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Mg2 是植物细胞中含量最丰富的二价阳离子,在植物体内起重要作用.在模式植物拟南芥中发现了一个与Mg2 转运相关的拥有10个成员的基因家族-AtMGT家族,有一些成员已被鉴定具Mg2 转运功能.对此家族成员之一AtMGT6的生理功能进行了初步研究.采取的方法是用RTP-CR方法从野生型拟南芥中获得AtMGT6的cDNA,克隆到pMD18T-载体上,测序后亚克隆到pTrc99A载体上构建重组表达质粒.重组质粒电转化至细菌突变株MM281,经IPTG诱导表达,在NM-inimalMedium中检测其Mg2 转运功能.功能互补实验结果表明AtMGT6基因确实编码Mg2 转运基因,但其转运能力相对较低,可能属于低亲和性的Mg2 转运基因.  相似文献   

目的:克隆并研究蒺藜苜蓿ROP基因的功能,为研究该基因家族在共生途径中的作用提供依据.方法:采用RACE方法,从蒺藜苜蓿中克隆MtROP基因,利用生物信息软件比对同源性及ROP蛋白特征结构分析,利用RT-PCR方法分析该基因的组织特异性表达,构建该基因的过表达载体并转化拟南芥.结果:获得了蒺藜苜蓿ROP家族中与拟南芥ROP10高度同源的MtROP10全长序列.氨基酸编码序列具有明显的ROP家族蛋白的结构域特征.该基因在花中高表达,根中低表达.拟南芥中过表达MtROP10,可导致根毛变粗、变短、分叉.结论:MtROP10属于植物ROP家族蛋白,可能在根毛的极性生长方面具有较为重要的功能.  相似文献   

NAC转录因子家族是植物中特有的、家族数目较多的一类转录因子家族,对植物生长发育起重要作用。了解CiNAC038的表达调控分子机制,为中间锦鸡儿CiNAC038功能研究奠定基础。以中间锦鸡儿为植物材料,通过染色体步移法克隆启动子序列,并对启动子序列上的响应元件进行分析。构建GUS表达载体,并转化拟南芥,对拟南芥的组织特异性进行表达分析,用ABA诱导转基因植株,研究ABA与CiNAC038的关系。结果显示,克隆了1 800 bp的CiNAC038启动子序列,该启动子包含多种顺式元件。成功构建植物表达载体ProCiNAC038∶GUS,通过浸花法转化至野生型拟南芥。GUS组织化学染色结果显示,转基因拟南芥幼苗根部染色较深,胚轴无染色;成熟期转基因拟南芥的叶脉、果荚两端、花瓣、花药等组织染色较深,茎无染色。CiNAC038启动子驱动的GUS报告基因主要在植物叶片、根和花的组织器官表达。进一步ABA诱导表达分析发现,GUS染色随着浓度增加颜色越浅。CiNAC038启动子是ABA抑制型启动子。  相似文献   

人工microRNAs对拟南芥At1g13770和At2g23470基因的特异沉默   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Li WC  Zhao SQ 《遗传》2012,34(3):348-355
DUF647(Domain of unknown function 647)蛋白家族是在真核生物中广泛存在的、高度保守的蛋白家族。拟南芥中该基因家族共有6个成员,迄今为止拟南芥DUF647家族中4个成员的功能尚不清楚。文章以拟南芥内源MIR319a前体为骨架,构建了敲减DUF647家族中2个基因At1g13770和At2g23470表达的人工microRNAs(Artifical microRNAs,amiRNAs)。利用WMD(Web microRNA designer)平台设计分别靶向At1g13770和At2g23470基因的amiRNAs序列,通过重叠PCR置换拟南芥MIR319a前体序列。构建融合amiRNAs前体的植物表达载体pCHF3-amiRNAs,在农杆菌介导下转化拟南芥。RT-PCR分析表明,amiRNAs能够显著抑制At1g13770和At2g23470基因的表达,获得了抑制效果明显的转基因株系。At2g23470-amiRNA转基因植株At2g23470转录水平的下调导致育性严重下降。文章为进一步研究这两个基因的功能奠定了良好的基础。  相似文献   

