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植物茎分枝的分子调控   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
植物茎分枝结构决定了不同植物的不同形态结构.本文从腋生分生组织的发生、腋芽的生长两个方面综述了近年来植物分枝发生发育相关的分子机理研究及其进展.发现在不同植物中腋分生组织形成的基本机制是相似的,LS(lateral suppressor)及其同源基因在不同植物中都参与腋生分生组织的形成,而BL(blind)及其同源基因也参与调控腋生分生组织的形成.腋生分生组织的形成可能也是受激素调控的.目前,对腋芽生长的分子调控机制的认识主要集中于生长素通过二级信使的作用调控腋芽的生长.而生长素调控腋芽生长的机制已经较为清楚的有两条途径:一是生长素通过抑制细胞分裂素合成来调控腋芽的生长;另一途径是一种类胡萝卜素衍生的信号物质参与生长素的运输调控(MAX途径)来调控腋芽的生长.最新研究表明,TB1的拟南芥同源基因在MAX途径的下游负调控腋芽的生长.此外,增强表达OsNAC2也促进腋芽的生长.  相似文献   

王浩  孙丽英 《微生物学通报》2022,49(10):4448-4466
丛枝菌根(arbuscular mycorrhiza,AM)是土壤中AM真菌和绝大多数维管植物根系长期进化过程中相互识别、相互作用形成的互利共生体。AM的发育与功能效应依赖AM真菌-寄主植物之间精准的“分子对话”,同时受到环境条件特别是土壤养分水平、干旱和盐渍化的制约。植物激素作为低浓度的小分子有机物,是参与调控AM共生过程的重要信号分子。其中,主要有9种植物激素参与AM发育过程且分工各有不同:独脚金内酯(strigolactones,SLs)参与AM真菌-寄主植物之间最初的共生识别,脱落酸(abscisic acid,ABA)和油菜素内酯(brassinosteroid,BR)促进前期的菌丝入侵,但水杨酸(salicylic acid,SA)和乙烯(ethylene,ET)抑制前期的菌丝入侵,生长素(auxin,Aux)、ABA和BR促进随后的丛枝形成而ET和赤霉素(gibberellin,GA)的作用则相反,茉莉酸(jasmonic acid,JA)对菌丝入侵与丛枝形成均可能存在正调控或负调控作用。目前细胞分裂素(cytokinin,CTK)在AM发育中的作用尚不明确。更为复杂的是,通常植物激素信号之间的交叉互作决定AM的发育进程。本文针对AM发育过程总结了不同植物激素的调控作用特点和不同植物激素信号之间的互作(协同或拮抗),以及胁迫条件下不同植物激素信号的可能调控机制。深入研究和系统阐明植物激素调控AM真菌-寄主植物共生的生理/分子机制,将有助于促进生物共生学理论研究及菌根技术的应用。  相似文献   

独脚金素内酯(Strigolactones,SLs)是介导植物寄主与其寄生或共生生物互作的一种信号分子。SLs如何被不同的植物感知并发挥何种作用还不甚明晰。总结了天然SLs结构的多样性、生物学功能及其在植物体内的分布情况,并对植物中SLs的生物合成、信号转导途径和进化起源的研究进行了探讨。  相似文献   

植物通过内源激素或环境信号调控叶腋内腋芽的形成和发育,从而控制其分枝特性。独脚金内酯(strigolactones,SLs),一种产生于植物根部的类胡萝卜素衍生物,具有刺激寄生植物种子的萌发和促进丛枝菌根真菌菌丝分枝的作用,最近的研究表明,它还可以沿茎干向上运输,与生长素和细胞分裂素一起直接或间接抑制植物分枝,目前已经作为一种新的植物激素受到广泛认可。本文综述了独脚金内酯的结构、合成途径和生物活性,以及调控植物分枝的分子机理,并展望了其在抑制杂草或新型除草剂的研发、促进植物和有益真菌的共生,以及调控作物的分枝和株型等方面的应用前景。  相似文献   

植物生长素反应因子研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
生长素反应因子(ARFs)是植物生长和发育的重要调节因子,在生长素早期反应蛋白(Aux/IAAs)的参与下,通过和生长素反应基因启动子区AuxRE元件的JTGTCTC序列结合,共同调控这些基因的表达。近年来关于生长素反应因子的分子结构和ARF与Aux/IAA的相互作用及其对植物生长和发育的影响、作用的靶基因以及分子机制受到人们的重视,并在这些方面做了大量的研究。  相似文献   

