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鼎湖山森林群落的光能利用效率   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
本文研究了鼎湖山自然保护区,亚热带季风常绿阔叶林和针叶阔叶混交林的光能利用效率。根据群落的垂直结构和成层现象,应用红外线CO_2气体分析法,分层测定了主要植物22种58株的光合速率.计算了群落的生产力;用量子传感器分层测定了两个群落的光合有效辐射,并计算其光能利用效率。结果表明:阔叶林总生产力的光能利用效率为14.28%,混交林为12.01%,说明了不同森林类型对光能资源的利用效率。  相似文献   

光合作用的光抑制   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
虽然光是植物光合作用的根本推动力,没有光植物便不能进行光合作用,光不足则不能高速地进行光合作用,可是光过剩对植物来说也不是好事。当叶片接受的光能超过它所能利用的量时,光可以引起光合活性的降低。这就是光合作用的光抑制现象。它的最明显特征是光合效率的降低。在没有其它环境胁迫的条件下,晴天中午许多植物冠层表面的叶片和静止的水体表层的藻类经常发生光抑制。由于发生光抑制的前提是光能过剩,所以,任何妨碍光合作用正常进行而引起光能过剩的因素,如低温、干旱等,都会使植物易于发生光抑制。因此,在两种或两种以上环境…  相似文献   

不同高寒生态系统植物光能利用效率及其环境影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
光能利用效率是植物光合作用的重要指标,也是提高生态系统生产力的关键。本研究选择若尔盖高原这一生态敏感区,开展高寒草地和高寒湿地两个典型生态系统植物光能利用效率的观测,并分析环境因素对不同生态系统植物光能利用效率的影响。结果表明:高寒草地优势种植物垂穗披碱草(Elymus nutans)的净光合速率和光能利用效率均高于湿地优势种植物木里苔草(Carex muliensis),但差异不显著;对于两种生态系统共有种蕨麻(Potentilla anserina)来说,高寒湿地蕨麻的净光合速率和光能利用效率均高于草地蕨麻。逐步回归分析表明:两个生态系统的优势种光能利用效率受微气象因素和土壤因素的影响较大,而共有种蕨麻主要受微气象因素的影响;不同高寒生态系统植物的光能利用效率不同,优势种植物受环境影响因素较大,其中空气温度是影响高寒植物光能利用效率的最主要因素。  相似文献   

闫海龙  张希明  许浩  刘英 《生态学报》2010,30(10):2519-2528
利用Li-6400光合作用系统在沙漠腹地测定分析塔里木沙漠公路防护林植物梭梭(Haloxylon ammodendron)、多枝柽柳(Tamarix ramosissima)和乔木状沙拐枣(Calligonum arborescens)光合特性对干旱胁迫的响应,探讨了水分亏缺对防护林植物光合积累的影响作用。结果显示:沙拐枣的净光合速率、蒸腾速率、水分利用效率、光能利用效率及潜在光合作用能力对水分亏缺最敏感,而柽柳则最不敏感;不同处理下3种植物光合特性变化的差异表明,不同植物对水分亏缺有着不同的响应变化和适应方式;此外,干旱胁迫未提高3种植物的水分利用效率,反而降低了其光能利用效率;C3植物多枝柽柳在干旱高温条件下保持着比C4植物梭梭和沙拐枣更为稳定的光合积累和水分利用效率,说明部分C3植物具备不弱于C4荒漠植物的干旱耐受适应能力;虽然水分亏缺对3种植物的光合作用能力均存在不同程度抑制作用,但未对其光合积累造成不可逆转的影响。可见3种植物都有很强的干旱适应与耐受能力,这种能力表明沙漠公路防护林的灌溉管理还有进一步的节水空间。  相似文献   

作物群体受光结构与作物生产力研究   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
植物体内的干物质中,90%~95%直接或间接地来自光合作用,作物群体进行光合作用的能源是太阳辐射能,从获得太阳能的观点出发,农业就是“通过高等植物发展光能利用效率的产业”[8]。叶子作为光合作用的主要器官,其光环境的优劣对光能利用效率和作物生产力起着...  相似文献   