李文超  赵淑清 《遗传》2012,34(3):348-355
DUF647 (Domain of unknown function 647) 蛋白家族是在真核生物中广泛存在的、高度保守的蛋白家族。拟南芥中该基因家族共有6个成员, 迄今为止拟南芥DUF647家族中4个成员的功能尚不清楚。文章以拟南芥内源MIR319a前体为骨架, 构建了敲减DUF647家族中2个基因At1g13770和At2g23470表达的人工microRNAs(Artifical microRNAs, amiRNAs)。利用WMD(Web microRNA designer)平台设计分别靶向At1g13770和At2g23470基因的amiRNAs序列, 通过重叠PCR置换拟南芥MIR319a前体序列。构建融合amiRNAs前体的植物表达载体pCHF3-amiRNAs, 在农杆菌介导下转化拟南芥。RT-PCR分析表明, amiRNAs能够显著抑制At1g13770和At2g23470基因的表达, 获得了抑制效果明显的转基因株系。At2g23470-amiRNA转基因植株At2g23470转录水平的下调导致育性严重下降。文章为进一步研究这两个基因的功能奠定了良好的基础。  相似文献   

Col生态型拟南芥AP3基因启动子克隆及植物表达载体构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
隶属于MADS-Box基因家族的拟南芥花器官B类特征基因APETALA3 (AP3)在花瓣和雄蕊中特异性地表达;AP3基因编码转录因子,与A类和C类特征基因协同作用控制双子叶植物花瓣和雄蕊的发育.研究表明AP3基因启动子为花特异表达启动子.因此,AP3基因启动子的克隆及功能鉴定对于园林植物与花相关的商业性状的定向改良具有重要作用.本文根据GenBank数据库报道的Ler生态型拟南芥(Arabido-psis thaliana) AP3基因启动子序列(U30729)设计了一对特异性扩增引物,基于PCR技术,用高保真的KOD-plus DNA聚合酶扩增了长度为1 767 bp的Col生态型拟南芥AP3基因启动子,并命名为pAtAP3,其GenBank登录号为FJ619533.Bl2seq在线分析表明pAtAP3与U30729序列的相似性达98%,与Col生态型拟南芥BAC克隆T12E18 (AL132971) 9 264~11 030之间的碱基序列相似性达100%,且该段序列的下游基因编码AP3蛋白(CAB81799),说明克隆序列为Col生态型拟南芥AP3基因的启动子.PLACE在线分析表明pAtAP3具有基本的启动子元件TATA-box和CAAT-box,还包含大量与花特异表达相关的顺式元件CArG1、CArG2、CArG3和anther-box等.本试验进一步构建了植物表达载体pAtAP3::GUS,为该启动子的功能鉴定奠定了基础.  相似文献   

拟南芥高迁移率族蛋白B族基因表达模式分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解高迁移率族蛋白B族(HMGB)基因在拟南芥中的表达模式及作用方式,该研究克隆了拟南芥中5个编码HMGB的基因:AtHMGB1、AtHMGB2、AtHMGB3、AtHMGB4、AtHMGB5,并运用荧光实时定量PCR方法检测野生型拟南芥中以上5种基因在不同器官中的表达及在外源植物激素(ABA、2,4-D)处理前后的表达差异,选取AtHMGB2、AtHMGB4和AtHMGB5分别转化拟南芥并筛选出超表达株系,随即检测ABA诱导下超表达AtHMGB的转基因拟南芥的表型。研究证实:在野生型拟南芥中AtHMGB2在拟南芥各个器官中的表达量远高于其它家族成员,AtHMGB4和AtHMGB5在花、果荚和根中的表达略高于茎和叶;在ABA处理前后AtHMGB家族成员的表达水平有显著差异,其中AtHMGB2的表达被ABA显著负调控;ABA诱导下超表达AtHMGB2的转基因拟南芥与野生型相比出现萌发及生长迟缓现象,但超表达AtHMGB4与AtHMGB5的转基因拟南芥在ABA诱导下的种子萌发和幼苗生长与野生型相比差异不大。研究发现,AtHMGB家族成员在转录水平上响应ABA的方式各有不同,对理解AtHMGB家族成员的生物学功能提供了新的基础。  相似文献   

