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马铃薯致病疫霉研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
马铃薯致病疫霉(Phytophthora infestans)属卵菌纲(Oomycetes)霜霉目(Peronosporales)腐霉科(Pythiaceae)疫霉属(Phytophthora),是马铃薯和番茄晚疫病病原菌。由于晚疫病对马铃薯生产的毁灭性和严重性,对致病疫霉的研究一直是关注的重点。本文首先对病害引起的症状、发生特点及流行规律进行阐述,对有性生殖发生的遗传规律和多种交配型共存的大环境下病原菌群体结构变异特点进行归纳总结。随着2009年致病疫霉基因组测序的完成,本文比对了疫霉属目前已完成测序各个种的基因组学特点,介绍了致病疫霉在效应子克隆方面的研究进展及线粒体基因组研究现状,阐述了功能基因组学的两个重要技术:高密度遗传连锁图谱(high density linkage mapping)和全基因组关联分析(genome-wide association study,GWAS),及其在挖掘致病疫霉重要功能基因上的应用。本文有助于了解致病疫霉研究热点及后续突破方向,可为深入解析致病疫霉的功能基因及致病机制提供参考,对开发马铃薯晚疫病菌药物靶标及预测病害的大规模流行趋势也具有重要意义。  相似文献   

致病疫霉拮抗菌株YR-7 的分离鉴定及其活性物质   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【目的】从黄河边的农田土壤中分离筛选拮抗致病疫霉的粘细菌,鉴定目标菌株,分析其发酵上清液的稳定性及对马铃薯晚疫病菌的抑制效果,为活性物质分离鉴定及抗马铃薯晚疫病菌生物农药的研发奠定基础。【方法】采用兔粪诱导法分离菌株,通过平板对峙法筛选对马铃薯晚疫病菌有拮抗作用的粘细菌,通过形态特征、生理生化特征以及16S r RNA基因序列分析对菌株进行鉴定。采用称重法测定菌株生长曲线,通过平皿法测定菌株不同生长时期发酵上清液对致病疫霉的菌丝生长抑制率和浓缩发酵上清液的稳定性。通过马铃薯离体叶片涂布浓缩发酵上清液和接种病原菌孢子悬浮液法,测定该菌株对马铃薯晚疫病的防病作用。【结果】从土壤样品中共分离获得7株粘细菌,其中4株拮抗致病疫霉,拮抗效果最强的为YR-7菌株,菌丝的生长抑制率为96%,该菌株被鉴定为Myxococcus xanthus。培养7 d后,菌株发酵上清液对致病疫霉的抑制活性趋于稳定。浓缩发酵上清液经30-50°C处理后,对致病疫霉菌丝的生长抑制率可达50.90%,高于50°C时抑菌活性逐渐下降,90°C处理后菌丝的生长抑制率仍可达25.45%。浓缩发酵上清液在p H 4.0-9.0条件下比较稳定,保持40.21%以上菌丝的生长抑制率,当p H4.0或p H9.0时,抗菌活性显著降低。活性物质不能被蛋白酶降解,其抗菌活性不受紫外线、自然光照射的影响。对马铃薯离体叶片的生防效果检测表明,YR-7的浓缩发酵上清液处理组叶片相对病斑面积仅为0.35%,对照组的相对病斑面积高达68.19%。【结论】粘细菌菌株YR-7可以产生抗马铃薯晚疫病菌的次生代谢产物,抗菌活性物质具有较好的稳定性,可以有效抑制致病疫霉侵染马铃薯叶片,具有开发成抗马铃薯晚疫病生物农药的潜在价值。  相似文献   

