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本研究证明氨基酸分子可以直接被作物吸收,并有促进作物增产的肥效作用,如与等氮量的无机氮肥相比(如NH_4Cl),混合氨基酸的肥效更高,我们用胱氨酸废液中的游离氨基酸为主要成分制成氨基酸肥料,盆栽和田间试验证明,该肥料具有明显增产作用,这就为毛发水解行业治理环境污染与开辟新的肥料来源结合起来,一举两得。  相似文献   

用N~(15)示踪方法研究氨基酸的肥效作用   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:14  
以N15标记的氨基酸为试验材料,证明外源氨基酸分子可以被稻苗直接吸收,并进一步证明氨基酸施肥后稻苗植株健壮,干重增加,是氨基酸分子进入植物体内的结果,这与我们以往所作的氨基酸植物肥效试验结果完全吻合。  相似文献   

利用胱氨酸废液中游离氨基酸为主要成份研制氨基酸肥料,既解决了废液排放问题,又开辟了新的肥料来源。本文详尽叙述这一研制的工艺原则流程,强调添加剂在这一流程中的作用,并对氨基酸肥料的肥效进行了试验研究。  相似文献   

氨基酸在提高植物产量、改善产品品质、增强植株抗逆性、保护生态环境等方面发挥着越来越重要的作用,在农业生产中越来越受到重视。本文简述了氨基酸含量、氨基酸种类和植物种类对植物吸收氨基酸的影响,并对氨基酸营养研究进行展望,以期提高人们对植物氨基酸营养的认识,促进氨基酸在农业中的应用和发展。  相似文献   

植物对氨基酸的吸收研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
氨基酸在提高植物产量、改善产品品质、增强植株抗逆性、保护生态环境等方面发挥着越来越重要的作用,在农业生产中越来越受到重视.本文简述了氨基酸含量、氨基酸种类和植物种类对植物吸收氨基酸的影响,并对氨基酸营养研究进行展望,以期提高人们对植物氨基酸营养的认识,促进氨基酸在农业中的应用和发展.  相似文献   

利用毛发水解提取氨酸后的废液研制氨基酸复合肥料   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用胱氨酸废液中游离氨基酸为主要成份研究氨基酸肥料,既解决了废液排放问题,又开辟了新的肥料来源。本文详尽叙述这一研制的工艺原则流,调添加剂在这一流程中的作用,并对氨基酸肥料的肥效进行了试验研究。  相似文献   

氨基酸是植物体内必不可少的物质,在植物的生长代谢中发挥着重要作用。与动物不同,植物的氨基酸供给全部靠自身来合成,一旦植物的氨基酸合成受阻,植物便难以继续生存。因此,植物氨基酸合成中的关键酶一直是新型除草剂研发中重要的靶标酶。在目前已经商品化的除草剂中,通过抑制植物氨基酸生物合成中的关键酶活性而发生作用的除草剂占很大比重;与此同时,随着植物转基因技术的不断发展完善,大批耐氨基酸生物合成抑制剂类除草剂转基因植物相继问世,成为了耐除草剂类转基因植物的主体。本文综述了常用的耐氨基酸生物合成抑制剂类除草剂、作用机理及耐除草剂转基因植物的研究进展。  相似文献   

天然产物在新农药研究与开发中发挥着重要作用,氨基酸是其中一类重要的天然活性物质。天然来源氨基酸广泛存在于植物和微生物中,其中一些氨基酸具有显著的农药活性,包括除草、植物生长调节、杀细菌、杀真菌、杀虫、杀螨及杀线虫。本文通过对近三十年国内外文献检索,对天然来源氨基酸的结构多样性及其农药活性进行了系统综述,为新农药的研究开发提供参考。  相似文献   

ERFs(ethylene-responsive factors)是植物特有的一类转录因子,位于乙烯信号转导途径的下游,具有一个高度保守的含58或59个氨基酸的DNA结合域,通过结合相关基因的启动子顺式作用元件调控植物生物和非生物胁迫反应。综述ERF转录因子的结构特征和分类及其在植物抗逆作用中的研究进展。  相似文献   

