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【目的】地衣芽胞杆菌FJAT-4产生的脂肽能够有效抑制尖孢镰刀菌的生长,本研究的目的在于探究地衣芽胞杆菌FJAT-4脂肽结构,分析培养基组分和培养温度对FJAT-4产抑菌脂肽的影响,阐述脂肽对尖孢镰刀菌的抑制作用,为菌株抑菌机理的阐释及其在枯萎病防治中的推广应用奠定基础。【方法】通过酸沉醇提法提取地衣芽胞杆菌FJAT-4产生的脂肽;利用液相色谱串联四极杆飞行时间质谱进行地衣芽胞杆菌FJAT-4脂肽组成分析及结构鉴定;以抑菌圈大小为指标评估地衣芽胞杆菌FJAT-4脂肽对尖孢镰刀菌的抑制效果;通过扫描电镜观察地衣芽胞杆菌FJAT-4粗脂肽对尖孢镰刀菌的抑制作用。【结果】地衣芽胞杆菌FJAT-4产生的抑菌脂肽由C_(17)fengycin A、C_(17)fengycin B、C_(17)fengycin B_2、C_(16)fengycin A衍生物、C_(16)fengycin B衍生物、C_(13)–C_(15)surfactin及C_(13)–C_(15)surfactin衍生物组成,其中C_(13)–C_(15) surfactin衍生物(m/z[M+Na]~+=1048.6/1062.6/1076.6)为新化合物。培养基成分不同对菌株FJAT-4脂肽组成影响较小,但温度对菌株FJAT-4产生抑菌脂肽的影响很大,该菌株在较低温度(20–25°C)下培养不产生脂肽,30–40°C下培养能产生抑菌脂肽,且高温有利于提高脂肽中surfactin的比例。该脂肽类物质对辣椒、番茄、香蕉和甜瓜尖孢镰刀菌等多种植物病原真菌均具有很好的抑制效果,且呈剂量依赖性。扫描电镜结果表明地衣芽胞杆菌FJAT-4所产的脂肽会严重影响辣椒、番茄、香蕉和甜瓜尖孢镰刀菌菌丝的正常生长,导致菌丝断裂变形、孢子变形或显著抑制了孢子的生长。【结论】地衣芽胞杆菌FJAT-4产生的抑菌脂肽为fengycin和surfactin类物质,该抑菌脂肽会致使尖孢镰刀菌菌丝体发育畸形,影响尖孢镰刀菌的正常生长。  相似文献   

微生物源脂肽具有抑制真菌和细菌的生长、抗病毒和抗肿瘤等多种生物活性,在农业生物防治、临床医疗、环境治理等多种领域具有巨大的应用潜力。然而,低产量一直是影响其推广应用的瓶颈。深入了解脂肽合成的关键因素和调控策略对于提高其产量和纯度至关重要。本文概括了3大家族脂肽surfactin、fengycin和iturin的结构、功能及应用前景,介绍了NRPS和NRPS-PKS两种合成系统的结构域和功能,阐释了脂肽生物合成过程中侧链脂肪酸的合成、脂肪酸的活化及与氨基酸的连接、肽链的延伸和环化三个阶段的模块组装和酶催化活动,以及三大家族脂肽合成操纵子开放阅读框的组成;总结了导入或缺失关键基因、定点突变、模块替换、强启动子替换、修饰前体路径等多种遗传操作对脂肽产量的影响,以及群体感应肽信息素、sigma因子等全局调控因子对脂肽合成基因表达的调节。指出利用多组学联用深入探讨脂肽合成的全局分子调控机制和加强结构域蛋白互作和分子动力学研究是提高脂肽产量和纯度以及创造新脂肽的理论基础,提出了利用基因组装和编辑等合成生物学方法及代谢工程技术提高脂肽产量和挖掘新型脂肽靶向性的可能途径,为推进脂肽的生产和应用进程提供科学参考。  相似文献   

抗菌豆豉发酵菌株的筛选及其脂肽组分鉴定和特性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:从豆豉中分离广谱抗菌活性菌株,并鉴定其发酵产物中的抗菌成分.方法:采用生理生化实验结合16SrRNA序列测定法鉴定目标分离株,通过LC-MS和ESI/CID技术对其抗菌组分进行鉴定.结果:从8个豆豉样品中分离出7株具有抗菌活性菌株,其中抗菌活性较强的分离株NT-6为枯草芽孢杆菌(Bacillus subtilis),其发酵液抗菌提取物的主要成分是抗菌脂肽类物质iturin、fengycin、surfactin同系物的混合物.该提取物对供试革兰氏阳性、阴性细菌、霉菌等指示菌具有广谱的抗菌活性,在pH 2~ 12、121℃条件下加热30min活性不丧失,说明具有广泛的pH适应范围和良好的耐热性.结论:该菌株产生多组分抗菌脂肽,其抑菌谱宽,适应性好,显示了在食品、农业、医药等领域具有良好的应用前景.  相似文献   