由致病疫霉(Phytophthora infestans(Mont.)de Bary)引起的晚疫病是马铃薯生产中最具毁灭性的病害。为了成功入侵和在寄主植物中繁衍,致病疫霉会向寄主细胞分泌一类RXLR效应蛋白以干扰植物免疫系统。自2005年克隆第一个晚疫病菌RXLR类无毒基因AVR3a以来,国内外学者从RXLR效应蛋白的结构、功能,以及与寄主靶标作用机理等多个方面展开了大量研究。随着高通量测序技术与效应子组学技术的发展,RXLR效应蛋白抑制植物免疫分子机制也取得了显著进展。RXLR效应蛋白的研究有助于揭示致病疫霉与马铃薯互作分子机制,并进一步为马铃薯抗病育种工作提供新思路。主要概述了致病疫霉RXLR效应蛋白的相关研究进展,重点介绍了致病疫霉AVR基因的克隆、定位、变异及功能等方面的最新进展,同时对未来值得关注的研究方向进行了探讨。  相似文献   

Resource 2003年10卷9期4页报道:已知马铃薯晚疫病是由疫霉(Phytophthora spp.)引起的严重的真菌病。目前美国商业种植的全部马铃薯品种均高度易感马铃薯晚疫病。为了防治这种病害,最近美国威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校的植物病理学教授和美国农业部农业研究署的研究员John Helgeson及其同事已利用基因工程,将从墨西哥野生马铃薯(Solanum bulaocastanum)基因组中分离出来的抗马铃薯晚疫病的单基因,转移于栽培马铃薯。结果证实,这些转基因马铃薯可成功地抵抗多种疫霉的感染。  相似文献   

马铃薯晚疫病菌全基因组分泌蛋白的初步分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Zhou XG  Hou SM  Chen DW  Tao N  Ding YM  Sun ML  Zhang SS 《遗传》2011,33(7):785-793
利用马铃薯晚疫病菌全基因组测序结果,结合计算机技术和生物信息学的方法,对马铃薯晚疫病菌的蛋白进行分析,为明确该病原菌与寄主互作的分子机制奠定基础。文章应用信号肽预测软件SignalP v3.0和PSORT,跨膜螺旋结构预测软件TMHMM-2.0和THUMBUP,GPI锚定位点预测软件big-PI Predictor,亚细胞器中蛋白定位分布预测软件TargetP v1.01,对已经公布的马铃薯晚疫病菌全基因组22 658个蛋白质氨基酸序列进行分析。结果发现,晚疫病菌全基因组编码蛋白中有671个为潜在的分泌型蛋白,占编码蛋白总数的3.0%。其中有45个分泌蛋白有功能方面的描述,其功能涉及细胞代谢、信号转导等方面;此外,还有一些与激发子类似的分泌蛋白,它们可能与晚疫病菌的毒性有关。  相似文献   

四川省马铃薯晚疫病菌群体表型和遗传变异的分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
致病疫霉Phytophthora infestans引起的晚疫病是马铃薯的一种毁灭性病害。为了对四川省近年马铃薯晚疫病菌进行系统多样性分析,本研究从表现型和基因型两个方面鉴定了四川省马铃薯晚疫病菌的群体多态性。交配型、甲霜灵敏感性和生理小种的鉴定结果发现A1交配型菌株只有2份,A2型有29份,自育型12份;甲霜灵敏感菌株3株,中抗菌株22株,高抗菌株18株;共测定出11个生理小种,其中全毒力小种发生频率最高,占供试菌株的25.58%。基因型鉴定结果表明,43份材料共发现了10种SSR基因型,5个SSR标记在该种群上共产生了16个SSR位点,每个标记平均有3.2个位点,多态性信息含量平均值为0.46,SSR4是多态性最丰富的标记。本试验中A2菌株和自育型的基因型SSR相同,其中全毒力小种是当地的优势致病菌,该研究为今后四川马铃薯晚疫病的有效防控提供理论依据。  相似文献   

致病疫霉(Phytophthora infestans)引起的晚疫病是马铃薯的一种毁灭性病害。有效控制马铃薯晚疫病需要明确致病疫霉的群体遗传结构特征。采用8对SSR引物对采自福建省福州、长乐、漳州2010年分离的95株马铃薯致病疫霉进行遗传多样性分析。结果共检测出21个等位基因和26个基因型。三个地点致病疫霉菌群体间的平均遗传分化系数FST为0.22,在8个位点中有5个位点的等位基因频率分布差异显著。三个群体的观测纯合度小于期望纯合度,观测杂合度大于期望杂合度,以无性生殖为主。结果表明福建群体的遗传多样性高,群体间的存在较高的遗传分化度。  相似文献   

