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为获得高效产氢发酵细菌 ,采用改进的厌氧Hungate培养技术 ,从生物制氢反应器CSTR中分离一株产氢细菌X 1。对该株细菌进行了形态学特征、生理生化指标、16SrDNA和 16S 2 3SrDNA间隔区序列分析等研究。结果表明与最相近的种属Clostridiumcellulosi和Acetanaerobacteriumelongatum等的 16SrRNA基因序列同源性为 94 %以下。16S 2 3SrRNA间隔区基因序列比对分析显示保守区域仅为tRNAAla和tRNAIle序列 ,其它可变部位没有同源性区域 ,鉴定为新属Ethanologenbacteriumsp .。该株细菌为专性厌氧杆菌 ,代谢特征为乙醇发酵 ,葡萄糖发酵产物主要为乙醇、乙酸、H2 和CO2 。在pH4 0和 36℃条件下最大产氢速率是 2 8 3mmolH2 (gdrycell·h)。经鉴定和产氢效能分析表明该菌株是一新属的高效产氢细菌  相似文献   

【背景】棉花黄萎病是由大丽轮枝菌(Verticillium dahliae Kleb.)引起的一种世界性病害,近年来对该病害的生物防治因具有环境友好和人畜安全的特性而倍受关注。【目的】筛选棉花黄萎病高效拮抗细菌并对其进行鉴定,为棉花黄萎病的生物防治扩充菌种资源。【方法】采用稀释涂布平板法分离细菌,并进行拮抗细菌的初筛和复筛,通过形态特征、生理生化特征和16S rRNA基因序列分析对筛选到的细菌进行鉴定,确定其分类地位。【结果】初筛分离到535株对病原菌具有拮抗作用的细菌,并选取了108株拮抗细菌进行复筛,最终筛选到了4株优势拮抗细菌。通过形态观察、生理生化特征和16SrRNA基因序列分析,将菌株BHZ-29、SHT-15、SHZ-24和SMT-24分别鉴定为贝莱斯芽孢杆菌(Bacillusvelezensis)、枯草芽孢杆菌斯皮兹仁亚种(Bacillus subtilis subsp. spizizenii)、萎缩芽孢杆菌(Bacillus atrophaeus)和香草芽孢杆菌(Bacillus vanillea)。【结论】获得了4株高效拮抗细菌,并且首次报道了香草芽孢杆菌对棉花黄萎病菌具有抑制作用。  相似文献   

【目的】从患溃烂症的眼斑拟石首鱼分离到优势菌株M-1,并进一步对该菌的系统发育学进行了分析。【方法】采用形态学、生理生化鉴定,结合16SrRNA和HSP60基因序列分析。【结果】16SrRNA基因同源性分析,菌株M-1与灿烂弧菌(AJ874361、AY046955)聚为一群;HSP60基因(groES)序列分析表明M-1与弧菌(EU653883、AY837440)聚为一个分支。【结论】菌株M-1属于灿烂弧菌(Vibrio splendidus)。  相似文献   

