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呼中林业局森林采伐方式对森林景观格局的长期影响   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
采用空间直观景观模型(LANDIS)模拟了大兴安岭地区呼中林业局在无采伐和同一采伐量下皆伐、二次渐伐和择伐共4种方案下森林景观300年的长期动态变化。结果表明,与无采伐方案相比较,采伐使落叶松和云杉的分布面积减小,樟子松、白桦的分布面积增大;择伐对本区分布面积最大的2个树种———落叶松和白桦的影响最小。采伐改变了树种年龄结构,降低了过熟林的相对面积;相对于皆伐而言,渐伐和择伐时降低的程度较大。各种采伐方式间落叶松和云杉的聚集度差异较小,白桦和樟子松的聚集度则存在显著差异。  相似文献   

应用空间直观的森林景观干扰演替模型(LANDIS)模拟了2000—2200年间小兴安岭友好林区4种森林管理预案(无采伐、皆伐、择伐Ⅰ和择伐Ⅱ)下的森林景观变化,并结合景观尺度的生境适宜度指数(HSI)模型评估了不同管理预案对研究区松鼠生境的影响.结果表明:研究期间,无采伐下松鼠适宜生境面积的增幅最快,而勉强适宜生境的降幅最快;皆伐下,松鼠适宜生境面积的增幅最慢,而勉强适宜生境的后期降幅最小;择伐Ⅰ下松鼠适宜生境面积的增幅高于择伐Ⅱ,而其勉强适宜生境面积的降幅低于择伐Ⅱ.整体而言,松鼠生境最优化的管理方案依次为无采伐、择伐Ⅰ、择伐Ⅱ和皆伐.  相似文献   

择伐对吉林蛟河阔叶红松林群落结构及动态的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
范春雨  张春雨  赵秀海 《生态学报》2017,37(20):6668-6678
科学的森林经营能够优化林分结构,是调控森林生产力和生物多样性的有效手段。择伐作为森林经营的重要方式之一,其对森林结构以及群落动态的影响一直未有定论,因此迫切需要利用更加全面的数据对择伐及伐后林分特征的变化进行长期监测。根据森林大样地建立规范,2010年在吉林蛟河建立了42hm~2阔叶红松林动态监测样地,2011年冬季截取部分面积进行择伐经营,以经营样地为研究对象,运用数值变量描述采伐活动并分析择伐前后群落结构的变化;同时结合2015年的二次调查数据,以立地条件基本一致的对照样地为参照,比较林分水平和物种水平上死亡率、更新率的差异,并利用线性混合效应模型探究择伐活动对个体径向生长的影响。研究结果显示:经营样地的择伐强度为5.4%,受采伐干扰影响较大的物种主要包括色木槭、白牛槭、裂叶榆、胡桃楸、千金榆、水曲柳以及紫椴,采伐主要集中于林冠层树种,亚林层和灌木层个体很少涉及。择伐前后物种组成、径级结构等并未发生明显改变。5年间,经营样地和对照样地的林分密度都降低,对比对照样地,经营样地的死亡率较低,但其更新状况并未优于对照样地。从胸高断面积来看,经营样地整体的年平均生长量高于对照样地,表明择伐导致的稀疏对个体生长和存活起到了一定的促进作用。将采伐强度纳入线性混合效应模型中分析发现,胸径始终是影响个体生长的最重要因素,其次是树木个体之间的非对称竞争;采伐所涉及到的7个主要树种的年平均生长量均高于对照样地,但仅有紫椴的径向生长表现出对采伐干扰的显著响应。综合来看,低强度择伐对群落结构和动态的影响较小,不同物种的径向生长对择伐的响应存在一定差异。  相似文献   

