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山东白头鹎的一些生态观察   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
据记载白头鹎Pycnontus sinensis的分布区,北至山东南部郯城(东经118°17′—118°40′、北纬34°251—34°57′)……。1984—1988年作者在山东省泰山(东经117°5′—117°24′、北纬36°5′—36°75′)、徂徕山(东经117°16′—117°20′、北纬36°02′—36°07′)的连续观察和冬季采到的标本,得知此鸟在上述两地为留鸟。常在海拔500米以下的低山一带活动,多停落在树的  相似文献   

暗腹雪鸡的繁殖及食性   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
常城  刘乃发 《动物学报》1993,39(1):107-108
暗腹雪鸡 Tetraogallus himalayensis 属国家保护动物,郑作新等(1978)、沈孝宙等(1963)对其生态仅有零星报道。1984年4月至 1989年 5月,我们在甘肃东大山(39°00′—39°04′N;100°45′—100°51′E.)、冷龙岭(39°34′—38°14′N;101°49′—102°22′E.)和野马山(39°40′—39°50′N;95°15′—95°45′E.)对暗腹雪鸡青海亚种 T.h.koslowi 的繁殖和食性进行了研究。 一、暗腹雪鸡繁殖期的生态分布 在东大山,暗腹雪鸡繁殖期主要分布于海拔 2 400—3 200m的亚高山草甸、山地草原和荒漠草原。其中,山地草原是营巢区,余为觅食区。冷龙岭植被与东大山相似,暗腹雪鸡的生态分布也类似。野马山植被单调,暗腹雪鸡仅分布于山地草原。  相似文献   

我国金花茶组植物的地理分布   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
苏宗明  莫新礼   《广西植物》1988,(1):75-81
世界产金花茶组植物22种,其中我国20种,特有18种,仅产广西。其分布区在北纬21°30′—23°40′,东经106°40′—108°35′,北界基本上与广西北热带半常绿季雨林、湿润雨林地带北界吻合。该组植物分布于石灰(岩)土的13种,红壤的7种。它们出现的地段比较固定,天然林下,沟谷或溪边处,相对高度10—15米;峰丛圆洼地底部和荫蔽的坡面下部。该组植物个体最多的地区(几何中心)一个在防城县,一个在龙州县;种类最多的地区(最大变异中心)一个也在龙州县,9种,一个在扶绥县,7种。该分布区从南到北分化成六个小分区。其垂直分布一般在海拔700米以下。水平分布种的更替表现为:北纬21°31′为小瓣金花茶等五种;北纬22°10′—22°45′为鼻岗金花茶等八种更替;北纬22°50′为顶生金花茶等三种更替;北纬23°40′为平果金花茶更替。金花茶分布幅度最宽,可由北纬21°31′到22°55′。在土山,东西以东经107°30′为界,以东为金花茶等四种,以西为小瓣金花茶等二种。  相似文献   

塔克拉玛干沙漠腹地动物调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1988—1990年笔者多次随物探和石油钻井队的飞机、车辆深入塔克拉玛干大沙漠中心地带(82°00′—84°00′E,38°30′—40°00′N,海拔1000—1200m)进行野生动物考察。共录得动物30余种。除去人类伴生种类和迁飞路过的种类,仅有8种是在沙漠中生存的动物。  相似文献   

唐山地区的蝗虫种类及其分布   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正> 地理概貌 唐山地区位于河北省东部,东经117°31′—119°19′,北纬38°55′—40°28′。全地区包括10个县3个区和芦台、汉沽两个农场,耕地面积890万亩,境内以小麦、水稻、玉米、高梁、甘  相似文献   

A zoological expedition was made from March to June, 1975, in Northeastern Yunnan at Southeast of Yangtze River (27°30′—28°40′ N., 103°15′—104°25′E.). 450 specimens of birds were collected. Orders and families treated in this paper are listed below:  相似文献   

小五台山的鸟类,尚未见有系统报道。本省于1981年对该地组织了综合考察。现将我们于1981、1982两年的6—10月份所得鸟类调查资料整理如下。自然环境概况小五台山位于河北省西北部,东经114°50′—115°15′,北纬39°40′—40°10′。该山属恒山余脉,山势多较陡峻,五个台(峰)的绝对标高分别为2671—2882米,是河北省最高的山峰。该山目前所见均为次生植被,但随海拔高  相似文献   

一、云南植胶区的自然地理条件云南橡胶种植区位于云南高原南部,北纬20°09′—24°59′,东经93°31′—105°08′,海拔100—1000m之间的热带季风地区。包括文山、红河、思茅、西双版纳、临沧和德宏地区  相似文献   

