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李月辉 《生物多样性》2021,29(12):1700-640
大中型兽类种群数量的估算是动物生态学中重要的基本问题, 受到研究者、管理者和公众的共同关注。国际上从20世纪中期开始研究该问题, 已出现了多种研究方法和相应案例, 且还在快速发展, 但世界各地仍有很多物种的种群数量尚未知晓。在我国, 从20世纪80年代开始调查大中型兽类种群数量, 取得了重要进展, 也还有很多物种的种群数量尚不清楚。因此, 有必要归纳国际上种群数量估算的研究进展, 同时, 总结国内研究的现状、优势和趋势, 供研究者参考。本文首先选择估算大中型兽类种群数量的原理、数据来源和模型这3个要素归纳出简明的研究框架, 将现有的多种方法置于其中予以阐述。在该框架下, 根据估算原理分为4大类方法, 为距离取样法、标志重捕法、基于遇见率法和遥感影像直接计数法。针对每一大类方法, 论述其基本原理模型和模型假设, 说明能实现该原理的相应数据来源(视觉观测、红外相机拍摄、DNA微卫星识别、卫星定位跟踪、声音监测或遥感影像)的特点及如何实现该原理, 评价其适用性及优缺点, 并选择其中具有可比性的方法予以比较评价。其次, 参照该研究框架, 总结我国的研究现状, 分析未来发展的优势和趋势: 我国的红外相机数据积累充分, 可以发展以此为数据源的距离取样法、标志重捕法和基于遇见率法; 发展以粪便样品为数据来源的距离取样法和粪便DNA标志重捕法; 相比地面调查数据, 获取高分辨率遥感影像数据更容易, 尽量以此估算符合适用条件的大中型兽类的种群数量。最后, 本文提出了适用于我国大中型兽类种群数量的估算方法的选择流程, 供研究者参考。  相似文献   

中国昆虫生态学五十年(1949~1999)   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
丁岩钦  戈峰 《昆虫知识》2000,37(1):18-23
150年来昆虫生态学在我国的发展概况昆虫生态学这门学科50年来在我国有了很大的发展,它不仅由一门经典的描述性生物分文学科,发展而成为动态的定量分析的学科,由一门纯生物学科发展而成多门交叉学科,并且正在通过宏观学科与微观学科相结合,而发展成为一门完整的综合生态学科。50年前(即1949年以前)昆虫生态学在我国的基础极其薄弱,仅有一些田间调查描述性的记载。50年代的研究内容主要是重要害虫的田间发生规律及生态习性,亦相应开展一些生理生态的实验工作。60年代的中心工作是种群生态学的数量动态与空间动态的研究以及种群大发…  相似文献   

我国植被数量分析方法的研究概况和发展趋势   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
植被数量分析是现代植被研究的重要手段,数量分类和排序是现代植被生态学研究最重要的,也是应用最广泛的生态学技术。数量分析方法在20世纪50年代引入植被生态学研究领域,我国学者在70年代后期开始研究植被的数量分类和排序。本文主要从相关资料、应用研究、新方法研究三个方面论述了我国植被数量分析方法的发展,重点阐述了从20世纪70年代后期以来出现的并且被广泛应用的新方法及其应用研究概况,并在此基础上分析了植被数量分析方法未来的发展趋势。  相似文献   

兰科植物种群动态研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘强  殷寿华  兰芹英 《应用生态学报》2010,21(11):2980-2985
兰科植物种群动态研究中,种群统计学分析能够很好地揭示植物个体在时空上的变化,是研究种群动态的核心.在自然生境中,许多附生兰科植物更倾向于离散或斑块状分布,可以通过集合种群研究分析斑块之间个体的基因流动,判断物种种群保护的规模.长期的种群动态研究能够获得兰科植物生活史和种群动态方面的可靠信息,以及一定环境条件下其时空波动及与种群功能之间的关系;短期的研究能够更好地理解具有结构性的独立植株与其所处的群落间的关系.本文根据种群生态学原理以及兰科植物的生态特点,从种群的密度及分布、种群统计学、种群的调节、集合种群和种群生存力分析(PVA)模型等方面阐述了国内外兰科植物种群动态研究进展.  相似文献   

长江江豚种群衰退机理研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
长江江豚(Neophocaena phocaenoides asiaeorientalis)是生活于我国长江中下游的一种独特的淡水小型鲸类,1996年被收录为IUCN濒危物种。在过去的三十年间,其种群数量呈快速下降趋势。数据显示,20世纪90年代以来,其种群下降速率约为每年6.3%。2006年考察发现长江干流中其种群数量少于1 200头,与15年前相比减少了50%以上。为了深入了解造成长江江豚种群快速衰退的机理,课题组从种群生态学、生物声学和种群遗传学三个方面开展研究工作。综述了该项目的研究进展,并对下一步的研究计划进行了展望。相关研究不仅能促进长江江豚保护生物学理论的发展,也有助于深化对白鱀豚衰退和灭绝过程的反思,并为其他长江水生生物资源的保护提供理论借鉴。  相似文献   