林鹏  郑元球  何景 《生态学报》1982,2(4):327-334
关于植物种群的光能利用,植物生产力和净同化率等近年来有不少研究,但其中除了研究植物个体的净同化率外,多为农作物等草本植物群落或者用林业采收法的研究。对于自然木本植物种群及其不同层的植物与光、温度分配关系中用测定光合作用方面的研究工作还不多。 光合作用强度的测定,目前多用离体叶片或盆栽植物进行或者用收集落叶量与砍伐林木  相似文献   

光合作用是生物体将光能转化为化学能的过程。由于地球人口的迅速膨胀,可以说光合作用不仅仅是生命科学中的重大基础理论问题,而且与当今人类面临的粮食危机、能源危机、资源危机和环境变化等问题的解决密切相关。这是因为:提高农作物光能转化和利用效率是农业增产的核心问题;人类今天所用燃料主要是远古和当今植物光合作用产物转化而来;光合作用吸收二氧化碳对于减缓地球大气层的温室效应具有很大作用。  相似文献   

不同类型人工阔叶红松林高等植物物种多样性   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
采用Shahnon—Wiener多样性指数、均匀度指数和优势度指数等指标研究了辽宁东部山区人工营造20年生5种阔叶树水曲柳、刺愀、紫椴、色赤汤、白桦与红松形成的混交林及人工红松纯林内各层次高等植物物种多佯性,并对该6种林分的垂直结构进行比较。结果表明,人工阔叶红松混交林内植物种类丰富,数量较多;红松纯林内的植物种数仅为人工阔叶红松混交林的42%~52%,植物总数量只有混交林的11%~37%。人工阔叶红松林各层次高等植物物种多样性均好于人工红松纯林,但与原始阔叶红松林相比。人工阔叶红松林的物种多样性还较低。在林分垂直结构方面,人工阔叶红松混交林的成层现象明显,层次结构复杂,垂直多样性丰富;红松纯林只有1个主林冠层,灌木层、草本层较矮,林分垂直结构单一。  相似文献   

香港三种人工林下植物多样性的调查   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
报道了作者于1995年6月至19%年1月期间对香港3种人工林-红胶木林、相思树林、荷树及其混交林林下植物区系调查的初步结果。在10个面积为200-400m2的人工林样方中,共记载了184种非栽培的植物种类,它们分属于70个科139属,其中42%的种类是树木,约占香港树木区系的20%。最常见的植物种类通常具有可以被鸟类传播的小型浆果或核果,它们也是天然次生林中的常见种。这些人工林样方的树木多样性(Shannon指数)在0-2.66之间,随着人工林的年龄增长呈增加的趋势。人工林在加速森林植被的恢复和促进退化地区生物多样性的发展中具有重要的作用,特别是植物种源严重贫乏地区森林植被恢复的重要手段。在营造速生人工林时,适当引入鸟播的野生树种,可加速人工林的自然演替速度和提高人工林的生态效益。  相似文献   

水稻黄绿叶基因的克隆及应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
吴自明  张欣  万建民 《生命科学》2007,19(6):614-615
进一步提高水稻产量,最大限度满足国家对食物安全的需求是水稻遗传育种的重大任务。水稻干物质产量的90%-95%来自光合作用。目前高产水稻光能利用率也仅1.5%-2.0%。理论上,植物光能利用率可达13.0%-14.0%,水稻理想的光能利用率应达3.0%-5.0%。因此,培育高光效的超高产品种是提高产量的主要途径之一。长期以来,水稻光合作用的相关研究大多停留在生理水平上,同时,传统的杂交育种手段在改良水稻光能利用方面至今尚未取得令人满意的结果,而叶色突变体是开展光合作用研究的理想材料。  相似文献   