中高纬度地区非生长季温室气体排放对生态系统碳、氮循环具有重要影响,但采伐干扰如何影响森林沼泽非生长季土壤温室气体排放尚不明确.本研究采用静态箱-气相色谱法,观测小兴安岭4种森林沼泽(毛赤杨沼泽、白桦沼泽、落叶松苔草沼泽、落叶松藓类沼泽)不同采伐方式下(对照、择伐45%、皆伐,试验处理已10年)非生长季土壤CO2、CH4、和N2O通量及其相关环境因子(温度、湿度及碳氮含量等),分析采伐干扰对温带森林沼泽非生长季土壤温室气体排放的影响规律及主控因子.结果表明: 采伐干扰10年后,4种森林沼泽土壤CO2、CH4和N2O非生长季平均通量分别在53.08~81.31 mg·m-2·h-1、0.09~3.07 mg·m-2·h-1和4.07~8.83 μg·m-2·h-1,其中,皆伐显著提高毛赤杨沼泽和落叶松藓类沼泽非生长季土壤CO2、CH4和N2O排放量,择伐显著提高白桦沼泽、落叶松藓类沼泽及降低毛赤杨沼泽的CO2排放量,且显著降低4种森林沼泽CH4排放量及落叶松苔草沼泽的N2O排放量;天然森林沼泽非生长季土壤CO2排放受土壤温度、有机碳含量及C/N调控,CH4受土壤温度、有机碳含量调控,N2O受气温、土壤pH调控,采伐增加了CO2排放与气温、土壤含水量及积雪深度的相关性,增加了CH4排放与气温、土壤含水量、C/N的相关性,增加了N2O排放与土壤全氮和C/N的相关性;温带天然森林沼泽非生长季土壤CO2、CH4和N2O的年贡献率分别为33.2%~46.5%、6.3%~9.1%和61.5%~68.3%,皆伐提高了白桦沼泽和落叶松藓类沼泽CO2年贡献率和除落叶松藓类沼泽外其他样地的N2O年贡献率,择伐提高了落叶松苔草沼泽、落叶松藓类沼泽CO2、CH4和N2O年贡献率,但降低了白桦沼泽3种气体年贡献率.温带天然森林沼泽非生长季土壤N2O和CO2的年贡献率相对较大,皆伐使两者年贡献率进一步提高,择伐却较大幅度提高了其CH4的年贡献率.  相似文献   

苗杰  于立忠  孙一荣 《生态学杂志》2012,31(9):2191-2196
通过调查3种不同人为干扰强度(轻度择伐、重度择伐和皆伐)下次生林林分结构及其冠下红松生长状况,应用全天空照片法测定红松(Pinus koraiensis)顶端的透光孔隙度,分析红松当年高生长量与顶端透光环境的关系.结果表明:以蒙古栎(Quercus mongolica)为建群种的皆伐样地林冠下,林分透光较强,以杂木阔叶林为主的轻度择伐样地和重度择伐样地林冠下,林分透光较弱;对29年生红松生长起主要阻碍作用的是下木层(≥10 m)阔叶树;在透光较好的皆伐样地内,红松当年高生长量均比透光较弱的轻度择伐样地和重度择伐样地高,红松当年高生长量与顶端林分透光孔隙度显著正相关(R2 =0.516,P<0.01);为促进辽东山区次生林向阔叶红松林正向演替,应调控红松顶端林分透光孔隙度达30%以上.  相似文献   

黄土丘陵区油松水土保持林生长过程与直径结构   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
应用标准木树干解析法,研究了黄土丘陵沟壑区阴坡和阳坡两种21年生(密度为2 222株·hm-2)油松林分的生物量、林木生长过程和直径结构.结果表明:两种林分树高、林木直径和材积生长过程明显不同,阴坡林分的生物量、生长状况和直径结构优于阳坡林分.两种林分树高速生期出现在9~13年生之间,13年生以后,阴坡林分的生长量明显高于阳坡林分(21年生时,前者的连年生长量约在0.26 m·a-1,后者在0.1 m·a-1左右).两种林分的胸径生长量在13年生以后明显降低,但阴坡林分的降幅明显小于阳坡林分;17年生以后,前者的连年生长量明显大于后者(21年时,前者约在0.46 cm·a-1,后者只有0.27 cm·a-1左右).两种林分单株材积生长量在13年生之前差异较小,13年生之后,阴坡林分的连年生长量明显大于阳坡林分(21年生时,前者为0.0023 m3·a-1,后者只有0.0015 m3·a-1).两种林分直径分布都呈现顶峰左偏(林分密度偏大)的现象,但阴坡林分的偏度系数(SK为0.75)小于阳坡林分(SK为1.03)、而峰度系数(K为1.05)大于阳坡林分(K为0.94),说明阳坡林分密度偏大的程度大于阴坡林分.  相似文献   

