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本文研究卵胎生硬骨鱼褐菖(Sebastiscusmarmoratus)精细胞的成熟变化和精子结构。褐菖精细胞发育晚期已具有硬骨鱼类精子的结构雏形:细胞核的背面较平坦,腹面稍外鼓,呈弧面;染色质浓缩成团块状,核的腹侧和后端的染色质较致密;中心粒复合体由近端中心粒和基体组成,近端中心粒和基体排成“L”形;近端中心粒向细胞核的背侧伸出中心粒附属物,中心粒附属物由9条微管组成,9条微管围成一筒状结构,类似轴丝。在晚期精细胞形成精子的过程中,中心粒附属物和近端中心粒相继退缩以至消失不见,同时细胞核后端的形状也随着发生变化。中心粒附属物和近端中心粒的相继消失可以看作是成熟的最后标志。精子的中心粒复合体由基体及其上方的基体帽组成,袖套接于核的后端,其中约有30~40个线粒体;鞭毛从袖套腔中伸出,鞭毛的中心结构是轴丝;轴丝外方为细胞质形成的侧鳍,在鞭毛的近核段,轴丝两侧的侧鳍较宽且不对称。  相似文献   

为了解大口黑鲈Micropterus salmoides精子的超微结构,应用扫描电镜和透射电镜对大口黑鲈精子结构进行观察。结果显示,大口黑鲈精子由头部、中段和鞭毛三部分组成,扫描电镜下精子中段不明显,无顶体;精子全长25.07μm±4.93μm(n=30),头部近球形,直径1.73μm±0.29μm(n=30),鞭毛长23.00μm±4.86μm(n=30)。头部主要由细胞核构成,细胞核呈蘑菇形,染色质电子致密成簇,被电子透明区分开,核近鞭毛端向内凹陷,形成较浅的核窝。中段包括中心粒复合体和袖套,中心粒复合体由近端中心粒和远端中心粒构成,近端中心粒位于核窝内,与细胞核横轴平行,远端中心粒为鞭毛的基部,位于核窝外,袖套内,与近端中心粒垂直,呈"T"字形。线粒体分布在袖套两侧的袖套腔中,形状大小不一,总数(17±4)个(n=30)。鞭毛从袖套腔中伸出,主要由轴丝和侧鳍构成,轴丝与远端中心粒相接,有典型的"9+2"二联微管结构,侧鳍分布在鞭毛两侧。研究表明,大口黑鲈精子为硬骨鱼类Ⅰ型精子,其袖套形状以及线粒体的数目和大小与鲈形目Perciformes其他鱼类的精子结构存在区别。  相似文献   

半滑舌鳎精子发生和精子形成的超微结构   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
用电子显微镜对半滑舌鳎(Cynoglossus semilaevis)精子发生的过程及精子的超微结构进行了观察。半滑舌鳎精巢属于小叶型,精小叶由各期生精细胞和支持细胞构成。半滑舌鳎的精子发生经历了初级精原细胞、次级精原细胞、初级精母细胞、次级精母细胞和精子细胞,再经过精子形成过程发育成为精子。初级精母细胞成熟分裂的前期Ⅰ,同源染色体经历了联会复合体形成和解聚的变化。在精子形成的过程中,精细胞大致经历了核质浓缩、线粒体迁移及鞭毛的发生等过程。核质浓缩时,精细胞核内位于植入窝周围的染色质首先由细颗粒状浓缩成粗大颗粒状,然后细胞核其他部位的染色质也逐渐浓缩成粗大颗粒状。这些已浓缩成粗大颗粒状的染色质再进一步浓缩为电子密度高的均匀状物质。随着核质的浓缩,核外膜与核内膜之间的间隙增大形成核膜间隙,核内一些没有参与染色质浓缩的物质通过出芽形成囊泡,先排入核膜间隙,然后再外排到细胞质中。核浓缩过程中细胞核的体积和表面积都大大缩小;鞭毛的形成与细胞核的浓缩是同步进行的,当一对中心粒移近细胞核时,核膜凹陷形成植入窝,其周围染色质浓缩的同时,远端中心粒(基体)逐渐向后产生轴丝。成熟精子无顶体,头细长,主要为核占据,核凹窝发达,线粒体4-5个环绕在鞭毛基部形成袖套,尾细长,具侧鳍,尾部轴丝为"9 2"结构。  相似文献   