The photophysiology of turf algal communities was studied in situ on a temperate reef off the coast of South Australia. Algal communities were grown on artificial substrate at depths of 2, 4, and 10 m. To investigate the response of the algal communities to changing light environments in both the short and long term, reciprocal transplantation experiments were conducted among these depths on a seasonal basis. The extent of photoinhibition was assessed every 3 h for the first 2 days following transplantation and then on a daily basis for 16 days after transplantation. Photosynthetic acclimation was assessed using photosynthesis–light curves obtained from transplanted and non‐transplanted turfs after the acclimation period. Transplanted turfs responded very quickly to the light shift. Algae acclimated to low light (10 m depth) were highly susceptible to photoinhibition and photodamage, having greater decreases in maximum and effective quantum yields than turfs from shallower depths. Yield recovery and acclimation usually occurred very rapidly in algae from all depths (3–5 days), but were faster in spring and summer compared with winter. Changes in photosynthetic capacity (across seasons, depths, and after transplantation to a different depth) were accompanied by changes in respiration, so that the ratio of net to gross photosynthetic capacity (Pmnet : Pmgross) remained high and constant over the whole range of light levels. We discuss the possible acclimation strategies of turfs, taking into account the balance between photoacclimation, production, and growth strategy.  相似文献   

This study examines the relationship between light history (i.e. light conditions during colonization) and sensitivity to atrazine for periphyton communities grown on etched glass substrates (colonized for 2–3 weeks) at seven stream and river sites differing in water chemistry and light regime. For each site, taxonomic composition of the community (by microscopic examination and cell counts), pigment composition, and photosynthetic parameters were measured and related to sensitivity to the herbicide. Photosynthetic parameters were estimated from photosynthesis– irradiance (P-I) curves; the responses of the algae to atrazine were analyzed using short-term concentration–response tests. Periphyton communities colonizing shaded sites were diatom dominated, had higher percentages of accessory pigments, and were more susceptible to photoinhibition at high light intensities compared to periphyton communities colonizing open sites; communities in the more open sites were dominated by green algae or cyanobacteria. Periphyton communities colonizing open sites were more sensitive to atrazine; the concentration of atrazine needed to inhibit photosynthesis by 50% in the short-term tests (EC50 values) was correlated with light conditions during colonization. The interaction between treatment factors (light conditions during colonization, irradiance of incubation, and atrazine concentration) was analyzed by three-way ANOVA. The two-way interactions were significant, indicating that the response of the periphyton to irradiance during incubation and to atrazine concentration both depend on light history. However, the magnitude of the interaction between light history and atrazine toxicity was attenuated by changes in irradiance during incubation (three-way ANOVA). This investigation presents evidence that the apparent toxicity of atrazine to lotic periphyton in natural communities is greater for algae that are adapted to high-light conditions than for those that are adapted to low-light conditions.  相似文献   

Plant communities utilize available irradiance with different efficiency depending not only on their photosynthetic characteristics but also on the canopy structure and density. The importance of canopy structure are well studied in terrestrial plant communities but poorly studied in aquatic plant communities. The objective of this study was to evaluate macroalgal community photosynthesis in artificial constructed communities of one to four species with different morphologies along a range of leaf (i.e.=thallus) area densities. In a laboratory set-up we measured net photosynthesis and dark respiration in constructed assemblages of macroalgae, excluding effects other than photosynthesis of individual tissue and distribution of photons in the canopy from influencing metabolism. We hypothezised that 1) canopy structure determines the actual rates of photosynthesis relative to the optimal rates and 2) multi-species communities attain higher maximum photosynthetic rates than single species communities. We found that differences in canopy structure outweighed large differences in tissue photosynthesis resulting in relatively similar maximum community photosynthetic rates among the different single and multi-species assemblages (20.1–40.5 μmol O2 m−2 s−1). Canopy structure influenced community photosynthesis both at low and high leaf area densities because it determines the ability of macroalgae to use the photosynthetic potential of their individual tissues. Due to an averaging effect the photosynthetic rate at high leaf area density was more similar among multi-species community than among single-species communities. Multi-species communities had, on average, a slightly higher photosynthetic production than expected from photosynthesis of single species communities. Moreover multi-species communities were capable of exposing new tissue to irradiance up to high densities thereby avoiding a decrease in net photosynthesis. This finding suggests that multi-species communities may be able to maintain higher biomass per unit ground area than single-species communities.  相似文献   

