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目的:观察MMP-1、MMP-3 和MMP-13 在慢性睡眠剥夺所致颞下颌关节损伤中表达的变化,探讨慢性睡眠剥夺所致颞下颌 关节损伤的可能机制。方法:采用改良多平台(MMPM)建立大鼠慢性睡眠剥夺模型,将90 只成年雄性Wastar 大鼠随机分为小平 台组、网格组和对照组。小平台组和网格组大鼠接受每天18 h的睡眠剥夺和6 h间歇期(10:00-16:00),间歇期大鼠正常笼养。实验 第7、14 和21 d时分别观察动物的行为学观察、检测动物血浆皮质醇(CORT)和促肾上腺皮质激素(ACTH)水平检测,通过免疫印 迹法和实时定量聚合酶链反应(PRC)检测颞下颌关节软骨中MMP-1、MMP-3 和MMP-13 的蛋白和mRNA表达,并通过HE 染色 法观察颞下颌关节结构的变化。结果:与对照组和网格组大鼠相比,小平台组大鼠第14 d和21 d 时髁突软骨中间部位表面纤维 在出现明显的炎症、松解及脱落现象;第21天时的血浆ACTH 和CORT 水平均显著高于网格组和对照组,差异有统计学意义 (P<0.05);第7、14、21 d时关节软骨MMP-1 和MMP-13 蛋白和mRNA 的表达水平均显著上调(P<0.05)。结论:慢性睡眠剥夺所致 的颞下颌关节损伤可能与关节软骨中MMP-1、MMP-3 和MMP-13 的表达上调有关。  相似文献   

目的:颞下颌关节紊乱病是口腔科的一种常见病和多发病,精神心理因素是颞下颌关节紊乱病的一个主要病因。本文通过观察睡眠剥夺对大鼠行为学及咀嚼肌肌电图的影响,探讨睡眠剥夺在颞下颌关节紊乱病发病中的作用。方法:35只Wistar大鼠,随机分为5组:睡眠剥夺1d组、5d组、9d组、正常对照组和大平台对照组。采用改良多平台睡眠剥夺法(modified multiple plat—formmethod,MMPM)建立大鼠SD模型,观察大鼠行为学及咀嚼肌肌电图的变化。结果:睡眠剥夺1d组和5d组在旷场实验水平得分和垂直得分上均高于对照组,而睡眠剥夺9d组均低于对照组;睡眠剥夺1d、5d和9d组在松弛状态和紧咬状态时颞肌前后束及咬肌的电位均明显高于对照组,且两侧无明显差别,同时,睡眠剥夺组双侧颞肌和咬肌的肌电图静息期较对照组显著延长。结论:睡眠剥夺可使大鼠行为学发生改变并对咀嚼肌肌电图造成影响,这可能是颞下颌关节紊乱病的病因之一,为我们对颞下颌关节紊乱病的预防和治疗提供了一定的理论指导。  相似文献   

目的:探讨MMP-1,MMP-13在慢性睡眠限制引起大鼠髁突软骨结构变化中的表达变化及作用。方法:180只雄性Wistar大鼠随机分为3组(n=60):慢性睡眠限制组(CSR)、大平台组(LC)、笼养组(CON)。每组根据试验时间不同分别分为3个亚组(n=20):7天(7D)、14天(14D)、21天(21D)组。参考改良多平台法(MMPM)建立大鼠的慢性睡眠限制模型。通过HE染色观察大鼠髁突软骨的结构变化。通过免疫组化和实时定量PCR分别检测MMP-1和MMP-13的蛋白水平及m RNA水平的表达变化。结果:HE染色和扫描电镜结果显示,CSR组的大鼠髁突软骨出现了病理性的改变。与CON和LC组比较,CSR组MMP-1和MMP-13的m RNA转录和蛋白表达水平明显升高(P0.05)。结论:慢性睡眠限制能够引起大鼠颞下颌关节髁突软骨的病理性变化。MMP-1和MMP-13的表达水平的变化可能在大鼠髁突软骨病理性改变中起关键作用。  相似文献   