高等植物纤维素合酶是含有多个功能结构域的糖苷转移酶,催化合成β-1 ,4葡萄糖苷链,即高等植物细胞壁的重要成分之一纤维素。在同一物种例如在拟南芥中比对纤维素合酶家族各成员的序列信息,发现其蛋白序列中存在两个高变异区域(HVR),其中第一个HVR靠近NH2端(NHVR),富含酸性氨基酸。本研究克隆了苎麻纤维素合酶基因(BnCesA1) 的NHVR编码序列,并以正确的阅读框亚克隆至含有6×His接头的pQE-N1原核表达载体,构建了pQE-N1-NHVR重组表达载体。在大肠杆菌BL21(DE3)中表达的重组蛋白His-tag-NHVR经Western-blotting验证后,正交优化得到该蛋白小量表达的最优条件组合为:所挑取的2号菌落在37 ℃下,IPTG的诱导浓度为0.1 mmol/L, 诱导表达4 hr。本研究结果为纯化His-tag-NHVR融合蛋白,制备其抗体及进一步研究苎麻纤维素合酶局部功能或其组织特异性作用打下基础。  相似文献   

为了深入揭示柠条锦鸡儿(Caragana korshinskii)亮氨酸拉链蛋白转录因子(HD-ZIP Ⅲ)家族成员CkPHB的功能及其逆境响应,该研究参照转录组序列设计引物克隆得到CkPHB基因序列,并对其进行了一系列生物信息学分析,通过免疫组织化学染色方法对CkPHB蛋白在柠条锦鸡儿叶片中的组织定位进行观察,同时将克隆得到的CkPHB基因经农杆菌介导转化并筛选出阳性过表达拟南芥植株进行功能验证。结果表明:(1)成功克隆得到了柠条锦鸡儿中HD-ZIPⅢ家族成员CkPHB基因,其全长序列1 170 bp; CkPHB蛋白由389个氨基酸组成,分子量为42.83 kD,其编码的蛋白为疏水性蛋白,二级结构主要由α-螺旋组成。(2)免疫组织化学分析显示,CkPHB蛋白定位于柠条锦鸡儿叶脉维管束中木质部区域。(3)经遗传转化筛选鉴定,最终获得了转柠条锦鸡儿CkPHB基因拟南芥过表达株系(CkPHB-OE)T_3代植株3株;解剖结构比较发现,与野生型拟南芥(WT)相比,拟南芥CkPHB-OE株系的叶脉更为发达、维管束体积增大、木质部导管数量增加;实时定量PCR分析结果显示,拟南芥CkPHB-OE株系中与木质部发育相关的5个基因(XCP2、CesA7、CesA8、PAL4、F5H)较WT均显著上调表达。(4)抗旱性实验结果显示,拟南芥CkPHB-OE株系在干旱条件下存活率显著提升,生理指标的测定进一步支持上述结果,表明CkPHB过表达显著增强了转基因拟南芥的抗旱性。研究认为,过表达柠条锦鸡儿CkPHB基因的拟南芥输导组织更加发达、抗性生理指标显著提高,从而使抗旱能力增强,证明CkPHB基因在促进叶脉发育提高植物抗旱性中发挥重要作用。该研究结果为进一步研究柠条锦鸡儿CkPHB基因的干旱应答机制奠定了基础。  相似文献   

王玮  管利萍  张静  陈亮  李猛  侯岁稳 《西北植物学报》2014,34(10):1937-1943
以拟南芥野生型Col-0为材料,对其I型蛋白磷酸酶(TOPP)家族进行序列分析,对家族成员之一的TOPP4进行原核表达及多克隆抗体的制备和纯化。结果显示:(1)该研究构建出原核表达载体pEGM-4T-3-TOPP4和pET-28a-GFP-N150并转入大肠杆菌BL21(DE3)中。(2)经IPTG诱导,表达出分子量约为62kD的GST-TOPP4和分子量约为34kD的His-GFP-N150可溶性重组蛋白。(3)纯化的重组蛋白GST-TOPP4作为抗原免疫新西兰兔后,获得了效价大于1∶400 000的多克隆抗体血清。(4)抗体血清经连接了His-GFP-N150蛋白的溴化氢活化的树脂纯化,得到特异性较高的anti-TOPP4多克隆抗体。研究认为,该研究纯化出了特异的TOPP4蛋白多克隆抗体。  相似文献   