哈维氏弧菌(V.harveyi)的VHH溶血素是对海水养殖鱼类的潜在致病因子。哈维氏弧菌的VHH溶血素基因与副溶血弧菌(V.parahaemolyticus)的TLH热不稳定性溶血素基因具有高度相似性,其氨基酸序列的相似性达到85.6 %。根据哈维氏弧菌vhhA溶血素基因序列,合成一个地高辛标记的VHH基因探针,利用其进行Southern Blot ,检测VHH溶血素基因在57株弧菌(包括26株国际标准菌株,20株哈维氏弧菌,11株副溶血弧菌)中的分布情况。结果显示,VHH基因探针与13株弧菌标准菌株有强杂交信号,包括2株溶藻胶弧菌(V.alginolyticus) ,2株哈维氏弧菌以及1株霍氏格里蒙菌(Grimontia hollisae) ,坎贝氏弧菌(V.campbellii) ,辛辛那提弧菌(V.cincinatiensis) ,费氏弧菌(V.fischeri) ,拟态弧菌(V.mimicus) ,飘浮弧菌(V.natriegens) ,副溶血弧菌,解蛋白弧菌(V.proteolyticus)和火神弧菌(V.logei)。与6株弧菌标准菌株有弱杂交信号,包括鳗弧菌(V.anguillarum) ,河口弧菌(V.aestuarianus) ,美人鱼发光杆菌(Photobacterium damselae subsp.damselae) ,河弧菌(V.fluvialis) ,弗尼斯弧菌(V.furnissii)和创伤弧菌(V.vulnificus) ,而另外7株弧菌标准菌株中无杂交信号。所有的哈维氏弧菌菌株至少含有一条杂交带,其中菌株VIB645 , VIB 648和SF-1分别含有2条杂交带。11株副溶血弧菌中均含有一条杂交带。上述数据表明,vhh/tlh溶血素基因广泛分布于弧菌中,尤其是哈维氏弧菌相关菌株和费氏弧菌相关菌株中。另外对鳗弧菌VIB 72 ,坎贝氏弧菌VIB 285 ,飘浮弧菌VIB 299和哈维氏弧菌VIB 647的vhh/tlh溶血素基因进行克隆并测序,其氨基酸序列与VHH溶血素和TLH溶血素氨基酸序列的同源性分别为67 %~99 %和69 %~91 %。对vhh/tlh溶血素基因在弧菌中的分布研究,将有助于进一步确定这类溶血素基因在病原弧菌致病性中的作用。  相似文献   

锦鲤中吉氏库特菌的分离与鉴定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
对从患病锦鲤(Cyprinus carpio L.)肝组织中分离的1株纯培养菌(HC050630C-1)进行了形态特征、主要理化特性、对健康鲤鱼的致病作用、药物敏感性等方面的检验;同时测定了该株菌的16S rRNA基因序列,构建了系统发育树。结果表明,被检菌为吉氏库特菌(Kurthia gibsonll),对健康鲤鱼未显示明显的致病作用;所测菌株的16S rRNA基因序列长度1459bp,在GenBank中登录号为EF611423;该菌株16SrRNA基因序列与GenBank数据库中吉氏库特菌的16S rRNA基因序列同源性在99%;药敏试验结果显示,对供试的氨苄青霉素等27种药物呈现高度敏感或敏感,对头孢吡肟等6种呈低度敏感,对苯唑青霉素等4种耐药。  相似文献   

一株高产PLC的CW-W-90-3菌的鉴定   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
198 9年 ,筛选了 1株高产 phospholipaseC(PLC)的CW W 90 3菌株[1,2 ] ,据其形态特征、生理生化反应 ,初步将其归于弧菌科气单胞菌属[3 ] ,由于该菌株的许多生理生化特性与粘质沙雷氏菌相同。但其极生单鞭毛和无色素及少许生理生化特性与粘质沙雷氏菌相异。后经AutomatedBacteriaIdentificationSystem BiologMicroStationSystem检测 96种C源和N源的利用及其个体群体发育 ,说明其与粘质沙雷氏菌 (Serratiamarcescens)相符 ;并在基因组水平上研究该菌株的系统发育 ,从分子水平上对该菌株进行 16SrRNA序列分析煌同源性比较。根据CW W 90 3菌株 16SrRNA与GeneBank数据库中Serratiamarcescens的 16SrRNA的序列具有 99%的同源性 ,终将CW W 90 3菌株鉴定为粘质沙雷氏菌武汉株 (SerratiamarcescensWuhanstrain)。  相似文献   