表面活性素(surfactin)是由枯草芽孢杆菌代谢产生的环脂肽类生物表面活性剂。Surfactin具有卓越的表/界面活性,在石油化工、生物医疗、农业和食品工业等领域具有良好的应用前景,被认为是最具潜力的生物表面活性剂之一。但高昂的生产成本以及使用成本限制了surfactin的规模化应用。本文中,笔者对surfactin的发酵生产研究及其在石油化工领域中的应用研究进行综述,并对surfactin的发酵生产及应用研究前景进行展望。  相似文献   

表面活性素(surfactin)、伊枯草菌素(iturin)和丰原素(fengycin)是一类主要由革兰阳性芽胞杆菌通过非核糖体合成途径产生的抗菌肽,一般是由1个β-羟基脂肪酸与7~10个氨基酸肽链以酰胺键连接而成的环肽,具有抗细菌、抗真菌、抗病毒、抗肿瘤等生物活性,在医疗方面具有良好的应用前景。目前,人们对这3种新型抗菌肽在医药领域中的研究进展所知甚少,故本文对其发现历史、结构特点、作用机制、生物合成和应用价值进行阐述,为后续研究提供借鉴。  相似文献   

近年来,微生物脂肽作为生物农药的研究与应用,在国内外得到了广泛重视,成为今后生物农药发展的一个重要方向。从不同生境分离获得多批海洋微生物,通过筛选抗植物病原真菌活性强的菌株,发酵、分离、纯化及鉴定其代谢产物,从3种芽胞杆菌中发现了6个新的抗菌脂肽,属于iturins和fengycin类化合物。芽胞杆菌的芽胞及脂肽可研发防治植物真菌病害新生物农药。  相似文献   

近年来由多种致病链霉菌引起的马铃薯疮痂病在我国普遍流行,且危害程度逐年加重,严重影响块茎的品质和商品价值。病原菌土传和种传,难以防控。利用拮抗微生物抑制病菌生长是目前防控疮痂病的重要措施。【目的】从病薯田土样中定向筛选对马铃薯疮痂病具有显著防效的菌种,研究其拮抗机制,评价其环境适应性,为开发可产业化应用的高效复合功能菌剂提供理论依据。【方法】通过平板对峙及盆栽试验研究目标菌株对主要病原菌疮痂链霉菌Streptomyces scabies的抑制效果;采用形态学、生理生化实验及分子生物学方法,确定其分类地位;结合高效液相色谱质谱联用方法分析相关抑菌活性物质。【结果】获得3株对致病链霉菌S. scabies具有显著拮抗功能的菌株HZ11-4、HS-12、HZ13-1,抑菌圈直径分别为34、29、30 mm,对马铃薯微型薯疮痂病的防效分别为68.57%、57.15%和65.96%。菌体革兰氏染色呈阳性,经鉴定均为解淀粉芽孢杆菌Bacillus amylolique-faciens;3株菌皆可扩增出surfactin、iturin和fengycin等脂肽类物质合成酶相关基因片段,检测到上述脂肽类...  相似文献   

将强启动子P43与透明颤菌血红蛋白基因(vgb)通过重叠延伸PCR进行融合,克隆到芽孢杆菌整合表达载体pDG1730中,重组表达载体pDG-P43vgb转化促生防病解淀粉芽孢杆菌FZB42,Wsetern-Blot和CO差光谱分析表明重组菌株FZB42-VHb表达了有活性的VHb蛋白,VHb的表达对重组菌株菌体的生长及抗菌脂肽的产生都有促进作用.在相同培养条件下,重组菌最大菌体密度比原始菌株提高了14.49 %,抗菌脂肽fengycin的产量提高了1.74倍,抗菌脂肽surfactin的产量提高了3.14倍.  相似文献   

生物表面活性剂脂肽的发酵生产及抑菌应用研究进展*   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
表面活性素(surfactin)是一种环脂肽型生物表面活性剂,具有卓越的表/界面活性,能够显著降低水的表面张力,表现出良好的抗真菌、抗病毒、抗肿瘤、杀虫和抗支原体等生物活性,在医药、农业、食品、日化、石油开采等领域具有很大的应用潜力,但高昂的成本和缺乏竞争力的应用领域使其难以真正地实际应用起来。多年来,大量的研究工作在于促进其工业化应用。综述了surfactin的结构、特性及发酵生产,同时系统的比较和总结了surfactin在抑菌方面的应用研究。  相似文献   

