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以紫薇(Lagerstroemia indica)、尾叶紫薇(L.caudata)、屋久岛紫薇(L.fauriei)和福建紫薇(L.limii)4种紫薇属植物为材料,利用染色体荧光原位杂交技术(FISH)获得了4种紫薇属植物的有丝分裂中期染色体FISH图及核型参数,分析了45SrDNA在紫薇属植物染色体上的数量和分布特点。结果表明,4种紫薇属植物染色体上均具有1对45SrDNA杂交位点,位于较长染色体短臂的近端部,紫薇、尾叶紫薇、屋久岛紫薇和福建紫薇的核型公式分别为2n=48=2M+24m+22sm、2n=48=30m+18sm、2n=48=2M+20m+26sm和2n=48=2M+32m+14sm,均为2A型。该研究首次获得了紫薇属植物45SrDNA荧光原位杂交核型,为紫薇属植物亲缘关系研究和细胞生物学研究提供了分子细胞学依据。  相似文献   

目的:为了系统性梳理紫薇属研究进展,确定紫薇属未来研究趋势及方向。方法:基于中国知网数据库,利用CiteSpace工具,通过绘制知识图谱的方法,对近30年(1992~2021)紫薇属研究热点及发展趋势进行系统分析。结果:我国对于紫薇属植物研究起始于1990年代,可以划分为起步期(1992~2001年)、增长期(2002~2011年)、稳定期(2012~2021年)3个时间段。研究作者呈现“一主两副多组团”的合作网络布局,研究机构所处地区与紫薇属主要栽植区存在一定相关性。结论:未来关于紫薇属研究的热点将集中在小矮紧凑型紫薇选育、分子育种、新品种的产学研一体化研究、基因定位、规划设计导则等方面。  相似文献   

内蒙古地区中新世木化石及古气候意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
木化石采自内蒙古赤峰平庄煤矿。矿区内展布的地层有两套,下部为晚中生代含煤地层,上部为第三系。木化石打自上部第三系,同层具有丰富的叶部化石。现报道的木材化石共3种,平庄原始黄杉型木Pseudotsugaxylon pingzhangensis sp.nov.,东北云杉木Piceaxylon manchuricum Sze和松型木Pinuxylon sp.等。其中的原始黄杉型木的最近亲缘属黄杉属。就生  相似文献   

湖北第三纪双子叶植物木化石   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
描述的木化石产自湖北新洲县阳逻镇的砂砾岩中,计有Laurinoxylon dabieshanense Yang(sp.nov.),Canarioxylon noduliforme Yang(sp.vov.)和Cornoxylon hubeiense Yang(sp.nov.),它们似属第三纪植物。木化石的解剖特征表明,这些植物当时生长在温暖湿润的亚热带。  相似文献   

鬼灯檠属的系统发育、分类和地理分布   总被引:17,自引:2,他引:15  
本文对鬼灯檠属Rodgersia Gray的染色体数、花粉体积和纹饰、萼片数目、萼片脉序和脉型、萼片腹面毛被、花梗和花序轴毛被、叶的类型等关键性状进行了分析,确定了其进化顺序,依据性状的系统发生,绘制了鬼灯檠属的瓦格勒尔系统树;确认本属有5种和3变种,其中以R.podophylla为最原始,R.nepalensis为最进化,而R.aesculifolia,R.sambucifolia.和R.pinnata则居于两者之间。本属分两组Sect.Rodgersia,仅含R.podophylla Sect.Sambucifolia J.T.Pan,含R.aesculifolia,R.sambucifolia,R.pinnata,R.nepalensis。依据种的主要分布区,划本属植物为4个分布类型,即:日本—朝鲜间断分布,秦岭—大巴山分布,横断山分布和东喜马拉雅分布。笔者认为,本属的起源地在日本-朝鲜一带,横断山地区是其现代分布中心和分化中心;本属的散布路线是自日本—朝鲜,经秦岭—大巴山,通过横断山地区而进入东喜马拉雅,本属的起源时间,当在晚第三纪以前(晚白垩世至早第三纪)。此外,还报道了鬼灯檠属植物的花粉形态。  相似文献   