Cation diffusion facilitator (CDF) proteins belong to a family of heavy metal efflux transporters that might play an essential role in homeostasis and tolerance to metal ions. We investigated the subcellular localization of Arabidopsis thaliana AtMTP1, a member of the CDF family, and its physiological role in the tolerance to Zn using MTP1-deficient mutant plants. AtMTP1 was immunochemically detected as a 43 kDa protein in the vacuolar membrane fractioned by sucrose density gradient centrifugation. The expression level of AtMTP1 in suspension-cultured cells was not affected by the Zn concentration in the medium. When AtMTP1 fused with green fluorescent protein was transiently expressed in protoplasts prepared from Arabidopsis suspension-cultured cells, green fluorescence was clearly observed in the vacuolar membrane. A T-DNA insertion mutant line for AtMTP1 displays enhanced sensitivity to high Zn concentrations ranging from 200 to 500 microM, but not to Zn-deficient conditions. Mesophyll cells of the mtp1-1 mutant plants grown in the presence of 500 microM Zn were degraded, suggesting that Zn at high concentrations causes serious damage to leaves and that AtMTP1 plays a crucial role in preventing this damage in plants. Thus we propose that AtMTP1 is localized in the vacuolar membrane and is involved in sequestration of excess Zn in the cytoplasm into vacuoles to maintain Zn homeostasis.  相似文献   

Metal tolerance proteins (MTPs) are plant members of the cation diffusion facilitator (CDF) transporter family involved in cellular metal homeostasis. Members of the CDF family are ubiquitously found in all living entities and show principal selectivity for Zn(2+), Mn(2+), and Fe(2+). Little is known regarding metal selectivity determinants of CDFs. We identified a novel cereal member of CDFs in barley, termed HvMTP1, that localizes to the vacuolar membrane. Unlike its close relative AtMTP1, which is highly selective for Zn(2+), HvMTP1 exhibits selectivity for both Zn(2+) and Co(2+) as assessed by its ability to suppress yeast mutant phenotypes for both metals. Expression of HvMTP1/AtMTP1 chimeras in yeast revealed a five-residue sequence within the AtMTP1 N-segment of the His-rich intracytoplasmic loop that confines specificity to Zn(2+). Furthermore, mutants of AtMTP1 generated through random mutagenesis revealed residues embedded within transmembrane domain 3 that additionally specify the high degree of Zn(2+) selectivity. We propose that the His-rich loop, which might play a role as a zinc chaperone, determines the identity of the metal ions that are transported. The residues within transmembrane domain 3 can also influence metal selectivity, possibly through conformational changes induced at the cation transport site located within the membrane or at the cytoplasmic C-terminal domain.  相似文献   

The Arabidopsis AtMTP family of genes encode proteins of the cation diffusion facilitator (CDF) family, with several members having roles in metal tolerances. Four of the 11 proteins in the family form a distinct cluster on a phylogenetic tree and are closely related to ShMTP8, a CDF identified in the tropical legume Stylosanthes hamata that is implicated in the transport of Mn(2+) into the vacuole as a tolerance mechanism. Of these four genes, AtMTP11 was the most highly expressed member of the Arabidopsis subgroup. When AtMTP11 was expressed in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, it conferred Mn(2+) tolerance and transported Mn(2+) by a proton-antiport mechanism. A mutant of Arabidopsis with a disrupted AtMTP11 gene (mtp11) was found to have increased sensitivity to Mn(2+) but not to Cu(2+) or Zn(2+). At a non-toxic but sufficient Mn(2+) supply (basal), the mutant accumulated more Mn(2+) than the wild type, but did not show any obvious deleterious effects on growth. When grown with Mn(2+) supplies that ranged from basal to toxic, the mutant accumulated Mn(2+) concentrations in shoots similar to those in wild-type plants, despite showing symptoms of Mn(2+) toxicity. AtMTP11 fused to green fluorescent protein co-localized with a reporter specific for pre-vacuolar compartments. These findings provide evidence for Mn(2+)-specific transport activity by AtMTP11, and implicate the pre-vacuolar compartments in both Mn(2+) tolerance and Mn(2+) homeostasis mechanisms of Arabidopsis.  相似文献   