Iturin家族环脂肽对于红色毛癣菌等病原真菌具有较强的抑菌活性,有潜力成为治疗皮肤疾病的新型抗真菌药物。解淀粉芽孢杆菌Q-426菌株能够产生环脂肽fengycins和iturin家族的bacillomycin D,但该菌株发酵液具有溶血活性。为确定bacillomycin D是否为引发溶血作用的主要物质,本文利用同源重组基因敲除技术,构建解淀粉芽孢杆菌bmy基因缺失菌株,抑制bacillomycin D的合成,研究对其溶血性及抗菌活性的影响。突变菌株发酵液中未检测到bacillomycin D产生,且发酵液的溶血性及抗菌活性明显减小,表明bacillomycin D与该菌的溶血活性及抑菌活性密切相关。  相似文献   

Podosphaera fusca is the main causal agent of cucurbit powdery mildew in Spain. Four Bacillus subtilis strains, UMAF6614, UMAF6619, UMAF6639, and UMAF8561, with proven ability to suppress the disease on melon in detached leaf and seedling assays, were subjected to further analyses to elucidate the mode of action involved in their biocontrol performance. Cell-free supernatants showed antifungal activities very close to those previously reported for vegetative cells. Identification of three lipopeptide antibiotics, surfactin, fengycin, and iturin A or bacillomycin, in butanolic extracts from cell-free culture filtrates of these B. subtilis strains pointed out that antibiosis could be a major factor involved in their biocontrol ability. The strong inhibitory effect of purified lipopeptide fractions corresponding to bacillomycin, fengycin, and iturin A on P. fusca conidia germination, as well as the in situ detection of these lipopeptides in bacterial-treated melon leaves, provided interesting evidence of their putative involvement in the antagonistic activity. Those results were definitively supported by site-directed mutagenesis analysis, targeted to suppress the biosynthesis of the different lipopeptides. Taken together, our data have allowed us to conclude that the iturin and fengycin families of lipopeptides have a major role in the antagonism of B. subtilis toward P. fusca.  相似文献   

《Process Biochemistry》2010,45(11):1795-1799
Microbial production and isolation of biosurfactants was studied. The production of lipopeptides surfactin and fengycin was performed by free and immobilized aerobic cells of Bacillus subtilis ATCC 21332. After preliminary tests with 5 polymer materials, the particles of polypropylene foamed with powder activated carbon (PPch) were selected for lipopeptides production for their thermal and mechanical stability and for the high colonizing effect. To avoid foaming during biosurfactant production, biofilm grown on solid floating support was aerated by air injected over the surface of cultural medium. The synthesis of both lipopeptides and especially of the fengycin was greatly enhanced by the immobilization. The relationship between support wettability, colonization of the cells, and lipopeptide production was discussed. Extraction behaviour of the lipopeptides into alkanes was studied. The distribution ratio of surfactin was found to be higher than this of fengycin at the same conditions and the n-heptane was more efficient solvent for both lipopeptides. Kinetics of surfactin recovery from fermentation broth applying batch pertraction in a rotating discs contactor was studied. Lipopeptide was successfully extracted (more than 75% in the first hour) using n-heptane as liquid membrane and a 0.2 mol L−1 phosphate buffer solution (pH  7.3) as receiving solution. However, the stripping of the organic liquid and surfactin accumulation into the receiving phase were less efficient.  相似文献   

Microbial production of two biosurfactants, fengycin and surfactin, by Bacillus subtilis ATCC 21332 in a rotating discs bioreactor was studied. Simultaneous production of these lipopeptides was performed by free and cells immobilized on the surfaces of rotating discs. The aeration applied on surface allowed a non-foaming fermentation process and an important production of lipopeptides for low microbial growth in the culture medium. It was demonstrated that the selectivity of lipopeptides synthesis could be modified varying operating conditions and that the cells immobilization improved greatly fengycin synthesis. The maximal concentration of fengycin and surfactin obtained were 838 mg L?1 and 212 mg L?1, respectively. The development of this bubble-less process could advance the scale-up of the fermenters for production of biosurfactants.  相似文献   

The objective of the study was to identify the lipopetides associated with three Bacillus subtilis strains. The strains are antagonists of Gibberella zeae, and have been shown to be effective in reducing Fusarium head blight in wheat. The lipopeptide profile of three B. subtilis strains (AS43.3, AS43.4, and OH131.1) was determined using mass spectroscopy. Strains AS43.3 and AS43.4 produced the anti-fungal lipopeptides from the iturin and fengycin family during the stationary growth phase. All three strains produced the lipopeptide surfactin at different growth times. Strain OH131.1 only produced surfactin under these conditions. The antifungal activity of the culture supernatant and individual lipopeptides was determined by the inhibition of G. zeae. Cell-free supernatant from strains AS43.3 and AS43.4 demonstrated strong antibiosis of G. zeae, while strain OH131.1 had no antibiosis activity. These results suggest a different mechanism of antagonism for strain OH131.1, relative to AS43.3 and AS43.4.  相似文献   