中国圆田螺典型精子及其发生的超微结构研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
运用光镜和电镜以及细胞化学方法 ,对中国圆田螺Cipangopaludinachinensis典型精子及其发生的超微结构进行了研究。根据染色质和细胞形态的变化 ,可将其典型精子发生分为五个时期 :精原细胞、初级精母细胞、次级精母细胞、精细胞和成熟精子。精子发生过程中 ,线粒体逐渐增大 ,并随着轴的增生而不断发展为螺旋化线粒体系 ;染色质逐渐凝聚 ,经过颗粒化和纤维化而终呈均质 ;随着染色质的变化 ,细胞核先变小再拉长并螺旋化。精细胞期细胞核基部发生内陷 ,伴随有中心粒的移入 ,并向后方形成“9 2”式的轴。成熟典型精子单鞭毛 ,全长约 40 μm ,包括头、中、尾三段 :头段螺旋状 ,主要由细胞核构成 ,旋束单股 ;中段螺旋状 ,主要由线粒体和轴丝构成 ,旋束四股 ;尾段非螺旋状 ,主要由糖原颗粒和轴丝构成  相似文献   

应用扫描电镜(SEM)与透射电镜(TEM)观察了黄姑鱼和大黄鱼精子的超微结构。结果显示,黄姑鱼和大黄鱼精子无论在形态、大小还是超微结构上都十分相似。黄姑鱼和大黄鱼精子均由头部、中段和尾部(鞭毛)3部分组成。精子头部形状近似椭圆形,无顶体,细胞核呈肾形。中心粒复合体位于细胞核背侧,近、远端中心粒相互垂直,远端中心粒分化成基体并形成轴丝。中段的袖套呈筒状,4~5个圆形的线粒体围绕轴丝呈环形排列。精子尾部为单鞭毛,轴丝为典型“9+2”结构,鞭毛表面质膜形成不规则侧鳍。  相似文献   

褶纹冠蚌精子发生的研究   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:11  
光镜和透射电镜研究结果表明:褶纹冠蚌精子发生是非同步的,精子发生经历了一系列重要的形态和结构变化,主要包括:核逐步延长、染色质浓缩、线粒体逐渐发达与融合、胞质消除以及鞭毛的形成。精原细胞胞质中含有许多致密的轴纤丝,它们后来形成鞭毛轴丝。精母细胞质中含有线粒体、中心粒、内质网和电子透明的囊泡。精细胞分化为4个时期。成熟精子属原始类型,由头部、中段和尾部三部分组成。多核结构和细胞间桥自始至终存在于精子  相似文献   

黄颡鱼(Pseudobagrus fulvidraco)精子的超微结构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄颡鱼精子由头部、中段和鞭毛(尾部)三部分组成。头部的主要结构是细胞核。核中浓缩了的染色质呈颗粒状。染色质中有核泡存在。核泡中有致密颗粒状物。植入窝里井状,从核后端往前深陷入核的中央。中段的中心粒复合体位于植入窝中,结构独特。近端中心粒和基体首尾相对,排在同一直线上。某些精子的近端中心粒的中央腔中能见到一、二个粗大的颗粒状物。基体的中央腔中有一对中央微管。近端中心粒和基体之间有中心粒间体将两者隔开。中段的袖套连接于细胞核之后,其中分布着线粒体和一些囊泡。近袖套内膜处的细胞质中有一层膜与袖套内膜平行。鞭毛细长,其起始端位于袖套腔中。鞭毛上长有两排侧鳍。侧鳍呈波纹状,分居轴丝两侧,大致与轴丝的两条中央微管同在一个平面上。侧鳍的基部有囊泡。  相似文献   

褶纹冠蚌精子的超微结构研究   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:12  
利用电镜褶纹冠蚌精子的形态和结构作了研究,结果表明:精子全长约40-43μm,由头部、中段和鞭毛组成。头部呈子弹头形,长约2.6μm,直径约1.5μm,内含细胞核,核属浓缩型,外被核膜,5个球形的线粒体构成了精子的中段,中段长约0.6μm,最大直径约1.8μm。近端中心粒位于核基部的凹陷处,并通过致密的无定形的基质与远端中心粒相连,远端中心粒与鞭毛领之间通过硬功夫个围中心粒器紧密相连,鞭毛长约37-40μm。精子顶体退化,仅由几个顶体囊泡组成。  相似文献   