民勤绿洲人工梭梭林退化现状、特征与恢复对策   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
王继和  马全林 《西北植物学报》2003,23(12):2107-2112
民勤全县共有人工梭梭林近3.5万hm^2,占人工林总面积的51.5%,在民勤固沙林中占主导地位。但目前除水库与环河周围外,人工梭梭林均出现不同程度的退化现象,并表现为建群种梭梭光合强度减弱、群落盖度降低、梭梭种群优势度下降、林地土壤含水率下降、组成群落的物种多样性减少、地表土壤结皮破坏、风蚀作用增强等特征。梭梭林的退化,直接威胁到民勤绿洲的生存与发展,其恢复与重建成为当前一项十分重要而紧迫的任务,为此提出控制梭梭林密度、人工集雨、布设粘土或新型材料沙障、引进与培育抗旱新品种、特殊区域应用喷灌技术补水、补充水源不断恢复民勤地区的地下水位等措施,以期达到恢复与维持梭梭群落稳定发展的目的。  相似文献   

Most studies on photosynthetic production of aquatic macrophytes have been made on detached leaves and algal thalli. This may have given the false impression that production is often saturated by light and that inorganic carbon and nutrients are more important limiting factors. However, studies on the more relevant ecological scale of macrophyte communities lead to a completely different perception because community production is light limited due to intense self‐shading. Relatively high irradiances are needed for photosynthesis to balance respiratory costs and not even maximum irradiances at noon during summer saturate photosynthetic production. The fundamental importance of light is confirmed by the close coupling to community light absorptance of both maximum production in high‐light environments and efficiency of light use in low‐light environments. The upper boundaries of light‐limited and light‐saturated production are distinctly and linearly related to community absorptance. Moreover, higher diversity in the community has a positive and stabilizing influence on light absorptance and production because different species supplement each other temporally and spatially. Close predictions of actual production rates in macroalgal communities throughout the year are possible solely from determinations of incident and absorbed irradiance. Along with the increasing regulating role of light from leaves or thalli to entire communities the importance of temperature, inorganic carbon and other resources decreases. Thus, ten‐fold rise of CO2 relative to atmospheric saturation does not enhance maximum production in dense communities of efficient HCO3?‐users and only doubles production of pure CO2‐users. A challenge therefore exists establishing the importance of light for photosynthetic production of macrophytes from individuals to communities and re‐evaluating the postulated main importance of inorganic carbon and temperature in the scenarios of globally rising CO2 and temperature.  相似文献   

We examined the effect of light on extracellular enzyme activities of periphytic/endogenous microbial assemblages associated with decomposing litter of an emergent macrophyte Typha angustifolia within a small inland wetland in southeastern Michigan. Standing-dead Typha leaf litter was collected, placed into floating wire mesh litter baskets, and submerged in a wetland pool. Enzyme saturation assays were conducted on three occasions following litter submergence (days 9, 28, and 44) to generate saturation curves for the individual enzymes tested and to examine potential differences in enzyme saturation kinetics during microbial colonization and development. Experimental light manipulations were conducted on two occasions during microbial development (days 10 and 29). Short-term (30 min) light exposure significantly increased extracellular β-glucosidase activity of litter-associated microbial communities. Activities of β-xylosidase and leucine-aminopeptidase were not stimulated, and stimulation of phosphatase activity was variable. The exact mechanism for increased enzyme activity remains unknown, but it may have been increased pH arising from periphytic algal photosynthesis. These results suggest that extracellular enzyme activity in microbial communities colonizing natural organic substrata may be influenced by light/photosynthesis, as has previously been demonstrated for periphyton communities grown on artificial, inert substrata. Thus, light/photosynthetic mediated stimulation of extracellular enzyme activities may be a common occurrence in microbial communities associated with natural decaying plant litter in wetlands and might engender diurnal patterns in other microbial decay processes (e.g., production, organic matter decomposition, and mineralization).  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to measure the photo‐acclimation response of stream algae inhabiting thin biofilms across a range of light treatments comparing both growth rates and net primary productivity (NPP). Algae were grown on clay tiles incubated in artificial stream channels where light levels were manipulated by layering a neutral‐density shade cloth over each channel. We measured NPP and algal growth rates in the early stages of community development and compared assemblages that were either acclimated or unacclimated to a given light treatment. Algal growth rates did acclimate to light treatment, with saturation occurring at light levels that were substantially lower for the acclimated communities. Growth efficiency calculated from algal biovolume increased by a factor of 3. However, algal NPP showed a weaker photo‐acclimation response, with only a 30% increase in photosynthetic efficiency. Our results indicate that diatom‐dominated periphyton in thin biofilms are probably not light limited in many shaded streams with respect to growth rates, but are light limited with respect to NPP.  相似文献   