目的: 探讨丁苯酞对慢性睡眠剥夺后大鼠脑部额叶小胶质细胞活化及炎症因子的影响。方法: 本实验共分为4组(n=8):空白对照组、大平台对照组、慢性睡眠剥夺组、丁苯酞干预组。慢性睡眠剥夺组和丁苯酞干预组采用改良多平台睡眠剥夺法建立大鼠慢性睡眠剥夺模型,对大鼠进行每日18 h,连续28 d的睡眠剥夺。在这28 d内,空白对照组大鼠不进行睡眠干预,大平台对照组大鼠放于大平台箱内。丁苯酞干预组在睡眠剥夺28 d结束后按100 mg/kg腹腔注射丁苯酞针剂,每日1次,共14 d,其他组大鼠在这14 d内腹腔注射同样剂量的生理盐水。腹腔注射结束后各组大鼠取脑组织,免疫组化检测额叶皮质离子钙接头分子(Iba-1)阳性细胞并计数,Western blot检测额叶诱导型一氧化氮合成酶(iNOS)、精氨酸酶1(Arg1)表达,实时定量PCR检测额叶白介素-1(IL-1)mRNA、IL-6 mRNA、肿瘤坏死因子-α(TNF-α) mRNA。结果: 与空白对照组、大平台对照组比较,慢性睡眠剥夺组额叶Iba-1阳性细胞体积增大伴细胞突起增多,且细胞数增加(P均<0.05),iNOS和IL-1 mRNA、IL-6 mRNA、TNF-α mRNA表达增加,而Arg1表达减少(P均<0.05);与慢性睡眠剥夺组比较,丁苯酞干预组额叶Iba-1细胞数减少(P< 0.05),iNOS和IL-1 mRNA、IL-6 mRNA、TNF-α mRNA表达减少(P均<0.05)而Arg1表达无明显改变。结论: 丁苯酞可抑制慢性睡眠剥夺导致的大鼠额叶小胶质细胞活化、减少慢性睡眠剥夺后的炎症因子表达。  相似文献   

目的:应用电镜观察睡眠剥夺对大鼠咬肌超微结构的影响.方法:35只Wistar大鼠,随机分为5组:睡眠剥夺1d组、5d组、9d组、正常对照组和大平台对照组.采用改良多平台睡眠剥夺法(modified multiple plat-form method,MMPM)建立大鼠SD模型,观察咬肌超微结构的变化.结果:睡眠剥夺5d组大鼠咬肌线粒体出现水肿,基质密度降低,线粒体嵴减少,肌纤维微血管内出现充血性改变;睡眠剥夺9d组大鼠咬肌线粒体出现严重空泡性变,肌纤维微血管出现更为严重的充血性改变.结论:睡眠剥夺可导致咬肌肌纤维微血管充血性改变和线粒体损伤,这种变化随时间的延长而加重.  相似文献   

目的探讨睡眠剥夺对小鼠胰腺形态、功能的影响以及肿瘤坏死因子-α(tumor necrosis factorα,TNF-α)表达变化的病理意义。方法 C57雄性小鼠随机分为正常对照组,睡眠剥夺24 h、48 h和60 h组,观察各组小鼠的精神活动状态及体重变化;检测血清淀粉酶(serum amylase,AMS)水平;采用HE染色和免疫组织化学法观察各组小鼠胰腺的组织学特征及TNF-α表达情况;Western Blot检测TNF-α的表达水平。结果随睡眠剥夺时间的延长,模型组小鼠体重较正常对照组明显下降。AMS水平在睡眠剥夺24 h显著升高,48 h达到峰值后维持至60 h。HE染色可见睡眠剥夺组小鼠出现胰岛细胞排列紊乱、胞质浓缩、细胞间隙扩大;外分泌部细胞酶原颗粒消失,细胞空泡化等病理改变;免疫组化及免疫印迹显示,睡眠剥夺组小鼠胰腺中TNF-α的表达随剥夺时间的延长而明显上调。结论睡眠剥夺后不仅导致小鼠全身衰竭,并通过活化TNF-α而诱导胰腺的炎症反应,导致其形态和功能损伤。  相似文献   

