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李平星 《生态学杂志》2012,31(10):2651-2656
生态重要性评价是识别重要生态功能区、优化区域空间开发格局的有效途径。本文提出了基于生态因子适宜性和生态区位重要性的分项评价、进行生态重要性整合分析的研究思路,以广西西江经济带为案例区,开展生态重要性评价及其与现状建设用地的空间叠置关系研究。结果表明,经济带极重要区、很重要区、重要区、一般区、不重要区所占比重分别为16%、36%、17%、15%、16%;西部地区重要性相对较高,东部地区重要性居中,中部地区重要性较低。已有城镇建设用地和农村居民点主要分布在不重要区、重要区和很重要区,工矿用地分布相对分散。依据重要性评价结果进行有选择、有导向的生态空间占用,可在一定程度上减轻区域工业化和城镇化所带来的生态环境压力,实现区域可持续发展。  相似文献   

青藏高原自然环境较为极端, 自然环境对人类聚落分布格局影响较大, 在自然环境因素中选取10个准则层和26个次级指标, 运用ArcGIS和SPSS统计分析软件, 对26个指标进行主成分分析, 确定了影响高原人居环境的主要环境因子, 并结合聚类和异常值分析方法, 建立了该区域人居环境自然适宜性评价函数模型, 得到相应适宜性评价指数、分级阈值和区划范围, 探讨了人居环境自然适宜性特征及其空间差异。研究表明: 影响青藏高原人居环境自然适宜性分异的主要因子是气温、蒸发量、海拔、植被NPP分类及坡向, 其累计贡献率达到71.351%。研究区整体上属生态敏感和生态脆弱区, 人居环境适宜性不高, 空间分布不平衡, 高低值聚簇现象显著, 适宜性指数介于0.13-0.63之间, 由高原东南部呈半月形向西北部腹地递减。川西高原和横断山区自然要素最佳组合使其成为高度适宜区, 面积占比12.64%, 为各区最少(326741 km2); 分布于河湟谷地、青南高原及“一江两河”流域的比较适宜区面积占比14.89%, 在各区中的乡镇数量(616个)最多; 一般适宜区分布范围最广, 主要为柴达木盆地、那曲高原及藏南谷地, 面积占比49.30%, 达1274024 km2; 藏北高原自然环境恶劣, 面积占比23.18%, 不适宜人类长期居住; 此外青藏高原乡镇数量、分布范围与人居环境适宜性出现不一致现象揭示高原人居环境适宜性由自然环境与社会人文环境等多种因素共同决定, 不单受自然环境因子制约。   相似文献   

以三峡库区支流-汝溪河自然河段为研究区域,调查了自然河段内9个样点的附石藻类群落和水环境理化特征,并在此基础上应用生物完整性评价指数(Index of Biotic Integrity,IBI),对汝溪河水生态系统进行健康评价。结果表明,汝溪河自然河段附石藻类群落结构具有明显的空间和时间异质性,驱动附石藻类群落结构形成的水环境因子为电导率、浊度、硝态氮和溶解氧。IBI结果表明,上游生物完整性较高;中下游和下游生物完整性较差;枯水期生物完整性较高,而平水期和丰水期生物完整性较低。由此可见,汝溪河自然河段生物完整性一般,表明汝溪河水生态系统已处于亚健康程度。  相似文献   

张姗姗  张落成  董雅文  杨永可 《生态学报》2017,37(17):5853-5860
区域的产业发展与该区域的自然和社会经济因素密切相关,对于水网稠密地区,水环境承载力是影响产业结构和布局优化的重要自然因子之一。选择江苏省境内跨长江与淮河两大流域的典型水网密集区——扬州市北部沿湖(邵伯湖)地区为研究区,选取水网构成指数、水利设施调控指数和水质达标差距指数3个指标,评价研究区水环境承载能力,并探讨水环境承载力与不同产业结构的联系,为该地区产业结构布局和优化提供建议。结果表明研究区水环境承载力"高"、"较高"、"中等"、"较低"和"低"5个等级分别占研究区总面积的0.38%、21.74%、29.67%、13.65%和34.56%。根据研究区水环境承载力空间差异和水环境承载力与不同产业的联系,以选择生态涵养型产业为基本导向,以兼具开发适宜性和环境保护重要性为基本原则,提出应根据研究区水环境承载力水平不均衡的特点实施差别化的产业结构与布局方案,邵伯湖湖区及入湖河道下游等水环境承载力高和较高地区适宜发展特色水产与特色水禽的生态养殖业;沿湖、沿河及南部槐泗等水环境承载力中等地区适宜发展现代生态种植业及湖泊生态旅游业;河流中上游等水环境承载力低和较低地区适宜发展大宗农作物的种植。  相似文献   