红鳍东方鲀病原鱼肠道弧菌的生物学特性研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对引起红鳍东方鲀发病死亡的病原细菌进行了分离和主要生物学特性研究,包括病原性、形态特征、理化特性、16S rRNA基因序列及其系统发育学分析、胞外酶及溶血素活性、K抗原及耐药性等.结果表明,引起红鳍东方纯发病死亡的病原细菌为弧菌属(-Vibrio Pacini 1854)的鱼肠道弧菌(V.ichthyoenteri Ishimaru,et al.1996),2株代表菌株16S rRNA基凶序列(GenBank登录号分别为:EF611424和EF635304)与GenBank数据库中鱼肠道弧菌的同源性在98%-100%,且在构建的MP系统发生树中与鱼肠道弧菌聚为一个分支.分离菌不具有淀粉酶、蛋白酶、脂肪酶、DNA酶、脲酶、明胶酶和卵磷脂酶活性,且在含7%家兔脱纤血液营养琼脂培养基上不溶血.不具有K抗原.人工感染试验中分离菌对红鳍东方纯表现出明显的致病性.药敏试验结果显示,4株分离菌对供试37种抗菌药物中的苯唑青霉素和杆菌肽2种耐药.  相似文献   

智利海洋沉积物中放线菌多样性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【目的】认识智利海洋沉积物中放线菌的多样性。【方法】分别采用选择性分离培养和非培养的基于16SrRNA基因序列系统发育分析方法,对来自智利南部海域海洋沉积物中放线菌多样性进行研究。采用6种选择性分离培养基分离放线菌;利用放线菌特异性引物对样品总DNA进行16SrRNA基因序列扩增并构建了16SrRNA基因克隆文库。分别挑选不同培养特征的22株放线菌和59个基因克隆进行16SrRNA基因序列的系统进化分析;测定分离的放线菌对海水的依赖性及产生抗菌活性化合物的能力。【结果】共分离到328株放线菌;挑选的22株放线菌分别属于小单孢菌属、多形孢菌属、链霉菌属、迪茨氏菌属、气微菌属和短状杆菌属;挑取的59个克隆属于40个分类单元,其中60%分类单元属于放线菌门放线菌亚纲、酸微菌亚纲和红色杆菌亚纲,另外40%的分类单元在放线菌内形成几个独立的进化分支,有可能代表放线菌新类群。22株放线菌有19株具有抗菌活性,50%的生长依赖海水的放线菌也具有抗菌活性。【结论】智利海域沉积物存在丰富的放线菌系统发育多样性并能产生活性次级代谢产物,而且还蕴藏丰富的新类型的放线菌资源。  相似文献   

蛭弧菌海水菌株Bdh5221于2005年8月从海南琼海对虾养殖场周边排水沟水样中分离所得,具有裂解多数革兰氏阴细菌的特性.在前期Bdh5221噬菌谱研究的基础上,利用其可利用热致死革兰氏阴细菌的生长特性,对其理化特性、药敏特性和16S rDNA序列分析进行了相关研究.结果表明:该株蛭弧菌为革兰氏阴性菌,呈杆状、弧状,一端有极长的极生鞭毛,细菌大小在(0.2-0.5)μm×(0.6-1.5)μm左右;生化实验表明:Bdh5221明胶穿刺试验和接触酶试验呈阳性,氧化酶反应呈阴性,对弧菌抑制剂O/129敏感;药敏实验表明:此菌对新霉素、卡那霉素、恩诺沙星敏感,对青霉素、磺胺啼啶和万古霉素不敏感;对其16S rDNA序列的测定、分析表明,与其同源性最高的细菌是一株新发现的海洋新种细菌Kordiimonas gwangyangensis,同源性高达99%,而与其他蛭弧菌属细菌的同源性从90%到70%不等,并针对其基因序列做了相关进化分析.  相似文献   

