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Marine Biotechnolog2002年9/10月4卷5期447-453页报道:海兔是后鳃亚纲软体动物。近年来已发现其紫腺或其他组织中分泌的化学物质例如紫液等,具有防御作用。海兔的低分子量分泌物有抗微生物活性和抗肿瘤活性。从黑斑海兔(Aplysia kurodai)、杂斑海兔(A.juliania)和耳状截尾海兔(Dolabella auricular)  相似文献   

王长云  刘海燕  邵长伦  王亚楠    李 亮  管华诗 《生态学报》2008,28(5):2320-2320~2328
软珊瑚(Sinularia flexibilis)和柳珊瑚(Plexaura homomalla)属于海洋低等无脊椎动物,虽然这些动物自身缺乏有效的物理防御手段,却能在竞争激烈的海洋环境中生存与繁衍,这主要是依靠其次级代谢产物的化学防御作用.这些次级代谢产物聚积在体内或释放到环境中,作用主要体现在抵御捕食者、抗病原微生物、克生与防附着等方面.珊瑚化学防御物质的研究有助于探讨珊瑚与其环境中其它生物的化学生态关系,属于海洋化学生态学研究的重要内容之一,其研究方法和思路对海洋活性天然产物乃至海洋新药先导化合物的发现,具有重要的启迪作用.综述了软珊瑚和柳珊瑚化学防御物质的研究进展,并阐释了软珊瑚和柳珊瑚中具有拒捕食、克生、防生物附着等生物活性的次级代谢产物的结构及其化学防御作用.  相似文献   

海洋微生物的化学生态学研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
徐年军  严小军 《应用生态学报》2006,17(12):2436-2440
近年来,海洋生物的化学生态学研究已成为国际化学生态学研究的亮点之一.该领域的研究不仅为生物进化研究提供了理论依据,也对海洋生态养殖、海洋生态环境保护以及海洋资源的可持续发展具有重要意义.本文从海洋动物、植物、微生物三方面综述了它们与海洋微生物之间的化学生态学关系.海洋动物与微生物的化学生态学作用主要包括抗菌、抗附着、共生3种关系.以发现具有生态学效应的化学信号物质的分子结构为主线,介绍了海洋植物和微生物方面的研究进展,并对该领域的关键性问题和发展方向进行了展望.  相似文献   

综述中国蛭类研究如下内容:(1)生态学。山蛭生态学,包括山蛭的生态分布,海南山蛭(Hhainana)的种群动态,对温度、土壤湿度和pH值的适应,以及对温、光、湿的综合反应和人类经济活动对其种群数量的影响;山蛭行为生态学,山蛭的运动包括慢缩短、快缩短、身体摆动和转动、洗刷运动、亲吻运动、觅食行为6程序,影响山蛭行为的一些因素以及对环境因素刺激的生态学意义;淡水水蜂生态学,包括浙江水田蛭类生活习性、广州水牛光润金线蛭种群数量动态与水体化学因子关系、广州水田吸血菲牛蛭生活水体化学环境;山蛭和水生吸血菲牛蛭的觅食、生长动态、生命周期和生殖生物学;(2)形态学、分类学和动物地理学。形态学包括山蛭机能组织学、山蛭器官系统解剖;分类学,中国蛭类动物有2亚纲(蛭蚓亚纲、真蛭亚纲)、3目(蛭蚓目、吻蛭目、无吻目)、9科、33属、111种,占世界蛭类物种数约1/6;动物地理学,包括世界山蛭科属动物地理,中国山蛭科动物地理、中国医蛭科动物地理。(3)蛭类的防治和驱避,淡水吸血蛭类防治所用农药种类,不同农药对海南山蛭的毒力(LD50、LD95)及使用,并比较了12种驱避剂对海南山蛭的驱避效果。(4)蛭类的医学利用,蛭素是蛭类唾液腺分泌的一种抗凝物质,蛭素有水蛭素(Hirudin)、山蛭素(Haemadin)和吻蛭素(Hementin)。记述了蛭素的分离、纯化和功能以及有关分子生物学内容。  相似文献   

蜗牛和蛞蝓是生活在陆地上的软体动物。在动物分类学上属于软体动物门(Mollusca)、腹足纲(Gastropoda)、前鳃亚纲(Prosobrancha)及肺螺亚纲(Pulmonata)、柄眼目(Stylommatophora)。全世界已知的蜗牛和蛞蝓约有25,000种。这类动物除了具有腹足类的一般形态特征外,栉鳃均已退化,外套膜上有发达的血管网,即“肺”,可在陆地上直接与空气进行气体交换。  相似文献   