杭州西溪国家湿地公园生态旅游环境容量   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
李睿  戎良 《应用生态学报》2007,18(10):2301-2307
综合旅游生态容量、旅游空间容量、旅游设施容量、旅游管理容量、旅游心理容量5个因素,对杭州西溪国家湿地公园的旅游环境容量进行了测算.结果表明:其旅游环境容量为4145~6450人次.d-1.本研究首次将人鸟间的合理距离应用于湿地生态容量的确定,有效地解决了在充分保证鸟类活动与栖息安全的前提下适度开发湿地旅游的问题.基于游客满意度的旅游心理容量的估算较客观地反映了旅游区(点)在规划建设和经营管理方面满足旅游者需求的程度.这种基于人鸟距离和游客满意度的综合测算方法对于湿地公园的规划和管理具有较实际的指导意义.  相似文献   

黄河三角洲国家级自然保护区生态敏感性评价   总被引:14,自引:3,他引:11  
基于GIS下的网格分析,建立了结合生境适宜性评价和人为干扰特征分析的生态敏感性评价模型.首先建立被列为世界自然保护联盟(IUCN)红色名录濒危等级(截止到2007)的水禽数据库,并结合相关文献及实地调查,识别评价所选物种的生境需求.再基于GIS下的200m×200m网格系统,依据生境适宜性评价模型,从景观水平上进行生境现状评价,提出"综合生境适宜性的概念"并计算综合生境适宜性指数, 再根据综合指数进行生境适宜性评价;然后从已建立的数据库中选取典型物种鹤类作为指示种,同样基于200m×200m的网格,借助GIS技术分析研究区内的人为干扰因子(道路和油井)造成的生境损失;最后在以上的研究基础上,将生境适宜性评价和人为干扰特征分析的结果叠加运算进行生态敏感性分析.结果表明:研究区生态敏感性整体上较高,总的分布规律是靠近沿海的区域敏感性较高,内陆区域的敏感性较低;并按生态敏感度的高低,将研究区划分为极敏感区、敏感区、较敏感区、一般敏感区和不敏感区5个等级,其中极敏感区和敏感区面积共占研究区面积的55.74%,较敏感区约占16.26%,一般敏感区和不敏感区各占22.81%和5.19%.此外,为更有效地保护重要生境,对照保护区现有的功能分区,并结合评价结果,讨论了功能分区调整的相关建议.  相似文献   

大庆市生态环境脆弱性空间格局   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
李静  张平宇  李鹤  苏飞 《应用生态学报》2011,22(12):3279-3284
以石油资源开采及加工为主要扰动,从敏感性及其应对能力两个方面建立了大庆市生态环境脆弱性评价指标体系,采用改进的熵值法确定各评价指标的权重,根据脆弱性评价模型函数分析了大庆市生态环境脆弱性空间格局.结果表明: 2009年,大庆市生态环境敏感性较强区域集中分布在石油开采加工及石化产业密集区,土地盐碱化等生态问题是导致区域敏感性较高的次要原因;应对不利扰动能力的整体水平较高,在一定程度上起到了缓解生态环境脆弱性的作用;研究区脆弱性空间差异较大,其中红岗区、萨尔图区和龙凤区的脆弱性较高,脆弱度分别为0.80、0.71和0.68,让胡路区和大同区的脆弱性较低,脆弱度分别为0.20和0.04.  相似文献   

利用CASA模型估算植被净初级生产力(NPP)应用广泛,但其精度仍然有待提高。基于地理因子回归方法(AMMRR)和地表水分指数(LSWI)对CASA模型的两个关键参数:温度胁迫系数和水分胁迫系数进行校正,再估算NPP并分析了校正对植被NPP及各因子与NPP关系的影响。研究表明:(1)校正能有效提高CASA模型的估算精度,校正后NPP总量为34.29 TgC/a,原CASA模型高估了0.23 TgC/a。(2)研究不仅可以校正地形对NPP的影响,还可以校正平坦地形下人类活动区NPP的影响;在高海拔、地形起伏较大的区域以及人类活动地区,校正对NPP估算影响较大,绿洲区原模型存在高估。(3)校正对生长季的影响大于非生长季;坡度对NPP影响较大,坡度越大原模型高估越多;校正前高估了阳坡NPP,低估了阴坡NPP。  相似文献   