目的探讨睡眠剥夺(sleep deprivation,SD)对小鼠肝脏形态、功能的影响及肿瘤坏死因子α(tumor necrosis factor,TNF-α)表达的意义。方法 C57雄性小鼠随机分为正常对照组、睡眠剥夺24h、48h和72h组,全自动生化分析仪检测血清中谷丙转氨酶(alanine aminotransferase,ALT),谷草转氨酶(aspartate aminotransferase,AST)的活性,硫代巴比妥酸法检测肝组织丙二醛(malonaldehyde,MDA)含量,黄嘌呤氧化酶法检测肝组织超氧化物歧化酶(superoxidedismutase,SOD)活性;采用HE染色检测肝组织学特征,免疫组织化学染色和Western blot检测肝组织TNF-α表达水平。结果随睡眠剥夺时间延长肝脏组织中,SOD表达量下降,MDA表达量增加;ALT、AST水平在睡眠剥夺24h后显著增高,48h、72h表达水平持续增高;HE染色可见睡眠剥夺组小鼠出现肝细胞肿胀、排列不规则、肝小叶结构破坏、Kupffer细胞增生、大量炎症细胞浸润;免疫组织化学及免疫印迹显示,睡眠剥夺组小鼠肝脏中TNF-α的表达随睡眠剥夺时间的延长而表达持续增加。结论睡眠剥夺后肝细胞过氧化脂质作用诱发氧化应激导致小鼠肝脏形态和功能受损,活化TNF-α,诱发炎症反应,加重对肝脏的损害。  相似文献   

目的:探讨睡眠剥夺对大鼠心肌和抗氧化指标的影响。方法:大鼠随机分为睡眠剥夺2 d组(SD 2 d)、睡眠剥夺4 d组(SD 4 d)、睡眠剥夺6 d组(SD 6 d)、大平台对照组(TC)、正常对照组(CC),利用"小平台水环境法"建立大鼠睡眠剥夺模型,利用BL-410机能实验系统描记体表心电图,采用光镜及透射电镜观察心肌形态学改变,测定心肌线粒体丙二醛含量、超氧化物歧化酶活性。结果:睡眠剥夺组大鼠心率加快,心电图出现缺血性改变;心肌细胞染色质、肌浆网、线粒体、闰盘等亚细胞结构出现损伤性改变,部分心肌纤维溶解、坏死,心肌间质水肿、出血、炎性细胞浸润;心肌线粒体MDA水平升高,SOD活性随睡眠剥夺时间延长有降低趋势。结论:睡眠剥夺能够引起大鼠心肌损伤,其引起的氧化应激可能是心肌损伤的机制。  相似文献   

目的:探讨不同睡眠剥夺时间对大鼠认知功能的影响以及对下丘脑内单胺类神经递质去甲肾上腺素、多巴胺、五羟吲哚乙酸、五羟色胺的含量的影响。方法:32只健康雄性wistar大鼠随机分为4组,即96 h、120 h、144 h睡眠剥夺,正常对照组。利用睡眠剥夺箱建立大鼠SD模型,避暗穿梭法测试大鼠认知功能,高效液相电化学检测法测定下丘脑内单胺类神经递质含量。结果:大鼠避暗穿梭实验,与对照组比较,96 h、120 h组大鼠潜伏期显著缩短(P0.05);与对照组比较,各组大鼠下丘脑内NA含量均有下降(P0.05);与对照组比较,各组大鼠下丘脑内DA含量均显著下降,(P0.01),96 h、120 h、144 h组间比较,表现出含量逐渐减少的趋势;与对照组比较,各组5-HIAA含量均有上升,且120 h组明显高于其他各组(P0.05),其他组无显著性差异(P0.05);与对照组比较,各组5-HT含量均有升高,120 h、144 h组显著升高(P0.01),96 h组无显著性(P0.05)。结论:睡眠剥夺可以使大鼠中枢NA、DA含量下降,5-HIAA、5-HT含量升高,且随着睡眠剥夺时间的延长,变化更为明显,这可能是睡眠剥夺损害认知功能的原因之一。  相似文献   

Lu JQ  Liu WF  Tang CF 《中国应用生理学杂志》2011,27(3):361-2, 371, 383
目的:探索睡眠剥夺对大鼠运动能力及谷氨酰胺含量变化的影响,为睡眠剥夺后的运动训练等提供一定的实验依据。方法:将30只雄性SD大鼠按体重随机分安静对照组、0h睡眠剥夺力竭运动组(SDE)、24h SDE、48h SDE和72h SDE组(n=6),采用轻柔刺激法建立睡眠剥夺模型和依据Bedford建立的大鼠运动模型。结果:24h SDE睡眠剥夺组与0h SDE组比较。大鼠后蹬跑时间明显长(P〈0.05),48h SDE睡眠剥夺组和72h SDE睡眠剥夺与0h SDE睡眠剥夺组比较,后蹬跑时间显著性减少(P〈0.01);24h SDE睡眠剥夺组与c组比较大鼠胸腺谷氨酰胺含量显著升高(P〈0.05),48h SDE睡眠剥夺组和72h SDE睡眠剥夺组与C组比较大鼠胸腺谷氨酰胺含量降低(P〈0.01);睡眠剥夺组与C组比较,血清谷氨酰胺含量的变化均具有高度显著性差异(P〈0.01),睡眠剥夺24h后血清谷氨酰胺含量显著增多,却在睡眠剥夺48h、72h后血清谷氨酰胺含量明显下降。结论:①睡眠剥夺24h能提高大鼠运动能力,睡眠剥夺48h甚至是72h后大鼠运动能力开始降低。②睡眠剥夺24h后大鼠胸腺谷氨酰胺含量和血清谷氨酰胺含量升高,而睡眠剥夺48h后大鼠胸腺和血清的谷氨酰胺含量下降明显,睡眠剥夺72h后胸腺和血清谷氨酰胺含量显著性降低。  相似文献   