为明确福建省马铃薯晚疫病菌线粒体DNA单倍型组成和分布情况,采用PCR-RFLP方法分析了2010—2012年从福建省7个地区(福州,长乐,漳州,青口,龙海,霞浦,龙岩)分离的526个马铃薯晚疫病菌株的线粒体DNA单倍型及频率分布。结果表明Ⅰa型为主要单倍型,占72.8%,其次是Ⅱb型,占26.42%,最少的Ⅱa型,占0.76%,没有检测到Ⅰb型。与文献报道历史材料相比较,说明福建省马铃薯晚疫病菌线粒体DNA单倍型的组成发生较大变化,而且福建省马铃薯晚疫病菌线粒体单倍型组成比云南、四川和贵州等地区更为复杂。  相似文献   

植物病爪味链格抱子.1 12心r·刃a了·艺汀sola.i).(早疫病)致病疫霉(尸无川。,h‘ho,a‘:fes‘a。:)(晚疫病),疙疖病链霉菌(泞艺二e尹‘o姚夕ce,,口砧初‘)(疤痴病)胡萝卜软腐欧文氏菌(Er叨如沁ca护。切.ora)(软腐病)马铃薯’厂病毒(PVY)(轻性花叶病)马铃薯卷叶病毒(PLRV)(卷升病)长柄链格抱(注zte,杯ar“讼。忍彩产盈)(锈病)寄生疫霉( ph参‘o,h跳or。,a护a日艺‘£ea)(晚疫病)烟草假单胞菌(P,e心口饥邸a容t口b口‘)(野火病)青枯假单胞菌(尸;,e‘咖,‘,与虎。:。eea,。饥).(枯萎病)烟草花叶病毒(TMV)(花叶病)爪哇链格抱(通“诊,诊叭…  相似文献   

中国马铃薯晚疫病菌AFLP遗传多样性分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
应用AFLP分子标记检测了我国部分马铃薯主要产区马铃薯晚疫病菌的遗传多样性及不同地区菌株间的亲缘关系。在200对引物组合中,利用6个菌株筛选出12对多态性好、带型清晰的引物组合。利用这12对引物组合对1997-2002年间采自我国黑龙江、河北、四川和云南4省的50株菌株进行了PCR扩增,共扩增出922条谱带,其中多态性标记530条,占57.5%。利用NTSYSpc软件中UPGMA算法构建了我国马铃薯晚疫病菌的亲缘关系树状图,聚类分析结果表明我国马铃薯晚疫病菌的遗传多样性与病原菌的地理来源有一定的相关性,而与交配型、生理小种和对甲霜灵的抗性无明显的相关性。用POPGENE软件计算了各群体间的遗传多样性参数,结果表明我国马铃薯晚疫病菌的遗传多样性程度不高,不同地区种群间分化不明显。  相似文献   

Potato is the world's largest non-cereal crop. Potato late blight is a pandemic, foliar wasting potato disease caused by Phytophthora infestans, which has become highly virulent, fungicide resistant, and widely disseminated. Similarly, fungicide resistant isolates of Phytophthora erythroseptica, which causes pink rot, have also become an economic scourge of potato tubers. Thus, an alternate, cost effective strategy for disease control has become an international imperative. Here we describe a strategy for engineering potato plants exhibiting strong protection against these exceptionally virulent pathogens without deleterious effects on plant yield or vigor. The small, naturally occurring antimicrobial cationic peptide, temporin A, was N-terminally modified (MsrA3) and expressed in potato plants. MsrA3 conveyed strong resistance to late blight and pink rot phytopathogens in addition to the bacterial pathogen Erwinia carotovora. Transgenic tubers remained disease-free during storage for more than 2 years. These results provide a timely, sustainable, effective, and environmentally friendly means of control of potato diseases while simultaneously preventing storage losses.  相似文献   

