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尖峰岭热带山地雨林主要神类能量背景值测定分析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
本文报道了海南岛尖峰岭热带山地雨林主要树种67种、灌木及大型木质藤本植物16种的各器官的热值。结果表明,热带森林主要种类的热值差异甚大,即使相同属内的一些种类,均具有明显的差异,这种差异与植物种的生物学特性有关,即在生活型的分类系统中,芽位越高的植物其热值越高,但在同一树种中,不同个体大小的植株,其差异不明显;不同植物种的根系热值也差异不大。一般情况下,树叶的热值较大,树干、树皮、树枝和根系次之。已初步证明了部分热带植物含有较多的硅、锰、铁、钙等元素,它们在样品燃烧后形成了颗粒状的剩余物,这是一个值得更深入探讨的新问题。  相似文献   

采用土钻法研究了油松、刺槐、樟子松、华山松、侧柏和山杏6个树种的垂直根系分布特征.结果表明,立地条件对刺槐根系分布特征有明显的影响,林地土壤水分状况的差异是造成这种影响的关键所在;土壤种类、结构等对刺槐根系的分布特征也有很大影响;油松在幼年期(8年生)即可达到根系分布的最大深度,但根系密度却随着林龄的增大呈明显的增大趋势;不同树种在根系垂直分布特征方面存在着很大差异,其中刺槐根系分布最深.根据各树种根系垂直分布特征,在黄绵土阳向立地上各树种生产力的大小次序为:刺槐>山杏>油松>樟子松>华山松>侧柏.  相似文献   

研究了黑石顶自然保护区南亚热带常绿阔叶林5种乔木优势种的热值及其季节变化。结果如下:5种植物各器官干重热值和去灰分热值因种在是异,同种植物不同器官之间热值存在明显差异,干重热值受灰分含量影响变异增大。  相似文献   

渭北黄土高原主要造林树种根系分布特征的研究   总被引:62,自引:7,他引:55  
采用土钻法研究了油松、刺槐、樟子松、华山松、侧柏和山杏6个树种的垂直根系分布特征。结果表明,立地条件对刺槐根系分布特征有明显的影响,林地土壤水分状况的差异是造成这种影响的关键所在;土壤种类、结构等对刺槐根系的分布特征也有很大影响;油松在幼年期(8年生)即可达到根系分布的最大深度,但根系密度却随着林龄的增大呈明显的增大趋势;不同树种在根系垂直分布特征方面存在着很大差异,其中刺槐根系分布最深。根据各树  相似文献   

黑石顶自然保护区常绿阔叶林优势植物地上部分的热值   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对黑石顶自然保护区南亚热带低山常绿阔叶林地上部分各层次一些优势种和常见种的干重热值和去灰分热值的测定表明:植物的干重热值受灰分含量影响较大,植物去灰分热值随种类、器官而异,乔木层8种植物地上部分各器官平均去灰分热值在19.261-20.672kJg-1之间,各植物种的平均去灰分热值变化顺序如下:光叶红豆>显脉新木姜>福建青冈>短花序楠>生虫树>小叶胭脂>硬叶稠>粘木。乔木层各器官的平均去灰分热值是:叶21.417kJg-1,幼枝19.929kJg-1,干树皮19.961kJg-1,干材18.664kJg-1。地上部分各层次相同器官平均去灰分热值有下列变化趋势:乔木层>灌木层>草本层,这一关系在植物叶的去灰分热值中表现尤为明显.  相似文献   

