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Lindner DL  Banik MT 《Mycologia》2011,103(4):731-740
Regions of rDNA are commonly used to infer phylogenetic relationships among fungal species and as DNA barcodes for identification. These regions occur in large tandem arrays, and concerted evolution is believed to reduce intragenomic variation among copies within these arrays, although some variation still might exist. Phylogenetic studies typically use consensus sequencing, which effectively conceals most intragenomic variation, but cloned sequences containing intragenomic variation are becoming prevalent in DNA databases. To understand effects of using cloned rDNA sequences in phylogenetic analyses we amplified and cloned the ITS region from pure cultures of six Laetiporus species and one Wolfiporia species (Basidiomycota, Polyporales). An average of 66 clones were selected randomly and sequenced from 21 cultures, producing a total of 1399 interpretable sequences. Significant variation (≥ 5% variation in sequence similarity) was observed among ITS copies within six cultures from three species clades (L. cincinnatus, L. sp. clade J, and Wolfiporia dilatohypha) and phylogenetic analyses with the cloned sequences produced different trees relative to analyses with consensus sequences. Cloned sequences from L. cincinnatus fell into more than one species clade and numerous cloned L. cincinnatus sequences fell into entirely new clades, which if analyzed on their own most likely would be recognized as "undescribed" or "novel" taxa. The use of a 95% cut off for defining operational taxonomic units (OTUs) produced seven Laetiporus OTUs with consensus ITS sequences and 20 OTUs with cloned ITS sequences. The use of cloned rDNA sequences might be problematic in fungal phylogenetic analyses, as well as in fungal bar-coding initiatives and efforts to detect fungal pathogens in environmental samples.  相似文献   

长白山森林生态系统中的稀有和濒危多孔菌   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
戴玉成 《应用生态学报》2003,14(6):1015-1018
1 引  言近一个世纪以来 ,由于天然林遭到大量砍伐和破坏 ,生态环境恶化 ,生物物种正以惊人的速度从地球上消失 ,因此保护生物学的重要性被越来越多的人所认识 .过去 2 0年间 ,很多国家或地区发表了有关濒危物种报告 ,但多数为动物和植物方面 .关于菌类物种濒危性的研究 ,只有少数对菌物研究深入的国家有所报道 ,如芬兰有 6 0种多孔菌被列为濒危种[11] ,瑞典有 10 6种大型菌类被列为濒危种[6] ,英国有 399种大型菌类被列为保护名单[10 ] ,荷兰有 182种大型菌类正面临绝迹的威胁[1] 等 .这主要是因为对菌类的研究远比动物和植物落后 .就全…  相似文献   

边禄森  戴玉成 《生态学报》2015,35(5):1554-1563
对东喜马拉雅地区多孔菌区系和生态习性进行了分析,发现该地区多孔菌极为丰富,共有10目19科101属372种,其中优势科为多孔菌科和锈革孔菌科,优势属为木层孔菌属和多孔菌属。种的区系地理成分可以分为8类,其中北温带类型种类最多,表明东喜马拉雅地区多孔菌具有明显的北温带区系特征。该地区的多孔菌有常见种、偶见种、稀有种和濒危种分别为156、141、54和21个;有腐生菌304种、寄生菌49种、菌根菌19种。在寄主方面,能够生长在被子植物上的有256种,裸子植物上的有137种,既能生长在被子植物,也能生长在裸子植物上的有40种,地上生长的有19种。东喜马拉雅地区的裸子植物,特别是云杉属、松属和冷杉属树木对于多孔菌的生长更重要,因为生长在这些属树木上的多孔菌分别有71、68和51种,高于该地区被子植物其他属树木上的多孔菌。  相似文献   

Based on molecular evidence and morphological studies, the new polypores Antrodia multiformis and A. tenerifensis are described. Both species were discovered in arid biotope, A. multiformis in southwestern USA and A. tenerifensis in Tenerife (Canary Islands). Both of the new species show unique morphological and cultural features and are different in phylogeny. The structure of the Antrodia core clade of brown rot polypores is discussed.  相似文献   