We have studied the differences in the organic matter processing and biofilm composition and structure between autoheterotrophic and heterotrophic biofilm communities. Microbial communities grown on artificial biofilms were monitored, following incubation under light and dark conditions and with or without the addition of glucose as a labile organic compound. Glucose addition greatly affected the microbial biofilm composition as shown by differences in 16S rRNA gene fingerprints. A significant increase in β-glucosidase and peptidase enzyme activities were also observed in glucose-amended biofilms incubated in the dark, suggesting an active bacterial community. Light enhanced the algal and bacterial growth, as well as higher extracellular enzyme activity, thereby indicating a tight algal–bacterial coupling in biofilms incubated under illumination. In these biofilms, organic compounds excreted by photosynthetic microorganisms were readily available for bacterial heterotrophs. This algal–bacterial relationship weakened in glucose-amended biofilms grown in the light, probably because heterotrophic bacteria preferentially use external labile compounds. These results suggest that the availability of labile organic matter in the flowing water and the presence of light may alter the biofilm composition and function, therefore affecting the processing capacity of organic matter in the stream ecosystem.  相似文献   

为研究物种在不同群落中光合生理特征的变化,以亚高寒草甸围封恢复地为研究对象,对样地内3个不同组成群落进行样方调查,测定了物种高度及各群落垂直方向上光照强度以及群落中3个共有种披碱草(Elymus dahuricus)、刺儿菜(Cirsium setosum)和紫花苜蓿(Medicago sativa)的净光合速率(Aarea)、叶片氮含量(Nmass)、比叶重(LMA)及光合氮利用效率(PNUE)。结果表明:(1)3个样地的群落组成有明显的差异,豆科植物的增多可以一定程度上改善群落氮养分状况,但植物叶片Nmass还受到群落优势种竞争的影响。(2)同一物种在不同群落的高度不同,不同群落垂直方向上光照强度也不相同,导致同一物种在不同群落中能够获得的光照强度有一定差异。(3)在养分、光照强度有差异的情况下,不同植物的Aarea、LMA及PNUE在不同群落中的变化趋势不尽相同,而Narea与Aarea的关系在总体上、群落间及物种间变化不大,基本上显示了较强的正相关关系。由此可见,群落组成、结构引起的光照及氮素差异是导致同一物种光合生理特征在不同群落中变化的重要因素,但不同物种光合生理特征对光照及氮素变化的响应不同。  相似文献   

沙蒿(Artemisia intramongolica)群落是半干旱草原地区沙地的重要植被类型,分别在植物的生长前期、中期、盛期和后期采用便携式光合测定仪和大型同化分析仪测定了沙蒿叶片和沙蒿群落的光合动态。单叶和群落的光合速率日进程类型随气候的不同而异,瞬时光合速率主要决定于光合有效辐射强度(PAR)。土壤干旱大大降低了单叶和群落的光合能力,晴天土壤湿润时气温和空气湿度控制着叶片的光合速率,午间大气湿度降低是光合午休的主要外因。叶片的蒸腾速率与气温呈显著线性相关,植物的光能和水分利用效率也主要取决于PAR和气温,随着PAR和气温的升高利用效率下降。沙蒿叶片光能利用效率在后期也能保持较高水平。沙蒿对土壤干旱和高温具有一定的适应性,在土壤湿润时能迅速提高光合速率,形成较大的生物量。但是沙蒿的蒸腾速率高,水分利用效率低。研究认为,沙蒿通过对土壤干旱和高温的忍耐机制而保持长时间较高的光能利用效率,并在土壤湿润时迅速提高光合能力和积累干物质来适应半干旱的沙地环境,而且依靠高蒸腾速率和强的水分吸收能力来竞争性抑制其他植物的生长。  相似文献   

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