干扰对森林景观变化的影响是一个长期的过程,传统的定位观测很难探究大空间尺度上干扰对森林景观的长期影响,模型模拟是目前常用的研究方法.本研究采用空间直观景观模型(LANDIS),模拟大兴安岭呼中林区在无采伐、皆伐、渐伐和择伐共4种预案下300年内森林景观的长期动态变化.选取落叶松和白桦为典型代表,以平均斑块面积、物种面积比例、聚集度以及年龄结构为指标,探讨不同采伐方式对森林景观的长期影响.结果表明:采伐降低了落叶松的面积比例,提高了白桦的面积比例,不同采伐方式之间差异不明显;采伐降低了落叶松的聚集度,提高了白桦的聚集度,皆伐预案高于其他预案;采伐在模拟前期降低了落叶松的平均斑块面积,提高了白桦的平均斑块面积;采伐提高了落叶松和白桦的中幼龄林比例,皆伐预案下白桦中幼龄林面积增加最明显.采伐使森林生态景观破碎化,皆伐预案下森林景观破碎化最为严重.建议,在采伐强度相同的条件下,尽量采用择伐方式,降低森林采伐对森林生态系统的影响,进而促进森林生态系统健康稳定的发展.  相似文献   

王晓荣  曾立雄  雷蕾  潘磊  肖文发 《生态学报》2019,39(12):4421-4431
探讨不同抚育择伐方式下森林群落物种空间分布格局和关联性,对科学优化森林结构和促进森林稳定发展具有重要意义。以三峡库区马尾松飞播林为研究对象,采用未择伐、伐除优势马尾松、伐除非马尾松、除灌等处理方式建立固定监测样地,利用Ripley′s L函数的空间点格局方法,分析抚育择伐3年后马尾松林的群落组成、空间分布格局、种间关联性的变化特征。结果表明:1)不同抚育择伐措施均在一定程度上改变了物种组成以及部分树种的优势程度,降低了各样地乔木层物种多样性。2)未择伐主要树种空间分布格局以随机分布为主,伐除优势马尾松样地优势树种主要呈现聚集分布,伐除非马尾松改变了香椿和盐肤木等树种的分布格局,呈聚集分布,其他优势树种空间分布格局与对照样地相似;除灌进一步加剧林下更新树种的随机分布。3)未择伐样地主要树种空间关联性表现为正相关或不相关,伐除优势马尾松增加了主要树种间的负相关性,伐除非马尾松和除灌措施则增加了种间的不相关性。短期人为择伐干扰明显改变了林分空间结构和稳定性,择伐对象不同对林分结构产生的影响也不同。单纯调整某个树种或单个层次的结构来开展森林经营,不利于林分空间结构的整体优化,必须要综合考虑择伐强度和择伐对象的选择,将有助于实现森林结构优化和功能提升。  相似文献   

低温小麦种质叶片结构及某些生理特性   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
通过对小麦冠层温度的长期观测,发现自然界存在冠层温度持续偏低的低温种质和冠层温度持续偏高的高温种质.在扬花结实期,低温种质冠层温度比高温种质低1~4 ℃.低温种质功能叶片叶肉细胞小,排列紧密,层数较多,通常比高温种质多1~2层叶肉细胞.低温种质陕229、901和小偃6号3片功能叶的平均厚度分别为166、192和165 μm,平均比高温种质薄26 μm;3片功能叶叶脉的平均间距分别为257、231和245 μm,平均比高温种质小31 μm;3片功能叶大叶脉平均横截面积分别为5 961、6 580和5 603 μm2,平均比高温种质大837 μm2;小叶脉平均横截面积分别为1 624、1 521和1 472 μm2,平均比高温种质大246 μm2.在扬花结实期,低温种质陕229、901和小偃6号3片功能叶平均叶绿素含量分别为2.8749、2.8162和2.4129 g·100 g-1 FW;净光合速率分别为10.8640、10.8003和10.1939 μmol·m-2·s-1;蒸腾速率分别为0.0076、0.0074和0.0067 mol·m-2·s-1,均明显高于高温种质.结果表明,植物的冠层温度与植物本身的器官结构和生理功能联系密切.  相似文献   

长白山阔叶红松林径级结构动态模拟和优化经营   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以原始阔叶红松林为研究对象,采用密度依赖矩阵模型,模拟了自然生长预案下林分径级结构的动态变化,分析了一种择伐预案对林分径级结构的影响,计算了7种不同择伐强度下森林的恢复期。结果表明:原始阔叶红松林比较稳定,但也有比较缓慢的自然生长,林分株数密度呈下降趋势,符合森林的自然稀疏规律,随着时间的推移,各径阶株数的变化速度逐渐减弱,趋于稳定,验证了演替顶极理论。以生长量、收获量、保留林分结构和采伐费用为森林经营效果的评价指标,则20%的采伐强度、35年采伐周期和25%的采伐强度、45年的采伐周期的2种方案较优。  相似文献   