许佳  侯宁  韩凝  边红武  朱睦元 《遗传》2016,38(5):418-426
植物激素是调控植物生长发育的信号分子。近年来的研究发现,小分子RNA作为基因表达调控网络的组分,参与植物激素信号途径,在植物生长发育和胁迫反应方面发挥重要作用。本文综述了miRNA和次级siRNA(Short interfering RNAs)介导的基因调控与植物激素信号通路相互作用的研究进展,主要包括生长素、赤霉素、油菜素内酯和脱落酸途径涉及的miRNA及其功能,并对不同发育过程中miRNA参与的不同激素信号通路的交叉和互作进行了讨论。  相似文献   

植物生长素极性运输调控机理的研究进展   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
李俊华  种康 《植物学通报》2006,23(5):466-477
生长素极性运输特异地调控植物器官发生、发育和向性反应等生理过程。本文综述和分析了生长素极性运输的调控机制。分子遗传和生理学研究证明极性运输这一过程是由生长素输入载体和输出载体活性控制的。小G蛋白ARF附属蛋白GEF和GAP分别调控输出载体(PINI)和输入载体(AUX1)的定位和活性。并影响高尔基体等介导的细胞囊泡运输系统,小G蛋白ROP也参与输出载体PIN2活性的调节。本文基于作者的研究工作提出小G蛋白在调控生长素极性运输中的可能作用模式。  相似文献   

张宏  金洁  王剑峰 《西北植物学报》2018,38(7):1369-1374
很多微生物通过分泌生长素和生长素前体与植物建立了有益的关系并改变植物根系的形态结构,此外,微生物分泌的其他代谢产物也能改变植物生长素信号通路。因此,生长素和生长素信号通路在微生物调控植物根系发育的过程中起着至关重要的作用。该文从生长素合成、生长素信号和生长素极性运输3个方面总结了生长素在微生物调控植物根系发育过程中的作用,主要包括微生物增加了植物内源生长素的含量、增强了生长素的信号和调控PIN蛋白的表达水平,进而如何调控植物生理和分子水平来适应微生物对其根系的改变,为进一步开展该方面的研究奠定了基础。  相似文献   

本文介绍受strigolactones调控的植物侧枝生长的信号合成、信号转导机制以及它与生长素和细胞分裂素之间相互作用的研究进展。  相似文献   

吲哚-3-乙酸(indole-3-acetic acid,IAA)作为植物体内普遍存在的内源生长素参与调节植物生命活动的诸多方面。研究发现,自然界中不仅植物可以合成IAA,许多微生物(包括植物病原菌或益生菌)同样具有分泌IAA的能力,可以诱发植物病害,或促进植物生长。有趣的是IAA不仅作为细菌的次生代谢物干扰寄主植物的激素稳态,也作为信号分子影响细菌基因表达和生理活动,通过整合进入细菌复杂代谢网络,调节植物与细菌的相互作用。通过讨论植物相关细菌IAA的生物合成途径及其调控,以及参与调节细菌基因表达、影响细菌生理和行为及其与寄主植物的互作等,概述该领域的研究动态与进展,揭示IAA不仅调节植物生长发育和防御,也作为跨界信号在调控植物与微生物互作中发挥重要作用,旨在为深入研究和更好地了解IAA跨界信号机制,通过遗传操纵细菌IAA信号通路以改善植物生长发育及其胁迫耐力提供新思路。  相似文献   

Axillary meristem initiation and bud growth in rice   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Strigolactones are plant hormones that regulate the development of different plant parts. In the shoot,they regulate axillary bud outgrowth and in the root,root architecture and root-hair length and density. Strigolactones are also involved with communication in the rhizosphere,including enhancement of hyphal branching of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. Here we present the role and activity of strigolactones under conditions of phosphate deprivation.Under these conditions,their levels of biosynthesis and exudation increase,leading to changes in shoot and root development. At least for the latter,these changes are likely to be associated with alterations in auxin transport and sensitivity. On the other hand,strigolactones may positively affect plant–mycorrhiza interactions and thereby promote phosphate acquisition by the plant. Strigolactones may be a way for plants to fine-tune their growth pattern under phosphate deprivation.  相似文献   

Regulation of shoot branching by auxin   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
The idea that apically derived auxin inhibits shoot branching by inhibiting the activity of axillary buds was first proposed 70 years ago, but it soon became clear that its mechanism of action was complex and indirect. Recent advances in the study of axillary bud development and of auxin signal transduction are allowing a better understanding of the role of auxin in controlling shoot branching. These studies have identified a new role for auxin early in bud development as well as some of the second messengers involved in mediating the branch-inhibiting effects of auxin.  相似文献   