报道了云南东南部的兰科新种——文山无柱兰(Anitostigma wenshanense W.H.Chen,Y.M.Shui & K.Y.Lang),并与本属其他种的分布特点作了比较,根据本种分布的特殊性,阐述了其独特的生物地理学意义。并附有该属在世界的地理分布图。  相似文献   

中国麻黄属的地理分布与演化   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
中国现有麻黄属植物15种,2变种和1变型,这些种属于膜果麻黄组和麻黄组中的麻黄亚组,没有原始类型藤麻黄亚组的代表。我国除长江中下游及珠江流域的省区处,其他省区都有分布。麻黄花粉的化石-麻分在地层中的分布说明,麻黄在过去曾遍布我国各地,发现的最早时期是在侏罗纪,到白垩纪-早第三纪时,种类较现在丰富,将近50种,根据麻黄粉在世界各地地层中的分布和时期,结合大陆飘移和海底扩张板块构造学说推断,原麻黄在各  相似文献   

甘肃风毛菊属植物区系地理研究及与邻近地区区系的关系   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
根据对风毛菊属植物野外调查,标本的收集、整理和系统鉴定,该地区风毛菊属植物共有57种1变种,隶属于4亚属,在甘肃省有2个分布丰富区:青藏高原东、北缘的甘南地区和祁连山地。分析表明,风毛菊属植物是一个北温带分布的属,可划为5个分布型和2个变型,其中以中国特有、横断山脉—喜马拉雅分布最多(分别占36%和29.5%),特有属为新特有属,说明该区系属于一个年轻的、以横断山脉—喜马拉雅分布为主的温带性质,并与青藏高原、中亚地区有密切联系;喜马拉雅、横断山区是风毛菊属植物的现代分布中心和分化中心,华北、华中地区是一个次生分布中心;菊科在古地中海地区于第三纪的早、中期得到分化与发展,其中原始的帚木菊族向西南亚迁移时分化、衍生出原始的菜蓟族的祖先种,该族在大约第三纪从起源中心向中亚干旱地区分化出风毛菊属植物,因此,该区系起源于第三纪的中亚至喜马拉雅一带;青藏高原的隆起、海浸海退,使属内种类剧烈分化,第三纪、第四纪北半球冰期、间冰期交替作用,使本区系向亚洲温暖地区迁移,并进一步发展,形成了现今的区系成分。  相似文献   

山东泰安泰兴苗圃紫薇梨象成虫种群的空间格局   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

报道在重庆首次发现的中侏罗世木化石群。化石产地为綦江区古南镇文龙村马桑岩,地层层位为中侏罗统上沙溪庙组。木化石表面碳化,内部硅化、褐铁矿化。化石经磨片后显微镜观察,可确定为松柏类植物木材。该木化石群不仅是四川盆地地层新层位发现的木化石,且增加了我国南方侏罗纪木化石分布范围。该化石群反映了中侏罗世该地区的干燥气候,对研究当时的古气候与古地理以及沉积学具有重要价值。  相似文献   

The Late Cretaceous and early Tertiary sediments from the northernPeninsula region of Antarctica yield a rich assemblage of fossilwood with well preserved anatomy. Wood specimens of a previouslyrecognized morphotype are described. The woods are characterizedby diffuse porous wood, mainly solitary vessels with long scalariformperforation plates, scalariform and opposite vessel-ray pitting,generally uniseriate and biseriate heterogeneous rays, and tracheidswith obvious uniseriate, circulate, bordered pits. These fossilspecimens show greatest anatomical similarity to the organ genusIllicioxylon Gottwald and extant members of the Illiciaceae.The occurrence of illiciaceous-like wood in Gondwana suggeststhat the distribution of this family may have been more widespreadin the geological past and that a relatively warm temperateclimate prevailed over the northern Peninsula region of Antarcticaduring the Late Cretaceous and early Cenozoic. Copyright 2000Annals of Botany Company Fossil, wood, Illiciaceae, Illicioxylon, Illicium, Cretaceous, Tertiary, Gondwana, Antarctica  相似文献   