以我国东北长白山自然保护区内同一海拔水平的原始阔叶红松林及其次生林--白桦山杨成熟林和幼林为对象,对不同演替阶段林地地下生物量与碳、氮贮量进行了研究.结果表明,随着演替的进行,白桦山杨幼林、成熟林和阔叶红松林根系生物量分别为2.437、2.742和4.114 kg·m-2,根系碳贮量分别为1.113、1.323和2.023kg·m-2,土壤碳贮量分别为11.911、11.943和12.87 kg·m-2,林地地下碳贮量分别为13.024、13.266和14.610kg·m-2.3块林地中根系氮贮量分别为0.035、0.032和0.039 kg·m-2,土壤氮贮量分别为1.207、1.222和0.915kg·m-2,林地地下氮贮量分别为1.243、1.254和0.955 kg·m-2.在长白山地区次生林演替和恢复过程中林地地下部分是潜在的碳汇,而土壤氮贮量则没有明显的变化规律.  相似文献   

The disturbance regime in mixed-wood forests of eastern Canada is characterized by both natural disturbances including wildfires and insect outbreaks as well as forestry. The understanding of how understorey plant assemblages respond to different disturbances is mostly limited to short-term wildfire-logging comparisons of vascular plants. Here, we compare patterns of species richness and composition of four bryophyte guilds in young forests (approx. 40 years old) regenerating after clear-cut logging, wildfire, and spruce budworm outbreak. In addition, young forests were compared with mature spruce-fir dominated stands (approx. 90 years old). Although similar in overall species richness at the scale of 1,000 m2 all young forest types were compositionally distinct with fewer species than mature forests. Stands developed after spruce budworm outbreaks had the highest canopy cover values and the highest surface area of coarse woody debris. These stands had similar numbers of woody debris species as mature forests and were closest to mature forests in species composition. Wildfire-disturbed sites were dominated by deciduous trees and a high number of treebase species. Finally, young managed forest had the highest number of forest floor bryophytes at the scale of 100 m2 among the three young forest types, but was compositionally far from mature forests in their woody debris flora. In conclusion, young forests regenerating after natural disturbances are distinctly different from young forests regenerated after clear-cutting and if natural disturbances are eliminated certain species (e.g., epixylic and treebase species) might become more restricted to older stands in the landscape.  相似文献   


Background: Lianas are an important component of tropical forests that respond to logging disturbance. Determining liana response to selective logging chronosequence is important for understanding long-term logging effects on lianas and tropical forests.

Aims: Our objective was to quantify the response of liana communities to selective logging chronosequence in a moist semi-deciduous forest in Ghana.

Methods: Liana community characteristics were determined in ten 40 m × 40 m plots randomly and homogenously distributed in each of four selectively logged forest stands that had been logged 2, 14, 40 and 68 years before the surveys and in an old-growth forest stand (ca. >200 years).

Results: Liana species composition differed significantly among the forest stands, as a function of logging time span, while species richness fluctuated along the chronosequence. The abundance of liana communities and of reproductive and climbing guilds was lower in the logged forests than in the old-growth forest. The ratio of liana abundance and basal area to those of trees was similar in the logged forests, but significantly lower than those in the old-growth forest.

Conclusions: Logging impacts on liana community structure and functional traits were largely evident, though no clear chronosequence trends were recorded, except for species composition.  相似文献   