The Arabidopsis thaliana metal tolerance protein 1 (MTP1) of the cation diffusion facilitator family of membrane transport proteins can mediate the detoxification of Zn in Arabidopsis and yeast. Xenopus laevis oocytes expressing AtMTP1 accumulate more Zn than oocytes expressing the AtMTP1(D94A) mutant or water-injected oocytes. An AtMTP1-GFP fusion protein localizes to the vacuolar membrane in root and leaf cells. The analysis of Arabidopsis transformed with a promoter-GUS construct suggests that AtMTP1 is not produced throughout the plant, but primarily in the subpopulation of dividing, differentiating and expanding cells. RNA interference-mediated silencing of AtMTP1 causes Zn hypersensitivity and a reduction in Zn concentrations in vegetative plant tissues.  相似文献   

Arabidopsis thaliana AtMTP1 belongs to the cation diffusion facilitator family and is localized on the vacuolar membrane. We investigated the enzymatic kinetics of AtMTP1 by a heterologous expression system in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, which lacked genes for vacuolar membrane zinc transporters ZRC1 and COT1. The yeast mutant expressing AtMTP1 heterologously was tolerant to 10 mm ZnCl(2). Active transport of zinc into vacuoles of living yeast cells expressing AtMTP1 was confirmed by the fluorescent zinc indicator FuraZin-1. Zinc transport was quantitatively analyzed by using vacuolar membrane vesicles prepared from AtMTP1-expressing yeast cells and radioisotope (65)Zn(2+). Active zinc uptake depended on a pH gradient generated by endogenous vacuolar H(+)-ATPase. The activity was inhibited by bafilomycin A(1), an inhibitor of the H(+)-ATPase. The K(m) for Zn(2+) and V(max) of AtMTP1 were determined to be 0.30 microm and 1.22 nmol/min/mg, respectively. We prepared a mutant AtMTP1 that lacked the major part (32 residues from 185 to 216) of a long histidine-rich hydrophilic loop in the central part of AtMTP1. Yeast cells expressing the mutant became hyperresistant to high concentrations of Zn(2+) and resistant to Co(2+). The K(m) and V(max) values were increased 2-11-fold. These results indicate that AtMTP1 functions as a Zn(2+)/H(+) antiporter in vacuoles and that a histidine-rich region is not essential for zinc transport. We propose that a histidine-rich loop functions as a buffering pocket of Zn(2+) and a sensor of the zinc level at the cytoplasmic surface. This loop may be involved in the maintenance of the level of cytoplasmic Zn(2+).  相似文献   

Arabidopsis thaliana MTP1 is a vacuolar membrane Zn(2+)/H(+) antiporter of the cation diffusion facilitator family. Here we present a structure-function analysis of AtMTP1-mediated transport and its remarkable Zn(2+) selectivity by functional complementation tests of more than 50 mutant variants in metal-sensitive yeast strains. This was combined with homology modeling of AtMTP1 based on the crystal structure of the Escherichia coli broad-specificity divalent cation transporter YiiP. The Zn(2+)-binding sites of EcYiiP in the cytoplasmic C-terminus, and the pore formed by transmembrane helices TM2 and TM5, are conserved in AtMTP1. Although absent in EcYiiP, Cys31 and Cys36 in the extended N-terminal cytosolic domain of AtMTP1 are necessary for complementation of a Zn-sensitive yeast strain. On the cytosolic side of the active Zn(2+)-binding site inside the transmembrane pore, Ala substitution of either Asn258 in TM5 or Ser101 in TM2 non-selectively enhanced the metal tolerance conferred by AtMTP1. Modeling predicts that these residues obstruct the movement of cytosolic Zn(2+) into the intra-membrane Zn(2+)-binding site of AtMTP1. A conformational change in the immediately preceding His-rich cytosolic loop may displace Asn258 and permit Zn(2+) entry into the pore. This would allow dynamic coupling of Zn(2+) transport to the His-rich loop, thus acting as selectivity filter or sensor of cytoplasmic Zn(2+) levels. Individual mutations at diverse sites within AtMTP1 conferred Co and Cd tolerance in yeast, and included deletions in N-terminal and His-rich intra-molecular cytosolic domains, and mutations of single residues flanking the transmembrane pore or participating in intra- or inter-molecular domain interactions, all of which are not conserved in the non-selective EcYiiP.  相似文献   