Various lipopeptides produced by Bacillus subtilis were examined for their ability to modify the surface hydrophobicity of two substrata, stainless steel (SS) and Teflon. These modifications were evaluated by water contact angle measurements. The effects depended on the lipopeptide, its concentration, and the tested substratum. Treatment of SS with different concentrations of surfactin S1 showed an increase of the hydrophobicity between 1 and 100 mg l?1. On the same substratum, fengycin increased hydrophobicity up to its critical micelle concentration (6.25 mg l?1). With higher concentrations of fengycin, hydrophobicity decreased. Surfactin, mycosubtilin, and iturin A decreased hydrophobicity on Teflon. The different effects of these three families of lipopeptides were related to their structural differences. A good correlation was shown between hydrophobicity modifications of surfaces and the attachment of B. cereus 98/4 spores. Enhancement in the hydrophobicity of the surfaces increased the number of adhering spores.  相似文献   

Bacillus subtilis GLB191 (hereafter GLB191) is an efficient biological control agent against the biotrophic oomycete Plasmopara viticola, the causal agent of grapevine downy mildew. In this study, we show that GLB191 supernatant is also highly active against downy mildew and that the activity results from both direct effect against the pathogen and stimulation of the plant defences (induction of defence gene expression and callose production). High-performance thin-layer chromatography analysis revealed the presence of the cyclic lipopeptides fengycin and surfactin in the supernatant. Mutants affected in the production of fengycin and/or surfactin were thus obtained and allowed us to show that both surfactin and fengycin contribute to the double activity of GLB191 supernatant against downy mildew. Altogether, this study suggests that GLB191 supernatant could be used as a new biocontrol product against grapevine downy mildew.  相似文献   

Summary The lipopeptides, surfactin and iturin, are co-produced by B. subtilis. In this work, the three subunits of surfactin synthetase have been characterized by affinity chromatography on affigel columns where the ligand is one of the amino acid components of surfactin.  相似文献   

Surfactin and iturin A effects on Bacillus subtilis surface hydrophobicity   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The synthesis of extracellular molecules such as biosurfactants should have major consequences on bacterial adhesion. These molecules may be adsorbed on surfaces and modify their hydrophobicities. Certain strains of Bacillus subtilis synthesize the lipopeptides, which exhibit antibiotic and surface active properties. In this study the high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) analysis of the culture supernatants of the seven B. subtilis strains, showed that the lipopeptide profile varied greatly according to the strain. Among the three lipopeptide types, only iturin A was produced by all B. subtilis strains. Bacterial hydrophobicity, evaluated by the water contact angle measurements and the hydrophobic interaction chromatography, varied according to the strain. Two strains (ATCC 15476 and ATCC 15811) showing extreme behaviors in term of hydrophobicity were selected to study surfactin and iturin A effects on bacterial hydrophobicity. The two lipopeptides modified the B. subtilis surface hydrophobicity. Their effects varied according to the bacterial surface hydrophobic character, the lipopeptide type and the concentration. Lipopeptide adsorption increased the hydrophobicity of the hydrophilic strain but decreased that of the hydrophobic. Comparison of lipopeptide effects on B. subtilis surface hydrophobicity showed that surfactin was more effective than iturin A for the two strains tested.  相似文献   

Bacterial antifungal cyclic lipopeptides (ACLs) have become a promising alternative to synthetic fungicide to control pathogenic fungi. Bacillus sp. is known to produce three families of ACL, namely iturin, surfactin, and fengycin. In this paper, we characterized the ACLs produced by B. methylotrophicus HC51 (referred as HC51) mainly regarding its composition and effectivity against fungal plant pathogen. HC51 culture was tested against various pathogenic fungi and the ACLs were extracted and analyzed using liquid chromatography–electrospray ionization mass spectrometry. HC51 showed strong antifungal activity against the plant pathogens Ganoderma sp. and Fusarium sp. Cell-free methanol extract of HC51 contains iturin A and various variants of fengycin. C16 fengycin A was present in four fractions which indicates it as a major component of ACL from HC51. Five variants of fengycin were detected, four of which had been previously reported. We found a novel C17 fengycin F that is characterized by a substitution of l-ornithine into lysine. Considering that l-ornithine is an important building block of fengycin, this substitution suggests the possibility of an alternative pathway for fengycin biosynthesis.  相似文献   

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