Antioxidant activity of fruit bodies of Laetiporus sulphureus (Bull.: Fr.) Murr. (Polyporales) obtained by the natural plantation growing method in Pribaikal'e (Irkutsk region) has been studied. It was determined that the ethyl acetate fraction of L. sulphureus, which was chromatographically separated into seven compounds identified as quercetin, kaempferol, (+)-catechin, p-coumaric, gallic, caffeic, and chlorogenic acids was characterized with more expressed antioxidant activity. All compounds were extracted from this basidiomycete species for the first time. The quantitative amount of the substances isolated from L. sulphureus was determined by HPLC. It was found that antioxidant activity of preparations obtained from L. sulphureus is conditioned by phenolic compounds.  相似文献   

Relationships among East Asian, North American and European Laetiporus sulphureus s. lat., a cosmopolitan brown rot species complex, were assessed with phylogenetic analyses and incompatibility tests. Three East Asian taxa, Laetiporus cremeiporus sp. nov., Laetiporus montanus and Laetiporus versisporus, are described and illustrated as well as compared with related taxa from Southeast Asia, North America and Europe. Phylogenetic analyses showed that L. cremeiporus and L. versisporus are clearly distinct species among Laetiporus taxa. The three conifer inhabiting species, Laetiporus conifericola, Laetiporus huroniensis and L. montanus, are closely related to each other. The European population of L. montanus exhibits two sequence variants of the EF1α: one is the same as observed in L. sulphureus in Europe and the other is that observed in East Asian population of L. montanus. A key to the known species of Laetiporus in the northern hemisphere is provided.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to characterise the genetic variation and molecular relationships of the brown rot polypore, Laetiporus sulphureus s. lat., from Europe, South America, Africa, and Asia, using ITS sequences of the nu-rDNA and by comparing the growth rate in vitro. In a NJ analysis of the sequences of 130 individuals of L. sulphureus s. lat., eight distinct clusters emerged, supported by BS values of 70-100 %. Within each cluster, the ITS rDNA sequence variation was below 3 %. The sequences were also analysed together with Laetiporus sequences available from GenBank. Results demonstrated the possible presence of L. huroniensis in Europe (invalidly named L. montanus) and L. gilbertsonii in South America, and provided more information on the Pan-American and European distribution of one of the clades, currently known in North America as L. sulphureus. L. conifericola formed a separate distinct clade. Moreover, the analysis revealed two unknown Laetiporus taxa in Korea, one in South Africa, and one in Europe. As L. sulphureus is described from Europe (France), and we show that more than one taxon exist here, it is presently not possible to define L. sulphureus s. str. Certain biological differences between some of the clades (in vitro growth rates, chemical composition, and pigmentation) were demonstrated and discussed.  相似文献   

Sorocarpic protists are organisms that individually aggregate and work together to form a fungus-like fruiting body (sorocarp). The amoeboid forms are often colloquially referred to as "cellular slime molds" or "acrasids". We argue the latter term should be used only to refer to members of Acrasidae in Heterolobosea. Here we study the diversity of two Acrasidae genera, Acrasis and the closely similar Pocheina, using a combination of morphological characteristics and small subunit rRNA gene sequences. A total of eight isolates of Acrasis and an example of Pocheina were examined. Acrasis/Pocheina form a well-supported monophyletic group that is the highly supported sister to a clade containing Allovahlkampfia and several other amoebae. Four molecular lineages of Acrasis were resolved, each of which is characterized by a distinctive fruiting body morphology. Each lineage represents a species, two of which are novel, Acrasis kona n. sp. and Acrasis takarsan n. sp. An isolate identified as Pocheina rosea is nested within the clade containing isolates of the taxon Acrasis rosea, into which P. rosea is tentatively subsumed. One member of the tightly knit allovahlkampfid clade was induced to form a simple sorocarp, leading us to include this clade in Acrasidae.  相似文献   