边疆晖  王德华 《兽类学报》2022,42(5):477-481
2022年是中国科学院西北高原生物研究所 (以下简称西高所) 建所60周年 (1962―2022)。西高所的兽类学研究也走过了60年的历程,经历了从无到有,从小到大不断发展壮大的过程。60年来,西高所的兽类学研究始终立足青藏高原,立足基础和应用基础研究,面向国家需求,围绕为区域经济和生态保护服务,在不同阶段开展了大量相应的工作,培养了大批科技人才,出版了多个学术刊物,为我国的兽类学及兽类生态学发展做出了重大贡献。  相似文献   

苏北地区丹顶鹤越冬种群数量及栖息地分布动态变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用资料追踪和历史时期土地利用变化数据深入研究了有资料记载以来苏北地区丹顶鹤越冬种群数量变化与栖息地分布的时空响应。结果显示,20世纪80年代之初,丹顶鹤越冬种群广泛分布于苏北地区,尤其是长江中下游的内陆湖泊、沼泽及江苏沿海滩涂湿地;20世纪90年代之后丹顶鹤分布区域逐渐向沿海滩涂湿地转移,主要分布于盐城市的射阳县境内;进入21世纪,丹顶鹤分布区域集中于盐城国家级珍禽保护区核心区。与此同时,丹顶鹤越冬种群数量也经历了十分明显的变化过程,与20世纪90年代相比,数量减少50%以上。丹顶鹤越冬种群数量及栖息地分布变化与栖息地分布点周围的土地利用方式及人为干扰有关,栖息地面积丧失和景观破碎化是丹顶鹤越冬种群数量减少的主要原因。  相似文献   

该书由科学出版社2005年出版,徐汝梅、成新跃编。介绍了昆虫生态学的基础与前沿,包括昆虫种群数量的时、空动态规律、调节机制及有关的研究方法。同时,还特别强调了空间生态学在昆虫种群生态学研究中的应用;并介绍了当前昆虫种群生态学的研究热点,如种群变动的遗传机制、昆虫与植物的协同进化等;结合重大的生态学问题,对昆虫暴发的一般理论、昆虫濒危与生物多样性保育、种群扩散与生物入侵、全球变化与昆虫种群动态等进行了论述。  相似文献   

我国植物种群生态研究的成就与展望   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
种群生态学以种群作为研究对象,无论在理论上还是在方法上都是生态学中发展最快,最为活跃的一个领域,也是生态学研究中的一个极其重要的层次,因为它是物种存在和进化的基本单位,是生物群落和生态系统的基本组成。一、植物种群生态学研究的历史Graunt于1662年进行了人类种群的生命  相似文献   

田鼠种群波动的原因和时间   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文总结了橙腹田鼠(Microtus ochrogaster)和草原田鼠(M.permsylvanicus)25年的种群统计学研究结果和结论。探讨了田鼠种群波动周期性、诱发种群波动以及导致波动期间峰值变异的因素。并对种群存活值和繁殖活动的作用进行了分析和评价。根据两种田鼠种群波动周期性、波动峰值出现的时间以及特定年份峰值的高度等特征,证明两物种波动均具有不稳定性。两种田鼠存活值的变化是由特定年份是否发生波动以及波动峰值出现的时间决定。增加初始阶段的种群密度及时间长度是造成两种动物种群波动峰值不同的主要原因。橙腹田鼠种群停止增长的原因是存活值降低,而草原田鼠则是繁殖活动减少。据推测,与种群波动初始密度相关的种群死亡率的差异是由捕食者的净效应(Net effect)决定的,调控两种群密度的因素均为非密度的其它生态学因子。由于特定年份田鼠种群捕食压力的不确定性,导致了橙腹田鼠和草原田鼠种群波动的不稳定性。  相似文献   

Experimental research has identified many putative agents of amphibian decline, yet the population-level consequences of these agents remain unknown, owing to lack of information on compensatory density dependence in natural populations. Here, we investigate the relative importance of intrinsic (density-dependent) and extrinsic (climatic) factors impacting the dynamics of a tree frog (Hyla arborea) population over 22 years. A combination of log-linear density dependence and rainfall (with a 2-year time lag corresponding to development time) explain 75% of the variance in the rate of increase. Such fluctuations around a variable return point might be responsible for the seemingly erratic demography and disequilibrium dynamics of many amphibian populations.  相似文献   

萧山围垦农区小型兽类种群动态的研究   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4  
丁平  鲍毅新 《兽类学报》1994,14(1):35-42
1985年4月1992年12月,作者采用夹夜法对萧山围垦农区小型兽类的种群动态进行了连续逐月定点定时的研究。种群的季节消长规律呈前峰型曲线的种群有黑线姬鼠、小家鼠和褐家鼠(室内),呈后峰型曲线的种群有臭Qu和褐家鼠(室外)。黑线姬鼠季节消长规律与农区作物类型、小兽群落组成、冬季死亡率和怀孕率等因素有关,并受环境因子的影响。  相似文献   