小兴安岭主要树种热值与碳含量   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
王立海  孙墨珑 《生态学报》2009,29(2):953-959
对小兴安岭林区15种主要树种(红松、落叶松、鱼鳞云杉、臭冷杉、紫杉、蒙古栎、白桦、枫桦、紫椴、黄檗、水曲柳、胡桃楸、山杨、五角枫和春榆)不同器官的灰分含量、去灰分热值和碳含量进行了研究.采用快速灰化法测定灰分含量,量热法测定热值含量,吸收质量法测定碳含量.15种主要树种不同器官的灰分含量(质量分数)为:树叶0.60%~1.28%;树枝1.00%~2 98%;树干0.16%~1.22%;树皮2.15%~6.36%.15种主要树种不同器官的灰分含量(质量分数)从高到低依次为树皮、树枝、树叶、树干;不同器官的灰分含量(质量分数)具有显著差异(t检验,p < 0.01).15种主要树种平均灰分含量(质量分数)从高到低依次为春榆、山杨、蒙古栎、紫椴、黄檗、枫桦、水曲柳、鱼鳞云杉、五角枫、胡桃楸、红松、臭冷杉、紫杉、落叶松、白桦.15种主要树种不同器官的去灰分热值为:树叶20.85~22.85 kJ/g;树枝19.92~21.95 kJ/g;树干19.66~21.98 kJ/g;树皮18 58~21.74 kJ/g.15种主要树种不同器官的去灰分热值基本从高到低依次为树叶、树枝、树干、树皮;不同器官的去灰分热值具有显著差异(t检验,p < 0.01).15种主要树种平均去灰分热值从高到低依次为落叶松、红松、紫杉、鱼鳞云杉、胡桃楸、臭冷杉、山杨、五角枫、白桦、黄檗、水曲柳、紫椴、蒙古栎、枫桦、春榆.15种主要树种不同器官的碳含量(质量分数)为:树叶43 11%~45.08%;树枝44.31%~46.06%;树干46.30%~47.46%;树皮44.31%~45.46%.15种主要树种不同器官的去灰分热值基本从高到低依次为树干、树枝、树皮、树叶;不同器官的碳含量(质量分数)具有显著差异(t检验,p < 0.01).15种主要树种平均碳含量(质量分数)从高到低依次为落叶松、臭冷杉、鱼鳞云杉、红松、黄檗、紫杉、紫椴、山杨、白桦、枫桦、水曲柳、胡桃楸、五角枫、蒙古栎、春榆.针叶树种平均灰分含量普遍低于阔叶树种,平均去灰分热值和平均碳含量普遍高于阔叶树种.  相似文献   

内蒙古羊草草原群落主要植物的热值动态   总被引:19,自引:1,他引:18  
鲍雅静  李政海 《生态学报》2003,23(3):606-613
对内蒙古羊草草原主要植物种群的干重热值动态研究表明,热值随植物种类,植物部位,取样时植物所处物候期及气候条件的不同而变化,羊草草原主要植物种群地上部分热值的变动范围在15703-18141J/g之间,其中灌木小叶锦鸡儿(Caragang microphylla)的热值最高,禾草类植物的热值多数较高,而大多数杂类草的热值相对较低,主要植物种群地下部分热值的分布范围为15051-16410J/g。其中根茎型草地下部分热值较高。不同种类植物地下部分热值差异并不与地上部分一致,根茎型禾草地上、地下部分热值差异较小,而须根型植物差异较在,不同种群的植物地上部分热值随植物候期的不同而波动,其变化规律是与植物种群本身的生物学特性相联系的,不同植物种群热值的年际小 规律有所不同,羊草(Leymus chinensis)、大针茅(Stipa grandis)和洽草(Koeloria cristata)的年际热值波动相关显著。但与生长季降水量和生长季累积日照时数之间无明显相关性,在某种程度上,植物热值的 种内变化反映了植物生长状况的差异。  相似文献   

分析干瘠立地中不同树种根功能性状的变化及差异,研究不同树种对干瘠环境的适应对策。试验材料为林龄、林分密度相对一致的石质山区主要观赏树种(黄栌、山桃、栓皮栎),采用挖掘法获取树木细根,测定细根形态参数。根据田间持水量和石砾含量分别设置4个干瘠梯度(轻度、中度、重度、极度),对比分析北京干瘠地3种树种根功能性状,探讨干瘠立地中不同树种根系形态的差异及其对特殊生境的适应。结果表明:干旱、瘠薄均对树木的根功能性状产生影响,但对不同性状以及不同树种的影响程度具有差异,其中对山桃根系的影响最大;3种树种根功能性状在不同干瘠等级下存在显著变化,同一性状的变化因树种不同而异。从轻度到极度干旱,3种树种的RL均逐渐减小,但是黄栌变化不显著;黄栌、栓皮栎RTD随干瘠的加剧而减小,而山桃随干瘠的加剧而增加;黄栌和山桃SRL随干旱、瘠薄的加剧,表现出一致的规律,即从轻度到极度,其SRL随即减小,而栓皮栎SRL随干旱、瘠薄的加剧而增大;随干瘠的加剧,黄栌SRA显著减小,山桃、栓皮栎SRA随干瘠的加剧而增大。树木对干瘠环境的变化都有一定的响应能力及适应对策,能够通过自身的形态变化来适应不断变化的环境,但不同物种对干瘠环境变化的适应途径不同,通过权衡碳分配、碳消耗采取了相应的生态适应策略,不同树种间存在明显差异。本研究3种树种中,黄栌在干瘠环境下根系性状变化不显著,耐干瘠能力较强;干瘠胁迫对山桃根系性状影响显著,山桃通过主动调节根系形态变化来适应不断变化的环境,具有较强的抗干瘠能力;栓皮栎的细根数量多,吸收土壤水分、养分能力较强,能够在干瘠环境中快速生长。  相似文献   