我们于1982年8—9月,1983年6—9月,1984年5—9月的疫源调查工作中采集了大量啮齿类及食虫类动物标本,经分类鉴定,现整理如下。 自然地理概况 陇川位于云南西部,北纬24°08′—24°40′,东经97°39′—98°17′。西与缅甸接界,面积为1931平方公里。地处滇西山原、高黎贡山西坡,地势东北高,西南低。山川均为东北—西南走向,为侵蚀山地与宽谷相间的地  相似文献   

有关太白山蝶类的专题研究,周尧教授和邱琼华教授于1962年曾作过报道,太白山蝶类有6科98种。经过20多年时间,太白山区的蝶类分布又有什么变化呢?1989年8月上旬,我们主要对太自山自然保护区(北坡)的蝶类进行了一次调查采集活动。现将调查情况报告如下:一、自然概况太白山自然保护区位于陕西省境内,地跨眉县、周至、太白三县,距西安120公里。地处东经107°19′—107°58′和北纬33°40′—34°10′之间。东西长约61公里,南北宽约39  相似文献   

We examined fish community structure and habitat use at the start of the dry seasons: (1) in 10 tributaries of the River Sinnamary (French Guiana) before and after the start of dam operation, and (2) in 10 upstream tributaries and at 10 littoral sites in the newly-created reservoir after the start of operation to assess the impact on fish juveniles of a hydroelectric dam built on the river's lower section. After the first year of dam operation, juvenile fish communities downstream of the dam showed an important decrease of the relative abundance of Characiformes, and Perciformes dominated. Principal components analysis revealed a distinct upstream-to-downstream progression in the juvenile fish communities with post-reservoir downstream and reservoir sites representing transitions between the upstream and pre-reservoir downstream sites. Canonical correspondence analysis and electivity indices of fish-habitat associations revealed three relatively distinct groups of sites, corresponding to the downstream, reservoir and upstream taxa. The proportion of juveniles presenting higher-than expected frequencies (Fisher's exact test) towards local environmental variables was higher for taxa more often caught in upstream sites. Inversely, juvenile taxa more frequently observed in downstream and reservoir sites appeared less selective towards local environmental characteristics. In the downstream reaches of the river, hydrodam operation is expected to drive the fish community towards a new biologically accommodated state where tolerant species will dominate and sensitive species will be lacking. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The fate and interactions with river organisms of zooplankton as they drift downriver from a reservoir on a fourth-order mountain stream (Hiji River, Japan) were investigated. Monthly samples were collected at the reservoir and six river sites, simultaneously, from May 2005 to May 2006. Aquatic macroinvertebrates and fish were colleted, and their stomach contents were analyzed in April and May, 2006, respectively. Drift from the reservoir was the primary source for the river plankton community; the abundance of zooplankton, particularly those of cladocerans and large rotifer, rapidly decreased within several kilometers of the dam. Analysis of the contents of fish stomachs showed that drifting zooplankton was the main food for fish, with strong food selectivity for cladocerans and large rotifers. However, fish and insect planktivores showed longitudinally different stomach contents, with progressively fewer zooplankton found in the stomachs at the downriver sites. The results suggest that the outflow of zooplankton from the reservoir is an important food source for the downstream predators, especially fish, but the drift of zooplankton and consequent food availability for the predators at lower sites are strongly limited by concentrated fish predation just below the reservoir dam.  相似文献   

研究对2005—2012年长江上游合江、木洞、万州和秭归江段的鱼类群聚结构进行了调查, 以分析三峡水库蓄水后长江上游鱼类群聚沿河流-水库梯度的空间格局。结果显示, 在三峡蓄水后, 在合江至秭归江段累计采集到土著鱼类368706尾, 合计132种, 隶属于17科, 其中鲤科鱼类为优势类群。沿河流-水库纵向梯度, 土著鱼类物种数下降而外来鱼类物种数增加。对应分析表明, 合江至秭归江段的鱼类群聚呈现出明显分化: 库区以上河段鱼类组成以流水性鱼类为主, 库区鱼类则以静水缓流型为主。指示物种分析进一步指出, 河流区鱼类以犁头鳅(Lepturichthys fimbriata)、红唇薄鳅(Leptobotia rubrilabris)、圆口铜鱼(Coreius guichenoti)、圆筒吻(Rhinogobio cylindricus)等22种鱼类为指示物种, 其功能群特征表现为偏好流水生境、生活史为均衡主义及食性为昆虫食性; 库区鱼类以宽口光唇鱼(Acrossocheilus monticolus)、宽鳍鱲(Zacco platypus)、鳊(Parabramis pekinensis)、鳙(Aristichthys nobilis)等16种鱼类为指示物种, 其功能群特征表现为偏好静水生境、食性为草食性或浮游食性。以上研究表明, 三峡水库蓄水导致的水环境变化是影响长江上游鱼类纵向格局的主要驱动力。建议相关管理部门根据不同河段鱼类群聚特征制定不同的渔业管理措施, 如保护土著鱼类资源、控制外来入侵鱼类。  相似文献   