Relationships among three Japanese Laetiporus taxa (“L. sulphureus var. sulphureus” auct. jap., L. sulphureus var. miniatus, and L. versisporus) were assessed with phylogenetic analysis and incompatibility tests. Gene phylogenies inferred from the internal transcribed spacer region of nuclear ribosomal DNA, elongation factor 1α, and β-tubulin gene regions suggested that Japanese Laetiporus was divided into four groups: the yellow pore form of L. sulphureus var. miniatus, the white pore form of L. sulphureus var. miniatus, and two “L. sulphureus var. sulphureus”/ L. versisporus groups. A morphologically distinct species, Laetiporus versisporus, sharing a clade with “L. sulphureus var. sulphureus” auct. jap., was proved to be an anamorphic form of “L. sulphureus var. sulphureus” auct. jap. The “sulphureus/versisporus” isolates showed two divergent sequence types in each region. Some isolates had intraindividual polymorphism assigned to both sequence types. This finding suggests that speciation via hybridization is ongoing in the “sulphureus/versisporus” group. Single spore isolates from the “sulphureus/versisporus” group, white pore group, and yellow pore group were incompatible with each other. Our results provided strong support for the new recognition of three Laetiporus taxa in Japan.  相似文献   

基于28S rRNA D2序列的内茧蜂亚科的分子系统发育   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
首次利用同源28S rRNA D2基因序列对内茧蜂亚科Rogadinae (昆虫纲Insecta:膜翅目Hymenoptera:茧蜂科Braconidae)进行了分子系统学研究。本研究从95%~100%乙醇浸渍保存的标本中提取基因组DNA并扩增了10种内群种类和5种外群种类的28S rDNA D2片段并测序(GenBank序列号AY167645-AY167659),利用BLAST搜索相关的同源序列, 采用了GenBank中13个种类的28S rRNA D2同源序列,然后据此进行分子分析。利用3个外群(共8个种类)和3种建树方法 (距离邻近法distance based neighbor joining, NJ; 最大俭约法maximum parsimony, MP; 和最大似然法maximum likelihood, ML)分析了内茧蜂亚科内的分子系统发育关系。结果表明,由分子数据产生的不同的分子系统树均显示内茧蜂亚科是一个单系群。内茧蜂亚科内依据形态和生物学特征的分群(族和亚族)及其系统发育关系得到部分支持。NJ、MP和ML分析结果均表明内茧蜂族Rogadini不是一个单系,而是一个并系,其余3族则得到不同程度的支持。内茧蜂族可分成2个分支:“脊茧蜂属Aleiodes+弓脉茧蜂属Arcaleiodes”和“沟内茧蜂属Canalirogas+锥齿茧蜂属Conspinaria+刺茧蜂属Spinaria+内茧蜂属Rogas”,二者不是姐妹群。脊茧蜂属Aleiodes和弓脉茧蜂属Arcaleiodes始终是姐妹群。脊茧蜂属Aleiodes是一个单系,并可分成2个姐妹分支,这与依据形态和生物学特征的亚属分群相一致。弓脉茧蜂属Arcaleiodes Chen et He,1991是一个独立的属。分支“沟内茧蜂属Canalirogas+锥齿茧蜂属Conspinaria+刺茧蜂属Spinaria+内茧蜂属Rogas”的单系性仅得到部分分子数据的支持;因形态特异(腹部成甲壳状)而列为亚族级的刺茧蜂属Spinaria,分子分析没有证实这一点。横纹茧蜂族Clinocentrini是个单系,并在内茧蜂亚科的系统发育中处于基部(原始)的位置。我们研究结果还表明,阔跗茧蜂属Yelicones和潜蛾茧蜂属Stiropius相对应的阔跗茧蜂族Yeliconini和潜蛾茧蜂族Stiropiini为2个独立的分支, 与形态和生物学的结果一致,但它们在内茧蜂亚科的系统发育的位置不明,有待今后进一步研究。  相似文献   

Cinereomyces clade is a newly proposed monophyletic group of polypores containing currently four genera and five species, including two promising biopulping fungi, Ceriporiopsis rivulosa and C. subvermispora. The Cinereomyces clade is well-delimited in nrDNA-based phylogenetic analysis, but its position in Polyporales remains unclear. Its closest relative may be found in the core polyporoid clade. Only a few morphological characters are common for all the species in the clade, e.g. CB– and CRB+ hyphae, white fruiting bodies, presence of oil, and middle-sized spores. Culturally, the species are unified by producing simple-septate generative hyhpae in the margin, which produce simple-clamped hyphae backwards. The genus Gelatoporia is the correct place for Ceriporiopsis subvermispora. Two new genera are described in the group: Obba to incorporate C. rivulosa and a new austral species, Obba valdiviana, known from southern Argentina and recorded here also from Tasmania, and Sebipora to accommodate a new species from tropical Asia, S. aquosa. ITS sequences imply that Eurasian Gelatoporia subvermispora may belong to a different species from the North American one. G. subvermispora is recorded as new to Indonesia.  相似文献   