长吻鮠精巢及精子结构的研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
长吻鮠精巢高度分支呈指状。后1/3紫红色,由上皮细胞组成,既不产生精子,也不贮存精子。精巢的内部结构为叶型,由体细胞和生殖细胞构成,小叶的基本单位是小囊。精子头短而圆,主要为核占据,无顶体,核凹窝十分发达,有中心粒帽;尾极长,具侧鳍,轴丝基部有发达的囊泡状结构和线粒体。  相似文献   

为了解大鲵精子超微结构,应用扫描电镜和透射电镜开展了大鲵精子形态结构研究。结果显示:大鲵精子由头部、颈部和尾部3部分组成。精子总长216.36μm±9.93μm(n=30),头部长65.80μm±3.70μm(n=30),颈部较短,多不明显,尾部长153.52μm±3.22μm(n=30)。头部由顶体、穿孔器和细胞核组成;颈部包括核窝、近端中心粒及远端中心粒、线粒体、轴丝和轴纤维;尾部无明显分段,由轴丝、轴纤维、轴丝旁纤维和波动膜组成。大鲵精子内线粒体较少,可能与精子运动缓慢、精子活力维持时间短有关;成熟过程中精子细胞头部包围的胞质分泌物中含有一定数量的线粒体。  相似文献   

Spermatogenesis and spermatozoon ultrastructure in the Nile electric catfish Malapterurus electricus are described using scanning and transmission electron microscopy. Although the testis organization conforms to the ‘unrestricted’ spermatogonial type, the species has a rare type of spermatogenesis not previously described among catfishes, ‘semicystic’, in which the cyst ruptures before the spermatozoon stage. Spermiogenesis also involves some peculiar features such as condensation of the chromatin in the posterior part of the nucleus to form a compact electron‐dense mass with some irregular electron‐lucent lacunae, while the uppermost part of the nucleus is a loose electron‐lucent area, absence of the nuclear rotation and, as a consequence, the centriolar complex and the initial segment of each flagellum arise directly in a position perpendicular to the basal pole of the nucleus, and occurrence of numerous vesicles in the midpiece. In addition, spermiogenesis includes migration of the diplosome and mitochondria to the basal pole of the nucleus, formation of two moderate nuclear fossae, each of which contains the centriolar complex, development of two independent flagella and elimination of the excess cytoplasm. The mature spermatozoon has a more or less round head with no acrosome or acrosomal vesicle, a long midpiece with numerous mitochondria and vesicles and two long tails or flagella having the classical axoneme structure of 9 + 2 microtubular doublet pattern and with no lateral fins and membranous compartment. These findings suggest that the ultrastructural features of spermiogenesis and spermatozoa of Melectricus are synapomorphies of types I and II spermiogenesis and spermiogenesis is closely similar to the type described in the Nile catfish Chrysichthys auratus.  相似文献   

Scanning and transmission electron microscopy were used to investigate the fine structure of sperm of the Mediterranean amberjack Seriola dumerilii. Each spermatozoon has an ovoid head which lacks an acrosome, a short, irregularly-shaped midpiece and a long flagellar tail. The midpiece houses eight spherical mitochondria, which are separated from the axoneme by the cytoplasmic canal. The centrioles are arranged approximately at right angles to each other. The proximal centriole lies inside, and the distal centriole outside, the nuclear fossa. The flagellum is inserted eccentrically into the head and is tangential to the nucleus, so that the spermatozoon is asymmetrical. It contains the conventional 9 + 2 axoneme, shows intratubular differentiations in the A microtubules of doublets 1, 2, 5 and 6, and possesses one pair of lateral fins. On the basis of its ultrastructural organization, the amberjack sperm resembles type II sperm as defined previously, except for the presence of the proximal centriole inside the nuclear fossa. This could result from a partial rotation of the nucleus during spermiogenesis.  相似文献   