刘焱序  彭建  韩忆楠  魏海  杜悦悦 《生态学报》2014,34(12):3188-3197
山区城市在城镇化、粮食安全、生态保护的多重要求下,有必要探索将基本农田以外的低丘缓坡山地开发为建设用地的可行性和限制性。研究选取涵盖景观风险和灾害风险的共12个空间化指标,基于有序加权平均(ordered weighted averaging,OWA)方法,以大理白族自治州为例进行低丘缓坡区域建设开发适宜性评价。通过设置不同位序权重表征评价者偏好,结果表明:在指标风险程度的可信度较高的情况下,农用地、城镇、断裂带、河流等高风险指标权重被加大,空间特征明显;在指标风险程度的可信度较低的情况下,评价结果的空间均质性增强。通过模拟城镇建设导向、维持现有政策、风险控制导向3种适宜性分区情景,得出在城镇建设导向下应优先开发中小城镇,在风险控制导向下应优先保证大城市合理扩展。评价结果可以描述在城市的不同发展阶段如何构建政策权衡后的城镇化空间格局,满足了不同决策思路下的建设用地开发布局需求。  相似文献   

广州街口至良口高速公路对水环境影响的评价分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在对区域水环境现状进行调查分析的基础上,预测了街口至良口高速公路建设工程施工期与运营期对水环境的影响,特别是对流溪河水质的影响程度进行了详细分析。评价和预测结果表明:流溪河水质现状良好,符合相应的水环境功能要求;该工程中两大桥的水下施工分别对下游100和150m范围内水质影响较大,影响属局部短暂性;运营期影响程度较小,通过采取环保措施,对水环境产生的不利影响可以得到减轻或消除。  相似文献   

周侃  刘汉初  樊杰  虞虎 《生态学报》2021,41(1):268-279
随着人类活动对青藏高原环境系统的影响持续增强,研究各类生产生活活动的环境胁迫强度及其空间效应,是青藏高原国家公园群建设背景下精准实施环境管控、规范保护利用行为的科学基础,对提升青藏高原可持续发展能力具有重要意义。以三江源地区为例,在COD、氨氮、二氧化硫和氮氧化物4类人为源污染物排放量测算基础上,定量评估县域环境胁迫指数,解析青藏高原国家公园群区域人类活动的点—线—面环境胁迫空间效应。研究结果表明:人为源污染物排放对三江源地区的环境胁迫强度较低,且地域分异格局显著,中心城市(镇)胁迫强度较高,而国家公园所在的玛多、杂多、治多和曲麻莱4县仅为平均胁迫强度的1/2;2012—2016年间,城镇化和工业化过程的环境胁迫呈显著"点状"空间效应,农牧业生产方式的"面状"效应突出,旅游和交通运输为由点及线的"线状"胁迫。建议从提升全要素环境设施承载能力、建立全覆盖环境分区管控体系、实施生产生活旅游活动全过程环境规制等方面,制定缓解青藏高原国家公园群区域环境胁迫强度的管控与应对措施。  相似文献   

以珠海竹银水库为对象,针对水库面临的入库污染问题,分析入库主要的污染物类型与污染负荷总量,全面评估水库的污染现状,并对水库水环境容量状况进行评价.研究结果表明,入库河流的主要问题是氮、磷浓度较高,但其它污染物的浓度不高.每种污染物的水环境容量值都很大,其中氯化物的容量最大,重金属的容量较小,表明水库蓄水初期水质较好,纳污能力较强.这些结果为今后竹银水库的污染控制与水质管理,为实现安全供水目标提供基础数据.  相似文献   

Climatic–oceanographic stress and coral reef diversity were mapped in the western Indian Ocean (WIO) in order to determine if there were associations between high diversity coral reefs and regions with low‐to‐moderate climate stress. A multivariate stress model developed to estimate environmental exposure to stress, an empirical index of the coral community's susceptibility to stress, and field data on numbers of fish and corals taxa from 197 WIO sites were overlain to evaluate these associations. Exposure to stress was modeled from satellite data based on nine geophysical–biological oceanographic characteristics known to influence coral bleaching (i.e. temperature, light, and current variables). The environmental stress model and the coral community's susceptibility index were moderately correlated (r=?0.51) with southern and eastern parts of the WIO identified as areas with low environmental stress and coral communities with greater dominance of bleaching stress‐sensitive taxa. Numbers of coral and fish taxa were positive and moderately correlated (r=0.47) but high diversity regions for fish were in the north and west while diversity was highest for corals in central regions from Tanzania to northwestern Madagascar. Combining three and four of these variables into composite maps identified a region from southern Kenya to northern Mozambique across to northern–eastern Madagascar and the Mascarene Islands and the Mozambique–South Africa border as areas where low‐moderate environmental exposure overlaps with moderate‐high taxonomic diversity. In these areas management efforts aimed at maintaining high‐diversity and intact ecosystems are considered least likely to be undermined by climate disturbances in the near term. Reducing additional human disturbances, such as fishing and pollution, in these areas is expected to improve the chances for their persistence. These reefs are considered a high priority for increased local, national, and international management efforts aimed at establishing coral reef refugia for climate change impacts.  相似文献   