A vesselless fossil wood was discovered in the Miocene Yanagida Formation in the Noto Peninsula, central Japan. This fossil has distinct growth rings with gradual transition from the early- to the latewood ; tracheids, which are called 'usual traeheids' here, constitute the ground mass of the wood and have typical scalariform bordered pits on radial walls in the earlywood and circular sparse pits on those in the latewood ; rays are 1\2-4 cells wide and heterogeneous with low to high uniseriate wings; axial parenchyma strands are scattered in the latewood. This wood has a peculiar feature; sporadic radial files of broad tracheids whose tangential walls have crowded alternate bordered pits. The radial walls have crowded half-bordered pits to ray cells, but no pits to the usual tracheids. Among all of the extant and extinct angiosperms and gymnosperms, these unusual tracheids occur only in Tetracentron. From these features, we refer the fossil to the extant genus Tetracentron, and name it T. japonoxylum. A revision of homoxylic woods is made for comparision with the present fossil. Tetracentron japonoxylum is the only fossil wood of Tetracentron.  相似文献   

The Tertiary floras play an integral role in understanding the biodiversity and interactions between climate and vegetation in Yunnan, China. The fossil spores, pollen grains, and leaves in this region have been investiagedintensively. In comparison, the woods have been studied relatively little. A large number of Pliocene wood specimens was collected from the opencast lignite coal mine of Hongxing situated in Changning County of Yunnan Province. Among the collection, Tsuga cf. dumosa (D. Don) Eichler and Pinus cf. armandii Franchet were identified based on wood structures. The subtle feature of tori extensions is reported in the wood of T. cf. dumosa. Considering the climatic requirements of modern T. dumosa and P.armandii, the two species of conifer described from Pliocene sediments probably grew in mountainous terrain at an elevation of approximately 2 300 m, in a cool and humid environment.  相似文献   

Several fossil woods from Early Cretaceous sediments in Yumen City in northwestern North China Block, China, have been described. They belong to two fossil wood taxa, Piceoxylon yumeniense Zhou, Peng, Deng, Zhang and Yang n. sp. and Protophyllocladoxylon chijinense Zhou, Peng, Deng, Zhang and Yang n. sp. The well-preserved specimens yield secondary xylem with distinct growth rings. Piceoxylon yumeniense exhibits cross-field with taxodioid pits as well as two distinct xylem ray types. The bi- to triseriate rays are characterised by one or two horizontal resin canals with unequal uniseriate ends. Protophyllocladoxylon chijinense Zhou, Peng, Deng, Zhang and Yang n. sp. shows window-like cross-field pits, which are occasionally cupressoid and have uniseriate xylem rays. These fossil wood records improve our understanding of the fossil diversity, floral composition and palaeoclimate of the Xiagou Formation. Palaeoclimatic analysis of the palaeoxylogical assemblage indicates that the northwestern Gansu region predominantly exhibited a warm and wet climate condition, while a brief cooling event may have occurred in the region during the Early Cretaceous.  相似文献   

Conifer Woods of the Pliocene Age from Yunnan, China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Tertiary floras play an integral role in understanding the biodiversity and interactions between climate and vegetation in Yunnan, China. The fossil spores, pollen grains, and leaves in this region have been investiaged intensively. In comparison, the woods have been studied relatively little. A large number of Pliocene wood specimens was collected from the opencast lignite coal mine of Hongxing situated in Changning County of Yunnan Province. Among the collection, Tsuga cf. dumosa (D. Don) Eichler and Pinus cf. armandii Franchet were identified based on wood structures. The subtle feature oftori extensions is reported in the wood of T. cf. dumosa. Considering the climatic requirements of modern T. dumosa and P.armandii, the two species of conifer described from Pliocene sediments probably grew in mountainous terrain at an elevation of approximately 2 300 m, in a cool and humid environment.  相似文献   

