytosis). We hypothesize that, in the absence of androgen, the processing and regulation of clusterin is disrupted.  相似文献   

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