To investigate the effects of short-term sleep deprivation on the sleep pattern during pregnancy, cortical and hippocampal EEG and locomotor activity were recorded within 24-hours in a "disk-over-water" paradigm in 18 Wistar rats. Rats were adapted to experimental situation and were able to move across the rotating disk without falling in water. Then a polysomnogram was recorded for 3 sequential days in the control group 1 (n = 12) without disk rotation. On the next day non-pregnant rats (experimental group 1, n = 6) were subjected to the sleep deprivation procedure with a pre-set program of disk rotation from 11:00 to 14:00 during 3 sequential days. Other 6 rats (experimental group 2) were subjected to sleep deprivation on the 5-7th day of pregnancy. EEG and locomotor activity were also constantly recorded during the sleep deprivation procedure. In control group 2 (n = 6, without sleep deprivation), a polysomnogram was recorded on the 5-7th day of pregnancy. As compared to non-pregnant rats, sleep intensity of pregnant rats increased during the first hours after the deprivation, and a considerable rebound of REM sleep took place. Sleep pattern during the off-light 12 hours remained unchanged. The results suggest that homeostatic compensation of sleep deprivation effects in rats on the first week of pregnancy is more efficient than in control non-pregnant animals.  相似文献   

88 adult male rats were divided into 9 groups. Group I and II served as controls. The rats of group III were repeatedly aroused during 4 days at the very onset of each paradoxical sleep period by direct MRF stimulation. This deprivation reduced the daily amount of paradoxical sleep by 70%, while the slow wave sleep was reduced by 10% only. In group IV, the animals were given food and water for one hour a day only. Groups V and VI were subjected to immobilization and cold stress, respectively. Groups VII, VIII and IX were deprived of paradoxical sleep on platforms of 15, 11 and 6.5 cm in diameter, respectively. Stress was estimated by the classical Selye's triad: weight of adrenals and thymus and gastric ulceration. Emotionality was measured in the open field and also by self-stimulation of the lateral hypothalamus. Neither emotional behaviour disturbances nor stress features were found after paradoxical sleep deprivation in the group III. Moreover, this deprivation induced a slight, though significant, reduction in adrenals weight. Also, no changes in emotional behaviour were noted in the stress-exposed group V and VI. Only the interplay between REM-sleep deprivation and stress on the platforms in groups VII, VIII and especially IX led to a considerable shift in emotionality.  相似文献   

The effect of rapid eye movement (REM) sleep deprivation on the total content and proportion of different mucopolysaccharides (AMPS) containing uronic acid in rat brain was studied. REM sleep deprivation was induced by the water tank methods. Five experimental groups of animals were used: control, stressed, REM sleep deprived, post-stress sleeping and post-deprivation sleeping rats. No changes of AMPS were observed in any of the experimental groups when the whole brain was analysed. A significant increase of AMPS was found in the cerebral hemispheres of stressed and REM deprived rats. A significant decrease of AMPS was observed in the cerebellum and brain stem. A further increase of AMPS was found in the cerebral hemispheres after the rebound of REM sleep following its deprivation, and after the recovery sleep following the stress. A significant increase of AMPS was found in the brain stem of rats allowed to recuperate after REM deprivation or stress as compared with the stressed and REM deprived animals. Recovery sleep induced a significant increase of AMPS in the cerebellum in previously stressed rats, while previously REM deprived rats exhibited a further decrease of AMPS from control values. The possible functional meaning of these results is discussed in relation to the role of REM sleep in protein synthesis and learning and memory processes. Intriguing, well-controlled positive findings and the fact that no experimental design is known where stress is minimal while REM deprivation is 100 per cent, justify and encourage continued efforts in studying the biochemical state of the brain during sleep and/or its alterations.  相似文献   