Molecular phylogenetic relationships among members of the odonate genus Libellula (Odonata: Anisoptera: Libellulidae) were examined using 735 bp of mitochondrial COI and 416 bp of 16S ribosomal RNA gene sequences. Considerable debate exists over several relationships within Libellula, as well over the status of two putative genera often placed as subgenera within Libellula: Ladona and Plathemis. Parsimony and maximum-likelihood analyses of the separate and combined data sets indicate that Plathemis is basal and monophyletic and that Ladona is the sister clade to the remainder of Libellula sensu stricto (s.s.) (all species within the genus Libellula, excluding Plathemis and Ladona). Moreover, two European taxa, Libellula fulva and L. depressa, were found to occupy a sister group relationship within the Ladona clade. Relationships within Libellula s.s. are less well resolved. However, monophyletic lineages within the genus are largely consistent with morphologically based subgeneric classifications. Although tree topologies from each analysis differed in some details, the differences were in no case statistically significant. The analysis of the combined COI and 16S data yielded trees with overall stronger support than analyses of either gene alone. Several analyses failed to support the monophyly of Libellula sensu lato due to the inclusion of one or more outgroup species. However, statistical comparisons of topologies produced by unconstrained analyses and analyses in which the monophyly of Libellula was constrained indicate that any differences are nonsignificant. Based on morphological data, we therefore reject the paraphyly of Libellula and accept the outgroup status of Orthemis ferruginea and Pachydiplax longipennis.  相似文献   

Lophodermium comprises ascomycetous fungi that are both needle-cast pathogens and asymptomatic endophytes on a diversity of plant hosts. It is distinguished from other genera in the family Rhytismataceae by its filiform ascospores and ascocarps that open by a longitudinal slit. Nucleotide sequences of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region of nuclear ribosomal DNA were used to infer phylogenetic relationships within Lophodermium. Twenty-nine sequences from approximately 11 species of Lophodermium were analyzed together with eight sequences from isolates thought to represent six other genera of Rhytismataceae: Elytroderma, Lirula, Meloderma, Terriera, Tryblidiopsis and Colpoma. Two putative Meloderma desmazieresii isolates occurred within the Lophodermium clade but separate from one another, one grouped with L. indianum and the other with L. nitens. An isolate of Elytroderma deformans also occurred within the Lophodermium clade but on a solitary branch. The occurrence of these genera within the Lophodermium clade might be due to problems in generic concepts in Rhytismataceae, such as emphasis on spore morphology to delimit genera, to difficulty of isolating Rhytismataceae needle pathogens from material that also is colonized by Lophodermium or to a combination of both factors. We also evaluated the congruence of host distribution and several morphological characters on the ITS phylogeny. Lophodermium species from pine hosts formed a monophyletic sister group to Lophodermium species from more distant hosts from the southern hemisphere, but not to L. piceae from Picea. The ITS topology indicated that Lophodermium does not show strict cospeciation with pines at deeper branches, although several closely related isolates have closely related hosts. Pathogenic species occupy derived positions in the pine clade, suggesting that pathogenicity has evolved from endophytism. A new combination is proposed, Terriera minor (Tehon) P.R. Johnst.  相似文献   