土壤养分空间异质性与植物根系的觅食反应   总被引:46,自引:5,他引:41  
植物在长期进化过程中,为了最大限度地获取土壤资源,对养分的空间异质性产生各种可塑性反应.包括形态可塑性、生理可塑性、菌根可塑性等.许多植物种的根系在养分丰富的斑块中大量增生,增生程度种间差异较大,并受斑块属性(斑块大小、养分浓度)、营养元素种类和养分总体供应状况的影响.植物还通过调整富养斑块中细根的直径、分枝角、节问距以及空间构型来实现斑块养分的高效利用.根系的生理可塑性及菌根可塑性可能在一定程度上影响其形态可塑性.生理可塑性表现为处于不同养分斑块上的根系迅速调整其养分吸收速率,从而增加单位根系的养分吸收,对在时间上和空间上变化频繁的空间异质性土壤养分的利用具有重要意义,可在一定程度上弥补根系增生反应的不足.菌根可塑性目前研究较少,一些植物种的菌根代替细根实现在富养斑块中的增生.菌根增生的碳投入养分吸收效率较高、根系增生对增加养分吸收的作用较复杂,取决于养分离子在土壤中的移动性能以及是否存在竞争植物;对植物生长(竞争能力)的作用因种而异,一些敏感种由此获得生长效益,而其它一些植物种受影响较小.植物个体对土壤养分空间异质性反应能力和生长差异,影响其在群落中的地位和命运,最终影响群落组成及其结构.  相似文献   

为探讨西双版纳热带季节雨林植物热值的变化规律,用SDACM-Ⅲa型量热值仪测定了该群落不同层次37种优势植物不同器官干湿季节的热值。结果表明:西双版纳热带季节雨林各层优势种的平均干质量热值在17.05~20.23kJ.g-1,乔木、层间藤本、灌木、草本干质量热值分别为18.86~20.23、17.97~19.76、17.71~18.83和17.05~17.45kJ.g-1。各层优势种平均干质量热值在干湿季节均表现为:乔木层>层间藤本>灌木层>草本层。所有层次相同各器官平均干质量热值在器官间存在差异,但只有叶与根、枝之间差异显著(P<0.05);不同层次中的同种植物干质量热值在干湿季节差异均不显著(P>0.05);各层优势植物的干质量热值在干湿季节之间差异不显著(P>0.05)。  相似文献   

红树植物秋茄热值及其变化的研究   总被引:25,自引:4,他引:21  
林光辉  林鹏 《生态学报》1991,11(1):44-48

高寒草甸地区常见植物热值的初步研究   总被引:30,自引:2,他引:28       下载免费PDF全文
本文研究了高寒草甸地区29种植物热值和矮嵩草等4种优势植物不同物候期的热值。结果表明,高寒草甸地区植物热值较高和热值随物候期而变化。进而分析了影响植物热值的原因。  相似文献   

探究地形变化对不同生活型植物叶功能性状的影响有助于深入理解森林群落物种组成的维持特征。该研究以湖北星斗山常绿落叶阔叶混交林为研究对象, 测量了50个样地中224种木本植物的叶面积、叶厚度、叶干质量、叶干物质含量和比叶面积, 运用单因素方差分析揭示了乔木、灌木和木质藤本的叶功能性状变异特征, 并采用偏曼特尔检验分别从群落水平和物种水平分析了地形变化对不同生活型木本植物叶功能性状的影响。研究发现: 不同生活型植物叶性状变异系数分布范围为23.42%-110.45%; 不同生活型之间的植物叶功能性状差异明显。群落水平上, 海拔与乔木叶干质量、灌木叶面积和木质藤本叶厚度显著正相关, 坡度仅对灌木和木质藤本比叶面积具有显著影响, 坡向与灌木叶厚度、叶干质量和比叶面积显著正相关。物种水平上, 海拔比坡度和坡向对植物叶功能性状影响更为显著, 且不同物种对地形变化的敏感度不一致; 在控制空间结构影响后, 地形因子对植物叶功能性状的影响降低。该研究结果表明, 不同生活型植物的叶功能性状对地形变化的响应格局不同, 这可能是星斗山常绿落叶阔叶混交林植物多样性的主要维持机制。  相似文献   