Late blight disease of potato caused by Phytophthora infestans poses a significant threat to potato production in Ethiopia. The development of new high yielding genotypes with adequate late blight disease resistance will provide a strong component of an integrated management strategy for farmers. The objective of this study was to determine late blight resistance and yield of potato clones under field condition in north‐western Ethiopia. Twenty‐four clones (17 from the International Potato Centre B3C2 population and seven widely grown cultivars) were evaluated at three locations. The experiment was laid in a randomized complete block design with two replications. Late blight resistance and yield‐related traits were determined. Results showed that clones differ significantly for all traits across locations. The following five clones combine high to moderate resistance to late blight with high yields: 396029.250, 395017.229, 396004.263, 396034.103 and 395077.12. These clones are useful genetic resources for resistance breeding against late blight disease and for enhanced yields.  相似文献   

Potato late blight disease caused by the zoospore-producing pathogen Phytophthora infestans (Mont.) de Bary is one of the most destructive plant diseases world-wide and currently its management mainly relies on the frequent use of fungicides. This study investigated the possibility of reducing potato late blight by biocontrol with the biosurfactant-producing strain Pseudomonas koreensis 2.74. Significant disease reduction with the biosurfactant-producing strain and its biosurfactant was observed in greenhouse trials using a detached-leaf assay. A direct effect of the biosurfactant on zoospores of P. infestans was also observed, whereas the biosurfactant only caused a minor reduction in mycelial growth rate and had no effect on the rate of sporangia production in pure culture.  相似文献   

The potato late‐blight disease is caused by the pseudofungus Phytophthora infestans (Oomycetes). This pathogen was of historical importance as it caused the Irish Potato Famine. There is currently a worldwide resurgence of the disease. Following worldwide migrations as well as being able to discriminate P. infestans from related species are key issues. We present sequence variation of five inter‐genic mitochondrial DNA spacers (mtDNA‐IGS) for P. infestans and four related taxa. Intra and inter‐taxon variation was observed showing potential for both molecular ecology and molecular systematic.  相似文献   

Late blight caused by Phytophthora infestans is a major constraint to potato production. Inadequate control of the disease has often resulted in potato yield losses. We assessed the efficacy of fungicides, phosphoric acid and stinging nettle extract combinations for late blight control at two locations in Kenya. Disease severity, relative area under disease progress curves (RAUDPC), pathogen lesions and tuber yield were quantified during the 2008 and 2009 cropping cycles. The application of metalaxyl alternated with phosphate resulted in the greatest suppressive effects on late blight. The average late blight severity ranged from 3.5 to 34% in 2008 and 4.7 to 50% in 2009 at Tigoni location. RAUDPC for the same location ranged from 5 to 40% and 5 to 50% in 2008 and 2009, respectively. Similar levels of late blight severity were recorded at Marimba location in both years. Lesion growth and pathogen lesion numbers on potato plants differed significantly (p < 0.05) among treatments. Fungicides, phosphoric acid and stinging nettle extract varied in late blight control. Potato tuber yield varied among treatments. Phosphoric acid treatment had significantly (p < 0.05) greater tuber yield compared to metalaxyl at both locations. Field plots treated with plant extracts from stinging nettle resulted in the lowest tuber yield compared to other treatments with the exception of the untreated control. Fungicides, phosphoric acid, stinging nettle extract and their combinations can be readily effective in the suppression of late blight severity and pathogen lesions with moderate increases in tuber yield.  相似文献   