Nemeth  S.  Mai  T.T.  Zechman  F.W. 《Journal of phycology》2000,36(S3):51-52
Phylogenetic hypotheses for the pantropical marine green algal genus, Caulerpa , were inferred based on analyses of nuclear-encoded rDNA internal transcribed spacer (ITS) sequences. Results of these analyses were used to assess the correspondence between rDNA phylogeny and traditional sectional taxonomy, to identify synapomorphic morphological characters (including assimilator morphology and chloroplast ultrastructure), and to examine marine biogeographic hypotheses for the genus. Ribosomal DNA ITS sequences were aligned for thirty-three species and intraspecific taxa of Caulerpa. Results indicate limited correspondence between phylogeny and sectional taxonomy for the genus, (e.g., the sections Filicoideae and Sedoideae were not monophyletic). In contrast, chloroplast morphology could be mapped to the tree topology with limited homoplasy. Pantropical isolates of the filicoidean species, Caulerpa sertularioides and Caulerpa mexicana each formed monophyletic groups. Caulerpa reyesii was included as a derived taxon within the Caulerpa taxifolia clade, suggesting that these species were conspecific and affirmed the lack of correspondence between phylogeny and assimilator morphology. Isolates and various intraspecific taxa of Caulerpa racemosa did not form a monophyletic group. Instead, these taxa formed a heterogeneous assemblage with other sedoidean and filicoidean taxa. Within the C. sertularioides clade, Caribbean and Atlantic isolates formed a basal paraphyletic group, whereas eastern and western Pacific isolates formed a more derived monophyletic group. Therefore, these results are not consistent with an Indo-West Pacific origin of this species.  相似文献   

We used ITS and trnL sequence data, analyzed separately and combined by MP, to explore species relationships and concepts in Trema (Celtidaceae), a pantropical genus of pioneer trees. Whether Trema is monophyletic or includes Parasponia is still unresolved. Three clades within Trema received moderate to high support, one from the New World and two from the Old World, but their relationships were not resolved. In the New World, specimens of T. micrantha formed two groups consistent with endocarp morphology. Group I, with smaller brown endocarps, is a highly supported clade sister to T. lamarckiana. Group II, with larger black endocarps, is poorly resolved with several subclades, including the highly supported T. integerrima clade. Both Old World clades contain Asian and African species, with three or more species in each region. Trema orientalis is not monophyletic: specimens from Africa formed a highly supported clade sister to T. africana, while those from Asia were sister to T. aspera from Australia.  相似文献   

The genus Mesocestoides Vaillant, 1863 includes tapeworms of uncertain phylogenetic affinities and with poorly defined life histories. We previously documented 11 cases of peritoneal cestodiasis in dogs (Canis familiaris L.) in western North America caused by metacestodes of Mesocestoides spp. In the current study, DNA sequences were obtained from metacestodes collected from these dogs (n = 10), as well as proglottids from dogs (n = 3) and coyotes (Canis latrans Say, 1823 [n = 2]), and tetrathyridia representing laboratory isolates of M. corti (n = 3), and these data were analyzed phylogenetically. Two nuclear genetic markers, 18S ribosomal DNA and the second internal-transcribed spacer (ITS 2), were sequenced. Phylogenetic analysis of the 18S rDNA data recovered a monophyletic group composed of all samples of Mesocestoides spp., distinct from closely related outgroup taxa (Amurotaenia Akhmerov, 1941 and Tetrabothrius Rudolphi, 1819). Initial analysis of the ITS 2 data resolved 3 clades within Mesocestoides. Two proglottids from dogs formed a basal clade, a second clade was represented by tetrathyridial isolates, and a third clade included all other samples. Interpretation of these data from an apomorphy-based perspective identified 6 evolutionary lineages. We also assessed whether metacestodes from dogs (n = 4) are capable of asexual proliferation in laboratory mice. One tetrathyridial and 2 acephalic isolates from dogs proliferated asexually. Further investigation is warranted to determine which of the lineages represent distinct species and to determine the life history strategies of Mesocestoides spp.  相似文献   

Species limits were investigated within the Fusarium graminearum clade (Fg clade) through phylogenetic analyses of DNA sequences from portions of 11 nuclear genes including the mating-type (MAT) locus. Nine phylogenetically distinct species were resolved within the Fg clade, and they all possess contiguous MAT1-1 and MAT1-2 idiomorphs consistent with a homothallic reproductive mode. In contrast, only one of the two MAT idiomorphs was found in five other species, four of which were putatively asexual, and the other was heterothallic. Molecular evolutionary analyses indicate the MAT genes are under strong purifying selection and that they are functionally constrained, even in species for which a sexual state is unknown. The phylogeny supports a monophyletic and apomorphic origin of homothallism within this clade. Morphological analyses demonstrate that a combination of conidial characters could be used to differentiate three species and three species pairs. Species rank is formally proposed for the eight unnamed species within the Fg clade using fixed nucleotide characters.  相似文献   