植物Dof基因家族功能研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Dof(DNA-binding with one finger)蛋白是植物特有的一类转录因子,在植物生长发育过程中起着重要的作用。在其N-末端有一个52氨基酸残基组成的高度保守的C2-C2单锌指结构,称为Dof保守域,能够特异性的识别植物启动子序列中的AAAG/CTTT作用元件,从而激活或抑制植物基因的表达;其C-末端的转录调控结构域,氨基酸序列较为多变,不具有保守性,是Dof蛋白在植物中功能多样性的基础;同时Dof蛋白也具有和蛋白相互作用的功能。在过去的十几年里,大量的Dof基因被克隆鉴定或从基因组数据库中预测出来,Dof蛋白在植物生长发育中的作用也受到更多关注。本文就Dof转录因子的特点,各物种中已经报道的Dof转录因子的数目、系统进化关系和分类及其生物学功能的进展进行了综述。  相似文献   

植物吸收利用有机氮营养研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
植物矿质营养学问世以后,人们一直认为无机氮是植物吸收氮素的主要形态.随着研究手段的改进和研究内容的不断深入,现已证实许多没有菌根的维管植物都可以直接吸收可溶性有机氮,特别是小分子的氨基酸.由此引起了人们对植物有机营养、植物营养方式多样化问题的重视.研究表明:氨基酸可以通过多种方式释放到土壤溶液中,土壤中的氨基酸主要来源于微生物、动植物及其代谢产物等.土壤氨基酸含量受土壤温湿度、所施的有机肥料、生长的植物种类及其生长发育时期的影响.植物对氨基酸的吸收是一个主动吸收过程,受载体调节,并与能量状况有关,同时受介质中pH和温度的影响.但是有关植物吸收氨基酸的机理及其生态过程还需进行深入的研究.  相似文献   

江涛  赵俊玲  程建军  徐帅  苏文  包善微  刘芳 《昆虫知识》2011,48(5):1359-1368
于2010年在田间条件下研究了水稻品种和氮肥施用水平(250 kg/hm2有效氮,125 kg/hm2有效氮及不施氮肥的处理)对褐飞虱Nilaparvata tugens(St(a)l)发生的影响.结果表明,8月10日-9月10日期间,南粳44、宁粳1号、丙123、淮稻9号4个水稻品种上褐飞虱虫量显著低于感虫对照TN1...  相似文献   

We tested the effects among a purportedly sustainable water-soluble fertilizer, a conventional water-soluble fertilizer, an alternation of these, a controlled-release fertilizer, and a clear water control on the life-history traits of sweetpotato whitefly, Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae; =Bemisia argentifolii Bellows & Perring) biotype B reared on poinsettia (Euphorbia pulcherrima Willdenow ex Klotzch). Free amino acids in petioles were measured to estimate plant nutrient assimilation and phloem nutritional quality for B. tabaci biotype B. The sustainable fertilizer produced plants with the highest concentration of amino acids. In contrast, fecundity of whiteflies was lowest in plants treated with the sustainable fertilizer and the water control. The relationship between total amino acids in phloem and survival was significantly quadratic, with the highest survival at intermediate levels. Fecundity, however, was negatively correlated with total amino acid content of the maternal host plant. Variation in total amino acid concentration in petioles of plants treated within fertilizer treatments makes it difficult to predict whether a particular fertilizer will produce plants with enough amino acids to deleteriously affect both survivorship and fecundity and yet yield a plant of good quality. Despite this limitation, we can conclude that the use of this sustainable fertilizer will not cause increases in whitefly populations relative to plants fertilized with water-soluble and slow-release fertilizers that deliver the same level of nitrogen to the plant.  相似文献   