绢丝丽蚌(Lamprotula fibrosa)隶属于软体动物门、瓣鳃纲、古异齿亚纲、真瓣鳃目、蚌科、丽蚌属,是中国特有的淡水经济蚌类;主要生活在长江流域中下游湖泊中。绢丝丽蚌壳厚质优、坚硬、皎白闪亮,具有较高的经济价值。  相似文献   

植物蛋白酶抑制素抗虫作用的研究进展   总被引:18,自引:2,他引:16  
王琛柱  钦俊德 《昆虫学报》1997,40(2):212-218
植物自身为抵抗昆虫等的为害,在长期进化过程中形成了复杂的化学防御体系,其中起主导作用的是一些植物化学物质。这些化合物能影响昆虫(或其它有机体)的生长、行为和群体生物学,因而又称为它感素(allelochemics)[1~3]。大多数它感素为植物的利己素,可以单一或协同对害虫起作用,构成植物的抗虫性。根据植物对昆虫取食的反应,可将植物的化学防御概括为两类:一类是组成型防御[4],即抗虫物质不依赖于昆虫的取食而存在于植物组织中;另一类是诱导型防御[5~9],即植物仅当昆虫取食时才大量合成抗虫物质。诱导型抗虫物质当然亦可以组…  相似文献   

自Müller(1774)正式建立属,经过186年,Zilch(1959-1960)共归纳陆生软体动物有1091个属,其中,约有58.4%的属建立于1870~1929年间,以后逐渐减少。现估计全世界陆生软体动物有35000余种,主要包括腹足纲的前鳃亚纲和肺螺亚纲两大亚纲的种类,以肺螺亚纲柄眼目的种类最多,已知有30000余种。近年来,对于陆生软体动物的系统分类,有学者陆续发表了一些文章。目前有关腹足纲的分类和系统发育的研究,主要集中于石磺科Onchidiidae、复套蛞蝓科Veronicellidae、拉氏蛞蝓科Rathouisiidae三科,研究的重点在于如何确定它们的分类地位,它们是属于后鳃亚纲还是肺螺亚纲。关于琥珀螺科Succineidae的分类问题也有诸多研究。应用分子生物学和细胞生物学的方法对某些科属进行系统分类也是当今的热点。陆生软体动物的分类特征有:1.贝壳的形态与结构;2.颚片与齿舌;3.触角的形态及其位置、构造;4.生殖系统;5.排泄系统;6.神经系统;7.其他器官;8.细胞分类学和分子分类学。本文列出了现今常用的陆生贝类分类系统。  相似文献   

软体动物门腹足纲前鳃亚纲,大多数种类具有厣。它象一个盖子,当动物缩入壳内后,即用厣把壳口盖住(图1) 海产螺类的厣一般小于壳口,或和壳口一致,为角质或石灰质,有的种类厣的外面为石灰质,内面为角质。厣的颜色因种而异、花纹各有特色。本文描述大连沿海26种习见螺类的厣。  相似文献   

21世纪植物化学生态学前沿领域   总被引:42,自引:10,他引:32  
植物和其它有机体通过次生物质为媒介的化学作用关系近年引入注目,其中植物的诱导化学防御,植物的化学通讯,植物次生物质和进化的关系,植物与人类的化学关系和海洋植物化学生态学是21世纪植物化学生态学值得关注的前沿领域。植物化学生态学前沿领域的进展将为实现21世纪的持续,发展是在生态安全条件下提高农业产量并达到对病虫草害的有效控制方面具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Paired, Phe-Met-Arg-Phe-NH2-ergic pleural-to-buccal projecting neurons of the pleural ganglia were suggested to be responsible for feeding arrest associated with defensive withdrawal in freshwater and terrestrial pulmonate molluscs. In the present study, the pleural-to-buccal projecting cells were, for the first time, identified in a representative opisthobranch, the carnivorous marine pteropod Clione limacina. Two symmetric neurons of its pleural ganglia were found to be similar to the pulmonate pleural-to-buccal projecting neurons in the number of neurons, positions of their cell bodies in the central nervous system, a unique, indirect route of their axon, electrotonic coupling of the left and right cells, and expression of Phe-Met-Arg-Phe-NH2-like immunoreactivity and inhibitory action on neurons participating in the motor program for feeding. In their turn, pleural-to-buccal projecting neurons receive excitatory inputs from the protractor interneurons involved in the feeding rhythm generation. Also, it was demonstrated that the pleural-to-buccal projecting cells activity positively correlates with spontaneous and induced acceleration of the locomotor rhythm. Accordingly, stimulation of the cerebral command neuron for locomotion, cell CPA1, excited pleural-to-buccal projecting neurons. We conclude that the neuronal network underlying feeding behavior in both pulmonate and opisthobranch molluscs is similarly linked to defensive behavior by pleural Phe-Met-Arg-Phe-NH2-ergic neurons, thus indicating evolutionary conservation of these pleural-buccal projections. Accepted: 22 June 1999  相似文献   