To understand environmental pollution and assess water quality in Gonghu Bay of Taihu Lake, the eutrophication status and microcystins (MCs) occurrence were monitored monthly from December 2015 to November 2016. Moreover, the pollution of metals and antibiotics was investigated and assessed. In May 2016, the comprehensive trophic level index (∑TLI) at most sampling sites in Gonghu Bay were hypereutrophic, demonstrating that the eutrophication status in Gonghu Bay is still quite intense. The persistent and ubiquitous occurrence of MCs was observed in the water of Gonghu Bay throughout the monitoring period. Moreover, various metal elements and antibiotic compounds were found in the surface water of Gonghu Bay, in which arsenic (As) and sulfamethoxazole (SMX) respectively showed high risks. Overall, the water quality of eastern Gonghu Bay is affected mainly by eutrophication, while the antibiotic pollution level is higher in the southern part of Gonghu Bay. Continuous and long-term monitoring efforts are required to document the tendency of water quality change in Gonghu Bay and other parts of Taihu Lake to improve environmental management works.  相似文献   

The expected response of fluvial biofilms to the environment and metal pollution prevailing under different discharge conditions was investigated. The relationship between inter-annual hydrological variability and metal concentration in water and sediments was explored in Mediterranean rivers (Catalonia, NE Spain) affected by low but chronic metal pollution, using monitoring data provided by the Catalan Water Agency (ACA). During the period investigated (2000–2006), metal pollution was characterized by low water concentrations and high concentrations in sediments. The most consistent pattern was observed for sediment cadmium (Cd) concentrations, showing a positive relationship with annual discharge, reaching values of environmental concern (above ecotoxicological benchmarks). A different pattern was observed for Cu, Zn, and As increasing with flow in some sites and decreasing in others. While Cd seems to proceed from diffuse sources being washed by surface runoff, Zn, Pb, and As may proceed from either diffuse or point-sources in the different river sites investigated. The relevance of diffuse metal pollution in the area of study indicates that polluted landfills runoff might be an important source of metals causing repetitive pulses of high metal concentration in the receiving water courses. The experimental results presented demonstrate that metal effects in fluvial biofilms may be accumulative, increasing the toxicity after repetitive pulse exposures. Since draughts and extreme rain events are expected to increase at higher latitudes due to global change, the sources of metal pollution, its final concentration and potential effects on the fluvial ecosystem may also change following the patterns expected for human-impacted Mediterranean rivers.  相似文献   

Trypauchen vagina (Bloch & Schneider, 1801) is a goby that lives burrowed into the substrata feeding on small invertebrates. It is native to the Indo-pacific region, ranging from Kuwait to China. Recently, this fish has been reported outside the original range of distribution, being found in the Mediterranean Sea, and more recently in the northeastern Brazilian coast. The Mediterranean reports are usually associated with Lessepsian migration, while the reports from Brazil are possibly related to ballast water transportation. In the present work, we provide eight new records from southeastern Brazilian coast, all made in São Paulo state, far from the first record. These additional records raised concern since the presence of an alien species could implicate in environmental and economic losses. Thus, we decide to model the environmental suitability for this goby in the Brazilian coast, specially focusing on major ports, usually places with high ballast water propagule pressure. In addition, an analysis of the suitability in the Red Sea was also made, to verify the hypothesis of Lessepsian migration. The results revealed that temperature and primary productivity are among the most important parameters for the presence of T. vagina, also indicating a high environmental suitability for this species in the Red Sea and Brazilian coast, especially in southeastern region, where the new records were made. Due to the number of collected individuals, it is hard to affirm that this taxon presents a self-sustaining population in Brazilian waters, but the several registers, in different locations and different life stages point to an establishment of the species in this new region. This population status allied with a high environmental suitability is alarming and should motivate new studies concerning T. vagina in Brazilian waters.  相似文献   