宁海地区香鱼弧菌病病原菌鉴定   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
摘要:【目的】香鱼弧菌病对中国沿海地区的香鱼养殖业造成了巨大的危害,然而,病原不明导致了防治上的许多问题。本文鉴定了引起宁海地区香鱼爆发性弧菌病的病原。【方法】采用TCBS平板分离优势菌;采用回归感染试验确认病原菌,采用改进的寇氏法计算LD50;采用形态学观察、生理生化特征测定、细菌特异性引物PCR扩增检测及细菌16S rRNA和金属蛋白酶(MP)基因序列分析鉴定细菌;采用药敏实验测定它对部分抗生素的敏感性。【结果】分离并鉴定优势菌株ayu-H080701为宁海地区香鱼弧菌病的病原菌,它对香鱼的半致死量为1.2×104 CFU。形态学观察和生理生化特征测定表明,ayu-H080701与鳗利斯顿氏菌最为接近。PCR扩增检测表明,细菌16S rRNA 基因通用引物和鳗利斯顿氏菌MP基因特异引物均能扩增到预期大小的特异性条带。ayu-H080701与鳗利斯顿氏菌16S rRNA基因核苷酸序列同源性最高,为99.4%~99.5%,与同属的海弧菌和美人鱼发光杆菌分别为94.3%和91.9%;ayu-H080701与鳗利斯顿氏菌MP氨基酸序列同源性高达97.6%~98.8 %,与其它弧菌科成员则低于75.6 %,系统进化树分析也揭示ayu-H080701与鳗利斯顿氏菌进化相关性最高。【结论】引起宁海地区香鱼弧菌病的菌株ayu-H080701被鉴定为鳗利斯顿氏菌。  相似文献   

A poly-beta-hydroxybutyrate (PHB)-accumulating enrichment culture was obtained using activated sludge from a polyphosphate-accumulating reactor as inoculum. PHB accumulated by the enrichment culture significantly enhanced the survival of Artemia nauplii, infected with the virulent pathogen Vibrio campbellii LMG 21363. A strain was isolated from the enrichment culture, based on its ability to accumulate PHB, and 16S rRNA gene sequencing of the isolate revealed 99% sequence similarity to Brachymonas denitrificans AS-P1. The isolate, named PHB2, showed good PHB-accumulating activity (up to 32% of the cell dry weight). PHB accumulated by isolate PHB2 was able to protect Artemia completely from the V. campbellii strain. Our data indicate that PHB-accumulating bacteria, such as B. denitrificans PHB2, could be used as an an effective and economically interesting alternative strategy to control infections in aquaculture.  相似文献   

Vibrio harveyi and related bacteria are important pathogens responsible for severe economic losses in the aquaculture industry worldwide. Phenotypic tests and 16S rRNA gene analysis fail to discriminate species within the V. harveyi group because these are phenotypically and genetically nearly identical. This study used multilocus sequence analysis to identify 36 V. harveyi-like isolates obtained from a wide range of sources in Australia and to re-evaluate the identity of important pathogens. Phylogenies inferred from the 16S rRNA gene and five concatenated protein-coding genes (rpoA-pyrH-topA-ftsZ-mreB) revealed four well-supported clusters identified as V. harveyi, V. campbellii, V. rotiferianus and V. owensii. Results revealed that important V. campbellii and V. owensii prawn pathogens were previously misidentified as V. harveyi and also that the recently described V. communis sp. nov. is likely a junior synonym of V. owensii. Although the MLSA topologies corroborated the 16S rRNA gene phylogeny, the latter was less informative than each of the protein-coding genes taken singularly or the concatenated dataset. A two-locus phylogeny based on topA-mreB concatenated sequences was consistent with the five-locus MLSA phylogeny. Global Bayesian phylogenies inferred from topA-mreB suggested that this gene combination provides a practical yet still accurate approach for routine identification of V. harveyi-related species.  相似文献   