Feeding biology in mollusks has important biological, ecological and evolutionary implications because many of the characteristics we observe in mollusks arise from their co-evolution with diet organisms. We investigated the relationship between the opisthobranch Tylodina perversa and the sponges Aplysina aerophoba and Aplysina cavernicola in order to ascertain the trophic interactions between them. The opisthobranch preferred specimens of Aplysina aerophoba inhabiting shallow overdeep waters, ectosome of Aplysina aerophoba over choanosome, and showed no preference for Aplysina cavernicola . The sponge Aplysina cavernicola lacks the cyanobacteria abundant in the ectosome of Aplysina aerophoba . Our study shows that the opisthobranch Tylodina perversa actively selects for sponges or sponge zones with high concentration of cyanobacteria, i.e. only a fraction of the ingested material is of animal origin. Addition of cyanobacteria to symbiont-free sponge material induced a shift in mollusk preference. Our results cast doubt over the widely recognized qualification of Tylodina perversa as a carnivorous sponge feeder and show evidence that cyanobacteria determine the opisthobranch food selection. Whether this is an isolated example of how symbionts may determine trophic interactions between hosts and predators or it is widespread in benthic organisms remains an open question that requires further investigation.  © 2003 The Linnean Society of London . Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2003, 78 , 429–438.  相似文献   

Despite lack of efficient physical protection in the highly competitive and hostile environment, the marine invertebrates including soft corals and gorgonians can survive, mainly relying on their chemical defensive system by a series of secondary metabolites accumulating in their bodies or releasing to their surroundings. The chemical defensive functions of these secondary metabolites were found to serve as antipredatory, antimicrobial, allelopathy and antifouling agents. Study on chemical defensive substances from corals and gorgonians is one of the most important topics in marine chemical ecology. The research results could help us to understand the chemical ecological relationships between corals and their surrounding organisms. The research strategy and methodology played an enlightening role in the discovery of bioactive natural products and the generation of new drug lead compounds from marine sources. The chemical defensive substances from soft corals and gorgonians were reviewed. This review focused on the structures of these secondary metabolites as well as their functions including antipredatory, allelopathy and antifouling activities.  相似文献   

Chemical defensive substances of soft corals and gorgonians   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Wang C Y  Liu H Y  Shao C L  Wang Y N  Li L  Guan H S 《农业工程》2008,28(5):2320-2328
Despite lack of efficient physical protection in the highly competitive and hostile environment, the marine invertebrates including soft corals and gorgonians can survive, mainly relying on their chemical defensive system by a series of secondary metabolites accumulating in their bodies or releasing to their surroundings. The chemical defensive functions of these secondary metabolites were found to serve as antipredatory, antimicrobial, allelopathy and antifouling agents. Study on chemical defensive substances from corals and gorgonians is one of the most important topics in marine chemical ecology. The research results could help us to understand the chemical ecological relationships between corals and their surrounding organisms. The research strategy and methodology played an enlightening role in the discovery of bioactive natural products and the generation of new drug lead compounds from marine sources. The chemical defensive substances from soft corals and gorgonians were reviewed. This review focused on the structures of these secondary metabolites as well as their functions including antipredatory, allelopathy and antifouling activities.  相似文献   

Defensive mechanisms, including noxious or toxic substances, are favored by predation-driven natural selection. The acquisition of noxious/toxic substances can be either endogenous, in which the substances are produced by the organism, or exogenous, in which the substances are produced by another organism and are sequestered. Evidence indicates that the defensive skin alkaloids of Neotropical poison frogs (Dendrobatidae) have an exogenous source: a diet of ants and other small alkaloid-containing arthropods, which we term the diet-toxicity hypothesis. A critical prediction of the diet-toxicity hypothesis is that independent origins of dietary specialization will be found to be correlated with independent origins of skin alkaloids. We tested this prediction in an integrated framework using comparative methods with new and published data on feeding ecology and chemical defense for 15 species of dendrobatids in five genera. We found a significant correlation between alkaloid profiles and degree of dietary specialization. This reveals a recurring association of dietary specialization and alkaloid sequestration in dendrobatids, which suggests parallel evolutionary trends in the origins of defensive mechanisms.  相似文献   