Lates niloticus is a valuable commercial fish species with good potential for aquaculture. However, there is limited information on the type and structure of the Nile perch spermatozoon, which could potentially aid in culture of this species. Here, we describe the spermatozoon ultrastructure in L. niloticus using transmission and scanning electron microscopy. The spermatozoon had a round head-shape, medio-laterally flat, no acrosome, a short midpiece located laterally to the nucleus, uniflagella with one wing. The head of the spermatozoon contained the nucleus, centriolar system, proximal part of the flagellum, and cytoplasmic channel. Centrioles were arranged at an angle of 90° to each other, forming a T-shape, parallel to the nucleus. The midpiece was cylindrical, loaded with cytoplasm, five to seven spherical mitochondria; and the flagellum’s plasma membrane extended to form one lateral wing. The spermatozoa were classified as type II spermatozoa. L. niloticus spermatozoon differed from that of its Australian congener L. calcarifer, especially in the centriole arrangement and nuclear shape, length of the midpiece and the number of mitochondria and lateral wings.  相似文献   

The formation of the flagellum in the spermatid of the Japanese land snail, Euhadra hickonis, is introduced by the appearance of a central indentation in the differentiated posterior side of the spherical nucleus early in spermiogenesis. One centriole moves to this part of the cell, changes in several structural respects and acquires a short-lived “centriole adjunct”. At first it lies tangential to the nuclear surface as it begins to induce formation of the flagellar axoneme; then it turns so that its proximal end fits into the deepening nuclear indentation (“implantation fossa”). Cytoplasmic tubules appear to mediate this shift in direction. Internal changes in the centriolar components begin as it initiates formation of the axoneme, and continue throughout spermiogenesis. First, a dense “cap” forms at its proximal end, the microtubular triplets become doublets and a pair of singlets occupies the center of the complex. All these microtubules extend from the dense cap and are continuous with those of the axoneme. As the basal body (modified centriole) becomes set in the implantation fossa, the material of the centriole adjunct forms 9 strands, which are continuous with the peripheral coarse fibers when these develop. The microtubular doublets of the basal body are visible for a short time between the fiber strands; in the mature spermatozoon they are found embedded in the basal body portions of the coarse fibers in a degenerated form. Posterior to the basal body, however, they separate from the inner sides of the striated coarse fibers and become the doublets of the axoneme. The proximal part of the elongating axoneme lies in a posterior extension of the cell, in which glycogen particles and mitochondria are conspicuous. As the mitochondria unite into a sheath tightly surrounding the axoneme, the structure of their cristae changes to form a paracrystal-line “mitochondria derivative”, which consists of many layers close to the nucleus and progressively fewer posteriorly. Outside of this “primary sheath”, more modified mitochondria unite to form a “secondary sheath” of paracrystalline lamellae which encloses a compartment, filled with glycogen particles, that extends in a low-pitched helix nearly to the end of the flagellum. In the late spermatid, microtubules become arranged at regular intervals around the nucleus and secondary sheath of the flagellum for a short period while the remaining cytoplasm and spermatid organelles such as the Golgi complex are being discarded. The flagellum of the mature spermatozoon is 250–300 μm in length, tapering gradually from a diameter of ca 1 μm just behind the nucleus to less than 0.3 μm at its tip, as the result of reduction in the amount of stored glycogen, the number of paracrystalline lamellae and the diameter of the peripheral fibers.  相似文献   

Pecio A 《Folia biologica》2003,51(1-2):55-62
The main characteristic features of spermiogenesis in Chilodus punctatus (Characiformes) are rotation of the nucleus, development of a nuclear fossa, which extends as a narrow invagination deep into the nucleus and the way in which flagellum is formed. The chromatin condensation proceeds during the spermiogenesis from heterogeneous through homogenous and granular to a highly compact one present in the mature spermatozoon. Mature Ch. punctatus spermatozoon shows a spherical nucleus, short midpiece and flagellum with lateral fins. The centrioles are in perpendicular arrangement and are located in the deep nuclear fossa, which extends towards the anterior pole of the nucleus. The midpiece contains a few mitochondria, which are separated from the anterior fragment of flagellum by the cytoplasmic channel. Spermiogenesis and spermatozoon ultrastructure conform to the pattern observed in other ostariophysans, but for the first time the presence of lateral fins along flagellum has been documented in a representative of Characiformes.  相似文献   