The CDF family is a ubiquitous family that has been identified in prokaryotes, eukaryotes, and archaea. Members of this family are important heavy metal transporters that transport metal ions out of the cytoplasm. In this research, a full length cDNA named Oryza sativa Zn Transporter 1 (OZT1) that closely related to rat ZnT-2 (Zn Transporter 2) gene was isolated from rice. The OZT1 encoding a CDF family protein shares 28.2 % ~ 84.3 % of identities and 49.3 % ~ 90.9 % of similarities with other zinc transporters such as RnZnT-2, HsZnT-8, RnZnT-8 and AtMTP1. OZT1 was constitutively expressed in various rice tissues. The OZT1 expression was significantly induced both in the seedlings of japonica rice Nipponbare and indica rice IR26 in response to Zn2+ and Cd2+ treatments. Besides, OZT1 expression was also increased when exposed to other excess metals, such as Cu2+, Fe2+ and Mg2+. Subcellular localization analysis indicated that OZT1 localized to vacuole. Heterologous expression of OZT1 in yeast increased tolerance to Zn2+ and Cd2+ stress but not the Mg2+ stress. Together, OZT1 is a CDF family vacuolar zinc transporter conferring tolerance to Zn2+ and Cd2+ stress, which is important to transporting and homeostasis of Zn, Cd or other heavy metals in plants.  相似文献   

C. elegans cdf-1 was identified in a genetic screen for regulators of Ras-mediated signaling. CDF-1 is a cation diffusion facilitator protein that is structurally and functionally similar to vertebrate ZnT-1. These proteins have an evolutionarily conserved function as positive regulators of the Ras pathway, and the Ras pathway has an evolutionarily conserved ability to respond to CDF proteins. CDF proteins regulate Ras-mediated signaling by promoting Zn(2+) efflux and reducing the concentration of cytosolic Zn(2+), and cytosolic Zn(2+) negatively regulates Ras-mediated signaling. Physiological concentrations of Zn(2+) cause a significant inhibition of Ras-mediated signaling. These findings suggest that Zn(2+) negatively regulates a conserved element of the signaling pathway and that Zn(2+) regulation is important for maintaining the inactive state of the Ras pathway.  相似文献   

Zinc ions are required to maintain the biological activity of numerous proteins. However, when mislocalized or accumulated in excess, Zn(2+) ions are toxic because of adventitious binding to proteins and displacement of other metal ions, among them Fe(2+), from their binding sites. Heterologous expression of a previously uncharacterized Arabidopsis thaliana metal tolerance protein, MTP3, in the zrc1 cot1 mutant of budding yeast restores tolerance to, and cellular accumulation of, zinc and cobalt. An MTP3-GFP fusion protein localizes to the vacuolar membrane when expressed in Arabidopsis. Ectopic over-expression of MTP3 increases Zn accumulation in both roots and rosette leaves of A. thaliana, and enhances Zn tolerance. Exposure of wild-type plants to high but non-toxic concentrations of Zn or Co, or Fe deficiency, strongly induce MTP3 expression specifically in epidermal and cortex cells of the root hair zone. Silencing of MTP3 by RNA interference causes Zn hypersensitivity and enhances Zn accumulation in above-ground organs of soil-grown plants and of seedlings exposed to excess Zn or to Fe deficiency. Our data indicate that, in wild-type A. thaliana, the AtMTP3 protein contributes to basic cellular Zn tolerance and controls Zn partitioning, particularly under conditions of high rates of Zn influx into the root symplasm.  相似文献   

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