复合垂直流构建湿地基质酶活性与污水净化效果   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
构建湿地是20世纪70年代兴起的处理污水的生态环境,由于其具有建造,运行和日常管理费用低廉,处理效果稳定,且适应面广,越来越受到世界各国的重视,这种污水处理技术在发展中国家有着十分广泛的应用前景,本文研究与揭示了复合垂直流构建湿地基质中的磷酸酶和脲酶活性及与污水净化效果的关系;(1)不同类型湿地基质酶活性不同。甚至不同月份的酶活性也不相同。(2)不同深度基质中的酶活性是不相同的。(3)基质磷酸酶的活性与复合垂直流构建湿地对污水中总磷(TP),无机磷(IP)以及化学需氧量(CODCr)的去除率有很显著的相关关系。(4)脲酶的活性与凯氏氮(KN)的去除率相关性极显著,这些为利用酶活性强度作为评价净化效果和挑选合适湿地植物的指标提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

高伟  陈岩  严长安  李金城 《生态学报》2020,40(14):4803-4812
针对目前水环境承载力相关研究中未突显生态系统净化作用和人为调控作用的问题,从生态系统污染净化功能和人为调控污染削减功能两个角度,提出基于生态系统净化-人为调控耦合作用的水环境承载力概念,并构建流域环境承载力评估模型。以滇池流域为例,计算了2015年滇池流域水环境承载力。研究结果表明:滇池流域2015年水环境承载力综合指数为1.16,处于超载状态;流域环境承载力分布呈现北高南低,北部限制因子化学需氧量,南部为总磷;调水工程调入水量出境携带污染物约为流域水环境承载力的16%,对流域水环境改善十分重要;人为调控污染削减能力在流域水环境承载力中所占比例已超过50%,成为不可忽视的一部分。  相似文献   

廖文婷  邓红兵  李若男  郑华 《生态学报》2018,38(5):1750-1757
水利工程建设在给人类带来抗旱防洪效益、发电效益、航运效益、养殖等效益的同时,也对河流水文动态产生了一系列的影响,主要表现为对径流的调节。基于宜昌站1890—2014年径流数据,综合采用径流集中度、集中期和相位差分析等多种方法,分析了水利工程建设对径流年内分配以及枯水期的影响。结果表明:宜昌站径流集中度呈现缓慢下降趋势并在2004年发生突变,2003年以后径流集中度相对于2003年以前下降0.06(下降幅度为12.98%),说明葛洲坝水利枢纽、三峡工程建成以后宜昌站径流在年内分配变得平缓,洪峰被有效削弱,且三峡工程对宜昌站径流集中度减少的贡献率大于葛洲坝水利枢纽(贡献率分别为92.03%和7.97%);葛洲坝和三峡水利枢纽建成后,宜昌站径流重心提前8d(集中期从8月9日提前至7月31日);宜昌站进入枯水期的时间提前约20d(三峡大坝建设以前,宜昌站在12月7—11日进入枯水期,建设以后在11月底进入枯水期),水利工程对水文过程的影响可能导致下游枯水期污染加剧和湿地生境提前缩小,进而影响下游水环境和湿地生物多样性。上述结果定量揭示了水利工程对水文过程的影响及其潜在生态效应,可为认识水利工程的生态影响以及流域生态环境变化的驱动因素提供科学依据。  相似文献   

Selected biological control agents and conventional pesticides were used to critically review the applicability of a newly developed Risk Indicator (RI) system. Five basic components are proposed for the calculation of the overall environmental risk score: persistence of the active ingredient, dispersal potential, range of non-target organisms that are affected, and direct and indirect effects on the ecosystem. Several risk measurement systems were reviewed; risk categories in the proposed system were modified from a model developed for classical biocontrol agents. Additionally, one new category was included, to assess the risks to vertebrate non-target species. Besides a detailed discussion of the new RI model, the suitability of the model was demonstrated by calculating the risk scores for 17 selected products. It became obvious that the environmental risk score varied greatly within the assessed chemical products, and also within the group of biological products. The use pattern greatly influenced the estimated environmental risk posed by any given product. The overall environmental risk score varied between a very low risk score of 24 (Coniothyrium minitans, soil application) and a near maximum risk score of 4275 (high risk reference DDT, foliar spray). The proposed model can be used to communicate environmental risk and to design lower risk integrated pest management strategies. It is suggested that the proposed RI system may serve to define low risk and reduced risk pesticides. Yet, it remains debatable whether the RI will be useful in determining acceptability of data waivers for regulatory purposes.  相似文献   

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