In this paper spermatogenesis and sperm ultrastructure of the cockle Anadara granosa are studied using transmission electron microscopy. The spermatocyte presents electron-dense vesicles and the arising axoneme that begins to form the flagellum. During spermatid differentiation, proacrosomal vesicles appear to migrate towards the presumptive anterior pole of the nucleus; eventually these vesicles become acrosome. The spermatozoon of Anadara granosa is of the primitive type. The acrosome, situated at the apex of the nucleus, is cap-shaped and deeply invaginated at the inner side. The spherical nucleus of the spermatozoon contains dense granular chromatin and shows invagination at the posterior poles. The centriole shows the classic nine triplets of microtubules. The middle piece consists of the centriolar complex surrounded by five giant mitochondria. It is shown that the ultrastructure of spermatozoa and spermiogenesis of Anadara granosa reveals a number of features that are common among bivalves. Received: 29 September 1998 / Received in revised form: 20 May 1999 / Accepted: 14 June 1999  相似文献   

Lundin  Kennet  Hendelberg  Jan 《Hydrobiologia》1998,383(1-3):197-205
Results from a transmission electron microscope study of the spermiogenesis and spermatozoon of Meara stichopi (Nemertodermatida, Platyhelminthes) indicate that the sperm type of the Nemertodermatida has evolved from the primitive metazoan sperm type rather than from an aberrant biflagellar sperm type as found in many other flatworms. The spirally coiled mitochondrial derivative in the mature spermatozoon develops from two large oval mitochondria in the early spermatid stages. A single flagellum grows out from a peripheral basal body adjacent to a perpendicularly placed accessory centriole. The basal body moves to a distal depression of the nucleus, and becomes equipped with an anchoring fibre apparatus. Most of the flagellum becomes axially incorporated into the developing spermatid. No trace of a second flagellum was found in any stage of the spermiogenesis. Rounded vesicles appear around the proximal, tapering end of the elongating nucleus. Most probably these vesicles form a thin acrosomal structure in the mature spermatozoon. No dense bodies, characteristic of many other ‘turbellarian’ flatworm sperm types, were found. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The spermatozoon of Hemirhamphodon pogonognalhus shows modifications that are frequent though not obligate in internally fertilizing sperm, notably elongation of the nucleus and extension of the mitochondria of the midpiece as an elongate sheath around the proximal region of the axoneme. These similarities to poecilid and jenynsid sperm are considered homoplasic. As in the mature sperm of all but one investigated teleost, an acrosome is absent. The elongate, blade-shaped, electron-dense nucleus has a mean length of 3.2 μm; its basal implantation fossa, less than one-tenth of the length of the nucleus, houses the anterior half of the distal and only centriole (of triplet construction with satellite rays), a centriolar plug, and a mass connecting the centriole to the wall of the fossa. A unilateral putative centriole adjunct is present. The anterior region of the axoneme is surrounded by a mitochondrial sleeve, and internal to this, separated by a cisterna, by a submitochondrial sleeve. The mitochondrial sleeve unites posteriorly with the submitochondrial sleeve. Between the submitochondrial sleeve and the axoneme is a space, the cytoplasmic canal, that is open to the exterior posteriorly. The discrete, cristate mitochondria, in their sleeve, are unique in investigated atherinomorph sperm in being bilateral, grouped on only two opposing sides of the axoneme, with an arc-shaped ‘intermitochondrial link’ between. The 9 + 2 flagellum is unique for the Animalia in having 23 radial subplasmalemmal rods, repeated longitudinally (periodicity 0.025 pm) in a quasicrystalline array. Internal fertilization is deduced to have arisen in the Exocoetoidei independently of that in the Cyprinidcntiformes.  相似文献   

The structure of the spermatozoa and spermatogenesis of the lottiid limpet Patelloida latistrigata is described by transmission electron microscopy. Although the lengths of the spermatozoa (about 60 μm) and their head region (about 12 μm) are similar to those of other patellogastropods, the structure of the sperm head and midpiece are very different. The head consists of an unusually large acrosome (about 11-μm long) with a broad posterior invagination that houses the relatively small nucleus. The midpiece mitochondria, which are rather elongate with large folded tubular cristae, are housed in a cytoplasmic sheath posterior to the nucleus. The proximal centriole is unusually elongate (about 2-μm long). The axoneme that emerges from the distal centriole is surrounded anteriorly by the cytoplasmic sheath in which the cytoplasmic side of the plasma membrane has electron-dense material. The flagellum is enlarged at its terminal end. Spermatogenesis is similar to that described for other patellogastropods. Patelloida latistrigata, therefore, has spermatozoa that seem to meet the morphological criteria of ent-aquasperm, which raises the question of whether fertilization is truly external in this limpet. However, it is also possible that the modifications to the sperm are linked to unknown specializations of the egg or egg envelope.  相似文献   

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