Opisthobranch molluscs of the family Onchidiacea have been reported to employ a chemical deterrent as a protection against predators. A single lipid-soluble compound, onchidal, has been isolated from the defensive secretion of Onchidella binneyi. The structure of onchidal was determined from spectral data and from chemical degradation studies.  相似文献   

Aplysia californica is an important mollusc for neurobiologicalresearch and Megathura crenulata is becoming valuable as thesource of keyhole limpet haemocyanin (KLH) which shows promisein treating cancer, allergy and immunosuppression. The cultureof these animals provides opportunities to assess their physiologicalresponses to stress and disease. Molluscan haemocytes are knownto be involved in a variety of physiological responses, yetthe haemocytes of this opisthobranch and vetigastropod havenot been characterized. The purpose of this study is to describethe morphology of these cells and summarize their functionsbased on a suite of assays previously developed on other speciesof molluscs. Using morphology, differential centrifugation andstaining reactions, we identify a single type of circulatinghaemocyte in the blood of both animals. All haemocytes lackgranules and contain glycogen and vesicles that react as lysosomes.In A. californica, three to four wing-like lamellipodia extendfrom the ovoid cell body, whereas in M. crenulata haemocytesare simple ovoid cells. The haemocytes are actively phagocyticand rates of phagocytosis are higher when the assays are performedin the presence of plasma, relative to tests with washed cells.When haemocytes engulf yeast, peroxidase and superoxides areproduced. Phenoloxidase activity was not detected. When bloodis removed from these molluscs, the plasma does not clot andthe haemocytes rapidly adhere to one another in suspension,or settle on substrates, migrate and form nodules. Cell spreadingand aggregation involves microfilaments and microtubules, andcan be inhibited by EDTA, cytochalasin B, caffeine and, to alesser extent, RGD and colchicine. All cells show immunoreactivityagainst a polyclonal antibody to ACTH which is consistent withprevious studies suggesting molluscan haemocytes contain moleculessimilar to those involved with vertebrate stress responses.These results should be useful in future studies evaluatingthe physiological status of these animals in the wild and inculture. (Received 15 December 2006; accepted 26 July 2007)  相似文献   

Many animals sequester dietary defensive compounds and incorporate them into the offspring, which protects the young against predation. One possible but poorly investigated question is whether females of such species actively prey upon toxic diets. The snake Rhabdophis tigrinus sequesters defensive steroids from toads consumed as prey; it also feeds on other amphibians. Females produce chemically armed offspring in direct proportion to their own level of toad-derived toxins by provisioning the toxins to their eggs. Our field observations of movements and stomach contents of radio-tracked R. tigrinus showed that gravid snakes preyed upon toads by actively foraging in the habitat of toads, even though toads were a scarce resource and toad-searching may incur potential costs. Our Y-maze experiments demonstrated that gravid females were more likely to trail the chemical cues of toads than were males or non-gravid females. These results showed behavioural switching in females and active foraging for scarce, toxic prey during gestation. Because exploitation of toads by gravid females results in their offspring being more richly endowed with prey-derived toxins, active foraging for toxic prey is expected to be an adaptive antipredator trait, which may enhance chemical defence in offspring.  相似文献   

This review analyzes the data obtained for the last decade on invertebrate animals (insects, round worms, molluscs) as models of various human diseases. As illustration, there are considered advances in studying of the invertebrate system of insulin-like peptides and signaling mechanisms of their action—evolutionary conservative homologues of the mammalian insulin/IGF-1 system. Results are presented of studies on the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, Drosophila Drosophila melanogaster, and mollusks, which “model” individual aspects of some human diseases—diabetes, neurodegenerative dysfunction, carcinogenesis, as well as aging. A conclusion is made about the development of a new, synthetic direction combining evolutionary science and molecular biology and medicine, which we call evolutionary biomedicine. The roots of the appearance of this synthetic direction are to be searched for in L.A. Orbeli’s evolutionary ideas, methods, and scientific predictions.  相似文献   

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