Seventeen bacterial strains previously identified as Vibrio harveyi (Baumann et al. 1981) or V. carchariae (Grimes et al. 1984) and the type strains of V. harveyi, V. carchariae and V. campbellii were analyzed by 16S ribosomal DNA (rDNA) sequencing. Four clusters were identified in a phylogenetic analysis performed by comparing a 746 base pair fragment of the 16S rDNA and previously published sequences of other closely related Vibrio species. The type strains of V. harveyi and V. carchariae and about half of the strains identified as V. harveyi or V. carchariae formed a single, well-supported cluster designed as 'bona fide' V. harveyi/carchariae. A second more heterogeneous cluster included most other strains and the V. campbellii type strain. Two remaining strains are shown to be more closely related to V. rumoiensis and V. mediterranei. 16S rDNA sequencing has confirmed the homogeneity and synonymy of V. harveyi and V. carchariae. Analysis of API20E biochemical profiles revealed that they are insufficient by themselves to differentiate V. harveyi and V. campbellii strains. 16S rDNA sequencing, however, can be used in conjunction with biochemical techniques to provide a reliable method of distinguishing V. harveyi from other closely related species.  相似文献   

AIM: The aim of the present study was to clarify the taxonomic status of Vibrio strains isolated from an aquaculture system and to compare the results of the identifications made by phenotypic and molecular methods. METHODS AND RESULTS: Fifty-one Vibrio strains isolated from a turbot (Scophthalmus maximus) aquaculture system were characterized by ribotyping and 16S rRNA gene sequencing. The strains had been identified phenotypically in a previous numerical taxonomy analysis as Vibrio anguillarum, V. mediterranei, V. splendidus, V. aestuarianus, V. ordalii, V. fischeri and V. scophthalmi. Cluster analysis of ribotype patterns showed that the strains were separated into two main groups: V. splendidus-V. lentus and V. scophthalmi groups. The use of 16S rRNA gene sequence allowed differentiation among V. splendidus biovar I and V. lentus strains. CONCLUSIONS: The molecular methods identified strains of V. splendidus biovar I, V. lentus and V. scophthalmi, showing discrepancies with phenotypic characterization. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: The molecular methods, as 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis, are necessary for the identification of phenotypically close species to avoid mis-identifications. Interestingly, this is the first report of V. lentus strains associated to turbot culture.  相似文献   

This study was focused on obtaining the complete gene sequence of the toxR gene in V. harveyi by using toxR-targeted PCR to amplify 5' and 3' regions flanking the 576-bp Vibrio harveyi (NBRC 15634) toxR gene fragment previously amplified using degenerate PCR. To obtain the 5' flanking sequences, a forward PCR primer (VhtoxRpv) was designed based on known sequences upstream of toxR in V. parahaemolyticus and V. vulnificus. The reverse primer (VctoxR2R) was based on the sequence of the 576-bp Vibrio harveyi toxR fragment. The resulting 750-bp amplicon was sequenced, providing the 5' sequences of the V. harveyi (NBRC 15634) toxR gene. The 3' flanking region was amplified using a primer pair toxRS1 and toxRS2 based on V. parahaemolyticus and V. vulnificus toxR and toxS, resulting in a 900-bp amplicon that contained the remaining 3' sequences of the V. harveyi NBRC 15634 toxR. This paper reports, for the first time, a complete 882-bp nucleotide sequence for toxR in Vibrio harveyi. Sequence analysis and alignment revealed that the complete toxR gene in V. harveyi shares 87% sequence similarity with toxR of V. parahaemolyticus, 84% similarity with V. fluvialis, 83% with V. vulnificus and partial sequence of V. campbellii. The phylogenetic trees revealed wider divergence in toxR compared to 16S rRNA genes, so that V. harveyi could easily be distinguished from V. campbellii and V. parahaemolyticus.  相似文献   