Mature tropical forests at agricultural frontiers are of global conservation concern as the leading edge of global deforestation. In the Ituri Forest of DRC, as in other tropical forest areas, road creation associated with selective logging results in spontaneous human colonization, leading to the clearing of mature forest for agricultural purposes. Following 1-3 years of cultivation, farmlands are left fallow for periods that may exceed 20 years, resulting in extensive secondary forest areas impacted by both selective logging and swidden agriculture. In this study, we assessed forest structure, tree species composition and diversity and the regeneration of timber trees in secondary forest stands (5-10 and ~40 years old), selectively logged forest stands, and undisturbed forests at two sites in the Ituri region. Stem density was lower in old secondary forests (~40 years old) than in either young secondary or mature forests. Overall tree diversity did not significantly differ between forest types, but the diversity of trees ≥10 cm dbh was substantially lower in young secondary forest stands than in old secondary or mature forests. The species composition of secondary forests differed from that of mature forests, with the dominant Caesalpinoid legume species of mature forests poorly represented in secondary forests. However, in spite of prior logging, the regeneration of high value timber trees such as African mahoganies (Khaya anthotheca and Entandrophragma spp.) was at least 10 times greater in young secondary forests than in mature forests. We argue that, if properly managed and protected, secondary forests, even those impacted by both selective logging and small-scale shifting agriculture, may have high potential conservation and economic value.  相似文献   

Aim Our two main goals are first to evaluate the resilience of the boreal forest according to latitude across the closed‐crown forest zone using the post‐disturbance distribution and cover of lichen woodlands and closed‐crown forests as a metric, and second to identify the disturbance factors responsible for the regeneration and degradation of the closed‐crown forest according to latitude since the 1950s. Location The study area extends between 70°00′ and 72°00′ W and throughout the closed‐crown forest zone, from its southern limit near 47°30′ N to its northern limit at the contact with the lichen woodland zone at around 52°40′ N. Methods Recent (1972–2002) and old (1954–1956) aerial photos were used to map the distribution of lichen woodlands across the closed‐crown forest zone. Forest disturbances such as fire, spruce budworm (Choristoneura fumiferana (Clemens)) outbreak, and logging were recorded on each set of aerial photos. Each lichen woodland and stand disturbance was validated by air‐borne surveys and digitized using GIS software. Results Over the last 50 years, the area occupied by lichen woodlands has increased according to latitude; that is, 9% of the area that was occupied by closed‐crown forests has shifted to lichen woodlands. Although logging activities have been concentrated in the same areas during the last 50 years, the area covered by logging has increased significantly. Outbreaks by the spruce budworm occurred predominantly in the southern (47°30′ N to 48°30′ N) and central (48°53′ N to 50°42′ N) parts of the study area, where balsam fir stands are extensive. In the northern part of the study area (51°–52°40′ N), extensive fires affected the distribution and cover of closed‐crown forests and lichen woodlands. Main conclusions Over the last 50 years, the area occupied by closed‐crown forests has decreased dramatically, and the ecological conditions that allow closed‐crown forests to establish and develop are currently less prevalent. Fire is by far the main disturbance, reducing the ability of natural closed‐crown forests to self‐regenerate whatever the latitude. Given the current biogeographical shift from dense to open forests, the northern part of the closed‐crown forest zone is in a process of dramatic change towards the dominance of northern woodlands.  相似文献   

Black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L.)—an invasive alien species in riparian forests—is becoming more prevalent in many rivers of eastern Japan. Riparian black locust forests are typically cut down to maintain river-flow capacity. However, such forests often reproduce rapidly by stump sprouting and root suckering and regenerate by germination. Thus, more effective riparian forest management approaches are required. To regulate the reproduction of black locust forests after clear-cutting, we examined the regrowth-inhibiting effects of glyphosate herbicide application to stumps, in accordance with current river management protocol (i.e., winter logging operation). Further, we investigated the concentrations of glyphosate leaching into the soil at a depth of 30 cm in a riparian area of the Tenryu River. Our results showed that glyphosate application to stumps completely inhibited stump sprouting but not root suckering or seedling germination. The glyphosate concentration leaching into the soil reached a maximum (2.6 ± 0.7 mg kg?1, mean ± standard error) on day 1 after the application, and subsequently declined to below the detection limit on day 2. Thus, the rapid degradation of glyphosate was confirmed, despite the fact that the herbicide leached into the soil after application to the stumps. The glyphosate application has limited effectiveness against root suckering and germination of riparian black locust forests after clear-cutting in winter, in accordance with the current river management protocol.  相似文献   