Fossil grass pollen is common in Late Tertiary sediments and its rare occurrence in the Early Tertiary led to the belief that its presence is restricted to Tertiary sediments. A literature survey shows that rare occurrences of Graminidites spp. have been reported from Campanian–Maastrichtian strata worldwide. All reported Graminidites spp. have been studied by transmitted light microscopes, which are inadequate to resolve their fine exine sculpture. Graminidites sp. occurs in the Maastrichtian Scollard Formation of Alberta, Canada, and is studied here with light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. A new species, G. ulkapites, occurs at the initiation of a temperate climate in the area. It occurs in post‐dinosaurian beds locally but in pre‐Cretaceous–Tertiary boundary strata, which implies that grasses could also be present in dinosaur inhabitations. Grass phytoliths, reported from dinosaurian coprolites from the Maastrichtian Deccan Intertrappean sediments of India, indicate that grasses were ingested by dinosaurs even if not included in the dinosaurian diet. A plot of worldwide Senonian occurrences of Graminidites spp. on a late Maastrichtian palaeogeographic map demonstrates that the data are inadequate to reveal the place of origin or migratory pattern. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 167 , 235–248.  相似文献   

Abundant archaeological evidence of the occurrence of the endocarp of the oil palm,Elaeis guineensis, in the rain forest and woodland savanna zones of west and central Africa from about 5000 B.P. has shown the tree to be an important element in the subsistence economy of the region; its pollen also has been recorded in most of the regional terrestrial sediments studied so far. The distinct and consistently sudden and more marked increases in this pollen during the late Holocene when compared with the late Tertiary and late Pleistocene frequencies strongly indicate that the late Holocene upsurges were due to both natural and human factors favourable for the expansion of this heliophytic tree. Reasons are given for suggesting that upsurges in oil palm pollen during the late Holocene period in this region can be used as indices of plant cultivation. While the oil palm is known from early Tertiary deposits in west Africa, its earliest palynological record from terrestrial sediments in the west central part dates back only to the early Holocene. More palynological studies of Tertiary and Quaternary terrestrial cores are required to establish with more certainty the antiquity ofE. guineensis in west central Africa.  相似文献   

新疆准噶尔盆地北缘第三纪地层   总被引:20,自引:12,他引:8  
童永生  齐陶等 《古脊椎动物学报》1990,28(1):59-70,001,T002
根据脊椎动物化石的发现,订正了乌伦古河北岸的地层时代:乌伦古河组为晚白垩世,索索泉组为晚渐新世,哈拉玛盖组为中中新世。在三个泉地区恢复使用了依希白拉组,时代为中始新世。  相似文献   

报道了一种具混合型纹孔(互列式纹孔和对列式纹孔)的化石本。化石木产自内蒙古乌达矿区老石旦矿附近太原组上部,地质时代为早二叠世早期。经比较,确认为南洋杉型木属(Araucarioxylon Kraus)一种新;老石旦南洋杉型木(Araucarioxylon laoshidanense sp.nov.).根据混合型纹孔的存在及其他特征,认为新种可能代表了一种原始的松杉类植物的木材化石。主要特征:仅保存  相似文献   

A kind of silicified fossil wood with mixed pits on the radial tracheid wall is described. The fossil wood was collected from the top of Taiyuan Formation (early Early Permian) in Wuda Mining District, Nei Mongol. Compared with the Paleozoic fossil woods in the world, it is put into Araucarioxylon Kraus and named as A. laoshidanense sp. nov. Based on the character of possessing mixed pittings (alternate and opposite pittings) on the radial tracheid wall, the fossil wood is believed to be one of the unknown primitive conifers.Diagnosis of the new species: Only secondary xylem preserved and consisting of axial tracheids and rays. Growth ring boundary, resin duct and axial parenchyma absent. One to Four (commonly 2or3) seriates of bordered pits mostly alternate but sometimes opposite)on the radial tracheid wall. One to Four (commonly1, rarely2 to 4) Cupressoid pits in each cross-field. Rays usually uniseriate, sometimes partly-biseriate and 2 to 39 (mainly3-5) cells high.  相似文献   

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