Vibriosis in penaeid species cultured in the Philippines results in massive mortalities and consequently in severe economic losses in the shrimp industry. Rapid and accurate detection of the causative agent of the disease is imperative. In this study, toxR gene sequence analysis of ten Vibrio isolates (from several provinces of the Philippines) implicated in disease affecting the penaeid shrimp (Penaeus monodon) was performed in order to develop a toxR-targeted PCR detection of similar strains of shrimp pathogens. Analysis of the partial toxR gene revealed 97-100% sequence similarity among the ten Philippine Vibrio isolates. Distinct sequence variation of the toxR gene, however, was observed between the Philippine Vibrio isolates and the type strains, with the Philippine isolates exhibiting only 92-93% and 74-75% sequence similarity with the type strain V. campbellii (NBRC 15631T) and V. harveyi (NBRC 15634T), respectively. The use of a PCR primer set that was designed based on toxR sequences of the Philippine Vibrio isolates amplified the expected 226-bp toxR fragment using templates from all ten Philippine Vibrio isolates. No amplified product was observed in PCR using templates from type strains of V. harveyi, V. campbellii, and other non-target bacteria, suggesting that the primers were specific for the Philippine Vibrio isolates. The toxR-targeted PCR primers reported in this study could be useful in the detection of Philippine Vibrio isolates associated with mortalities in the shrimp industry, which could not be detected in PCR using primers designed for type strains of V. harveyi and V. campbellii.  相似文献   

Towards a phylogeny of the genus Vibrio based on 16S rRNA sequences.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The inter- and intrageneric relationships of the genus Vibrio were investigated by performing a comparative analysis of the 16S rRNAs of 10 species, including four pathogenic representatives. The results of immunological and 5S rRNA studies were confirmed in that the genus is a neighboring taxon of the family Enterobacteriaceae. With regard to the intrageneric structure, Vibrio alginolyticus, Vibrio campbellii, Vibrio natriegens, Vibrio harveyi, Vibrio proteolyticus, Vibrio parahaemolyticus, and Vibrio vulnificus form the core of the genus, while Vibrio (Listonella) anguillarum, Vibrio diazotrophicus, and Vibrio hollisae are placed on the outskirts of the genus. Variable regions around positions 80, 180, and 450 could be used as target sites for genus- and species-specific oligonucleotide probes and polymerase chain reaction primers to be used in molecular identification.  相似文献   

对襄阳市中心医院分离的2株疑似霍乱弧菌进行鉴定及药物敏感性试验。利用MicroScan WalkAway 40鉴定仪进行生化鉴定及药物敏感性试验,玻片凝集法确定血清型别,PCR扩增16SrRNA保守区基因并将产物进行测序分析。此2株疑似霍乱菌株O1群及O139群霍乱弧菌诊断血清均不凝集,16SrRNA扩增产物测序Blast比对分析与数据库中霍乱弧菌相似性达100%,药敏结果显示对氨苄西林、庆大霉素、环丙沙星、阿米卡星、氯霉素、复方新诺明(SXT)、四环素均敏感。该病例为非O1、非O139群霍乱弧菌导致的败血症,可能经胃肠道途径传播。  相似文献   

The growth inhibition of 12 native marine bacteria isolated from Aplysina sponge surfaces, the shell of a bivalve, and Phytagel immersed for 48 h in sea water were used as indicator of the antifouling activity of the extracts of 39 marine organisms (octocorals, sponges, algae, and zoanthid) collected in the Colombian Caribbean Sea and on the Brazilian coast (Santa Catarina). Gram-negative bacteria represented 75% of the isolates; identified strains belonged to Oceanobacillus iheyensis, Ochrobactrum pseudogrignonense, Vibrio campbellii, Vibrio harveyi, and Bacillus megaterium species and seven strains were classified at genus level by the 16S rRNA sequencing method. The extracts of the octocorals Pseudopterogorgia elisabethae, four Eunicea octocorals, and the sponges Topsentia ophiraphidites, Agelas citrina, Neopetrosia carbonaria, Monanchora arbuscula, Cliona tenuis, Iotrochota imminuta, and Ptilocaulis walpersii were the most active, thus suggesting those species as antifoulant producers. This is the first study of natural antifoulants from marine organisms collected on the Colombian and Brazilian coasts.  相似文献   

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