The AXR1 gene of Arabidopsis is required for many auxin responses. The highly branched shoot phenotype of mature axr1 mutant plants has been taken as genetic evidence for a role of auxin in the control of shoot branching. We compared the development of lateral shoots in wild-type Columbia and axr1-12 plants. In the wild type, the pattern of lateral shoot development depends on the developmental stage of the plant. During prolonged vegetative growth, axillary shoots arise and develop in a basal-apical sequence. After floral transition, axillary shoots arise rapidly along the primary shoot axis and grow out to form lateral inflorescences in an apical-basal sequence. For both patterns, the axr1 mutation does not affect the timing of axillary meristem formation; however, subsequent lateral shoot development proceeds more rapidly in axr1 plants. The outgrowth of lateral inflorescences from excised cauline nodes of wild-type plants is inhibited by apical auxin. axr1-12 nodes are resistant to this inhibition. These results provide evidence for common control of axillary growth in both patterns, and suggest a role for auxin during the late stages of axillary shoot development following the formation of the axillary bud and several axillary leaf primordia.  相似文献   

Studying the genetic basis and regulatory mechanism of chrysanthemum lateral bud outgrowth is of great significance for reduction the production cost of cut chrysanthemum. To clarify the molecular basis of lateral bud elongation after removal of apical dominance in chrysanthemum, label-free quantification analysis was used to analyze the proteome changes after apical bud removal. Quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR) was used to analyze the changes in the expression of three plant hormone-related genes. A total of 440 differentially expressed proteins were successfully identified at three time points during the lateral bud elongation. The number of differentially expressed proteins in the three stages (24 h/0 h, 48 h/0 h, 48 h/24 h) were 219, 332, and 97, respectively. The difference in expressed proteins in the three comparison stages mainly involves RNA processing and modification; translation, ribosomal structure and biogenesis; Posttranslational modification, protein turnover, and chaperones. Path analysis showed that there was various physiological activities in the process of lateral bud dormancy breaking and elongation, which involved energy metabolism, biosynthesis, signal transduction and stress response in the growth process of lateral buds. qPCR indicated that the expression of cytokinin synthesis related gene was significantly increased after the removal of apical dominance, while the expression of strigolactones synthesis related gene experiences a dramatic fall to promote the development of the lateral buds. However, there was a drop before a slight increase in the expression of the auxin synthesis related gene, which was mainly due to the removal of apical dominance that led to the loss of indoleacetic acid in the main stem. However, with formation of the new apical source, indoleacetic acid can be released again.  相似文献   

For several decades, auxin and cytokinin were the only two hormones known to be involved in the control of shoot branching through apical dominance, a process where the shoot apex producing auxin inhibits the outgrowth of axillary buds located below. Grafting studies with high branching mutants and cloning of the mutated genes demonstrated the existence of a novel long distance carotenoid derived signal which acted as a branching inhibitor. Recently, this branching inhibitor has been shown to belong to the strigolactones, a group of small molecules already known to be produced by roots, exuded in the rhizosphere and as having a role in both parasitic and symbiotic interactions.  相似文献   

Bud outgrowth is regulated by the interplay of multiple hormones, including auxin, cytokinin, strigolactones, and an unidentified long-distance feedback signal that moves from shoot to root. The model of bud outgrowth regulation in pea (Pisum sativum) includes these signals and a network of five RAMOSUS (RMS) genes that operate in a shoot-root-shoot loop to regulate the synthesis of, and response to, strigolactones. The number of components in this network renders the integration of new and existing hypotheses both complex and cumbersome. A hypothesis-driven computational model was therefore developed to help understand regulation of shoot branching. The model evolved in parallel with stepwise laboratory research, helping to define and test key hypotheses. The computational model was used to verify new mechanisms involved in the regulation of shoot branching by confirming that the new hypotheses captured all relevant biological data sets. Based on cytokinin and RMS1 expression analyses, this model is extended to include subtle but important differences in the function of RMS3 and RMS4 genes in the shoot and rootstock. Additionally, this research indicates that a branch-derived signal upregulates RMS1 expression independent of the other feedback signal. Furthermore, we propose xylem-sap cytokinin promotes sustained bud outgrowth, rather than acting at the earlier stage of bud release.  相似文献   

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