1980—1982年在青海省海北高寒金露梅(Potentilla fruticosa)灌丛地区,用标志重捕法(CMR)对自然栖息地中的根田鼠(Microtus oeconomus)进行了野外调查。本文主要分析了根田鼠种群数量变动特点和繁殖、存活及年龄结构与种群动态的关系,并试图探讨根田鼠种群的稳定机制。  相似文献   

Proteomics research has developed until recently in a relative isolation from other fast-moving disciplines such as ecology and evolution. This is unfortunate since applying proteomics to these disciplines has apparently the potential to open new perspectives. The huge majority of species indeed exhibit over their entire geographic range a metapopulation structure, occupying habitats that are fragmented and heterogeneous in space and/or through time. Traditionally, population genetics is the main tool used to studying metatopulations, as it describes the spatial structure of populations and the level of gene flow between them. In this Viewpoint, we present the reasons why we think that proteomics, because of the level of integration it promotes, has the potential to resolve interesting issues specific to metapopulation biology and adaptive processes.  相似文献   

The effects of habitat fragmentation on remnant plant populations have rarely been studied extensively using a single species. We have attempted to quantify the effects of forest fragmentation (primarily that of population size) on populations of Trillium camschatcense, a representative spring herb in the Tokachi plain of Hokkaido, Japan. In this region, intensive agricultural development over the past 100 years has divided once-large, continuous populations of this species into small, isolated fragments. Small populations generally produced fewer seeds than large populations, although this result differed between years. The level of seed production is unlikely to explain demographic structures based on life-history stages. Instead, the stage structure was better explained by population size, seedling recruitment being limited in smaller populations. This could be associated with edge effects because the stage structure in small populations corresponded well to that observed in forest edges, where altered microclimatic conditions strongly limit seedling recruitment. Small populations also experienced stochastic loss of rare alleles at allozyme loci as well as biparental inbreeding. Although one consequence of these changes is reduced fertility, the long-term effects on population growth can be controversial in long-lived forest herbs, since the negative effect on fertility may vary across years, and population growth rate may not be sensitive to changes in fertility. Further studies of long-term demography will reveal whether and how habitat fragmentation could limit population growth of remnant populations more than a century after fragmentation.  相似文献   

Aims To model differential extinction rates for island populations of tigers Panthera tigris and leopards P. pardus. Location Indonesia. Methods We built VORTEX population models of tiger and leopard populations on an island the size of Bali (3632 km2), using data from the literature. Results The tiger populations were less extinction prone than the leopard populations. This was unexpected as tigers had the smaller population sizes and, as such, might be assumed to be more extinction prone. We identified several aspects of tiger breeding biology that explain the result. Main conclusions Sea level reconstructions suggest that both tiger and leopard would have been present in Java, Sumatra and Bali at the end of the last glacial. Our model provides a plausible mechanism based on population ecology to explain why these leopard populations were more extinction prone than the tiger populations. In addition it illustrates the potential utility of population ecology models in understanding historical patterns in biogeography.  相似文献   

Understanding the role of feedback structure (endogenous processes) and exogenous (climatic and environmental) factors in shaping the dynamics of natural populations is a central challenge within the field of population ecology. We attempted to explain the numerical fluctuations of two sympatric rodent species in agro-ecosystems of central Argentina using Royama’s theoretical framework for analyzing the dynamics of populations influenced by exogenous climatic forces. We found that both rodent species show a first-order negative feedback structure, suggesting that these populations are regulated by intra-specific competition (limited by food, space, or enemy-free space). In Akodon azarae endogenous structure seems to be very strongly influenced by human land-use represented by annual minimum normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), with spring and summer rainfall having little influence upon carrying capacity. Calomys venustus’ population dynamics, on the other hand, seem to be more affected by local climate, also with spring and summer rainfall influencing the carrying capacity of the environment, but combined with spring mean temperature. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

The standard mathematical models in population ecology assume that a population's growth rate is a function of its environment. In this paper we investigate an alternative proposal according to which the rate of change of the growth rate is a function of the environment and of environmental change. We focus on the philosophical issues involved in such a fundamental shift in theoretical assumptions, as well as on the explanations the two theories offer for some of the key data such as cyclic populations. We also discuss the relationship between this move in population ecology and a similar move from first-order to second-order differential equations championed by Galileo and Newton in celestial mechanics.  相似文献   

One of the most ubiquitous phenomena of all natural populations is their variability in numbers in space and time. However, there are notable differences among populations in the way the population size fluctuates. One of the major challenges in population and community ecology is to explain and understand this variety and to find possible underlying rules that might be modified from case-to-case. Population variability also has a spatial component because fluctuations are often synchronized over relatively large distances. Recently, this has led to growing interest in how 'internal' (density-dependent) processes interact with 'external' factors such as environmental variability.  相似文献   

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