稻田温室气体减排措施对稻米氨基酸含量的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探索稻田中温室气体减排措施对稻米氨基酸含量的影响,用10个不同方法对双季稻田进行处理,并使用高效液相色谱分别测定了各处理稻田中所产稻米中的16种氨基酸的含量,其中色谱柱为Agilent Zorbax AAA分析柱,柱前衍生使用邻苯二甲醛(OPA)和9-芴甲基氯甲酸酯(FMOC-CL)为衍生试剂。结果发现:1)10个处理中的稻米16种氨基酸种类齐全,施氮肥+添加生物质炭48 t/hm2+间歇灌溉(NPK+HBC+IF)处理中所得氨基酸总量为6520.7 mg/100g,效果最佳;对照组处理(不施加氮肥+无稻草还田+间歇灌溉)所得氨基酸含量4338.0 mg/100g为最低。以对照组处理所得必需氨基酸百分含量36.8%为最高值;无稻草还田+长期淹水(NPK+CF)处理方法所得必需氨基酸百分含量33.1%为最低值。10个处理中16种氨基酸中含量较高的氨基酸均为天冬氨酸、谷氨酸和精氨酸,含量最低的均为甲硫氨酸;2)施氮肥量相同时,长期淹水与间歇灌溉相比,氨基酸总量增加185.1 mg/100g,非必需氨基酸百分含量增加3%,谷氨酸、组氨酸和丝氨酸含量明显升高,但亮氨酸含量显著降低;3)施用氮肥能提高稻米中的氨基酸含量,且随着氮肥使用量的增加,氨基酸含量也随之增加,组氨酸含量增加显著;4)供氮量相同时,添加猪粪使氨基酸总含量升高了286.0 mg/100g,此结果表明,在供氮量相同的情况下,施用猪粪更有利于稻米氨基酸含量的提高;5)灌溉模式相同时,稻草还田配施氮肥对必需氨基酸和氨基酸总量均有提高,天冬氨酸、谷氨酸和组氨酸的含量增加较多,甲硫氨酸含量略有下降;随着稻草还田量的增加,对非必需氨基酸影响较为明显;当稻草半量还田(还田量为3 t/hm2)时,稻米中氨基酸总量增加最多;稻草全量还田+长期淹水(NPK+HRS+CF)与稻草半量还田+间歇灌溉(NPK+LRS+IF)处理中的氨基酸含量基本接近,但必需氨基酸含量前者略高于后者,说明稻草还田与水肥管理对氨基酸含量影响可能存在交互作用;6)添加生物质炭配施氮肥提高了稻米必需氨基酸与非必需氨基酸含量,且随着生物质炭添加量的增加而增加;与稻草还田、添加猪粪处理相比,生物质炭的添加对氨基酸总含量提升的效果最为显著,对稻田实际生产具有指导意义且具有一定的环境效益。  相似文献   

15N标记水稻控释氮肥对提高氮素利用效率的研究   总被引:42,自引:0,他引:42  
本文应用^15N示踪技术研究了水稻对空控释氮肥和尿素氮吸收利用效率的影响以及氮的去向,结果表明:施肥后11天内,水稻控释氮肥和尿素的NH3挥发损失分别占施入氮量的0.69%和1.81%,NH3的挥发损失在施肥后第5天时达到最大值,此后逐渐降低。水稻控释氮肥和尿素氮的淋溶损失分别占施入氮量的0.95%和1.02%,水稻控释氮肥氮的淋溶损失在水稻整个生长期间均比较平缓,施肥后40天时略有上升,此后又缓慢降低。用氮素平衡帐中的亏缺量和缺量扣除氨的损失量后计为硝化-反硝化损失量的结果表明,水稻控制氮肥氮的硝化-反硝化损失量占施氮量的3.46%,而尿素氮在硝化-反硝化损失量却高达37.75%,肥料氮在土壤中的残留主要集中在0~35cm的土层中,达91.4%-91.5%,残留在35cm以下土层中的氮甚微,水稻控制氮肥残留在土壤中的氮量略高于尿素处理。水稻控释氮肥利用率高达73.8%,比尿素高出34.9%,水稻控释氮肥氮利用率高的原因是因氮从颗粒中缓慢释放、受淋溶、氨挥发、尤其受硝化-反硝化途径损失的氮较少。在施等氮量的条件下,施用水稻控制氮肥的稻谷产量比尿素的增产25.5%,达到p=0.05的显著水平。  相似文献   