Abstract— The effect of sleep deprivation on the in vivo and in vitro tritiated amino acid incorporation into brain proteins was studied in the rat at three age levels. Sleep deprivation was induced either by water tank or handling methods. Three experimental groups of animals were used: control, sleep deprived and post deprivation sleeping rats.
A significant decrease of protein synthesis was found in the cerebellum, telencephalon and in crude subcellular fractions of brainstem of adult rats selectively deprived of paradoxical sleep. However, no alteration of protein synthesis was observed either in vivo or in vitro , in the same brain regions or in the liver after the rebound of paradoxical sleep following deprivation.
In four crude subcellular protein fractions a specific increase of the in vitro labelled amino acid incorporation was observed in the brain stem of 24-day-old rats allowed to recuperate after sleep deprivation as compared with the deprived rats. No significant changes were seen in the telencephalon.
No alteration of incorporation was found in 7-day-old rats deprived of sleep.
The possible functional significance of these results is discussed in relation to stress and to variations in the size of the precursor pool for protein synthesis.  相似文献   



To examine the possible involvement and regulatory mechanisms of extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) pathway in the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) of rats subjected to chronic sleep deprivation (CSD).


Rats were subjected to CSD using the modified multiple platform method (MMPM). The serum levels of corticosterone (CORT) and adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) were tested and histomorphology and ultrastructure of the TMJ were observed. The ERK and phospho-ERK (p-ERK) expression levels were detected by Western blot analysis, and the MMP-1, MMP-3, and MMP-13 expression levels were detected by real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and Western blotting.


The elevated serum CORT and ACTH levels confirmed that the rats were under CSD stress. Hematoxylin and eosin (HE) staining and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) showed pathological alterations in the TMJ following CSD; furthermore, the p-ERK was activated and the mRNA and protein expression levels of MMP-1, MMP-3, and MMP-13 were upregulated after CSD. In the rats administered with the selective ERK inhibitor U0126, decreased tissue destruction was observed. Phospho-ERK activation was visibly blocked and the MMP-1, MMP-3, and MMP-13 mRNA and protein levels were lower than the corresponding levels in the CSD without U0126 group.


These findings indicate that CSD activates the ERK pathway and upregulates the MMP-1, MMP-3, and MMP-13 mRNA and protein levels in the TMJ of rats. Thus, CSD induces ERK pathway activation and causes pathological alterations in the TMJ. ERK may be associated with TMJ destruction by promoting the expression of MMPs.  相似文献   

Sleep deprivation impairs spatial learning in the rat. Sleep deprivation, however, also causes stress and stress itself can interfere with spatial learning. To address this confound, sleep deprivation effects on Morris water maze training were studied in intact rats and in rats in which the adrenal stress response had been eliminated by adrenalectomy. Stable, physiological levels of corticosterone were maintained in adrenalectomized rats with an implanted pellet. Training occurred 6-7 days after surgery. Seventy-two hours sleep deprivation by the platform-over-water method just prior to training slowed, but did not block, learning. In particular, the robust savings between trials 1 and 2 of the first set found in home cage rats was not present in sleep-deprived rats. Adrenalectomy/corticosterone replacement surgery did not modify the effect of sleep deprivation on acquisition rate, demonstrating that the deficits in spatial task acquisition due to pre-training sleep deprivation are not secondary to the adrenal stress response.  相似文献   

目的:观察在睡眠剥夺条件下莫达非尼对工作记忆的改善作用,为此药在我军的应用策略提供实验依据。方法:18名健康男性志愿者,在两次睡眠剥夺实验中交叉服用莫达非尼和安慰剂,睡眠剥夺时间从第一天的07:00到第3d的07:00,并于第二天的0:00、12:00和第三天的0:00分别服用莫达非尼100mg或安慰剂。采用随机双盲设计给药,并在第一天的07:00、第二天的02:00和14:00以及第三天的02:00和07:00安排工作记忆测验。结果:工作记忆测验中,两组的反应时和正确率均有统计学差异(P<0.01),莫达非尼组的反应时要快于安慰剂组,正确率也要高于安慰剂组。莫达非尼对工作记忆的改善效果随着睡眠剥夺时间的延长而更趋明显。结论:莫达非尼对睡眠剥夺条件下个体的工作记忆有改善作用,是较为理想的睡眠剥夺对抗药物。  相似文献   

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