Lianas are an important component of Neotropical forests, where evidence suggests that they are increasing in abundance and biomass. Lianas are especially abundant in seasonally dry tropical forests, and as such it has been hypothesized that they are better adapted to drought, or that they are at an advantage under the higher light conditions in these forests. However, the physiological and morphological characteristics that allow lianas to capitalize more on seasonal forest conditions compared to trees are poorly understood. Here, we evaluate how saplings of 21 tree and liana species from a seasonal tropical forest in Panama differ in cavitation resistance (P 50) and maximum hydraulic conductivity (K h), and how saplings of 24 tree and liana species differ in four photosynthetic leaf traits (e.g., maximum assimilation and stomatal conductance) and six morphological leaf and stem traits (e.g., wood density, maximum vessel length, and specific leaf area). At the sapling stage, lianas had a lower cavitation resistance than trees, implying lower drought tolerance, and they tended to have a higher potential hydraulic conductivity. In contrast to studies focusing on adult trees and lianas, we found no clear differences in morphological and photosynthetic traits between the life forms. Possibly, lianas and trees are functionally different at later ontogenetic stages, with lianas having deeper root systems than trees, or experience their main growth advantage during wet periods, when they are less vulnerable to cavitation and can achieve high conductivity. This study shows, however, that the hydraulic characteristics and functional traits that we examined do not explain differences in liana and tree distributions in seasonal forests.  相似文献   

This study describes diversity patterns in the flora of the Campo-Ma’an rain forest, in south Cameroon. In this area, the structure and composition of the forests change progressively from the coastal forest on sandy shorelines through the lowland evergreen forest rich in Caesalpinioideae with Calpocalyx heitzii and Sacoglottis gabonensis, to the submontane forest at higher elevations and the mixed evergreen and semi-deciduous forest in the drier Ma’an area. We tested whether there is a correlation between tree species diversity and diversity of other growth forms such as shrubs, herbs, and lianas in order to understand if, in the context of African tropical rain forest, tree species diversity mirrors the diversity of other life forms or strata. Are forests that are rich in tree species also rich in other life forms? To answer this question, we analysed the family and species level floristic richness and diversity of the various growth forms and forest strata within 145 plots recorded in 6 main vegetation types. A comparison of the diversity within forest layers and within growth forms was done using General Linear Models. The results showed that tree species accounted for 46% of the total number of vascular plant species with DBH ≥1 cm, shrubs/small trees 39%, climbers 14% and herbs less than 1%. Only 22% of the diversity of shrubs and lianas could be explained by the diversity of large and medium sized trees, and less than 1% of herb diversity was explained by tree diversity. The shrub layer was by far the most species rich, with both a higher number of species per plot, and a higher Shannon diversity index, than the tree and the herb layer. More than 82% of tree species, 90% of shrubs, 78% of lianas and 70% of herbaceous species were recorded in the shrub layer. Moreover, shrubs contributed for 38% of the 114 strict and narrow endemic plant species recorded in the area, herbs 29%, trees only 20% and climbers 11%. These results indicate that the diversity of trees might not always reflect the overall diversity of the forest in the Campo-Ma’an area, and therefore it may not be a good indicator for the diversity of shrubs and herbaceous species. Furthermore, this suggests that biodiversity surveys based solely on large and medium sized tree species (DBH ≥0cm) are not an adequate method for the assessment of plant diversity because other growth form such as shrubs, climbers and herbs are under-represented. Therefore, inventory design based on small plots of 0.1 ha, in which all vascular plants with DBH ≥1 cm are recorded, is a more appropriate sampling method for biodiversity assessments than surveys based solely on large and medium sized tree species.  相似文献   