The majority of managed forests in Fennoscandia are younger than 70 years old but yet little is known about their potential to host rare and threatened species. In this study, we examined red-listed bryophytes and lichens in 19 young stands originating from clear-cutting (30-70 years old) in the boreal region, finding 19 red-listed species (six bryophytes and 13 lichens). We used adjoining old stands, which most likely never had been clear-cut, as reference. The old stands contained significantly more species, but when taking the amount of biological legacies (i.e., remaining deciduous trees and dead wood) from the previous forest generation into account, bryophyte species number did not differ between old and young stands, and lichen number was even higher in young stands. No dispersal effect could be detected from the old to the young stands. The amount of wetlands in the surroundings was important for bryophytes, as was the area of old forest for both lichens and bryophytes. A cardinal position of young stands to the north of old stands was beneficial to red-listed bryophytes as well as lichens. We conclude that young forest plantations may function as habitat for red-listed species, but that this depends on presence of structures from the previous forest generation, and also on qualities in the surrounding landscape. Nevertheless, at repeated clear-cuttings, a successive decrease in species populations in young production stands is likely, due to increased fragmentation and reduced substrate amounts. Retention of dead wood and deciduous trees might be efficient conservation measures. Although priority needs to be given to preservation of remnant old-growth forests, we argue that young forests rich in biological legacies and located in landscapes with high amounts of old forests may have a conservation value.  相似文献   

沈阳城市森林绿量测算   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
借助ARC/GIS地理信息系统,以“平面量推算平面量”的方法,测算了沈阳市城市森林的绿量.结果表明:沈阳市城市森林不同类型单位面积绿量以风景游憩林最高,为3·86m2·m-2;生态公益林最低,为2·27m2·m-2;城市森林分布区单位面积绿量为2·99m2·m-2;城区单位面积绿量为0·25m2·m-2.沈阳城市森林总体绿量约为1·13×108m2·其中,附属林为4·15×107m2,占36·64%;生态公益林2·72×107m2,占23·99%;风景游憩林2·20×107m2,占19·38%;道路林1·84×107m2,占16·20%;生产经营林0·43×107m2,占3·79%.经检验,平面量推算平面量方法测算精度达到91·81%(α=0·05).  相似文献   

齐麟  赵福强 《生态学报》2015,35(1):46-55
分析采伐后森林群落中物种的空间格局有助于认识该格局形成的生态学过程、种群的生物学特性及其与环境因子之间的相互关系,并对制定可持续的森林经营方案具有重要意义。以长白山地区经历不同采伐方式形成的阔叶红松林次生林为研究对象,利用空间点格局分析的研究方法,探讨了采伐对阔叶红松林主要树种空间分布格局、种间关联性以及更新的影响。研究结果显示:较低强度的择伐对阔叶红松林主要树种的空间分布格局、种间关联性的改变较小,群落可以在较短时间内恢复。中等强度的择伐减少了成年树种对幼树的抑制作用,可以促进森林的天然更新。皆伐后,森林的群落结构,物种的空间分布格局、种间关联性都发生显著变化,尽管更新状况良好,但要恢复到伐前水平仍需要较长时间。择伐不仅通过改变主要树种的密度对阔叶红松林群落结构产生影响,还通过改变物种空间关联性改变群落的结构动态。因此,在制定森林生态系统经营管理方案时,不仅要选择适合的采伐强度,还要综合考虑采伐时物种的选择以及种间关系。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The northern goshawk (Accipiter gentilis) has been the subject of considerable interest because of the impact of logging on this species' nesting habitat. However, few studies have examined movements of fledgling birds around the nest prior to independence, and even fewer have described resource requirements of young birds during their postfledging period. Over 3 years, we followed 31 radiotagged goshawk fledglings from 15 nests in southeastern British Columbia, Canada. Of these birds, 26 survived to disperse. Between fledging and dispersal 95% of fledgling relocations (n = 1, 148) were within 450 m of the nest. Fledglings primarily remained within 298 m of the nest during the first 21 days postfledging and within 525 m of the nest between 21 days postfledging and dispersal. Fledglings' movements were highly directional, with individual and sibling movements away from any particular nest tending out in one direction. Postfledging areas averaged 36.7 ha in size (median = 23.1, inter-quartile range = 20.8–39.7 ha). Fledglings strongly avoided forest <40 years old and weakly selected young forests (40–80 yr), mature forests (>80 yr), and stands with >40% canopy cover during the first 21 days and after. We suggest forest managers wishing to conserve goshawk postfledging areas in the interior montane forests of British Columbia maintain forests >40 years old with high crown closure covering an area ≥21 ha and preferably >40 ha. This area should contain all identified occupied and alternative nest trees in a nest area. At least half this area should be forest >80 years old and contain existing nests and potential for future nest trees.  相似文献   

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