Within an extensive programme on the Seine river, including the large reservoirs in the upstream basin, zooplankton populations were investigated at the reservoir-river interface to find out their fate when released into the river. Zooplankton structure, abundance and biomass were analysed in the river upstream and downstream from the reservoir, in the release canal and in the reservoir. Whereas the river zooplankton are dominated by rotifers, microcrustaceans represent a large part of the population in the reservoir, because of the longer residence time (6 months). We have shown that the reservoir is a source of zooplankton; we calculated a biomass export of 30-60 tons C year-1, which is, however, rapidly lost in the river. One of the main loss factors was found to be selective fish predation on larger zooplankton species developed in the reservoir.   相似文献   

Large river–reservoir systems are some of the most difficult aquatic ecosystems to assess because: (1) they typically lack minimally disturbed reference sites; (2) the reservoirs are not natural systems to begin with; and (3) reservoirs with high exchange rates are transitional systems between rivers and lakes. These features are further complicated in Brazil where fish species taxonomy is incomplete (let alone fully described ecologically), where waters naturally have high organic and thermal loadings, and where dams and reservoirs provide most of the nation's electricity and water supplies. As a first step towards generating a biological tool for assessing the effects of reservoirs on rivers, we developed a preliminary River–Reservoir Fish Assemblage Index (RRFAI) in a transitional river–reservoir system in southeastern Brazil. To do so, we gill-netted fish monthly between October 2006 and September 2007 (excluding May and July 2007) immediately upriver of the reservoir, in the upper reservoir, in the lower reservoir, and immediately downriver of the reservoir. In developing our RRFAI we sought fish assemblage metrics to represent ecological characteristics including richness, habitat, trophic, tolerance, and resilience guilds. Despite clear differences in fish assemblage composition between river and reservoir sites, we found 9 metrics common to both systems that were nonredundant and had low sampling variability (number of native species, number of characiform species, number of siluriform species, % omnivorous individuals, % invertivorous individuals, % non-native carnivorous individuals, % intolerant individuals, % tolerant individuals, number of tolerant species). Fish assemblage condition was significantly and consistently lower in the lower reservoir. There was no significant difference between the dry and wet season in RRFAI scores, suggesting that a single season sample should usually suffice. Further research is needed along distinct disturbance gradients in multiple river–reservoir systems in Brazil to confirm the sensitivity of our preliminary RRFAI for assessing the physical and chemical habitat disturbances common to such systems.  相似文献   

清远水利枢纽是北江干流与珠江河口之间第一座枢纽, 为探究清远水利枢纽建坝筑库后库区鱼类群落结构特征及变化, 于2017-2018年在清远水利枢纽至飞来峡水利枢纽库区进行渔业资源调查, 共采集鱼类49种, 隶属于6目16科44属, 以鲤(Cyprinus carpio)、鲮(Cirrhina molitorella)、赤眼鳟(Squaliobarbus curriculus)等为优势种类, 鱼类生态类型以杂食性、定居性鱼类为主。与水坝截流前2006-2007年调查结果比较, 库区鱼类种类数大大减少, 洄游性鱼类种数明显下降, 鱼类群落丰富度指数、香农多样性指数下降, 定居性、杂食性鱼类种类所占比例增加, 相似性百分比分析(SIMPER)显示造成水坝建设前后库区鱼类群落结构时间变化的指示物种为: 尼罗罗非鱼(Tilapia niloticus)、花鰶(Clupanodon thrissa)、大眼鳜(Siniperca kneri)、纹唇鱼(Osteoichilus salsburyi)等, 丰度生物量比较曲线(ABC曲线)显示库区鱼类群落结构受到严重干扰。研究结果可为库区渔业资源增殖放流、水坝生态调度以及渔业资源管理提供本底资料。  相似文献   

Implementation of the Water Framework Directive requires tools for measuring and monitoring the ecological status of aquatic ecosystems. Several indices are in use in the Iberian Peninsula, although there has been little comparison among them. We sampled the fish assemblage and limnological features of the Tordera stream (NE Spain) quarterly from September 2001 to May 2003 to evaluate the usefulness of several fish metrics and to compare habitat quality and biotic indices currently in use. Data for eight biotic and abiotic indices for this and three other Catalan river basins were also compiled in order to analyse the relationships among indices. In the Tordera stream, fish abundance and richness increased with stream order except in the last sampling site that had the lowest fish abundance owing to the effects of drought and water abstraction. Although most indices were positively correlated, some displayed low or null correlations particularly for the Tordera basin which is more affected by water abstraction and less by pollution; a commonly used physico-chemical index (ISQA) was the least correlated. In a regional fish index (IBICAT) under development, the brown trout (Salmo trutta) has been previously considered as introduced in the Tordera basin. Here, we report an old published record that demonstrates that trout was present before 1845 and we argue that its status should be considered as uncertain given the current information available. Whether brown trout is treated as native or introduced to this river basin has profound effects on the results of fish metrics because of its dominance in the upper reaches. We briefly discuss the role of introduced species, particularly in headwater streams, in the development of fish indices. Our study exemplifies the need for careful, basin-specific assessment of native/introduced status in the development of fish metrics. Handling editor: K. Martens  相似文献   