Potato is the world's fourth largest food crop yet it continues to endure late blight, a devastating disease caused by the Irish famine pathogen Phytophthora infestans. Breeding broad-spectrum disease resistance (R) genes into potato (Solanum tuberosum) is the best strategy for genetically managing late blight but current approaches are slow and inefficient. We used a repertoire of effector genes predicted computationally from the P. infestans genome to accelerate the identification, functional characterization, and cloning of potentially broad-spectrum R genes. An initial set of 54 effectors containing a signal peptide and a RXLR motif was profiled for activation of innate immunity (avirulence or Avr activity) on wild Solanum species and tentative Avr candidates were identified. The RXLR effector family IpiO induced hypersensitive responses (HR) in S. stoloniferum, S. papita and the more distantly related S. bulbocastanum, the source of the R gene Rpi-blb1. Genetic studies with S. stoloniferum showed cosegregation of resistance to P. infestans and response to IpiO. Transient co-expression of IpiO with Rpi-blb1 in a heterologous Nicotiana benthamiana system identified IpiO as Avr-blb1. A candidate gene approach led to the rapid cloning of S. stoloniferum Rpi-sto1 and S. papita Rpi-pta1, which are functionally equivalent to Rpi-blb1. Our findings indicate that effector genomics enables discovery and functional profiling of late blight R genes and Avr genes at an unprecedented rate and promises to accelerate the engineering of late blight resistant potato varieties.  相似文献   

Migrations or introduction of new genotypes of Phytophthora infestans to a specific region imposes a different perspective for potato production. During 2009–2010, a late blight epidemic affected the Northeastern United States, which quickly spread through several states. The epidemic was characterized by the appearance of a new genotype of P. infestans designated US‐22, which was isolated from tomato and potato. Potato tubers are an essential component of late blight epidemics where the pathogen cannot overwinter on Solanaceous plants. Six potato cultivars were inoculated with 12 isolates of P. infestans (five different genotypes), including isolates of the genotype US‐22. Tuber blight development was characterized in terms of tissue darkening expressed as area under the disease progress curve values and lenticel infection. The responses indicated that US‐8 was more aggressive than US‐22, but US‐22 isolates obtained from potato were more aggressive on potato than those acquired from tomato. Tuber periderm responses to infection were limited, yet US‐8 isolates infected the periderm more often than US‐22 isolates. There were significant differences among the cultivars tested but cv. Jacqueline Lee was the most resistant overall. Although isolates of P. infestans genotype US‐22 were less aggressive in comparison with US‐8 isolates, US‐22 isolates still infected potato tubers and were as aggressive us US‐8 isolates on some cultivars. Management of late blight caused by isolates of US‐22 through host resistance may be feasible but imposes a different set of criteria for consideration from those that US‐8 imposed.  相似文献   

The plant pathogen Phytophthora infestans causes late blight, a devastating disease on potato that led to the Irish potato famine during 1845-1847. The disease is considered a reemerging problem and still causes major epidemics on both potato and tomato crops worldwide. Theories on the origin of the disease based on an examination of the genetic diversity and structure of P. infestans populations and use of historic specimens to understand modern day epidemics are discussed.  相似文献   

Potato late blight caused by Phytophthora infestans is still one of the main factors limiting potato production. Epichloë spp. can provide host plants with various resistances, which makes them show great potential in the biological control of diseases. In this study, we explored the potential biological activity of crude extracts of 20 strains of Epichloë bromicola to control P. infestans. The crude extracts of strains 1 and 8 showed significant antifungal activity with an inhibition rate of 88 % and 81 %, respectively, and showed different effects on the mycelium morphology of P. infestans observed by scanning electron microscopy. Moreover, the two crude extracts demonstrated an interesting therapeutic and protective effect on potato late blight, and none of the extracts had an adverse effect against zebrafish embryos. A total of 13 metabolites were isolated from the crude extract of strain 8, and these tested compounds showed a weak antifungal effect and the inhibition rate was less than 80 %. These findings suggested that strains 1 and 8 have potential for biocontrol of late potato blight.  相似文献   

采用RT-PCR技术成功分离了马铃薯StHb1基因序列.经半定量RT-PCR分析表明,StHb1基因的表达在抗性品种(陇薯三号)和感性品种(荷兰十五)块茎中均受致病疫霉的侵染所抑制;StHb1基因在正常生长的马铃薯块茎组织中表达量最高;外源NO和H2O2的作用可明显地抑制StHb1基因的表达,但在抗性品种中该基因受抑制的程度低于感性品种.上述试验结果暗示了StHb1基因与马铃薯对致病疫霉侵染的抗性应答具有一定的相关性.  相似文献   

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