In agriculture high urease activity during urea fertilization causes substantial environmental and economical problems by releasing abnormally large amount of ammonia into the atmosphere which leads to plant damage as well as ammonia toxicity. All over the world, urea is the most widely applied nitrogen fertilizer. Due to the action of enzyme urease; urea nitrogen is lost as volatile ammonia. For efficient use of nitrogen fertilizer, urease inhibitor along with the urea fertilizer is one of the best promising strategies. Urease inhibitors also provide an insight in understanding the mechanism of enzyme catalyzed reaction, the role of various amino acids in catalytic activity present at the active site of enzyme and the importance of nickel to this metallo enzyme. By keeping it in view, the present study was designed to dock three urease inhibitors namely Hydroquinone (HQ), Phenyl Phosphorodiamate (PPD) and N-(n-butyl) Phosphorothiocic triamide (NBPT) against Hydroquinone glucosyltransferase using molecular docking approach. The 3D structure of Hydroquinone glucosyltransferase was predicted using homology modeling approach and quality of the structure was assured using Ramachandran plot. This study revealed important interactions among the urease inhibitors and Hydroquinone glucosyltransferase. Thus, it can be inferred that these inhibitors may serve as future anti toxic constituent against plant toxins.  相似文献   

As a key nitrogen (N) source, soil amino acids play an important role in plant N nutrition. However, how amino acids differentially influence the N use strategies of native and invasive plants remains unclear. We performed a potted experiment using five pairs of native and invasive plant congeners, which were subject to 23 N treatments (i.e., 20 protein primary amino acids, nitrate, ammonium, and control), each with 10 replicates. We determined their growth, biomass allocation, N use efficiency, and the growth advantage of plant invaders over their natives. Native and invasive plants used the same 18 amino acid N sources (i.e., a similar amino acid economics spectrum). The growth of plant invaders was invariably better than the growth of native plants, and this superior growth of invaders was linked to their higher root biomass allocation and greater N use efficiency. Additionally, invasive plants had a greater growth advantage on amino acid N than on inorganic N, so was this advantage greater on neutral amino acids than on acidic amino acids. These findings suggest that the differences in amino acid use strategies between invasive and native congeners could help to explain plant invasiveness, as indicated by a growth advantage.  相似文献   

Waste bovine hooves and horns were enzymatically hydrolysed into soluble products intended for foliar fertilizer. With the powdered keratin at 50°C and pH 8 between 34 to nearly 60% of nitrogen was solubilized in 5 h, depending on the enzyme concentration. The reaction could further be improved by steam pretreatment of the keratin, resulting in 98% solubilisation of the nitrogen. The products of hydrolysis consisted of a mixture of soluble proteins, peptides, and free amino acids. Among the latter, 18 common amino acids were detected. Several of them were previously recognized to have a positive effect on plants. Nonpolar neutral, basic, and sulphur amino acids were present in relatively large amounts, while proline and tryptophan were not found. Comparison with other protein hydrolysates aimed for fertilizer suggests that keratin degradation products, obtained by enzymatic hydrolysis, have potential to be used for foliar fertilization, alone or in a combination with another complementary hydrolysate of a different source, such as skin or plant proteins.  相似文献   

M Kubo  J Okajima    F Hasumi 《Applied microbiology》1994,60(1):243-247
Two microorganisms which could degrade soybean lees efficiently were isolated and identified as Bacillus circulans and B. stearothermophilus. These two strains secreted thermostable proteases into the medium and could digest soybean lees rapidly and completely at 50 degrees C. Initially, the soybean lees were degraded to proteins in approximately 20 h by these two strains, after which time the concentrations of peptides in the medium gradually increased. The degraded products from soybean lees contained abundant nitrogen compounds, such as peptides, amino acids, and amides. Approximately 10 times more fresh plant weight was obtained (in the case of Brassica campestris) when these degraded products were applied than when water was applied for 42 days. These stimulatory effects of the soybean lees products were almost equal to those of a chemically synthesized fertilizer.  相似文献   

植物氨基酸转运子研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
氨基酸是高等植物氮素同化产物长距离运输及在组织间分配的主要形式,通过跨膜转运的方式在植物体内进行运输。氨基酸转运子是位于生物膜上吸收及转运氨基酸的蛋白家族,对植物氮素营养具有重要贡献。本文对植物氨基酸转运子的表达、调控及其与氮素利用效率、植物产量与品质形成、抗逆性及适应性等方面的研究进展进行了综述。  相似文献   

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