热带雨林木质藤本植物叶片性状及其关联   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
热带雨林中木质藤本植物较为丰富。随着全球气候变化加剧,木质藤本植物的丰富度具有不断增加的趋势,有可能对热带森林的结构、功能和动态产生重要影响。然而,目前对木质藤本响应环境变化的机制所知甚少。本研究以13个科20种热带雨林常见木质藤本植物为材料,测定了冠层叶片的17个形态特征及结构性状,并分析了性状间的相互关系。结果表明,叶片相对含水量的种间变异最小(变异系数为5%),而上表皮厚度的种间变异最大(变异系数为80%),其它性状的种间变异系数为24%~61%。木质藤本植物的叶脉密度、叶片密度均与气孔密度呈显著正相关,叶片干物质含量与比叶面积呈显著负相关。与相同生境的树木相比,木质藤本的叶面积更小、气孔密度和叶片密度更低、比叶面积更高,但两种植物类群的叶片横切面组织结构厚度无显著差异。研究结果对理解木质藤本植物的生态适应性具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Seedling growth strategies in Bauhinia species: comparing lianas and trees   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Lianas are expected to differ from trees in their growth strategies. As a result these two groups of woody species will have different spatial distributions: lianas are more common in high light environments. This study determines the differences in growth patterns, biomass allocation and leaf traits in five closely related liana and tree species of the genus Bauhinia. METHODS: Seedlings of two light-demanding lianas (Bauhinia tenuiflora and B. claviflora), one shade-tolerant liana (B. aurea), and two light-demanding trees (B. purpurea and B. monandra) were grown in a shadehouse at 25% of full sunlight. A range of physiological, morphological and biomass parameters at the leaf and whole plant level were compared among these five species. KEY RESULTS: The two light-demanding liana species had higher relative growth rate (RGR), allocated more biomass to leaf production [higher leaf mass fraction (LMF) and higher leaf area ratio (LAR)] and stem mass fraction (SMF), and less biomass to the roots [root mass fraction (RMF)] than the two tree species. The shade-tolerant liana had the lowest RGR of all five species, and had a higher RMF, lower SMF and similar LMF than the two light-demanding liana species. The two light-demanding lianas had lower photosynthetic rates per unit area (A(area)) and similar photosynthetic rates per unit mass (A(mass)) than the trees. Across species, RGR was positively related to SLA, but not to LAR and A(area). CONCLUSIONS: It is concluded that the faster growth of light-demanding lianas compared with light-demanding trees is based on morphological parameters (SLA, LMF and LAR), and cannot be attributed to higher photosynthetic rates at the leaf level. The shade-tolerant liana exhibited a slow-growth strategy, compared with the light-demanding species.  相似文献   

Tropical tree-climbing lianas form paths that benefit foraging of dominant ants which might protect the host tree against herbivores. In contrast, lianas are often associated with negative effects on growth and reproduction of host trees due to light obstruction, structural stress and other negative effects. It is unclear if dominant ants could mitigate the negative effects of lianas on host plants. We investigated how lianas and carton nest ants (Azteca chartifex) affected herbivory and reproductive structures of the host tree Byrsonima sericea. Considering 68 trees, almost half of them were naturally colonized by A. chartifex nests (32 trees). We removed lianas from half of the trees (34), establishing a factorial sampling design between A. chartifex and liana presence. We sampled ants and leaf herbivory before and after removing lianas, and measured plant fitness in two consecutive years after removing lianas. Liana removal had no effect on A. chartifex foraging, on leaf herbivory and flower-fruit conversion of host plants. However, A. chartifex decreased leaf herbivory and increased B. sericea flower-fruit conversion irrespective of lianas presence. A noticeable positive effect of ants was detected only in the second year of the experiment, consistently on all plants at each experimental level. The reproductive conditions of the first year resulted in most plants with more than 75% flower-to-fruit conversion success, regardless of the presence of A. chartifex, a success sustained only on those ant-colonized plants in the second year. Our results contribute to understanding multi-trophic interactions in tropical forest canopies as we demonstrated i) that dominant arboreal ants can benefit plants even in a non-obligatory interaction and ii) that the influence of lianas on its host tree is context-dependent, presenting even neutral effects depending on habitat type and species involved.  相似文献   

不同生活型绿化植物叶片碳同位素组成的季节特征   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
通过测定北京地区不同生活型绿化植物叶片的碳同位素组成(δ13C值),从植物种和生活型两个方面研究植物水分利用效率的自然可变性。结果表明:所测定的75种植物(隶属于35科65属)的叶片的δ13C值变幅,春季为-30.7‰--23.4‰,夏季为-31.5‰--25.1‰,秋季为-31.4‰--23.9‰;落叶灌木种间差异不显著(p=0.114),而常绿乔木(p=0.005)、落叶乔木(p0.001)、常绿灌木(p=0.022)、草本植物(p0.001)和藤本植物(p=0.001)的种间差异显著或极显著;同一生活型植物叶片的δ13C季节差异显著,春季叶片的δ13C值显著大于夏秋两季(常绿乔木除外),不同生活型植物叶片的δ13C值在春、夏、秋3个季节差异都达到了极显著水平(春季p=0.001、夏季p0.001、秋季p0.001),且叶片的δ13C值表现出乔木树种灌木树种藤本植物草本植物、常绿植物落叶植物的规律。因此,植物种和生活型均会引起植物叶片δ13C值的变化,但δ13C受生活型变化的影响较大,表明不同生活型植物的水分利用效率具有明显差异。  相似文献   

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