A dam on a river course induces numerous changes in the aquatic environment both in the newly formed reservoir and in the river downstream. These changes modify the food resources available to fishes. As a consequence, fish communities undergo rapid transformations particularly in terms of trophic organization. Tucuruí Dam, closed on the Tocantins River, Brazil, in September 1984, formed a large reservoir of approximately 2200km2. Analyses of fish stomach contents were performed before and after the completion of the dam in the downstream section of the river as well as in the reservoir. Resource availability was seen through the relative contribution of food items in supporting the biomass. Main changes caused by the dam consisted of an increase in fishes as a food resource and of a parallel decrease of sediment both in the reservoir and in the downstream part of the river. In addition, in the downstream section, the relative contribution of plankton as a food resource diminished after dam closure. We identified 8 feeding regimes before dam closure. From them the trophic structure of fish communities were established and compared. Most of the community biomass was from specialist feeders. Contribution of piscivores increased after closure; planktivores became unimportant after closure downstream. Some species were shown to change their diet in the transformed environments either downstream or in the reservoir. However, these changes in individual species diet did not seem to play a major role in the transformation of trophic structure of the fish communities.  相似文献   

The influence of three types of dams with different degrees of river connectivity on the structure of fish communities along the Paraíba do Sul River was studied: total blockage (Dam 1); partial blockage allowed by a permanent lateral channel (Dam 2); and total blockage, but with a mechanism operating in the summer for fish passage (Dam 3). The tested hypothesis is that the degree of river connectivity influences the fish community. The largest differences in fish fauna were expected between the reservoir and downriver stretch in Dam 1 with total blockage; an intermediate difference in Dam 3 with total blockage but with a fish passage; and the least difference in Dam 2 with partial blockage. Fish were caught by gill nets between January and March 2010 and between January and February 2011 (wet seasons) in two zones: the reservoir and the downriver stretch from the dam. A total of 43 fish species was recorded, including eight non‐native and two marine species. The 13 most abundant species (n > 100; frequency of occurrence >20%) occurred in all three stretches of the river. The community structure changed significantly between the reservoir and associated downriver stretch, with higher richness downriver compared to the reservoir zone. A trend for higher occurrence of migratory fishes (e.g. Pimelodus maculatus, Pimelodus fur, Leporinus copelandii and Prochilodus lineatus) was found in the downriver zone, suggesting the influence of dams on their upriver migration. The predictions were not fully matched. Although the most significant difference in the fish community structure between the reservoir and the downriver was found for Dam 1, the partial blockage in Dam 2 showed broader differences in the fish fauna than the total blockage in Dam 3 with the fish ladder, which may indicate that the latter is not a guarantee that species and genetic flux will be interchanged, since the water velocity may be a constraint to upriver fish migration.  相似文献   

Habitat and hydrology indices were developed to assess the conditions in reaches of the impounded Mississippi river, the Fort Peck and Garrison reaches of the upper Missouri river, the Missouri National Recreational river (MNRR), the channelized lower Missouri river, and the Ohio river. Data were obtained from field sampling, air photo interpretation, and U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) hydrologic records. Habitat and hydrology attributes were incorporated into four habitat indices (channel complexity, substrate quality, littoral cover, and riparian condition) and one hydrology index. Construction of habitat indices for these very large rivers was complicated by a lack of previous research demonstrating methods for choosing and weighting the metrics used to compose these indices. Many habitat metrics used to assess habitat quality in small rivers proved irrelevant or impractical for assessing habitat quality in the upper Mississippi, Missouri, and Ohio rivers. In addition, these very large rivers, unlike smaller streams, were subject to physical and hydrological alterations due to channelization, revetment, levees, and dams. Because of the lack of proven indicators of habitat condition in very large rivers, we began with a large number of measures of natural and anthropogenic stress, eliminating only those metrics that failed tests of range, redundancy, and correlation with longitudinal position along the river. The lock and low-head dam sequences on the impounded Mississippi and Ohio influenced both hydrological patterns and the resident fish community, with conditions recovering with increased distance below dams, until hydrology was once again altered by impoundment from a downriver dam. Channel complexity and hydrology indices displayed the highest correlations with a multimetric fish index, possibly because these indices integrated habitat condition over a larger scale than the transect- and site-scaled littoral cover and riparian indices. Data limitations prevented the calculation of a littoral cover and a channel complexity index for the upper Missouri and Ohio rivers, respectively.  相似文献   

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