Baboons (Papio, s.s.) comprise a series of parapatric allotaxa (subspecies or closely related species) widely distributed in sub-Saharan Africa. Despite extensive studies of their ecology, morphology, and behavior, disagreement about their phylogenetic relationships continues, as expressed in the current coexistence of at least three major, competing taxonomic treatments. To help resolve this situation, we sequenced approximately 900 bases of mitochondrial DNA of 40 individuals from five of the widely recognized "major" allotaxa. Total sequence diversity (>5%) is high compared to most primate species. Major mitochondrial clades correspond to recognized allotaxa, with the important exception that haplotypes from yellow and olive baboons form a single, monophyletic clade within which the two allotaxa do not comprise mutually exclusive clusters. The major clades fall unambiguously into the pattern: (chacma (Guinea (hamadryas (yellow + olive)))). This phylogeny does not support taxonomies that oppose hamadryas to all other baboons ("desert" vs. "savanna"), but is compatible with the view that all definable allotaxa should be recognized as coordinates, either as "phylogenetic" species or "biological" subspecies. The close relationship and unsegregated distribution of haplotypes from Kenyan and Tanzanian yellow and olive baboons are unexplained, but may reflect introgression across the documented hybrid zone. The overall phylogeny, when combined with paleontological data, suggests a southern African origin for extant Papio baboons, with all extant lineages sharing a common mitochondrial ancestor at approximately 1.8 Ma.  相似文献   

The extracellular polysaccharide (EPS) was isolated from mycelial cultures of Laetiporus sulphureus var. miniatus and purified by DEAE cellulose and Sephadex G-50 column chromatography. The purified EPS (EPS-2-1) was composed of only glucose units and its molecular mass was 6.95 kDa. The chemical structure of EPS-2-1 consisted of a main chain containing (1-->4)-Glcp units with branches at the C-6 position of the chain carrying -Glcp-(1-->4)-linked residues. The effect of purified EPS on immunomodulatory genes and proteins of the Bcl-2 family was observed using cultured U937 human leukemia cells. Of note, the levels of Bax and Bad proteins treated with the EPS (4 mg/ml) were approximately 23- and 18-times higher than those in non-treated cells, respectively. These results may suggest that the EPS purified from the mushroom L. sulphureus is associated with the activation of immunomodulatory mediators, Bax and Bad proteins.  相似文献   

? Premise of the study: The recognition of monophyletic genera for groups that have high levels of homoplastic morphological characters and/or conflicting results obtained by different studies can be difficult. Such is the case in the grammitid ferns, a clade within the Polypodiaceae. In this study, we aim to resolve relationships among four clades of grammitid ferns, which have been previously recovered either as a polytomy or with conflicting topologies, with the goal of circumscribing monophyletic genera. ? Methods: The sampling included 89 specimens representing 61 species, and sequences were obtained for two genes (atpB and rbcL) and four intergenic spacers (atpB-rbcL, rps4-trnS, trnG-trnR, and trnL-trnF), resulting in a matrix of 5091 characters. The combined data set was analyzed using parsimony, likelihood, and Bayesian methods. Ninety-six morphological characters were optimized onto the generated trees, using the parsimony method. ? Key results: Lellingeria is composed of two main clades, the L. myosuroides and the Lellingeria s.s. clades, which together are sister to Melpomene. Sister to all three of these is a clade with two species of the polyphyletic genus Terpsichore. In the L. myosuroides clade, several dispersal events occurred between the neotropics, Africa, and the Pacific Islands, whereas Lellingeria s.s. is restricted to the neotropics, with about 60% of its diversity in the Andes. ? Conclusions: Overall, our results suggest that Lellingeria is monophyletic, with two clades that are easily characterized morphologically and biogeographically. Morphological characters describing the indument are the most important to define the clades within the ingroup. A small clade, previously considered in Terpsichore, should be recognized as a new genus.  相似文献   

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